Business ideas for moms at home. Business on maternity leave: personal success stories. Organization of joint procurement


Hello! Today we’ll talk about work for mothers on maternity leave. I am the mother of a two-year-old baby, but already six months after his birth I began to think about a part-time job. I have tried many options and I know which work is real and which is not. In this article I will talk about how mothers like me can make money while on maternity leave.

Today you will learn:

  1. How much can you earn while on maternity leave?
  2. who care for the baby.
  3. All the pros and cons of working on maternity leave.

Why should women work on maternity leave?

This question plagues many men and women. Depending on life situation There may be several answers.

We will look at them now:

  1. Women try to find part-time work or vacancies during maternity leave due to a simple lack of money. During this period, mother does not go to her main job, so she does not receive a stable income. And the money that dad brings is not always enough. At the same time, the child grows up and more and more money has to be spent on him. cash. That's when mothers start looking for part-time work.
  2. Some women, without financial difficulties, do not want to focus only on the child. They cope well with the responsibilities of a mother, but it is vital for them to develop, learn something new, and communicate with people. That is why they delve deeper into learning something new, discover their talents and earn little “feminine joys.”
  3. And someone is dissatisfied with their main job and, during maternity leave, is actively looking for new job, which will later become the main one.

Personally, I wanted to develop, do something, and have the opportunity to earn money. My husband still doesn’t understand why I need this, but he supports all my endeavors.

Every mother has her own story. Someone wants to achieve independence, someone is ashamed to ask for money for cosmetics, etc. If you are reading this article, you have probably decided to earn extra money while on maternity leave.

Remember the main thing! Working on maternity leave is neither shameful nor shameful. Show others that you are capable of much and that you have powerful potential!

Earning money while on maternity leave - what to do?

And this question is asked by absolutely all mothers who decide to earn extra money during maternity leave. There are so many options for working from home.

Before moving on to describing ways to make money, I suggest you answer the following questions:

  • What can you do? Work for mothers on maternity leave can be related to hobbies, talents or skills. Perhaps you are a first-class specialist in some field and can work in your profession from home. Adequately assess your abilities and decide what you would like to do.
  • How much free time do you have?? Each child is individual and requires a special approach. Sometimes the first 6 months are the calmest for the mother (the baby sleeps and eats). For other parents, the situation may be radically different. I felt minimal freedom when the child was 6-8 months old.

Before you start looking for a job, determine for yourself how much time you can devote to work. This is the period when the child is sleeping or other family members are busy with him.

  • Are you ready to learn?? If you think that your professional skills will help you make good money, then do just that (for example, if you are an excellent lawyer, you can give consultations online, by phone, or at home). If you do not have the skills that will help you earn money, then tune in to learning.
  • How much do you want to earn? Depending on the availability of free time and the desire to conquer peaks, you can find a job that will bring excellent income. Remember that simple work never brings big money.

Business ideas for mothers on maternity leave

All ways to earn money can be divided into several groups:

  1. Work in your specialty from home;
  2. Work related to hobbies and interests;

Any job may or may not generate income. It all depends on how well you choose your activity.

Now, let's look at each of these categories in more detail.

Professional work from home

In this group I included all types of work (or rather, services) that a mother can perform at home.

Makeup artist, hairdresser, manicurist

At home, you can organize a mini-version of a beauty salon. Just to get started, you will have to take the appropriate courses. It’s great if you were doing similar work before maternity leave. In this case, you already have the necessary professional skills and a set of tools. All that remains is to find clients. This can be done by advertising on the Internet, offering your services to familiar friends and relatives.

You should not expect that there will immediately be a lot of people willing to use your services. But over time, word of mouth will spread, your clientele will expand and your income will increase.

The main problem with such part-time work is its seasonality, the availability of a large range of materials and professional skills.


If women can do manicure, pedicure and make-up on their own, then massage should be done by a professional. If you have medical education and in educational institution you were taught the basics of massage, then you can open it at home massage room. You can also sign up for express courses and master this skill.

To perform a massage, you only need massage oil and talcum powder. Sessions can be held at home, or go to the client’s home (if you have someone to leave the child with).

Your income will depend on the number of clients and procedures performed. A course consists of 10 massages. So calculate how much you can earn from just one client.

I completed massage courses before pregnancy. By doing the procedures to someone I knew, I got back the money for the training within 2 weeks. Nowadays, friends sometimes come to me and ask for a massage for an appropriate fee. I agree, turn on cartoons for the child, and earn money myself.


Some mothers face such a problem that they sometimes need to go away and leave the child with someone. It's about about a few hours. Professional nannies do not want to take on such work, because they are looking for clients for the whole day.

If there are mothers around you who want to hire a nanny, offer your services. They will probably agree, because you are also a mother and know how to treat children. And it will be more interesting for several toddlers to walk together than alone.

Mini garden or lessons early development

If you really love children (not only your own, but also others), feel the potential of a teacher and have a large living space, then you can try opening a mini-kindergarten.

You can invite a small number of children there alone age group. You set the time of their stay yourself. For example, you don’t have 4 cribs, and you don’t plan to purchase them, then you can set the condition that parents must pick up the kids before 13.00.

This is a larger-scale nanny idea, but it can bring in several times more income.

In addition, you can try conducting educational lessons for children. This will take a maximum of 1 hour, and there can be up to 7 children in the group. You will need to learn as many rhymes as possible and look at examples of educational games. You don't need a lot of equipment. In most Early Childhood Development Centers, 70% of the teaching material is homemade. In such a business, the main thing is the desire to work and love children.


Recently, outsourcing has become very popular.

Outsourcing This is when an enterprise shifts part of its direct responsibilities to another company or individual.

To make it clearer, let's look at an example. Before maternity leave, my mother was a good accountant. She has many friends who are entrepreneurs who, due to lack of relevant knowledge, cannot do accounting and prepare reports. Then they turn to this mother for help, who, sitting at home, will handle the accounting affairs of a friend’s company.

This part-time job does not require any investment. It is enough to be a good specialist in a certain field.

Fashion designer, seamstress

Do you know how and love to sew? If your answer is yes, then you can make money from your skill. Offer your services to neighbors, friends, and acquaintances. Don't be afraid that there won't be any clients. Every person periodically buys jeans, pants that need to be hemmed, and sooner or later all things require repair. Or maybe your neighbor loves exclusive things and will ask you to sew a skirt or sweater.


If you know foreign languages, or play on musical instruments, then you can start tutoring. It’s great if you’ve ever taught children or adults. But even if you do not have a pedagogical education, but you know how to convey information clearly and clearly, you can try yourself in this field.

Lessons can be held at home. If this is not possible, then all that remains is to visit clients or conduct online lessons. When caring for a small child, it will not be easy for you to get out of the house, but teaching using a webcam will be much easier.

Writing coursework, tests and theses

Modern students very often resort to the help of people who write essays, term papers, tests and even dissertations for them. If you have necessary knowledge and skills, then you can offer your services to students.

I also wrote coursework and tests, but that was before my baby was born. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to do this in maternity leave.


If you love spending time in the kitchen and don't get bored with the stove, then you can try cooking for other people. We do not encourage you to fry pies and go sell them.

A year ago I started making custom baked goods. To be honest, before that time I had never baked cakes, but I decided to try. For myself, I realized that the main thing is to learn how to bake biscuits and make several types of creams. Covered and decorated cakes with fondant (it’s very easy to make). I found clients through social media. networks.

I set a low price, so there were orders. I had to buy some confectionery equipment. I just lacked professional skills. I didn’t have the time or much desire to complete culinary courses.

Now I bake only for friends, because I have found a more suitable form of income. But many of my friends went further, trained as confectioners and make decent money doing what they love.

If you're afraid of baking cakes, try starting with cupcakes. gingerbread or some cakes. Candy bars have become very popular lately. This is a collection of a large number of sweet confectionery products

Just be prepared that before your hobby begins to generate income, you will spend money on tools, materials and products.

Some enterprising mothers are opening in their kitchen culinary business. It is associated with the production open pies called quiche. This is a distant resemblance to pizza. Such products are ordered by office workers as lunch and by noisy groups “for beer.”

It doesn’t matter what exactly you cook, the main thing is that you like it and make a profit.

Breeding indoor plants

If you really love indoor plants, but have nowhere to put them, try selling them. Don’t know who to sell what to? I'll tell you about a small business on my friend's maternity leave.

She is a big fan of violets. There are countless varieties and varieties of this plant. A friend collects entire collections in her home and constructs shelving units. In order for you to understand how many there are, I will say that she waters them every other day and this procedure takes 1.5 hours.

This is a rather capricious plant, but it is easy to breed. It is enough to break off one leaf and put it in water, and after it takes root, replant it in the ground. There are entire groups on social media. networks where these plants are sold. Leaves without roots are sold cheaper, but plants already transplanted into the ground are more expensive. A friend of mine sold plants via the Internet and at her main job among female employees (before maternity leave).

Violet lovers are constantly updating their stocks, so they are actively searching for new species. As you can see, flowers can please not only the eye, but also the wallet.

Earning money while on maternity leave for a hobby

Photographer, videographer

Sometimes mothers discover new talents during maternity leave. For example, when photographing their children, they realize that they take very beautiful pictures. If you add good equipment and the ability to work in Photoshop to this talent, then you can turn out to be a good photographer.

If possible, be sure to sign up for photography courses and learn how to work in graphic editors. My neighbor did just that, and then went to schools, kindergartens and offered her services (made graduation albums).


Handmade are products created with your own hands, i.e. handmade. This trend is at the peak of popularity, because most people like exclusive things. If you like to create something, create something with your own hands, we recommend turning your hobby into a tool for earning money.

There are a lot of handmade directions. I will tell you about the most popular and most profitable.

Making decorative candles

Even if you have never tried making decorative candles, you can learn how to do it. It's not difficult, but it will require some effort. First you need to find and read detailed instructions for their manufacture, purchase materials (they are not very expensive) and start experimenting.

The main thing is that your imagination works well, because you will have to create, mixing scents (candles can be scented), colors, and selecting the design of each product. Success depends on this.

Soap making

This type of earnings is similar to the previous one. The only difference is in materials and tools. Here you will have to spend a little more, because the materials for making soap are more expensive than simple wax, which is necessary for making candles.

Don't be afraid that no one will buy your creation. If done correctly advertising campaign on the Internet (in particular, on social networks), you can count on a regular flow of clients.


Embroidery is a very abstract concept. Needlewomen know that you can embroider paintings, icons, tablecloths and even clothes. In this case, they are used various materials(ribbons, threads, beads, etc.) and different techniques are used.

If you enjoy embroidering and are good at it, I suggest using your hobby for profit. For example, if you cross-stitch or ribbon embroider pictures, try selling them at exhibitions, online or to your friends. At first, you can give your masterpieces to friends, and do not hesitate to tell them that, if necessary, you fulfill any orders.

My distant relative embroiders icons with beads and successfully sells them. Personalized icons are especially popular.

Making decorative jewelry

Surely you often see little girls on playgrounds with multi-colored rubber bands and hairpins decorated with ribbons. But these are homemade products of some craftswoman. Why don't you try this too?

There is a lot of visual information on the Internet on how to make hoops, hairpins and other jewelry. And in the store you can buy all the necessary materials.

At the same time, you can start making jewelry. To do this, you need to decide on the direction. Perhaps you will specialize in jewelry made from natural stone, or maybe you will give preference to products made from polymer clay.

Remember that women at all times loved to decorate themselves with beads, earrings, bracelets, etc. Therefore, the demand for such products will be constant.

Knitting to order

If you are an excellent knitter and have enough time for your hobby, you can start making custom knitted items. Great if you knit and crochet. These knitting techniques allow you to create completely different masterpieces.

Sewing soft toys

Representatives of the fair sex of any age love soft toys. Teddy bears have gone out of fashion, and factory-made toys will no longer surprise anyone. If you know how to sew and feel the potential of a designer or fashion designer, then you can start by sewing soft toys.

Create a series of unique toys and sell them at fairs and sales. Perhaps they will bring you fame and recognition from millions of people.

Making money trees or bead products (souvenirs)

Most office workers like to keep all sorts of trinkets (figurines, beadwork, etc.) on their desks.

Now on the Internet you can find a lot of information on how to make all kinds of souvenirs. Trees made of natural stone, beads or coins are very popular. They are made quite simply, and their production does not require a lot of materials.

Several years ago I became interested in making trees from beads. This is a very interesting activity. Weaving is calming and relaxing. She sold finished products through souvenir shops.

Making wedding paraphernalia

Any wedding requires the presence of a large number of wedding attributes. These include festive boutonnieres, beautifully decorated glasses for newlyweds and chests for money. If this activity is close to your liking, then start creating.

Implement already finished products You can do it online or through wedding salons. You can also make similar products to order. This way you definitely won’t get burned out.

My mother made a lot of beautiful things for my wedding, posted them on the Internet, after which there were several brides who asked me to make something similar for them.

Handmade presupposes the presence of certain skills, wild imagination and love for one’s work. If you choose one of these types of income, remember that it requires certain cash investments to purchase materials. Don't buy too much of it, see if yours will be small business generate income.

Working on the Internet

Don't believe that you can earn real money online? Now I will prove to you the opposite. Millions of people earn money on the Internet every day without investment, including mothers on maternity leave. Of course, there is a high probability of falling for scammers. But I will only talk about real proven methods of earning money.

Copywriting (writing articles to order)

Everyone at school wrote essays or summaries. Some did better, and some did worse. Despite this, any mother can try.

When you go to any website, you see printed information. But someone writes these texts. It is unlikely that this is the owner of the resource itself. Most likely, he used the services of a copywriter, whom he paid well.

There are specialized sites (exchanges) that help customers find performers and vice versa. To get started, you need to register on such an exchange and view job offers.

In the first months you will not receive exorbitant fees. During this time, you build your reputation and improve your professionalism. With each article you write, you can increase the cost of your services.

Don't be afraid that you won't succeed. Perhaps you have the potential to be a great writer, and you don’t know it.

On at the moment I make money by writing articles. I discovered my abilities by accident. I just read about such work, registered on the exchange, took an easy order and completed it. My first customer was satisfied and this inspired me. I’ll be honest, I didn’t know how to write expositions at school, and my mother wrote essays for me.

I don’t know where I subsequently learned this, but now it’s enough, and my mother, when she also tried it (on my advice), but gave up this idea after the second order.


Absolutely all mothers, when caring for their children, use a lot of cosmetics, hygiene products, etc. If you post your impressions of products, any hygiene products or equipment on certain sites, then you will be paid money for it.

There are several resources that pay money for leaving reviews. Moreover, you can describe not only food or hygiene products, but also share your impression of shopping centers, shops, exhibitions, etc. For example, every mother has something to tell about the hospital where her baby was born, which diapers are better, or describe the advantages and disadvantages of your stroller.

Don’t expect millions in earnings, but it should be enough for cosmetics.

I worked on the Otzovik website. For a review they pay from a few kopecks to 10 rubles. In addition to the text, you must attach a photo (but this is optional). The more useful information you post and the more photos you attach, the higher the price for the review. I never received more than 6 rubles for a review.

Earnings from sales

Most purchases modern people carried out using the Internet. Some people buy batches of clothes and then sell them, while others act as intermediaries. There are several ways to sell and each of them has its own characteristics.

Joint purchases

On joint shopping sites, orders are collected for the size of some item (one size at a time, for example, room slippers from size 36 to 41). When there are buyers for the entire batch, the goods are purchased on a wholesale website and sent to customers.

If you are an administrator, then you will have to find people, collect money from them, place and receive orders, and send them to customers. For this you can receive 10-15% of each item sold.

But remember that this is quite a difficult job. You will often need to go to the post office to receive/send orders.

I tried to become a joint venture administrator, but after I saw the amount of work, I gave up this idea.


There are people who sell products without even seeing them. This is the so-called mediation or. The scheme is simple. or a group on a social network where you advertise products wholesale supplier. At the same time, you set the price for the product higher (the difference will be your earnings). If people are interested in something, they order it from you and pay in full. After that, you place an order with the supplier and ask that the order be sent directly to the client.

Such a business is built on the trust of all parties. People are often afraid to make an advance payment and avoid such sites.

I spent several months creating and filling albums with goods (I specialized in women's clothing), was looking for buyers. I made a small markup to gain the trust of customers. I’ll be honest, I’ve earned a maximum of 500 rubles the entire time. This is because many people are afraid to pay for a purchase without seeing the product.


If you don't have any abilities and don't know what to do, you can try to make money by taking surveys. There are many sites that offer to answer certain tests, for which they promise to pay well.

All you have to do is register and wait until you are given the task. The disadvantage of this kind of income is its irregularity. Even if you really need money, you will not receive anything until a survey is completed on you.

I registered on 5 sites. And the first survey was sent to me only 2 weeks later. At that time I had already found alternative way earnings, so I never took part in any survey. They send them to me by email. mail so far.


There are sites on the Internet that offer money for you to visit certain sites and follow links. This type of income is called surfing.

Before you start work, you must understand that simple work will not bring much income, and it can take quite a lot of time.

Own blog or website

In order to get maximum income online, you need a website. It will have to be constantly updated, filled with useful and necessary information. This could be a resource where mothers will exchange experiences in raising children, ask each other questions, get advice, etc.

To make it easier for you to determine which method of earning money for mothers on maternity leave is right for you, I suggest considering the following table.

Profession/occupation Degree of difficulty Initial Investment Income level
Hairdresser/makeup artist average Yes average
Masseur average No high
Culinary high Yes high
Head of the mini-garden high Yes high
Nanny average No average
Tutor high No average
Coursework executor high No high
Outsourcing high No high
Fashion designer, seamstress average Yes average
Florist low Yes short
Photographer average Yes high
Handmade master: soap low Yes average
candles low Yes average
embroidery low Yes average
soft toys average Yes average
decorations low Yes average
knitting average Yes average
wedding paraphernalia low Yes average
Copywriter average No average
Writing reviews low No short
Organizer of joint purchases average No short
Dropshipping low No short
Polls low No short
Surfing the net low No short
Earn money on your own website or blog high Yes high
Implementation bank. products average No average
Site Administrator average No average
Programmer high No high
Advertising agent high No average
Earning money on YouTube low No average

How to avoid falling for scammers

In any job there is a risk of being deceived. But those who decide to make money using the Internet need to be more careful. It is on the Internet that the maximum number of scammers are collected.

In order to avoid becoming their victim, adhere to the following rules:

  • Never pay anyone under any circumstances. Scammers are very inventive, and their offers do not seem unrealistic. For example, you decided to retype handwritten materials. You may be asked to contribute a certain amount in order to gain access to their assignments. I once fell for such a scam, although I only paid 100 rubles. After payment no one contacted me;
  • Under no circumstances send copies of your documents;
  • Don't accept "business offers" that are linked to your bank accounts;
  • Do not see yourself in grandiose projects where they promise quick and large returns (money pyramids);
  • Be careful with . They will first tell you that no investments are required from you, and then it turns out that in order to receive a salary, you need to buy or distribute products worth several thousand rubles;
  • Reject offers that ask you to start growing flowers or mushrooms using highly effective hydroponics.

In order not to feel like a cornered horse and to keep up with everything, follow these recommendations:

  • Plan your day. Determine the time periods when you will work;
  • Develop a convenient schedule for yourself;
  • Get ready for work in advance;
  • Maintain a sleep schedule;
  • Don’t blame your family and friends for your fatigue. Nobody forced you to work;
  • Distribute household responsibilities among all family members;
  • Ask grandparents to babysit more often.

All the advantages and disadvantages of working from home for mothers on maternity leave


  1. You plan your day yourself;
  2. You don’t have a strict boss (not counting the baby);
  3. You don't need to adapt to the team;
  4. You don’t spend money on travel, lunches in cafes, etc.;
  5. You gain financial independence;
  6. You develop, learn, improve as a person.


  • Life will turn into chaos if you don’t learn to plan your day correctly ();
  • There is a high probability of losing control over your figure, because the refrigerator is always nearby;
  • There is a high risk of being deceived by scammers.
  • Conclusion

    For some people, working while on maternity leave is not acceptable. Personally, I believe that this is a period when a woman should not cease to be a part of society. IN modern world There are plenty of activities that even the busiest moms can do.

    However, work should not distract you from the most important thing - your child! If you do decide to start earning extra money, then learn to combine work, child care and caring for your husband. If you succeed, then you will be a beautiful, happy and wealthy mommy!

    Now the company has 40 people on staff, most of them work in production in Moscow - it appeared in 2015. Bambinizon also continues to cooperate with third-party factories - its own site cannot yet cope with the required volumes. The assortment line has expanded, and now the company sews other children's clothing: hats, T-shirts, pants, dresses and other categories.

    Bambinizon produces more than 20,000 children's items per month and sells them in its own online store, on other sites, through wholesalers and even in Central children's store on Lubyanka, where the company has a point. In addition, this year Kravchenko-Berezhnaya launched a franchise. Now the company has four franchisees (Vologda, Kirov, Omsk, Surgut), four more will open stores in November. “Bambinesons” can be bought in 120 cities of Russia at prices ranging from 780 to 2399 rubles. A loyal customer, according to Kravchenko-Berezhnaya, makes about four purchases a year and spends a total of about 4,000 rubles.

    “It’s difficult for us to compete with famous brands from children’s stores,” admits Kravchenko-Berezhnaya. According to her, these brands benefit from low prices and different prints on clothes. But Bambinizon, in her opinion, also has its own trump card - “ergonomics”. The entrepreneur is aiming for an audience of “active parents who prefer all sorts of healthy activities and love to take their children with them.” They value comfortable clothing that allows them to change their baby's diaper, for example, during a picnic, without undressing him.

    This year, Kravchenko-Berezhnoy’s company attracted investment from the Sattva Foundation, thanks to which it expanded production and increased sales “tens of times.” Recently, the company began to make a profit, and Alexandra talks about even greater ambitions: “Of course, I want to be successful, for example, to be included in some Forbes list,” she says. “Parents will be happy, especially dad.”

    Mamas' Place

    Olga Ryabinkina has two sons. Even after the birth of her first child, she got tired of endlessly pushing the stroller around the park with an audiobook in her headphones. When the second boy arrived, she wanted to spend time, when the younger one was sleeping or playing, on French lessons or drawing. But it didn’t always work out. One day Ryabinkina was invited to organize a children's festival in Gorky Park, which gave her an idea that solved this problem and allowed her to create a business.

    “When we discussed the results of the festival with the creative director, I said that the event did not have any areas for mothers with children under three years old,” she recalls. The park responded by inviting her to create such a space herself and allowed her to occupy one of the premises for free during the holidays. Ryabinkina invested 200,000 rubles and took over the club in October 2012. Then it was called “Malysh”. Before that, she already had experience in business, but not very successful: the children's clothing store lasted only a year.

    The original concept of the club is a place where you can leave your child while you learn something new and relax. But it turned out that most women spend money on themselves last. In the first month, only 15 people came to the club. Olga Ryabinkina was shocked; she believed that such a club was very necessary for mothers: “It’s unpleasant when dreams are shattered by reality. People came to us and asked: “What do you have for the children?” After six months, we gave in and started activities for children.” By this time, the club had already moved to the Garage and changed its name to Mamas’ Place.

    Women have a unique opportunity to stop their running for a while and figure out whether they are heading in the right direction. This chance is maternity leave. And if you have a reliable rear, then why not try your hand at something new, own business? Our heroines did just that and changed their lives.

    Photo by: Ksenia Kudrina

    Mother of two-year-old Arseny and eight-month-old Stefania.Fashion boutique

    Before maternity leave: Broker in the company wholesale petroleum products.

    About the case: When my son was three months old, I realized that I was bored of being just a mother and wife, I wanted development, my own realization. But I was horrified by the thought of going to the office on a 5/2 schedule: not seeing my children, for the sake of realizing other people’s ambitions. It so happened that my mother and sister flew to Beijing, where they found amazingly beautiful fabrics, silks of different textures and types, amazing quality and at a very attractive price. My mother is a sewing technologist; she has been creating and sewing outfits for us all her adult life, but she never knew how to realize her talent and potential. My sister and I picked up the idea of ​​creating dresses from natural silk and promoting them on the Internet. The fifth collection was recently released.

    About the "victims": I work 3-5 hours a day, and recently I’ve been going an extra full day once a week. I have to sacrifice time for myself: now I miss reading books, listening to music and watching movies, actively playing sports and even meeting with friends. Now it’s either children and family, or my business.

    About difficulties: In reality, everything turned out to be completely different from what it seemed, from production to the launch of a new product on the market. There was a lack of knowledge, experience, budget, and connections. Now, with the advent of a second child, children growing up and business expansion, there is simply a catastrophic lack of time.

    Advice to those in doubt: If you doubt it, it means you are not ready yet. In your business you need to think a lot and work even more. And there is absolutely no one to shift responsibility for failures to. I would recommend initially doing only what you really like or in which you have experience, skill, knowledge; or there is a partner - a real professional in his field; or have access (as well as time and desire) to a large amount of information on the topic. It is also worth choosing a type of activity that, even in the most pessimistic scenarios, will bring you new knowledge, or material things, or acquaintances, and experience, of course. And you won't lose anything except time. These points will help you lower the level of importance, worry less about “what if it doesn’t work out?”, and focus more on the positive result. My motivation: “When if not now?” Ultimately, I'm building a legacy for my children rather than having to go to work to get a paycheck—it helps a lot.

    Photo from Alice's personal archive

    Before maternity leave: marketer in a large company

    About the case: The topic of ecology and naturalness is very close to our family, from the very beginning I was puzzled by the choice of the very best toys for my only child at that time, I ordered them individually from craftsmen, brought them from abroad... In general, I was a real fanatic. And gradually the thought came that, probably, I’m not the only one, and it would help someone a lot if such toys were all in one place. The store is already more than 4 years old, during this time we have grown, and many people already know us. I made and came up with the website, logos, slogans myself, wrote articles for promotion, filled it in, changed it, until I began to completely like the result. Therefore, from the point of view of “advancement” in technical terms, they are not the most advanced, but from the point of view of the warmth and real emotions invested, I think they were quite successful. With the birth of our third daughter, we moved out of town, and the idea came to create our own family club for mothers and children.

    About the "victims": I have 4 working days a week, of which 4-5 hours are spent on work. At first, I had to sacrifice a night's sleep. But I’m a night owl, so I worked even more efficiently. There are also periods when it seems like you don’t have time to do anything, but this quickly passes.

    About difficulties: Organize everything. Set it up exactly so that you like it, it would be convenient and understandable. The second difficulty is that in your business you are, as they say, both a Swiss and a reaper. This is difficult for those who leave large companies, where there is a specialist for every question. And, of course, the scale itself can be discouraging at first: there is a lot of work, but the result is small. But what is important here is patience and faith that people need your business.

    Advice to those in doubt: Try! If your thoughts keep coming back to the same thing, you feel that it’s yours, you want to start, but you’re afraid, start boldly. It’s better to do it and regret it than not to do it and regret it.

    Anastasia Kuntsevich

    Mother of two-year-old Savely. Savory desserts

    Before maternity leave: logistics manager.

    About the case: My environment pushed me to do something. A friend came up with a small business for herself, and I also wanted something interesting and unusual. Previously, there were already attempts to produce both sweet cakes and portioned desserts. But there is huge competition in this niche. So I came up with my own savory project. And yes, moral satisfaction from doing what you love is, of course, good, but money is never superfluous. Therefore, after maternity leave I still plan to return to my main job.

    About the "victims": I find it difficult to answer. If there are orders (and they almost always are), then it takes time both to purchase products and to make the cake. I try to do as much as possible when my son is sleeping. Plus, communicating with clients also takes a lot of time.

    About difficulties: If the son is not in the mood, then there is no question of any of his own affairs. Everything has to be put off overnight. But I also want to sleep. So there is only one problem - lack of time!

    Advice to those in doubt: It is better to regret what is done than what is not done. Therefore, if you want to do something, you need to take it and do it without putting it aside.

    Ekaterina Vlasova

    Photo from Catherine’s personal archive

    Mother of five-year-old Kira and three-year-old Sasha. Newborn photographer

    Before maternity leave: sales manager at a consulting agency.

    About the case: I gave birth to my second child before leaving the first maternity leave; it turned out that I spent a total of 5 years at home. It is very difficult to remain idle for such a long time. Therefore, when my youngest became at least a little more independent, I began to look for options for part-time work at home. And after several unsuccessful endeavors, I settled on photo retouching. And a year later I realized that I wanted to shoot myself, so I took my husband’s old camera, advertised it on the Internet, and away we go.

    About the "victims": You don’t have to sacrifice anything, thank God, quite the opposite. I only do photo shoots on weekends, and my husband always assists me. Since I’m free on weekdays, I raise the children myself and don’t take them to kindergarten, which would be impossible with a 5/2 schedule.

    About difficulties: Any undertaking requires money, I had to borrow it. It's always a risk. But, as they say, those who don’t take risks don’t drink. My business paid off within a month.

    Advice to those in doubt: Everything is real! If you want to work for yourself, just work! In any case, you can always go back to the office, but I don't think you'll want to.

    Anastasia Mikhailova

    Photo from Anastasia’s personal archive

    Mother of three-year-old Julian and one-and-a-half-year-old Valentin.English club for mothers with children

    Before maternity leave: Several types of activities - from accountant to corporate client manager.

    About the case: It all started with a love for language and children. Being a native speaker, she instilled it in her eldest from birth. Later I realized that this is simply necessary: ​​to instill a second language before the age of three for better pronunciation and easier learning at a later age. I attended trainings and read the necessary literature. I decided to create a club for young mothers and teach them how to introduce language to babies.

    About the "victims": During my work at the club, a nanny takes care of the children, so being away from home for a couple of hours is not at all scary, especially since the child learns something from the nannies.

    About difficulties: Preparing for classes takes time. I do it after I put the kids to bed. This is a little difficult, given the fact that the youngest is in his arms all the time, and it is not possible to rest during the day.

    Advice to those in doubt: If you have an interesting idea and a strong desire, then all the stars will align and you will have the opportunity to realize this idea. The main thing is to take a step forward and think only positively! You will immediately break out of your home routine, which will bring you a lot of new emotions.

    Stories are stories, but when it comes down to it own life, questions arise: where to start, where to go, what can I even do? I suggest you read this one. I really liked it detailed description everyone possible option earnings for a mother on maternity leave, some of which are through personal experience author. But you will find several non-standard approaches to business while on maternity leave, which, although they will require some investments, should theoretically pay for themselves. I don't know - I haven't tried it. But some ideas seem quite reasonable and interesting. Moreover, I have seen their implementation in life. I recommend!

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    During maternity leave, mothers often radically rethink their lives. They realize that they no longer want to go back to the office for a monotonous nine-to-seven job. This is why many women start on maternity leave. However, household chores do not leave much time for promoting your own business. What should a young mother do to have business success? How to combine work and child care? Here are some examples of simple business ideas for mothers on maternity leave from business expert Svetlana Kurako.

    1. Blog of a young mother

    Young mothers on maternity leave are very drawn to each other - they exchange experiences, impressions and characteristics of upbringing. Therefore, motherhood in all its forms and expressions is always a popular blog topic. happens with the help of advertising - the more popular your page, the more willingly both other bloggers and various brands will want to advertise on it. In addition, “promoted mothers with children” can produce their own information products (for example, fitness marathons, webinars), lines of cosmetics, clothing, children's products, etc.


    • Many mothers engage in knitting with great pleasure, which means it good start for a business that will bring not only profit, but also joy. In addition, your business is always with you - you can knit not only at home, but also while you are sitting in line at the clinic or waiting for your grown-up child at some development center.
    • Knitting - great way for moms. There are several famous brands, which started with caps and within a year grew to million-dollar turnover.


    • You will need initial investment to purchase threads, knitting needles, hooks, etc.
    • Knitting is a rather long and labor-intensive process.
    • To develop your own style, you will have to work on it, get acquainted with fashion news and the work of other craftswomen.

    4. Creative earnings on microstocks

    Microstocks are online databases where drawings, photos, video and audio products are posted for sale. Moreover, they are not required to work high requirements, and you can sell them an infinite number of times. Therefore, if you have skills in working with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, this business idea is quite suitable.


    • Relatively passive - by uploading a picture or cartoon once, you can sell it to thousands of people. With each subsequent sale, the percentage of profit you receive increases. The more you sell, the more you earn.
    • This method is suitable for beginners (you can work from scratch) and does not require start-up investments.


    • On microstocks high competition. To get noticed, you need to create interesting products.
    • Profits grow very slowly - it may take months before you start making significant money. For successful sales You need to know well the rules of working with each microstock.

    5. Organizing classes or events for children

    Developmental schools and clubs are now very relevant and in demand. — you don’t even need to rent a room if you conduct classes in your own apartment. For such events, having a pedagogical education is not necessary. If children feel comfortable and interesting with you, that will be enough. And other mothers will be glad to have the opportunity to relax while their child develops.


    • Quick earnings— you immediately receive money from everyone who attends classes.
    • If you teach well, you will quickly gain a large number of clients. And in-demand tutors and teachers have incomes of several hundred thousand rubles a month.


    • Long preparation is required before each lesson.
    • Start-up investments will be required - for pencils, paper, educational toys, etc.
    • During classes, you will not always be able to be distracted by your child and devote enough time to him, which means you need to resolve the issue with the nanny/grandmother in advance.

    6. Photographing

    Starting with a photo of their baby, moms often go deeper into the process and get professional. This can be a good source of income - children's and family photo sessions are always in demand by everyone. It is best to promote such a service on social networks after you have built up a good portfolio.


    • Photography is a creative, creative, interesting and quite profitable hobby. Work allows you to communicate a lot and make new acquaintances, which is sometimes lacking for a mother on maternity leave.


    • For professional photography you need good equipment, which means serious starting investments.
    • Processing and retouching photographs takes a lot of time.
    • There may be conflicts with dissatisfied clients who did not suit your style or did not like the photos.

    7. Copywriting

    Copywriting, or writing custom articles, is one of the favorite activities of mothers on maternity leave. If you did well on essays in school, this activity will likely suit you. You can look for customers on exchanges, forums or through friends.


    • Yours potential clients— everyone who creates or wants to create their own website/social network page/online store, etc. And there are a lot of them.
    • You can write at any convenient time.
    • If you choose topics that are familiar and understandable to you, the work will not take much time. The more complex the area in which you write, the more money you can take it for the text.


    • A beginning copywriter works for very modest fees.
    • Content exchanges take a percentage of earnings for their services.
    • Finding good customers can take several months.

    8. Reviews

    Many resources on household appliances, cosmetics etc. Why don’t you, in a free moment, for example, while the child is sleeping, write what you think about the stroller you bought, the new powder or diapers?


    • You write about what you know, so your work will be easy.
    • There are a lot of similar sites, which means you don’t have to look for clients and fight competition.


    • Venues often require reviews to be accompanied by photographs, detailed descriptions, etc. This may take additional time.
    • The pay for this work is very modest, so you should not expect significant profits.

    9. Cooking

    Do you love to cook, enjoy baking and know how to create not only delicious, but also beautiful cakes? . You can look for clients through social networks or friends.


    • The case does not require at the first stages large investments— money will be needed to purchase products and a minimum of necessary equipment.
    • You can start even without special education - there are many videos on the Internet that teach you how to decorate cakes and cupcakes.
    • People are willing to pay for beautiful and tasty baked goods. If you do this seriously, you can earn a lot.


    • If your child is very young, you are unlikely to have time to spend hours working on a complex cake.
    • Professional equipment It's quite expensive for confectioners.

    10. Makeup, haircuts, manicure

    To provide such services, you will need special education and tools. But if you already have all this, then it’s quite possible to receive clients at home.


    • If there are at least 10 regular customers You can have a decent stable income. In this case, you can plan your working day yourself.


    • While getting a haircut or manicure, you won't be able to be distracted by your child.
    • Starting to work as a hairdresser or manicurist from scratch is difficult and expensive: you need money for courses, tools and materials, as well as time to gain experience.

    11. Outsourcing

    Outsourcing is work by invitation. For example, if an entrepreneur needs an accountant, he does not have to hire an employee - he can order necessary services from a mother who is on maternity leave.


    • There is no need for start-up investments - if you are a good specialist, then you simply do the work that you know well.
    • This type of work pays well.


    • Not all specialties allow outsourcing. The company is unlikely to need a visiting librarian, and besides, it won’t be possible to do this from home.
    • It is difficult to control the volume and time of work.

    And a few more ideas!

    12. Online consultations. Suitable for lawyers, HR specialists, economists, doctors, designers, real estate agents.

    13. Product manager. You can also call clients remotely.

    15. Tutor. If you know a foreign language well or can help a schoolchild (student) improve in any discipline (mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology), Skype can help!

    16. Online course. Essentially, the previous block, but only make small video lessons and sell them in courses on specialized websites and social networks.

    17. Conducting webinars and master classes via Skype.

    18. Writing abstracts, coursework and dissertations (in the humanities or technical specialties).

    19. Translations.

    20. Content management. Purely mechanical work: you will be required to describe the products on the site (characteristics, features, etc.).

    21. Sewing fashionable clothes.

    22. Soap making, making unusual holiday cards, panels, photo frames, decorative candles, wedding paraphernalia. Writing poems for anniversaries and holidays.

    23. Sewing soft toys from “good” materials.

    24. Secret shopper. Companies, especially those involved in the sale of children's products, often hire mothers on maternity leave for this job.

    25. Paid surveys. Check in advance whether you can take it online.

    How to combine everything? You can work remotely during your child's nap, or while your child is busy playing. Sometimes (in the evenings or on weekends) you can delegate some of the responsibilities to your dad (you also earn money for the family budget) or call your grandmother for help. Some activities can be done not only at home, for example, while you are sitting with your child in line at the clinic, you can knit a couple of rows of a scarf or check a social networking page.

    Modern life provides mothers on maternity leave with unlimited opportunities to realize themselves in new areas and at the same time earn good money. The main thing is not to be afraid to try new things, not to give in to difficulties and choose the activity that brings the most pleasure. Live an interesting life and let your hobbies work for you!

    business expert, marketer, MBA from the University of Hamburg and head of the Business School, @svetlanakurako

    Is it possible to do business while on maternity leave? Theoretically, this is possible if you choose the right field of activity and plan your time. Read about business secrets for mothers in our article.

    Monthly child care benefits are paid until the child reaches one and a half years of age, and the state kindergarten available from three. Therefore, many women begin to think about starting a business while on maternity leave. For those who have cared for children, this may seem impossible. Below are a few examples that will convince skeptics.

    Business ideas for mothers on maternity leave

    You can organize a business while on maternity leave without any investment at all. Tutoring, copywriting, or organizing joint purchases will allow you to earn money without investing a penny. More serious business will require money, but the return will be significantly higher. Relatively small starting capital will allow you to open a mini-kindergarten or produce homemade baked goods to order. Let's take a closer look at these options and calculate the amount of earnings for the average city with a million people.

    Business on maternity leave: ideas without investment


    If you have a pedagogical education, you know foreign languages ​​or know how to play the guitar, organize training without leaving your home. Individual lessons can be conducted at home or remotely via Skype.

    How much can you earn

    Individual lessons in English or mathematics cost from 1000 to 2500 rubles per hour. With an average load of 5 - 6 lessons per week, the income will be 20,000 - 40,000 rubles per month, depending on experience.


    Copywriting, logo and layout creation promotional materials, translations - these are several options for freelancing. You can find clients on specialized freelance exchanges, for example,,, Copywriters can find clients at, At the initial stage, the income will be small, you will need to develop a portfolio and get positive reviews, then raise prices for services. Prices for copywriting services for beginners are 30 - 50 rubles per 1000 characters; experienced copywriters can count on orders from 100 - 150 rubles. If you have skills in working with social networks, you can administer VKontakte groups, medium wages is 3000 - 5000 rubles for beginners. Experienced administrators charge from 8,000 rubles for their services for running a group.

    How much can you earn

    On average, a beginning copywriter can earn from 2,000 rubles, an administrator of groups on social networks - 10,000 - 15,000 rubles for maintaining several groups.

    Online store using the dropshipping system

    Dropshipping is a good business from scratch for a mother on maternity leave, which consists of selling goods via the Internet directly from the supplier. The dropshipper makes money on the margin between the purchase price of the product and the selling price. There is no need to purchase goods for sale and organize a warehouse for the products sold. The goods are stored with the supplier, the seller acts as an intermediary. Decide on your product range, make a simple website or group on a social network and start selling. You may have to spend money on advertising or website promotion.

    How much can you earn

    A dropshipper's income depends on the size of the markup on the goods sold and the number of orders. Average markup is 20 - 30% of the purchase price.

    If you buy a product at a price of 1000 rubles and sell it for 1300 rubles, then your income from the sale will be 300 rubles. With 10 - 15 sales per week, monthly income will be 12,000 rubles.

    Organization of joint procurement

    A business while on maternity leave can be built on organizing joint purchases. This is especially popular in the children's products sector. The organizer of a joint purchase communicates with the supplier, collects orders for the purchase of the selected product, receives, forms and sends orders to procurement participants. The organizer's income is a commission that is included in the price of the product at which procurement participants purchase it.

    The standard commission size is 10-15% of the total order. You can post a proposal for joint procurement on social networks, on specialized forums for joint procurement. The advantage of organizing such a business is the opportunity to purchase goods for yourself at wholesale prices directly from the supplier.

    How much can you earn

    Joint purchase of children's overalls costing 5,000 rubles per overall. There are 20 participants in the purchase, the commission rate is 15%. The income from organizing the purchase will be 15,000 rubles. If you conduct several joint purchases, your monthly income will be higher.

    Business on maternity leave: ideas with minimal investment


    Knitting and sewing to order, sewing bed linen, making original souvenirs, soap making and candle making can bring good income. Some options for such a business while on maternity leave require certain skills, but there are enough training videos on the Internet that will help you start trying yourself in a new type of activity.

    To attract clients, you can create a page and advertise about your services on social networks, make a business card website, ask your friends to tell their acquaintances about your business. To get started you will need to purchase necessary materials and spend a certain amount for advertising on social networks.

    Investment: minimum 6,000 rubles

    How much can you earn: from 12,000 rubles per month

    Example. Sewing bed linen to order

    The cost of one set is 2000-3000 rubles. When selling 4-5 sets per week, the monthly income will be 16,000 rubles, taking into account the deduction of cost consumables. With a large volume of orders, you can hire hired personnel and earn more.

    Baking to order

    Baking cakes, muffins and pastries to order is another answer to the question “what kind of business can you open while on maternity leave?” You can bake in your own kitchen, and the main expense will be ingredients and advertising costs. Social networks and word of mouth are good for attracting customers. And holding baking master classes for everyone will be an additional source of income.

    Investment: minimum 5000 rubles

    How much can you earn: from 20,000 rubles per month.

    Example. Baking cakes to order

    The cost of one cake is 2500 - 3000 rubles, when selling 2 - 3 cakes per week, the monthly income will be 10,000 - 15,000 rubles, taking into account the deduction of the cost of ingredients.


    Haircuts and coloring, manicures and pedicures, eyelash extensions and other cosmetology services are another option for doing business while on maternity leave. If you do not have experience and professional skills, you will have to undergo training and obtain the appropriate certificate.

    You can search for clients through social media, friends and acquaintances. To develop your first portfolio, you can first provide services to friends, acquaintances, or find people willing to use the services of a novice master for a small fee to gain experience. Having gained your first experience, raise your prices to the level of your competitors, not forgetting to periodically offer your customers discounts and promotions.

    Initial costs - costs for training, purchase of workers and consumables. If you have experience in this area before the birth of a child and your own client base, then such a business on maternity leave can be organized with minimal investment, spending money only on consumables.

    Investment: minimum 12,000 rubles

    How much can you earn: from 15,000 rubles per month

    Example. Manicure and pedicure services

    The average cost of a manicure with coating is 800 rubles. 5-6 clients per week will bring you a monthly income of 15,000 rubles.

    Kindergarten at home

    Kindergarten at home is a business idea that requires financial investment and a lot of time. The advantage is that your child will be under your supervision and will have the opportunity to lively communicate with peers.

    Investment: minimum 20,000 rubles

    How much can you earn: from 45,000 rubles per month

    Example. Mini-kindergarten

    If you are the owner of a 3-room apartment or a separate commercial premises, you can consider this option for earning money while on maternity leave. Costs include the purchase of additional furniture, toys, educational materials. You can attract clients through the mothers you communicate with on the playground or by posting information on bulletin boards in nearby houses. organizing a kindergarten at home can generate good income even with a minimum group of children of 3-4 people.

    In order for a kindergarten to be profitable, the cost of visiting must be from 15,000 rubles per month.

    Pros and cons of doing business while on maternity leave

    The table below shows the pros and cons of running a business while on maternity leave.

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