Communications department. Communication hotline. Financial Products Sales Manager

Working conditions

Is it possible career growth in the company?

At Svyaznoy, almost unlimited career growth is possible, especially for store employees. Many managers, including a number of top managers, began their career path at Svyaznoy from the position of sales manager. Each employee has the opportunity to take new courses and trainings in Training center, which increases the chances of receiving new position. The company is developing, new directions, projects or positions are opening - when selecting personnel, the wishes of current employees will be taken into account first. The doors of Svyaznoy are always open to everyone who is ready for development and new achievements!

Is it possible to move to another store?

This is quite real and often practiced. You can move to another store in your city, or transfer to another region, either on a permanent basis or temporarily (for example, in summer time more vacancies open in resort areas and employees from other cities are invited there). Such movements must be coordinated with your manager and the Human Resources Department. You can clarify everything in more detail at an interview, at the Training Center or during an internship with a manager.

What is the salary of store employees?

This is a question that is not so easy to answer! There is no fixed payment - the salary of store employees consists of several parts: salary, percentage of sales, bonuses for the level of knowledge and qualifications, additional bonus programs. Most of the income is a sales bonus, the size of which is unlimited! The average salary is 30,000-40,000 rubles, but often employees earn significantly more.

Size average salary You can find a specific specialist in your region on the vacancies page. The more knowledge and experience you have, the higher your income will be, and the specialists of the Svyaznoy Training Center will help you with this!

What are the work schedules for retail employees?

Store employees may work different schedules depending on their position or location of the specific store. Basically these are 5/2 schedules with floating days off and 2/2. In St. Petersburg there is a 4/3 schedule. You can also discuss a different work schedule with your manager on an individual basis. All schedules include full-time work, shorter shifts (for example, 4 hours a day) at Svyaznoy yet.

Does Svyaznoy provide corporate housing?

Yes, this is possible. Sometimes candidates are invited for training and internship to another city where the regional Training Center is located - in this case, non-resident applicants are provided with free corporate housing. You will be told in more detail about this opportunity at the interview.

Of course - in Svyaznoy official registration and “white” salary. All employees work according to work book, vacations and sick leave are paid, and a voluntary health insurance policy is provided. Wages is transferred to a bank card twice a month. And besides this there is social package, discounts and special offers for employees - you can find out more about this in the “Benefits” section or during the interview.

I want to work in the Svyaznoy store. What vacancies does the company have?

Great solution! You can choose the position of sales manager (he helps customers choose the most suitable products and services), sales manager financial products(these are loan programs, bank cards, insurance policies, etc.) or cashier-operator (specialists responsible for sales, payments, accounting cash etc.). You will be told in more detail about what each of these specialists does during the interview and training. You can sign up for an interview on the website on the vacancy page.


What form does the interview take?

Interviews for retail vacancies take place in a group format and last 1.5-2 hours. Applicants are invited to the meeting for several vacancies open in the city or region - the final decision on the position will be possible before the start of training. The interview consists of two parts: first, the Training Center specialists will talk about Svyaznoy, its history, mission and values, how they work in stores, what and how to do, what kind of uniform the employees wear, etc., and will also be able to answer your questions. The second part of the meeting takes place business game, during which you will be able to show your knowledge, skills and strengths. This is very interesting and allows you to better understand how suitable this job is for you.

Where is the interview held?

Interviews take place at the company's Training Centers or at the Svyaznoy store if there is no Training Center in the city. The average interview lasts about two hours - plan this time before choosing an appointment time. Training centers are part of the corporate Svyaznoy University. Interviews are held here training sessions for applicants and trainings the share of those who have already become part of the Svyaznoy team. The Training Centers employ experienced training managers who will teach you everything that a Svyaznoy employee might need.

How to sign up for an interview?

It's very simple - all you need to do is fill out a short form on the website. You can choose the day and time when it is convenient for you to come for an interview. Contact information will come by SMS message. If for some reason you were unable to come at the appointed time, notify us by calling 8 800 700 700 3 or select a new interview time on the website.

What documents should I take for an interview?

At the interview you will only need your passport (please do not forget it - it may be required to enter the business center). Men are also required to have a military ID or registration certificate with a valid deferment from military service.

When will the result of the interview be known?

If the interview took place at the Svyaznoy Training Center, the result will be known immediately after its completion. Those applicants who came to a meeting at one of the Svyaznoy stores will be informed of the results within 24 hours by phone. If for some reason you have not been contacted, you can clarify the information by calling the toll-free number 8 800 700 700 3.

Didn't pass the interview. When can you come next time?

You can reschedule for an interview after three months.

I want to interview for two positions. Can?

Svyaznoy conducts general interviews for all vacancies. After successfully passing the interview, you will be able to decide on a specific position: sales manager, financial products sales manager or cashier. Perhaps during the interview you will change your mind and decide to apply for another position!


Where does the training take place?

Training most often takes place in the Training Center, sometimes in one of the Svyaznoy stores. All necessary information about the place and duration of training will be provided to applicants who successfully pass the interview.

What documents should I take with me to training?

For training you must take a passport, and for men also a military ID or registration certificate with a current deferment.

I couldn’t go to study, but I really want to. What to do?

In this case, you need to contact the manager of the Training Center or a company specialist at the toll-free number 8 800 700 700 3. They will tell you whether you can come to the same group, but later, or whether you will need to undergo training with the next group.

Do I need to undergo training if I can do everything?

Yes, this is required. All new employees undergo training and internships to ensure they are fully prepared for the job. This is necessary even if you already have experience in such work, because Svyaznoy has its own characteristics: goods and services, store design rules, promotions and events, and much more! The Svyaznoy coaches will tell you about all this. Training most often takes place at the Training Center, and internships take place in one of the stores.

How long does the training last?

Training lasts from several days to a week, on average 3-5 days. It depends on the position, the city where you will work, the presence of a Training Center in your city and other conditions. You will be able to find out more precise information about the duration of study at the interview.

I will be studying in a city other than my own. Where should I live?

During training at the Training Center and internship, applicants from other cities may be provided with free corporate housing. If you are interested, contact the manager during an interview to find out more details.


Is salary paid during the internship?

Svyaznoy offers a paid internship. For each working day during this period, a stipend is paid, regardless of whether the candidate is accepted for permanent job. Applicants who have passed the interview are subject to Student agreement for the duration of your studies and internship, on the basis of which the scholarship is paid (even if you did not complete the internship or decided not to continue working on the Svyaznoy staff).

How can you reduce your internship time?

For applicants with more than 1 year of experience in the field active sales communications equipment and equipment similar to the activities of the Svyaznoy retail chain, the internship period may be shortened. This option can be discussed in more detail during the interview. If you are a sales professional, you may be offered a shorter training and internship option.

How is the internship going?

The internship takes place in one of the Svyaznoy stores. New employees learn to put into practice the knowledge they received at the Training Center: they advise customers, help them choose a product or service, make a payment, set up shop windows, fill out documents. During this period, newcomers are supervised by trainers and employees of the Training Center, and they can always count on the help of colleagues who have been working in the store for a long time. At the end of the internship, you will need to pass a final exam, after which a decision will be made about transferring the intern to the staff. A special commission evaluates the exam results, as well as how the applicant performed while working in the store.

How long will it take from interview to employment?

As a rule, an employee is employed 2-3 weeks after the interview. Applicants who successfully complete the internship are transferred to the company staff with a conclusion Employment contract. Probation period it won’t be - you will immediately become part of the Svyaznoy team!

How long does the internship last?

The duration of the internship depends on the skills of the applicants and their readiness for work. As a rule, this period is from 1 to 3 weeks.

What is an internship?

An internship is a time when new employee can put into practice the knowledge he received during training at the Training Center. During the training process, new employees receive a lot of new information: they become familiar with the characteristics of goods and services, sales rules, secrets of communicating with customers, take training courses and take tests. After this, you need to learn how to apply the acquired knowledge in practice in the store. To do this, newcomers are sent to Svyaznoy stores, where they take their first steps in a new position.

The most delicious

Does Svyaznoy host any events for employees?

Something is constantly happening in the company: contests, competitions, flash mobs, conferences, meetings with interesting people and, of course, the stages of our motivation program. Some events involve the entire company, while others take place in branches or individual stores. You can even come up with own project and invite colleagues to support him. You can find out about all the news on a special website for employees or in mobile application. Here you can discuss any events, congratulate or thank colleagues, get advice, become a participant in the game, learn about the results of the motivation program and more!

Federal retail chain Svyaznoy is engaged in communications: it offers services mobile operators, Internet providers, portable equipment and accessories. The corporation includes its own online store, a mobile operator, and a project that deals with mobile content.

The network unites several thousand retail outlets, it offers a colossal range of services: from the sale of SIM cards to financial transactions. The brand was first presented on the market in 2002. Official website of the company

What do job seekers like about working at Svyaznoy?

This is exactly the company where you can count on a high level of income. Managers and cashiers are offered an average of 30-40 thousand per month, but specialized specialists like programmers can qualify for a payment of 100 thousand rubles.

Here you will also find professional and career growth; the company is interested in improving the skills of its employees. Registration takes place in accordance with Labor Code. You are guaranteed a “white” salary, bonuses, paid vacation and sick leave. To get a job as a manager, you don’t need to have work experience, but you need to be willing to learn and improve in the profession.

What vacancies are there at Svyaznoy in Moscow?

  • legal consultant;
  • sales manager;
  • cashier in a communication store;
  • sales consultant;
  • credit manager;
  • quality control engineer;
  • PHP programmer.

On the website you will find all the “hot” vacancies for the Svyaznoy company in Moscow. The ad bank is updated daily. Therefore, subscribe to updates - and you will never miss the opportunity to make a brilliant career! To help you quickly find a suitable vacancy, we have introduced a convenient filter system. Specify the optimal salary level, form of employment and requirements for candidates - and the site will offer you a list of suitable advertisements. is a reliable assistant in not an easy task job search!

In August 2018, I ordered two LG K10 2017 smartphones from the website as a gift to my parents (I chose this model because I use it myself, I’m very pleased, the phone is good, the battery lasts a long time, the camera is excellent), which should be delivered from the warehouse to the store." Svyaznoy" on Station Square in Gomel. They called me and informed me that the phone had arrived and I could buy it back. When I arrived at the store, I checked about the existing installment plans that were listed on the website. The seller said that there are three installments for 3, 12, 24 months. I decided to take an installment plan for 2 years. He demanded a passport and began to fill out the data, then reported the total amount of the phone, which was twice the amount indicated on the website. Thank God, before going to the store I studied all the characteristics of the phone and the price of the phone. Otherwise, I would have been duped already at this stage. I immediately asked why the price had doubled, they said that this is all correct, the bank charges for processing the payment. After investigations, it turned out that this was not an installment plan, but a loan. The seller quietly took out a loan without saying a word about it and lied that they had such an installment plan. I refused this "installment plan". And I decided to blurt out the amount right away. Next, I asked to bring the phone and show it to me. They themselves did not deign to offer me to look at the phone. Here another deception awaited. The phone didn't look like it did on the website. I didn’t understand at first, so I decided to look technical specifications and went into the phone settings to see if everything matches. The first thing I looked at was the RAM and I see that the volume RAM less than what it should be. I immediately ask why the RAM is smaller and then it’s back to a blatant lie in the eyes that this is all correct and some part just goes to no one knows where. As much as 600 MB of memory simply evaporates, flies into the sky like a white cloud. All my words about the fact that this was not the model that I ordered were not taken seriously, they insisted that everything was correct, until they pointed their finger at the assembly number of my phone, the exact same one I ordered, on the build number on the website (they matched mine) and the build number of what they slipped me. After that they could no longer say anything because the build number was different. But they immediately got out of it, saying that it was a site error, forgetting about all THEIR LIES. There can be no mistake on the site, because everything is absolutely correct there, just like on my phone, and the price is appropriate. But the phone they tried to push in is much cheaper. I refused the phone and left completely emotional, forgetting to pick up my passport. So they have not yet deigned to give me my passport. It’s good that I remembered about my passport on the way home. And she came back for him. This is chaos. It's good that I understand technology and can check. What if my parents and old people who don’t understand this came. They wouldn't just get scammed, they would get ROBBERED out of a LARGE AMOUNT of money. How can you LIE DIRECTLY TO YOUR EYES? This is dishonesty. People BE VERY CAREFUL when purchasing any equipment. If you don't understand, DO NOT TRUST THE SELLER, take someone with you who does.