SAP program: we solve accounting problems quickly and easily. SAP program. What it is? SAP accounting program Lessons on working in the SAP p3 program

Today it is the most popular both in the West and here, CIS. The company "SAP AG" ranks third in the world among the largest software companies, founded in 1972, currently the number of company employees exceeds several tens of thousands of people, and has representative offices in more than 50 countries. The system has over 10,000 clients in more than 120 countries, and the number of users working in SAP CIS exceeds 10 million people. More than half of the world's 500 largest companies use SAP solutions.

The SAP R/3 system reproduces organizational structure enterprises of various types using basic components ("company", "company code", "concern", "business area"), provides support for business processes of economic activity.

Let's briefly look at the purpose and relationship of individual SAP R/3 modules.

Basic module (BC). The module is the basis for system setup and configuration of the functional structure of the CIS and provides:

  • o monitoring the functioning of the SAP R/3 system;
  • o installation and configuration of the DBMS;
  • o system maintenance (database updating, user registration, transaction logging, etc.);
  • o management of the access control system;
  • o print output control;
  • o electronic document management;
  • o report generation; and etc.

The module includes the integrated application development environment ABAP/4, the R/3 business design toolkit, which involves building an R/3 reference model and organizing the flow of business operations.

FI module. This is the central accounting module for the SAP R/3 system. Financial accounting is represented by the following components:

  • o "General Ledger" - the main accounting register;
  • o "Accounting for creditors" - master records about suppliers, postings to documents, displaying postings in the balance sheet, clearing open positions, mutual settlements with suppliers, etc.;
  • o "Accounting of debtors" - master records of clients, postings to documents, displaying postings to the balance sheet, clearing open positions, downward payments, loans to customers, etc.;
  • o master records for accounting of fixed assets, valuation and depreciation of fixed assets;
  • o operations for closing accounting registers with a certain frequency (day, month, year), maintaining records and reporting, tax deductions;
  • o financial information system.

The module allows you to automate the entry of accounting entries, generate summary entries, and create special accounting registers.

CO module. The module is designed for maintaining management accounting (internal reporting) in the context of orders, technological stages or detail operations, calculating product costs, calculating and analyzing profits.

IM module. The module allows you to plan investments in basic enterprise funds.

TR module. The module provides financial and budget management:

  • o short-term financial planning, forecasting, liquidity control (initial data - the current state of accounting accounts, analysis of personal accounts);
  • o medium- and long-term financial planning and liquidity control at the enterprise and corporation level (initial data - information on FI business transactions);
  • o medium- and long-term financial planning and liquidity control at the level of business areas.

EC module. The module consists of two parts:

  • o information system for managers - adoption support system management decisions(analysis of compliance of real data with planned indicators, search for causes of deviations, analysis of situations);
  • o accounting system for profit centers (accounting and analysis of the state of a certain organizational unit).

LO module. The module contains information system decision support based on the analysis of accounting and planning data on the movement of material flows. The module is connected to modules SD, MM, RR, etc., and provides analysis and management of business processes for the purchase of materials, production of products, and formation of inventories.

SD module. The module provides management of sales business processes (shipment, transportation of products, invoicing of supplies). It is interconnected with MM modules (checking availability and accounting for shipment material assets) and FI (accounting for the credit line limit, accounting for sales income).

PP module. The module provides control of any type of production (discrete, continuous) and includes the following functional blocks:

  • o integrated planning of production and sales of products;
  • o long-term planning;
  • o development of a production program;
  • o planning of material requirements;
  • o production capacity planning;
  • o planning production orders (production orders);
  • o maintaining design specifications;
  • o maintaining technological routes;
  • o maintaining work centers;
  • o accounting and costing production costs; and etc.

MM module. The module provides management of the following material flows: purchase (purchase) of basic materials, planning of material requirements, contractual company and placement of orders for the supply of materials, inventory management in the warehouse, inventory of materials, control of basic information about materials in the database, management of warehouse operations, etc.

Since 1999, SAP has offered New Product-, which provides integration of all business processes via the Internet based on web services. As a result, all internal and external processes are integrated on a single platform. The concept covers four areas:

  • o personalized workplace user using the Workplace web browser, access to all applications is supported, the workplace portal (Workplace-Portal) is used;
  • o synchronized open market Marketplace, open trading platform, with the help of which an enterprise offers its goods and services, intercompany integration of business processes is carried out;
  • o industry business scenarios for ecommerce, customer relationship management, supply chain processing, strategic enterprise management (Customer Relationship Management - CRM applications allow customer-oriented processing of business transactions). Sample list of industry scenarios:
  • o logistics and sales (Business-to-Business Procurement and Selling);
  • o scripted sales (Business-to-Consumer Selling);
  • o Supply Chain Management;
  • o Customer Relationship Management;
  • o Business Information Warehouse;
  • o strategic management enterprise (Strategic Enterprise Management);
  • o enterprise financial management (Corporate Finance Management);
  • o knowledge management;
  • o logistics (Logistics);
  • o Finances;
  • o personnel management (Human Resources).

It is possible to attract and use the services of intermediaries - innovative concepts of outsourcing (Outsoucing) and hosting applications (Application Hosting) for effective implementation information technologies, subject to reduction in costs for the development, implementation and support of the CIS.

The implementation of is aimed at optimization economic effect investments in CIS by improving business processes, increasing labor productivity and expanding economic activities.

SAP R3 (or SAP R/3) is the most famous product of the leading German software developer SAP SE (formerly SAP AG), whose introduction to the market began in the 1990s. Today, the abbreviation R3 SAP is increasingly being replaced by the name “ERP systems”. The letter R in the acronym comes from the word “Realtime” and means that all data in the system is processed in real time and becomes immediately available to all users. The number 3 indicates that the system implements a three-tier architecture “client-application server - DBMS (database management system)”, in contrast to its predecessor, which ran on mainframes (SAP R2 or SAP R/2).

SAP R3 Features

When asking yourself the question “SAP R3 - what is it and what advantages does it provide to business”, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with its functionality.

R3 SAP is a comprehensive platform for enterprise resource planning, the functionality of which allows you to fully automate accounting and management processes in companies using the most effective business tools. The system is modular and scalable, which opens up wide possibilities for customizing it to suit the specific tasks of the enterprise, regardless of the type and scale of activity.

Main modules of the system:

  • Financial management, incl. accounting and tax accounting.
  • Budgeting.
  • Management Accounting.
  • Management of logistics, sales and warehouse stocks.
  • Production planning and management.
  • Personnel management, etc.

IN modern conditions doing business where high competition in markets is the norm, ensuring competitiveness is a business priority. To solve this problem it is required effective management all production factors: the range of raw materials and finished products, types of costs, interaction with customers and suppliers, financial and other resources of the enterprise. To fulfill the assigned tasks, the company’s management must have a clear picture of current state cases, which should be based on relevant and reliable information. Solutions based on the use of R3 SAP technologies allow you to obtain such information, as well as analyze it using modern business analytics tools.

R3 SAP solutions allow a company to:

  • improve the quality of management decisions and, as a result, overall quality planning;
  • reduce the cost of manufactured products/services;
  • optimize financial, tax and financial statements;
  • ensure transparency of activities;
  • quickly adapt to changing business conditions under the influence of the market.

Our company offers you flexible IT solutions for managing key and auxiliary business processes of the company, including production, finance, personnel management, etc. Any program can be adapted and modified to suit industry characteristics, type of activity or scale of business.

First time in large company(JSC Russian Railways, Gazprom, etc.), office employees must become familiar with the software installed on their work computers. And if the usual Word or Excel no longer evokes desperate horror, then when starting some software, the soul of beginners becomes cold. SAP can be classified as such a system. What is it and what is it eaten with? It’s good when a corporation has engineers or training managers on staff. Otherwise, you have to figure everything out yourself with the help of instructions.

A little about the history of appearance

The system developed by the largest German manufacturer in the field of intercorporate software SAP AG began to spread to Russian market since 2003. Initially, the parent company collaborated only with translator partners, but since 2006, the software manufacturer began to enter into contracts with companies that undertook to train clients. In 2014, this type of activity is increasingly being carried out by so-called freelancers. These are people who are largely familiar with the system and are able to answer all questions about the system - which modules need to be installed by a particular company to effectively conduct business, which of them are appropriate in a particular workplace, etc.

It is no coincidence that at the beginning of the article it was stated that the SAP label can only be seen in large companies. This system is expensive, so only large corporations can afford to operate it. Firms with smaller working capital, are still purchasing software"1C".

SAP - what is it?

Software that automates the work of accountants, personnel, financial services, sales departments, warehouse logistics, is a system of applications and products for processing various data. Software of this class cannot be downloaded online and installed on a hard drive. The company’s specialists simply will not be able to understand its functionality. Therefore, it is clearly necessary to purchase a system with its subsequent implementation.

However, any company, before deciding to install software from a German manufacturer, needs to inquire about the SAP system - what it is. So that it doesn't work out automated maintenance chaos, clear order must be established in the organization. That is, we must not forget that computers do not streamline work, they only help speed up processes.

The company's most famous product

It is not always easy to understand the variety of products of a German company and understand which one is suitable for a particular company. And then questions like this often arise: “SAP ERP - what is it?” There are mass programs and highly specialized ones. So, SAP ERP is the most famous product, aimed at medium and large companies.

The name of this software is often heard in the R/3 version. The letter of the abbreviation implies the designation Realtime. From the translation it is intuitively clear that all processes in the modules occur in real time. Information entry, its updating and availability to each interested service occurs immediately when employees access the server.

SAP SRM - what is it?

Continuity of production requires efficient and transparent procurement, fair competition among suppliers, and long-term relationships with strategic partners. Systems e-procurement are increasingly the only way to achieve these goals. And naturally, SAP holds the European championship among software products in this area.

The most prominent user of the German system may be the Russian Lukoil. By and large, the oil and gas sector, due to its technology, is little automated. SAP was purchased and implemented to solve pressing issues.

Additions to the main package

The versatility of the system explains its advantages over other software, which allows you to collect data, update it, and provide access to each user according to his rights. Having implemented and mastered the basic packages, almost every company is faced with the task of expanding SAP. As a rule, consultants come to the rescue and help managers decide on expanding functionality. It is independent training managers who will answer questions about SAP BW - what it is, how to use this add-on effectively information base data.

Main general stages of implementation

Whatever the software package, the German manufacturer recommends dividing the development and launch project into phases. There are several methodologies with different sets of steps. As an example, let's present one of them.

The first phase includes organizational documenting: order to implement the system, creation calendar plan, as well as the risk management plan and project charter. This stage is called creating an office. And only after completing all the actions of the first phase, consultants move on to the second stage. It consists of examining and getting to know the business processes of the enterprise. An important point of this stage is the communication of consultants with employees of the organization. It takes place in an interview format and does not exclude the possibility of employees answering the question that arises: “SAP - what is it?” In general, staff training is carried out at various stages of the project, from the second to the last.

The third phase of implementation is the process. The previous and subsequent stages cannot be called unimportant; their implementation determines how effective the impact will be. The essence of this phase is to develop rules by which business processes and system configuration will be built.

The fourth and final stage is the integration test, which takes place according to different scenarios, as well as the start of the project. If it is launched successfully, we can assume that the system efficiency is 90%.


The purpose of this article was the following: to answer the question of SAP R3 - what is it. Everything written above only in general terms carries the answer, since the system itself is so complex, has many additional packages, a wide variety of business functionality that it is simply impossible to talk about everything in one note. Each of the questions that arise about the work of SAP (we briefly explained what it is) is worth a separate article or topic devoted to it. So, for example, working in the difficult phase of initial support, as a rule, arouses the interest of customers and users. But the company provides such multifaceted conditions that it is simply impossible to list them in one article. SAP is being implemented by enterprises that are too different in their structure, so many specific factors can affect the operation of the system.

For productive business development, it is necessary to have control over all stages of production and accounting. Thanks to this, the company will be able to quickly respond to changing factors and adapt to the situation.

One of the means to achieve automation is SAP software. The abbreviation stands for System Analysis and Program Development or System analysis and program development.

How SAP works

They compete in the Russian market several programs For accounting, some of which do not require special skills and knowledge (Microsoft Office Word, Excel), while others require a specialist:

  • 1c accounting;
  • Galaxy;
  • Sail;
  • Microsoft Dynamics Axapta.

SAP has many possibilities and even more functions:

  • automation of the accountant's work;
  • trading operations;
  • warehouse operations;
  • personnel accounting;
  • financial accounting;
  • stock price accounting;
  • drawing up salary payment schedules;
  • logistics processing and much more.

The structure of the program is extremely complex, so only a trained person can understand it. The salary of such workers is appropriate: in European countries, an administrator receives from €2,500.

SAP program speeds up data processing and indicates the optimal course that the company should focus on, however, the program will not be productive if the structure of the company itself has illogicalities and its components are poorly connected with each other.

The functionality of the program is wide and consists of modules.

Module Title in Russian Module capabilities
PP Production planning. Planning and management of production and its cycles.
MM Material flow management. Production facilities management:
  • procurement system;
  • goods receipt;
  • control and analysis of stocks in warehouses;
  • accounting of necessary materials.
P.M. Maintenance. Repair and maintenance of enterprise property and its equipment.
SD Sales Invoicing, processing orders and offers.
A.M. Management of fixed assets. Processing of enterprise property states:
  • Maintenance;
  • management, control, sale of investments.
A.A. Tax flows Calculation of tax payments.
FI Finance. Financial control and full accounting reporting:
  • data consolidation;
  • reporting on debts and debtors.
HR Personnel Management. Work with personnel:
  • salary calculation;
  • issuing vacations and recording sick leave;
  • calculations of grace periods;
  • calculating taxes paid to the state for employees;
  • accounting and control of the process of advanced training and recruitment of new employees.
CO Control. Management accounting and full control over the production structure:
  • expenditure and income of funds;
  • calculation of profit percentage;
  • analysis of funds leakage.

Company formation

The creator of the program was German company developers, a spin-off from IBM. This happened in 1972, and since 1992 in middle and large enterprises accounting software products began to change in favor of SAP. By 2003, SAP was almost completely forced out of the market competitors in Europe and the CIS due to its reliability, high-quality implementation and multifunctional support.

In 2006, courses began to appear to teach the specifics of the program. However, in the CIS countries the 1C system is still used in small firms, since it is more convenient to use for untrained employees. Enterprises such as Gazprom, Lukoil and Alros use SAP.

The creators of the program specialized in helping companies, so SAP can be fully customized by the programmer individually to suit the needs of the company.

Advantages and disadvantages of the software package

The SAP system has a number of advantages, including:

To the disadvantages can be attributed:

  1. High cost. Installation and implementation cost up to $1 million. In addition, it is necessary to train employees and pay salaries to the administrator and programmer. Customizing the program to suit the company's needs is also expensive.
  2. It is impossible to install another program, since the contract is concluded for a certain period. Termination of the contract will cause losses.
  3. Poorly implemented translation into Russian.

Most popular packages

SAP software has many packages, each of them is tailored to specific needs. The most commonly installed systems are SAP ERP or SAP R/3. This package plans enterprise resources, external and internal. It is convenient because it works in real time. Up to 50% of all global companies operate on an ERP system.

SAP also has the following packages:

  1. Process Integration (PI). Integration solutions at various levels.
  2. Enterprise Portal (EP). Solving portal problems.
  3. Mobile Infrastructure (MI). Assistant in the implementation of mobile applications.
  4. Business Intelligence (BI). Help for business analysts.
  5. Knowledge Management (KM). Assistant for monitoring educational programs.
  6. Master Data Management (MDM). A system for maintaining reference information, as well as regulations.

Implementation of the program

The implementation of SAP (customizing the program to suit the needs of the company) into the company occurs in 4 large stages.

Software add-on

The SAP Developers Corporation has a laboratory that releases updates and introduces new features and packages. But enterprises do not always want to buy new packages because they are expensive, so additional software was created, that is, additions to the main package.

Additional software allows you to expand the range of SAP capabilities and make the package more flexible.

Open PS

This add-on allows you to access your SAP system outside of the computer on which it is installed. It is also possible to perform various operations remotely.


The add-on creates an account for each user and also provides him with an interface. The system can include suppliers, customers, managers, etc.

Business Add-In (BAdI)

Checks reports, proposals, documentation for relevance and reliability. It also allows you to determine the cost of a product or its batch.

Hello everyone Let's talk about a program like SAP, which can probably be called the most unusual, because even I find it difficult to understand why it is needed. In short, I will say this, the SAP program is purely business software.

In general, the program is not called SAP, but SAP R/3. The letter R is from the word Realtime and means some kind of immediate posting and updating of data that interested departments of the enterprise can have access to. In short, I’m saying that it’s still a bit of a mess, in the sense that it’s very difficult for an ordinary user to understand what SAP is.

SAP R/3 you know, it’s not even just a program, it’s some kind of ERP system! In general, SAP is a German company that creates very serious software for all sorts of large offices. Well, in principle it is, I read that the largest organizations use this SAP program. Not just the largest, but simply gigantic companies that are scary to even think about!

What else is interesting, what SAP company Do you know who created it? Who would have thought that this former employees from IBM! All I know about IBM is that it is a very decent company in terms of production computer equipment, I had a laptop from them, it’s just something, I haven’t seen anything even close to quality. But today IBM no longer exists; it has become Lenovo. And alas, the quality is also not there, but believe me, laptops from IBM are something. Even today used models in good quality remain an expensive pleasure.

So, the SAP program, as I already wrote, is purely business software and it is needed in order to maintain accounting records, manage personnel, record warehouses, and much more. That is, an ordinary user simply does not need this program for nothing.

All sorts of invoices, there, documents, accounting of everything possible, storage of all kinds of data (including service data), statistics, reports, in general, the SAP program was created for this. I think that we have more or less figured it out

This is what the SAP program looks like; what exactly is done in the program is of course unclear:

Here is another picture that only confirms the coolness of the program and how complex it is:

Look, another picture, here you see, there is such as an order, price date, supplier plant, payment card, in short, this is all trade:

Well, that is, it’s generally an uninteresting program, just for work and that’s all. I feel that many workers already have eye pain, probably from this program. This is something like 1C, then too, the program is serious and incomprehensible

This picture shows a professional misunderstanding:

The SAP program is so complex that you need to undergo training to work on it! That is, they even take courses on working with this program!

You can hardly understand how to work with it on your own; pictures like this won’t even help:

But here is the help center of the SAP program (in this case it comes in the form of a chm file):

So, now let's draw conclusions about the SAP program, so to speak.

  1. The SAP program is suitable for all sorts of businesses, organizations, enterprises and the like. It is best suited for particularly large companies.
  2. In fact, the SAP program is quite popular, just in a narrow circle.
  3. The program simply cannot stand on your computer if you have it, apparently you are working on a work computer. All this means is that if you suddenly decide to delete it, then think very, very carefully before doing so. Well, I just mean that if, for example, an employee at work tries to uninstall SAP, then he will probably have a lot of trouble.
  4. To use the SAP program, you need to take preparatory courses, you can’t just learn how to use it, it’s too complicated.
  5. In general, the SAP program costs a lot of money, I read that its price can be up to 10% of the company’s annual turnover, well, in short, this is a very serious program.

That's all guys, there is nothing more to write, I understood it myself and told you. I hope that at least now you understand what kind of SAP program this is. Good luck in life and good mood