Legal support for business. Legal support for organizations. What does this service include?

Today, in the market for services, goods and works, there is a rapid change in external conditions, which include changes in taxation, legal norms, public policy. Important factors influencing the functioning of enterprises are their reconstruction, introduction of innovative solutions, change of management system, etc. First of all, this applies to medium and small businesses.

For managers of middle and senior management A significant problem that they have to face lately is the need for a prompt and adequate response to innovations in technical regulations, legal norms, standards, etc. In this regard, the procedure for interaction with government agencies, contractors, and other organizations is also subject to changes.

In case of violation of any norms established by law, penalties are imposed, and claims and lawsuits may also be filed. It will help to solve such problems business cooperation with specialized organization, which is ready to outsource certain business functions.

Business support areas

Business support means the provision of services by third-party organizations or individual entrepreneurs on the basis of a signed agreement, which defines the scope of contractual regulation. Depending on the needs of the company and the presence or absence of a specialist of the relevant profile on staff, areas of business support are determined.

In most cases, small and medium business needs the following areas of business support:

  • personnel;
  • legal;
  • accounting;
  • environmental;
  • technical


For any newly formed enterprise, the first challenge is to create a rational and effective system office work. The main issues that can be resolved during HR support of a business:

  • creation of a draft employment contract;
  • development of personnel orders;
  • decor personnel documents;
  • maintaining time sheets, personal files of employees, work books;
  • interaction with various authorities regarding personnel issues;
  • consultations regarding labor legislation and so on.


Work in this direction represents the provision of professional legal services relating to the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, namely:

  • Company registration;
  • audit of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise for compliance with the law;
  • legal advice in case of emergency situations;
  • preparation of a number of regulatory legal acts of the company;
  • contractual activities - audit, legal examination and development of draft contracts, as well as pre-contractual relations;
  • legal support for the purchase/sale of a business and other types of transactions;
  • representation in court, etc.

Legal outsourcing allows a company to have at its disposal real professional lawyers who specialize in many areas of law.


Along with legal support for business, accounting outsourcing is also the most popular among small and medium-sized businesses. It includes the following list of services:

  • accounting;
  • change various types reporting;
  • accounting audit of the company's activities;
  • tax accounting;
  • work with accounts payable and receivable;
  • analysis of debt, balance sheet, structure of income and expenses, etc.

Professional accounting outsourcing allows you to minimize the adoption of erroneous decisions in financial activities enterprises.


Environmental outsourcing is the services of a specialized institution related to ensuring the environmental safety of manufactured products, work performed, and services provided. The set of measures for environmental support of business also includes nature protection and protection of the population from possible negative consequences of the company’s activities.

Outsourcing any areas of an enterprise's activities guarantees undeniable benefits.

  1. 1There is no need to keep an employee with the appropriate specialization on the company’s staff, which ensures cost savings.
  2. The activities of the enterprise will comply with laws, standards and technical regulations in various industries.
  3. Timely and qualified provision of services.

Practice shows that the greatest effect is achieved comprehensive support business.

Legal support business is a trend. People have learned to count money and save. With these skills came the realization that legal outsourcing is much more profitable than hiring a lawyer on staff.

The legal bureau "Academy of Law" is actively involved in legal support for organizations, groups of companies and entrepreneurs.

Legal services for enterprises, organizations, LLCs

A huge number of companies and individual entrepreneurs operate in the capital. They all need someone who can:

  • analyze available documentation, comparing its form and content with the requirements specified in the legislation;
  • develop the necessary internal documentation;
  • provide legal advice on issues related to business activities;
  • participate in negotiations on behalf of a company or individual entrepreneur;
  • prepare contracts and support transactions;
  • register the necessary rights, for example, ownership of real estate.

All of the listed powers are precisely included in the concept of “legal support of business.”

Benefits and prices

  • full business support in legal sphere when it is necessary;
  • remuneration for lawyers is carried out under a civil contract, which does not require additional expenses and contributions to state funds;
  • guarantees of maintaining confidential information;
  • the opportunity to use the services of highly qualified specialists.

Legal support for business - comprehensive service. Its cost depends on what list of “subservices” it includes.

For example, if an individual entrepreneur is interested in full legal support, then the prices will be higher than if the company already has a full-time lawyer, but the organization wants to be assisted by a specialist in the field of contract law with some narrow specialization.

The price of legal support for a business can be formed in different ways:

  • How subscription fee, for which Law Firm provides any legal services in any volume;
  • as a value resulting from the summation of the cost of individual services provided.

The cost of services is one of the most important terms of the contract and is prescribed in it without fail.

Legal support for business in NEAD, ZAO, SZAO

The peculiarity of legal services is that many of them can be provided remotely without loss of quality. You can consult a client using modern technologies video communication You can proofread a document by receiving it by e-mail. This significantly simplifies the process of legal support for a business if, for example, the client is located in the North-Western Administrative District and the lawyer is in the North-Western Administrative District. The exchange of documents is carried out instantly, consultation occurs as quickly as possible.

But not all legal services can be provided remotely. Some of them require the personal presence of a lawyer. Such a service is, for example, representing a client in court. The legal bureau "Academy of Law" is ready to provide legal assistance and support individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, no matter in which district of the capital they conduct their activities. Our lawyers can go to the client’s office, represent his interests in court, state and municipal authorities, and collect the necessary documents.

We work with all types of businesses. We open, reorganize and close companies. We conduct an examination of activities and documents. We are preparing documents for submission to government bodies. We issue licenses and permits. We participate in claims work.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Kolosov

Cormay - Distributor of medical equipment

I really like that cooperation with the company completely replaces a highly qualified full-time specialist. The supervising lawyer built contractual records management, organized claims and pre-trial work with unscrupulous contractors. Now, all legal problems are solved in a timely and efficient manner.

Our advantages in the legal field:

The staff has specialized specialists for different types business

We guarantee the quality of our work

Personal approach
to work with the client

Calculation of the cost of legal services

Subscriber legal support

from 20’000 rub./month.

What's included in the price?

  • Contractual work (development and approval of contracts);
  • Legal examination of transactions and contracts;
  • Preparation of legal opinions;
  • Development and preparation of powers of attorney;
  • Consulting on legislative issues;
  • Registration of changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and constituent documents;
  • Drawing up claims and maintaining claim correspondence;
  • Preparation of letters to government authorities.


  • The customer works directly with the lawyer;
  • The price does not include representation in court, registration of licenses and special permits.

Order an exact calculation

Legal support for organizations

The work of an experienced in-house lawyer for companies is a protection against legal problems and unfavorable situations. Therefore, the price of such labor is very high. Moscow is the leader in the cost of hiring lawyers in the country. To ensure these prices are optimal, order a subscription legal services at the OLSA company.

Our company employs lawyers specializing in various types of activities. They have experience in solving problems of labor and corporate law. We support transactions and contracts and carefully monitor and prevent situations that could cause potential risks. Subscription service will give you the opportunity to use the knowledge and experience of a team of specialists in solving a wide variety of business problems. At the same time, you will spend less money compared to hiring a full-time lawyer, and will receive services of the highest quality. Our tariffs are available to both large LLCs and start-up individual entrepreneurs.

The OLSA company invites you to become our client and enter into an agreement for legal services for the company. Outsourcing accounting will allow you to optimize business processes in the company and determine the strategy for the long-term development of the company.

Business legal support services mean the safety and efficiency of your company

Moscow is a city where numerous enterprises and firms are involved in mutual contractual relations, cooperation, supplies, mutual settlements, and obligations. Solving many issues requires qualified assistance from experienced lawyers of various specializations.

The OLSA company offers you legal support production activities companies. Comprehensive service will be more profitable for you than maintaining a full-time lawyer. Team professional lawyers in our legal support department is able to perform the most complex tasks.

If you are preparing to register your business, our lawyers:

  • They will collect a package of documents and register a company or individual entrepreneur;
  • Select a favorable taxation system;
  • They will draw up internal regulations and instructions, the presence of which is regulated by corporate law;
  • We will advise you on all issues that arise at this stage.

During the course of the firm’s activities, subscription services will enable lawyers to:

  • Draw up or check the contract presented by the counterparty;
  • Conduct a reliability check of the counterparty;
  • Accompany negotiations by monitoring and preventing risks;
  • Find out the nuances international law and cooperation with foreign companies;
  • Deal with claims and lawsuits;
  • Register trademarks and intellectual property.

The OLSA company offers you accounting and legal services. Our specialists are ready to provide for any of your needs: from transaction support and preparation of due diligence to organizing claims work. And the most cost-effective option for you may be a comprehensive service.

We offer attractive conditions for full legal support of business and high-quality accounting support. Involving a team of specialized specialists in solving your problems will ensure high quality and efficiency, which one full-time employee of the company is not always able to do. And an agreement with our company will make it possible to receive these services with high quality and at lower financial costs.

Subscriber legal services are a set of measures to resolve legal issues that are related to the daily activities of companies and organizations. Unlike episodic services, subscription services are provided on a regular basis. At the same time, our company’s lawyers can take on the responsibilities of a full-time specialist or work in tandem with him.

Our company offers legal services legal entities in Moscow for organizations of various forms of ownership and individual entrepreneurs. Our services are actively used by enterprises and companies operating in various market segments. Legal support for business guarantees clients effective legal protection and optimization of work processes.

Types of professional assistance within the framework of subscriber legal services

Our lawyers and attorneys offer affordable and high-quality legal services to develop and promote your business. Our activities cover the areas of taxation, accounting and personnel records, corporate practice and legal defense. Legal services for legal entities include several programs that are developed taking into account the needs of clients. It is possible to prepare a program with individual parameters.

Subscriber legal services include the provision of the following services:

  1. Consultations on labor, tax, corporate, migration, administrative, customs and antimonopoly law. Consultation is possible orally and in writing with the provision of an expert opinion.
  2. Assistance with registration, transformation and termination of activities of a legal entity;
  3. Support of real estate purchase and sale transactions, including registration with Rosreestr authorities.
  4. Legal examination of enterprise documents, drafting and execution of contracts, instructions, protocols of disagreements, orders and additional agreements.
  5. Analysis of risks when concluding transactions, support of the daily activities of the company.
  6. Representation of the client’s interests before counterparties and partners, supervisory and controlling government agencies. Participation in negotiations on the principal's side.
  7. Preparation of pre-trial claims and carrying out activities to resolve controversial issues.
  8. Legal representation services: assessing the risks and prospects of the case, developing a legal strategy, preparing procedural documents, protecting the client’s legal rights in court general jurisdiction and arbitration.

Legal support for business - optimal shape legal support and guarantee of successful functioning of an enterprise or organization. Before concluding a contract, you can contact us for advice. An experienced lawyer will answer all your questions and offer an effective algorithm for cooperation.

Features and advantages of subscription legal services at PravoZashchita

Cooperation with our company will provide you with professional assistance from lawyers and attorneys with extensive experience and specialization in various areas of law. Our advantages are:

  • prompt solution of legal problems of any complexity, since the specialist knows the specifics of the client’s work perfectly and is always ready to help;
  • extensive practical experience and extensive business connections;
  • strict adherence to confidentiality;
  • full responsibility to the client, secured by contractual obligations.

After concluding an agreement for legal services for legal entities, we provide a full range of services within the framework of the chosen program. As a result, you will receive the following benefits:

  • savings on maintaining staff legal department;
  • reduction of the tax burden, since the costs of subscription services will be included in the company’s expenses;
  • the opportunity to receive professional advice in a timely manner, taking into account changes in legislation and the nuances of your activity;
  • optimization of business processes by reducing risks, controlling the budget and improving the quality of decisions made

The cost of legal support depends on several factors: the type and volume of services, the nature of the company’s activities and the complexity of the tasks. However, in any case you will receive quality help lawyers of various profiles who will act in the interests of your business and help solve a number of pressing problems. Our extensive experience in the field of legal support and successful implementation of projects for large companies speaks in our favor.

Supporting the activities of the organization on an ongoing basis

For companies various forms property, the service of legal support for business offered by the PravoZashchita Company will be relevant. This form of legal support is especially in demand among small organizations who cannot afford a full-time lawyer. However, large firms also use the services of our specialists, despite having their own legal department. This is due to the fact that permanent employees deal primarily with labor and contractual relations and have little knowledge of other areas of law. In contrast, our company’s lawyers are well versed in highly specialized areas.

The legal support service implies constant cooperation and A complex approach to solve problems that arise in the process of doing business. While dealing with the day-to-day tasks of an organization, lawyers study all the nuances of its activities. This allows us to maximally protect the client’s interests and prevent possible financial and legal risks.