Thematic planning. Thematic planning Calendar thematic planning

Municipal educational institution

Alekseevskaya secondary school No. 3 named after. G.S. Borovikova


School director Deputy director for water management at a meeting of the Moscow Region

_________________ ____________________ __________________

Protocol No. ___. "___"_____________2010 “___”_____________2010 “___”________2010

Working music curriculum for 7th grade

Calendar thematic planning

1 hour per week (total 35 hours)

Compiled by: first music teacher

p.g.t. Alekseevskoe

2010-2011 academic year.

Explanatory note.

Features of musical dramaturgy and the development of musical images in works of major genres - opera, ballet, musical, rock opera, symphony, instrumental concert, suite, etc. Genre and stylistic features of musical language. Unity of content and form of musical works. Style as a reflection of the composer’s worldview. Styles of musical creativity and performance inherent in different eras.

Section 1. “Features of musical dramaturgy of stage music” (17 hours)

Style as a reflection of the era and national character. Composer's personalities: Russia – West. Genre variety of operas, ballets, musicals. The relationship of music with literature and fine arts in stage genres. Features of constructing a musical and dramatic performance. Opera: overture, aria, recitative, ensemble, chorus, stage, etc. Techniques of symphonic development of images.

Comparative interpretations of musical works. Performer skill. Music in a dramatic play. The role of music in film and television.

The use of various forms of music-making and creative tasks in students’ mastery of the content of musical images.

Section 2. “Features of dramaturgy of chamber and symphonic music” (18 hours)

Understanding of life phenomena and their contradictions in sonata form, symphonic suite, sonata-symphonic cycle. Comparison of the dramaturgy of large musical forms with the peculiarities of the development of music in vocal and instrumental genres.

Stylization as a type of creative embodiment of an artistic concept: poeticization of the art of the past, reproduction of national or historical flavor. Transcription as a genre of classical music.

Reintonation of classical music modern treatments. Comparative interpretations. Performer skill: outstanding performers and performing groups.

The use of various forms of music-making and creative tasks for students to master the content of musical images.

Requirements for the level of preparation of 7th grade students

Musical education in 7th grade should provide students with the opportunity to:

Improve the understanding of the trinity of musical activity (composer - performer - listener);

Know the main genres of folk, professional, religious and modern music;

Understand the features of the implementation of eternal themes of art and life in works of different genres;

Emotionally - figuratively perceive and evaluate musical compositions of various genres and styles;

Creatively interpret the content of a musical work using techniques of plastic intonation, musical rhythmic movement, and improvisation.

Carry out comparative interpretations of musical works;

Identify the features of constructing a musical and dramatic performance based on the interaction of music with other forms of art;

Use various shapes individual, group and collective music playing, perform creative tasks, participate in research projects;

Improve self-education skills and abilities.


Understand the interaction of music with other forms of art based on awareness of the specific language of each of them (music, literature, fine arts, theater, cinema, etc.);

The possibilities of musical art in reflecting the eternal problems of life;

Main genres of folk and professional music;

Basic forms of music;

Characteristic features of creativity and analysis of a musical work;

Names of outstanding composers and performing musicians;

Types of orchestras, names of the most famous instruments;

The variety of musical images and their development in a musical work;

Features of the differences between vocal and instrumental music (vaganta, romance, ballad,

The history of the emergence of sacred music and its development in the work of modern composers;

Basic styles of music (polyphony, homophony);

Famous world theaters and performers,

Features of the development of musical dramaturgy of stage music;

The structure of the sonata-symphonic cycle;

Features of the development of dramaturgy of chamber and symphonic music.

Educational and thematic planning in music

Planning is based on the federal component of the state educational standard primary general education in art;

Primary general education programs in music;

The curriculum of a general education institution.

Educational and methodological kit:

Kritskaya E.D., Sergeeva G.P., Shmagina T.S. Textbook "Music" 7th grade. - M.: Education, 2008.

Kritskaya E.D., Sergeeva G.P., Shmagina T.S. Creative notebook 7. – M.: Education, 2008.

Reader on musical material for the textbook "Music" 7th grade (teacher's manual). –

M.: Education, 2008.

Phonochrestomathy for the textbook "Music" 7th grade.

Additional literature:

Wagner G.K., Vladyshevskaya T.F. Art of Ancient Rus'. – M., 1993.

Vanslov V.V. art and music: Essays. – L., 1983.

Vygotsky L.S. Psychology of art. – Minsk, 1998.

Isaeva L.A., Kurchenko I.V., Chizhikova V.P. Music teacher: ways professional development. – Saratov, 2007.

Zatyamina T.A. Modern music lesson. – M.: Globus, 2007.

Kabalevsky D.D. About three whales and much more. – M.: Children's literature, 1972.

Kritskaya E.D., Sergeeva G.P., Shmagina T.S. Toolkit. Music 5.- M.: Education, 2006.

Koshmina I.V. Sacred music at school. In 2 books. – M., 2001.

Ksenzova G.Yu. Promising school technology: Textbook. – method. Benefit. – M., 2001.

Rapatskaya L.A. Russian artistic culture: Textbook. allowance. – M., 1998.

Smolina E.A. Creative techniques and tasks for music lessons. – Yaroslavl, 2006.



7th grade

Lesson no.

Name of sections and topics

Number of hours

Lesson type

Requirements for the student's level of preparation

Type of control


Interaction of music with different types arts (1st half of the year)

Classic and modern


Music by I. Bach, A. Vivaldi, S. Rachmaninov

- “My Motherland” - D. Tukhmanova


Be able to: reasonedly discuss the role of music in human life, demonstrate vocal and choral skills

Oral interview (individual and frontal)

In musical theatre. Opera “Ivan Susanin” by M.I. Glinka

A lesson in learning and consolidating new knowledge – conversation.

Opera “Ivan Susanin” by M.I. Glinka (fragments) Song “My Motherland” by D. Tukhmanov.

Be able to: Justify your own opinion

Comprehend the most important categories in the art of music.

Oral survey

In musical theatre. Opera "Ivan Susanin"

Lesson to consolidate knowledge

Opera “Ivan Susanin” - M.I. Glinka (fragments)

Song "School Ship" - Struve.

Have an idea:

About the features of musical language, musical dramaturgy, about largest center of global significance.

Oral survey

A.P. Borodin. Opera "Prince Igor"

Opera “Prince Igor” (fragments) Song “School Ship” - Struve

Be able to:

Emotionally and figuratively perceive and characterize music. works

Oral survey.

A.P. Borodin. Opera “Prince Igor” “Lament of Yaroslavna” Prayer.

Consolidation lesson.

- “Yaroslavna’s Lament” - from the opera “Prince Igor”

Song “Heaven in the eyes” - S. Smirnova.

Know: Be able to: perform a solo expressively

Oral survey.

The image of a single developing dance in the music of M. Ravel. Dynamic and orchestral development of music.

- “Bolero” by M. Ravel. -song It’s great that we’ve all gathered here today.”

Know: character traits and images in the works of composers; - variety of music. Images of their development, Be able to: perform a solo expressively

Oral survey.

Musical image in works.

Lesson of acquaintance and study (lesson - conversation)

"Ave Maria" - F. Schubert. “October” - P.I. Tchaikovsky.

“It’s great that we are all here today.”

Know: features of the implementation of eternal art and life there in works of different genres. Be able to identify the features of the interaction of music with various types art

Danceability and songfulness in the works of F. Liszt.

Lesson of acquaintance and study (lesson - conversation)

“Second Rhapsody” - F. Liszt.

Know musical terms

Oral survey.

Heroic theme in music

Lesson on summarizing the topics of the 1st quarter.

Quiz "Guess the melody."

Know composers and recognize music by style.


Russia is our mighty power. Unity of life content and artistic forms.

Anthems of Russia and Tatarstan. “Hymn of Democratic Youth” - Muradeli.

Understand the role of music in human life.

Be able to: -perceive and evaluate works emotionally and figuratively.

Oral survey.

In musical theatre. Opera "Porgy and Bess". J. Gershwin.

Lesson of study and primary consolidation.

Opera "Porgy and Bess". J. Gershwin. "fragments. Songs “Only this way” by G. Vasiliev.

Know: names of outstanding domestic and foreign composers.

Be able to: use various forms of individual, group and collective music-making; perform creative tasks.

Oral survey.

Development of opera performance traditions.

Lesson on improving knowledge, skills and abilities

Opera “Porgy and Bess” by J. Gershwin (fragments);

Opera “Prince Igor” by A.P. Borodin (fragments);

Song “Blue Snowdrifts” by A. Yakusheva.


The largest music centers of world importance;

Names of outstanding domestic and foreign composers.

Oral survey.

Opera "Carmen" by J. Bizet.

Lesson of studying and primary consolidation of new knowledge (lesson-lecture).

Opera 2carmen” by J. Bizet (fragments);

Song “Blue Snowdrifts” by A. Yakusheva.

Be able to:

To navigate musical notation as a means of recording musical speech;

Oral survey (individual and frontal).

Opera "Carmen" by J. Bizet. Images of Jose and Escamillo.

Lesson to consolidate knowledge.

Opera 2carmen" by J. Bizet (fragments). Images of Jose and Escamillo;

Understand: the role of music in human life.

Be able to:-emotionally and figuratively perceive and evaluate musical works of various genres;

Identify the features of the interaction of music with various types of art.

Oral survey.

Ballet “Carmen Suite” by R. Shchedrin.

Lesson on the comprehensive application of students' knowledge of learning (quiz lesson).

Ballet “Carmen Suite” by J. Bizet, R. Shchedrin;

Song “Night Road” by S. Nikitin, Yu. Vizbor.

Be able to:

Emotionally and figuratively perceive and evaluate musical works of various genres;

Identify the features of the interaction of music with various types of arts:

Oral survey. Quiz based on the works of J. Bizet, R. Shchedrin.

Plots and images of sacred music.

A lesson in studying and initially consolidating new knowledge.

“Organ fugue”, “high mass” - Mass in B minor by J. S. Bach (fragments);

Song “Roads” - Novikova.

Be able to:

Improve the understanding of the trinity of musical activity;

Creatively interpret the content of musical works;

Improve self-education skills when organizing cultural leisure.

Oral survey.

Music in nature.

Lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge.

“November” - “December” P.I. Chaikovsky.

“Roads” - Novikova.


Characteristic features of the images of composers' creativity;

A variety of musical images and ways of their development.

Expressive performance of songs.

Quiz. "Guess the melody ".

Features of dramaturgy of chamber and symphonic music - (2nd half of the year)

Musical dramaturgy - development of music

Lesson on studying and primary consolidation of new knowledge (lesson-lecture)

Fugue in A minor for organ by J. S. Bach. song “We wish you happiness” - S. Namin.

Understand: the role of music in human life. Be able to:

Oral survey.

Two directions of musical culture. Sacred music. Secular music.

Chorale “Jesus, joy of human hearts” by J.S. Bach. “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice” by S. Rachmaninov.

“We wish you happiness” - S. Namin.


Be able to:

Oral survey.

Musical dramaturgy in the work of M.I. Glinka. Continuation of the topic. Analysis of the “Overture” - in parts.

Lesson of studying and primary consolidation of new knowledge

"Overture" - from the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila."

“The Road of Good” - M. Minkova.

Know:-Russian composers. .features of the implementation of eternal themes of art and life in works of different genres and styles.

Oral survey.

Musical dramaturgy in nature.

Lesson of studying and primary consolidation of new knowledge

“Seasons” - “January” - P.I. Tchaikovsky, “Winter” - A. Vivaldi.

“The Road of Good” - M. Minkova.

Know:- names of domestic and foreign composers.

Be able to:-emotionally and figuratively perceive and characterize musical works, demonstrate vocal and choral skills.

Oral survey.

Light and serious music. Introduction to operetta.

Lesson of studying and primary consolidation of new knowledge

“The Gypsy Baron”, “The Bat” - J. Strauss.

“To the music of Vivaldi” - V. Berkovsky.

Know: features of the implementation of eternal themes of art and life in works of different genres and styles.

Be able to: emotionally figuratively perceive and evaluate music. Works of various genres and styles of classical music.

Oral survey.

Sonata. Sonata form.

A lesson in studying and initially consolidating new knowledge.


“Moonlight Sonata” - No. 14, Sonata No. 8 - L.V. Beethoven.

Song - “Spring Tango” - V. Milyaeva.


Be able to:-

Oral survey.

Symphonic music. Comparison and contrast of musical images using the example of the exposition of symphony No. 4o by W.A. Mozart.

A lesson in studying and initially consolidating new knowledge.


Symphony No. 103 by J. Haydn. Symphony No. 40 by W.A. Mozart. Song - “Spring Tango” - V. Milyaeva.

Know: features of the implementation of eternal themes of art and life in works of different genres and styles.

Be able to: emotionally figuratively perceive and evaluate music. Works of various genres and styles of classical music.

Oral survey.

N.R.K. Music of Tatar composers. Acquaintance.

A lesson in studying and initially consolidating new knowledge.


“March” - S. Saidasheva. Fragment from the ballet “Shurale” - F. Yarullina.

Know:- about the features of musical language, musical dramaturgy.

Be able to:- describe musical works.

Oral survey.

Music of different genres.

Lesson of generalization and consolidation of knowledge.

Listening to classical music.

Know:- about the features of musical language, musical dramaturgy.

Be able to:- describe musical works.

Quiz "Guess the melody."

Symphonic music.

A lesson in studying and initially consolidating new knowledge.


Symphony-No. 1 by S.S. Prokofiev. Symphony No. 5 by L.V. Beethoven. “Hope’s Little Orchestra” - B. Okudzhava.

Understand: the role of music in human life. Be able to: reasonedly talk about the role of music, demonstrate vocal skills.

Oral survey (individual and frontal).

Symphonic music.

Lesson to consolidate knowledge - conversation.

Symphony No. 8 - F. Schubert. Symphony No. 1 - V. Kalinnikov “.Hope’s little orchestra” by B. Okudzhava.

Be able to:- emotionally and figuratively perceive and evaluate works of various genres and styles of classical music . Reveal features of the interaction of music with other forms of art.

Oral survey (individual and frontal).

Symphonic music.

Lesson on the complex application of ZUN learning (quiz lesson).

Symphony No. 5 by P.I. Tchaikovsky. Symphony No. 7 by D. B. Shostakovich.

Know: .

Be able to

Oral survey (individual and frontal).

Acquaintance with the biography and work of composers F. Chopin, M. Oginski.

A lesson in studying and initially consolidating new knowledge.


“Polonaise” - Farewell to the Motherland - M Oginski. “Waltz” - F. Chopin. “Happiness” - D. Kabalevsky.

Know: characteristic features and images of composers’ creativity .

Be able to:. creatively interpret the content of musical works using plastic intonation techniques.

Oral survey (individual and frontal).

No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.

A lesson in studying and initially consolidating new knowledge.


War songs. “Victory Day” - D. Tukhmanova, “May Waltz”, “Holy War” - A. Alexandrova.

Understand: the role of music in human life. Be able to: reasonedly talk about the role of music, demonstrate vocal skills.

Oral survey (individual and frontal).

Music of the peoples of the world.

A lesson in studying and initially consolidating new knowledge.


Samples of musical folklore from different regions of the world (country, folk-jazz, rock-jazz) song from the film “We are from Jazz”.

Know: characteristic features and images of composers’ creativity, the variety of musical images and ways of their development .

Be able to: sing the song expressively.

Oral survey (individual and frontal).

Popular hits from musicals and rock operas.

Lesson on the integrated application of ZUN learn.

“I will never forget you”, “Hallelujah to the beloved couple” - from the opera “Juno and Avos” - A. Rybnikov. "We are from jazz."

Know: about the role of music in human life, about the largest music centers of world importance.

Be able to: improve the skills of self-education when organizing cultural leisure, when compiling a home music library.

Oral survey (individual and frontal).

The meaning of a song in a person's life.

General lesson - concert.

Quiz “Guess the melody”, Performance of familiar and favorite songs.

Understand: the role of music in human life. Be able to: reasonedly talk about the role of music, demonstrate vocal skills.


programsBymusic ...
  • Appendix No. 1 to the basic educational program of primary general education (agreement on working educational programs by subject) table of contents


    ... : 2 hoursTotal: 33 hours *For 2- 4 classesthematicplanning will be developed By as the teaching materials become available. Thematicplanning Chapter " Thematicplanning" fully consistent with the content programsBymusic ...

  • Educational program for the 2011 – 2012 academic year

    Main educational program

    ... Calendar -thematicplanningBy geography at 9 class. Volume: 2 hour V a week (68 hour per year) Authors: A.I. Alekseev Program... G. WORKINGTRAININGPROGRAMBY MATHEMATICS FOR

  • 1. General Provisions

    1.1 Calendar-thematic planning (hereinafter CTP) of the teacher is normative document, contributing to the organization of the educational process at the state educational institution of secondary vocational education "Kaltan Multidisciplinary Technical School" in disciplines that ensure methodologically correct planning of implementation curriculum in strict consistency and linkage with related disciplines.

    1.2 A well-thought-out and timely plan helps to prepare in advance for classes the necessary visual aids, didactic material, and to properly plan laboratory and practical work and is a project educational activities teacher.
     KTP is developed by a teacher for each specialty in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, curriculum and work program of the academic discipline;
     The QTP developed by the teacher is considered at a meeting of the methodological association and approved by the director of the educational institution no later than September 15 of the current year, the original QTP is submitted to methodological office, the teacher keeps a copy of it.
    1.3 The presence of a calendar-thematic plan makes it possible to systematically monitor the progress of the curriculum and the uniform distribution of students’ academic workload.

    1.4 The objectives of drawing up the technical specifications are:
     determining the place of each topic in the course and the place of each lesson in the topic;
     determining the relationship between individual lessons and course topics;
     creation of a rational system for developing students key competencies, skills and abilities in the academic discipline;
     quality improvement vocational education.

    1.5 The degree of development of the QTP is a criterion for the professionalism of the teacher.

    1.6 When developing KTP training course the teacher implements the sequence next steps:
     assessment of the psychological and pedagogical situation from the point of view of the main goal facing him;
     forecasting, foreseeing the progress and results of work;
     development of a sequence of actions;
     selection of the most optimal methods and techniques for their implementation;
     accurate calculation of activities in time and establishment of start and end dates for its stages;
     determination of forms and methods of recording and monitoring performance results.
    The calendar-thematic plan is drawn up for the academic discipline and professional module for the academic year, considered at a meeting of the methodological association and approved by the deputy director for educational and industrial work.

    2. Structure of the calendar-thematic plan for the academic discipline

    Calendar and thematic planning for the academic discipline (Appendix 1) is compiled by the teacher and should contain sections:
    Title page;
     Scope of academic discipline and types academic work;
     Content of training in the academic discipline;

    When drawing up a calendar-thematic plan, the following must be taken into account:

    The title page must contain the following information:
    - title of the document (calendar and thematic plan);
    - last name, first name, patronymic of the teacher;
    - the name of the academic discipline (must correspond to the name in the curriculum);
    - specialty (profession), study group (number, specialty);
    - work program on the basis of which a calendar and thematic plan is drawn up (indicating the date and the body that approved the work program, reviewer);
    - “Considered at a meeting of the methodological association, protocol No. ____ dated “___” __________201___.”
    - Approved: Deputy Director for educational and production work of the State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education "..........."
    The table “Scope of academic discipline and types of academic work” should contain the following information. The maximum and mandatory classroom load, the amount of hours allocated to classes, laboratory and practical classes, course design (if provided), and the number of mandatory courses are indicated by semester. tests and a form of final control for the semester in accordance with the curriculum. The final figures must coincide with the data of the work program “Content of training in the discipline”.

    3 Requirements for the design of a calendar-thematic plan for an academic discipline

    The calendar-thematic plan reflects the sequence of studying the sections and topics of the work program, the distribution of the amount of time among the sections and topics of the discipline. Number of hours on KTP per academic discipline includes a maximum teaching load, consisting of a mandatory classroom load and an independent teaching load.
    Calendar and thematic planning is prepared in printed form in the form of a table “Content of training in the academic discipline”:

    3. Column 3 “Name of sections, topics.” All program material, divided into sections and topics, is consistently reflected.
    4. Column 4 “Number of hours”. Topics listed in work program disciplines are divided into two-hour lessons if four or more hours are allocated to study the topic.
    5. Column 5 “Type of occupation”. Species are indicated training sessions, which are provided for by the Model Regulations on educational institution. Types of classes: lesson (learning new material, mastering knowledge, consolidating knowledge, combined, test, etc.), lecture, seminar, practical lesson, laboratory work, and etc.
    6. Column 6 “Material and Information Support classes." A mandatory minimum of material and technical support for the lesson is prescribed for each topic. Didactic materials, educational and visual aids on the topic are listed, technical means training, special equipment, sources of information indicating the addresses of Internet resources, etc.
    7. Column 7 “Extracurricular independent work of students.” The types of extracurricular independent work of students are indicated (solving problems, performing calculations and graphics, writing abstracts, preparing presentations, etc.). Homework is written in these columns taking into account the maximum workload of students.
    8. Column 8 “Number of hours”. The amount of time allocated for extracurricular independent work must correspond to the amount of time in the working curriculum and the work program of the professional discipline.
    9. Column 9 “Homework”. Homework for students is indicated (based on the main literature) (name of the textbook, author, page).
    The topics of practical classes, laboratory work, tests are highlighted in gray.
    11. At the end of the table the total number of hours in the academic discipline is indicated.

    4. Structure and design of the calendar-thematic plan for the professional module

    Calendar and thematic planning for the professional module (Appendix 2) is compiled by the teacher and should contain sections:
     Title page;
     Distribution of hours according to the professional module;
     Content of training according to the professional module;
     Content of educational practice;
     Contents of industrial practice;
     Logistics support for classes;
     Information support for training.
    The calendar and thematic plan for the interdisciplinary course is developed by the teacher (teachers) in parallel with the development of other calendar and thematic plans for interdisciplinary courses and practical training for this module. Discussion and approval of calendar and thematic plans is carried out for the module as a whole at the methodological association, approved by the Deputy Director for Educational and Industrial Work.
    The calendar and thematic plan for the interdisciplinary course is mandatory document allowing you to organize educational process on mastering, developing and consolidating professional and general competencies provided for by the module program. The calendar-thematic plan reveals the sequence of studying the sections and topics of the module program provided for by this interdisciplinary course and establishes the distribution of training hours by sections and topics of the course. The volume of hours according to the calendar-thematic plan includes the maximum teaching load (mandatory classroom load and independent work of students) and the volume of hours allocated for educational and practical training. A well-thought-out and high-quality calendar and thematic plan helps to prepare the necessary educational and visual aids for classes, to properly plan laboratory work, practical classes and types of work in practice.
    The calendar-thematic plan for an interdisciplinary course is drawn up in accordance with the working curriculum and work program professional module.
    The table “Distribution of hours by professional module” records the number of hours provided for by the working curriculum, the work program of the module for this interdisciplinary course (theoretical classes, laboratory work, practical classes, course work, independent work of students, types of practices).
    The table “Training content for the professional module” reflects the following:
    1. Column 1 “Class No.” The lesson number is recorded.
    2. Column 2 “Date”. To be filled in with a pencil.
    3. Column 3 “Name of sections of the professional module, topics and classes on the MDK.” All program material is consistently reflected, divided into sections, topics and types of practical work.
    4. Column 4 “Number of hours”. The main topics are divided into two-hour lessons if four or more hours are allocated to study the topic.
    5. Column 5 “Type of occupation”. The types of training sessions that are provided for by the Model Regulations on an educational institution of secondary (primary) vocational education are indicated, unless otherwise provided by the Charter of the educational institution. The standard regulations on an educational institution provide for the following types of classes: lesson (learning new material, mastering knowledge of knowledge, consolidating knowledge of knowledge, combined, test, etc.), lecture, seminar, practical lesson, laboratory work, consultation, course work (project), performing graduation qualifying work(graduation project, thesis).
    6. Columns 6, 7 “Codes of formed competencies”: OK (general competencies), PC (professional competencies). Filled out from table No. 2 (“Name of general and professional competencies when studying MDC).
    7. Column 8 “Material and information support for classes.” Didactic materials, educational and visual aids on the topic, technical teaching aids, special equipment, sources of information indicating the addresses of Internet resources, etc. are listed.
    8. Column 9 “Extracurricular independent work of students.” The types of extracurricular work are indicated (solving problems, performing calculations and graphics, writing abstracts, preparing presentations, etc.). Homework is written in these columns taking into account the maximum workload of students.
    9. Column 10. The amount of time allocated for extracurricular independent work must correspond to the amount of time in the working curriculum and the work program of the professional module.
    10. Column 11. “Homework.” Homework for students is indicated (based on the main literature) (name of the textbook, author, page).
    11. Types of work on educational practice in the volume provided for by the module program in the section that includes this interdisciplinary course are recorded at the end of the calendar-thematic plan (concentrated practice), or in alternation with theoretical training (dispersed practice). Types of work are recorded in the activity aspect. The duration of educational practice during the day should not exceed six hours.
    12. Types of work for practical training in the volume provided for by the module program in the section that includes this interdisciplinary course are recorded at the end of the calendar-thematic plan (concentrated practice) after a description of the types of work for educational practice, if the latter is provided for by the module program. Types of work are recorded in the activity aspect.
    13. If this interdisciplinary course is the last one in studying the module program and Internship is planned in a concentrated manner, then an independent calendar-thematic plan is drawn up according to it, which is mandatory for consideration in conjunction with the calendar-thematic plans of interdisciplinary courses included in the module program. Developer: Bulycheva Elena Aleksandrovna, State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education "Kaltan Multidisciplinary College"

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    (teacher Sergeenko T.F.)



    WinRAR archive (5.89 Kb) Download


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    TOSummary of the lesson on the topic:

    Increase and decrease the number several times.

    Mathematics 3rd grade. Lesson summary with presentation. WinRaR archive (2411kb) Lesson development

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    You can just watch and get to know our city.

    (Teacher Skok L.P.)

    Presentation "Bryansk". For local history lessons.

    (Teacher Skok L.P.)

    Presentation of "Vshchizh" in Power Point 2007

    (Teacher Skok L.P.)

    Report on the topic: “Second generation standards (FSES) and foreign language” download

    Report on the topic: Specifics of teaching foreign language in modern conditions. « The beauty of the world around us" download

    Report on the topic:“Requirements for a modern foreign language lesson within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard”

    Work program on the Russian language

    1st grade Russian School 5 hours a week

    Defender of the Fatherland Day

    "Forward, Youth Army Men"

    for 5th grade students. download


    Developments of primary school teacher Sergeenko Tatyana Fedorovna

    Development extracurricular activity "Celebration of the first ten" grades 2-4. Download

    summary of the event and musical accompaniment

    (WinRAR archive 12.2 Mb)