Is electronic decoy allowed for hunting? Electronic decoy for hunting: description of the best. Homemade electronic decoy for hunting. Types and their characteristics

Spring hunting with electronic decoy.

Spring is coming. Not today or tomorrow, shoals of geese and ducks will appear in the sky, awakening hunting souls with their cries and notifying the beginning of the long-awaited and most preferred and beloved spring hunt by many hunters.
Anyone who is seriously passionate about this hunt and has at least some experience knows well that it is necessary to prepare for this hunt in advance. It is necessary to check the old ones, make or purchase new stuffed animals and profiles, update or build new huts and hideouts, and of course, goose hunting lovers, as well as drake hunters who do not have a decoy duck, will need a good decoy.

It is about decoys that I will talk about in this story. If someone decides out of inexperience that it will be enough to go to the store and buy an expensive popular mechanical decoy - he is deeply mistaken! To learn to at least master this or that decoy well (otherwise the result threatens to be sharply negative), you need time, practice, and most importantly, an ear for music and diligence.

Hunters in many European countries, as well as the USA and Canada, where hunting geese and geese is very popular, have been using electronic decoys for a long time and with success. Until recently, hunting with these decoys was prohibited in our country. But in the new Law on Hunting there is no such ban (at least there is something progressive!), and as lawyers say, “what is not prohibited is permitted.” And yet, not touching on the topic of ethics, and most importantly, the need to legalize these decoys, would be not only illogical, but also unfair. I will briefly outline my arguments.
Many hunting grounds We are in decline. There is not even a modest base where one could at least spend the night, not to mention the presence of decoy ducks in such hunting grounds. To local village hunters who breed decoys - my honor and respect! But even among village hunters who have their own subsidiary farm, that's great rarity. The city hunter is completely deprived of such an opportunity.
In this situation, it is enough to have firm shooting standards, which we have had for a long time. So what difference does it make how this norm is shot - with a decoy or with an electronic decoy? It’s better for a hunter to sit in a hut with an electronic decoy than to wander along the shore of a reservoir and shoot at flocks of ducks that have swooped down or raised by him indiscriminately at what he hits.
In the second option, even a hunter with a decoy duck will not hunt on this reservoir - the “stray” will disperse everything. Or don't we face this every spring? And this hunter cannot be indiscriminately accused of violating hunting rules. The soul longs to hunt, but there is nowhere to find a decoy - so don’t step on a man’s throat! Severe penalties must be introduced for exceeding shooting standards. A frequently asked question is: “Who should I follow?” - banal.
Yes, to the same ones who must monitor everything else, and control over shooting standards has long been their responsibility. This is a brief summary of the need for legalization. As for ethics, it is not without reason that they say that freedom is where there is the right to choose. So let everyone decide and choose for themselves what to hunt with. There is no need to stupidly impose anything on anyone - and discussions here are pointless!

Personally, I have deep respect for those hunters who excellently and with great success use mechanical decoys, especially those of their own design and manufacture. I myself can handle hazel grouse well with an ordinary decoy; since childhood, without any decoy, I have been able to imitate a current grouse and have more than once lured adult black grouse to the hut itself. Many times in the spring I collected a lek around my hut, and even during the autumn lek, it happened that I could lure roosters, but I did not learn how to lure a drake or a goose.
So, with the advent of this “know-how” on sale, I decided to resort to its help. In February 2000, in one of the well-known stores in Moscow, I bought myself an Italian-made electronic decoy. There are 8 voices on the chip, 6 different goose voices, “Mallard-Spring” and “Mallard-Autumn”. This set cost (as I remember now) 8,500 rubles, which was very expensive for that time, but not once over the past years have I regretted the money spent.
The effect is amazing!!! Especially when hunting drakes in the spring. At first, in combination with decoy, I used rubber and later plastic duck stuffed animals, placing them near the hut. But thanks to the lesson taught to me from above 5 years ago, I have not used any stuffed animals for the same number of years. I would like to add that during the spring hunt I always make three huts: on the grouse lek, on the feeding goose field and on the old flooded peat mines, where in the spring there are always a lot of migrating ducks, and geese are not uncommon.
I do this with the sole purpose that if it is impossible for any reason to hunt a black grouse or a goose, a precious morning would not be wasted, and so that I could at least hunt a drake. And it was like this. It was early spring, and full-fledged grouse currents had already ended. In the morning I went to the goose field, but as happens in the spring, some flocks of geese have flown away, while others have not yet arrived (hunting with 4-5 flocks all morning is not for me), a goose vacuum has formed, as I call it.
At 9 am it was already clear that have a nice summer it won’t, and in order not to waste the morning, I decided to go to the swamp, where I had a hut for a drake. I always had stuffed animals, as well as goose profiles, in the trunk of my car. Having approached the swamp, I took a bag with stuffed ducks out of the trunk, put a pack of cartridges with small duck shot into it, took a gun and a folding chair and hurried to the hut. I had the case with the decoy in my pocket.
Having arrived at the place, I was about to place the stuffed animals, but at that time I heard the heart-rending cries of a mallard duck. Two drakes were chasing her at once, and she, poor thing, was drawing figures aerobatics, rushed over the swamp from side to side. I quickly jumped into the hut, pulled out the decoy and turned it on, just wanting to see if there would be an effect. And the effect was amazing! Both drakes abandoned this duck and rushed to my hut. The first one to arrive splashed down about 20 meters from the hut and swam towards me.
The second, apparently wanting to get ahead of his opponent, sat down at the very edge of the water, about 7-8 meters from the hut and also headed towards the speaker lying on the floor in the hut. There was no point in shooting the closest drake because of the small distance to it, but the farther one became my trophy. The main thing here was not the trophy, but the lesson and the conclusion from it: From that day on, I haven’t put up any stuffed ducks - there’s no need for them!
I turn on the “Mallard-Spring” decoy, and the drake throws a live duck and, without any precautions, sits almost next to the hut. Despite the fact that there is no duck nearby, not even a stuffed one (the speaker is in the hut), the drake swims straight to the hut.
I have never tried the “Mallard-Autumn” decoy. Where I mostly hunt, there are already plenty of ducks in August.

This decoy is also good for spring goose hunting. Flocks of geese, white-fronted and bean goose, are perfectly captured by the “Mixed Goose Market” or “White-fronted Single”. For the last four years I have installed only one full-body profile, “Sentry White-fronted,” and included “Single White-fronted.”
Flocks of both white-fronted and bean goosenecks move away from 1.5–2 km, and single animals (usually young white-fronted ones) often land immediately. Last spring of 2009, on the move, without making a single circle, even an adult bean goose sat down 7–10 meters from the body and began to look at its plastic false brother in surprise.

I can already hear the cries of newspaper and Internet “righteous people” spraying saliva at me for this story of mine. Don’t feed them bread - just let them show off publicly, sarcastically caring for morality and the blind letter of the law. It’s just that you won’t find them while hunting in the wilds - didn’t they learn how to camouflage from chameleons? Well, I’ll answer you, and at the same time I’ll clarify the situation for those who concluded from what I said that an electronic decoy is a 100% panacea, and you can always have a lot of trophies with it. I assure you this is not true!
Over 36 years of hunting, I have learned well that the main thing in hunting is luck, which, as a rule, does not depend on the weather, the amount of game, the land, or even the hunter himself - all these are secondary components! It has happened more than once: when hunting for drakes, you sit in a hut with a decoy, and 80–100 meters away from you there are several free shooters in the bushes on different sides. The drakes fly well at the decoy, but not a single one reaches the hut, so you are left not only without a trophy, but also without a shot. On goose hunting the situation is even worse!
When you sit alone or with your team, the hunt goes great, but if there are unfamiliar “anti-aircraft gunners with buckshot” around you, no decoy will help. More than once I had to go around the huts and convince those sitting in them to let the geese go for a second round. Good luck, gentlemen, only good luck!!!
Now you can draw your conclusions!

In the photo: my electronic decoy complete with a speaker, made by the Italian company BIRD SING. I bought it in February 2000. It cost 8,500 rubles then. The Krona battery lasts for 2 seasons.

Both regular and electronic decoys are one of the most popular elements of auxiliary hunting equipment. However, if the owner of a manual decoy often requires remarkable talent in the ability to imitate the calling sounds made by various animals and birds, then an electronic decoy eliminates this problem. In addition, electronics do not create extraneous noise and echoes inherent in conventional decoys, and therefore its use is much more effective.

Electronic decoys are prohibited and allowed at the same time

However, electronic decoys are still not widely used in Russia. The main reason for this is not the high cost of electronic options and not the moral obstacles of hunters, but a rather complex legislative conflict, due to which the opinion has become widespread that the use of electronic decoys in Russia is illegal. In fact, this statement is not true, since the ban on the use in hunting of any electronic devices capable of reproducing certain sounds is contained only in the 1988 order on Model Rules hunting, approved by GlavUprom of the hunting sector of the RSFSR. At the same time, Resolution No. 18 of 2009, dedicated to the issues of obtaining hunting objects and issued by the Government of the Russian Federation, does not contain such a prohibitory norm.

In other words, from a regulatory and legal point of view (which was at one time confirmed by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in relation to the above “Rules”), the first document in this part contradicts the norms of federal legislation.

Operating principle and advantages

The principle of operation of an electronic decoy is simple - and consists of reproducing sounds with a greater or lesser degree of identity made by a particular bird or animal. Including those whose frequency characteristics are extremely difficult or even impossible to reproduce on a regular decoy. All that is required in this case from the hunter is to choose exactly the entry that is not only most suitable for this type of game, but also takes into account the regional characteristics of the hunting location and the season in which it is held.

It should be noted that the accuracy of the reproduced sound depends on two important parameters - the quality of the audio file recording and technical characteristics decoy dynamics.

The first parameter entirely depends on the manufacturer, since sounds in music libraries (even in the most modern third-generation devices) are not always an exact copy of the real calling cry of potential game. But even if the record in the decoy’s memory is completely identical, its music libraries should be updated regularly. The reason for this is temporary change conditioned reflexes (especially fast in waterfowl), as a result of which a perfectly “working” call after one or two years may no longer attract, but, on the contrary, scare away a flock of geese or ducks.

Video: Geese fly to an electronic decoy

Much more problematic is the situation when the realism of any natural sound is greatly distorted due to insufficient (or outdated) technical capabilities of the decoy playback and recording equipment. It is impossible to correct this problem in any way - for which reason you will need to either purchase a more modern modification, or try to switch to a manual decoy.

Video: how to attract a duck

Types and their characteristics

As noted above, the quality of recording and reproduction of sounds by an electronic decoy are its fundamental characteristics - and the increase in the level of this quality quite predictably changed as electronic technology in general improved. As a result, over the entire historical period of use of these devices, three generations of them were created.

Cassette decoys

In fact, they were a variation of small portable tape recorders using magnetic tape as a carrier and recording sounds in mono (somewhat later - stereo) mode. This generation practically did not manage to at least significantly displace hand-made decoys, since they had much more disadvantages than advantages. These, first of all, included high vulnerability when used in wild conditions, an equally high level of energy consumption, prohibitive (for such low sound quality) price, a limited set of recorded sounds and extreme inconvenience in use.

Decoys on electronic chips

These second-generation decoys, having not been the latest technology for quite some time, still occupy the lion's share of the domestic market and quite a significant share of the Western market. The recording medium in them is a built-in or removable chip, but the poor quality (considering the current level of development of electronics) continues to dominate the market mainly due to powerful lobbying of the interests of their manufacturers. The main disadvantages of decoys of this generation include the high cost of removable chips, the difficulty (and often technical impossibility) of replenishing or updating the list of background recordings and the small number of them on the chip itself - usually containing only a set of sounds for only one a certain type birds or animals. In addition, by modern standards, the completely outdated circuitry of these devices, based on technology from the 70-80s of the last century, does not stand up to criticism. Its basis is the so-called pulse-width modulation, which is still widely used today - but only in products for which sound quality is absolutely not critical (musical toys, analog telephone speakers, amateur voice recorders, etc.).

Electronic decoys Hunterhelp

Decoys on a memory card

Only this type of electronic decoy can be considered not only completely modern, but also the only one acceptable in all respects for use in hunting. Its polyphony and digital principle of recording real voices of animals and birds allows you to absolutely accurately imitate any sounds, while absolutely freely and as often as you like, changing and supplementing their set in memory and enjoying the highest quality of completely realistic sound.

How to make an electronic decoy with your own hands

The best modern decoys (both foreign and Russian production) with a speaker power of about 20 W, they guarantee sound propagation over distances of up to 2 km and contain on average from 100 to 200 pre-installed absolutely realistic recordings of animal and bird voices. However, their prices, sometimes reaching 100 thousand rubles, are clearly not affordable for the Russian average person. At the same time, using a minimum set of basic knowledge about electrical engineering, it is quite possible to make an electronic decoy that is orders of magnitude cheaper on your own (while only 15-20 years ago such a task was possible only for very capable radio amateurs). All that is required for this is a reliable power source, a fairly high-quality speaker, a good amplifier, a regular MP3 player and a small case in which these devices can be placed.

Video: DIY electronic decoy

IMPORTANT! You should not skimp on speakers by trying to use something low-power (for example, from cell phones) - it is much more efficient to purchase a ready-made speaker. Required condition is also the choice of a box or crate as a body that will not become damp in conditions of high humidity and, moreover, allow water inside.

So, let's go through in more detail all four main elements of a homemade electronic decoy.

Power supply

A 12-volt battery with a capacity of 1.2-1.4 ampere-hours is quite suitable for this role. With a less powerful amplifier, a 6-volt amplifier may be suitable - which guarantees the availability of energy for any hunt that lasts long enough.


One of the simplest options is a regular 20-watt alarm siren (with the tone circuit removed) costing only about 200 rubles. For a normal connection to a digital playback device, you will need a flexible cable 5-7 meters long, and in the case remote control digitally from a mobile phone via Bluetooth - even shorter.


Ideally, you just need to buy it. Although, if you want to save even more, you can assemble it yourself using, for example, a TDA1555Q microcircuit (the entire set for it, including mounting elements, will be selected by the seller in a radio store yourself, and the check amount will be about 500-600 rubles).


The most valuable and easiest to purchase and connect part of a homemade electronic decoy in the form of any MP3 player, thanks to the development of technology, gives the hunter a huge number of sound recordings, updated as often as desired and at the same time distinguished by impeccable quality.

Gallery: homemade decoys

Homemade electronic decoy from a speaker and a smartphone Homemade electronic decoy from a speaker and a mobile phone

To summarize, several important conclusions can be drawn. The first - and main of them - is the legally justified opportunity and right to use electronic decoys when hunting. If there is a “lack of understanding” with the regulatory authorities, it will be easy to prove your case in court (which will not be difficult to win, given the solid legal framework working in favor of the hunter). The second is the opportunity - if you are short on funds or have a categorical reluctance to overpay - to produce a fully functional and, moreover, very high-quality 3rd generation decoy, spending an amount ten times less than the cost of a professional decoy. Finally, we can say with confidence that the use of an electronic decoy will greatly increase the chances of a successful hunt - at least for a person who is not experienced in handling manual decoys and does not believe that the use of modern electronic decoys in this particular case is morally unacceptable for a hunter.

The editors of “ROG” decided to publish an article by Vladimir Rodchenkov from the archive on the website “Spring hunts with electronic decoys” for only one reason. What is happening in hunting Russia today cannot but cause extreme concern.

We remind you that current legislation prohibits the use of these devices.

Spring is coming. Not today or tomorrow, shoals of geese and ducks will appear in the sky, stirring up hunting souls with their cries and announcing the beginning of the long-awaited and most preferred and beloved spring hunt by many hunters.

Anyone who is seriously passionate about this hunt and has at least some experience knows well that it is necessary to prepare for this hunt in advance. It is necessary to check old ones, make or purchase new decoys and profiles, update or build new huts and hideouts, and of course, goose hunting lovers, as well as drake hunters who do not have a decoy duck, will need a good decoy.

It is about decoys that I will talk about in this story. If someone decides out of inexperience that it will be enough to go to the store and buy an expensive, popular mechanical decoy, he is deeply mistaken! To learn to at least master this or that decoy well (otherwise the result threatens to be sharply negative), you need time, practice, and most importantly, an ear for music and diligence.

Hunters in many European countries, as well as the USA and Canada, where hunting geese and geese is very popular, have been using electronic decoys for a long time and with success. Until recently, hunting with these decoys was prohibited in our country. But in the new Law on Hunting there is no such ban (at least there is something progressive!), and as lawyers say, “what is not prohibited is permitted.” And yet, not touching on the topic of ethics, and most importantly, the need to legalize these decoys, would be not only illogical, but also unfair. I will briefly outline my arguments.

Many of our hunting farms are in decline. There is not even a modest base where one could at least spend the night, not to mention the presence of decoy ducks in such hunting grounds. To local village hunters who breed decoys - my honor and respect! But even among village hunters who have their own subsidiary plots, this is very rare. The city hunter is completely deprived of such an opportunity.

In this situation, it is enough to have firm shooting standards, which we have had for a long time. So what difference does it make how this norm is shot - with a decoy or with an electronic decoy? It’s better for a hunter to sit in a hut with an electronic decoy than to wander along the shore of a reservoir and shoot at flocks of ducks that have swooped down or been raised by him indiscriminately at what he hits.

In the second option, even a hunter with a decoy duck will not hunt on this reservoir - the “stray” will disperse everything. Or don't we face this every spring? And this hunter cannot be indiscriminately accused of violating hunting rules. The soul longs to hunt, but there is nowhere to find a decoy - so don’t step on a man’s throat! Severe penalties must be introduced for exceeding shooting standards. A frequently asked question is: “Who should I follow?” - banal.

Yes, to the same ones who must monitor everything else, and control over shooting standards has long been their responsibility. This is a summary of the need for legalization. As for ethics, it is not without reason that they say that freedom is where there is the right to choose. So let everyone decide and choose for themselves what to hunt with. There is no need to stupidly impose anything on anyone - and discussions here are pointless!

Personally, I have deep respect for those hunters who excellently and with great success use mechanical decoys, especially those of their own design and manufacture. I myself can handle hazel grouse well with an ordinary decoy; since childhood, without any decoy, I have been able to imitate black grouse. More than once in the spring he collected a lek around his hut, and even at the autumn lek, it happened that he could lure roosters, but he did not learn how to lure a drake or a goose.

So, with the advent of this “know-how” on sale, I decided to resort to its help. In February 2000, in one of the well-known stores in Moscow, I bought myself an Italian-made electronic decoy. There are 8 voices on the chip, 6 different goose voices, “Mallard-Spring” and “Mallard-Autumn”. This set cost (as I remember now) 8,500 rubles, which was very expensive for that time, but not once over the past years have I regretted the money spent.

The effect is amazing!!! Especially when hunting drakes in the spring. At first, in combination with decoy, I used rubber and later plastic duck stuffed animals, placing them near the hut. But thanks to the lesson taught to me from above 5 years ago, I have not used any stuffed animals for the same number of years. I would like to add that during the spring hunt I always make three huts: on the grouse lek, on the feeding goose field and on the old flooded peat mines, where in the spring there are always a lot of migrating ducks, and geese are not uncommon.

I do this with the sole purpose that if it is impossible for any reason to hunt a black grouse or a goose, a precious morning would not be wasted, and so that I could at least hunt a drake. And it was like this. It was early spring, and full-fledged grouse currents had already ended. In the morning I went to the goose field, but as happens in the spring, some flocks of geese have flown away, while others have not yet arrived (hunting with 4-5 flocks all morning is not for me), a goose vacuum has formed, as I call it.

At 9 am it was already clear that it would not be a good summer, and in order not to waste the morning, I decided to go to the swamp, where I had a hut for a drake. I always had stuffed animals, as well as goose profiles, in the trunk of my car. Having approached the swamp, I took a bag with stuffed ducks out of the trunk, put a pack of cartridges with small duck shot into it, took a gun and a folding chair and hurried to the hut. I had the case with the decoy in my pocket.

Having arrived at the place, I was about to place the stuffed animals, but at that time I heard the heart-rending cries of a mallard duck. Two drakes were chasing her at once, and she, poor thing, performing aerobatic maneuvers, rushed over the swamp from side to side. I quickly jumped into the hut, pulled out the decoy and turned it on, just wanting to see if there would be an effect. And the effect was amazing! Both drakes abandoned this duck and rushed to my hut. The first one to arrive splashed down about 20 meters from the hut and swam towards me.

The second, apparently wanting to get ahead of his opponent, sat down at the very edge of the water, about 7-8 meters from the hut and also headed towards the speaker lying on the floor in the hut. There was no point in shooting the closest drake because of the small distance to it, but the farther one became my trophy. The main thing here was not the trophy, but the lesson and the conclusion from it: From that day on, I haven’t put up any stuffed ducks - there’s no need for them!

I turn on the “Mallard-Spring” decoy, and the drake throws a live duck and, without any precautions, sits almost next to the hut. Despite the fact that there is no duck nearby, not even a stuffed one (the speaker is in the hut), the drake swims straight to the hut. I have never tried the “Mallard-Autumn” decoy. Where I mostly hunt, there are already plenty of ducks in August.

This decoy is also good for spring goose hunting. Flocks of geese, white-fronted and bean goose, are perfectly captured by the “Mixed Goose Market” or “White-fronted Single”. For the last four years I have installed only one full-body profile, “Sentry White-fronted,” and included “Single White-fronted.”

Flocks of both white-fronted and bean goosenecks move away from 1.5-2 km, and single animals (usually young white-fronted ones) often land immediately. Last spring of 2009, on the move, without making a single circle, even an adult bean goose sat up 7-10 meters from the body and began to look at its plastic false brother in surprise.

I can already hear the cries of newspaper and Internet “righteous people” spraying saliva at me for this story of mine. Don’t feed them bread - just let them show off publicly, sarcastically caring for morality and the blind letter of the law. It’s just that you won’t find them while hunting in the grounds - didn’t they learn how to camouflage from chameleons? Well, I’ll answer you, and at the same time I’ll clarify the situation for those who concluded from what I said that an electronic decoy is a 100% panacea, and with it you can always have a lot of trophies. I assure you this is not true!

Over 36 years of hunting, I have learned well that the main thing in hunting is luck, which, as a rule, does not depend on the weather, the amount of game, the land, or even the hunter himself - all these are secondary components! It has happened more than once: when hunting for drakes, you sit in a hut with a decoy, and 80-100 meters away from you there are several free shooters in the bushes on different sides. The drakes fly well at the decoy, but not a single one reaches the hut, so you are left not only without a trophy, but also without a shot. On goose hunting the situation is even worse!

When you sit alone or with your team, the hunt goes great, but if there are unfamiliar “anti-aircraft gunners with buckshot” around you, no decoy will help. More than once I had to go around the huts and convince those sitting in them to let the geese go for a second round. Good luck, gentlemen, only good luck!!! Now you can draw your conclusions!

Attention hunters on the shelves specialized stores There is a wide range of different luring devices available. Products are manual and electronic. Judging by the numerous positive feedback, most in demand They use electronic decoys. For hunting, you can choose a product of any modification. All devices perfectly imitate the sounds of various animals. The article contains information about the most popular electronic decoys for hunting.


Decoys come in manual and electronic varieties. Hand-held luring devices are made from the most various materials. Products can be plastic, wood, metal, etc. Whatever the device, the desired effect from its use will be achieved if the hunter has perfect hearing. However, not everyone can boast of it. An electronic decoy for hunting has been developed specifically for consumers who do not have special hearing. This device, like a manual one, has one purpose: to recreate the voices of animals and birds as plausibly as possible in order to lure them within shooting range.

What are the differences?

Unlike a manual device, using an electronic decoy for hunting is much easier. It can be used without prior preparation. It is enough just to correctly configure the product to the voice of a particular animal or bird. As a result of inept use of hand decoys, an echo effect often occurs, which has a depressing effect on animals. This is not the case when using electronic products. Judging by numerous reviews, electronic decoys for hunting are guaranteed to produce high quality sound.

About the selection criteria

When purchasing an electronic decoy, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • You need to pay attention to the material from which the device is made.
  • It is advisable to purchase a decoy that has a wide range of action and a large number of voices.
  • The product must be certified. Products that go on sale with a quality certificate will last longer.
  • It is best to purchase a decoy at a hunting store or point of sale. In this case, the product will be equipped with a warranty card. If the decoy does not live up to expectations, the owner will be able to replace it or return it.

Types of electronic devices

Electronic decoys are:

  • Cassette.
  • Equipped with chips.
  • Equipped with memory cards.

Today, the first two types are considered obsolete. Decoys with memory cards will make it possible to most accurately select and reproduce the sounds made by animals.

Electronic decoys for hunting "Jager-56D"

An electronic device using a recycling power system is very convenient and ergonomic. The decoy has a range of up to 150 m. The device is equipped with a removable microSD memory card. Equipped with a digital display and a special speaker amplifier. The product is designed to reproduce 206 voices of various birds and animals in 16-bit format. If necessary, it can be connected to external speakers. The decoy is equipped with: a clock, a flashlight and a special system that allows you to control the battery charge.

About product characteristics

  • The internal speaker has an output power of 0.5 W.
  • An external speaker is connected to the device using a special connector. Its size is standard and is 3.5 mm.
  • The power source is represented by: batteries (4 pcs.) LR6 format “AA” and external source, the power of which can vary between 6-12 V.
  • The weight of the electronic decoy is 300 g.
  • The device is green.
  • Made from shockproof ABS plastic.

About strengths and weaknesses

The product has the following advantages:

  • Wide amplitude of reproduced sounds and extended duration of their sound.
  • Increased memory and high quality sound.
  • Very convenient and understandable interface.
  • The product can use two separate power sources: an external or built-in battery.
  • Judging by numerous reviews from owners, this decoy is very compact and lightweight.

In addition to its advantages, the electronic device is not without some disadvantages. These include:

  • High cost.
  • The presence of an overly bright light indicator that unmasks the device during hunting.
  • According to some owners, the decoy is equipped with an inconvenient case.

Mundi Sound MR104

This electronic decoy is intended for hunting goose and other birds and animals. The product has a very high quality display. The luring device reproduces up to 40 different voices. The sound is adjustable. Using a special amplifier, you can reproduce animal sounds within a diameter of up to 1.5 km. Shockproof plastic is used to make the case. The device weighs 130 grams together with the power source. The product is very compact. It comes with a protective case.

"Biofon 8M"

These electronic decoys are used for hunting quail and any other bird. You can also lure animals with this device. Total The number of voices recorded on the device card is 90 units. By choosing this model, the hunter becomes the owner of a very functional and convenient electronic device. A special feature of the decoy is the ability of its memory to store four phonograms. The playback frequency varies between 200-11000 Hz. Dimensions of the semolina: 116 x 75 x 27 mm. The product has a maximum output power of 3 W. The decoy is very light and compact. Weight electronic product reaches 150 grams. It is equipped with an electronic sound simulator, an external emitter, a passport and a bag.

About the Berkut Profi TWIN model

According to the owners, even in severe weather conditions it is possible to hunt roe deer with an electronic decoy of this model. The product is equipped with two advanced speakers rated at 49 watts. The sound range has been increased to 4 km. Judging by the reviews, this decoy can be used without interruption for four days. The device comes with a remote control. Its range does not exceed one hundred meters. Playback quality - 256 kbps. The decoy works properly even at a temperature of -20 degrees. It can also be used in heat up to +40. The body is moisture-resistant, so you can take the device with you hunting in rainy and snowy weather.

About the Plurifon Micro-RDP decoy

The product is equipped with a built-in speaker and is designed for the mid-frequency range. The case has special connectors with which additional external speakers are connected to the device. To power the luring device, the owner can use two methods: use a 12-volt power source or an internal battery with a voltage of 9 W. Electronic decoy is effective in rainy and snowy weather. The advantage of this model is the presence of an LED charging indicator. In addition, the owner can pause the playback of sounds. After switching on, the electronic decoy continues its work from the place where its sound was interrupted. Despite all the undeniable advantages, this model has one drawback: the product is sold without a memory card. After purchasing this model, the owner will have to purchase a card in Micro-Card format separately.

Tromba 10 Canti

This model of electronic decoy is manufactured by the Italian company Tecnoest. The product comes with a digital player. His music library contains 10 types of bird and animal voices. According to the owners, this luring device is quite easy to use: you can select the desired sound, adjust its volume and set a timer using one button. This model of electronic decoy is considered an excellent option for a beginner. You can find out what condition the battery is in by looking at the display: if the charge is insufficient, a warning appears on the screen. The brightness of the display can be adjusted depending on the conditions.


  • You can use an electronic decoy for hunting goose, mallard, gray duck, teal, wood grouse and other birds.
  • The speaker power rating is 25 W.
  • Voltage - 12 W.
  • Dimensions of the semolina - 68 x 88 x 90 mm.
  • The device weighs 350 g.

Plurifon RDP-2 Stereo

Sound reproduction is carried out using speakers of a two-channel system and a built-in amplifier. Feeding is possible from four columns. According to hunters, the sound will be more voluminous and will not scare away the flock if the speakers are placed around the entire perimeter. A similar result is impossible if the signal comes from a single point. Electronic decoy is effective for attracting various types birds Reviews from owners are predominantly positive. TO strengths electronic products include:

  • Ease of use.
  • The product contains no mechanical moving parts.
  • Control can be carried out using a remote control.
  • The decoy is designed for use in all weather conditions.

The disadvantages of the device are its too high price and leaky housing.

How to make an electronic decoy for hunting with your own hands?

Experienced hunters advise those who decide to make a luring device themselves to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • A homemade electronic decoy for hunting should be compact and impervious to weather conditions.
  • As a homemade device, it is recommended to use only a reliable sound-reproducing device. Cell phone speakers will not work as they will not be powerful enough to carry sounds over long distances. To increase power you will have to use externally powered speakers. Inexpensive digital players are best suited for homemade decoys. Additionally, you should have a separate column.
  • The voices of animals are recorded on the player. A speaker that is used as an amplifier should be connected to it.


Hunting using an electronic decoy will be effective if the device has been configured in advance. It should be borne in mind that frequent changes in volume can confuse an inexperienced hunter. Incorrect settings will scare away game. Therefore, experts recommend choosing the best option and staying with it.