Job description of a customer acquisition manager. Job Description for Key Account Manager. What responsibilities should a customer service manager perform?

Job description customer service manager is intended to outline the requirements for a candidate for this position, the range of job responsibilities performed by the employee and other significant nuances of work in this position. We’ll talk about how to competently prepare a job description for a customer service manager in the article below.

What does a customer service manager do?

Since the phrase “account manager” is a relatively new term in general usage, it may seem that it is a type of modern professions. However, if you figure out what such a manager does, it becomes clear that such professions have existed for a long time.

The main job function of a customer service manager is to satisfy consumer requests in a specific service area. Thus, two key points can be distinguished:

  1. A customer service manager is a service industry worker.
  2. Basics working time this employee dedicated to communicating with people.

Since the service sector is quite extensive, job responsibilities The roles of a customer service manager are heterogeneous and depend on the area of ​​public service in which he works. Such specialists are required, for example, in trade, advertising activities, hotel business etc. Accordingly, when developing a job description for a customer service manager, it is necessary to start from the specifics of the enterprise’s work in order to define the range of job responsibilities as specifically as possible.

Job description structure for a customer service manager

In terms of its structure, the job description for a customer service manager must correspond to the form accepted for this type of document. Therefore, when preparing it, it is advisable to adhere to the following sequence:

Don't know your rights?

  1. The column at the top right of the first page should be devoted to information about the approval and approval of the document. In this regard, after the word “Approved” it is necessary to enter the date of this event and the position of the manager who approved the instructions, as well as affix the signature of this manager with a transcript. Below, after the word “Agreed”, you need to list the positions of the managers structural divisions organizations involved in the preparation of this job description, and collect their signatures with transcripts.
  2. The job description continues with section general provisions, which includes:
    • list of requirements for a candidate for the position of customer service manager (age, education, work experience, etc.);
    • a list of legislative and internal documentation of the enterprise with which the employee must be familiar;
    • rules for hiring and dismissing an employee, as well as replacing him during absence;
    • place of the position of customer service manager in the general staffing structure organization and an indication of the employee’s immediate superior.
  3. Then there is a section about labor activity employee, which is key in the job description and contains a list of job responsibilities and rights of the employee. The more complete and specific this list is, the easier and more efficient the employee’s work will be. That is why when working on this block it is important to clearly define the circle job functions customer service manager, objectively eliminating the unnecessary and not missing the necessary. If the list of an employee’s job responsibilities is lengthy, then it is possible to divide the section into two, the first of which describes his responsibilities, and the second - his rights.
  4. Also, the job description must define the scope of the employee’s responsibility for improper performance of duties. It is important to keep in mind that labor legislation prohibits aggravating the level of responsibility of an employee in comparison with the standards provided for in the Labor Code.

The job description ends with notes on the employee’s familiarization with it (although some organizations keep a special journal for these purposes).

Typical requirements for a candidate for the position of account manager

The basic requirements for a candidate for a position are those qualities that will help a new employee quickly adapt and start working effectively. First of all, this is relevant education and work experience. Since the job functions of a customer service manager do not require any highly specialized knowledge, the employer, as a rule, wants to see a person with a secondary or higher (incomplete higher) education in this position. A certificate of completion of special courses is welcome. Work experience is declared at the request of the employer: in some cases, 3-5 years of work in a certain area are required, in others, even students can be accepted.

When selecting candidates for the position of customer service manager, only the personal qualities of the applicants are of particular importance. So, a customer service manager should be:

  • sociable, with negotiation skills;
  • capable of making decisions in general and in non-standard situations in particular;
  • erudite;
  • neat.

In addition, the employer may require the applicant to be able to handle office and computer technology, know certain computer programs, own foreign language on a conversational level.

Standard job responsibilities for a customer service manager

The job responsibilities of a customer service manager are very dependent on the direction of the organization in which the specialist will have to work. The general, most common responsibilities of a customer service manager include:

  1. Identification of potential clients, their search.
  2. Analysis of the needs, reliability and solvency of clients.
  3. Negotiating with clients, introducing them to the products or services provided by the organization.
  4. Monitoring the availability of product range and demonstration samples.
  5. Development of methods for finding clients and communication schemes with them.
  6. Maintaining constant business contacts with clients.
  7. Client consultation, registration necessary documentation.

An employee’s official rights are closely related to his duties and should be aimed at facilitating the performance of work tasks. For example, to official rights Customer service manager may include:

  1. The right to independently determine the forms of work with clients.
  2. Right to dispose in cash for entertainment expenses.
  3. The right to receive information from management relevant to the employee’s work.
  4. The right to propose options for optimizing the work process in the specified area.

Procedure for developing and approving a job description

Business customs have adopted a certain procedure for developing and approving job descriptions. Of course, each manager has the right to independently establish training rules internal documents organization (including job descriptions), however, practice shows the feasibility and optimality of the following approach:

  1. A draft job description is being developed, which, after going through the approval stage, is edited and corrected by employees of various services of the organization: legal service, personnel department, economic planning department, service where the employee for whose position the instruction is being developed will work, etc. This moment is very important, as it allows you to identify the necessary requests and needs of enterprise structures in relation to the official powers of certain staff units, including the customer service manager.
  2. After approval, the draft job description is proposed to the head of the organization for approval. The manager, if necessary, makes his own corrections to the document, after which he signs the instructions in their final form.

Thus, developing and adopting a job description for an account manager requires integrated approach and taking into account the specifics of the work of the organization in which the skills of the specified specialist are expected to be used. After all, the number of the company’s clients—and therefore its profit—depends on its correct operation.

In order to work with people you need to have a certain set of personal and professional qualities. Such work should be aimed at a very specific goal - to attract customers to the company. To achieve maximum profit for the company, an account manager must be able to grasp the client's mood and offer him what he needs most.

To improve the professional skills of their managers, self-respecting companies send their employees to various trainings. And of course, in mandatory

, define the range of responsibilities and key skills of managers, namely, they describe in detail the job responsibilities of a customer service manager.

Who is a manager

The very name “customer service manager” already contains a completely understandable definition of the responsibilities of such an employee. This is a specialist whose main responsibility is to contact customers, explain to them the essence of the products and services offered by the company with a view to their subsequent implementation.

It is necessary to clearly define what a customer service manager does.

Responsibilities and rights

The scope of a manager’s responsibilities can be very diverse and largely depends on the direction of the company’s activities and its structure. Therefore, below will be given the general rights and responsibilities that are inherent to managers in general, and if necessary, you can add those functions that you need.

  1. The employee filling the position is obliged to look for clients using any available means. communication channels. To do this, he must conduct market analysis, identify the target audience and monitor competitors.
  2. Attracting customers by generating interest in the company and its products sold.
  3. Processing incoming call traffic, Email, visits. Analyzes the needs of potential clients and tries to understand why clients called your company.
  4. Actually conducting the transaction itself. Sale of goods or services and further control of the delivery of goods or services. Preparation of the entire list of accompanying documentation.
  5. Customer focus, that is, the desire to create a desire among buyers to contact the company again.
  6. The manager must have a good understanding of the products and services offered by the company. In addition, he must present services and products better than managers in competing firms.

Read also: Job description of a system administrator at an enterprise

Job description

The entire breadth of requirements for the functionality of a client manager is described in a document such as the job description of a client manager.

This document represents the detailed duties and powers of the employee. In addition, this document must indicate possible liability for improper performance of one’s duties.

General provisions

  1. The manager is the top executive of the company.
  2. The manager must have knowledge in the field of economics, the basics of marketing, and the full range of goods and services offered by the company.
  3. Be able to draw up a business plan, commercial offers and contracts.
  4. Be able to establish business contacts.
  5. Know the etiquette established for communicating with clients.
  6. Understand the basics of psychology and communication theory.
  7. Appointment and removal from position occurs by issuing an order by the head of the company.
  8. During the absence of this employee, all his functions and duties are performed by a person appointed by the manager.

Job responsibilities

  1. Performing analysis target audience and identifying needs.
  2. Developing methods for searching for potential clients and drawing up communication schemes with them.
  3. Searching for clients using various methods.
  4. Forecast of business reliability of identified clients and their security.
  5. Organizing and conducting preparatory negotiations, clarifying their needs and preparing an offer.
  6. Dealing with customer objections.
  7. Concluding contracts on behalf of the company.
  8. Maintaining contact with all existing clients.
  9. Development of individual proposals for promising customers.
  10. Setting up feedback with customers (accounting for complaints and suggestions).
  11. Formation of a client base.
  12. Analysis and accounting of competitors' work.

Key Account Manager- one of key figures at the enterprise. He enters into contracts with clients who bring the main income to the company. Responsibilities key account manager consist of many points, and the main result of his activities is a completed (or better yet, overfulfilled) plan. In case of failure to fulfill the plan, the variable part wages KAM may decrease significantly.

Job Description for Key Account Manager

Last name I.O. ________________
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1. General Provisions

1.1. A key account manager is classified as a specialist.
1.2. A key account manager is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the director of the enterprise upon nomination commercial director.
1.3. The key account manager reports directly to the head of the sales department (development director, commercial director).
1.4. During the absence of a key account manager, his rights and responsibilities are transferred to another official, as announced in the organization order.
1.5. A person who has higher education and at least 2 years of experience in sales.
1.6. The key account manager is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts RF;
- Company Charter, Internal Rules labor regulations, other company regulations;
- established financial and business practices in this area;
- rules for concluding and executing contracts for the supply of products;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of a key account manager

The Key Account Manager performs the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Based on the plans of the department, plans individual sales volumes and individual targets for the development of an active customer base.
2.2. Plans a schedule of visiting and calling clients on a weekly basis.
2.3. In accordance with the schedule (and, if necessary, outside the schedule), regularly calls and personally visits existing and potential customers, conducts all necessary negotiations with them on the terms of sale of goods and the procedure for making payments.
2.4. Organizes the preparation and conclusion of contracts with new clients, and, if necessary, renewal of contracts with existing clients.
2.5. In accordance with the procedure established by the enterprise, it carries out a set of measures to verify the reliability and creditworthiness of clients.
2.6. Personally accepts orders from all key clients, passing technical work(entering orders into a computer) to the sales support department.
2.7. If necessary, advises the client on the optimal preparation of an order, based on the specifics of the business of this client and from the company's strategic focus on long-term cooperation with this key client.
2.8. Within the framework of the conditions set out in clause 7, as well as taking into account the quality of the client’s existing debt and his credit history, he strives for the maximum order size not only in terms of volume, but also in terms of assortment.
2.9. Based on the rules and regulations in force in the company, determines the amount of discounts (price list column). If an unusual situation arises, consult with the head of the department.
2.10. Carries out merchandising.
2.11. Keeps records of the execution of orders placed and mutual settlements with its clients. Analyzes cases of returns and refusals. Takes measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.
2.12. Works to train client personnel in methods of increasing the efficiency of sales of company products.
2.13. Ensures timely and complete recovery of accounts receivable from its clients. Takes all possible measures to ensure immediate and full collection of overdue accounts receivable.
2.14. If necessary and in accordance with the rules adopted at the enterprise, participates in the preparation of acts and other documents for shortages, misgrading, etc.
2.15. Maintains sales history for each of its clients, and also collects and systematizes all available information about existing and potential clients in their market segment, their needs, development prospects trade relations with them.
2.16. Collects and systematizes all available information about competitors, always tries to keep abreast of all changes in the market, and is always ready to adequately respond to the actions of competitors.
2.17. At the request of management, assesses sales prospects in the market segment assigned to him, prepares proposals for adjusting the range and prices.
2.18. If appropriate decisions are made by management, it carries out work to stimulate sales, implement special programs of discounts and bonuses, and other sales promotions.
2.19. Constantly improves his professional level.
2.20. Ensures timely and reliable execution of all required reporting and other working documentation.
2.21. Provides a regime for maintaining trade secrets.
2.22. Maintains good working relationships within the workforce.
2.23. Carry out official assignments from his immediate supervisor and direct superiors.

3. Rights of a key account manager

The Key Account Manager has the right to:

3.1. Represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with clients regarding sales organization issues.
3.2. Get acquainted with the decisions of the enterprise management regarding the purchase and sale of products.
3.3. Submit proposals to improve product sales for consideration by the commercial director.
3.4. Interact with employees of all structural divisions of the enterprise.
3.5. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor information and documents from department heads and specialists necessary to perform their job duties.
3.6. Inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings in the activities of the enterprise identified during the performance of your official duties and make proposals for their elimination.

4. Responsibility of the key account manager

The Key Account Manager is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation Russian Federation.
2. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
3. For failure to fulfill the sales plan, the plan for the active client base, the plan for new clients - within the limits of the variable part of the salary.

A customer service manager is obliged to represent the organization with dignity and skill in front of clients, in the professional community (according to the type of activity of the organization) and in society as a whole.

The manager’s work with clients is based on the principles of goodwill, mutual respect and politeness.
In carrying out his duties, the customer service manager must create a favorable and comfortable environment that encourages customers to favor the company and its services.

To do this, the customer service manager must:

  • have a neat appearance;
  • maintain order in the workplace;
  • in the process of communicating with colleagues and clients, maintain an optimistic business attitude - be smiling,
  • friendly, don’t hide your eyes, speak confidently and, basically, to the point, don’t interrupt your interlocutor.
  • if necessary, arrange for the client's needs workplace and try to create an environment familiar to the client - show the place for outerwear, offer drinks (tea, coffee), give the opportunity to smoke a cigarette.

Regardless of the form of ownership and type of activity of the enterprise, The job responsibilities of a customer service manager (hereinafter referred to as official activities) include:

  1. provide convenient, clear and efficient customer access to services provided by the organization;
  2. provide thoughtful and detailed service to the interests of the organization's clients;
  3. take measures to attract clients to cooperate with the organization for as long as possible;
  4. take measures to expand the organization’s client base;
  5. when conducting business on behalf of the organization, conscientiously and purposefully carry out financial, credit and other business policy organizations.

To achieve the assigned tasks, the customer service manager must:

  • know and strictly observe the internal labor regulations of the enterprise, work and rest schedule, discipline,
  • access control, dress code (rules for wearing uniforms), other rules established at the enterprise;
  • Immediately carry out instructions and instructions from senior management regarding official activities.
  • report the results of implementation to the person who gave the order;
  • know thoroughly the goals and objectives of the organization’s activities and be guided by them when conducting business;
  • be fluent in the organization's business document management system and be able to apply technical means ensuring business document flow (computer and appropriate software, communications, office equipment);
  • know perfectly the technical and consumer properties of products and services that are the subject of interest to clients in the area entrusted to him. Be able to apply individual species products and products on
  • practice in compliance with labor protection rules and other safety measures specific to the product;
    know and be able to apply in practice (to the extent that does not contradict company policy) modern methods business;
  • know and be able to apply the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of consumer protection, in the field of ensuring personal and public safety;

The Customer Service Manager is required to maintain, develop and improve the following professional skills:

  1. communication skills;
  2. professional competence;
  3. the art of business communication.

At the request of the organization, the customer service manager is required to undergo professional trainings and confirm your qualifications by passing a test, exam or otherwise.

Typical Requirements to the candidate for replacement sales consultant positions:

  • age at least 18 years;
  • education not lower than secondary specialized (technical school, college);
  • no criminal record for committing intentional crimes;
  • absence of serious diseases of the speech and musculoskeletal system;
  • experience in promoting goods and services, experience in organizational work;
  • For foreign citizens– knowledge of the Russian language and availability of a work permit in the Russian Federation.


  1. work activity in general and work experience in a similar position;
  2. education above average;
  3. Foreign language skills.

Sample sales consultant training program
To learn again accepted manager to work with clients, he is assigned a mentor from among experienced workers.

Training includes:

  • Familiarization with the enterprise, study of labor regulations - 1 working day.
  • Familiarization with the workplace, products, products, services of the company - 1 working day.
  • Familiarization with the document flow, the company’s client base, and the peculiarities of doing business in the company – 2 working days.
  • Work under the supervision of a mentor - 3 working days.

Upon completion of the training, the management of the enterprise (department), upon the recommendation of the mentor, concludes that the customer service manager can be allowed to work independently.

Example of a vacancy announcement

A customer service manager is required to work for the company. Responsible and interesting job, high wages. Full time work day, social package. You are required to have experience in promoting goods and services, experience in organizational work,
hard work, honesty. If you have experience in other work activities, your activity, dedication and readiness to learn may be taken into account. new profession. We are waiting for candidates over 18 years of age without a criminal record, with a secondary specialized (minimum) education. We'll talk about the rest at the interview.