Capital Business College: reviews, address, specialties, forms and terms of study. Capital Business College (SBK) Business College open day

Colleges, universities and schools

Business is one of the most popular, promising and fast-growing areas in education. Moreover, this applies to both Russia and abroad.It is believed that graduating from a business college or school of economics in Europe or America means giving yourself a warm place in a large international company. In fact, this is true.

Excellent education in business and economics can be obtained in a number of prosperous countries: Great Britain, Italy, America, Holland, Spain and Germany. But we should not forget about Russian business education. In a number of educational institutions it is very, very good. This is especially true for universities such as Vatel Switzerland - International Business School Hotel & Tourism Management in Kazan and a couple of educational institutions in Moscow: Geneva Business School, Higher School of Business - Faculty of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow International graduate School business MIRBIS, Higher School of Business Informatics (HSBI).

Prestigious business colleges and schools are proud of the level of their education and constantly improve it, tirelessly pursuing progress and innovation.

Elite ones abroad usually have three accreditations from international business associations: AACSB - Association for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business, EQUIS- European system quality improvement and AMBA - Association of MBAs. Only 1% of all universities and colleges in the world receive this level of accreditation. Perhaps the most famous university with triple accreditation is the English business college Imperial College London. When naming the world's business colleges and schools, it is necessary to mention those that are especially popular among the “golden” youth of Russia. These are the College of Business, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, University of Virginia Darden School of Business, Hawaii Pacific University College of Business Administration, Albany State University - College of Business.

Imperial College London (England)

Imperial College London is a world-renowned research university founded in 1887. The founding of the university coincides with the celebration of Queen Victoria's jubilee. It is conventionally divided into four components: College of Business, Faculty of Natural Sciences, College of Medicine and Faculty of Engineering. Based on these 4 faculties, the university annually graduates specialists from 40 research programs. Until 2007, Imperial College was part of the University of London and gained its independence on its centenary.

The university promotes the principles and methods of multidisciplinary learning. Every year, 14 thousand students from all over the world (from 125 countries) enter Imperial College London. The teaching staff numbers about 6 thousand people, which gives a teacher to student group ratio of 1:12.

Vatel Switzerland - International Business School Hotel & Tourism Management (Kazan, Russia)

Vatel Switzerland - International Business School Hotel & Tourism Management includes an international group of colleges and schools for the training of business directors and executives in tourism sector. The global network of business colleges includes 30 educational institutions, the courses of which are based on the use of a single methodology that combines theoretical knowledge and ten years of professional practice. An integral part of the learning process is professional internship in the most famous hotels in the world.

In 2010, this educational institution received high awards for organizing educational process. Vatel Switzerland received awards in categories such as “Most Successful Graduate” and “Best Innovation in Pedagogy.” The teaching staff includes several nationalities, as does the student body. Lectures are given in five languages: Russian, Arabic, French, English and Spanish.

Geneva Business School (Moscow)

Geneva Business School (Moscow) is a well-known educational institution that sets itself the task of providing talented students from Russia and all over the world with the opportunity to receive a higher business education that would fully meet modern standards, not only professional, but also academic. The University (Business School) trains students in areas such as business () and management. History of this educational institution began a decade and a half ago, in 2001. Over the entire period, the name of the university has changed three times. The original name was University of Finance (UF), which was quite justified, since the then university produced professionally trained financiers and insurers. Two years later, due to the expansion of its area of ​​interest and the addition of business and management programs, the university changed its name to Business & Management University (BMU). The educational institution acquired its current name in 2010 by a unanimous decision of the board of directors. This is due to the emergence of an updated educational program.

Graduate School of Business, Moscow State University

The Graduate School of Business at Moscow State University is based on four programs: Bachelor's, Master's, MBA and Executive MBA. In addition, HSB offers university graduates and applicants to get acquainted with additional continuing education programs - Executive Programs. About 1,500 graduates have completed these programs and are enrolled in about 500 students.

The university is very popular among applicants because it provides the strongest training for business specialists in compliance with the best traditions of the capital’s university. The administration of the Moscow State University Graduate School of Economics works closely with many well-known companies, so students get a unique opportunity to do an internship within their walls, and subsequently easily get a job. GSB MSU is the only Russian business school that managed to enter the TOP 100 elite global business schools in the world.

Moscow International Higher Business School MIRBIS

The Moscow International Higher Business School (MIRBIS) was founded in 1988 as part of a bilateral agreement between Italy and the USSR. Within the walls of the university, personnel are being trained based on the global MBA qualifications.

MIRBIS educational programs are compiled based on many years of experience and real business needs. You can get into the ranks of university teachers by going through a strict competitive selection process. The teaching staff undergoes advanced training annually.

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I’ll write at least one real review, otherwise they have too many paid letters of praise on their website. A lot of positive things are written about how amazingly incredible the courses are. Real people don’t write positive reviews (sometimes, sometimes they write when they really liked the teacher, but they praise him, not programming textbooks or clean classrooms). People only write when they have received a very bad service - and that's when they write the whole, whole, whole truth. Evil people always describe their story in detail. I decided to sign up for a massage course in August. Signed up, hurray, 30% discount (autumn, yeah, which was valid only until August 18 - and another 3 months on top). Well, to hell with it, with the price, it’s still average for the market. As it turned out, I would not study at the Capital Business College, but at the Institute of Cosmetology, on Tretyakovskaya, and no one said a word to me about it. Well, okay, everyone is selling applications to each other, we have to work. It seems like they taught something. That's not what I'm talking about. As it turned out later, I need to receive a certificate not where I studied, but where I enrolled - i.e. at the capital's business college on Mayakovskaya. And the circumstances must have been so unfortunate that I forgot where I even signed up for the courses, because... the contract was successfully carried out in one of the bags, and, naturally, I forgot the website address. Well, okay, I think it’s okay, the certificate is not particularly needed, I studied for myself, and not for work. I lived and did not bother, and then I accidentally found the contract and decided to get my certificate after all. It happened at night, so as not to forget, I immediately went to the website, wrote an application - please call me, tell me how to get a certificate. Silence. And I forgot again. After some time I remembered, again at night, I sent the application again. And again silence. And I once again forgot about the certificate. But today I remembered again. I remembered in the afternoon when there was time. I found the phone number from the contract, I called and didn’t get through because... The phone is simply not being serviced. I went to the website, called, and didn’t get through again. This is where my mother’s anger took hold of me. Friends, your business has one name. Your business is very bad. 2 months ago you “weaned” me, but never issued a certificate. But you should have noted in your database that listener so-and-so did not receive a certificate. Moreover, this same listener twice later left you a request for which your lazy managers didn’t even call (well, what the hell, the percentage from an already weaned client won’t fall, and they only heard the word “service” during training and what it is - we don’t know). And I'm waiting for a call from you. I don’t need my certificate, but I really want to get it. A matter of principle, I would say. I don’t publish my phone number for privacy reasons, you already have it.

Enrollment for PREPARATORY COURSES continues at the Capital Business College

Start dates: 19.05.2016 weekdays (Tuesday, Thursday) 21.05.2016 weekend group

Applicants who have graduated from the preparatory department are enrolled in the College without additional tests (exams, State Examination or Unified State Examination results)

The main strategy of a college education is preparation qualified specialists To professional activity, career growth and a stable, quality life!


Institution of secondary vocational and additional education"CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE" trains specialists in professional educational programs training in accordance with the State educational standard of Russia (GOST) and international standards GAAP (IAS;IFRS).
Right to exercise educational activities in basic educational programs and areas in the field of secondary and additional vocational education confirmed by License series 77 No. 002212 dated September 1, 2011 (unlimited), issued by the Moscow Department of Education registration No. 029164 and State accreditation series 77 OP 000907 dated June 20, 2011 (valid until June 20, 2017), issued by the Moscow Department of Education registration number 011212.
Capital Business College trains specialists in professional educational programs at the faculties: “Management and Marketing”, “Economics and Accounting”, “Logistics and foreign economic activity", "Informatics and technology". Enrollment is also being made for the creative departments of the College: “Design”.

The educational process at the college is carried out by 107 teachers from colleges and universities. Among them, 6 doctors of science, 11 candidates of science, 39 honored teachers of the Russian Federation, 58 teachers have the highest qualification category. Many teachers are known in pedagogical circles as authors of textbooks and methodological developments.
In accordance with contractual relations, college teachers improve their qualifications at the Department of Correctional Pedagogy of the Moscow Pedagogical University State University(MPGU).

Our training programs are not only informational, but also thoughtful and varied for different levels of perception and general training applicants. Classes are conducted in specially equipped classes and auditoriums using the latest learning programs And methodological material.
Capital Business College is a participant in the School-College-University continuing education program, which is based on an intensive approach to filing educational material by choice of profession and is aimed at in-depth study of disciplines related only to the student’s chosen specialization (the course of study is designed in such a way that a school student can choose subjects of study in the chosen specialty of secondary vocational education and begin studying them already at school, and the college program is aimed at in-depth study professional disciplines of secondary and higher vocational education). Students in grades 9-11 have the opportunity to receive specialized secondary education without interrupting schoolwork, followed by third-year studies at a major university and further employment in their specialty.

To help our applicants, the College operates a preparatory department. College teachers provide thorough training to students in competitive disciplines - Russian language and mathematics; in addition, they prepare applicants for school final exams (USE) and university entrance exams.

The college cooperates with various organizations in main areas of activity: bodies government controlled, research organizations, large companies, cultural institutions and other organizations. Partnership cooperation with foreign organizations and universities is developing.
To date, the College has developed business relationship with the Trade Unions of OJSC GAZPROM represented by Vladimir BABKIN, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry represented by the rector of the Academy of Labor and social relations", Alexey Appolinarievich SHULUS, "Moscow regional office of the UN, for human rights in the Russian Federation", represented by Anatoly Andreevich GROMYKO, Holding " Good people» occupying 4th place in Russia, among successful and reliable companies, represented by the co-founder of the company Oleg SIDIKOV, RAO State University, represented by the rector Mikhail Nikolaevich BERULAV, Institute of Open Education, Center vocational training“PERSPECTIVE” in Bulgaria (Sofia), etc.

“CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE” does not have any political orientation in its content, but is a participant in the “Families and Children at Risk” program and the “UNITED RUSSIA” political party.

Our college is for those who strive to develop themselves and are ready to work professionally in business.

Implemented directions:
Secondary vocational education program:

  • "Management (commerce)"
  • "Marketing"
  • "Logistics and foreign trade activities"
  • "Economics and Accounting"
  • "Computer information Technology and communications"
  • "Design and creative technologies"

Continuing Education Program:

  • "School-College-University"

Tutoring services:

  • Project "Your Teacher"

Additional vocational training program for schoolchildren:

  • "First specialty"

Intensive training and advanced training program:

  • "Second Self"

! WE today are:

  • Moscow "Institute modern management and business"
  • College of Administration, Commerce and Management (secondary vocational education based on grades 9-11).
  • Business classes for entrepreneurship in secondary schools in Moscow.
  • Educational and methodological center for additional professional education and advanced training.
  • Highly qualified College-based courses.
  • Intersectoral Center for Personnel Retraining and obtaining a second specialty.
  • Branches, colleges and technical schools in Moscow, Moscow region and other cities of Russia.

Specialty: 080114 “Economics and Accounting” (by industry)

Training period:

  • based on 11 classes - 2 year 10 months (Advanced level)

Form of study:

  • full-time
  • evening
  • correspondence
  • externship

Entrance tests:

Faculty: "BANKING"
Specialty: 180110 “Banking”

Training period:

  • based on 9 classes - 2 years 10 months (Basic level)
  • based on 11 classes - 1 year 10 months (Basic level)

Form of study:

  • full-time
  • Part-time (training on weekends)
  • evening
  • correspondence
  • externship

Entrance tests:

  • mathematics (competitive testing)
  • Russian language (competitive testing)
  • after preparatory courses - transfer

Faculty: "COMMERCE"
Specialty: 100701 “Commerce” (by industry)

Training period:

  • based on 9 classes - 2 years 10 months (Basic level)
  • based on 11 classes - 1 year 10 months (Basic level)

Form of study:

  • full-time
  • Part-time (training on weekends)
  • evening
  • correspondence
  • externship

Entrance tests:

  • mathematics (competitive testing)
  • Russian language (competitive testing)
  • after preparatory courses - transfer

Specialty: 080214 " Operating activities in logistics"

Training period:

  • based on 9 classes - 2 years 10 months (Basic level)
  • based on 11 classes - 1 year 10 months (Basic level)

Form of study:

  • full-time

Entrance tests:

  • mathematics (competitive testing)
  • Russian language (competitive testing)
  • after preparatory courses - transfer

Specialty: 100801 “Commodity research and examination of the quality of consumer goods”

Training period:

  • based on 9 classes - 2 years 10 months (Basic level)
  • based on 11 classes - 1 year 10 months (Basic level)

Form of study:

  • full-time
  • Part-time (training on weekends)
  • evening
  • correspondence
  • externship

Entrance tests:

  • mathematics (competitive testing)
  • Russian language (competitive testing)
  • after preparatory courses - transfer

Specialty: 230115 “Programming in computer systems”

Form of study:

  • full-time
  • Part-time (training on weekends)
  • evening
  • externship

Entrance tests:

  • mathematics (competitive testing)
  • Russian language (competitive testing)
  • after preparatory courses - transfer

Specialty: 072501 “Design” (by industry)

Training period:

  • based on 9 classes - 3 years 10 months (Basic level)
  • based on 11 classes - 2 year 10 months (Basic level)

Form of study:

  • full-time

Entrance tests:

  • mathematics (competitive testing)
  • Russian language (competitive testing)
  • after preparatory courses - transfer

Preparatory department

Goal: Training according to entrance exam programs for all college specialties, social and psychological adaptation of students.

Business courses (More than 100 educational programs)

Mission: Intensive training students to professions in demand on the labor market.

Full-time form of education
Class time: day, morning, evening, weekend group

Education document: State-issued certificate with qualifications State-issued certificate indicating the level of professional training


To help our applicants, the College operates a preparatory department.
College teachers thoroughly prepare children in competitive disciplines - Russian language and mathematics, drawing, painting, composition; in addition, they prepare applicants for school final exams (Unified State Examination, State Examination), and admission to a university.
Basic preparation of students in “problem” subjects for final and entrance exams. The training is carried out by teachers-developers of examination tests.

  • Target: Training according to entrance exam programs for all college specialties, socio-psychological adaptation of students.
  • Task: The preparatory department provides targeted preparation for students in grades 9 and 11 for entry into all college majors. Preparatory courses will help you make your choice future specialty for further studies at our college. Applicants are trained in core subjects that are in demand when passing entrance examinations.
  • Mission: The preparatory department provides targeted training for students in grades 8, 9, 10 and 11 :
  • admission to all college majors
  • for the Unified State Exam and transfer exams
  • for admission to university

Cost of education

Basic College Education Strategy- is the professional preparation of graduates for work in a rapidly changing economic environment.
"Capital Business College" operates in the paid market educational services since 1992 and today, is the leading secondary vocational educational institution in Moscow with rich experience and traditions of fundamental training of specialists in the field of economics and finance, management and management, design and computer technology.

Capital Business College is recruiting graduates of grades 9, 10, 11 for the faculties of secondary vocational education (basic and advanced level):


    (The activities of a manager are carried out in the managerial and economic fields and ensure rational and effective management of economic processes.)


    (The activities of a marketer are aimed at studying consumer demand, stimulating sales of products and providing services. The objects of professional activity are market analysis and product policy enterprises, organizations and institutions.)

    "Tourism and hotel service"

    (Activities of a tourism manager and hotel service carried out in the managerial and economic fields and ensures rational and effective management of all processes.)


    (The activities of a logistician and foreign trade specialist are carried out in the managerial and economic field and ensure rational and effective management of all necessary processes.)

    "Economics, accounting and control" (accountant)

    (The activities of an accountant are carried out in the field of economic and financial activities of enterprises in organizing and assessing economic activity services, control and documentation in various industries.)

    “Documentation management and archiving”

    (The specialist’s activities are aimed at information, documentation and archival support of life government agencies authorities and administrations at the federal and municipal levels, as well as institutions and organizations various forms property.)

    "Information technologies and communications" (technical programmer)

    (Specialization by industry: computer maintenance and repair technician, network administrator - programmer, WEB designer.)

    "Design" (designer)

    (In accordance with vocational training, a specialist designer, can carry out design, creative and performing activities, as well as perform organizational and creative functions.)

Form of study: Full-time, part-time, external studies.

State diploma. Deferment from the army. Benefits during training. Study at any university in the Russian Federation according to an abbreviated program.
Preparatory department for those entering college and preparation for the Unified State Exam.
Students of the preparatory department are enrolled in college without the results of the Unified State Examination and entrance exams.
Faculty of Design (drawing, painting, composition)
Faculty of subject training (Russian language, mathematics)

The college is a leader in the quality of educational services provided in Moscow. This is confirmed by the fact that the “Capital Business College” became a laureate of the competition for an award for the quality of education in the category “Organization and management in the service sector” and by the decision of the Russian Award Committee at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, was awarded the Highest Public Award, the Order “For Contribution in education”, for achieving high results in the quality of professional and additional education.
To date, our partners are: Trade unions of OJSC GAZPROM represented by Vladimir Babkin, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry represented by the President of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations Nikolay Nikolaevich Gritsenko, Moscow regional office UN, on human rights in the Russian Federation", represented by Anatoly Andreevich Gromyko, Good People Holding, which ranks 4th in the ranking of successful and reliable companies in Russia, represented by the co-founder of the company Oleg Sidikov, RAO State University, represented by the rector Mikhail Nikolaevich Berulav, Institute open education, Bulgarian Vocational Training Center “Perspective” (Sofia), etc.

While studying at college, students receive several levels of education, which include: compulsory secondary (complete) general education, secondary vocational education of a basic or advanced level, have the right, without entrance exams, to continue their studies in specialized universities, in a shortened form of education provided for by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. Students who successfully pass the final milestone receive a state diploma of secondary vocational education with an application in Russian. Many students graduate from our college with two documents, one of which is international. For the entire duration of their studies, students are granted a deferment from military service and are provided with travel benefits. In its teaching, our college is guided by state standard education (GOST) and uses several forms of training.

At our faculties, we implement only professional specialties that are in demand and well paid on the labor market. The college's educational bases are located within walking distance from the metro stations: "Mayakovskaya", "Kyiv", "Sokol", "Rimskaya", "Chistye Prudy" and are equipped with everything necessary for conducting and organizing a high-quality educational process. To get acquainted with the college, open days are held weekly.

The educational process at the college is carried out by 136 college and university teachers. Among them, Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Two Corresponding Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 6 Doctors of Science, 89 Candidates of Science, 106 Honored Teachers of the Russian Federation. 111 teachers have the highest qualification category. Many teachers are known in pedagogical circles as authors of textbooks and methodological developments. The “Glory Corner” is dedicated to the successes and merits of the teaching and teaching staff, which is constantly updated with our new achievements. In accordance with contractual relations, college teachers improve their qualifications at the Department of Correctional Pedagogy of the Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU) named after. IN AND. Lenin.
Every year, new ones are introduced and existing training programs for specialists at basic, advanced and additional levels of education are developed.

The college has a preparatory department to help our applicants. College teachers provide high-quality training to students in the competitive disciplines of entrance exams - the Russian language; mathematics; drawing; painting; composition; in addition, applicants are thoroughly prepared for school final exams (USE) and entrance exams to universities. Open training periods provide the opportunity for an individual approach to the study and assimilation of the material being studied, practically forcing applicants, students of preparatory courses, to become familiar with problematic subjects.

I would like to pay special attention to the system of continuous education “school-college-university” and the multidisciplinary (professional) classes of the “Capital Business College”, which, for several years now, have been open within the framework of the city program “Capital Education”, approved by the Department of Education of Moscow , and work according to the system of continuous education in an organization, on the basis of schools, special classes/college groups, to implement network model specialized training within the socio-economic and socio-humanitarian profile at the senior level high school. This program is not just called a “Start in Life”, high school students are given a unique opportunity to get their first specialty within the school walls, try their hand at studying professional disciplines and make right choice professions. In the 9th, 10th and 11th grades, not just students study, but economists, managers, accountants - those who have already chosen a profession today and receive necessary knowledge. This means that high school students have the opportunity to receive specialized secondary education without interruption from school work, followed by shorter studies at a university. Our college works and cooperates fruitfully with many public and commercial higher education institutions, both in Moscow and in the regions of our country, not only in the framework of student education, but also in the development of new scientific and methodological materials and innovative training programs. All universities recommended in admissions committee SBC have a contractual basis and are direct participants in the school-college-university continuing education program. The main objective of this program is the correct orientation of the student in choosing a profession. The goal is not only to develop interest in the specialty, but also to prepare the basis for a more in-depth study of the course at the level of secondary vocational and higher vocational education. This training program is based on the principle of continuity of educational programs and means that general education programs at the school level smoothly transition into more complex professional programs.