Types of plasticine, reasons for teaching children how to sculpt, step-by-step lessons. Sculptural plasticine - how to work with the material, differences from ordinary plasticine, review of manufacturers and price Plasticine products

Modeling is a very exciting and useful activity. It has a beneficial effect on the child’s imagination and creative perception, and also develops fine motor skills. In this article we will look at how to make plasticine figures with your own hands.

You will need: plasticine of bright colors, stack-bulk, plastic spatula.

Master Class

The plasticine donut is ready!


You will need: plasticine of gray, white, black, blue, red and yellow, toothpick, stacks.

Master Class

  1. Roll a ball of gray plasticine.
  2. Stack 2 triangles at the top of the ball.

  3. Attach 2 flat triangles of white plasticine.
  4. Cover the bottom of the ball with white plasticine.
  5. Roll out an oblong oval from white plasticine and attach it as a muzzle.
  6. Roll the nose out of black plasticine and attach it to the muzzle.
  7. Make eyes from blue, black and white plasticine and attach them to white triangles.

  8. Make a tongue out of red plasticine and secure it.
  9. Make the lower part of the mouth from white plasticine and attach it under the tongue.
  10. Make 2 triangles from gray plasticine and attach them as ears.
  11. Work out the features of the muzzle with a stack.
  12. Make a body out of gray plasticine, insert a toothpick and secure the head.

  13. Cover the dog's belly with white plasticine.
  14. Roll 2 sausages from gray plasticine and attach them as front legs.
  15. Make 4 white plasticine cakes and attach them to the paws as shown in the image.
  16. Roll a sausage out of gray plasticine and mold a crescent-shaped tail.
  17. Stack the ponytail, adding fluffiness, then attach it.

  18. Make a collar from blue plasticine, and make a clasp from yellow plasticine, then make holes with a toothpick.
  19. Draw the ears, muzzle and paws with a stack.

Plasticine husky is ready!

A pineapple

You will need: plasticine yellow, green, dark green and any color, stack, toothpick.

Master Class

Plasticine pineapple is ready!


You will need: plasticine black, white and green, toothpicks, stacks.

Master Class

  1. Roll a ball of white plasticine.

  2. Push through two holes for the eyes.
  3. Roll balls of black plasticine, then attach and flatten them.
  4. Roll out a flat oval of white plasticine and attach it to the bottom of the head.
  5. Attach the black spout.

  6. Make eyes from white, green and black plasticine, then attach them.
  7. Make black ears and attach them to the top of the head.
  8. Roll out a roll of black plasticine, flatten it in the center and bend the ends.
  9. Roll a ball of white plasticine and glue it to the black blank.
  10. Connect the workpiece and the head using a toothpick.

  11. Mold and attach the black lower legs.
  12. Roll balls of white plasticine and attach them as pads to the paws.
  13. Draw in eyebrows with a toothpick.

  14. Roll a ball of black plasticine and attach it in place of the tail.
  15. Make a bamboo stick from green plate and attach it to the panda’s body.


You will need: plasticine of red, green, black, white and brown, stacks, toothpick.

Master Class

  1. Roll out a ball of red plasticine.
  2. Shape the ball into an apple shape.

  3. Prepare a strip of brown plasticine and cut fine fringe.
  4. Make a small indentation in the apple for the stamens.
  5. Cut a small piece of the stamens, twist them and attach them to the apple.
  6. Make a stalk out of brown plasticine as shown in the image.

  7. Make a small indentation in the apple and stick the stem.
  8. Make 2 leaves from green plasticine and draw lines using a stack and a toothpick.
  9. Stick the leaves to the base of the cutting, then give them a curved shape.

  10. Make a droplet of white plasticine, flatten it and stick it to the apple as a highlight.
  11. Roll 5 balls of green plasticine and form a caterpillar.

  12. Roll 2 very small balls of black plasticine and stick them on as the caterpillar's eyes.
  13. Stick the caterpillar to the apple.

The plasticine apple is ready!


You will need: white, yellow and green plasticine, stacks, bulk, skewer.

Master Class

  1. Make a drop of white plasticine, then flatten it into a petal shape.
  2. Draw a stack of lines.

  3. Make 20 white petals.
  4. Roll up the yellow center of the flower.
  5. Prepare a strip of yellow plasticine and cut through the fringe.

  6. Stick a strip around the circle of the yellow center.
  7. Stick white petals in a circle, placing them in a checkerboard pattern.
  8. Cover the skewer with green plasticine, leaving the tip free.

  9. Make a cake from green plasticine and sculpt a receptacle.
  10. Stick the bud to the receptacle.

  11. Draw a mesh texture on the yellow center.
  12. Make a leaf, draw the texture and stick it to the stem.

The plasticine chamomile is ready!

Pendant "Snowman"

You will need: a sheet of cardboard, a simple pencil, scissors, string, tape, plasticine in white, orange, brown, black, blue, purple and green, skewer, stack.

Master Class

  1. Draw a circle on a piece of cardboard, then cut it out.
  2. Cover one side of the circle with white plasticine.

  3. Make oval legs from purple plasticine, then attach them to the bottom of the circle.
  4. Roll out an oval nose from orange plasticine, then attach it.
  5. Make eyes and a smile for the snowman from black plasticine.

  6. Roll 2 buttons from blue plasticine, attach them and use a skewer to make 2 holes in the buttons.
  7. Roll the purple and blue plasticine into sausages, then form a hat as shown in the image.

  8. Roll a ball of white plasticine and attach it as a pompom, then use a skewer to create a “fluffy” texture.
  9. Make stick handles from brown plasticine, then attach them to different sides of the circle.
  10. Make highlights on the nose and eyes from white plasticine.
  11. Draw a knitted pattern onto the hat using a skewer.
  12. Draw lines on the legs as shown in the image.

  13. Make 3 leaves from green plasticine and roll 3 orange berries, then decorate the hat.
  14. Attach a string to back side using tape.

The plasticine “Snowman” pendant is ready!

Ice cream

You will need: brightly colored plasticine, spatula, stack, wooden skewer, beads and rhinestones.

Master Class


You will need: green, dark green, white, black and red plasticine, stack, toothpick, patterned napkin.

Master Class

  1. Roll a sausage out of green plasticine.
  2. Cut the blank in half and create three parts from green plasticine: a carrot, an oblong oval and a ball.

  3. Take the green oval and make a cut, forming the mouth of a crocodile.
  4. Slap red plasticine into the mouth.
  5. Roll the sausage out of white plasticine, flatten and cut the cloves, then attach them to the red plasticine.

  6. Roll 2 green balls and make eyes by attaching white and black plasticine, then attach the blanks to the crocodile's head.
  7. Treat the body and head of the crocodile with a napkin, giving it a patterned texture.
  8. Connect the body and head of the crocodile using a toothpick.

  9. Roll 4 balls of green plasticine and attach them to the paws.
  10. Make notches on the paws with a stack.

  11. Roll a sausage from dark green plasticine, flatten it, cut the teeth and attach it to the back of the crocodile.
  12. Attach highlights to the eyes using white plasticine.

The plasticine crocodile is ready!


You will need: purple, brown and green plasticine, stack, thin wire.

Master Class

  1. Make a rope from purple plasticine.

  2. Cut it into pieces.
  3. Roll each piece into balls.
  4. Make a cone out of purple plasticine.
  5. Cover the cone with grapes, leaving the top part free.

  6. Prepare a piece of thin wire and cover it with brown plasticine, as shown in the image.
  7. Draw the lines to create a branchy texture.

  8. Attach a wire twig to the top of the grape, then stick the grapes around it.
  9. Make a cake from green plasticine.
  10. Outline the outline of the leaf and cut it out, then draw the texture.

  11. Roll out a thin strip of green plasticine, carefully twist it and stick it to the grapes.

For children, creating crafts from plasticine is not only interesting creative process. Modeling classes accelerate the physical development of the baby, which is expressed in increasing the sensory sensitivity of the fingers, the development of fine motor skills and hand coordination. And the perception of shape, color and texture instills in a child an aesthetic taste from childhood.

Plasticine crafts for children can become a favorite and useful activity if parents are able to properly introduce the child to this material and patiently teach different modeling techniques. Usually, they start doing this from 1.5-2 years old, but some experts believe that for early development It is useful to start mastering modeling as early as 1 year of age.

The first lessons with your baby should be the simplest and last no more than 5-15 minutes.

You should choose the softest plasticine, for example, “Luch Krokha”. First, give the child a piece of plasticine to get acquainted with, show that it can be crushed with your hands, made dents, flattened on the board with your palm or finger in the form of a cake. With ready-made plasticine balls, you can add snowfall or apples on a tree, flower petals or berries on a plate to pictures.

From 1.5 years old, you can gradually complicate tasks. Everything should happen in a playful way, for example, pinching off pieces is necessary to feed toy birds, and spreading plasticine on a drawing of a bear cub to hide it in a den from the winter cold. This will keep the baby interested in modeling.

At 2 years old, it is still difficult for a child to work with both hands at the same time, as there is not enough coordination of movements. This quickly develops through the following sculpting processes: rolling balls, rolling out sausages, and flattening them between the palms. From these parts, simple figures are subsequently assembled, for example, a caterpillar, a mushroom, a pyramid.

The adult shows all the actions on his piece of plasticine, and the child repeats after him. We study the joining of parts and the creation of different textures using pressure from a stack, a toothpick and other objects that give interesting prints. You can try making simple vegetables, fruits and symbolic animal figures.

It is important not to impose anything on the child, to encourage his natural curiosity and experiments. At 3 years old, children understand speech well and have already developed the ability to imitate the actions of other people. They distinguish geometric shapes and are able to find similarities and differences. Children learn techniques for pinching and smearing parts, adjusting pressure, working with the index and thumb.

They sculpt objects of medium complexity:

  • fruits and vegetables;
  • plates and cups;
  • buns and cakes;
  • towers, houses and animals.

Meaningful modeling on a cardboard template, including numbers and letters, will do. At this age, the child should already be taught to decorate crafts by applying small plasticine and other parts, as well as various objects. You need to invite your child to choose the color of plasticine for crafts, and to make it easier for him, limit the choice to a few options.

It is useful to preserve children's products and show them off to guests. Children 3-4 years old play with toys and crafts as if they were alive, so molded figures can be included in ready-made or invented fairy tales. From 4-5 years old, children can be taught complex step-by-step modeling, creating large panels and three-dimensional compositions in different techniques. It is worth mastering smooth transitions between neighboring colors.

Plasticine fakes for children can be of varying complexity.

You can sculpt complex animals and birds, figures of people and cars. Also useful for creative development create different crafts using natural materials. Over time, the child will learn to embody fairy-tale and cartoon characters without templates and step-by-step pictures.

Children 6-7 years old can already easily cope with modeling from plasticine. They may be interested in creating complex crafts with a large variety of details.

What you need for the craft

Modeling classes should be carried out at a well-lit table, the surface of which should be covered with oilcloth. The child can wear an apron with sleeves or a robe.

To make classes easier and more interesting, you need special tools:

  • wooden or plastic board;
  • plastic or wooden stacks of various shapes for drawing details, texture and cutting plasticine;
  • plastic molds for extruding figures;
  • toothpick or pen rod for creating small holes;
  • bowl of water;
  • cardboard for plasticine compositions;
  • templates with drawings;
  • caps from pens or felt-tip pens for squeezing out circles;
  • toothpicks, skewers and sticks for fastening parts;
  • any other available means.

Then you need to choose the appropriate plasticine.

Nowadays a large selection of its varieties is offered:

  1. Plasticine having medium hardness used in ordinary modeling. It kneads easily, holds its shape well and holds parts together.
  2. Soft plasticine (wax) ideal for babies. It requires almost no kneading, spreads well on cardboard, and is easy to make crafts from.
  3. Sculptural The view is suitable for children from 4-5 years old. It is designed for wireframe modeling.
  4. Ball plasticine does not stain hands and surfaces.

For plasticine crafts you can use different Additional materials:

  • beads, rhinestones, buttons;
  • peas, buckwheat, curly pasta;
  • seeds, cones, cotton wool;
  • other suitable materials.

Craft materials:

Craft Required plasticine colors Additionally
1 Carrot Green, orange
2 Apple Red, yellow, brown, green 2 cloves
3 Grape Green, purple
4 Watermelon Red, white, green dark and light, yellow, black Toothpick
5 Turtle Green dark and light, brown, white, black
6 Lamb Blue, black, white Toothpick
7 Butterfly Blue, cyan, brown, black, yellow, red, etc.
8 Tank T-34 Green dark and light, black Muzzle stick
9 Passenger car Black, white or grey, 3rd color for choice
10 Spider-Man Red, blue, black, white Toothpick or match
11 Princess Beige, soft pink, brown or yellow, white, blue Beads or rhinestones, match
12 Palm Brown, bright green, yellow 6 toothpicks
13 Rose Green, scarlet (instead of scarlet you can use white or pink) P Stem stick
14 Aster Yellow or orange, green, choice of pink, red, white or lilac Stem stick
15 Plum Green, brown, purple or dark blue

How to mold vegetables and fruits from plasticine

Plasticine crafts for children are made quickly and easily if you start creating them in the form of simple vegetables.







  1. Roll 10-15 purple or lilac balls.
  2. Make them more oblong.
  3. Stick the balls together like a bunch of grapes.
  4. Roll out thin and long strands for antennae from green plasticine.
  5. Make round green cakes. Cut five-pointed leaves from them in a stack.
  6. Attach leaves and spirally twisted tendrils to the brush.



  1. Cut a large piece of pink-red plasticine and make a ball out of it. For greater authenticity, it can be given a slightly oval shape.
  2. A small part of white plasticine should be rolled out between your palms into a thick sausage, which should then be kneaded to a thin layer of 2-3 mm.
  3. Then wrap the red ball with the resulting white ribbon and carefully smooth out the seams.
  4. For the watermelon peel you will need 3 plasticine: dark and light green and a little light yellow. From them, you first need to fashion 3 separate ribbons, and then twist them all together into a sausage, which should then be kneaded into a thin layer. You should get a ribbon with green and yellow streaks.
  5. You need to wrap the watermelon with this tape and level its surface, trying to maintain an oval shape.
  6. Cut the watermelon in half and divide one part into slices.
  7. Use a toothpick to make small indentations in each slice and the remaining half.
  8. Stick small pieces of black plasticine in the form of watermelon seeds into these recesses. This is convenient to do with a needle or toothpick.

The set of fruits and vegetables is ready.

How to make animals from plasticine

Step-by-step schemes for sculpting a turtle, lamb and butterfly.


How to sculpt:


Craft making process:


If you carefully follow step-by-step steps, you will get a beautiful butterfly.


  1. Prepare a ball from brown plasticine for the head, as well as 2 sausages (short and long) for the body.
  2. The short middle part should be cylindrical. On a long piece, narrowed at one end, transverse notches are made with a stack.
  3. These 3 elements need to be connected together.
  4. Small balls for eyes are made from black plasticine, and antennae are made from thin flagella. Then they attach to the butterfly's head.
  5. Knead a ball of blue and cyan plasticine until you get beautiful streaks.
  6. Then sculpt a pair of large and a pair of small wings.
  7. With a stack on the wings, it is necessary to draw many longitudinal lines to create relief.
  8. Next, the wings are attached to the body.
  9. Small circles are made from the colors of plasticine you like different sizes, which are attached to the wings of a butterfly. Double spots look elegant, where circles of different sizes and colors are located one inside the other.

How to make a tank or car from plasticine

We sculpt step by step the most recognizable tank, as well as a car.

Tank T-34


Passenger car

The color for the car is chosen according to your taste, the rest is done according to the instructions:

The car is ready!

How to mold a person from plasticine

Plasticine crafts for children can be difficult to make if you have to sculpt human figures.


The image of Spider-Man is still popular among children.

The sequence for creating this character is as follows:

  1. Roll a small piece of red plasticine into a ball.
  2. Give the ball the oval shape of a human head.
  3. Use the flat part of the stack to make wide indentations for the eyes. Insert eyes made of white plasticine into them, then stick thin black strands along the contour of the eyes.
  4. Cut out a block of red plasticine the size of a box of matches.
  5. For the waist, one of the sides of the bar must be narrowed with your fingers.
  6. On the other side of the body, the neck should be formed.
  7. Thin layers of blue plasticine are attached to the sides.
  8. For the legs, a thick blue sausage is made, which is bent in the middle in the shape of a check mark.
  9. On the resulting part it is necessary to sculpt the relief of the upper part of the legs. Then the knees and calves are added.
  10. Next, add 2 sausages, flattened on one side in the shape of red boots.
  11. Now the torso and legs of Spider-Man should be firmly connected.
  12. Arms with powerful biceps are molded from a thick red conical sausage, with long blue flatbreads attached to the inside.
  13. To convey the movement of Spider-Man, it is better to attach the arms to the shoulders in different positions.
  14. The web will turn out more neat if you use not thin plasticine strips, but drawing in a stack. A little black plasticine is periodically collected on the tip and stripes are drawn on all the red parts of the suit and head.
  15. The last stage is connecting the head and neck using a match.


For children, creating this craft from plasticine will require care and effort, then at the end of the modeling you will get a beautiful princess.

Sculpting progress:

How to make flowers and plants from plasticine

Using step-by-step actions, anyone can create original flowers and trees.


Sculpting process:


Sculpting progress:


Sculpting progress:

  1. Cover a durable stick with a layer of green plasticine.
  2. Make the receptacle of an aster in the form of half a ball.
  3. Fashion thin elongated leaves and attach them flat to the flat part of the receptacle.
  4. For aster petals, you need to roll out bright pink plasticine into a flat long ribbon. You can also use other colors for the aster.
  5. Using a stack, this ribbon should be cut into a thin fringe, similar to a comb.
  6. The yellow strip for the center of the flower is prepared in the same way. Its size is 3 times smaller than that of a long ribbon.
  7. First, the yellow fringe is rolled into a bun, then the pink fringe is wound around it.
  8. To make the flower beautiful, the flower petals must be straightened and fluffed.
  9. Stick this colored part onto the flat part of the receptacle on top of the leaves.
  10. Next, the stem is attached to the inflorescence.
  11. Long narrow leaves are attached to the stem.

If you make several flowers with buds of different colors, you will get a beautiful bouquet.

plum tree

Sculpting progress:

Simple crafts from plasticine step by step instructions will become for children the initial stage of mastering decorative and applied arts.

Article format: Oksana Grivina

Video about plasticine fakes for children

Collection of ideas for children's fakes:

Plasticine is one of the most interesting materials if only because it is much more elastic and softer than clay. In addition, there are many color options that are sure to become a favorite of novice needlewomen and their little helpers. If you pay as much attention as possible to plasticine, you will very soon realize that this is a real find with which you can create masterpieces and unique compositions.

Today we will talk about what kind of plasticine there is and why it is chosen as a material for crafts. In addition, we will show you a couple of master classes with which you will learn how to create unusual products from plasticine.

Modeling from plasticine

So, we have already found out that plasticine is one of the most malleable materials from which you can create almost anything. It warms up perfectly in your hands, allowing you to give it the desired shape.

You can sculpt entire models from plasticine, especially a variety of characters. Surely, you have noticed the film adaptations of various plasticine cartoons, which cause universal delight not only among children, but also their parents. It seems that making the same character is quite difficult, but in fact, sculpting from plasticine step by step is not difficult.

Modeling from plasticine is shown to children as early as kindergarten. They do an excellent job with these tasks, so why not try to create something unusual and unique from multi-colored plasticine?

What kind of plasticine is there?

Today there are about two types of plasticine:

  • Domestic plasticine
  • Foreign plasticine

How is each of them different?

Let's start with the fact that domestically produced plasticine is the same plasticine we have known since childhood. It needs to be held in your hands for several minutes in order to warm it up, and who hasn’t breathed on hard pieces of plasticine before modeling?

But recently, bright foreign-made plasticine has appeared, with which you can create many interesting crafts in a few minutes. It does not need to be heated, already softened it is sold in buckets, but the main disadvantage is its cost, and for one complete set it is about two thousand!

That is why plasticine from domestic producers, which has a more reasonable cost, will remain relevant today.

Progress does not stand still and today our children are given the opportunity to make crafts from plasticine floating in the water.

How to make animals from plasticine?

In order to sculpt from plasticine with children, you don’t have to come up with something unusual; on the contrary, pay attention to the simplest sculpting options.

For example, in order to mold the same kitten, you don’t need any special tricks. It is enough to arm yourself with plasticine and a modeling board.

So, first, take a small piece of plasticine and knead it thoroughly in your hands so that you can create the figure you want. Start forming a ball. This is a mandatory step that always helps to sculpt the perfect character or animal.

Next, you need to lightly squeeze the ball with two fingers on the sides and pull out the parts that protruded from the ball. This way you will get the body and legs of a cat. Be sure to leave a small piece on the head, from which the ears will stick out.

After you have formed the finished kitten, take plasticine that is different in color from your workpiece, and ideally white, in order to create the eyes. That is why we need to take less plasticine and roll up a small sausage, from which we will then get the eyes.

To do this, the sausage must be divided into two parts and rolled into equal balls. Flatten them a little and attach them to the kitten’s head, and then do the same manipulations to make the pupils. You can choose black or other colors like blue or green to create the perfect cat eye effect.

After the eyes are ready, do not forget to give them a little relief with a special knife or spatula. The next step will be the final one: draw out the cat's ears and tail, and then iron the fur.

Crafts made from plasticine with children of different ages, 3-4, 5-6 years old, differ significantly from each other, but equally help to develop fine motor skills and keep the little ones’ fingers occupied. Offer to come up with your own animal so that the child can try to create something unusual, moving away from the rules and uniform forms.

Master class on making a Christmas tree from plasticine

Certainly, New Year It’s already passed, but until we celebrate the Old New Year, invite your child to make a New Year’s tree on their own and decorate it together.

So, how to make a Christmas tree from plasticine step by step with your own hands?

In order to create a New Year tree, we of course need plasticine of several colors, namely: yellow, green, red, brown. Apart from these, use a garlic press as it will be most useful to us today.

1. Let's start with the simplest thing, namely brown plasticine. It is necessary to mold sausages from it in order to create a trunk. Attach the barrel to the cardboard to get a real plasticine picture.

2.Now, it’s the turn for green plasticine, from which we need to create something like loops located on the trunk. Repeat two rows of three stitches and proceed to the next step.

3. In order not to cut the plasticine into small pieces, do not forget about the garlic press. The sausages that you will get with its help will become your future spruce loops. It is necessary to leave less and less distance between the proposed branches in order for the tree to look unusual and attractive.

4. And finally, don’t forget about the Christmas tree decorations, which you can create as your heart desires. Of course, the ideal option would be a bright star made of red plasticine, which can be placed on the top of the spruce tree.

Christmas balls have not been canceled either, so leave this mission to your child and make a variety of balls for your Christmas tree. In addition to the plasticine itself, the blank can be decorated with sparkles and other unusual elements.

This is the kind of beautiful Christmas tree that comes out of those who put in maximum effort and patience.

Entertaining modeling lessons can also be taught to older children. More complex products are always used for them, for example, a rose made of plasticine or autumn compositions with elements of leaves, cones and other natural materials.

By the way, an excellent craft would be a small hedgehog that you and your baby can make by adding a pine cone as needles. Plant apples on it so that it can be seen that this is a truly autumn hedgehog.


So, as you already understand, you don’t have to have any special skills to create unusual crafts. You just need to apply a little imagination and a variety of products will definitely captivate you and your child, and master classes and photographs on our website will definitely help you create fun and beautiful crafts.

Thomas Aquinas defined man as a being with brains and hands. “The greatest joy is when we can simultaneously use our brain and our hands in a way that is creative, useful and productive.” Modeling with plasticine is a time-tested, extremely stimulating and beneficial activity for a child’s development.

Modern types of plasticine

Plasticine, or rather a composition resembling clay (plastichina), has been used by sculptors since medieval times to perform mainly sketches and preparatory work for (smaller) sculptures, and is mentioned in Giorgio Vasari's Lives of Famous Painters, Sculptors and Architects. The material traditionally consists of beeswax, instead of which mountain wax (ozokerite) is often used, fillers (clay powder) and plasticizers (animal fats, vegetable oils, glycerin). Microcrystalline wax is the basis of plasticine, providing its “body”.

Plasticine is a material with special properties that make it practical and useful in preschool education. Unlike clay or wax, it remains soft and workable (does not harden or dry out).

Since the 1800s, several plasticine formulations with similar properties have been developed:

  1. An oil variant of the "Kunst-Modellierthon" (known as Plastilin), invented by Franz Kolb in Munich, in 1880. This product is still available today as "Münchner Künstler Plastilin" (Munich artists' plasticine).
  2. A similar product was invented in England in 1897 by artist and art teacher in Bath, William Harbutt. It consisted of 65% filler (mostly gypsum), 10% petroleum jelly, 5% lime and 10% lanolin and stearic acid. In 1915, Harbutt patented another formulation that added wool fibers to give the material a stronger composition. The Harbutt Company, owned and operated by Harbutt's descendants, continued to produce the material as a children's toy at the Bathampton factory until 1983.
  3. In Italy, Pongo is sold as clay and shares its main characteristics.
  4. Plasticine is a trademark of Roma Plastilina; the formula is 100 years old (Roma Plasticine contains sulfur).
  5. In France, sculpture clay is produced by J.Herbin, and sold as Plastiline.

Professional sculptural clay or sculpted clay is any of the plastic materials used in modeling and construction. Their composition and production processes may vary significantly from one manufacturer to another. Oil-based material is made from various combinations of oils, waxes and clay minerals. It is compatible with all silicone rubbers, even polyadditive silicone rubbers (their catalysis is inhibited by the presence of sulfur). Due to these characteristics, sculptural clay is used in the art sector for the production of models and sculptures, in the field of special effects and in industrial prototyping.

How to sculpt from sculptural plasticine? The special composition allows you to mold it by hand at room temperature, create sculptures of any size with realistic details, and use tools (stacks, spatulas, modeling knives, etc.) to draw clear lines. A large figure, molded from material, can be strengthened with a metal supporting core. To make the surface of the sculpture as smooth as possible, the artist can treat it with a pad soaked in limonene or turpentine essence.

Modern types of plasticine are represented by a large assortment:

  • wax-based plastic material;
  • floating (very light plasticine, which allows it to float on the water);
  • fluorescent, pearlescent;
  • ball;
  • smart plasticine: based on silicone polymers with amazing physical properties. It bounces, can flow like liquid, but breaks when hit hard.

To produce modern types of plasticines, some high-tech materials are used, including polyvinyl chloride suspended in a plasticizer. Technically, this modeling material is called polymer clay. When cured, it melts into a very hard plastic. Polymer clay impresses with its versatility. It can be sculpted, cut, stamped, textured and even sanded.

To give it shape, liquid and color pigments are added. It is difficult for small hands to manipulate this material, at least at first. But the more you work with polymer clay, the easier it becomes. Polymer clay You can bake it in the oven to give it shape. But it is one of the most expensive materials for sculpting and its use is limited to small sculptures.

Several companies produce light or airy clay or lightweight modeling clay, a non-toxic, all-natural, air-curing material. The lightweight, soft-to-handle material is perfect for creating toys, vessels, jewelry, relief images and sculptures. How to sculpt from light plasticine? Typically, it dries at room temperature within 24 hours or possibly several days, depending on climate conditions and the size and thickness of the model.

How does modeling affect a child’s development?

Modeling from plasticine is a fascinating artistic activity that is not just great entertainment for children. Her goals are much bigger. The possibilities of the material as an artistic project are diverse and important for the social, cognitive, emotional, and physical development of the child.

Health and emotional background of the individual

Playing with plasticine is one of a number of sensory games that are played important role in child development. Sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste are all included in sensory play. In fact, it is more than just touch, sensory exploration is a child's way of exploring, discovering, classifying and making sense of the world.

Playing with plasticine helps develop fine motor skills in a child. During modeling lessons, small muscle groups in children's fingers, hands and wrists are trained and strengthened, helping to facilitate the process of learning to write. The control over finger movements used when modeling from plasticine is actually the same as the ability to hold a pen and write with it. Without well-developed fine motor skills, a child may have difficulty not only learning to write, but also performing other tasks such as turning the pages of a book, cutting, drawing, squeezing glue out of a tube, tying shoelaces, or zipping up a zipper.

Modeling calms a child during an “emotional crisis” - it helps regulate internal discomfort, be it boredom, anxiety or another type of excitement. Creating figures, be it a bunny or a kitten, or any other animal, allows kids to feel competent and proud of their achievements (“I can roll out”, “I made a smesharik”). During modeling classes, children communicate with each other, describe what they are doing and how, observe the actions of their comrades and compare actions and objects, which teaches interaction with each other and joint actions.

Mental and Personal Development

Through playing with plasticine, children express their ideas, satisfy their curiosity, analyze and solve problems, and learn symbolic thinking. While playing with play dough, children listen and talk to peers or adults, which helps them expand their vocabulary as they describe their actions, make up stories about their creations, use ideas from books they read with their parents, and refer to what they see in Everyday life.

Psychologists say that children live to play; they learn to understand the world through play. When they play, they explore, control or change their environment, learn to concentrate on something - all of which provide preparatory stage for subsequent academic achievements. A child's learning depends very much on his ability to feel and touch.

The most important aspect is the quality of the material. For babies, very soft plasticine is needed. If it is uncomfortable for a child to sculpt, then his interest in such an activity will very quickly pass. Modeling tools:

  • modeling board;
  • stacks;
  • rolling pins, including those with patterns;
  • molds for modeling.

The creative possibilities of plasticine are endless, which allows the child to spend a lot of time with the material, play with it and not get bored. It also helps develop imagination. The material allows parents and children to create stories, characters, animals and geometric shapes.

How to teach children to sculpt?

Emphasizing the importance of the individuality of a small person, many parents and teachers are of the erroneous opinion that, given the texture of such a material as plasticine, Small child will study and create a sculptural object himself. A wonderful thought, but unfortunately this is not the case and is largely up to parents and teachers to provide adequate stimulation or motivation based on the child's own experiences.

First of all, when we sculpt with plasticine with children, we teach how to form their basic shapes:

  • egg (ellipsoid);
  • hemisphere;
  • cake;
  • sausage;
  • cylinder;
  • cone;
  • brick;
  • tourniquet;
  • spiral.

After they master these forms and the names for each of them, it is easier for us to give instructions on how to sculpt figures, animals, fairy-tale and cartoon characters, for example, fixie, and so on, then gradually move on to compositions. A child, depicting the volume of an object (and its other features), gets an idea of ​​such a concept as proportion. Modeling, for example, a snowman or a Smesharik, the child understands that the object is round and to create it you need to roll balls. In this way, the ability to generalize objects and form develops.

Age 2-3 years

This age group gets excited when they see bright plasticine and what can come out of it. What do we sculpt from plasticine with 2-year-old children? Little explorers can be offered simple artistic objects; make, for example, a bright green-brown caterpillar.

  1. Cut out a leaf shape from a sheet of white paper. We ask the little one to color it.
  2. Together with the baby, you need to make balls from green and brown plasticine, which we collect together.
  3. Let your child try to roll two or three balls and connect them on his own.
  4. Using yellow and black plasticine, we make the eyes and mouth of the caterpillar on the first ball, and from red plasticine we roll out two small sticks for the antennae, which we place on the head.

We place the molded caterpillar on a form cut out of paper so that it appears to be crawling along a sheet. It is important to comment on the modeling process; it is useful to accompany it with songs, rhymes or interesting story corresponding to the topic.

What do we sculpt from plasticine with 3-year-old children? They have already acquired a certain linguistic vocabulary and you can teach them to sculpt Smesharik, Losyasha, Krosha or Nyusha, explore a shape such as a cone and make ice cream out of plasticine. Other ideas for sculpting: any animal, hare, cat, even a beetle or spider; food, such as a fruit platter or pizza.

Modeling in this age group usually takes no more than 20 minutes.

Children 4-5 years old

At this age, children are actively interested in the world around them. Modeling from plasticine is a wonderful way to develop children and it can be used for this age group, already divided into subject, plot (logical composition of different figures), decorative features. When a child forms a figure, he actively uses his imagination.

What do we sculpt from plasticine with children aged 5? Ideas:

  • mushroom meadow (a sheet of cardboard will serve as the basis for placing the composition);
  • lawn with lake;
  • fruit basket (make a small basket from flagella, then fill it with tiny fruits, using basic shapes and plasticine of different colors: apple, melon, banana);
  • a fairytale house with tiny furniture;
  • a composition with “fake snow” (made of cotton wool) and “fake ice” (made of foil), in which to place fur seals or walruses molded from plasticine;
  • a “game board” for tic-tac-toe in the shape of a pond made of blue plasticine, on which “draw” four thin sausage rollers; "Tic Tac Toe" in the shape of 10 green turtles. For each figure, roll a large and a small ball, flatten them on one side and connect; roll out the sausage roller and cut it into four short pieces for the legs, which are attached to the body of the turtle. Make eyes from yellow plasticine. Use yellow to make 5 “X”s and 5 “Os” and stick them on the backs of the turtles.
  • compositions combining various objects with plasticine (straws, buttons, shells, pebbles) - ideas designed for middle and older ages.

When depicting objects, children reproduce not only the forms, but their characteristics, firstly, color.

Drawing with plasticine using template pictures

The developing technique is reminiscent of mosaic art, combining sculpting and appliqué. Using templates or coloring pages, we ask the child to “draw” fruits, leaves, the sun, a rainbow, a steam locomotive, a car, a tank, and so on. Using basic modeling techniques from plasticine of the desired colors, we place thin sausages and pancakes inside the contours.

Basic techniques for modeling from plasticine:

  • pinch off;
  • flatten;
  • roll out and roll;
  • we pinch or pinch;
  • pull or pull;
  • apply and press;
  • twist and twist;
  • scratch through.

With kids who are two and three years old, we start by simply smearing plasticine into the outline of a sun or a leaf (a wonderful massage for little fingers!), combining modeling and drawing, over time they will learn to draw with plasticine according to templates.

How to properly store plasticine crafts?

A bas-relief created from plasticine according to a template can be framed and hung on the wall, the figures can be displayed on a glass shelf - to show the child how interested the parents are in his creativity.

Figures made from plasticine can be stored for years, but in certain conditions. To do this, they need to be folded separately into small boxes and put in a cool and always dark place.

We sculpt from plasticine step by step - ideas

How to sculpt animals from plasticine? It is not difficult for a baby and his mother to create a baby elephant, for which you need to roll out a large ball for the body, a medium-sized ball for the head, two small balls for the ears, two small balls for the eyes and two tiny ones for the pupils. Mold all the balls together, flatten the ears into a cake before attaching them to the head. Roll out a long roll-sausage, which is cut into the baby elephant's legs and trunk. Roll into a thin sausage roll for the tail.


The machine is definitely the most popular toy for boys. Making a car is quite simple and every child can do it with the help of adults. To make a machine, we will need:

  • children's plasticine set;
  • stacks for plasticine.

We sculpt a car from plasticine step by step:

  1. We choose plasticine of any preferred color to create the body of the car. Knead the plasticine until it becomes soft and elastic. Pinch off a piece of plasticine and roll it into a sausage.
  2. Smooth out the edges. The top of the part should have an arched outline.
  3. We cut off a piece of plasticine for the hood and the base under the windshield.
  4. We smooth out all the unevenness.
  5. From pieces of white plasticine we flatten cakes for glass (front, side and rear).
  6. We sculpt four wheels from black plasticine for tires and gray plasticine for rims; roll four larger balls for tires and smaller balls for rims. We flatten the “tires” and place the flattened “discs” in the center. You can squeeze out a relief on the disks using a stack.
  7. We mold wheels to the car body.
  8. We attach arched wings made of the same color of plasticine as for the car body to the top of the wheels (for the wings we roll small sausages and flatten them) and we can drive our plasticine car.

It's easy to make a funny creature such as a cat or kitty. First we make the body by rolling a large ball from which we make an oval. From the second smaller ball we make a head, on which we form small ears in the upper part. We attach two parts, for reliability you can use toothpicks.

We make legs from four small sausages, and a tail from a thin sausage. We sculpt the body parts into the appropriate places. We make the nose and eyes from black plasticine.


Light model, step by step:

  1. Roll a ball out of plasticine and pull it out from one part, forming a nose.
  2. Roll two small balls of white plasticine and attach them to the muzzle in place of the eyes. For the pupils, roll two tiny balls of black plasticine.
  3. The spines are made from sunflower seeds.


Step-by-step process of sculpting a tyrannosaurus:

Step one: prepare four pieces of plasticine.

Step two: form the body. Roll one piece into a ball, make the tail section by thinning one side, and form the neck area by squeezing at the top at the opposite end.

Step three: sculpt the legs by rolling a piece of plasticine into a sausage and dividing it into two parts. For each leg we make claws from strips of white plasticine, sharpening them at one end.

Step four: we form the head into a small ball, extending it from one side. We separate the lower jaw from the upper part with a stack.

Step five: the arm (two parts) is formed in the same way as the legs, but smaller in size.

New Year's crafts

New Year's decorations are simple and interesting to make from light plasticine using a variety of shapes (stars, hearts, circles, etc.). The material is safe for children and therefore they will be happy to take part in such a pre-holiday event.


Master class on making roses. We will need colored plasticine for leaves and petals, and floral wire.

  1. First we make the petals, for which we roll up a thin sausage, which we cut into several small pieces and flatten them into flat ovals.
  2. Fold one petal to make the center of the rose, and fold the next petal around the open edge (the center petal).
  3. We continue to add petals, each time placing them above the open edge of the previous petal.
  4. Roll the piece into a sausage, slightly thicker than the first, cut into pieces and flatten into flat ovals for larger petals.
  5. Add them to the rose bud, each layer of petals needs to be sculpted a little loosely to create a beautiful open rose.
  6. When the number of petals is sufficient, we make a flower stem. We roll out the green plasticine thinly and gather it around the floral wire, leaving a small tip for the flower head.
  7. We make the leaves following the instructions for making petals, except that we squeeze them at one end (the tip of the leaf). If the leaves are too heavy, you can push a short piece of wire through the center to support them. We sculpt the leaves along the stem and place a flower preparation on the top (tip of the wire).

A plasticine man can be made from one color of plasticine or colored plasticine can be used for different parts of the body. This is when we want to show that our figurine of a baby, man or woman is wearing some kind of outfit. For example, you can make a person from blue plasticine, and a head from white material.

  1. For the head, roll a small ball.
  2. For the body, we form a cylinder that is larger than the “head” and smooth it out.
  3. For arms and legs, roll sausages; one pair should be thicker than the other.
  4. We attach the head to the body: pluck out a little plasticine from it using a pencil or toothpick. The hole should be deep or wide enough to fit the neck. We make the neck by extending a small cone on the body, onto which we place the head. Smooth the edge well.
  5. For the hands, you can add slightly flattened pieces of plasticine and round them so that they look like fingers.
  6. For the feet, bend the ends of the sausages; they should be large enough to support your feet. We press the feet to the board, forming the soles.
  7. We attach the finished arms and legs to the body and smooth the edges.
  8. Roll two small balls of white plasticine and two tiny balls of blue plasticine for the pupils. We attach both eyes tightly to the head.
  9. For the mouth, roll out a small thin sausage (no larger than the width of your head).
  10. You can add a nose by simply attaching some plasticine to the center of the face and smearing it with your fingers into any shape (ball, triangle, etc.).

The most important thing in the process of sculpting with young children is not only to teach them how to perform basic sculpting techniques. The main thing is that they should have fun. Perhaps some of the children will quickly get tired of modeling and will gladly switch to another game. Some people, on the contrary, are very passionate about creative work.

Before sculpting, it is important to ask a child who is four or five years old what he wants to sculpt. You can offer your own option and not interfere with him, if he expressed a desire to make a figurine on his own, choosing an animated character as the theme, perhaps it will be some kind of fixie, and perhaps even an animatronic Freddy.

Plasticine sculpture develops children's creative potential, and we should refrain from any negative criticism, on the contrary, they will encourage creativity as much as possible. If a child is experiencing frustration, it is important to address this by encouraging more practice and experimentation.

In addition to being engrossed in play, a child begins to understand cause and effect when he picks up play dough and manipulates it to change shape. This stimulates the child's creativity and tickles his intellect. From a scientific point of view, sculpting creates many new synapses in the brain, activating neurons through the senses used at work.

In contact with

Today we will conduct a lesson not only in modeling, but also in chemistry, and we will make models of molecules from plasticine. Plasticine balls can be represented as atoms, and ordinary matches or toothpicks will help to show structural connections. This method can be used by teachers when explaining new material in chemistry, by parents when checking and studying homework, and by children themselves who are interested in the subject. Easier and accessible way creating visual material for mental visualization of micro-objects is, perhaps, impossible to find.

Here are representatives from the world of organic and inorganic chemistry as examples. By analogy with them, other structures can be made, the main thing is to understand all this diversity.

Materials for work:

  • plasticine of two or more colors;
  • structural formulas of molecules from the textbook (if necessary);
  • matches or toothpicks.

1. Prepare plasticine for modeling spherical atoms from which molecules will be formed, as well as matches to represent the bonds between them. Naturally, it is better to show atoms of different types in a different color, so that it is clearer to imagine a specific object of the microworld.

2. To make balls, pinch off required amount portions of plasticine, knead in your hands and roll into shapes in your palms. To sculpt organic hydrocarbon molecules, you can use larger red balls - this will be carbon, and smaller blue balls - hydrogen.

3. To form a methane molecule, insert four matches into the red ball so that they point towards the vertices of the tetrahedron.

4. Place blue balls on the free ends of the matches. The natural gas molecule is ready.

5. Prepare two identical molecules to explain to your child how the molecule of the next hydrocarbon, ethane, can be obtained.

6. Connect the two models by removing one match and two blue balls. Ethan is ready.

7. Next, continue the exciting activity and explain how a multiple bond is formed. Remove the two blue balls and make the bond between the carbons double. In a similar way, you can mold all the hydrocarbon molecules necessary for the lesson.

8. The same method is suitable for sculpting molecules of the inorganic world. The same plasticine balls will help you realize your plans.

9. Take the central carbon atom - the red ball. Insert two matches into it, defining the linear shape of the molecule; attach two blue balls, which in this case represent oxygen atoms, to the free ends of the matches. Thus, we have a carbon dioxide molecule of linear structure.

10. Water is a polar liquid, and its molecules are angular formations. They consist of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. The angular structure is determined by the lone pair of electrons on the central atom. It can also be depicted as two green dots.

These are so exciting creative lessons Definitely a must practice with children. Students of any age will become interested in chemistry and will understand the subject better if, during the learning process, they are provided with a visual aid made by themselves.