Star wars x wings. How much does X-wing cost, or how to start playing for little money. Strike from the Shadows

Good afternoon, Friends. I post quite a lot of material about my favorite hobby - board game X-wing: miniatures game, but my articles and videos are usually aimed at reviewing games, discussing any nuances of the game and are completely unsuitable for beginners or people who are not familiar with the game at all. For this reason, I decided to write something that would be interesting to read not only to a small circle of like-minded people. Quite a long time ago, I turned my attention to foreign articles on the game, devoted to how to start playing X-Wing by investing no more than $101. When I was about to write an article, I remembered how often people came up to the table where the space battle was unfolding and asked: “Is it expensive?”, “Where can I get it?” etc. Through such reflections, I decided: why not write an article briefly describing how to assemble a squadron from scratch by investing a relatively small amount of money. The result is now before your eyes!


1) In terms of prices, I was guided by a specific miniatures store in St. Petersburg. In other words, you won’t have to order a game from somewhere far away, or at least wait for the seller to do it. This also means that you have every chance of finding miniatures even cheaper (for example, at flea markets), but I’m a lazy person, so I wrote the article for those who want to start playing with minimal costs energy and time.

2) The units in the article are presented in such a way that all expansion cards are in the boxes that I propose to start with. However, it would not be out of place to say that at all tournaments and official matches in Russian Federation(and there are many of them) the use of printed improvement cards is allowed, so you can easily attach upgrades from boxes that you do not have (not yet) to purchased ships.

3) I composed the units based on personal preferences, and the approximate tactics of their use were also determined, so I do not pretend that their composition is optimal.

But to the point.

To create what I consider a competitive 100 point rebel squad (standard game format) you will need:

Basic box, released for episode VII (~3068 rubles)

K-wing(~1539 rubles)

X-wing T-70(~1149 rubles)

Total: 5756 rubles

with the K-wing everything is very simple - it is one of the most effective ships in the game, and most of the improvements it needs come right with it. The top pilot - Miranda - not only has the 8th level of pilot skill, which will help in battle, but is also able to restore shields during an attack, rolling one less attack die. It is advisable to install a twin laser turret on her ship, which allows you to fire two shots per turn (combines well with Miranda’s ability, right?), as well as a set of ion bomb and ion network. They will not cause much damage, but will allow you to control the enemy’s movements. The bombardier will help you place bombs more accurately. Ultimately, the enemy will be afraid to approach your Miranda, and you will be able to comfortably shoot at him from the second or third distance. It’s more difficult to decide on a company for Miranda, but having little choice, here’s what I suggest.

The T-70 X-wing itself is a tough fighting machine with three shields, three hull points and two dodge dice. At the same time, he has three hefty dice in attack, which makes him a good source of damage (damage dealer). Two of these fighters will cause significant damage to the enemy... if they catch him in the firing arc. Remember in the movies, pilots waited for the ship they were pursuing to hit the center of the cross, only then pressed the trigger and watched as the debris blazed beautifully in space? That's what we're talking about. If Miranda (like many other ships in the game) can shoot at the enemy regardless of whether he hits her arch, then these guys definitely have to keep the enemy in front of them. With a low level of piloting, these ships will be among the first to make the maneuver - you will have to guess where the opponent will fly next. We'll discuss how to deal with this a little later, but for now let's talk about uploading ships.

A more sophisticated ship has a special droid on board, which allows you to capture a target on the enemy even after a red maneuver. This is useful so that even after the ship turns around, you have a modification for your own attack. Elite talent, most accurately translated as a cool hand, is aimed at a similar situation. It allows you to receive a focus or dodge token when you receive stress once per game. Accordingly, by performing a red maneuver, which puts you in an advantageous position for an attack, you will be able to simultaneously receive both modifiers of your red dice in order to contribute maximum damage to your opponent (by performing a red maneuver, the ship must receive stress). The “Integrated Astromech” modification will allow this Red Squadron veteran to live a little longer, canceling any hull damage for discarding the Astromech card. So to speak, throw the droid under fire.

His partner, also a veteran of the red squadron, is much more modestly built and has on board only the R5-X3 droid, which will allow him to ignore the properties of obstacles on the field once per game until the end of the round - when maneuvering and attacking. This can be useful for beginners, so that, having brought the ship into a hopeless situation, they can get out with minimal losses. And it will be very convenient to throw the pursuer off the tail in this way.

So we have a 100 point squad consisting of a Miranda heavy bomber and two support ships. How can all this fly well? Of course, it all depends on which unit is opposite you, but in general my advice would be:

1) It makes sense for both T-70s to fly side by side, heading straight for the opponent’s forehead. It is better to lead Miranda to the side so that she can calmly shoot from the turret without exposing herself to return fire. If the enemy is distracted by her, well, two rebel veterans will not let him get bored.

2) A train, where the enemy is trying to catch up and kill Miranda, and two of your fighters are flying behind him - the most preferable option. Ion bombs and a net will allow you to control the movement of the enemy so that he cannot get far from the pursuing X-Wings.

3) Another tip could be to blockade the enemy ships with one of the fighters so that Miranda and the second veteran have a target without defense modifiers.

But, to be honest, these tips without practice are as useful as “Try not to fly through asteroids” and “It’s better not to take your ships off the edge of the field” (say hello colleagues from Samara!).

In total, for almost 6 thousand rubles you get a combat-ready squad of rebels who are interested in playing because it contains various ways destroying the enemy. Now let's see what ideas I have for the formidable Empire!

In the previous article, I already mentioned that I have virtually no experience playing for the Empire, so perhaps in the comments to this article or on foreign sources you will find more suitable builds of cheap starting units, but you have to start somewhere. So, I recommend purchasing:

Basic box, the very first, published in 2012 (~2755 rubles)

Tai SF(~1149 rubles)

Tai Advance(~1121 rubles)

Total: 5025 rubles.

From this we can assemble a squadron of four named pilots

Of course, it’s nice to add the most controversial and formidable character in the Star Wars universe to your squad - Darth Vader. As we know from Episodes I-III, he was the best pilot of his time, and in the game this is reflected in his simple but excellent property - the ability to perform two actions in one turn. Very simple, but extremely effective. Of course, if we use upgrade cards only from the add-ons presented above, then Vader’s upgrade will be very modest, but even in this version he will remain extremely good choice. First, let's allow it to transmit actions to other ships nearby. For example, it turned out that one of your fighters did not aim at the target - let him make a barrel roll and catch the enemy in his sights. Also, two actions will be useful for launching a rocket, which can one-time compensate for the weak attack of Vader's fighter and literally throw 4 red dice at the enemy.

Another ship that will no doubt be included in our squad will be the Special Purpose Tai with Quickdraw at the helm. I hope he will tell us why this pilot has such a call sign.

Rebel AllianceNew Republic

Affiliation: Alliance to Restore the Republic, New Republic

Manufacturer: Incom Corporation

Type: Fighter

Crew: 1 person + astromech

Length: 12.5 meters

Speed: 80 MGLT, 1050 km/h

Acceleration: 16 MGLT/s

Maneuverability: 75 DPF

The heroic Red Squadron, which managed to destroy the Death Star at the Battle of , was equipped with X-wings. The surviving pilots of the squadron, as Commander Narra and Lieutenant Commander Luke Skywalker created Rogue Squadron. Under the command of Wedge Antilles, Rogue Squadron became the most famous in the galaxy.

At the Battle of Endor, Wedge had the opportunity to equip his squadron or . However, he decided to fly the venerable X-wings instead. In that fateful battle, Rogue Squadron once again became Red, in honor of the pilots who fought against the first Death Star.

Rogue Squadron soon became a symbol of the Alliance itself and the New Republic that later replaced it. The squadron played a key role in the battles of Bakura, Borleas, and Thyferra. Old cruiser captains were often dissatisfied with the charming X-wing pilots and nicknamed them “Daredevils.”

Later, with the introduction of new fighters, such as and, the X-wing faded into the background. Finally, after years of research and modification, the Incom Corporation introduced a modern fighter that could easily compete with competitors in its class. Old T-65Bs were converted into T-65BRs, aka reconnaissance X-wings.

The reconstructed fighters, instead of torpedo tubes, received modern sensors and communication systems. In addition, these machines are equipped with a complex self-destruct system that erases data from the ship's computer, destroys the astro-droid with a shaped charge, gives the pilot a lethal injection, and finally detonates a baradium charge that not only destroys the X-wing, but creates enough power to damage a nearby ship. explosion.

Thirteen years after the founding of the New Republic, the Incom Corporation introduced the T-65D-A1, which was a marked change from the others. To standardize the New Republic military, General Wedge Antileys ordered the replacement of all old X-wings with new ones, in accordance with modern requirements. The new model received an advanced computer system that combined all the functions of an astrodroid. Thus, the T-65D-A1 no longer needed an astromech droid socket and was controlled by a single pilot. The new computer system was controlled from the cockpit, which made it possible to configure certain parameters during flight or combat.

The new T-65D-A1, unfortunately, was used for their own purposes by saboteurs. Each new computer system, integrated into older models and standard on new ones, was equipped with a hidden explosive detonator. The sabotage was very insidious, since the detonator was activated after the computer executed a certain command. This greatly slowed down the renewal of the New Republic arsenal and seriously hampered the success of the T-65D-A1.

In an attempt to prevent obsolescence, Incom Corporation continually reviews and updates the X-wing design. Latest model is . Three proton-torpedo tubes, improved speed and maneuverability, enhanced armor - that’s what the model is all about, which also received a modified design, in which the features of the first T-65 are clearly visible. This particular ship is very popular in the New Jedi Order.

The question on the agenda is: how to start playing? It would seem that you take it and play. But no, we are not looking for easy ways and we suffer from graphomania, so here are detailed instructions.

Step 1. Starter

Whoever, how and how often you decide to play, a starter is what you will need anyway. In addition to miniatures for two factions (two for the Empire and one for the Rebels) it contains:
1) maneuver templates (what determines the mechanics of ship movement)
2) distance measuring ruler (measures distance)
3) cubes (specially trained octagonal cubes with which you attack and dodge)
4) a deck of damage cards (shows how hard you were tapped)
5) obstacle tokens (local terrain)

If the first 3 points can be purchased separately for fabulous sums, obstacle tokens can be found in the box with Imperial Raider, then there is nowhere else to get the damage deck.
Now there are two types of starter:
- ordinary
— The Force Awakens Core Set, timed to coincide with the release of The Force Awakens, differs in that instead of models of ships from the Original Trilogy, it contains models of analogues from PS and a corrected (read: more balanced) damage deck, and some other little things.

The Force Awakens Core Set dedicated to the release of The Force Awakens

Which one to choose is a matter of taste.

Well, don’t forget to study the rules, which you will find in the same starter.

Life hack No. 1: for starters, you can do without a personal starter and negotiate with your opponents to use their sets, or buy one starter for two (as was originally intended by the creators). BUT, for your own convenience and the start of your tournament career, you will still have to have your own starter.

Life hack No. 2: Miniatures of unnecessary factions from the starter can always be exchanged/sold to someone who suits them (for example, not a single transfer will refuse a couple of extra tie-fighters).

Step 2. Selecting a faction

There are currently 3 factions in the game:
— Rebel Alliance (includes the Resistance subfaction)
— Galactic Empire (includes the First Order subfaction)
— Scum & Villainy

Rebel Alliance - Rebels

Rebel Alliance - Rebels, those same good-natured people who fly mainly on all kinds of rattles, civilian and cargo ships, to which military equipment is welded. Of course, they are armed with purely military and, moreover, unique developments (the same X-wing or A-wing), but in my opinion, their charm lies precisely in this romance of a rusty and assembled armada, in a desperate attempt to overcome a huge military machine Empire.
Basically, the Rebels have thick, durable ships with an abundance of shields, expensive (in game points), and with a meager set of actions. They have a large number of different upgrade slots and, as a result, more flexible options for downloading each ship. You will rarely see more than 2-4 rebel ships on the table (if you are a fan of perversions, you can cram 6 naked A-wings or 8 Z-95s into the roster).

Galactic Empire - First Galactic Empire

Galactic Empire - First Galactic Empire, dark side strength, killing babies, living for the Emperor, that's all. Strictness, unification, a refined scheme of military operations. The Empire actively uses “swarm tactics”, because it has many cheap, maneuverable ships. These ships have richer action sets, but less scope for upgrades, forcing them to adapt to the current situation on the battlefield without depending as much on the initial download as the Rebels. 6-8 ships on the table for an empire are common.

Scum & Villainy

Scum & Villainy - scum and villains, or simply called Scams. Gangs of mercenaries and bounty hunters, pirates and smugglers (yes, Boba Fett is here, the Empire too, but here it’s better). The parameters, operating principles of ships and tactics are similar to the Rebels, and even have several of the same models as those of the fighters for justice. They have unique types of improvements.

Overall, the game has balance, and all the differences between the factions are mostly aesthetic. Each side has a large range of ships for various purposes. The Empire has large, powerful, expensive ships, and the rebels can gather a pack if they want. So choosing a faction is a matter of your taste and ideology.

Step 3. Buying an army.

Having chosen a side in the conflict in the Galactic Civil War, begin to study model range and figure out which ships you want to have (and which ones are ugly and finally). The standard format of the game for 100 points fits, as I wrote above, 2-4 ships for the Rebels and Skams, and 2-8 ships for the Empire, so, for starters, while you get to the bottom of it, it will be enough for you to have a small number of in combat units.

Step 4 (for amateurs, you can skip it). Painted.

Don't panic, models are sold assembled and painted. The factory paint is mostly nice, you can play, but there are disgusting examples (Lambda-class Shuttle, for example). Plus, absolutely all models have unpainted engines (the YT-1300, for example, has bare gray plastic).
Do you want to paint the Red Squadron X-wings back to back? Depict TIE-Phantom in invis? Put on board the number of downed tais? Please, as in any game with miniatures, the scope for creativity is limited only by the back. Customization is also not prohibited (how can you not rotate the B-Wing 90 degrees?), the main thing is that it does not interfere with the gameplay.

Step 5. Creating a roster.

As with any wargame, rostering is half the game. In my opinion, this is also half the fun of the game - constantly creating new combinations and tactics, and testing them in practice.
Unfortunately, as everywhere else, there is a tendency that a large mass of players give up on power, look at the rosters of the winners of the latest tournaments and endlessly copy them. As a result, the same 2-3 ships are constantly playing in the same download. Don't do this. Show imagination and tactical thinking (after all, this is what the game is about), and constantly bring something new to the game.

The generally accepted official battle format is 100 points. All tournaments are held in this format. And so, you can agree with your opponent on any number of points.
There is also an official “Epic” format for 300 points, but it has its own nuances in the rules.
It’s better to make rosters at home, in advance, and not spend hours playing cards at the gaming table.
For simplicity and convenience, there are squad builders (

T-65 X-wing starfighter
Production information

Incom Corporation


T-65 X-wing space dominance fighter



Max. acceleration
Max. speed (in atm.)

Inkom 4L4 engines with nuclear fusion thrust (4) Alternative option: Inkom 4j.4 engines with nuclear fusion thrust (4)

Hyperdrive class
Hyperdrive system

Hyperdrive Incom GBk-585

Power point

Electric generator Novaldex 04-Z

Shielding with shields

Shield generator Chempat "Defender"

Sensory systems

Radio block "Karbanati":

  • Fabritek ANs-5d full range transceiver (some models: PA-9r long-range phased tachyon detection antenna and PG-7u basic threat analysis system)
  • Nezav. energy sensor Melihat "Multi Imager"
  • Electrophotosensor Tana Ire
Guidance systems

Fabritek ANq 3.6 targeting computer and IN-344-B "Sightline" holographic reflection system

Navigation systems



Electronic flight control system Torplex Rq8.Y


Automatic curtain or flare launcher (1)

  • Laser guns Tame and Tank KX9 or IX4 (4)
  • Krupks MG-7 proton torpedo launchers (2)
    • Standard charge: 3 torpedoes each
  • Astrodroid (1)
Load capacity
Dr. systems

Stabilization wings

  • Alliance of Free Planets
  • Galactic Federation of Free Alliances
  • New Jedi Order

T-65 X-Wing starfighter- a fictional space fighter produced by the Incom Corporation that was the primary all-purpose starfighter Rebel Alliance.


Possessing reasonable maneuverability, the X-wing had two pairs of stabilizing wings located at the rear of the ship. Usually the stabilizers were in the same plane, but during combat they deployed to increase the range of the laser cannons mounted on the ends of the stabilizers. This gave the ship its characteristic “X” shape when viewed from the rear or front. In some early models, the guns could not fire when the stabilizer wings were folded. However, the Imperial fighter TIE-phantom superior to the X-wing in speed and maneuverability.

The X-wing carried four Tame laser cannons and a KX9 tank, as well as proton torpedo launchers. Other types of warheads, such as strike missiles, could be fired from separate launchers, but their installation required significant time and effort from technicians. The versatility of proton torpedoes was ideal for the variety of missions performed by X-wing fighters. However, in the first years galactic civil war the rebels had a small supply of these guns.

The X-wing's laser cannons could fire in different modes:

  • A single shot in which each laser fired separately;
  • Double shot, in which two lasers (one on each side) were combined into pairs that fired in turn;
  • Quad shot, in which all four lasers fired together, with the beams converging on the target;
  • Intermittent fire, in which the power of the beams decreased, but the rate of fire increased (the mode was added in the Yuuzhan Vong War).

Movement at speeds below the speed of light was ensured by four engines powered by nuclear fusion Incom 4L4, which made it possible to develop relatively high speed both in space and in the atmosphere. X-wing ships, unlike most TIE series fighters, were equipped hyperdrives and are able to move to hyperspace, which allowed them to act independently. Fighter squadrons could carry out strikes on their own without the need for a carrier ship. This autonomy suited the rebels, as it fit perfectly with their tactics of attack and subsequent rapid retreat.

The starfighter had space for one pilot, assisted by a droid (such as an R2-series astro droid) placed in an external socket that monitored the ship's status and was able to perform emergency repairs.

The X-wing's flight controls were identical to those of the T-16 skyhopper, an airspeeder also manufactured by Incom Corporation. This factor partly explains the T-65's enormous popularity among Rebel pilots - many of whom had flown civilian skyhoppers before joining the Rebels.


The X-wing was originally developed for the Empire by Incom Worth Vurhorian, but the entire team of engineers defected to the Rebel Alliance, hiding the prototypes on Fresia. It was a direct descendant of the old Z-95 Bounty Hunter, built by Inkom and Subpro, using knowledge learned from the creation of the ARC-170 starfighter. After the 4 prototypes that survived the Battle of Fresia were obtained by the alliance, the fighters fought their first battle with the Empire at the Battle of Turkana.

During its existence, the X-wing was constantly subject to various modifications. Original T-65AC1, used by the Alliance, were fully consistent with their time, but were soon supplanted by models T-65AC2, which had better acceleration. In the model T-65AC3 radio electronics, shields and sensors were improved, and T-65AC4 introduced mainly another engine upgrade, nearly matching the ship to the RZ-1 A-wing interceptor. It is worth noting the model T-65D-A1, where the astro droid was replaced by an on-board computer to calculate hyperjump parameters, but this model was soon found unsuitable (partly due to the ease of sabotage). Ship T-65T, a training variant of the X-wing, replaced the Z-95XT trainer. There were also plans for starfighters during the Galactic Civil War. T-65B X-wings, which were developed by Rebel and Incom technicians on Mon Calamari. The traitor Ral Shawgrim almost succeeded in transferring the plans to the Empire-allied Sienar Fleet Systems, but he was caught by the rebels.

The most famous cases of using a fighter include Battle of Yavin, where X-wing, piloted Luke Skywalker, destroyed the first Death Star, although almost all other X-wings that took part in the battle were destroyed. An X-wing piloted by Wedge Antilles also helped destroy the second Death Star's reactor at the Battle of Endor with support from Millennium Falcon, starting a chain reaction that completely destroyed the space station.

The X-wing series was planned to be replaced by the E-wing starfighter approximately 6 years after the Battle of Endor, but initial design problems with the weapon's placement delayed its widespread adoption by the New Republic military. Mass introduction of E-wing fighters did occur (most notably in the Fifth Fleet), but production of X-wing models continued to provide for fighter squadrons not participating in the most active actions. A notable exception was Rogue Squadron, an elite Republic fighter squadron known for its almost exclusive use of X-wings.

Just before the Yuuzhan Vong War New Republic released the J-series X-wing, a complement to the more advanced and expensive III-series E-wings. XJ had a third torpedo compartment where the cargo compartment had been, increasing the number of torpedoes to nine. Engines, lasers and electronics have also been improved. The XJ was a vast improvement over the older models in every way and was originally produced for squadrons of starfighters piloted by Jedi.

Three variants of this series were developed, culminating with the model T-65J3: The crowning achievement of the X-wing's evolution. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the ability to fire intermittently was added to overcome their unique defenses. Some paramilitary groups were also equipped with early J-series fighters (Probably T-65J or T-65J2); poorer factions, as well as system defensive forces, could have X-wings of a wide variety of ages and configurations. Many older X-wings have been converted into reconnaissance variants. T-65BR.

By the time of the conflicts between the Killik and the Chiss, two more variants of the X-wing had been created. The first of these was the XJ5 series, also known as ChaseX. The second option was called StealthX. The XJ5 series was mainly used by the so-called. "galactic restoration police" - security forces, created by the Galactic Alliance after the Yuuzhan Vong War. The Jedi tended to pilot the StealthX or vehicles of an earlier series XJ3. The StealthX was a stealth fighter with reduced visibility both visually and to sensors, but could be detected by its backlit silhouette or the launch of proton torpedoes. According to the descriptions, the StealthX is smaller than the XJ models, which, in turn, were already half a meter shorter than the T-65C. The StealthX is also considered a direct descendant of the XJ3 and is most likely classified as an XJ4.

By the time of the Second Corellian Rebellion, the Galactic Alliance was using the model XJ6, and Luke Skywalker's all-Jedi squadron used only these models. Soon followed XJ7, which was used by at least Rogue Squadron.

There were two different systems for identifying the X-wing series. The basic designation "T-65" was unchanged, but version modifiers were inconsistent. One of the systems used the suffix "AC1", and the number increased with each new fighter model. In the second system, the letter ( T-65B, T-65D, T-65J, etc.). In general, these are considered to be different names for the same models.

Impact on children

During the galactic civil war toy X-wings were very popular among children, who acted out the adventures of the Alliance heroes. It was reminiscent of the Clone Wars, when children often played with figurines of soldiers and cars, inventing their own versions of the course of the war.

Behind the scenes

  • In addition to creating X-wing miniatures, the creators New hope made a full-size X-wing for the hangar scene Yavina 4. Skillful editing and cardboard models created the impression of dozens of full-size ships in the hangar.


  • article T-65 X-wing starfighter on Wookieepedia
  • reference books
    • The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
    • The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
  • Card game Star Wars Customizable Card Game: Premiere Limited
  • Board game Star Wars Miniatures: Starship Battles
  • appendix to role-playing game Star Wars Wanted by Cracken

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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