1 What is the difference between the concepts of recommendation and standard? The concepts of “standardization”, “standard”, goals, objectives and principles of standardization. Acts of public associations

Standardization at the present stage determines the essence of technical policy in national economy of all countries of the world and is essentially technical legislation.

In the USSR, the State Standardization System was put into effect on January 1, 1970. What is fundamentally new is that standardization work is combined into a single system.

Standardization activities are very dynamic, they always correspond to changes occurring in various spheres of society, primarily in the economic sphere, and must strive to keep up with and even anticipate them, so that standards contribute to the development, and not the lag, of domestic production.

The standardization system provides an opportunity for broad participation in the process of creating a standard by all interested parties. This is implemented by the legal right of product manufacturers, consumers, project developers, representatives public organizations, individual specialists to participate in the work of technical committees.

It was signed by representatives of the states of the former USSR on March 13, 1992. Agreement on the implementation of a coordinated policy in the field of standardization, which lays down the main systems of interstate standardization. According to this document, the following were recognized: current GOSTs as inter state standards; reference base of the former USSR as a shared commons; the need for bilateral agreements for mutual recognition of standardization, certification and metrology systems.

At the intergovernmental level, the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IGU) was created. Its main functions are: production priority areas activities in the field of standardization; submission of draft interstate standards for approval; consideration and adoption of the main directions of work in the field of standardization and cost schemes for their implementation. The decisions taken by the Council are binding on the states whose representatives are included in the Council.


According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), standardization is the establishment and application of rules with the aim of streamlining activities in certain areas for the benefit and participation of all interested parties, in particular to achieve overall optimum economy while complying with functional conditions and safety requirements.

The influence of standardization on improving product quality is carried out through the comprehensive development of standards for raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, equipment, tooling and finished products, as well as through the establishment of standards technological requirements and quality indicators, uniform test methods and controls.

Standardization should be seen as effective remedy ensuring quality, compatibility, interchangeability of products and their components, as well as their unification, typification, safety standards and environmental requirements, unity of characteristics and properties of products, works, processes and services.

The object of standardization is usually called a product, process or service for which certain requirements, characteristics, parameters, rules, etc. are developed. standardization can concern either the object as a whole or its individual components (characteristics).

The standardization area is a set of interrelated standardization objects.

Standardization is carried out at different levels. The level of standardization varies depending on which geographical, economic, or political region of the world participants accept the standard. If participation in standardization is open to the relevant authorities of any country, then this is international standardization.

Regional standardization is an activity open only to the relevant authorities of states of one geographical, political or economic region of the world. Regional and international standardization is carried out by specialists from countries represented in the relevant regional and international organizations.

National standardization is standardization in one specific state. At the same time, national standardization can also be carried out at different levels: state, industry level, in one or another sector of the economy, at the level of associations, manufacturing firms, enterprises (factories, factories) and institutions.

The main objectives of standardization are:

· - ensuring mutual understanding between developers, manufacturers, sellers and consumers (customers);

· - establishing optimal requirements for the range and quality of products in the interests of the consumer and the state, including ensuring its safety for environment, life, health and property;

· - establishing requirements for compatibility (structural, electrical, electromagnetic, information, software, etc.), as well as interchangeability of products;

· - coordination and coordination of indicators and characteristics of products, their elements, components, raw materials and materials;

· - unification based on the establishment and application of parametric and standard-size series, basic designs, structurally unified block-modular components of products;

· - establishment of metrological norms, rules, regulations and requirements;

· - regulatory and technical support for control (testing, analysis, measurements), certification and assessment of product quality;

· - establishing requirements for technological processes, including to reduce material consumption, energy intensity and labor intensity, to ensure the use of low-waste technologies;

· - creation and maintenance of classification and coding systems for technical and economic information;

· - regulatory support interstate and state socio-economic and scientific-technical programs (projects) and infrastructure complexes (transport, communications, defense, environmental protection, habitat control, public safety, etc.);

· - creation of a cataloging system to provide consumers with information about the nomenclature and main indicators of products;

· - assistance in the implementation of legislation Russian Federation methods and means of standardization.

The goal of standardization is to achieve an optimal degree of order in a particular area through the widespread and repeated use of established provisions, requirements, norms, to solve actual, planned or potential problems.

The goals of standardization can be divided into general and more specific ones related to ensuring compliance. Common goals stem primarily from the content of the concept. The specification of general goals for Russian standardization is associated with the fulfillment of those requirements of the standards that are mandatory. These include the development of norms, requirements, rules that ensure:

Safety of products, works and services for the environment, life, health and property;

Technical and information compatibility, as well as interchangeability of products;

The quality of products, works and services in accordance with the level of scientific and technological progress;

Unity of measurements;

Saving all types of resources;

Safety of economic facilities, taking into account the risk of natural and man-made disasters and others emergency situations;

Defense capability and mobilization readiness of the country.

Specific Goals standardizations relate to a specific area of ​​activity, industry of production of goods and services, one or another type of product, enterprise, etc.

The principles of standardization reflect the basic laws of the process of developing standards, justify its necessity in managing the national economy, determine the conditions for effective implementation and development trends. There are seven most important principles of standardization:

1. Balancing the interests of the parties developing, manufacturing, providing and consuming products (services). Participants in standardization work, based on the capabilities of the product manufacturer and service provider, on the one hand, and the consumer’s requirements, on the other, must come to an agreement, i.e. absence of objections on significant issues from the majority of interested parties.

2. Systematic and comprehensive standardization. Systematicity is the consideration of each object as part of a more complex system. Complexity presupposes the compatibility of all elements of a complex system.

3. Dynamism and advanced development of the standard. Dynamism is ensured by periodic checking of standards, making changes to them, and canceling ND. In order for a newly created standard to be less susceptible to obsolescence, it must be ahead of the development of society. Advanced development is ensured by introducing future requirements for product range, quality indicators, control methods, etc. into the standard. advanced development is also ensured by taking into account international and regional standards and progressive national standards of other countries at the stage of development of ND.

4. Effectiveness of standardization. The application of ND must have an economic or social effect. Direct economic effect provide standards leading to resource savings, increased reliability, technical and information compatibility. Standards aimed at ensuring the safety of life and health of people and the environment provide a social effect.

Depending on the addressee, the following types of characteristics are distinguished:

  • Internal characteristics – characteristics intended for use inside that organization, in which this person works (studies);
  • External characteristics - characteristics intended for use outside the organization. Such characteristics are compiled at the request of the employees themselves, the requirements of government and other bodies, and third-party organizations.

For purposes of further use, there are many types of characteristics . For example:

  • characteristics when transferring an employee from one department to another;
  • characteristics when imposing disciplinary sanctions on an employee;
  • characteristics to encourage an employee;
  • characteristics for submission to the draft commission at the military registration and enlistment office;
  • characteristics required to obtain a loan, etc.

Traditionally, the characteristics are drawn up on the organization’s letterhead on an A4 sheet and are drawn up based on general rules business style .

Competently composed the characteristic must contain the following details : name of company, issuing a characteristic; name of the document type (characteristic); Date of preparation; last name, first name, patronymic and position of the employee to whom the reference is issued; text; signatures; seal; approval stamp.

The text of the characteristic can have the following structure :

  • general biographical information: date and place of birth, information about education;
  • brief information O labor activity to the last place of work (usually included in the description at the request of the employee);
  • characteristics of work activity at the last place of work: date of employment, positions held, short description responsibilities for the last position, the most significant results;
  • assessment of the personal, business and psychological qualities of the employee, demonstrated by him in the course of his work, the level of performance and professional competence employee, information about incentives, awards or penalties;
  • characteristic social activities;
  • other information (for external characteristics indicate the purpose of drawing up this document, for example: “Given for presentation at the place of request”).

Note that for characteristics intended for external use, the main requirement is their formality. Therefore, such a characteristic is drawn up by an authorized person who has the right to issue characteristics in accordance with the local regulatory act of the organization (employee personnel service or head of department). Sign external characteristics must be an authorized person, the first person of the organization and certified with a seal.

Internal characteristics are signed only by the head of the personnel service or the compiler of the characteristics; no seal is placed on them.

Since the characteristics relate to documents containing the employee’s personal data, in accordance with Article 88 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, transferring such data to a third party is possible only after obtaining the written consent of the employee (with the exception of cases when this is necessary in order to prevent a threat to the life and health of the employee, and also in cases established by federal law).

If the initiator of drawing up a characteristic intended for external use, is an employee, then the reference is issued to him against receipt.

Recommendation (letter of recommendation) - this is a characteristic issued to a citizen by an individual or legal entity which is trusted in business circles. Recommendations are provided by employers, teachers or simply acquaintances at the request of those who want to move to another job or apply for a scholarship, grant, etc.

Contact coordinates are also required: position, last name, first name, patronymic of the person who signs the recommendation (letter of recommendation) and his contact phone number, in order to be able to confirm the recommendation.

Presentation: concept, types, details, structure, sample

By presentation we mean a document expressing an initiative to apply specific measures to an employee or to perform certain actions against an employee. The initiative in this case comes from the head of the structural unit in which the employee works.

In many ways, representations resemble characteristics. Moreover, in some of them, characteristics are included in the form of separate blocks. However, these are different documents, differing both in content and design.

The following types of representations are distinguished: :

  • presentation to encourage the employee;
  • presentation for use disciplinary action;
  • application for transfer to a position senior management management;
  • representation for the employee during certification;
  • submission for assignment of a special rank (the procedure is regulated by special regulations legal acts for a number of government bodies);
  • submission for dismissal (also used in government bodies).

Required submission details are : name of the unit, name of the document type, date, registration number, addressee, title to the text, text, signature.

Text of the most common types of submissions (submissions for promotion and appointment to another position) contains the following information:

The presentation is signed by the manager structural unit and addressed to the head of the organization.

In the process of standardization, norms, rules, requirements, characteristics relating to the object of standardization are developed, which are drawn up in the form of a regulatory document.

Let's consider the types of regulatory documents that are recommended by ISO/IEC Guide 2, as well as those adopted in state system mill-

General Specifications Standard usually includes the following sections: classification, basic parameters (dimensions), General requirements to quality parameters, packaging, labeling, safety requirements; environmental protection requirements; product acceptance rules; methods of control, transportation and storage; rules of operation, repair and disposal.

The standard generally recommends several control techniques for one indicator of product quality. This is necessary in order for one of the. techniques were chosen as arbitration, if the need arises. However, we must keep in mind that the methods are not always completely interchangeable. For such cases, the standard provides either a clear recommendation on the conditions for choosing a particular method, or data on their distinctive characteristics.

In order for the results to be reliable and comparable, you should use the recommendations of the standards regarding the method and place of sampling from a batch of goods with its quantitative characteristics, diagrams of testing facilities, rules defining the sequence of operations and processing of the results obtained.

In 1996, a change was made to the fundamental standard GOST Ρ 1.0-92, according to which it was added to the list of regulatory documents applied in Russia technical regulations.

Full compliance with international rules in this matter can be achieved when laws appear in Russia that establish mandatory requirements and standards, similar to those in force in European Union Directives. In the EU, technical regulations become mandatory document, if it is referred to in the relevant Directive.

Difference Russian approach technical regulations can be traced in the very text of the above change: “technical regulations should include legislative acts and decrees of the government of the Russian Federation, the content of requirements, norms and rules of a technical nature; state standards of the Russian Federation in terms of the mandatory requirements established in them; norms and rules federal executive authorities whose competence, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, includes the establishment of mandatory requirements.

Technical regulations contain technical requirements either directly (for example, mandatory requirements of state standards), or by reference to the standard, or by including the content of the standard."

In our country, the State Standardization System (GSS) is regulated by a set of standards, which currently includes standards from GOST 1.0 - 68 to GOST 1.26 - 77.

Standardization– the establishment and application of rules with the aim of regulating activities in a certain area for the benefit and with the participation of all interested parties, in particular, to achieve overall optimal savings while complying with operating conditions and safety requirements.

Standardization at the present stage determines the essence of technical policy in the national economy of all countries of the world and is essentially technical legislation.

In the USSR, the GSS came into force on January 1, 1970. What is fundamentally new is that standardization work is combined into a single system.

The object of standardization is specific products, norms, rules, requirements, methods, terms, designations, etc., which have the prospect of repeated use in science, technology, industry and agricultural production, construction, transport, healthcare, and other areas of the national economy, and also in international trade.

Indicators, norms, characteristics, requirements established by standards must correspond to the advanced level of science, technology and production, comply with CMEA standards and take into account the recommendations of the international organization for standardization ISO. Standardization can be used in various ways and have a specific focus.

Unification– a type of standardization associated with reducing the variety of elements without reducing the variety of systems in which they are used (8). When unifying, they reduce the number of manufactured standard sizes of products of the same functional purpose, use the same assembly units and parts as much as possible, reduce the variety of similar elements used in parts (hole diameters, thread sizes, etc.), and also reasonably narrow the list of material grades and varieties used in products rental, etc. As a result, the range of manufactured parts is reduced, and the program for their production increases, it becomes possible to use more advanced technological processes, the cost of manufacturing parts is reduced, and the time required to develop and put products into production is reduced. Unification is one of the most common and effective types of standardization; it is most typical for the activities of individual or related enterprises and production associations. At the same time, unification is widely carried out on a national scale, mainly through the establishment of preferred series and recommendations in standards.

Typing– a type of standardization that consists in the development and establishment of standard design or technological solutions for a number of products, components, as well as processes that have common design or technological characteristics. Unlike unification, typification can solve the problems of developing an entire branch of mechanical engineering. An example is the typification of technological processes, most often carried out by industry on the basis of classifications of parts and a unified system for coding them.

Aggregationeffective method standardization, more often carried out in the field of creation and operation of main production facilities and technological equipment. Its essence lies in the fact that a machine, equipment or technological equipment is assembled from standardized units ( assembly units), and with a different layout, using the same units or part of them, you can create a machine, equipment or equipment for a slightly different purpose. Using this method, various aggregate machines, technological equipment - universal prefabricated devices (USF), etc. are created.

With frequent changes in production facilities or frequent updating and improvement of technological processes for manufacturing machines, aggregation is the most progressive and economical method.

Standard– a normative and technical document on standardization, establishing a set of norms, rules, requirements for the object of standardization and approved by the competent authority.

Specifications– (TU) – a large group of normative and technical documents (NTD), establishing a set of requirements for specific types, brands, and article numbers of products. Specifications contain comprehensive requirements for these types of products, are approved by the leadership of ministries or, on their instructions, by the management of the relevant enterprises, and are registered with the USSR State Standards Department, indicating the beginning and end of their validity.

To streamline organizational and technical activities in the national economy, they have created and operate guidance documents(RD), usually approved Gosstandart of Russia. RD includes guidelines for the implementation of certain, usually the most complex, standards.

Classifiers of technical, economic and social information

Standards of scientific, technical, engineering societies and other public associations

The standards of this category are designated STO and are fundamentally new for Russia. Οʜᴎ are developed and adopted by these public associations for the dynamic dissemination and use of research and development results obtained in various fields of knowledge (GOST R 1.0-92). The objects of standardization in them should, as a rule, be (GOST R 1.4-93):

· fundamentally new types of products, processes and services, test methods;

· non-traditional technologies;

· principles of organization and management of production or other activities.

Standards in this category must not violate the mandatory requirements of state standards. If they contain provisions that affect safety issues for the environment, life, health and property, then they must be agreed upon with the relevant authorities state control and supervision. The presentation, design and designation of the standard of scientific, technical, engineering societies and other public organizations must comply with the requirements of GOST R 1.5-92. The structure and content of the standard is determined by these organizations independently.

The need to apply the standard of scientific, technical, engineering societies and other public organizations is not determined by the authorities government controlled, and by subjects economic activity on one's own. This status effectively turns the standards in this category into recommendations.

Classifier of technical, economic and social information- a document containing a systematic list of codes and names of classification objects and classification groupings, developed and approved in the prescribed manner, mandatory for use at various levels of management.

The concept of “Classifier of technical and economic information” also existed in the Soviet Union as an element Unified System of Classification and Coding (USCC). Within the framework of this system, interconnected all-Union, inter-industry, sectoral and republican classifiers, as well as enterprise classifiers, were created. At the same time, there were at least 24 all-Union classifiers. Among them we can mention:

· All-Union Classifier of Industrial and Agricultural Products (OKP);

· Unified System classifier design documentation(ESKD);

· All-Union classifier of worker professions, office positions and tariff categories(OKPDTR).

Today in the Russian Federation, based on the level of approval and scope of application, classifiers of the following categories are being developed:

All-Russian (OK);

· industry;

· enterprises (associations, organizations, associations, etc.)

According to their approval status and scope of application, classifiers are equated, respectively, to state and industry standards, as well as to enterprise standards.

All-Russian classifiers are approved by the State Standard of Russia. Their use is mandatory when exchanging information between state-level management systems and when filling out unified document forms established government agencies and having cross-industry applications.

Industry classifiers, like industry standards, operate within the framework of the industry that approved them (ministries, departments) when filling out industry documents, and enterprise classifiers - within the framework of the enterprises that approved them (associations, associations, etc.). Selections from all-Russian and industry classifiers can serve as enterprise classifiers.

There are more than 30 operating in Russia all-Russian classifiers technical and economic information (OKTEI). Some of them are listed in Appendix 4.

OKTEI are used as unified machine-oriented languages ​​of communication between business entities and governing bodies, incl. for classification scientifically based description and regulation national economy Russian Federation. For example, OKP, OKDP, TN VED are intended for government regulation composition of types and structure of specific products produced and consumed in Russia.

Six all-Russian classifiers (OKDP, OKZ, OKS, OKV, OKEY, OK TN VED) fully comply with international classifications or standards.

Thus, the All-Russian Classifier of Standards (OCS) is the result of the direct application of the International Classifier of Standards, approved by ISO in 1996, and is fully consistent with the Interstate Classifier of Standards MK (ISO/INFKO MKS) 001-96. The objects of classification are standards and other regulations on standardization.

OKS is intended for use in the construction of catalogs, as well as indexes of standards and other normative documents on standardization, for the classification of standards and normative documents on standardization contained in databases, libraries, etc.

The OKS adopts a hierarchical classification method. The length of the code designation is seven characters, the code alphabet is digital. The structure of the OKS code is shown in Fig. 4.1.

In the All-Russian Classifier of Units of Measurement (OKEI), the objects of classification are units of measurement used in various fields of activity. There are seven groups of units in OKEI: length, area, volume, mass, technical, time, economic.

OKEI contains two sections and two reference applications.

Section 1 - "International units of measurement included in the ESCC" - is formed on the basis of the international classification of units of measurement contained in the recommendation "Codes for units of measurement used in international tradeʼʼUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE WG4 Recommendation No. 20). It includes the most commonly used units of measurement in the Russian Federation. The remaining units of measurement from the specified international classification are included in reference Appendix A.

Section 2 - “National units of measurement included in the ESKKK” - includes additional national units of measurement that are not included in international classifications.

The length of the code designation is three characters, the code alphabet is digital. The classifier uses a serial-ordinal coding system.

An example of recording one position from section 1 of the OKEI classifier is shown in Fig. 4.2.

Significant processing due to the country's transition to market economy were subjected to OKUD, OKP, OKOF (basic funds), OKIZN.

Due to the cessation of centralized planning and economic management, only the classification part with a six-digit code designation for each position has been retained in the all-Russian product classifier, and given the extreme importance of reflection specific types, brands, models and other characteristics individual species products, ministries (departments) can create industry classifiers of products, in which OKP codes should be used as the first six characters.

Classifiers OKPO, OKOGU, OKER, OKSO, OKUN, OKPDTR (see Appendix 4) retained their functional purpose, taking into account modifications in relation to the territory of Russia and the structure of its management system.

The ESKD classifier is the only one that has been accepted as an all-Russian one without revision.

The composition of classifiers will expand as the process further improves economic development country and its consistent integration into the world economy.

A significant difference from the previously existing procedure for maintaining all-Union classifiers is that the main means of maintaining all-Russian classifiers and ensuring interaction with subscribers is the statistics information and computing network. For this reason, the role of territorial statistical bodies, which provide information services to subscribers in their region, is significantly increasing.

The composition and content of work on creating classifiers of technical and economic information, keeping them up to date (maintaining) by making changes, as well as the procedure for developing classifiers and their practical application regulated by a set of state standards under the general name - Unified system of classification and coding of technical, economic and social information (ESKK TEI).

The main objectives of the ESKK TEI are:

· ordering, unification, classification and coding of information used in the management system;

· creation of a set of classifiers necessary for solving problems by management bodies at various levels;

· maximum use of international classifications to solve problems related to international information exchange;

· providing conditions for automation of information processing processes, including the creation of automated data banks;

· ensuring information compatibility of interacting information systems.

The objects of classification and coding in the ESKK TEI are economic and social objects and their properties, information about which is necessary to solve management problems.

Approximate composition basic work, provided for by the ESKK TEI, is presented in Fig. 4.3.

As can be seen from Fig. 4.3, work should begin with setting the task of collecting, recording and analyzing information about the object, which the management body must solve. He must also formulate technical task for the development of a classifier. Next, an analysis of the set of control objects is carried out, their main characteristics are identified, according to which, taking into account the assigned tasks, groups of homogeneous objects are formed and methods for classifying and encoding the set are selected.

The next stage is the development of a classifier in the manner established by the ESKK TEI, including the development of systems for maintaining the classifier and measures for its implementation.

These regulatory documents are intended to solve the problems of organizing and coordinating standardization work in Russia (GOST R 1.0-92).

In addition to rules and recommendations for standardization, the Russian Federation provides for similar regulatory documents on metrology, certification and accreditation. Due to the unity of their functional purpose general provisions, the procedure for the development, adoption and registration of rules and recommendations are largely unified and are set out in GOST R 1.10-95.

Standardization Rules (SR) - a document establishing mandatory organizational, technical and (or) general technical provisions, procedures (rules of procedures), methods (methods, techniques) for performing work in the field of standardization, as well as mandatory requirements for the registration of the results of this work.Οʜᴎ are developed when it is extremely important to detail the mandatory requirements of fundamental organizational, technical and general technical standards, in the absence of such standards, and also in the event that it is impractical to develop and apply such standards.

Recommendations for standardization (R) - a document containing voluntary organizational, technical and (or) general technical provisions, procedures (rules of procedures), methods (methods, techniques) for performing work in the field of standardization, as well as recommended requirements for processing the results of this work. Recommendations are developed and accepted for preliminary verification in practice of provisions, procedures, methods of performing work that have not yet become standard, as well as rules for recording their results.

Research institutes and other organizations, both related to the Gosstandart system of Russia and not included in it, are involved in the development of draft rules and recommendations. Rules for cross-industry application are put into effect by a resolution of the State Standard of Russia and, if extremely important, are registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia. Recommendations are put into effect by a decision of the leadership of the State Standard of Russia (decree, order, order or personal signature).