Profitability of a shoe repair shop. Business plan for a shoe repair shop. Advertising and utilities

Opening your own shoe workshop promises good profits for entrepreneurs. There is a constant demand for this type of service, which means the income will be constant and the payback period will be short.

However, in order for your small enterprise not to go bankrupt, you need to know how to advertise a shoe repair shop, and for this, in turn, you need to choose only the most effective ways promotion and abandon obviously losing methods.

This article is intended to help entrepreneurs determine which advertising methods are great for promoting a shoe workshop, and which of them are more likely to hit the budget than bring serious benefits.

Point design


The design of the facade of a shoe repair shop, of course, is less important than appearance beauty salon premises. However, this does not mean that this issue is not worth paying attention to. Your premises should look neat and be clearly visible from the street, because often passers-by turn to the workshop that they notice on the way to home, work and places where they shop.


Order a bright and noticeable sign. It is the most important outdoor advertising tool for a shoe workshop. As a rule, the phrase “shoe repair” or the “speaking” name of the enterprise, for example, “Heel”, is written on it in large letters. The presence of a logo, for example, an image of a shoe or boot, will not be amiss, because it will also be a kind of marker that will not allow passers-by to confuse your workshop with grocery store or a hairdresser. As a rule, the owners of such enterprises prefer not to spend money on sophisticated, pretentious illuminated signs - a standard bright design made of durable materials will be enough.

LED display

If you don't want to miss out potential clients, passing by your point in the evening, order an LED board. The simplest, one-color option will be enough, because your task is to inform passers-by. Such advertising media cost less than full-fledged led sign, which means this option is more preferable. The service life of such displays is very long - as a rule, they are able to function around the clock for 10 years.

Outdoor advertising


Bright advertising banners, placed on the facade of your premises or close to it, will also attract the attention of visitors. Such posters are a kind of guarantee that a passerby will definitely notice your point. Moreover, such banners can contain basic information about services (usually in the form of a list).

This is an undoubted advantage of posters, because every potential client will know exactly what services he can count on in this particular workshop.


Signposts are one of the most effective tools outdoor advertising. By placing them in front of your workshop, you, again, provide the point with additional attention from passers-by.

Such designs should be bright, and the text on them should be as “readable” as possible. Try not to use tired, lengthy phrases, focus on a concise and useful list of services for the consumer. Remember, a passerby will not stop to take a closer look at your advertising medium.

All the necessary information on the sign should be read in just a few seconds.


Signs for shoe repair shops are essential advertising tools, especially if your location is not on the first line of houses. As a rule, they are placed on the walls of houses not far from the enterprise itself.

Printable advertisement


Leaflets are an inexpensive but effective form of advertising. Order a batch from a printing house and distribute it to the mailboxes of nearby houses. Remember, they don't always have to be as visually appealing as, for example, beauty salon flyers. Therefore, you don't have to spend money on glossy printing and elaborate designs. The only exceptions will be, perhaps, “elite” workshops and points where expensive shoes are sewn.

Business cards

Business cards are a real “must have” for shoe workshops. Be sure to order a batch from the printing house or advertising agency, having previously made sure that this medium contains all the necessary information about your point, namely address, phone number, a short list of services, as well as operating hours. Hand out business cards to each client - they will serve as a tangible reminder of your workshop.

Internet advertising

Banner advertising

Advertising banners on city resources will be useful for a shoe repair shop, especially in the initial stages of business. It doesn’t make sense to present it on all possible sites - try to choose a few of the most popular pages that are visited by residents of your city.

Groups on social networks

Availability of accounts in in social networks, namely on Vkontakte and Facebook is enough controversial decision, because it is unlikely that users will be interested in communities of this format. However, this service is free, and you can get creative by posting interesting news and information about your services in a casual, engaging manner. However, remember that such advertising is still relevant for more exclusive workshops than for ordinary points of the “around the corner” format.

Classifieds sites

Despite the fact that a person who wants to repair shoes is unlikely to look for a workshop on such resources, there is still a chance that a user will accidentally stumble upon your advertisement and remember about it at the right time. Moreover, posting ads on such resources is free, which means this opportunity is definitely worth using.

If you decide to create a website on your own, be sure to read our articles:

Here we have laid out our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you will simply need in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time it takes to select the necessary resources for its creation and get profit from the site as quickly as possible.


Word of mouth

Remember best advertising for businesses such as shoe repair shops, it is a combination of price and quality. First of all, you need to make sure that your craftsmen actually do quality work, which will make customers return to you again and again.

Discounts and promotions

Despite the fact that such workshops rarely have a loyalty program, many novice entrepreneurs prefer to provide clients special bonuses. So, for example, you could suggest good discount, if the visitor brings a friend. This measure is especially justified if you want to create a permanent customer base as quickly as possible.

Electronic directories

Registration on such resources as 2Gis and 2Geo will be an excellent help for business. However, remember, it is better to post your data in such directories for free, bypassing paid advertising. As a rule, it simply turns out to be ineffective.

What advertising doesn't work for shoe repair shops?

  1. Official site. Promotion via the Internet will not benefit the vast majority of shoe repair shops. The only exceptions will be, perhaps, points where shoe tailoring and repair are carried out at high prices, or workshops that not only repair shoes, but also pick up and deliver them after repair. But if you open a standard format outlet, you simply don’t need a website.
  2. Advertising on radio and television. Despite the fact that there is a massive demand for the services provided in such workshops, such points, as a rule, are not advertised in the media. This can be explained simply - such advertising simply does not pay off. And people often prefer to take their shoes to workshops that are located nearby.
  3. Advertising in magazines and newspapers. Such advertising also makes no sense for most workshops. However, if your services are expensive, and your company is positioned not just as a repair studio, but as a workshop where they work with really high-quality and very expensive shoes, such advertising can contribute to business development. However, in this case, you should not just give an advertising module, but write an article, for example, about shoe care, subtly and unobtrusively reporting about your enterprise.

During the economic crisis, people are not able to often buy new shoes, so they resort to the services of repair shops. The services of shoemakers are now in demand, and services are especially in great demand good craftsmen. Therefore, starting a shoe repair business is promising direction, in demand, which will bring payback in about 2-3 years.

First steps when opening a shoe workshop

So, let's open the Horseshoeing workshop. To conquer the market, we will offer our clients: express repair, stretching, dry cleaning, restoration and painting of shoes. To improve customer service, we will propose zoning the premises: one for the workshop itself, the second for the reception and delivery of shoes. The next feature will be the issuance of shoes in branded bags and with a guarantee, for example, for 2 weeks. The employee issuing and receiving shoes will work in a company suit and gloves of the appropriate color. This will increase the reputation of the workshop and will attract additional visitors.

What documents will be needed?

To begin, register as individual entrepreneur. Next, we register in tax office, pension fund and other authorities. It is also necessary to obtain permission from the SES, fire inspection and Rospotrebnadzor.

Choosing a location for a shoe repair shop

We are looking for premises. Of course, it would be good to open a workshop in the city center, where business centers are located and there is a large flow of people. But in most cases, the “bread spots” are already taken. Don’t be upset, you can earn a stable income in another microdistrict if you find the right premises. You need to look for a place in a residential area where the main flows of people heading to the metro or to the main transport stops pass. The workshop can have the following form: a free-standing kiosk or a room located in the basement or on the 1st floor of the building. Consider the option of renting space in the building. The area of ​​such a room must be at least 30 sq.m.

What else should you pay attention to?

The operating mode is also important for the development of your clients. The shoe workshop should work at a time convenient for the client, for example from 8.00, when the customer can bring shoes for repair before work, and until 20.00, so that he can pick them up. Also, the workshop should work on weekends, for example on Saturday and the first half of Sunday, when clients resolve their everyday issues.

How much money do you need to start a shoe repair business?

Setting up a workshop space

The next stage is the arrangement of the premises. We do cosmetic repairs, change the electrical wiring diagram, purchase hoods and ceiling lamps. All this will require approximately 75,000 rubles.

Selecting equipment and consumables

We buy equipment, we try to purchase European equipment, it is of higher quality than domestic equipment. At the initial stage you will need: shelves where shoes will be stored, 2 fans, special equipment. clothes, machines, sewing machines, drills, hand tools. We will spend approximately 200,000 rubles on this.

We purchase the consumables necessary for the work: locks, heels, preventive maintenance, heels, polyurethane, glue, paint, leather, etc. We will spend approximately 15,000 rubles on this.

We create and promote a website

There is also another expendable part - the website: you will need money to develop your business cards and support it throughout the year, it will cost 14,000 rubles.

Total: just over 300,000 rubles.

Operating expenses of a shoe workshop

On running costs we include the rent, which will be 18,750 rubles and communal payments, security alarm and Internet will cost 7,500 rubles. Total: 26,250 rubles.

Salary of employees: the owner of the business and the second shoemaker will work in the shoe shop; their salary will be 7,500 rubles each, their motivation depends on the number of works performed by each master. In addition to the craftsmen, there will be a shoe receiver (preferably one of the relatives, to reduce costs), who will simultaneously monitor the site, prepare reports to the fiscal authorities and clean the workshop. His salary will be 12,500 rubles. Total 27,500 rubles.

We set aside another 12,500 rubles for detergents, stationery, others Consumables.

Total: 66,250 rubles.

Marketing and advertising

We will sell services via the Internet and offer clients various promotions and discounts. For successful development For a business, it is not casual visitors that are important, but regular customers.

During holidays and vacations (winter and summer), in order to ensure that the business does not stand idle, it is recommended to offer clients related services: repairing bags, replacing zippers and buttons on leather products, and others. If the client wishes to receive express repairs, he will receive it within the agreed time frame, but for urgency he will have to pay 2 times more. In the future, you can offer customers online orders; shoes are delivered and taken away by a courier; their service is paid additionally. You also need to order branded packages, business cards and flyers. And the most important thing is to make a good sign.

Total: 25,000 rubles at the start and 12,500 rubles monthly.

How much can you earn from shoe repair?

If 10 clients visit the workshop every day with an average bill of 375 rubles, then you can receive an income of 112,500 rubles per month. We subtract current (66,250 rubles) and marketing (12,500 rubles) expenses from this amount and get 33,750 rubles. If we take into account start-up and marketing costs (25,000 rubles), the project will begin to pay off in 18-25 months.

Like any business, there are also risks here: currency fluctuations and a decrease in orders in summer and winter. You can protect yourself from a decrease in orders, for example, by repairing bags and leather goods. But from currency exchange rate fluctuations - no. Shoemakers are directly dependent on currency, as they buy consumables mainly abroad. Therefore, you need to reduce risks to a minimum: buy consumables during the off-season or when the national currency is strengthened.

Opening a shoe repair shop is necessary if the businessman understands how to repair shoes in general. Currently the lineup is constantly changing, and breakdowns change accordingly. To repair shoes, you need to apply all your knowledge; in general, you need to be a professional in your field. In our time, a shoemaker's workshop will not be a loser; shoes will wear out, which means that good craftsmen will always have work.

Which OKVED code must be specified for a shoe repair shop?

Any subject entrepreneurial activity regardless of its organizational and legal form, submitting Required documents registration is indicated by the OKVED code of the type of activity that is going to be carried out. To repair shoes, go to chapter S and here select code 95.23, which corresponds not only to the repair of shoes, but also to other products made of leather.

Which taxation system to choose for a shoe repair shop?

To pay taxes when providing the above service, select single tax on sane income. As an alternative, the businessman has the opportunity to use patent system taxation or simplification. The latter allows you to choose one of two options for paying taxes:

  1. pay 6% tax on income;
  2. pay 15% of net profit, i.e. from the difference between total income and costs incurred. In this case, for payment you will need to provide documents that confirm the costs associated with the provision of shoe repair services.

Do I need permission to open?

Opening a shoe workshop will require the businessman to obtain certain permits. In particular, you will need to contact them:

  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • fire inspection.

Business technology

When choosing a location, the best option would be to locate the shoe workshop in a crowded area. It could be big shopping facilities, close to parks and squares, large enterprises etc.

Advertising company. There is no need to minimize costs here. The number of customers will depend on how well and extensively the advertising of the new shoe repair shop is carried out. To do this you need to place advertisements at public transport stops, on entrance doors and shopping facilities, V public transport etc.

In addition, do not forget about outdoor advertising: signage, advertising invoicing, etc. The Internet will provide enormous assistance in advertising. It will allow you to express yourself to a huge number of interested clients. You can place an ad on various city sites, and if you expand your activities, you can create your own website where you can place all the necessary information.

When a country experiences a crisis, many find themselves unable to buy new shoes and turn to shoe repair shops. The services of professional shoemakers are in demand in both large and small cities. This type of business is quite stable and can bring money to the owner all year round. This direction is also relevant because, according to statistics, every tenth pair of shoes requires repair in the first year of wear. The footwear industry is large and the demand for repairs will only increase. This business plan for a shoe repair shop will help you organize such a business yourself, get a quick payback and minimize investments.

Project Summary

The main goal of the project is to organize a workshop that will provide shoe repair services to the population. Success will depend on the efficiency and quality of work. We set ourselves the following tasks for the future:

  • Expand the list of services (repair of other leather and leatherette items).
  • Reach the breakeven point and expand the workshop over time (hire employees and reduce the amount of work you do yourself).

First, let’s choose the format in which the establishment will operate. There can be three of them: economy, medium and premium. The first one will not require large investments: this is one master (usually the owner himself), and the work takes place in small kiosk. Medium format is several masters, professional equipment and a wide range of services. The premium option is focused on servicing expensive brand shoes (yes, the rich sometimes repair them too). It is suitable for opening in areas of the city where wealthy people live.

This business plan for a shoe repair shop with calculations is focused on the medium format. The entrepreneur himself is a qualified craftsman with extensive experience in such work.


The first cost is the registration of an individual enterprise. It is done independently, payment goes only towards the state duty.

You also need to select OKVED codes who will tell tax authority what exactly the company will do. In the case of a shoe workshop, you must indicate 95.23.

In addition, you will have to purchase and register a modern cash register.

Needed for the premises permitting documentation from the fire service and Rospotrebnadzor. Everything will cost about 20 thousand rubles.

Renting premises

Basements and basement floors are ideal for a shoe workshop. Such rooms are inexpensive, and the noise produced during operation will not disturb the neighbors. 30 sq.m. is quite enough. m, on which all the equipment will be located and 2-3 shoemakers will be able to work. It is also worth providing a separate room for the receptionist. This employee will greet clients and offer services.

Renting the premises will cost approximately 10 thousand rubles per month. The place to choose is a walk-through one, where there is a large flow of people. Perfect fit central part city ​​and its busiest streets with big amount pedestrians. Some workshops are located in large shopping centers, which is also an excellent option. Shopping centers typically charge lower rent for their sites compared to free-standing buildings in the city.

The premises may require small investment for cosmetic repairs. It will cost about 20 thousand rubles.

Purchase of equipment

To repair shoes quickly and well, an entrepreneur must take care of the purchase necessary equipment and special shoemaking tools. This is perhaps the main expense item that is necessary to start your own business. The minimum set of equipment is as follows:

Name price, rub.
Hotplate for heating glue 1 000
Professional shoe paw 2 000
Sharpener 2 000
Drill 1 000
Processing machine 30 000
Sewing machine 5 000
Air compressor 15 000
Scorcher 2 000
Small shoemaker tools 5 000

In total, it turns out that the equipment will require an investment of 63 thousand rubles. It is best to buy tools and devices new, then they will last longer without repairs and maintenance.

Hiring staff

If an economy workshop located in a kiosk requires only one person, who is usually the entrepreneur himself, then a medium format will require at least 3 employees. These are shoemakers who will be involved in repairs and restoration, and a receiver.

It must be remembered that there are not so many professional and trained shoe repair specialists. They are taught only in some educational institutions. The majority of masters are self-taught.

To find a master, you should attract him with a worthy wages. You can also hire an apprentice for lower salary, which will perform simple work and gain experience.

Let's consider the wage fund of each specialist of the establishment:

Profession name Monthly rate
Shoe repairman 25 000
Journeyman 15 000
Acceptance Wizard 12 000

Every month 55 thousand rubles will have to be allocated for salaries.

Advertising and Marketing

The main thing in this matter is the correct choice of place with a large number of potential customers. Word of mouth is no less important. People from neighboring areas will also travel to a qualified repairman.

Perhaps you should experiment with maintaining public pages on the social networks VKontakte and Instagram, but results are not guaranteed.

More expensive methods offline promotion and the Internet will be ineffective.

Sample price list

The shoe workshop always offers a fairly large list of services. And the larger the workshop, the longer this list. We are considering an example that is suitable for a medium-sized establishment.

Necessary investments

Starting infusions

Entry cost this business not tall. In the table below we will clearly demonstrate what expenses will be needed to enter this business.

To enter into this activity you need to have an amount of 113.8 thousand rubles. The amount is small, so even a novice entrepreneur can find it to start this business.

Monthly payments

Monthly payments include:

Thus, we will need 85 thousand rubles per month.


If about 20 people visit the workshop every day, and average bill will be 200 rubles, then with 24 working days you can have about 100 thousand rubles per month. Obviously, the profitability is insufficient. Therefore, the best option would be for the employer to combine one of the functions: either the main foreman or the receiving foreman.

In this case, you can count on an income of about 30-35 thousand rubles per month and a profitability of 35%.


IN shoe business There are both recessions and increases in demand of a seasonal nature, although, in general, customers will be there all year round. A slight decline is usually observed in the summer. If materials are purchased abroad, then there is also the impact of currency fluctuations, which must be taken into account. It makes sense for a businessman to open such an establishment only if he knows at least a little about the shoe business. Because shoe repair has many small but important nuances, and if you don’t take them into account, then things won’t work. Despite the small profitability, the profit of the workshops is stable.

Demand for shoe repair is high and is unlikely to drop anytime soon. Even permanent economic problems in Russia are not able to influence the desire of citizens to walk in clean and neat shoes without holes or loose soles.

The new shoe workshop has wonderful prospects - but the thing is that Chinese shoes (poor quality, frankly speaking) are a dime a dozen in Russia now. In addition, the brand does not play a special role in this matter - people prefer to repair their shoes “at the guy next door” rather than in elite workshops. Therefore, the lack of known trademark will not be a serious obstacle.

In the article we will present detailed business shoe repair plan - a ready-made project will allow you to quickly start a business and save you from making independent calculations.

Brief overview of the market and its prospects

On a national scale, the market is quite large. According to FSGS research for 2017, the market capacity is over 1,000,000,000 rubles.

When starting to make calculations, you need to carefully study the regional market. The higher the income of the population, the more often the need for shoe repair services arises. In addition, the shoe market is gradually growing and has already returned to its pre-crisis state.

There is no universal analysis of the market for shoe repair services due to the dependence of demand on demographic and economic indicators. When analyzing, it is important to consider the following indicators:

  1. Average salary level.
  2. Volumes of production and consumption of footwear products.
  3. Percentage of women in the population (they are more likely to seek shoe repair services).

Analysis of the territorial coverage, work methods and marketing techniques of competitors will allow us to determine the range and cost of work performed, effective non-price ways to attract customers and marketing policy. But the main thing is to calculate the potential profit.


The basis of the client base of any shoe repair shop are people with average or high incomes. This situation arises due to the large difference between the cost of repairs and the price of branded shoes. In the case of budget products, this difference is not so great.

When planning a business, you need to pay attention to service and advertising campaign. Customers perceive offers positively additional services, small bonuses and other non-price methods of increasing loyalty. Delivery of repaired shoes, seasonal discounts and similar techniques work like a charm.


The amount of investment required depends on the class of the workshop. Opening a small local point will require up to 500 thousand rubles, and to create “ service center“(there’s no other way to say it) branded shoes like Christian Louboutin or Pierre Cardin will require a much larger amount.

Let's consider the investments required to open a medium-sized workshop. Note that the figures depend on the economic and demographic conditions in the region. Therefore, the calculations given in this business plan cannot be absolutely accurate.


Renting a room for 3 craftsmen will cost at least 40 thousand rubles. per month. The cost of such premises starts from 3 million rubles. The payback period will be gigantic, so you should prefer renting.

You need a basement room with an area of ​​40-45 m2 in a residential multi-storey building, mall or a separate building. If the workshop’s list of services includes delivery, having a stop nearby is not so important. However, it is still better to locate the workshop in a place that can be reached.

Inventory and consumables

Having chosen a room, take care of the equipment for the shoe workshop. Sewing machines, pliers, knives and scissors - this is 350 thousand rubles of expenses. These will be new professional tools that will last a long time.

Also purchase supplies for the first time. Further, stocks will be replenished, but at the initial stage you will have to spend 150 thousand rubles on high-quality leather, durable heel pads and threads. Choose durable materials so that the client does not have to come back with complaints after a week of wearing the restored shoes.


3 craftsmen will work in shifts. Wage each - from 25 thousand rubles ( Volgograd region) up to 40 and above in the Moscow region. That is, a month of work for three people costs 75-120 thousand rubles (plus taxes).

In the case of shoe workshops, the founder himself often acts as one of the craftsmen. This does not affect expenses in any way, but it may affect the income of the business owner. Don’t take your own salary as a reserve for business development.

Advertising and utilities

The best advertising for a shoe workshop is word of mouth, rumors spread by satisfied visitors. However, this channel is only available after launch. The list of marketing channels is small, but each of them is quite effective:

  1. Commercial on local radio.
  2. City newspapers with advertisements.
  3. Handouts (flyers, business cards).
  4. Thematic groups on social networks, on the city portal.

Most of the money will have to be spent on radio advertising and printing leaflets. Advertisements in newspapers and activity on social networks will not cost much - and maybe even free.

You'll have to pay public utilities- in particular, electricity. It is important to have a hood that is constantly running while gluing shoe parts. If it is not there, toxic fumes from the glue can harm the health of employees. About 35 thousand rubles will be spent on advertising and services.


As initial investment 650 - 695 thousand rubles are needed. A small workshop for 1 repairman can be opened for half this amount - but the profit will be significantly lower.

Profitability of a shoe workshop

The payback period for shoe repair as a business depends on the flow of customers and the size of the average check. A “spherical in a vacuum” workshop, in which the amount from the above calculations is invested, will pay for itself in 2-3 years. The profitability of a shoe repair business ranges from 6 to 18%, depending on the actions of the founder.

When the break-even point is passed, every day the enterprise will bring in 10 - 15 thousand rubles of profit. In the off-season, when the city's population takes last year's shoes out of the bins, income is higher; during high seasons it is lower.

Step-by-step plan for opening a shoe workshop

Opening a shoe repair business has many nuances, a complete listing of which would require writing a separate encyclopedia. But the main stages can still be separated into a “master plan”.

Stage 1. Registration

The first step is to register as an individual entrepreneur (if working alone) or a legal entity (if there is a team of craftsmen). When registering, you must indicate OKVED codes (52.74 and 52.71).

It is necessary to register a business at the branch tax service at the registered address of the person undergoing the procedure. The act of registration itself is not as complicated and scary as it might seem. Need to:

  1. Fill out the application issued by tax officials.
  2. Have it certified by a notary.
  3. Pay the fee at one of the Sberbank branches.
  4. Collect a package of documents from a certified application, 2 certified copies of a passport, a copy of the TIN and a receipt for payment of the state duty.
  5. Give the package to the Federal Tax Service employees.
  6. Receive a receipt for the transfer of documents.
  7. Wait 5 days (for legal entities- up to 30).
  8. Return to the Federal Tax Service with a receipt for the transfer of documents and a passport.
  9. Receive a certificate and begin vigorous commercial activity.

We also need means to account for incoming funds. This could be a cash register registered with the tax office, or forms strict reporting. The second option is simpler and cheaper.

Stage 2. Search, rent, arrangement of premises

While dealing with bureaucratic issues, you can at the same time look for premises, purchase tools and consumables. The arrangement of the premises will most likely be completed later than documenting enterprises, which will allow them to start operating legally.

Stage 3. Working with regulators

When the premises are ready to receive clients and craftsmen, and the documents have been drawn up, you should take care of obtaining permits from regulatory services - Rospotrebnadzor, the fire department and the sanitary-epidemiological service.

Stage 4. Conducting commercial activities

From the moment of opening, high quality of service and work performed should be maintained. This is the best investment in business development.

The above plan is greatly simplified. But it can become the basis for a detailed action schedule. It is pointless to describe the nuances, because the conditions in each region are different - you will have to adapt them to your subject.

Franchising in the shoe repair industry

There are practically no franchises in the industry. There are options in the enterprise segment for integrated services household services. But such franchises are expensive - the royalties are too high.

Purchasing the right to use famous brand(for example, “Doctor Sapogof”) costs the same amount as opening an average workshop. You just have to pay another 5 thousand rubles to the franchise seller every month. There is no point in buying a franchise.

Advantages and disadvantages of a shoe repair shop as a business

A shoe repair business idea has strengths and weaknesses. The advantages are:

  1. Constant demand for workshop services.
  2. Small investment at the start.
  3. Fairly quick payback.
  4. Stability of income (subject to a sufficient number of clients).
  5. Good prospects to expand to the network.

You shouldn't expect huge profits. But when making the right choice places, marketing strategy and while maintaining High Quality services the workshop can operate for decades.

High competition is a disadvantage of the shoe repair industry. Due to the low barrier to entry, a large number of entrepreneurs work in the field. But it also has back side- many of them are more craftsmen than businessmen. And with the right approach to business development, it is quite possible to lure away their clients.

Development prospects

Yes, a shoe repair shop “right around the corner” can exist for decades without experiencing a shortage of customers. But lack of development is stagnation, which does not lead to anything good.

And a novice entrepreneur has enough prospects. The main thing is to achieve a stable income and quickly reach the break-even point. After this, there are several vectors for further movement.

The first one can be called vertical. It consists of gradually increasing the number of shoe repair activities and the quality of services. This is the path of development from an average workshop to an enterprise in the elite segment, where branded shoes are repaired. Mastering the technology of making custom-made shoes will be no less profitable.

The second, horizontal, path of development is to build a network of repair shops. Quickly occupying all available niches within a single administrative unit (city, district, region) is the strategy of those who do not strive to comprehend the heights of shoe art.

Opening your own shoe repair shop is certainly advisable. The demand for the service does not depend on economic vicissitudes, the initial investment is quite humane, and the registration procedure is not complicated and goes quickly. It is important to carefully plan the development of the company and be attentive to market trends.

*Calculations use average data for Russia

According to statistics, every tenth pair requires repairs already in the first season, and every thirtieth, made from expensive materials, requires complex care using professional products. This means that there has always been and will always be a demand for the services of shoemakers. Moreover, the shoe market in Russia is growing at a stable pace.

Experts estimate the potential capacity of the shoe repair market at $350–400 million per year. The main consumers of shoe repair services are the middle class; the common idea that wealthy people do not repair shoes, but throw them away, has nothing to do with reality. After all, it makes more sense to replace the heel on $400 shoes than to buy new ones. But pensioners, on the contrary, rarely repair their shoes. There are also rarely orders for cheap shoes costing 300 rubles; it is better to throw them away than to spend 250-400 rubles on repairing them.

Typical shoe workshop formats

There are three workshop formats on the market - medium, cheap and elite.

The most numerous is cheap shoe repair using the lowest quality materials. Their owners are so-called artisans who make do with a minimum of tools, and the quality of their work leaves much to be desired. It’s easy to organize such a workshop; just buy a small machine for the simplest operations for 19 thousand rubles and you can repair shoes right on the street or in a glass booth. Such workshops don’t chase wealthy clients; they won’t give them expensive shoes - then look for the treasured pair!

The other extreme is luxury shoe repair. They are usually located in prestigious shopping and business centers. . Clients of expensive workshops wear shoes that cost $500 or more, and spend several thousand rubles on repairs. But such workshops have one significant drawback - limited target audience who want to repair shoes at such a price that the income from their orders can justify not only expensive materials and machines, the work of good craftsmen and high-quality spare parts for shoes, but also exorbitant rental rates. Therefore, the payback for an elite workshop extends over several years.

The most successful format is the medium format, designed for the broad middle class. Such workshops are located in the basement of a residential building or in old former Soviet shoe repair shops. We will consider just such a workshop as an example for our own business.

Investment in opening a shoe workshop

The initial investment in opening a shoe workshop is estimated by experts at $200 thousand. The main costs are the purchase of equipment and rental of premises. A set of used Russian machines will cost an entrepreneur at least 10 thousand dollars, European ones - about 60 thousand dollars. With direct deliveries from the factory, imported equipment will cost about 80 thousand dollars.

In addition to the machines, you will need consumables for repairs - heels, linings, heels, adhesives, leather. The purchase price also depends on their quality. Good preventative stickers cost 400-500 rubles per pair, heels - 200-250 rubles. In addition, workshops have to create a whole bank of “spare parts” - people bring a wide variety of shoe models for repair.

You can purchase consumables not only from Italian manufacturers, but also in domestic stores selling materials for the production and repair of shoes and household complexes, which are present in sufficient quantities on the market today.

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The next expense item is renting the premises. The minimum area for organizing a workshop is 30 square meters. You will also need money to renovate the premises and for utilities and electricity (machines consume a lot of electricity)…

Development prospects

The most popular services in workshops are installing heels, soles and replacing zippers. Recently, there has been a demand for replacing broken heels and re-covering shoes. However, modern workshops are capable of performing up to 20 types of shoe repair work.

The average workshop receives 20–30 orders per day. But at first, the number of orders will of course be limited until the master develops a base regular customers. Recently, the Internet has been providing a steady increase in the workshop’s client base. A well-designed website brings good returns to its owner. By the way, maintaining the site costs $250 per month. But the workshops don’t advertise in the media, it’s not effective.

You can attract clients not only with advertising, but also with an individual approach and a wide range of services provided. Some workshops compare favorably with their competitors precisely in that they take deliberately complex and exclusive orders, which most workshops refuse.

Not so long ago, shoe repair was not in serious demand. And today this market is growing rapidly. Moreover, the city authorities are interested in developing the sphere of consumer services, and therefore in every possible way support workshops operating at a qualitatively new level. And despite the competition, the prospects for the market are very bright - the number of pairs rented out daily could theoretically at least double.

Ready ideas for your business

You can increase the profitability of your business if you create a whole range of household services on the basis of your own workshop, placing clothing repair shops on your territory, household appliances and metal repair. In this case, the flow of clients is guaranteed to increase significantly.