Business plan for a kiosk, sales tent, stall. Business from scratch: newsstand What you can do in a small kiosk

How to open a kiosk? This is the first question that aspiring businessmen ask when they are about to open their own business.

Plan on how to open a kiosk:

  • Legal registration of activities.
  • Permits from city authorities.
  • Market analysis.
  • Location.
  • Calculating opening costs.
  • Purchase and installation of equipment.
  • Recruitment.
  1. Registration and permits.

To register your activity, please contact tax service the district administration where you plan to build the structure, or at your place of residence. It is best to register as self employed, or for legal entity- LLC (limited liability company).

Permission for installation is issued by both city and district administrations, but if it is a million-plus city, then a tender is held if there are several people willing to take the place. The document from the architectural and construction department is coordinated with the city trade department.

  1. Place.

Choose the space where you will set up your kiosk carefully; it will determine how many customers you will have. Buy a kiosk standard size, up to 10 square meters with the ability to work all year round. Analyze the market for retail kiosks in the area where you will install it. Highlight their shortcomings and the good side, what are their advantages.

To sell everyday goods, set up a kiosk near residential complexes, houses, if you sell fresh baked goods and hot coffee - universities, hostel institutes, business centers are also a great option. Connect your kiosk to electricity, consider this when choosing a location.

  1. Cost of opening a kiosk.

Costs to open a kiosk:

  • Registration and permissions.
  • Purchase of equipment.
  • Payment of salaries to employees.
  • Rental expenses if you did not purchase a kiosk, but rented it.
  • Unforeseen expenses.
  1. Retail store equipment.

Necessary equipment for the kiosk:

  • Cash register (registered with the tax office).
  • Refrigerator for storing food.
  • Service equipment.
  • Scales.
  • Other work supplies (bags, disposable gloves, etc.).

5.Working staff.

You need 1-2 employees to operate. For example, if you sell vegetables and fruits, one helps customers choose, the second helps pay customers. Be sure to put cash machine, and a terminal for card payments, buy uniforms for the staff. Read also: How to open a summer cafe.

How to open your own stall

How to open your own stall to make a profit? Make a plan and then start working. The most difficult thing is to obtain permission for installation, and then opening from the local administration. It will take at least a month to receive all the documents. Having received them in your hands, you can begin further implementation of the plan.

Registration of your establishment provides answers to the following questions:

  • Name.
  • Founders.
  • Activity.
  • Tax system.
  • The amount of initial capital.
  • Name general director and an accountant.

Documents for permission from the fire inspectorate:

  • Apply.
  • Company registration certificate.
  • Agreement for the rental and installation of fire alarms.
  • Insurance.

For the SES, you need exactly the same documents, plus a sanitary passport for the facility, a sanitary record for the staff and an assortment of goods sold, and a contract for waste removal.

To register cash registers:

  • Statement.
  • Cash register passport.
  • Lease agreement, in the room where the cash register will be located, certified by the foreman of the central service station.
  • Copies of documents from the tax service.

The range of products does not have to be huge . To begin with, make the list of products approximately the same as those of your competitors, and make the prices lower. After a month of work, look at what is in demand, gradually remove goods that are less popular from the assortment. Cigarettes and beer are always popular. Buy products from distributors who work officially. The markup is often approximately 20 - 30% for any unit.

Location is another point to attract customers. It’s good if there is a possibility to park, there will be an entrance. The layout of the internal space is an important component of normal operation. The buyer should feel comfortable and free. Make a separate service entrance, if possible, storage rooms. The cost of a trade stall varies. You can determine the final cost of a trade stall by consulting with the managers of a company that specializes in services such as sales commercial equipment. The cost will be slightly less than renting it.

Depending on the chosen trading system (self-service or trade over the counter), order the equipment.

Retail store equipment:

  • Rack.
  • Closet.
  • Counter.
  • Showcases.

There are quite a large number of companies that rely on commercial equipment, as a result of which you can easily order for your store exactly what you will need during the work and will fit into the design. Coordinate the delivery time of products with suppliers, do this during non-business hours.

Your product should be laid out not according to the principle of greater capacity, but according to the principle of convenience for the client and greater safety. Take advantage of your knowledge of client psychology to gain greater benefits.

Be careful when recruiting staff. The seller is obliged not only to sell products to the client by paying at the cash register, but also to help in the choice and encourage them to buy. Taking all this into account, you will be able to successfully open a stall. Read also: How to sell your business.

How much does a kiosk cost?

A trade kiosk is a structure for selling goods such as clothing, food, electronics, especially used Cell phones. The cost is significantly less than the cost of construction own store. The price often changes depending on your location and the products you offer.

The main part of the costs goes to purchasing goods that are sold, paying rent for the place, and additionally for the building, if you didn’t buy it, salaries, communal payments(electricity), registration.

The easiest way to start a business starts with buying a kiosk. Making a trade kiosk is a labor-intensive process that lasts from several days to a week, depending on the internal content, materials used and total area, but it is still quite economical. First you need a business plan. It is not so important what products you will trade; the scheme for organizing a similar business is similar. Let it be baked goods, toys, clothes, small items, ammunition for tourists. Register your business at your place of residence and apply for a simplified taxation system. Get necessary papers for installation in the city executive committee, or rural administration (if your kiosk is outside the city). You also need to obtain permission from the trade department and coordinate it with. architecture management.

If you have a small initial capital, no need to experiment with the assortment. Think of a product that is in constant demand. Take a closer look at which product categories are popular and which are not so popular, what the buyer pays attention to when purchasing. Take into account the costs that arise when selling products; they may spoil, their shelf life expires, refrigeration equipment does not work and the products cannot be stored, the electricity is turned off and it is impossible to continue working. Include all of these costs at the initial planning stage.

You can immediately buy a retail outlet with space, or simply rent it. The choice of kiosk location and rental costs must be justified. If the place where you put your structure generates income, then the costs of its maintenance will be recouped from the proceeds from the sale. Rental fees for accommodation will not differ much in different cities, but local authorities or district administrations can set their own rules.

If six months have passed since the launch stage, and you have not managed to break even, you should think about closing or retraining sales.

Actually, what else should be taken into account when opening a kiosk?

  • Purchase a building.
  • Choosing a location. This is a pretty important point. Crossroads, spaces in close proximity to residential buildings and educational institutions are profitable for business. Especially for the sale of products of daily demand.
  • Market analysis. If there are many outlets with similar products nearby, decide whether you can resist your competitors?
  • Operating mode. Whether you are in the center of a metropolis, or very close to a nightclub, you can choose a 24-hour work schedule. But, in any case, this must be an everyday regimen.

How much does it cost to open a stall?

How much does it cost to open a stall? - a question that interests everyone who wants to sell. How to make a business profitable, and how to understand how much capital to invest? Anyone can create own business differently. Some people start by searching for land, preparing documents and setting up a stall. Others buy a ready-made point with space. You need to find a reliable landlord. In this case, the costs will be much lower. The rental price is affected by proximity to crowded, busy places, such as underground passages, bus stops and metro stations. The further - which is more profitable.

Main expenses:

  1. Rent per place.
  2. Buying a stall or renting.
  3. Agreements with suppliers.
  4. Staff salaries.
  5. Equipment.
  6. Advertising expenses.
  • Decide on the installation location.

The space where your retail outlet will be located must be chosen carefully. Prices may be higher than others, the range is small, but if you have a constant flow of customers, then your profit is guaranteed. This is why, for example, stalls in the countryside are profitable, where they are literally the only ones in the village; in big cities the competition is high.

Installation costs include:

  1. Place rental fee.
  2. Electrical connection.
  3. Costs of obtaining permits from all authorities.
  • Rent or purchase.

When buying a ready-made stall, you must take into account that the staff will work in it every day, year-round, therefore, it must be equipped for normal operation in the winter.

  • Concluding agreements with product suppliers

At the initial stage, it is better to negotiate with several companies, so you will gradually see which company is better to work with, who delivers goods within the specified time frame, of proper quality, and at what time of day is it more profitable to order products in order to package them and put them on the counter before opening.

  • Employee salaries.

For a normal work process, you will need two employees: a salesperson behind the counter who will help customers, and a second employee to serve behind the cash register. In the process of work, if necessary, you can hire a cleaner, if necessary, or another salesperson if there is a large flow of clients.

  • Stall equipment.

To work, you need to equip a stall inside. To do this, they purchase racks, price tags, display cases, refrigerators for storing goods (if they are food products), cabinets, mirrors (clothing sales), a registered cash register, weighing equipment, and food packaging (disposable bags, gloves, etc.).

  • Advertising expenses.

To get started successful work your business, you need to advertise. Before you start, order flyers and hire promoters to distribute them. In business cards, write what you will sell, where your store is located, what hours it is open, describe a short assortment, and also, if you have additional capital, place a billboard near your stall.

Next, you need to obtain permits to install the kiosk. In accordance with current legislation Those wishing to install a kiosk (shopping pavilion) must obtain appropriate permission from the municipality (in the city) or from the rural administration ( countryside). In small populated areas this procedure, as a rule, does not cause any particular difficulties, but in major cities installation of kiosks is regulated by special tenders. Conducting such tenders is possible only if several applicants are registered for one place. In principle, you can get around this condition if you submit two applications at once - for example, one from yourself, and the second from your friend.

Another required document– permission from the Department of Architecture and Construction, which will subsequently need to be agreed upon with the city department of trade.

After installing the kiosk, appropriate approvals from the sanitary and epidemiological station and firefighters are required.

Using a sample business plan as a starting template, you will be able to create ready business plan kiosk, trade tent, stall.

Overview section

This business plan provides for the opening of a kiosk (stall) selling a wide variety of small piece goods (including food products).

The type of product sold in this case does not matter; the business organization scheme will be the same for any assortment.

Organizational and legal form – individual entrepreneur. This is beneficial for many reasons. The most important of them is simple reporting and minimal tax fees.

Description of the enterprise

It is planned to open a kiosk selling everyday goods, with retail space 6-10 square meters. This business plan provides for the installation of a stationary (non-mobile) kiosk. The kiosk will be staffed by one vendor.

Description of services

It is planned to open a kiosk selling everyday goods with daily operating hours. Depending on the location of the kiosk, you can choose either a shift mode of operation of the kiosk or a 24-hour mode. 24-hour operation will be effective in places where potential buyers are most present, for example, near train stations, entertainment centers etc.

Market analysis

This section should provide a specific description of the market for kiosks and shopping pavilions in the area of ​​proposed business, as well as the presence or absence of competition and its level.


To open and fully operate a kiosk selling food you will need the following trading and auxiliary equipment:

  1. directly the kiosk itself
  2. refrigerated chest or refrigerated display case
  3. racks for goods
  4. cash machine
  5. table and chair for seller

The final list of equipment depends on the range of goods sold. After purchasing commercial equipment, the kiosk will be able to start operating.

Financial plan

This section of the business plan examines the financial component of opening a kiosk and answers the questions - how much does it cost to open a kiosk and what is the payback of the kiosk.

  1. Purchase or construction of a kiosk – 50,000-110,000 rubles
  2. Refrigerated display case – 10,000 rubles
  3. Libra – 3,000 rubles
  4. Cash register – 7,000 rubles
  5. Documentation, bribes, extortions - from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles
  6. Salesperson salary – 120,000 rubles (per year)

Total: The minimum required to start is from 200,000 to 350,000 rubles.

Start-up costs can be significantly reduced if you rent a ready-made kiosk.

As an analysis of the operation of existing kiosks shows, the payback period for a kiosk ranges from two to six months, depending on the location, type of goods sold, work schedule, etc.

As can be seen from the calculations, opening a kiosk is low-cost and quite profitable business, capable of generating good income with very modest financial investments.

The most promising business ideas for opening stalls are kiosks with food or inexpensive goods, let's look at some of them.

Pancakes CREPA

An interesting business idea could be opening a pancake stall. Crepas are thin Greek pancakes with various fillings. They are baked from wheat dough with the addition of buckwheat flour.

The profitability of a business depends on the location of the kiosk. Choose places with high traffic: near metro stations, parks, stadiums. Equipment you will need to make crepa pancakes:

  • pancake maker or stove;
  • fridge;
  • dispenser ensuring uniform thickness.

There are a large number of fillings: sweet and spicy, meat and fish, special for children. You can experiment with fillings for true gourmets. It is recommended to place tables near the stall for the convenience of customers.

To attract customers, it is possible to carry out various promotions. For example, sell a mini-crepa with a new filling with each order, or make an assortment of mini-crepas. In addition to pancakes, you can sell drinks: tea, coffee, juices, water.

To implement such a business idea in a kiosk you will need from 150,000 rubles. At the initial stage, one person can sell and cook pancakes. As your clients increase, you will need to consider hiring an assistant.

Ice cream on wheels

The opening of an ice cream kiosk on wheels will be profitable idea. In the warm season, the kiosk can move around crowded places, and in winter it can sell fried ice cream.

In order to open an ice cream stall, you will need the following equipment:

  • freezer;
  • showcase;
  • cash machine;
  • plate;
  • deep fryer (for making fried ice cream).

A waffle iron can also come in handy if your ice cream will be sold in waffle cups.

Selling ice cream is seasonal business, so you need to prepare for the fact that profits will decrease in the off-season. Ice cream stall idea winter period time can be transformed into a stall with waffles. The equipment will remain the same, you just need to think about the filling.

A business idea, ice cream on wheels, is not very expensive; to implement it you need from 180,000 rubles.

Bubble tea

The bubble business idea is quite new. The basis of this drink is tea with various fillings. In addition, this tea has beneficial properties due to a special ingredient, tapioca (balls of pressed starchy flour).

Tea, as a base, can be anything. You can add juices, syrups, coffee, milk, honey, fruits to it. The drink is served hot and cold.

To prepare bubble tea you need:

  • machine for shaking cocktails in shakers;
  • scales;
  • cash machine;
  • tapioca;
  • Juice balls.

Tapioca is not sold in regular supermarkets, so you need to buy it in online stores. You can also order various syrups there.

At the initial stage, to open a bubble tea stall you will need from 500,000 rubles. When the business begins to make a profit, you can buy a bubble-ty machine and place it in a shopping center or children's play center.


The main condition for opening a book stall is advantageous location. The place should be a walk-through place, for example, train stations, metro stations, airports. To attract all generations of people, you need to offer the client a diverse range. The sale should include classic works, as well as currently fashionable fantasy books.

The book business can be profitable if you find your client. When implementing a book selling business, you will need the following equipment:

  • cash machine;
  • showcase;
  • books;
  • copier and printer.

To implement such an idea you will need from 450,000 rubles. Most of the costs will be the purchase of books and the purchase or rental of a kiosk.

Do not forget that to open any business you need to register an individual entrepreneur and obtain permission from local authorities to place a kiosk.

Opening a network of newsstands is a business with small investments, quite in demand, because the latest press is always in demand.

The implementation of a business idea begins with choosing a suitable location for a retail outlet (crowded, visited, high-traffic areas, ideally market areas, transport stops, underground passages to the metro, train stations, etc.) and specialization (exclusively newspapers or, along with them, other printed publications - magazines, catalogues, maps, guidebooks, methodological and teaching aids). It should be noted that this is a business within the framework of quite high competition, although you can often see the proximity of two kiosks that get along well with each other.

Depending on the size starting capital, which is available to those who want to open their own business in this area, a kiosk can be rented (on average $200 per month) or purchased (from $3,000 for 3-4 sq.m.). In the latter case, the placement of the trade pavilion is agreed upon with the municipal authorities or private individuals who own the territory. Often, a point with the latest press is located in shopping and entertainment centers, the rent here is much higher, but the issues of security, heating, and electrification are automatically resolved.

Turnkey kiosks are already equipped with everything necessary - display case, counter, shelves. Purchases are minimal - a chair for the seller, a heater, a bright sign or an external pillar.

It’s more difficult with the range of printed products. It makes no sense to order a large number of newspapers at once - they quickly lose their relevance. It’s worth starting with studying consumer preferences - it is demand that will show which publication and in what volume is the most popular. With glossy magazines and entertainment newspapers such as “scanwords” and “crosswords”, and inexpensive softcover books, the situation is simpler; such products can be sold for up to a year, and are relevant among consumers, despite the release date. Also popular monthly magazines, which come out in thematic series (on the theme of travel, handicrafts, floriculture, etc.), collectible collections with attachments; for such products it is not spontaneous, but regular customers who come.

Local press is purchased from publishing houses or printing houses at special prices, magazines and other glossy items are purchased from wholesale companies. It all depends on the volume of parties and agreements.

One kiosk requires one or two salespeople working in shifts.

Many people believe that newspaper business will soon become obsolete. Of course, the presence of the Internet and direct annual subscriptions to some extent reduces the sales volumes of stationary newspaper outlets, although their number does not decrease. To make a profit, which can be up to $300 (“net”) from one kiosk per week, it is recommended to immediately open a network retail outlets with the press.

The secret to business success is a favorable location. Many entrepreneurs are attracted to this direction by small investments at the start and, as a result, minimal risks in case of failure. Often this business is an additional source of income to an existing one. There are also good prospects for development - expanding a small kiosk into a bookstore, second-hand bookstore, or organizing the sale of not only newspapers and magazines, but also stationery, educational supplies.

Especially for KHOBIZ.RU

Despite the development modern technologies and the Internet, some people remain faithful to the habit and continue to read newspapers and magazines. Printed publications contain advertisements for buying or selling household appliances, real estate, Vehicle, advertising taxi services.

The business idea of ​​a kiosk with magazines that are sold is suitable for those who do not have a large start-up capital. The activity is in demand and profitable in settlements of various sizes.

It is not necessary to limit yourself to the sale of newspapers and magazines; pens, air balloons, combs, lottery tickets, batteries, office supplies, mobile recharge cards and much more.

Business organization

Being a law-abiding citizen, it is necessary at the very beginning of your activity to visit the state registration inspection and obtain status individual entrepreneur for the free implementation of the business idea of ​​opening a kiosk with magazines that are sold. Registration in extra-budgetary funds and the Pension Fund is mandatory.

Arranging a small room will require minimum costs. As an option, you can entrust the production of the kiosk to construction team. The stall must have an attractive and neat look. The premises can be rented or purchased. An excellent choice is a well-lit and spacious space. The buyer will go inside and can easily select the publication he is interested in. The old kiosks, where sales are carried out through a window, are not convenient.

It is better to locate the building in a crowded place where there is less competition. Ideal offer - surroundings educational institutions, large intersections, business centers, stations, metro and underground passages.

It is advisable to choose municipal land, as there is less red tape. Government bodies Sometimes they provide space without rent. In relation to a private plot, you will need to negotiate with its owner, which will not do without paying rent.

The implementation of a business idea for opening a kiosk with magazines that are sold must begin with the sale of popular, popular in great demand printed publications. Experiments often lead to positive results. Having made a profit, you can purchase new magazines and newspapers that are interesting to readers. To start the implementation process, it is worth concluding agreements with suppliers, stipulating prices and assortment.

The seller's education and age do not matter. Suitable for students who work shifts for low pay. Shift method will allow you to sell goods seven days a week. Experts advise not to engage in sales yourself. Activity planning, organizational issues require free time. Combining all this is quite difficult.

At good development business ideas for a kiosk with magazines that are sold; the money earned will need to be invested in expanding sales points. Opening several new points will significantly increase your income.

Strengths and weaknesses of the business at the opening of a magazine kiosk

Disadvantages of a business idea to open a kiosk with magazines that are sold:

  • High competition
  • Most printing houses are completely moving to the World Wide Web
  • The small area of ​​the premises does not allow for storing supplies
  • Minor review of display cases
  • A kiosk selling through a window has fewer customers in bad weather.
  • Advantages of a business idea for a kiosk with magazines that are sold:

  • Less money is spent on promotion
  • Minimum rent
  • If the business fails, the entrepreneur incurs minimal losses
  • Advice for those who decide to open a stall:

  • Identify the most popular publications and focus attention on them
  • Constantly conduct market and competition analysis. What will allow you to make timely changes
  • Open an hour earlier than other kiosks, close an hour later
  • Work for the future, open new retail outlets.
  • To open a large kiosk selling magazines, you may need. Our portal will help you get acquainted with the most promising offers from experienced entrepreneurs with the necessary capital. The page presents interesting ideas for business in Ukraine. Doing it correctly will allow you to earn considerable income. Good luck and prosperity to you!