Advertising campaign for a car service. Five ways to increase your car service profit. Smart marketing in action

Often new car services operate at a loss for a long time, without recouping even part of the money spent on their opening for months. Unfortunately, many owners simply close the business or resell it, or continue to work at minus or zero, gradually giving up. To prevent this situation from happening, you need to know how to advertise a car service, because proper promotion is one of the keys to success. This article describes the most and least effective methods advertising - it is this information that can help entrepreneurs create the correct and most thoughtful marketing plan.

Point design


Outdoor advertising



It is also worth ordering a bright pillar and placing it in a clearly visible place near the road. Make sure that the text is easy and quick to read - it is unlikely that the motorist will slow down to study it in more detail.

Advertising in elevators

If you work near a residential area with many potential customers, you can advertise in elevators. Order a large ad, because your task is to ensure that a potential client sees it against the backdrop of many other offers.


Order signs, they will help motorists find their way to you. You can use the standard sign used to identify a car service, or use brighter and more noticeable options.

Inflatable, volumetric figures

Car service centers often install inflatable figures. Their main advantage is that they can be seen from afar, they attract the attention of all passers-by and drivers without exception, which means they can increase the influx of customers.

Internet advertising


Nowadays, having your own website is a must-have for almost any enterprise. Car services are no exception, and to promote them you need to have a page on the World Wide Web. However, don’t think that you can create a website, put basic information there and forget about it by investing a very small amount of money. It will need to be promoted and optimized for search queries. To do this, it is better to hire a team of professionals; without knowledge of the specifics, you are unlikely to cope with the task on your own, plus it will take up a lot of your time. You should also not expect instant results - it takes time to promote a resource.

If you decide to create a website on your own, be sure to read our articles:

Here we have laid out our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you will simply need in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time it takes to select the necessary resources for its creation and get profit from the site as quickly as possible.

Advertisements on classifieds sites

No one can guarantee you that posting ads on specialized sites will bring you hundreds of clients. However, the main advantage of this method is that it does not require any material costs(as a rule, such sites post ads for free), but it may well give you visitors who will subsequently recommend you to their friends and acquaintances.

Sending emails

If you have your own website, you can find out the email addresses of your clients by offering, for example, a discount for registering on your resource. Once you have the addresses, you can notify visitors about discounts and promotions, special offers, and this, in turn, will be a huge plus for your enterprise.

Printable advertisement


Bright and informative leaflets can be distributed in nearby parking lots and other places where cars accumulate. Order the material and hire a person who will attach the leaflet to the windshields of cars - even if you don’t attract hundreds of customers using this method, the visitors who still respond to the booklet can become your regular guests in your service.

Business cards

Hand out business cards to each of your clients - there is a chance that they will give them to a friend or acquaintance, moreover, the visitor himself will be able to call you or visit your website at any time convenient for him.

Print advertisements

Print tear-off ads(when the phone number appears) and organize their posting at the entrances of the locality. The text should be concise and informative; if you have attractive prices, be sure to indicate them too.

Advertising in newspapers and printed catalogs

Be sure to place advertisements in all newspapers that have a special section for various services and catalogs in the city. It is better if you post them as a private individual, describing your most popular services.

TV ads

Ticker or TV newspaper

Place your ad on local channels - this can significantly help increase the number of customers. However, remember that such advertising is expensive, which means that it should not be given every day, but, for example, only on weekends.

Radio advertising

Audio clip

Record an engaging audio clip and pay for it to be broadcast on local radio. Such advertising will also not cost you cheap, but the main advantage this method is that it directly affects motorists, who are known to frequently listen to the radio while on the road.


Discount cards

In addition to discounts when presenting leaflets or when registering on the site, you can also introduce so-called “club” cards, which will serve the client cheaper. This will increase visitor loyalty and help retain them in the future.

Carrying out price promotions

Conduct seasonal promotions, offer free diagnostics, give clients small gifts - all this will attract visitors.

Word of mouth

As in many other areas, word of mouth plays a huge role in this business. Carefully monitor the quality of your services and the work of your employees, because the success of your enterprise largely depends on this.

Examples of slogans for advertising a car service

  1. Forward to price and quality!
  2. Everything for your car.
  3. Auto service with an impeccable reputation.
  4. One problem, many solutions!
  5. Modern car repair technologies.
  6. Instrumental approach. Successful result.
  7. Fix your iron horse!
  8. Quality comes from the little things!
  9. Axiom of safety.
  10. With respect to you, with love for the car!
  11. We work to keep your cars alive!
  12. Your reliable partner.
  13. Get the most out of your car.
  14. We love motors! It will be as good as new!
  15. Movement is joy. We have enough for everyone.
  16. We greet you like family - we treat you like yourself.
  17. We will do what others cannot do.

Today’s article will be more practical than theoretical, as I will describe the promotion of a car service using a specific example, so that you have a clearer understanding of how to promote your companies on the Internet. I will say right away that these are not empty words, because this is exactly the scheme we used to promote our client’s service station.

So, let’s say that you have your own car service, that is, a car service station. By the way, it’s quite a profitable business, except for the expensive barrier to entry into this business. But that's not what I'm talking about. Let's imagine that you already have your own service station, fully functioning, there is a certain flow of customers, but this is not enough for you and you would like even more.

Where to start promoting a car service

To begin with I would make marketing strategy, that is, I described exactly what goals and benefits I want to get from this as a result, as well as the most detailed step by step plan achieving your goals. It's corny, but it's necessary!

What could be the goals and benefits?

Alternatively, this is an increase in customer flow by 500 per month, profit by 200 thousand, company recognition, increased loyalty regular customers. This is all conditional, but as close to reality as possible. You should not take numbers out of thin air, but clearly calculate everything, because if, for example, a service station cannot handle more than 300 clients per month, then there is no need to attract 500 clients, because your employees will already be at maximum capacity.

In addition to maximum workload, do not forget about financial investments in promotion, because... if you are financially limited, then you need to proceed from your current capabilities, and not from your “wants”.

Once you have written down your goals and benefits, you need to move on to developing a strategy for promoting your car service.

First of all, we need sites to which traffic will be driven. This is the site and groups in in social networks. If the budget is minimal, then you need to limit yourself to a website and 1 social network. network.

What should the site be like?

You can, of course, make one landing page, but then it will turn out to be very long, and as you know, in 90% of cases people scroll the first 2-3 blocks of the site. Therefore, it is better to make a multi-page site with separate tabs.

In addition to the selling website, I would start a blog on the same domain and write articles on automotive topics. This will further inspire confidence among customers. Plus, this will generate search traffic in the future, but more on that later.

So, we prepared the website. Next, you need to create groups on social networks. To begin with, I would take up VKontakte and, possibly, Odnoklassniki. I have already written a very large material, so re-read those articles again so that you have detailed information.

What traffic sources to use

Of course it is. In Direct, advertising will be launched on search and YAN, as well as retargeting. Adwords has the same thing, plus banner advertising. The only thing, keep in mind that Google’s traffic on Google’s display network is mostly of poor quality, so be careful with display media so as not to waste your budget.

If the budget allows, then in addition to hot and warm requests, I will definitely use cold traffic through YAN. This will not provide a lot of targeted traffic, but it can be insulated by filtering the text in the ads so that the site is visited by as few uninterested people as possible.

After contextual advertising is set up and launched, we will start launching traffic on social networks.

will have the least success here, since the service is in demand when something breaks down in the car, so there is no point in running teasers all the time. The only targeting you can use here is post promotion.

I would put more emphasis on city public pages and buy advertising in them. Also, to more quickly increase the size of the group, I organized a competition and advertised this particular competition. This option will give a good return not only for subscribers, but also for clients.

When posting, I would ask my friends and acquaintances to write in the comments positive reviews about service stations - this will increase trust among other group members. Only if you use this method, you need to build it in the form of a dialogue, a conversation, and not just stupid reviews.

I would also add bots to the group so that it is not initially empty. This won’t give you a lot of traffic, but the group will be in a higher place in searches on VK. And given that internal search in VK is becoming increasingly popular, over time this will provide good, additional traffic. But the main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to get blocked from VKontakte.

I would also definitely use SEO

Most likely, in 6-8 months, for many queries in this niche, it would be possible to bypass all competitors, since basically, this business is carried out by people far from the Internet, and SEO contractors, in general, do their work not very well. Therefore, you can enter the TOP-3 very quickly.

If the budget allows, then we will definitely post on 2-3 city websites, and also be sure to add free and paid advertisements in Avito.

In addition to the above-mentioned traffic sources, I would start a channel on YouTube and constantly post videos there.

Taking into account the fact that video content has been developing very strongly over the last 5 years, this will give not only traffic, but also additional loyalty from customers.

Be sure to monitor your online reputation

Yes: 2GIS or any other directories. Therefore, I would constantly ask my friends, acquaintances, as well as clients, for some kind of bonus, to write reviews about my service station.

Understand: people are herd creatures. And if they write a lot of good reviews about you, then with a high degree of probability they will turn to you. But keep in mind that reviews must be real and believable. If the opposite turns out to be the case, then one or two negative reviews can drive away a large number of customers.

Important! And the most important thing is to do your job very well!

If we take the service station niche, there is a lot of deception going on there. And if you do the repairs very efficiently and openly, then even with a value higher than that of others, there will be no end to customers. For example, I’m ready to pay more, but I’ll be sure that the car is made with high quality and won’t break down again after a month.


As for the budget for promoting a car service, in this case, taking into account the development of the website and money for advertising in the first month, an average of 60-80 thousand rubles can be obtained. But it depends on the region.


In general, this is all about analyzing the promotion of service stations. If you have a related business, then this model is most likely applicable to you, as I tried to show a universal way of promotion.

But if suddenly this model is not applicable to you, write your niche in the comments and perhaps I will do a detailed analysis specifically for your business.

A good advertising campaign that can attract new customers to a car service requires a professional approach and is expensive. But if you have to operate on a limited budget, then you can try to do it on your own, reducing at least the cost of paying for the services of an advertising agency. At the same time, it is important to take into account the specifics of the business and know which means and techniques will be effective and which will not be useful. What a service station advertisement should be like and where it is best to place it will be discussed in this material.

What advertising is suitable for a service station? There are many ways to attract customers to service stations, and which one to choose depends on the situation does a car service work, what services does it provide, who are they intended for, etc. So, if there are federal roads in close proximity to the location of the company and the service is aimed at passing motorists and truckers, then it will be effective outdoor advertising: banners, streamers, signs, pillars, light boxes. If the service station is located within the city limits and its services are aimed at local residents, then advertising on the radio and on the Internet can give good results.

Business cards and booklets, printed in a printing house, containing information about the name of the service station, main types of services and contact information. Distribution of such materials can be carried out in nearby car shops, car washes, gas stations, in parking lots and parking lots, subject to agreements with the owners of these objects. Booklets can also be distributed to the mailboxes of houses located in the area where the service operates.

Internet advertising. The car service center should have its own resource, as an option, in the “Landing page” format - a website with one page that comprehensively but briefly describes the service station services, contains Commercial offer(cm., ).

In addition, it is effective to use contextual advertising popular search engines, such as “Yandex” and “Google” (see, for the search engine).

Banner Internet advertising and promotion on social networks (promotion of your own account in the Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Instagram and others networks) give good results. A less effective, but also less expensive way is to post information on free bulletin boards: “Avito”, “Yula”, etc.

Billboards, streamers and banners They also bring new customers to the car service center. It is advisable to place such structures in places with heavy street traffic and high vehicle traffic. The message applied to such objects should be clearly visible, brief, but succinct in order to be remembered, but not interfere with the person’s ability to drive.

Advertising in the elevator– an excellent and relatively inexpensive way to promote auto repair shop services. This format looks like a poster placed in a metal frame under protective glass. You can develop the layout yourself or with the help of specialists, the main thing is that it is quite large.

Information videos on local radio stations. Such advertising is distinguished by a large audience reach, high focus on the target group and a reasonable price. The audio message should be short, easy to understand and memorable.

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How to attract customers to a car service?

The success of advertising depends not only on the location of its placement and the format used, but also on how correctly the text of the appeal is composed, how it is designed, what marketing moves involved. The advertiser’s task is not just to inform consumers about his product (in this case, about service station services), but to do it in such a way that the client does not go to competitors, but chooses his company. How to achieve this?

When addressing potential clients, you need to briefly but convincingly outline the company’s advantages. In a situation with a car service, this could be:

  • provision additional services, for example, computer diagnostics, selection and ordering of auto parts (useful to know);
  • discounts on comprehensive service;
  • benefits for certain categories of citizens;
  • possibility of cashless payment;
  • guarantee for work performed;
  • bonuses (for example, when repairing a car wash as a gift), etc.

Many advertising agencies When composing the text, they use the ODC principle. What it is? O - offer ( profitable proposition), D – deadline (time limit), C – call to action (call to activity). How it works?

The appeal structure must include all three of these elements. The first part contains a list of benefits and advantages. For example, free suspension diagnostics, replacement of two shock absorbers for the price of one, 20% discount on Maintenance. Next should be a limitation - an indication that all these promotions are valid only until a certain time or are designed for a certain number of clients. At the end of the advertising message, a call to action is necessary: ​​you need to make it clear to the client what he must do in order not to miss out on his benefits.

It is important to understand that all information contained in advertising must be reliable. The quality and speed of service are also important factors that can affect the reputation of a car repair shop and the number of its customers. If a person contacted by an advertisement is satisfied with the work of the craftsmen, he will probably recommend the service station to his fellow motorists.

Useful to read. Material and technical base, package of documents and sample business plan.

It's all about self-service.

What does . The amount of costs for organizing passenger transportation, profit planning and timeframes for achieving payback.

Opening your own car service is one of the most popular business ideas in Russia. On this moment There are more than 39 thousand points in the country. Despite the fact that today a car is more of a norm than a luxury, and the ranks of motorists are growing every day, serious competition is unfolding among car service owners. How to attract customers to a car service in such seemingly unfavorable conditions for doing business?

Proper Marketing

A large base of regular customers is the basis of any business. A continuous flow of customers means high demand, and the overall profitability of the business will depend on the demand for a product or service.

Marketing is at the heart of attracting customers. This is where the first mistakes appear, because most novice entrepreneurs believe that marketing is creative process, and only very creative people are able to cope with the tasks of attracting clients, but this is far from the case.

For all those who think that they don’t know how to attract customers to a car service center, marketing is primarily applied tasks consisting of dry calculations and schemes. Moreover, these same schemes and calculations, as well as specific plans for attracting clients, have long been developed by someone and implemented more than once. All that remains is to use the right tools.

Of course, there is still some creativity in how to attract customers to a car service. True, if you think about it, the creative part, in general, can be found in any business.

Correct marketing policy works according to the formula “everything for the client”. What should you pay attention to to attract customers? First of all, on their desires and on the contradictions that arise from this. That is, you need to understand what the client wants and how the company can satisfy these desires. After that, all that remains is to show the potential client that he can get what he wants at a specific car service.

Advertising campaign

There are many ways to attract customers to a car service. The main method is advertising. Large enterprises that have been on the market for a long time and have already managed to earn a name for themselves, in general, do not need advertising. Major market players already have an established customer base, which will grow, working on the “domino” principle or word of mouth (clients will tell their friends, those will tell their friends, etc.).

Young businesses need advertising more. But the problem is that beginning entrepreneurs often do not have the means to conduct a comprehensive advertising campaign. What exactly and how to advertise? The emphasis can be placed, for example, on fast turnaround times or specialization for a specific car brand. There is no need to place emphasis only on car services with a narrow range of services provided, those that are faced, for example, with the question: “How to attract customers to a car body repair service?”

  1. Advertising in the press.
  2. Printable advertisement.
  3. Audiovisual advertising on the Internet.
  4. Radio and television advertising.
  5. Mailing to potential clients.
  6. Participation in exhibitions.
  7. Sales of promotional souvenirs.

Printable advertisement

Print advertising is the first thing a new businessman can do. This type of advertising has proven itself positively thanks to low prices and fast production. Also, the advantages of print advertising include ease of perception and high efficiency. This is how you can attract the bulk of customers at first.

Also, print advertising must contain the address of the car service center and methods feedback(phone, email, etc.). The presence of feedback will not only increase consumer confidence, but will also allow potential clients to clarify additional questions in a convenient manner.

Advertising in the press

Press advertising is an alternative to print advertising. This type of advertising is even more effective in the question of how to quickly promote a car service and attract customers, but it also costs more. The larger the publication and circulation, the higher the price for placing an ad.

This advertising can be very diverse; most often, novice entrepreneurs order small advertisements, where the main emphasis is on the name of the company and contact information. The most important thing about it is the bright and interesting name that can attract the attention of the client. Just like in print advertising, the address and phone number should not only be present in the ad, but also stand out well.

TV and radio advertising

The concept of radio advertising implies the presentation of information in the form of voice messages on the radio or between broadcasts. You can record such an advertisement yourself, and the radio studio will play it in the form of a message repeated from time to time, or you can negotiate directly with the studio so that the presenters mention the enterprise during broadcasts.

TV advertising can be different. It can be presented as a regular video that is played during pauses. However, this option is very expensive for novice businessmen, and more often an advertisement for a new car service can be seen as a short screensaver or in the form of a creeping line.

In this article I will talk about my experience in promoting automotive websites and, in particular, car service centers. The recommendations from the article will help you quickly promote a car service and avoid many mistakes. I started promoting my first automotive website in 2007. Since then, dozens of different sites have passed through my hands, and our agency has made many auto projects leaders in their niches.

Mistake 1: Queries are too general

As a rule, car service owners strive to bring their website to the TOP for the most common queries. For example, “service” or “car service,” but these requests do not bring the most profitable customers to the site. For example, your service specializes in Japanese brands, and with the request “car service”, owners of domestic cars, German foreign cars, etc. can search for services. You will pay for all visitors.

The most profitable clients come with specialized requests that take into account your range of services. For example, “automatic transmission repair”, “BMW suspension repair”. The more specifically the client’s need is expressed in the request, the higher the chance of receiving an order.

Mistake 2: superficial processing of queries

Not everyone knows about cars. Not everyone understands that potential clients can use dozens of different words and their combinations to search for the same service. “Chassis repair”, “chassis repair”, “knocking in the suspension” - customers can ask very different requests in search of a solution to their problems (find a service to repair a car), and these requests are not always on the surface. The more suitable queries are collected, the more search visitors your site will receive. To collect all the relevant queries, you need not only to understand SEO, but also have knowledge in the field of auto repair.

Mistake 3: Semantics does not take into account the location of the service

This problem concerns car service owners in major cities. Many customers prefer to find a car service closer to home. Therefore, for example, in Moscow, potential clients often formulate requests indicating the area or even the street where they want to find a service.

If you have one car service in Moscow, process requests indicating the area and street where your company is located. If you have a network, work through such requests for each point.

Error 4: Missing directory

Many car repair shops do not strive to develop websites, not considering the Internet as a serious sales channel. For example, information about all services is added to one page, but separate pages for each service are not created. Result: low positions in Yandex and Google and low site traffic. We recommend writing a separate text for each service and including links to related services (this will increase the average bill).

Mistake 5: sites with little information content

A car is quite an expensive thing, and it is difficult for people to trust a car to an unfamiliar company. Your website should instill confidence in the car owner. This can be done through competent design, high-quality texts that show professionalism, photos and video materials. It is important to post “live”, but professionally taken photographs on the site. If you are doing body repair– “before” and “after” photos of the renovation will help attract customers. It is important to protect photos with watermarks, since automotive-themed photos are often borrowed by competitors.

A high-quality, well-developed, developing website can bring a car service many customers. However, to obtain such a sales channel, you need to take into account typical mistakes, listed above, and do not allow them on your project. With the right approach, even in the region, a car service website can receive hundreds of visitors a day and dozens of calls and orders, not to mention Moscow.