Growing champignon mushrooms as a business. A profitable, fast-paying investment. How much money do you need to open a champignon growing business? Storing the champignon harvest

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The business of growing champignons is one of the most highly profitable among all types of business related to agriculture. The prospects for growing champignons are added by the fact that the raw materials for growing are waste Agriculture– chicken manure and straw.

Adding to the attractiveness is the fact that the mushroom market, for example, in Ukraine, is growing every year by about 25%. The average Ukrainian eats about 1.2 kg of mushrooms per year, but in Europe there are about 3 kg per person.

Probably, the amount of mushrooms consumed increases along with the standard of living. Then we can assume that the business of growing champignons is the most promising, since they occupy the largest percentage of mushrooms consumed.

Champignons are a source of many nutrients. They contain a lot of proteins (3 grams per 100 grams of product), which are easily digestible; high percentage of amino acids; They are richer in water-soluble vitamins than vegetables. But on the contrary, there is very little sugar, fat and calories in champignons, and there is no cholesterol at all.

About, , we already wrote. Now let's talk about what is needed for this mushroom business, and how much you can actually earn.

So for successful work you will need the following equipment:

1. compost packer in plastic bags (bag size: 50x40x18 cm, weight - 17-19 kg; machine productivity - up to 300 pieces per hour);

2. peat structurer (if desired, you can supplement it with such features as mixing with chalk, additional moistening, caking, and even packaging in bags of different sizes);

3. chicken manure grinder (performance varies; there is an option with mixing with gypsum in the required proportions);

4. Mist sprayer to increase air humidity, disinfect and cool rooms.

Equipment prices depend on the configuration and performance of the equipment.

If you grow mushrooms indoors, they can bear fruit for up to 2-4 months. During this period, you can collect 15-16 kg of champignons from 1 m 2 . But with proper care and good conditions yields can be significantly higher.

Don't worry if your yield suddenly drops. This is the peculiarity of the fruiting of these mushrooms. Active growth gives way to decline, and a week later a new wave of growth begins. Usually there are up to 7 such waves, the highest yield occurs in the 2nd and 3rd waves - then you can collect up to 70% of the harvest.

And now about profit. Buying 10 tons of champignon compost (with mycelium) will cost approximately 40 thousand UAH. Each kilogram of “soil” for one production cycle yields about 150-200 grams of mushrooms. There can be up to five such cycles per year: every kilogram of compost will produce up to a kilogram of mushrooms. That is, the final “ideal harvest” will be about 10 tons of champignons, retail price which, on average for the year, is 20-40 UAH. (depending on the region). Thus, the projected annual income is 200-400 thousand UAH.

In reality, these figures may be slightly different, but they still indicate great prospects for the business of growing champignons.

Evgenia Ivanova

Growing champignons as a business is enough profitable view entrepreneurial activity. Why? And all because you have a good opportunity to cover all expenses within a year and make a profit.

Why champignons?

Champignons are unique mushrooms, one of the few that lend themselves well to artificial cultivation. In nature, they grow in meadows, forest clearings and fields.

Champignon is very easy to process and prepare, it has an affordable price and is never in short supply.

Mushrooms combine a large number of different beneficial substances that are necessary for the human body - fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and several types of amino acids. There are also compounds of iron, zinc, potassium and phosphorus, which have a positive effect on human immunity. By the way, the amount of phosphorus in mushrooms is the same as in seafood.

Champignons are consumed by people who are on a diet. For example, champignons are good for diabetics because they contain no sugar.

Growing champignons as a business. Preparation

In order to start growing champignons, it is necessary, together with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, to discuss the design of a set of standards for growing mushrooms.

The premises for organizing a mushroom business are selected depending on the planned quantity of products. For example, to get 2-3 tones of champignons, the room should be about 100 square meters.

You can build the premises yourself on your own plot, or you can buy a plot of land and build a premises on it. You can also consider options for purchasing a ready-made premises that was used for production purposes. The last option is to rent a premises.
You need to choose an option that suits you based on the region where you are planning production, taking into account your budget.

Please note that the rental price will depend on what economic indicators in one region or another.

Thus, after considering all the options, you can choose the most suitable one.

What kind of room should the room be?

In order for mushrooms to grow well and have an attractive appearance, you must adhere to certain technological conditions, both to the premises and to the equipment in the premises.

The room should have four zones:

  • compost making area;
  • compost pre-pasteurization zone;
  • zone for sowing and growing mycelium;
  • mushroom growing and harvesting area.

In case you want to grow champignons all year round, then you need to create it indoors the necessary conditions: temperature maintenance, water supply, sewerage.

Compost fermentation should occur at a temperature not lower than 12 and not higher than 16 degrees Celsius. During the fermentation process of compost, ammonia fumes are released. Therefore, take care of ventilation, which will purify the air.

In the area where mushrooms will be grown, the temperature should be within 16 degrees and the humidity should be maintained at 80%.
Next, you need to think about the area where the compost will be pasteurized. This should be a separate room where the sealed chamber will be located. YES, there is special equipment, but its price is, to put it mildly, astronomical.

Where you will grow mycelium, it is necessary to maintain the temperature within 25 degrees, and the air humidity should be about 100%.

Soil for mushrooms

The second stage is expenses. It is necessary to purchase soil with the pores of mushrooms (the so-called mycelium). Pay attention to companies that have been selling this soil for many years.

After you prepare everything and plant the mycelium, you will have to wait 2-3 months. DURING this time you need to take care of the mushrooms. The harvest can be harvested after 3 months, several times. There is a good harvest for the second and third time, then it declines. If everything is done correctly, then after the first harvest you can get a profit.

How to prepare compost yourself?

Compost is the main component that will contribute to the growth of your business. For it you need to purchase mycelium. A good solution as an alternative to compost is horse manure.


  • ammonium sulfate;
  • gypsum;
  • urea;
  • straw.

For good compost, all elements must be laid out in order, in layers. First, soak the straw in water for a day, and then lay it at the very bottom, at the bottom. Manure must be laid on top, then straw and manure again. And so on up to 10 layers, each new one must be watered with warm water. Now we wait 5 days, after which we mix all the layers. It is necessary to add urea and ammonium sulfate to the resulting mixture. We wait another 5 days and mix, and then add the remaining ingredients. This process must be carried out 5 times, and the last time add alabaster to the resulting mixture.

Planting mycelium

After preparing the compost, you can add champignon spores to it. One square meter requires approximately 600 grams of compost (mycelium) and 400 grams of champignon spores.

It is necessary to make depressions at a distance of 25-30 cm and place the seeds in them. If these are spores, then just sprinkle the compost.
The incubation period should be maintained at a temperature of 25-28 degrees. After 2 weeks, the mycelium will begin to grow and must be treated with a mixture of limestone, earth and peat with a ratio of 6-5-2. To prevent drying out, it is necessary to regularly irrigate the mycelium with this mixture.


Typically, the first harvest can be harvested after 40-50 days. Mushrooms must be picked at a temperature of 24-28 degrees. Otherwise, the mushrooms will begin to stretch upward and have a small cap, which will affect consumer demand.

The normal growth process of mushrooms should be at a temperature of 17-19 degrees.

Pick mushrooms carefully so as not to damage them. Hold the bottom of the mushroom and carefully cut off the top.

Collect all mushrooms exclusively, regardless of their size, as the remaining mushrooms will begin to rot.

Over several harvest periods, you can collect up to 10 kilograms from one square meter.

Storing the champignon harvest

Do not load a lot of mushrooms into boxes, as champignons are quite sensitive and fragile mushrooms.

Costs when starting a mushroom growing business

As we wrote earlier, the costs of creating a mushroom business depend on its scale.

Provided that if you buy several bags of compost to grow champignons for yourself and your loved ones, then the cost of it will be 30-40 thousand rubles. And if you want to grow champignons on an industrial scale, then it’s better to have half a million in your pocket... or not, better than a million rubles

  • Registering a business will cost you 30 thousand rubles;
  • To equip a room for growing champignons, you need to spend about 200 thousand rubles, maybe more;
  • Buying compost and mycelium will cost you 100 thousand rubles;
  • You need to pay 250-300 thousand rubles a month to maintain the premises.

So, for your business to expand on an area of ​​100 square meters and develop successfully, you need to have 1 million rubles.

How much can you earn from growing champignons?

If you take the same area of ​​100 square meters, then it can produce about 2 tons of champignons (with 10 tons of compost).

One kilogram of champignons costs 100 rubles (+-).

Thus, the first earnings can be 200 thousand rubles.

For the year we will receive an amount of 1 million 200 thousand rubles, provided that we collect an average of 6 harvests.

Sales of products

You can sell the collected champignons either independently or with the help of stores with which you need to negotiate.

In this article, you learned about how to grow champignons for business and how much you need to invest. Growing mushrooms as a business can be organized at home, in the garage, in the basement or cellar. Behind Good work and effort you have the opportunity to make a good profit.

Do you want to know how you can make a million today by working for yourself?

Find out how

  • organize the cultivation of champignons for yourself and for sale;
  • forget about pest damage to the crop;
  • make good money growing champignons;

And it will depend ONLY on YOUR personal desires and aspirations,
how much can you earn from growing champignons?

100 000 R., 1 000 000 R., maybe more?

When it comes to own business,
Many people are frightened by the difficulties ahead.

Hello! My name is Shirokov Egor Leonidovich. For 9 years now I have been successfully engaged in the business of industrially growing champignons. My farm employs 7 auxiliary workers, and the total area of ​​5 premises for growing champignons occupies about 280 sq.m. With your permission, I’ll tell you a little about myself.

Back in 1997, life took me to Holland, where I worked for seven years on a large mushroom farm in the suburbs of Hilversum. I was mainly involved in care and collection. It turned out that this was quite a profitable business. I knew that almost no one is engaged in mushroom growing on an industrial scale in our country. In 2007, I returned to my homeland and founded a highly profitable champignon farm using modern world technologies.

Why champignons?

  • Firstly, Chapignons are not capricious mushrooms in terms of care;
  • Secondly, high-yielding champignons. So, for example, for 50 sq. m. you can easily place up to 300 mushroom blocks (depending on the installation method);
  • Third, sales market - practically without competitors;
  • Fourthly, starting a business in champignons does not require large initial investments;
  • Fifth, champignons can be grown in a limited area;
  • Sixth, It is possible to harvest champignons all year round - in basements, cellars, greenhouses, etc.;
  • Seventh and most importantly is a highly profitable business.

Champignon representative of the genus of lamellar mushrooms from the Champignonaceae (Agaricaceae) family. Russian name « champignon" comes from the French "champignon", which is simply " mushroom».

Now, champignons have gained very great popularity. And no wonder! Champignons are grown both at the industrial level and for ordinary people for personal consumption, as well as for sale - home business. Chapignons are one of the most unpretentious and prolific mushrooms.

Under the right conditions for growing champignons, their fruiting indoors lasts up to 4 months. During this time, using a competent scheme and method, it is possible to collect up to 15 kg of mushrooms from 1 sq.m. And with quality care, even more.

Champignons bear fruit in waves. This means that at first a small number of fruiting bodies appear, and in the next 7 days the number of fruiting bodies rapidly increases. Then there is a slight decrease in yield (up to breaks in yield) and again a sharp and rapid growth of champignons occurs. Wave cycle of growth.

You can grow champignons outdoors and in any indoor area with a microclimate acceptable for mushrooms. And anyone can learn the intricacies of the process and learn the secrets! This does not require special skills.

3 components of success in growing champignons:

1. Premises (place) for growing champignons.
2. Compost, which everyone can prepare on their own without much effort.
3. Containers for growing champignons (preferably made of stainless steel).
4. Mycelium, the mycelium that produces the greatest yield.

and 4 steps to success in growing champignons:

Step 1. Composting, in which the Compost Raw Materials are mixed, moistened and composted.
Step 2. Pasteurization of the finished compost, to avoid infection with various diseases and preserve the future harvest.
Step 3. Sowing the mycelium. If you use the right technology, you can actually get a harvest in about 3 weeks.
Step 4. Growing champignons, Taking into account the correctly selected size of containers and the amount of compost in it, you can get high performance when collecting champignons.

In general, the business of growing champignons is generally difficult to compare with any other business. Judge for yourself:

Where can you make such explosive profits? After all, in fact, champions bear fruit quite quickly.

What other non-risky and legal type of business, with the right approach, gives stunning profits in the first six months? There’s no need to talk about payback at all!

There is practically no competition in this business (close to zero); have you seen champignons on the shelves from local producers anywhere nearby?

Continue? Or you already realized that at this very moment, sitting at the computer, you are simply wasting time and opportunities, but you could already be counting your first profit.

And since we’re talking about profits and opportunities, let me introduce you to help! After all, this requires an effective and simple organization of all technological processes on your farm, the ability to automate the cultivation of champignons as much as possible. All this will allow you to create the most accessible and systematic training course on growing champignons.

Unique course

You see the first manual that could contain ALL the necessary information about the business of growing champignons. Inside you will find a lot useful information, which will be useful to you in your mushroom farm business. This guide will teach you how to START your business from scratch, and subsequently EFFECTIVELY DEVELOP a ready-made and prosperous “farm”.

This manual will be indispensable for:

  • beginner mushroom growers, as it will provide detailed information on planning and creating a mushroom farm;
  • for experienced mushroom growers, because in it you can find answers to pressing questions, and after familiarizing yourself with the structured information of the course, get the maximum benefit.
  • individual entrepreneurs- he will give detailed instructions on calculations of areas, shelving, costs and profits, and, of course, very detailed and structured data on mushroom growing processes.

Simply put, you can make your own VERY PROFITABLE mushroom farm from scratch and provide not only yourself and your neighbors with champignons!

And it is so easy and does not require financial investments that even children can do it, not to mention you.

Everything that I offer you is the result of many years of work on growing champignons, this is mine own experience obtaining a sustainable maximum yield and, naturally, a very decent income.
I suggest you real way earnings good money with minimal initial investment and little effort. Do you think this is an exaggeration? But fortunately, it's true.
I provide you with a detailed, structured guide to organizing all your mushroom growing activities. It will lead to minimization material investments and physical costs when growing mushrooms and guaranteed high stable income.
See for yourself how much important information my many years of mushroom growing experience contains, outlined in the course “Highly Profitable Growing of Champignons.”

What are the advantages of the course "."

Firstly. All information on the disk is up to date.

Secondly. Course on breeding champignons " Highly profitable cultivation of champignons. " - this is not just a collection of information - these are proven, maximally optimized for Russian ecology and climate.

Third. It is based on an effective technology, common in Central Europe, but studied by me and adapted to the difficult Russian climate.

And finally. You will only need to spend a few hours studying the course information to understand what exactly you need to achieve your goal!

You will learn:

  • How to calculate the required area for your mushroom farm.
  • Methods for placing shelving.
  • Measures to prevent diseases and their prevention are given.
  • Secrets of selecting mycelium.
  • Features of compost preparation, secrets.
  • The mistakes that most often occur when growing champignons are given.
  • Collection and storage of champignons.
  • Effective sales of products.

Who just needs this information?

  • For those who want to have exclusively fresh champignons in their diet, regardless of the time of year.
  • For those who value the beauty and health of themselves and their loved ones.
  • Who needs a stable, fairly high income all year round and with low initial investments.

Let's give the calculations.

  1. The price for one kilogram of fresh champignons is on average 395 rubles (from 310 to 480 rubles).
  2. Cost of compost and mycelium per 1 sq.m. - 200 rubles.
  3. From one square meter you can harvest 15 kg of champignons.

Taking into account the fact that each mushroom block produces on average up to 5 kg of mushrooms per month, we get about 35 kg of fresh mushrooms per 1 sq. m monthly, and if we consider the cost of mushrooms ready for sale to be on average 170 rubles, it turns out 5950 rubles per meter per month!

That is, from one square meter of growing champignons with 15 kg of harvest we get: 15 kg * 310 rubles / kg - 300 rubles = 4350 rub. on one square meter!
Impressive! Using these numbers you can calculate your desired profit!

So, for 55 sq. meters you can make a profit RUB 239,250

Fruiting bodies appear within 1-3 weeks after sowing, and fruiting lasts 3-5 years and does not require special supervision. Thus, the method of growing champignons is simple, cheap, and does not require capital investments, and this is a significant incentive for developing your own business!

This course is for you!

I can confidently say that this course is just for you, why? Because I'm sure you're tired of:

1. Wait for your next paycheck at work!

2. Inaction when others not only achieve their goals, but have already achieved them!

3. Study and explore the mountains without a system of information!

4. It is useless to waste your time on dead-end, and often unprofitable
opportunity to “earn money” so to speak.

Why do you need all this?

This course will be useful not only for those who want to make a business in growing champignons, but also for those who simply want to learn about growing these mushrooms...

What does this course include?

This is an introductory topic in which you will learn general information about champignons and directly about the organization of production itself. Based on the data listed here, you can plan and calculate your future production

Information on how to make your premises suitable for growing mushrooms, specifications(heating, humidity, ventilation) will help you properly equip and equip it.

Information on how to properly prepare compost. Place for compost preparation, necessary components, sequence of stacking in a pile.

Information on how the composting process should proceed, as well as issues of oxygen enrichment (interruption). Mechanization of the cutting process..

You will learn about why it is produced and how to properly carry out the pasteurization process.

Here you will get answers to the following questions - what sizes are optimal for growing champignons. Information is also provided on how to form mushroom blocks and how to properly install them on racks in order to gain easy access to them.

This topic discusses the order of sowing mycelium, as well as under what optimal parameters it is better to sow.

Information about the required indoor microclimate for good growth champignons, how to effectively look after mushrooms during growth in order to obtain fruiting bodies High Quality and good appearance.

You will learn how to properly cut mushrooms. Find out why it is important to prevent mushrooms from overripening. Information about the shelf life of mushrooms after harvest.

Information about what difficulties you may encounter at different stages of production - and how to successfully overcome them. Thus, you can avoid many technical errors that lead to delayed development and fruiting, and reduced yield.

How products are sold

By purchasing this course" Highly profitable cultivation of champignons"You are guaranteed to receive:

  • A job independent of crises and whims of management!
  • Steady and constantly increasing earnings!
  • A guide to action, clear instructions for creating your own champignon farm.
  • A tool that will help you quickly grow from a beginner to an experienced professional in order to successfully run your business in any corner of the planet.
  • The opportunity to professionally and effectively grow grapes either only for your family, or in large quantities for sale.
  • Now, thanks to the course " Highly profitable cultivation of champignons.”, You will not be afraid of being unemployed, you will run your business reliably and are confident in your well-being.
The funds invested in mushroom growing will grow along with your mushrooms.
Order the course " Highly profitable cultivation of champignons. » right now, before the price goes up, and immediately embark on the path to complete financial independence.

This technology:

Created by high-level professionals to quickly and easily solve business problems.
Absolutely unique
Unknown to your competitors
It is simple and interesting to learn - you can understand it in a couple of hours, and not in years of trial and error.
P.S. Pays for itself many times over at the very first harvest!
P.P.S. If you want to become a professional and earn a lot of money, then ORDER this course.

For your convenience, all the information on the disk is structured and optimized for the user and is divided into several parts, from which you will learn:

The main stages of business development (from the purchase of the first mycelium to own sales)
the most effective step-by-step techniques for planning and increasing the number of mushrooms grown
how to sell champignons to customers without any problems
basic subtleties in caring for champignons
secrets of how to avoid problems when planting, caring for and harvesting crops
and even more!

All the knowledge and advice that you will receive as part of this course can be applied immediately and you will see the first results within the coming weeks.

I guarantee: you can do it!

And if not?

Well, if suddenly you don’t succeed, you can GET YOUR MONEY BACK!

This means a 100% guarantee of disc delivery!

As the greats said, the path to perfection is endless. Therefore, I suggest listening to those who previously purchased the disc and have already achieved certain results.

Also today, with the permission of the reviewers, I am ready to post some reviews, here they are:

Just recently I started asking questions about growing champignons, and when I just started I got the impression that I knew everything and had read everything and even more about mushrooms. That's just what I thought. I went to your page and saw the course. After consulting with my wife, I ordered it because... The course was offered at an attractive price. In general, I ordered and studied the course.

I equipped basement for 15 sq. m. and divided it into three working zones. Then I set up the ventilation and heating system. I shoot on average up to 12 kg. mushrooms per sq.m. I strive for 15 kg and expansion of production. I can safely say that my business already has great prospects.

The disk really helped to understand the technical details and set up production.
Igor S., Naberezhnye Chelny.

Relatively recently I started growing champignons, I really like it... When I started, I read about mushrooms, it seemed everything and even more. Then, as always, there is a problem of choice, because everyone writes and the information is often exactly the opposite. I ordered and studied the course. I equipped a basement of 85 square meters. m., divided it into three working areas. The ventilation and heating system has been adjusted. I remove on average 10-11 kg. mushrooms Recently I had to hire a worker because I no longer have enough hands. Enough promising business. My initial startup costs were about 7,500 rubles. I sell mushrooms at the market in my hometown and rent them to one cafe and two restaurants.

Mikheev Anatoly. Saint Petersburg

Cost of my guide

old price 5500 rubles

The price of the course with a 45% discount is 2999 rubles.

Agree, not such a big price for such a profitable business!

Placing an order will take no more than a minute...

In any business, you must first calculate whether it will be profitable, estimate adequate prices for products, all costs, and weigh your free time. It’s worth noting right away that growing champignons in a country house or warehouse is not simple view business, only those who really like it are engaged in it. However, you can start it almost from scratch. Minimum start-up capital is only 25 dollars - with this you can already organize a couple of square meters of normal mycelium, which will bring you up to 25 kg/1m2. Let's consider the most suitable varieties for growing at home.

  1. Silvan 130. An early ripening hybrid that grows quickly, has a beautiful cap, and is resistant to many pests. Productivity reaches 21 kg/m2 over a period of 1 year of cultivation. The fruit body has high elasticity; the mass of one before the cap opens is approximately 45 grams.
  2. Somicel 608. Average yield reaches 22 kg/1m2, but only with ideal conditions cultivation, adding urea, nitrogen fertilizers, compost. Its main advantage is its long growth, which allows the harvest to be extended over several weeks. This helps a lot when starting a business, when sales of goods are not yet as high as you would like.
  3. Hazer A15. The production of champignons of this level will bring considerable profit to an experienced mushroom picker. This hybrid produces up to 29 kg per 1m2, and this requires only abundant moisture and fertilizer. The mushroom is very sensitive to infection, sunlight, and dry soil, so it is not recommended to grow it for beginners who have not yet gotten their hands on it.

The cost of rearing in a regular barn with an area of ​​120 square meters in 2013 amounted to $3,000. A simple proportion will help you calculate approximate costs financial resources to the area you need, but a lot also depends on the thickness of the mycelium layer that you will lay. Therefore, it is better to recalculate the mass of compost. 1 ton of compost = $130.

The profit for 1 harvest will be about 100%, if you omit the costs of labor, disease control, and the purchase of straw. That is, purchasing 10 tons of compost for $1,300, after 2 months you will receive the first harvest, which will be 20% of the compost mass (production yield calculation). That is approximately 2000 kg high quality products. It’s easy to calculate how much you earned: 2000x1.4$=2800 dollars. If production is not problematic, you only need to pay back 300 USD. to pay the employee and 100 USD for the purchase of straw and peat for the production of high-quality compost. Thus, the profit for 2 months when sold at the average market price was about $1,100 on 120 square meters. At proper cultivation There can be up to 5-6 such cycles per year.

Clients. It is most profitable to sell to the end consumer, but customize wholesale, thus, it is very difficult, it comes with time when your product will already be popular. Before this, it is necessary to work with intermediaries on a wholesale basis. Restaurants, cafes, supermarkets, chain stores, etc. They buy for 75% of the final cost.

Legal registration. The mushroom is not a first category product, that is, it requires heat treatment before use - this greatly simplifies documenting your business. But the help of an accountant will be necessary if you work with retail chains or in general with budgetary structures (schools, kindergartens, boarding schools). You will need a product passport, a sanitary station report, and an examination for GMOs. In general, everything comes as needed, there are no too serious papers, just formalities for permitting activities, which are written down in the classifier of types of activities.

Equipment, premises, materials. One of the main advantages of this business is that you shouldn’t grab a big piece at once and go wholesale. You can start from the basement or even from 1 drawer, when you realize that you like it and everything works out - expand. To begin with, you can become an employee yourself - this is not difficult if the area is up to 10 square meters. You don’t need anything special from the tool, no expensive equipment is required. Before growing champignons in the country, you just need to purchase raw materials for the substrate (we will describe it below) and mycelium in the laboratory. Then just watering and maintaining the temperature.

DIY substrate

Many people make the mistake of not having a clear idea of ​​where champignons grow, constructing a regular substrate for them from black soil, fertilizing them, filling them with water and sitting in anticipation of a huge harvest. In fact, this process is very complex and requires certain knowledge to create optimal conditions growth.

Compost takes up more than 80% of the total growing substrate mass. It is made from horse manure (83%), dry straw from winter wheat(20%). If there is no horse manure, you can use regular mullein or even chicken manure, but this will reduce the yield by 20-25%. We must prepare the substrate in the fresh air, since during the mixing process a lot of nitrogen, ammonia, and other caustic substances are released, which can cause irritation of the mucous membranes, cough, and in some cases even poisoning. You can work indoors only if there is high-quality ventilation, which can eliminate all volatile substances from the room and ensure safe work.

Pour 2 kg of urea onto 100 kg of straw, add baking powder, building plaster is best, add 8 kilograms. It is advisable to add 4 kg of chalk; if this is not available, you can simply add sand. We fertilize with superphosphate, approximately 2.3 kg per 100 kg of straw. After adding horse manure, we get approximately 300 kg of the finished mixture, which we distribute over 3 square meters of mycelium. Please note that when using bird droppings, you should change the proportions of the above components. For 100 kg of straw we take 100 kg of manure, 280 liters of water to wash out the active nitrogen, superphosphate can no longer be thrown in, together we add gypsum by weight.

We pay special attention to the preparation of straw. It soaks for about 2 days, then it can only be placed “crosswise” in trays. During the installation process, fill each layer with water so that it absorbs as much water as possible. Immediately after moistening, partially add superphosphate and urea, dividing the entire volume by the number of layers in advance. For example, 10 layers of 200 grams each. After you have put everything in the tray, mix thoroughly, and during the mixing process you need to add water, plaster, and chalk.

The main mistake of beginners is planting mycelium already in this mixture. Remember that you have only prepared a preparation for future compost. It needs to rot, or rather, burn. After you mix everything, this mass begins to “burn out”, the temperature rises to +80 degrees. In order for it to burn efficiently, the layer must be thick, at least 1 meter in height. After this, we leave this mountain for 20-25 days, then straighten it, cool it and use it for its intended purpose.

When and how to “sow” mycelium

Introducing mycelium will be much more difficult than you previously thought. Anyone can simply sow, but to do it correctly and get a good harvest, you need to know a few nuances. Let's take a closer look at how to plant mycelium and what should never be done.

>Step 1: Purchase of seed material.

The main mistake a beginner makes is purchasing at the market. It is grown only in special laboratories that are absolutely sterile. There are 2 types: compost and grain mycelium. The latter can be stored for 6 months in the refrigerator at a temperature of +1 degree, its consumption is 400 g per 100 kg of substrate. Compost is sold in jars, it is stored for only 20 days at a temperature of +20 degrees, at +1 it can be kept for up to 1 year. Consumption: 450 grams per 1m2. Purchase only with documents from a specialized laboratory to avoid the occurrence of many diseases.

>Step 2: Heat treatment.

The substrate is placed in an oven or heated in any other way to +80 degrees, this temperature must be maintained for 20 minutes. Then it is cooled to +25 degrees, placed in boxes, the layer should not be thicker than 35 centimeters. Without heat treatment there is a risk of catching infectious diseases, which will gradually destroy your harvest, and even the mycelium itself.

>Step 3: Inoculation.

Despite the scary name, the process is simple. It will be enough to scatter the grain mycelium on the surface, cover it with a substrate on top so that the depth is 6 cm. You can also use the “hole” method, placing it in holes every 25 centimeters.

Next, just make sure that optimal conditions are maintained. No drafts, +25 around the clock, and humidity of at least 85%. If everything is done correctly, then after 14 days you will need to cover it with cover soil, when the mycelium has a large area. The cover soil can consist of ordinary chernozem, peat and chalk in a ratio of 1:1:1. The temperature is reduced to +15 degrees by ventilating the room. It is important not to create drafts in it.

By choosing to grow champignons as a business, you are on the path to organizing your own profitable business. It will take a little effort from the owner to understand the basic technology of this production. We will tell you in this article what you need to know to open a mushroom business.

general information

Growing champignons as a business is good opportunity earn extra money. This business idea has a number of advantages:

  • Growing this product does not require constant attention and presence. Your employment will be part-time.
  • In most cases, growing oyster mushrooms and champignons does not require special knowledge and skills.
  • The materials needed to organize production are, for the most part, quite simple. Anything that may be difficult to manufacture is recommended to be purchased ready-made.

Growing champignons as a business is a chance to start making money additional funds. The key word here is “additional”. Since it is quite difficult to turn mushroom production into an independent source of income. Those who are just thinking about how to start this type of business should know a few main difficulties that they will have to face.

Where to begin?

The first step is to identify markets. To produce large volumes, you need to find a buyer for them, and preferably more than one. This will require concluding agreements with large companies, factories, and store chains. This in itself is quite problematic.

We will tell you in detail about how to grow champignons and oyster mushrooms. Perhaps some tips will help you understand this topic a little better.

Technology of growing oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms are considered one of the popular types of mushrooms for production. This is due to the fact that the technology for growing oyster mushrooms is one of the simplest. The mushroom grows both outdoors and indoors. If you plan to use the second option, then the harvest can be obtained all year round. For business, this method is best suited.

Equipment and materials

First you need to decide on the choice of premises. This could be a greenhouse, a special room, a barn, or a basement. The area must be dry and clean. It is recommended to treat the walls and floor with a bleach solution. This is necessary to disinfect the space. After this, ventilate the room well. One room will be needed for the germination of the mycelium, the other for the growth stage of the mushrooms.

After preparing the room, you need to make a substrate. Straw, sunflower husks, sawdust from non-coniferous trees, or mixtures of any of the above materials are perfect for this. They need to be well crushed (into dust) and pasteurized (that is, steamed with hot water and cooled).

Now the substrate needs to be placed in layers of bags (polyethylene). Between them the mycelium of the fungus is laid, which is purchased in specialized stores. Make holes in the bags, the diameter of which will be approximately 1.5-2 cm. Place them every 15-20 cm.

Climatic conditions

Place the bags in a closed, dark room. The air temperature in it should be approximately 22-25 degrees, humidity - about 95%. After 25-30 days, transfer the plastic bags to a second room, the temperature in which should be an order of magnitude lower - about 12-18 degrees.

The technology for growing oyster mushrooms requires that the room in which the bags will be kept for the second half of the time must be constantly ventilated and moistened. This is necessary to ensure that carbon dioxide does not accumulate in the room. In order not to resort to complex technologies, you can use a simple method. It is enough to place several buckets of water in the room and force the air to circulate using a regular fan.

As noted above, the air temperature should not exceed 18 degrees. Maintain humidity at 95%. The room must have lighting that works 12 hours a day. Fluorescent lamps are suitable for this.

Important! When working in a room with germinating mushrooms, wear a gauze bandage or a respirator. This is necessary to prevent oyster mushroom spores from entering the respiratory tract. They can cause severe coughing or allergic reactions. If you are engaged in the production of oyster mushrooms on a large scale, then the use of such protective equipment is mandatory!

Approximate calculations

The following recommendations can be used to create manufacturing business plan. Oyster mushrooms are collected at the rate of 3 kg per 10 kg of substrate. You can get 1-2 harvests from one bag, after which its contents need to be replaced. The substrate is renewed approximately 4-5 times a year, that is, once every 2-3 months.

Experts say that one square meter of such a “plantation” can produce from 80 to 100 kg of mushrooms per year. As you can see, growing mushrooms at home like this is a simple and uncomplicated business. By starting small and acquiring a permanent market, you can increase the size of production.

Technology for growing champignons at home

The excellent taste properties and the ability to grow champignon at home have made it the most famous and widely consumed in the world. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the technology of its production in order to receive a harvest of fresh, selected and environmentally friendly mushrooms several times throughout the year.

Where to begin?

First you need to determine the room where you plan to grow champignons. A barn, greenhouse, basement, garage and even a balcony may be suitable for this. Like oyster mushrooms, champignons love high humidity, good ventilation and moderate temperatures. Light is an important condition, but not the main one. The best temperature for mushroom growth is from 12 to 20 degrees and air humidity in the range of 50-55%. For production you will need racks, plastic boxes for planting, fans and thermometers to monitor the temperature of the substrate and air.

Making compost

Experts recommend starting to grow mushrooms at home by making compost. Unlike oyster mushrooms, here you will need Additional materials. Treat this issue responsibly, because nutritious soil for champignons is the key to a high yield. If it is prepared correctly, then you will get mushrooms in a volume of 20% of the compost volume.


There are many formulas for preparing nutritious soil. But there are components whose presence in compost is mandatory. All mixtures are made from manure. Horse manure is considered the best, but manure from pigs, cows, birds and sheep will also be effective. The second required component is straw or hay. They must be fresh and unrotted.

In addition to the above materials, various fertilizers are added to the compost: beet or potato tops, sunflower husks, beer grains or other organic waste. In addition, a good mixture requires the presence of nitrogen-containing components. For example, urea or ammonium sulfate.

Additives such as bone meal, cotton processing waste, and bran would also be useful. The presence of mineral elements - gypsum, chalk or superphosphate - is mandatory. Here is one of the most common formulas: for 100 kg of horse manure you will need 2.5 kg of gypsum, 50 kg of winter straw (chopped) and 15 kg of dried manure.

Manufacturing process

During the production of nutrient soil, it is necessary to pasteurize it. First, the manure should be mixed with ground straw and left to ferment. During this process, the mixture will warm up to 50-60 degrees. As soon as the desired temperature is reached, and this will take 4-6 days, it is necessary to interrupt. This involves thoroughly mixing the mixture and adding nutrients to it.

Approximately 5-6 interruptions are required with a break between them of 2-5 days. All stages take approximately 20-25 days, after which a ready-made substrate for champignons is obtained. After the last mixing, the compost should be allowed to warm up to 60 degrees, and after the ammonia smell ceases to emanate from it, spread out in specially prepared boxes for mushrooms. As soon as the temperature of the compost drops to 24-25 degrees, mycelium is placed in it. The depth of its sowing should not be more than 10 cm.

Climatic conditions

During the germination period, an important point is to maintain sufficient air humidity and substrate temperature, which should not exceed 30 degrees. After planting the mycelium, the compost should be covered with newsprint or film. Regular moistening of the substrate is the basis for the full growth of mushrooms. But it does not need to be watered, but sprayed. In addition, do not forget to constantly moisten the walls and floor of the room to increase air humidity.


The production of champignons is divided into several stages: preparation of the substrate, planting the mycelium and hobting. The latter consists of pouring a layer of soil onto the compost, the thickness of which should not exceed 3-4 cm. It should be relatively loose, poor and have a neutral reaction. A mixture of peat and chalk or loamy soil is best. During this period, the substrate temperature should be within 20-22 degrees, and the air temperature - 13-16 degrees.


About 20 days after the last stage (gobting), it is time to harvest. It lasts from 1 month to two. Mushrooms appear in “waves,” and the compost must be watered after each one. Champignons are collected without the help of a knife, by hand. To do this, you need to carefully unscrew the mushroom. Harvest the entire crop, without any leftovers. This will quickly cause a new “wave” of growth and protect new mushrooms from attack by pests.

Once the harvest is complete, the compost should be removed and the racks and bins disinfected. In addition, throughout the entire stage of growing mushrooms, periodically treat the room with bleach or potassium permanganate solution. Pests and diseases love a humid environment and tend to multiply in it with a vengeance, and this will be detrimental to future champignons.

Business costs

According to various sources, the level of profitability of the business of growing champignons and oyster mushrooms ranges from 30 to 50%. This difference is explained by differences in production volumes, microclimatic parameters of the premises, transport costs, energy costs, as well as labor and material resources.

Before you engage in such a business on a large scale, evaluate the level of expenses. The direct costs of organizing your own production for growing mushrooms include the costs of purchasing manure, chicken manure, straw, mineral supplements (or purchasing ready-made compost).

This also includes purchase costs Supplies: containers, plastic film, seed mycelium. In addition, you need to take into account the costs of fuel, lubricants, rent, electricity, public utilities and payroll of employees. This is not a complete list of expenses. Therefore, at the initial stages, you can limit yourself to small volumes, the production of which is easy to set up at home.


Having chosen to grow champignons as a business, you need to understand that this is a process that will require time and knowledge from you. But it is enough to do the procedure once in a small volume to understand the technique and gain experience. In the future, you will not think about how to grow champignons.

Business will allow you not only to earn extra money, but also to enjoy the production process itself. With the right approach, you can get from 10 to 15 kg of mushrooms from 1 square meter of substrate. It is profitable to sell champignons and oyster mushrooms in winter and spring, when the demand for this product is especially high.