Active and passive parts of the enterprise's funds. Fixed assets of the enterprise. Intangible fixed assets

Fixed assets are material assets used as means of labor that operate in an unchanged physical form for a long time (more than one operating cycle). Depending on the nature of participation in the process of expanded reproduction, fixed assets are divided into production and non-production. Production fixed assets include objects whose use is aimed at systematically generating profit as the main goal of activity. They are replenished through capital investments. For industrial enterprise production fixed assets include machine tools, shop buildings, structures, administrative buildings and other fixed assets with which products are manufactured. Distinctive features fixed production assets:

reused during the production process;

retain their natural shape, appearance During a long time;

transfer their value to finished products in parts as they wear out.

Non-productive fixed assets - durable items that serve the manufacturing plant non-productive consumption. These funds are not directly involved in the production process, but are used for the cultural and everyday needs of the enterprise’s employees. These include the fixed assets of canteens, clinics, kindergartens, etc., which are on the balance sheet of the enterprise. The value of these funds disappears in consumption. These funds are reproduced in the enterprise at the expense of profits. From an accounting point of view, fixed assets are means of labor with a service life of more than one year and (or) more than one operating cycle. The fixed assets of the enterprise are varied in composition and purpose.

Classification of fixed assets by type:

Land plots and environmental management facilities.


Cars and equipment:

a) power machines and equipment;

b) working machines and equipment;

c) measuring and control instruments and laboratory equipment;

G) Computer Engineering;

e) other machinery and equipment.


Industrial and household equipment.

Draft animals.

Productive livestock.

Perennial plantings.

Other types of fixed assets.

Fixed assets are assessed in physical and monetary terms. Natural indicators of fixed assets reflect the characteristics and number of individual objects. For example, for equipment, this is the number of units by type, age. Information on each unit of fixed assets is reflected in inventory cards. The structure of fixed assets is characterized by the ratio specific gravity the value of each group of fixed assets. The production structure of fixed production assets is understood as the ratio various groups funds by material and natural composition in their total average annual value. The fixed production assets (FPF) are divided into active and passive parts.

Active funds directly affect objects of labor. For example, working machines and equipment, tools, measuring and control instruments and equipment, computer technology, industrial transport. The share of the active part is the most important indicator production structure fixed assets of the enterprise.

Depreciation of fixed assets.

During the production process, the main production assets wear out and deteriorate. This reduces their value. Depreciation is a cost indicator of the loss of fixed assets physical qualities or loss of technical and economic properties, and as a result of this cost. Wear and tear is divided into physical and moral. Physical (material) wear and tear is the loss of fixed assets of their consumer value either in connection with their operation (for example, wear of parts), or under the influence of natural forces (for example, metal corrosion). The higher the equipment load and the shift ratio, the higher the degree of physical wear. The coefficient of physical depreciation of fixed assets (Ki) is calculated by the formula

where Tn is the standard service life, years;

Tf – actual period, years.

The standard service life of an object is the duration of its operation in years, established taking into account moral and physical wear and tear, under the conditions of the planned level of use of the object, production and renewal of output. The coefficient of physical depreciation can be calculated as the ratio of the amount of depreciation of fixed assets to their full replacement cost. The most correct method for assessing the degree of physical wear is to examine the condition of the object in situ. The serviceability coefficient (Kg) of fixed assets is calculated using the formula:

Kg = 1 – Ki

Obsolescence of fixed assets is expressed in a decrease in value, regardless of physical wear and tear. There are obsolescence of the first and second kind. Obsolescence of the first kind is associated with the loss of fixed assets of their original value as a result of increased labor productivity in the industries that produce them. Elements of fixed assets of the same design and with the same characteristics are produced at lower costs and lower prices. Obsolescence of the second kind is associated with the emergence of new, more progressive and economical technology as a result of scientific and technological progress, which leads to a decrease in the relative usefulness of old fixed assets. Obsolescence of the first type does not lead to losses, but the second type leads to losses, since the costs of producing similar products on obsolete equipment are higher than on new ones. Obsolescence of the second type can be considered as partial (partial loss of value) and complete (when further use of the machine becomes unprofitable). IN in monetary terms depreciation of fixed assets can be defined as the amount of depreciation accrued over the entire actual service life of fixed assets. Therefore, the depreciation of fixed assets in monetary terms can be determined using the formula.

IN modern world enterprises of all organizational legal forms use fixed assets in the course of their activities. The number of varieties of these assets is increasing every day. Thus, a distinction emerged between fixed assets into active and passive forms. In view of this, accounting for fixed assets has acquired its own subtleties and nuances. The following article will reveal the meaning of fixed assets, the rules for their accounting, inclusion in reporting, and, finally, help to understand their active and passive forms.

The meaning of the term "fixed assets"

The term “fixed assets” means one of the types of assets that repeatedly takes part in the procedure for manufacturing products and is used for a period of more than twelve months.

A special feature is the rule according to which the value of these assets is not immediately transferred to finished products (as current assets), but gradually, monthly, through depreciation charges.

Fixed assets in accounting

Accounting for fixed assets is full of specifics. Registration of fixed assets is carried out at their primary cost. This cost is calculated by summing up all costs for the purchase or construction of an object. Deregistration is carried out at the residual value. This cost is formed using the difference between the primary cost and the accumulated depreciation amount.

To concentrate information and record fixed assets in the accounting system, the following accounts are usually allocated:

  • Account 01 “Fixed assets” - for accounting for objects put into operation;
  • Account 08 “Investments in non-current assets” - to reflect expenses for the purchase or creation of objects;
  • Account 07 “Equipment for installation” - to account for objects that need installation;
  • Account 02 “Depreciation of fixed assets” - for accounting for depreciation charges.

Depreciation of fixed assets

The term “depreciation” means a partial monthly transfer of the cost of an object to the finished product. The process of such transfers must be carried out monthly and can be performed in several ways:

  • Linear method (used to determine the monthly amount of depreciation, with this method you need to multiply the primary cost of the object by the depreciation rate and divide by twelve);
  • Method by sum of numbers of years useful work(the calculation is made by dividing the number of years until the end of useful life by the total sum of the number of years of useful operation; after this it is necessary to multiply the resulting total and the primary cost);
  • By the reducing balance method (the amount of monthly depreciation is calculated using the following actions: the product of the residual value, the accelerating indicator and the depreciation rate; and also dividing the resulting result by twelve hundred and one hundred);
  • In a way directly proportional to the number of products produced (the monthly depreciation amount can be determined by multiplying the primary cost by the ratio of the number of products manufactured during the period to their planned production quantity on this equipment).

Administration of the company (guided by regulatory, legal acts and recommendations) independently determines which of the above techniques to apply specifically for each object.

Fixed assets on balance sheet

The cost of fixed assets must be reflected in the financial statements. For this purpose, in the balance sheet (in the first section called “Non-current assets”) there is a line encrypted with code 1150 “Fixed assets”.

These lines indicate the residual value of fixed assets. Information on the residual value of annual statements is provided for the last three years.

Separation of fixed assets: active and passive forms

For convenience, depending on the degree of involvement in the procedure for creating finished products, fixed assets should be divided into forms:

  • Active form. This includes objects whose effective operation directly affects the result of the product manufacturing process;
  • Passive form. This form includes such facilities that are operated for the purpose of creating favorable working conditions; they are not directly related to the process of manufacturing products (or providing services).

But, depending on the specifics of the activities of a particular company, different fixed assets may be included in each of the forms.

For the sake of understanding, here are two situations:

  1. A company specializing in the provision of cargo transportation services will be considered an active form. freight car, and to the passive form - an electric stove used to provide meals to staff;
  2. A company whose main activity is the provision of food services will do exactly the opposite: it will classify an electric stove as an active form, and a truck as a passive form.

Therefore, in order to make a correct division into active or passive forms of fixed assets, it is necessary to take into account the specialization of the enterprise.

Fixed assets are means of labor that are repeatedly involved in production process, while maintaining their natural shape, gradually wearing out, they transfer their value piece by piece to newly created products. These include funds with a service life of more than one year and a cost of more than 100 minimum monthly wages. Fixed assets are divided into production and non-production assets.
Production assets participate in the process of manufacturing products or providing services (machines, machines, devices, transmission devices, etc.).
Non-productive fixed assets are not involved in the process of creating products (residential buildings, kindergartens, clubs, stadiums, clinics, sanatoriums, etc.)

The active part of fixed assets is directly related to the processing of raw materials and the manufacture of products. Thus, the viability of fixed assets depends on the active part.

The passive part of fixed assets creates conditions for production, but does not directly affect the value production capacity, nor on the actual output of products.

As a rule, the active part of fixed assets includes such elements as power, working machines and equipment, transmission devices, control instruments and devices, and computer technology.

To the passive part - buildings, structures, vehicles, inventory.

However, the division of elements of fixed assets into active and passive parts is somewhat arbitrary in the context of individual industries. Thus, for the fishing industry, vehicles are very active elements. A tool, for example, for mechanical engineering is a very active element, while for the light and food industries it is clearly passive.

Since output depends on the active part of fixed assets, their share should be increased in every possible way. Increasing their share thereby increases capacity, and hence the efficiency of using fixed assets.

The structure of fixed assets of Russian industry is not progressive enough in comparison with the industry of developed countries. The share of the active part in it is still low, which largely predetermines the relatively low return on capital. The construction of massive buildings and structures and insufficient renewal of the active part of fixed assets have led to an inefficient structure of the current fixed assets. Instead of directing investments towards more frequent replacement of the active part of fixed assets and, above all, technological equipment, as the most active element determining the amount of production capacity, they mediocrely went into ambitious passive funds.

A selection of the most important documents on request Active part of fixed assets(regulatory legal acts, forms, articles, expert consultations and much more).

Arbitrage practice

As the court indicated, recognizing the taxpayer’s position as unfounded, in accordance with the Regulations on accounting“Accounting for fixed assets” PBU 6/01 (approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 30, 2001 N 26n) and Methodological guidelines for accounting of fixed assets (approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 13, 2003 N 91n) organizations can apply an acceleration factor equal to 3, only for movable property or property constituting the object of financial lease (leasing), attributed to the active part of fixed assets in accordance with the terms of the leasing agreement.

Articles, comments, answers to questions: Active part of fixed assets

Open the document in your ConsultantPlus system:
In paragraph 54 Guidelines N 91н also states that when using the reducing balance method for movable property constituting the object of financial leasing and attributable to the active part of fixed assets, an acceleration factor may be applied in accordance with the terms of the financial lease agreement of no higher than 3.

Open the document in your ConsultantPlus system:
This article changes the essence of one of the most important tasks associated with legal regulation taxation of property of organizations in our country. This refers to a task that was proclaimed quite a long time ago - the removal from taxation of the active part of fixed assets for organizations (i.e. machinery, equipment, vehicles, etc.). It can be noted with confidence that today the issues related to the implementation of this task are extremely relevant: the fact is that, as O.A. notes in his work. Nogina, one of the main directions of recent tax reform was proclaimed to change the system of taxation of real estate of organizations and individuals. At the same time, it should be noted that the most important question of whether movable property will continue to be subject to corporate property tax is still inherently open. As an example, we can cite the Main Directions of Tax Policy for 2016 and the planning period of 2017 and 2018. . According to this document, the Ministry of Finance of Russia does not approve, but only admits, that in the future the object of the tax specified in this paragraph will relate exclusively to real estate.

Regulatory acts: Active part of fixed assets

b) with the reducing balance method - based on the residual value (initial cost or current (replacement) cost (in case of revaluation) minus accrued depreciation) of the fixed asset at the beginning of the reporting year, the depreciation rate calculated based on the useful life of this object . At the same time, in accordance with the law Russian Federation small businesses can apply an acceleration factor of two; and for movable property that constitutes the object of financial leasing and is classified as the active part of fixed assets, an acceleration factor may be applied in accordance with the terms of the financial lease agreement of no higher than 3.

When choosing the reducing balance method, it is necessary to keep in mind that it is most applicable for the active part of fixed assets, with an acceleration coefficient, in accordance with the law, of no higher than 2, for leased property - no higher than 3. In addition, due to the nonlinear reducing the residual value of an item of fixed assets, it becomes necessary to write off the remainder of its value (the so-called liquidation value) in the last year of use of the item, which can significantly exceed depreciation charges for previous years. This will inevitably have a negative impact on the final financial results activities, because in the last year of use of the facility the output of products is the lowest, hence the cost of manufactured products will be overestimated.

Fixed assets (non-current assets, fixed capital)- part of the enterprise’s property used as means of labor in the production of products. Fixed assets are those created by labor material values functioning for a long time.

A number of similar concepts are often used in the literature - non-current assets, fixed capital, means of production, fixed assets, fixed assets. The concept of “non-current assets” is used mainly in financial statements and are presented in section 1 of the asset balance sheet. This is the most broad concept, because they include all the assets of the private enterprise used to generate profit for a long time (usually more than 1 year).

The portion of the private equity capital invested in non-current assets constitutes fixed capital.

Fixed assets include: buildings, structures, working and power machines and equipment, computer technology, vehicles, tools, production and household equipment and accessories, working, productive and breeding livestock, perennial plantings, on-farm roads and other relevant objects . Tools, industrial and household equipment and miscellaneous accessories if their cost exceeds 100 minimum wages at the time of their acquisition.

For the purpose of a more reliable analysis, fixed assets are classified into several groups according to their purpose.

Group name Composition of the group a brief description of
Building Production buildings, service premises, laboratories, warehouses, shops Create comfortable conditions for the normal course of the production process, protect machines and equipment from exposure to the external atmospheric environment
Facilities Mines, gas and oil wells, overpasses, bridges, tunnels, hydraulic engineering, water supply and sewerage structures, overpasses Perform functions according to maintenance production not related to changes in the subject of labor
Transfer devices Power transmission and communication devices: electrical and heating networks, pipelines, cable lines, overhead communication lines, sewer networks, water pipelines. They transmit electrical, thermal and mechanical energy to working machines.
cars and equipment Metal-cutting and woodworking machines, presses, thermal furnaces, galvanic equipment, forging and pressing machines, electrical equipment, energy, work and information machines and equipment Directly participate in the production process, during which the finished product is formed when exposed to the object of labor
Vehicles Railway rolling stock, water transport, cars, air transport, subway cars, trams, industrial transport. Designed to perform production, household functions, transport goods and people, as intra-production intra-shop transport.
Tool All types of tools for processing metal and wood: mechanical, pneumatic, electrified tools Participates in the implementation of the production process and performs maintenance functions
Measuring and regulating instruments and devices, laboratory equipment Control, measuring and testing equipment, control panels, alarms and interlocks Designed to automate production management, testing and laboratory research of finished products, semi-finished products, raw materials and components
Industrial and household equipment Production inventory - items technical purposes: liquid storage containers, containers, furniture. Household equipment - office and household items, sports equipment Participate in the implementation of the production process (except for household equipment)

Fixed assets are involved in a number of production cycles, transferring its value to manufactured products as they wear out, maintaining their natural-material form throughout the entire useful life of fixed assets.

Under useful life understand the period of time during which an object of fixed assets is intended to generate income for the enterprise and serve the main goals of its activities.

The main defining features of fixed production assets:

Natural and value measurement

Gradual transfer of value to the manufactured product - in parts as it wears out

Preservation of natural material form during service life

Distinguish different ways receipt of fixed assets by the enterprise:

Purchasing, manufacturing

Capital contribution

Receipt under a gift agreement or free of charge as assistance

Receipt under an agreement for payment in kind or by offset

OS can be divided into tangible and intangible. Intangible assets include:

1. Rights to use land, natural resources, software products, monopoly rights and privileges, completed research and development carried out at one’s own expense - depreciable assets.

2. Patents, licenses, know-how, trademarks, trade marks- non-depreciable assets.

NMA have a number of characteristic properties that distinguish them from MA: duration of operation; no useful waste; high degree risk

Fixed assets include active and passive parts, which play different roles in the production process. Their ratio depends on the type of activity of the enterprise.

Structure of fixed assets- the ratio of individual groups in value terms.

Active part (production assets)- means of labor directly involved in the production process and in the creation of the product of labor: machines and equipment, measuring and control instruments, computing and organizational. equipment, vehicles, tools, production and household equipment.

Passive part (non-productive assets)- means of labor that contribute to the creation of a product: buildings, structures.

The passive part predominates in clothing production, food, meat and dairy industries, building materials industry.

The structure of fixed assets is influenced by the following factors:

1. Design and technological features of manufactured products - when producing large-sized products with a large mass, the passive part of the operating system increases, when manufacturing products of a simple configuration, the active part of the operating system increases.

2. Type of production - with mass production a certain type products, the share of their active part increases. A single production is characterized by a decrease in the share of the active part.

3. Character technological processes and the technical level of production - new technologies and a high technical level cause a decrease in the passive part in the OS structure.

4. The level of concentration, specialization, cooperation and combination of production of large specialized substation with developed cooperative connections, with an increase in production volumes, the share of the active part of the operating system has increased.

5. Geographical location of the substation industry - the location of the substation close to sources of raw materials, consumers has an impact on reducing the share of the passive part of the operating system in the form storage facilities, fuel tanks, etc.

The functioning of fixed assets and intangible assets is limited by their service life, after which they are removed from circulation, which necessitates their renewal, replacement or modernization.

Fixed assets are reflected in the financial statements depending on the purpose at initial, replacement, residual and liquidation value.

Initial The cost of fixed assets acquired or built for a fee, as well as created at the point of sale, is recognized as the amount of the actual costs of the point of sale for the acquisition, construction or production, excluding VAT. The initial cost of fixed assets is not subject to change, except in cases of completion, additional equipment, reconstruction, modernization, partial liquidation and revaluation.

Restorative the cost of an operating system is the cost of similar operating systems under current reproduction conditions. Replacement cost is important in determining the cost of replacement.

Liquidation cost is possible cost sale of fixed assets or their remnants upon expiration of their service life.

The use of fixed assets can be assessed using the trace. coefficients.

Reproduction of fixed assets is carried out in the form of capital investments.

The result of equipment replacement is assessed according to the following indicators:

1. Renewal coefficient Cob = OS in / OS k.g., where

OS in - cost of introduced fixed assets, OS k.g. - total cost of fixed assets at the end of the year.

2. Retirement coefficient Kvyb = OS vyb / OS n.g., where

OS select - cost of retired fixed assets, fixed assets n.g. - total cost of fixed assets at the beginning of the year.

3. Growth coefficient Kpr = OS in / OS in ng, where

OS in - cost of introduced fixed assets, OS n.g. - the total cost of basic assets at the beginning of the year.

The excess of input over disposal ensures an increase in fixed assets.

The problem of increasing fixed assets is relevant today.....

The process of growth of fixed assets is influenced by two fundamental factors: the investment activity of the enterprise and disposal.

Reasons for leaving may be:

Complete wear and tear or inability to continue use



Transfer as a founding contribution to the mouth. capital of other organizations;

Free transfer under an agreement of exchange or gift;

Liquidation in case of accidents, natural disasters;

In the process of managing non-current funds, the following indicators are of great importance:

1. Capital productivity = B / OS avg., where B is sales revenue, OS avg - = avg. cost of basic funds in the analyzed period

2. Capital intensity = OS avg / B

3. Profitability = P / OS avg, where P is profit, OS avg - = avg. cost of basic funds in the analyzed period

4. Capital-labor ratio = OS avg / H avg, where OS avg - = avg. cost of basic funds in the analyzed period, H av - average number workers.

Information on the availability and movement of fixed assets and other non-financial assets is contained in the special. reporting form developed by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 127. It includes the following sections: presence, movement, composition of fixed assets of the main type of activity, availability of fixed assets of other types of activities, depreciation and costs of major repairs of fixed assets, average annual cost of fixed assets.

Fixed assets are indicated at balance sheet, replacement (including revaluation) and residual values, which allows one to assess the degree of their deterioration. Due to wear and tear of the OS, they require periodic re-evaluation

Wear- this is a partial or complete loss of the OS of its consumer properties and value.

There are:

1. Physical wear and tear:

1.1 Wear during use

1.2 Wear and tear due to inactivity

2. Obsolescence:

2.1 Conditioned by increased productivity of social labor

2.2 Due to the use of economical and productive machines.

Revaluation of fixed assets is carried out using the following methods:

Expert method - revaluation is carried out by a special commission from among highly qualified specialists.

Index method - revaluation is carried out by multiplying the book value of the object by the price index, which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In order to compensate for wear and tear, enterprises create a fund, the source of which is depreciation charges.

Depreciation of fixed assets is the process of gradually transferring their value to the manufactured product.

Sinking fund- a special monetary reserve intended for the reproduction of fixed assets in their full volume.

Depreciation rate (Na)- annual percentage of contributions to the fund, which represents the percentage of reimbursement of the cost of the operating system.