Service and business communication. Types of business conversations. Features of official and business communication Features of official communication

Business communication as a type of specialized communication

Questions and tasks

Exercise 1. Read § 1 of Chapter 2 from the textbook “Russian Language and Speech Culture” (see Appendix). Name the features of business communication.

Task 2. Analyze the communicative situations presented in the texts and determine which of them relate to the field of business communication. By what signs did you determine this?

1).“Everyone has the right to receive higher education on a competitive basis free of charge

education in state or municipal educational institution and at the enterprise. Constitution of the Russian Federation. Chapter 2. Rights and freedoms of man and citizen. From Article 43,” Andrey read at the brand new glass stand at the entrance.

2). - Well, they slapped him with a severe reprimand for exceeding his official authority. He then protested it for six months. And he achieved his goal: the reprimand was removed. That’s how it was, Galya,” the foreman was silent for a while, then said: “Well, let’s go.” Need to work.

3). “There is less friction in the air than in a turbulent liquid environment, so dolphins, when jumping out of the water, save their strength, their muscles rest at this time,” Irina finished reading and looked questioningly at her son.

4). Baba Varya sighed, put on her glasses again and, trying to retain in her memory everything that her granddaughter had babbled on the phone, continued to write: “... to provide assistance in purchasing medicines at a reduced price.”

5).“To the chief specialist. Take into account. 03/12/11" - Zhenya read Sviridov’s sweepingly written resolution and sighed with relief: that means there won’t be a tedious trial today.

6). “In order to get into the state program of preferential car loans, our company reduced prices on some models, but since the demand for cars has decreased, the issue of pricing again requires discussion. I suggest that first of all the heads of marketing departments speak on it,” Sevastyanov heard as he entered the meeting room.

Task 3. Analyze the communication situations described below and answer the questions.

Situation A. A management structure is created in the organization, for which a Regulation is developed, including the section “Relationships with other divisions of the organization.” What type of organizational communications does this section of the Regulations regulate?

Situation B. AT&T has developed a performance management program. An important part of this program is a survey of company employees, the results of which are analyzed by the manager and, together with the facilitator, presented to the general meeting for group discussion. What type of communications were implemented in this organization?

Note. facilitator facilitator, from lat. facilis- “easy, convenient”) - a person who ensures successful group communication.

Task 4. Analyze the goals of organizational communications given in Table 1. Determine which ones correspond to downward, upward, horizontal and diagonal communications and fill out the table.

Table 1. Goals and types of communications

Communication goals Types of communication
1. Setting tasks for performers
2. Informing about the results of the work
3. Instructions for performing work
4. Providing social support for subordinates
5. Studying opinions on introduced innovations
6. Information exchange
7. Consulting the head of a department with a specialist from another department
8. Informing about the organization's development plan
9. Reporting a production problem that has arisen
10. Efficiency Improvement Proposal production process
11. Increased efficiency in solving problems
12. Informing about the organization's budget
13. Offers in employment contract between the administration and the workforce


Features of official and business communication

Before moving on to more detailed description business conversations and meetings, we will highlight some organizational and psychological features of business communication, which largely determine speech behavior business partners and distinguish it from communication outside the business environment.

It is obvious to each of us that the conversation
Communicationbetween employees of the same

in organizations organizations discussing business

a question or conversation between a manager and a subordinate is fundamentally different from conversations between the same people outside of work.

Business conversation- This is an interaction between people that is subordinated to solving a specific problem (industrial, scientific, commercial, etc.), i.e. target business interaction lies outside the communication process (in contrast to personality-oriented communication, the subject of which is precisely the nature of the relationship between its participants). Mutual understanding, coordination of actions and clarity of priorities that arise among subjects engaged in a common cause depend on the quality of business communication.

Operating principles of any social organization(firms, institutions) have a significant impact on the behavior of the individuals within it. Let us note the following features of organizational behavior:

1. Quite strict regulation of the goals and motives of communication, methods of contacts between employees, which is explained by the fact that each employee in the organization is normatively assigned a standard of behavior in the form of a stable structure of formal rights and obligations that he must follow. Therefore, psychologically, business communication turns out to be largely formalized, distant, and “cold.”

Accordingly, with regard to verbal behavior, it is expected that the exchange of information between employees is not of a personal nature, but is subordinated primarily to the joint solution of an official task.

2. Hierarchical structure of the organization: relationships of subordination, dependence, and inequality are established between departments and employees. The consequence of this principle for speech communication it turns out, firstly, the active use of verbal social-symbolic means of demonstrating social status by participants in business communication, and secondly, the problem of transmitting information along the links of the hierarchical pyramid and, accordingly, efficiency feedback.

It is recognized that the efficiency of disseminating business information “horizontally” (i.e. between departments, divisions or employees of the same level) is usually very high. People working at the same level understand each other perfectly, they do not need a detailed and detailed explanation of the essence of the task.

The effectiveness of vertical communication (i.e. up and down hierarchical levels) is much lower. According to some data, only 20-25% of information emanating from senior management reaches directly to specific performers and is correctly understood by them. This is partly explained by the fact that on the path of information passing from the source (speaker) to the addressee in any hierarchically organized management there are intermediary links. Intermediaries can be line managers, secretaries, assistants, clerical workers, etc. Oral messages when transmitted from one level to another (both down and up) can be shortened, edited, distorted before they reach the recipient (the “spoilt” effect). telephone").

Another reason for the low effectiveness of vertical communication is related to the belief, common among some managers, that subordinates do not need to know about the situation. affairs in the enterprise as a whole, they must complete the tasks assigned to them, implement the decisions made and not ask unnecessary questions. However, as established by the psychology of perception, a person will act meaningfully if he knows not only the specific operation he is performing, but also sees the broader context in which it is embedded. If specific performers are deprived of information of this kind, they begin to look for answers on their own, while distorting and speculating on the available information.

The desire to take into account these features of official and business communication is manifested, on the one hand, in the requirement for written recording of instructions, decisions, orders, and on the other hand, in the recognition of business conversations as the most important means of increasing the effectiveness of feedback in the organization.

3. The need for special efforts to stimulate labor, which is explained by the objective inconsistency of a person’s behavior and self-perception in the organization. Human nature is incompatible with harsh hierarchical structure and formalization of organizational processes, therefore, management actions are necessary aimed at satisfying the psychological and emotional needs of employees, maintaining their interest in the work performed, and creating the effect of involvement in decisions made.

Along with such methods of motivation personnel labor, like various types of moral and material encouragement, career advancement, advanced training at the expense of the organization, etc., conversations between a manager and his subordinates can have a huge motivational impact if he manages to connect his message with their needs. The form of setting tasks, the manager's answers to questions, critical assessments can either help employees navigate their activities, encourage them to work more successfully and more profitably, or hinder this.

Requirements to speech Principles of life of any organization speech communication nizations predetermine features

V business environment official and business communication and

explains a lot about the nature of the requirements

to speech communication in a business environment. These requirements may

be formulated as follows:

· Be clear about the purpose of your message.

· Make the message understandable and accessible to different groups of workers: find specific illustrations general concepts, develop the general idea using vivid examples.

· Keep your messages as short and concise as possible, avoid

unnecessary information, draw the attention of employees only to those problems that concern them specifically.

· When talking with employees, follow the rules of active listening, show them signals of your understanding and readiness for joint action.

Thus, the above rules must be equally observed in conversation

between two business interlocutors, and during group communication.

Before moving on to a more detailed description of business conversations and meetings, we will highlight some organizational and psychological features of business communication, which largely determine the verbal behavior of business partners and distinguish it from communication outside the business environment.

Communication in organizations

It is obvious to each of us that a conversation between employees of the same organization discussing business question, or a conversation between a manager and a subordinate is fundamentally different from conversations between the same people outside the office. .

Business conversation- This is an interaction between people that is subordinated to solving a specific problem (industrial, scientific, commercial, etc.), i.e. the purpose of business interaction lies outside the communication process (in contrast to personality-oriented communication, the subject of which is precisely the nature of the relationship between its participants).

The operating principles of any social organization (firm, institution) impose certain restrictions on people's behavior. Let us note the following among them:

1. Quite strict regulation of the goals and motives of communication, methods of contacts between employees, which is explained by the fact that each employee in the organization is normatively assigned a standard of behavior in the form of a stable structure of formal rights and responsibilities that he must follow. Therefore, psychologically, business communication turns out to be largely formalized, distant, and “cold.”

Accordingly, with regard to verbal behavior, it is expected that the exchange of information between employees is not of a personal nature, but is subordinated primarily to the joint solution of an official task.

2. Hierarchical structure of the organization: relationships of subordination, dependence, and inequality are established between departments and employees. One of the consequences of this principle for speech communication is the problem of the conditions for transmitting accurate and, if possible, complete information along the links of the hierarchical pyramid and, accordingly, the effectiveness of feedback.

Thus, the efficiency of distributing business information “horizontally” (i.e. between departments, divisions or employees of the same level) is usually very high. People working at the same level understand each other perfectly; they do not need a detailed and detailed explanation of the essence of the task.

The effectiveness of vertical communication (i.e. up and down hierarchical levels) is much lower. According to some estimates, only 20–25% of the information coming from the highest management level, reaches directly to specific performers and is correctly understood by them.

This is partly explained by the fact that on the path of information passing from the source (speaker) to the addressee in any hierarchically organized management there are intermediary links. Intermediaries can be line managers, secretaries, assistants, clerical workers, etc. Oral messages when transmitted from one level to another (both down and up) can be shortened, edited, distorted before they reach the recipient (the “spoilt” effect). telephone"). Another reason causing the low effectiveness of vertical communication is associated with the belief, widespread among some managers, that subordinates do not necessarily need to know about the state of affairs in the enterprise as a whole, they must carry out the tasks assigned to them, fulfill decisions made and don’t ask unnecessary questions. However, as established

psychology of perception

3. Work motivation as a condition effective activities organizations or enterprises. The need for special efforts to stimulate labor can be partly explained by the objective inconsistency of a person’s behavior and self-perception in an organization: in business communication he acts simultaneously as a specific holistic personality and as a representative of the organization, i.e. bearer of certain professional role functions. If his needs as an individual are not satisfied in the process of his activities in the organization or his own ideas and behavior style do not coincide with group norms, intrapersonal conflict may arise, and interest in the work performed may decrease.

Conflicts of this kind are often the topic of discussion between employees, and sometimes the cause of problematic conversations between a manager and a subordinate. Along with such methods of motivating staff work as different kinds

moral and material encouragement, promotion, professional development at the expense of the organization, etc., conversations between the manager and subordinates can have a huge motivational impact: critical assessments, the form of setting tasks, the manager’s answers to questions; they can either help employees navigate their activities, encourage them to work more successfully and more profitably, or prevent them from doing so. Service communication is interpersonal communication for the purpose of organizing and optimizing one or another type of subject activity: production, scientific, commercial, managerial (Psychology and ethics of business communication: textbook for universities edited by V.N. Lavrinenko. - M., 1997, p. 94) . The purpose of business communication is to organize fruitful cooperation. Participants are usually official officials , performing their job responsibilities . Two types of relationships can develop between participants in official communication: vertically – subordinate, horizontally – partnership. Subordination relations are determined social status

interlocutors and administrative and legal norms (manager - subordinate). They are characterized by strict subordination of those junior in rank or position to seniors, and compliance with the rules of official discipline. The manager makes decisions that are binding on subordinates. Partnerships involve participation in joint activities on the principles of cooperation and mutual understanding, taking into account the common interests and needs of its participants. Basic characteristics

1. Regularity (obedience to established rules and restrictions, including temporary ones, which are determined by the type of business communication, the degree of its formality, goals and objectives, national and cultural traditions).

2. Strict adherence to role roles by participants. In the process of interaction, participants in communication in different situations have to play different roles: boss, subordinate, colleague, partner, event participant, etc. It is necessary to behave in accordance with the requirements of a specific situation and momentary role.

1. Increased responsibility of communication participants for its results. The effectiveness of business interaction largely depends on the correctly chosen communication strategy and tactics.

2. Strict attitude towards the use of speech means. First of all, this is the inadmissibility in speech of swear words and invective (obscene) vocabulary, vernacular, jargon and other lexical units that are outside the boundaries of the modern Russian literary language. At the same time, participants in communication are required to have a good knowledge of the language of their profession: mastery of the basic concepts of this field, the correct use of terms, special words and expressions.

There are various forms official communication: business conversations, meetings, meetings, negotiations, telephone conversations, business correspondence etc. However, we can also highlight general stages, characteristic various forms business communication:

1. Establishing contact with the participant through communication. At this stage, the parties perceive each other and a first impression of the partner arises, which can have a decisive influence on the entire communication process.

2. Orientation in the situation. At this stage, it is necessary to understand the goals and motives of the partners’ behavior, their attitudes and expectations, and determine the strategy and tactics of the conversation.

3. Discussion of an issue and decision-making is associated with each party justifying its position, overcoming disagreements, and eliminating a conflict situation.

4. Leave contact. Regardless of the result obtained, the parties must maintain a communicative balance, demonstrate affection for each other, and a desire to cooperate in the future.

Let's take a closer look at some types of official communication.

Business conversation – a specially organized substantive conversation that serves to solve management problems. The purpose of a business conversation may be the desire of one interlocutor to exert a certain influence on the other, to change the existing business situation, as well as the need for the manager to develop appropriate decisions based on the opinions and statements of employees.

By the nature of the expected responses

closed have a rigid structure, require answers “yes”, “no”, in a few words, allow you to obtain accurate information, for example: Where do you live? How old are you? What school did you graduate from??

- open assume greater freedom in choosing answers, begin with the words “what”, “how”, “why”, “why”, for example: What do you think about this specialty? What are your professional goals? On open questions the person responds according to how he sees and feels the problem.

According to the prisoner content

Fact Questions ( informational ) are associated with what actually happened in time and space, for example: Were you in class yesterday? What year did you graduate from school?

Questions about opinions, desires, attitudes – when answering questions of this kind, people are more sensitive to the wording and sequence of questions. The questioner must remain neutral regarding the subject of the conversation and avoid explicit assessments. You cannot use phrases like “Do you really like this?!” It is preferable to ask: “What do you think about this? I'm interested to hear your opinion."

By functions

- control ( checking the authenticity of answers), for example, can be arranged according to the following scheme: Are you satisfied with the work? – after a few questions – Would you like to move to another job? – after a few questions – Would you return to this place of work if you hadn’t worked for some time? etc.

- clarifying (asked after the question posed), for example: Explain what this means? What did you mean when you said that...

- probing (aimed at obtaining information about the interlocutor when it is impossible to obtain it directly, helping to clarify the interlocutor’s experiences), for example: How does this relate to you? What happened there?


- mirror are based on repeating the entire answer of the interlocutor or keywords, For example: You said that... Why did you decide that? Such questions are aimed at showing the insecure interlocutor that he is heard and his opinion is taken into account.

- indirect are asked if you are afraid that you will not be given a direct answer, for example: How do you think public opinion will evaluate the transition to fully paid higher education? As a rule, when answering such a question, a person expresses his own point of view.

- relay designed to maintain and continue dialogue so that the process of moving on to another topic is logical and appropriate, for example: And now a few questions about... And now let's talk about something else...

- concluding is intended to end a dialogue, for example: So, are we agreed? Will you be able to submit your report next week?

Kinds business conversations.

1.Job interview(the goal is to evaluate the business qualities of the applicant; the content of the questions is aimed at obtaining information).

2. Dismissal from work

Voluntary leaving (the goal is to find out the true reason for leaving);

Retrenchment (the goal is to part with the employee while maintaining the balance of the relationship). There are a number of rules for a “farewell conversation”: 1) it is not held before weekends or holidays, 2) not at the workplace; 3) without witnesses; 4) no more than 20 minutes; 5) in the correct form; 6) involves a rehabilitation program.

3. Problematic and disciplinary(the goal is to assess the facts of violation of discipline, failure of work, etc.). When conducting conversations of this type, it is necessary to have information about the guilty employee, criticize the task, not the person, and express specific complaints. The order of messages should be as follows: 1) positive information about the work of the guilty employee, 2) critical information, 3) a commendable and instructive ending.

Principles building a business conversation:

Adjustment to the level of the interlocutor,

Summary information content,

Simplicity, clarity of language.

Stages business conversations

1. Preparatory(the feasibility of the conversation, time and place are determined; materials and documents are prepared).

2. Elementary(the goal is to establish contact, awaken the interlocutor’s interest in the conversation). The following methods can be used:

Method of relieving tension (personal address, compliments, jokes);

The “hook” method (figurative presentation of the question);

Method of stimulating the play of imagination (posing many questions at the same time);

The method of “direct approach” (directly to the essence of the issue).

3. Main part(collection, evaluation, transmission of information; identifying the goals and motives of the interlocutor).

In business Russian, a number of stable speech patterns can be identified that allow interlocutors to control the course of the conversation.

Almost all things begin, are carried out and are completed with the help of verbal interactions between people. In this chapter we will look at business conversations and meetings, as well as telephone communication as special kind speech communication.
In the life of any organization or enterprise, these types of business communication occupy an important place. Exchange of information, putting forward and developing working ideas, monitoring and coordinating the activities of employees, summing up and assessing what has been achieved - these are just some of the aspects of the organization’s activities that are associated with holding meetings and business conversations of various kinds. They are brought together by such points as orientation towards the interests of the work, planning, a certain formalism of the language, i.e. everything that gives a businesslike character to these verbal interactions. At the same time, business conversations, business meetings and telephone conversations can be considered as independent types business communications. They differ from each other not only in the purposes for which they are held, in the form of contact, but also in the number of participants, which predetermines the social psychological characteristics their organization and implementation.

Before moving on to a more detailed description of business conversations and meetings, we will highlight some organizational and psychological features of business communication, which largely determine the verbal behavior of business partners and distinguish it from communication outside the business environment.
Communication in organizations

It is obvious to each of us that a conversation between employees of the same organization discussing a business issue, or a conversation between a manager and a subordinate, is fundamentally different from conversations between the same people outside of work. .
Business communication is an interaction between people that is subordinated to solving a specific problem (industrial, scientific, commercial, etc.), i.e. the purpose of business interaction lies outside the communication process (in contrast to personality-oriented communication, the subject of which is precisely the nature of the relationship between its participants).
The operating principles of any social organization (firm, institution) impose certain restrictions on people's behavior. Let us note the following among them:
1. Quite strict regulation of the goals and motives of communication, methods of contacts between employees, which is explained by the fact that each employee in the organization is normatively assigned a standard of behavior in the form of a stable structure of formal rights and responsibilities that he must follow. Therefore, psychologically, business communication turns out to be largely formalized, distant, and “cold.”
Accordingly, with regard to verbal behavior, it is expected that the exchange of information between employees is not of a personal nature, but is subordinated primarily to the joint solution of an official task.
2. Hierarchical structure of the organization: relationships of subordination, dependence, and inequality are established between departments and employees. One of the consequences of this principle for speech communication is the problem of the conditions for transmitting accurate and, if possible, complete information along the links of the hierarchical pyramid and, accordingly, the effectiveness of feedback.
Thus, the efficiency of distributing business information “horizontally” (i.e. between departments, divisions or employees of the same level) is usually very high. People working at the same level understand each other perfectly; they do not need a detailed and detailed explanation of the essence of the task.
The effectiveness of vertical communication (i.e. up and down hierarchical levels) is much lower. According to some data, only 20–25% of information emanating from senior management reaches directly to specific performers and is correctly understood by them. This is partly explained by the fact that on the path of information passing from the source (speaker) to the addressee in any hierarchically organized management there are intermediary links. Intermediaries can be line managers, secretaries, assistants, clerical workers, etc. Oral messages when transmitted from one level to another (both down and up) can be shortened, edited, distorted before they reach the recipient (the “spoilt” effect). telephone").
Another reason for the low effectiveness of vertical communication is associated with the belief, widespread among some managers, that subordinates do not necessarily need to know about the state of affairs in the enterprise as a whole, they must carry out the tasks assigned to them, carry out the decisions made and not ask unnecessary questions. However, as established by the psychology of perception, a person will act meaningfully if he knows not only the specific operation he is performing, but also sees the broader context in which it is embedded. If specific performers are deprived of information of this kind, they begin to look for answers on their own, while distorting and speculating on the available information.
The desire to take into account these features of official and business communication is manifested, on the one hand, in the requirement for written recording of instructions, decisions, orders, and on the other hand, in the recognition of business conversations as the most important means of increasing the effectiveness of feedback in the organization.
3. Labor motivation as a condition for the effective operation of an organization or enterprise. The need for special efforts to stimulate work can be partly explained by the objective inconsistency of a person’s behavior and self-perception in an organization: in business communication, he acts simultaneously as a specific holistic personality and as a representative of the organization, i.e. bearer of certain professional role functions. If his needs as an individual are not met during his activities in the organization or his own ideas and style of behavior do not coincide with group norms, an intrapersonal conflict may arise and interest in the work performed may decrease. Conflicts of this kind are often the topic of discussion between employees, and sometimes the cause of problematic conversations between a manager and a subordinate.
Along with such methods of motivating the work of staff as various types of moral and material incentives, career advancement, advanced training at the expense of the organization, etc., conversations between the manager and subordinates can have a huge motivational impact: critical assessments, the form of setting tasks, the manager’s answers to questions ; they can either help employees navigate their activities, encourage them to work more successfully and more profitably, or prevent them from doing so.
Requirements for speech communication in a business environment

The principles of life of any organization predetermine the characteristics of official and business communication and largely explain the nature of the requirements for speech communication in the business environment. These requirements can be formulated as follows:
Clearly define the purpose of your message
Make the message clear and accessible to different groups of workers: find specific illustrations of general concepts, develop the general idea using vivid examples.
Keep your messages as short and concise as possible, avoid unnecessary information, and draw the attention of employees only to those problems that specifically concern them.
When talking with employees, follow the rules of active listening, show them signals of your understanding and readiness for joint action.

Thus, the above rules must be equally observed both in a conversation between two business interlocutors and in group communication. At the same time, their use and concrete manifestation in a business conversation and at a business meeting has its own characteristics.

Before moving on to a more detailed description of business conversations and meetings, we will highlight some organizational and psychological features of business communication, which largely determine the verbal behavior of business partners and distinguish it from communication outside the business environment.

It is obvious to each of us that a conversation between employees of the same organization discussing a business issue, or a conversation between a manager and a subordinate, is fundamentally different from conversations between the same people outside of work. .

Business communication is an interaction between people that is subordinated to solving a specific problem (industrial, scientific, commercial, etc.), i.e. the purpose of business interaction lies outside the communication process (in contrast to personality-oriented communication, the subject of which is precisely the nature of the relationship between its participants).

The operating principles of any social organization (firm, institution) impose certain restrictions on people's behavior. Let us note the following among them:

1. Quite strict regulation of the goals and motives of communication, methods of contacts between employees, which is explained by the fact that each employee in the organization is normatively assigned a standard of behavior in the form of a stable structure of formal rights and responsibilities that he must follow. Therefore, psychologically, business communication turns out to be largely formalized, distant, and “cold.”

Accordingly, with regard to verbal behavior, it is expected that the exchange of information between employees is not of a personal nature, but is subordinated primarily to the joint solution of an official task.

2. Hierarchical structure of the organization: relationships of subordination, dependence, and inequality are established between departments and employees. One of the consequences of this principle for speech communication is the problem of the conditions for transmitting accurate and, if possible, complete information along the links of the hierarchical pyramid and, accordingly, the effectiveness of feedback.

Thus, the efficiency of distributing business information “horizontally” (i.e. between departments, divisions or employees of the same level) is usually very high. People working at the same level understand each other perfectly; they do not need a detailed and detailed explanation of the essence of the task.

The effectiveness of vertical communication (i.e. up and down hierarchical levels) is much lower. According to some data, only 20–25% of information emanating from senior management reaches directly to specific performers and is correctly understood by them. This is partly explained by the fact that on the path of information passing from the source (speaker) to the addressee in any hierarchically organized management there are intermediary links. Intermediaries can be line managers, secretaries, assistants, clerical workers, etc. Oral messages when transmitted from one level to another (both down and up) can be shortened, edited, distorted before they reach the recipient (the “spoilt” effect). telephone").

Another reason for the low effectiveness of vertical communication is associated with the belief, widespread among some managers, that subordinates do not necessarily need to know about the state of affairs in the enterprise as a whole, they must carry out the tasks assigned to them, carry out the decisions made and not ask unnecessary questions. However, as established by the psychology of perception, a person will act meaningfully if he knows not only the specific operation he is performing, but also sees the broader context in which it is embedded. If specific performers are deprived of information of this kind, they begin to look for answers on their own, while distorting and speculating on the available information.

The desire to take into account these features of official and business communication is manifested, on the one hand, in the requirement for written recording of instructions, decisions, orders, and on the other hand, in the recognition of business conversations as the most important means of increasing the effectiveness of feedback in the organization.

3. Labor motivation as a condition for the effective operation of an organization or enterprise. The need for special efforts to stimulate work can be partly explained by the objective inconsistency of a person’s behavior and self-perception in an organization: in business communication, he acts simultaneously as a specific holistic personality and as a representative of the organization, i.e. bearer of certain professional role functions. If his needs as an individual are not met during his activities in the organization or his own ideas and style of behavior do not coincide with group norms, an intrapersonal conflict may arise and interest in the work performed may decrease. Conflicts of this kind are often the topic of discussion between employees, and sometimes the cause of problematic conversations between a manager and a subordinate.

Along with such methods of motivating the work of personnel as various types of moral and material incentives, career advancement, advanced training at the expense of the organization, etc., conversations between the manager and subordinates can have a huge motivational impact: critical assessments, the form of setting tasks, the manager’s answers to questions ; they can either help employees navigate their activities, encourage them to work more successfully and more profitably, or prevent them from doing so.

The principles of life of any organization predetermine the characteristics of official and business communication and largely explain the nature of the requirements for speech communication in the business environment. These requirements can be formulated as follows:

Clearly define the purpose of your message

Make the message clear and accessible to different groups of workers: find specific illustrations of general concepts, develop the general idea using vivid examples.

Keep your messages as short and concise as possible, avoid unnecessary information, and draw the attention of employees only to those problems that specifically concern them.

When talking with employees, follow the rules of active listening, show them signals of your understanding and readiness for joint action.

Thus, the above rules must be observed equally both in a conversation between two business interlocutors and in group communication. At the same time, their use and concrete manifestation in a business conversation and at a business meeting has its own characteristics.