Presentation of the breed of cows. Presentation on "cattle breeds". Feed consumption

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Livestock industries Livestock - industry Agriculture, which is engaged in the use of agricultural animals. It provides people food(milk, meat, cheese, butter); provides raw materials for light (leather, wool), as well as labor (horse, donkey) and organic fertilizer. Directions of animal husbandry: 1) Animal husbandry. 6) Rabbit breeding 2) Sheep breeding. 7) Reindeer breeding 3) Goat breeding 8) Beekeeping 4) Pig breeding. 9) Fishing 5) Horse breeding. Wash AA

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Center of cattle domestication The areas of domestication and origin of breeds of domestic animals are associated with ancient centers of agriculture, but the places of origin of domestic animals are much more difficult than those of cultivated plants. This is due to the significant movement of their wild ancestors within the original ranges, which are now difficult to establish. Domestication could take place anywhere in such a primary area, and the subsequent distribution of breeds is associated not with the natural environment, but with human activities. Most domestic animals were domesticated 8-10 thousand years ago. their ancestors, as a rule, led a wholesale lifestyle, which contributed to the domestication of wild animals. During domestication, domestic animals underwent significant changes in structure, vital functions and ontogenesis, and their behavior changed.

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The ancestor of cattle was a wild bull - a tour that lived in the forest-steppe and steppe zones Eurasia (the last animal of this species was destroyed in 1627 in Poland). Supposedly, it was domesticated about 4 thousand years ago in Ancient Greece. More than 50 breeds of cattle are known, which are bred for meat, milk, leather and as draft force. The main directions of breeding are the creation of dairy (black-and-white, red steppe), meat (Aber-Dino-Angus, Hereford), meat and dairy (Simmental, Lebedinska) breeds (small 92). Everyone has heard about the oxen, which in former times in Ukraine were used as a draft force. Castrated bulls were called oxen. In the countries of Southeast Asia, buffaloes are used as a draft force, the ancestor of which is a wild buffalo. In the mountains of Central Asia (Himalayas, Pamir, Tibet, Tuva), the local population for meat, milk and skin breeds which, whose ancestor was a wild yak.

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The technology used for keeping cattle has a great influence on the intensity of livestock raising. One of the main prerequisites for the successful intensification of livestock breeding is taking into account the biological requirements of animals for keeping conditions. Technological solutions applied on farms should not conflict with the biological needs of animals. At the same time, far from all technological methods that have developed in the household plots are justified from the point of view of physiology. Therefore, the tasks of the livestock breeder are to use technical means and the use of rational technological methods to create optimal conditions for keeping cattle, contributing to the manifestation of their productive inclinations. If this is not achieved, then the ongoing work to increase the genetic potential of animals becomes ineffective.

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On dairy farms, two methods of keeping cows are used, which have a fundamental difference: tethered and loose. In the first method, the cows are kept in individual stalls at the feeders, in which the feed is set in a standardized manner, in the second, the animals are placed in group sections of the barn with free access to feed. With both methods in summer time depending on the conditions of the farms, different housing systems are used. In the presence of good long-term cultivated or natural pastures, stall-pasture or camp-pasture maintenance is used. With stall-pasture keeping, cows are kept indoors at night, and grazed during the day. The campsite and pasture of cattle provides for the placement of cows in the summer in summer camps, which are lightweight buildings located at a certain distance from the farm, but close to grazing areas. This avoids moving the cows to the pasture too much.

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On farms where there are no pastures or their areas are limited, a stall-walking system for keeping cows is used. In this case, in the summer, the animals are fed in stalls or pens equipped with feeders, mowed green mass, or they use a year-round uniform feeding with forage mixtures from silage, haylage, hay and root crops. With such a housing system, active walks of cows are carried out in the summer by driving them to a distance of up to 3 km 2 times a day. The experience of advanced farms shows that with all methods and systems of keeping dairy cows, high milk yield (from 4000 to 8000 kg) can be obtained in different zones of the country.

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Systems and methods of keeping young cattle are selected taking into account the natural, climatic and economic conditions and use a loose or tethered system. The accumulated production and experimental data give reason to believe that the loose system is the most promising, since the area for the placement of young animals is reduced, no harnesses or individual drinkers are required, the use of complex mechanization of feed distribution and manure removal is facilitated, the skeleton and hoof horn are better formed in animals. The loose keeping on slatted floors in cages of 15-20 animals in each with mechanical removal of manure from the premises with a delta scraper or self-alloy has proven especially good.

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In farms with a sufficient amount of straw, young animals are kept loose on a deep, permanent bedding. Such a housing system requires the timely creation of a layer of straw bedding and its regular addition to maintain a good microclimate in the room and a warm den for animals to rest.

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Boxed content is a variant of loose-fitting content. Pens for young animals are equipped with individual boxes (in a ratio of 1: 1), due to which the animal receives a dry bed with a minimum consumption of litter or without it. It is desirable that the boxes are separate from the feeding areas. The den is formed from earth and clay, compacted tightly and covered with a small layer of straw or sawdust on top. Expanded clay concrete, wood or other suitable materials can be used as materials for the boxes. The floor in the boxes must be sloped. Sizes of boxes for young stock at the age of 6-12 months: length 1.3-1.5 m, width 0.6-0.7 m; for young animals aged 12 months and older: 1.5-1.7 and 0.8-0.9 m

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On small farms, it is possible to use tie-down keeping of young stock in the pasture. As one area is pitted, the animals are transferred to another. The grazing radius, depending on the age of the young, is 10-15 m. With such a system of keeping, it is necessary to water the young with clean water 2-3 times a day, if necessary, feed the concentrates from small portable feeders. In case of tied keeping of young stock on rearing, the following stall sizes are provided: for young stock of 6-12 months, length is 1.5 m, width is 0.7-0.8 m; for young animals of older ages and large animals, the length is 1.6-1.7 m, the width is 0.9 m.

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Pedigree work Pedigree work with cattle should be carried out on all farms. The main task of breeding farms, organized for each breed of livestock separately, is to improve the breed bred on the farm, create new lines in the breed, raise elite young animals for breeding plants, breeding stations and artificial insemination, pedigree state and collective farms. The main methods breeding work in these farms there are selection and selection in oneself, purebred and linear breeding, directed rearing of young animals. The most important task of pedigree sovkhozes and pedigree farms of collective farms with cattle is to create herds of purebred and high-blooded animals that meet the requirements of no lower than class 1; the main breeding methods are purebred breeding and absorption crossbreeding. Particular attention should be paid to increasing the fat content in all breeds of cattle. The main task of breeding work in commercial farms should be to obtain hardy animals capable of providing v. good conditions feeding high milk and meat productivity at high quality and the low cost of these products. In commercial farms, both purebred breeding and different methods crossbreeding.

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Black-and-white breed The constitution of black-and-white cattle is strong, conformation and body type characteristic of dairy cattle... The animals are distinguished by good health and adaptability to different climatic zones. Cows are usually large, live weight 500-550 kg, in breeding farms and reproducers 550-650 kg, with a slightly elongated, proportionally developed body (oblique body length is 158-162 cm), deep (70-75 cm) medium chest width , wide loins, back and sac tsom. The belly is voluminous, the udder is large, mostly round and bowl-shaped in different shapes. As the bloodiness in Holstein increases, the proportion of animals with a bowl-shaped udder increases. The limbs are set straight. The color is black and motley, occasionally there are animals of the red and motley color.

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Kholmogory breed The cows of this breed are large, the height at the withers is 130-132 cm. The constitution is strong. The body is elongated and somewhat angular. The chest is deep, but not wide, the back is wide, sometimes with a raised sacrum, the bones are strong, the limbs are set correctly. The udder is medium in size, mostly round and bowl-shaped, with a goat-shaped and third pair of teats. The main suit is black-and-white, but there are red-and-white and black.

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Tagil breed The color of animals is quite diverse, black and black-and-white prevails, then red and red-and-white. Tagil cattle average size(height at the withers in cows 125-128 cm), with a slightly elongated body (oblique length 153-156 cm); the head is medium in size, dry; the neck is long, straight, with small folds of skin; the chest is deep enough (66-68 cm), but not wide (33-38 cm); the back of the body is elongated, not wide; the udder is well developed; nipples are set correctly; the skin is firm and elastic. In cows, sometimes there is a drooping of the sacrum, a narrow pelvis, improper positioning of the limbs (saber, closeness in the hock joints), as well as poor muscle development. Animals of the Tagil breed have a strong skeleton (the girth of the cannon is 18-18.5 cm), are well adapted to keeping in the pasture and give high milk yield for a long period of use. There are registered cows that have not lost their reproductive capacity up to 15-20 years, and bulls, which were used in reproduction up to 14-15 years of age.

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Yaroslavl breed Animals of the Yaroslavl breed are characterized by angular forms of constitution, average size (height at the withers in cows 125-127 cm), developed middle part of the body (oblique body length 152-155 cm); the head is light, dry, with an elongated facial part; the neck is thin, of medium length, with small folds of skin; the chest is deep (66-69 cm), but narrow (35-37 cm), with a poorly developed dewlap; the withers are high, sometimes narrow. The back of the body is wide; there are animals with a drooping and roof-like sacrum. The animals are relatively low-legged, with thin bones (the girth of the metacarpus is 17-18 cm); the muscles are poorly developed; the udder is of medium size, round in shape, the front nipples are often widely spaced, and the rear ones are close together; cylindrical nipples, medium length; udder skin is thin, tender, milk veins are well developed. Of the shortcomings of the exterior, there are narrow chest, weak development of muscles in the back, lower back and sacrum, interception behind the shoulder blades.

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Istoben breed The predominant color of animals is black-and-white, black with a white stripe along the back, loin and rump. There are animals of red-and-white and red color. Istoben cattle are low (height at the withers 124-126 cm); the head is somewhat elongated; the neck is thin, with small folds; the chest is deep (64-66 cm), but not wide enough (37-40 cm); narrow withers; the body is elongated (length 152-156 cm); the skeleton is thin; elastic skin; the udder is round and bowl-shaped; nipples are medium in size, somewhat drawn together; the muscles are poorly developed. Among the shortcomings of the exterior that are found in animals, one can note a narrow chest, a sagging back, a narrow rear, as well as improper positioning of the limbs (saber, closeness in the wrist and hock joints).

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Red steppe breed. The color of animals is red with different color intensity: from light red to dark red. Many cows have white markings, mainly on the lower torso. In bulls, the front and upper parts of the body are usually darker in color. If individual animals show signs of dairy cattle meat direction, then in the mass cows of the red steppe breed of dairy type and are characterized by the following features of the exterior. Animals are of medium height (height at the withers in cows is 126–129 cm), with a somewhat deep and elongated body (152–156 cm); the head is small, light; deep chest (66-68 cm), medium width (37-42 cm); the back and loin are wide and long enough; the sacrum is often slightly raised; light backbone (cannon girth 17-19 cm); the udder is usually well developed, round and bowl-shaped; the skin is thin, elastic, and forms small folds on the neck. The most common defects are a narrow and drooping sacrum, a narrow chest, and improper positioning of the limbs.

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Ayrshire breed Ayrshire have a dry and strong constitution, proportional physique typical of livestock dairy direction productivity. The color of the cattle is red and motley (red markings on a white background). In some animals, the red or white color predominates. Animals of this breed are characterized by peculiar features of the exterior: the head is light, dry, somewhat elongated in the front part, the horns are large, lyre-shaped, directed upward, the neck is thin, with small folds of skin, of medium length, smoothly turning into the shoulder. The chest is deep (65-67 cm), moderate in width (38-40 cm); small dewlap; animals of short stature: height at the withers 124-125 cm; the sacrum is straight, the skeleton is thin, light (girth of the metacarpus is 17-18 cm), the muscles are moderately developed, the limbs are short, correctly set, with well-developed joints. Cows have a proportionally developed bowl-shaped udder with a lactation rate of 1.8-2.0 kg / min, an udder index of 46-48% on average, teats of medium size, widely spaced; the skin is thin, elastic, covered with delicate hair. Live weight of cows 450-500 kg, in the best farms - 550-570 kg, bulls - 800 kg; the weight of individual cows reaches 700 kg, and bulls - 1000 kg.

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Jersey breed Jersey cattle belong to a pronounced dairy type with a light thin bone (cannon girth 15-16.5 cm) and dense dry muscles. It belongs to small breeds of cattle with a height at the withers of 120–123 cm. The head is light, small, with strongly developed brow ridges and a shortened facial part, the forehead is not wide, with a concave profile; the neck is thin, with many small folds of skin. The body of Jerseys cows is flat, the ribs are set obliquely; back with slight slack; the chest is relatively deep (63-65 cm), but not wide (37-38 cm); the dewlap is small (Fig. 43). Animals have a somewhat stretched body, angular forms of constitution, the root of the tail is raised.

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Holstein breed Currently, the importance of this breed is very high, as it is characterized by the highest milk yield and is used to improve dairy breeds all over the world. It is distinguished by good adaptability to various climatic and economic conditions, high payment for feed with milk. The milk productivity of cows under optimal feeding conditions is 8000-10000 kg of milk with a content of 3.6-4.0% fat and 3.0-3.2% protein. In the best herds, the average milk yield exceeds 12,000 kg. All records for milk production belong to cows of this breed. For example, Beecher cow Arlinda Ellen for 365 days of IV lactation yielded 25,248 kg of milk with a fat content of 2.8%, milk fat received 713 kg, from cow Miranda Oscar Lukinda - 30,870 kg of milk with a content of 3.3% fat, milk fat 1018 , 7 kg.

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Simmental breed The main color of animals of the Simmental breed is fawn, pale-motley, red-motley and red with a white head are found. In purebred Simmentals, the nasal mirror, tongue, pharynx and eyelids are light pink. As a rule, Simmental cows are large (height at the withers 135-140 cm), proportional build (oblique body length 160-165 cm), with strong bones (cannon girth 20-21 cm); the head is large, wide in the frontal part; neck of medium length; the chest is deep (68-72 cm), wide (45-47 cm), in bulls with a developed dewlap; the back is wide; the back of the body is long and wide; the sacrum is sometimes raised; strong backbone; the muscles are well developed; the limbs are usually set correctly; thick skin; the udder is often rounded, with a large margin, with delicate hair; nipples are large, conical or cylindrical. Udder index in cows is 42-45%.

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Sychevskaya breed The Sychevskaya breed has characteristic features of the exterior and type of constitution, characteristic of dairy and meat cows. Among the Sychevsk breed, there are a large number of animals that deviate towards the dairy type. In color, constitution and productivity, the cattle of this breed does not differ significantly from animals of the same type of Simmental breed. From the Smolensk region, the Sychevsk cattle were brought to various regions of Russia, as a result of which it had a great influence on the formation of simmentalized cattle in the central regions, Siberia, and the Far East.

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Brown Swiss breed The color of animals is brown, with various shades: from light gray to dark brown. Characteristic feature- light hairline around the nasal mirror, painted in a dark lead color. On the upper line of the body from the withers to the root of the tail, the hairline is lighter. In bulls, the head, neck and front of the body are dark in color. Cows have a short head with a wide forehead, the ends of the horns are dark; the body is somewhat elongated (oblique length 165-170 cm), with an even line of the back and loin; the chest is deep (68-70 cm) and wide (44-46 cm), with a developed dewlap. The animals are large (height at the withers is 133-135 cm), have strong, correctly set limbs (girth of the cannon is 19-20 cm); harmonious physique, well-developed muscles; the skin is thin, dense; the hairline is short and thick; the udder is voluminous, bowl-shaped and rounded; the nipples are of medium size, cylindrical; milk veins are well developed.

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Kostroma breed Kostroma cattle has a lot in common with the Swiss breed in terms of exterior, live weight, level of milk production. Cattle color is mainly light brown and brown

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Bestuzhevskaya breed The bestuzhevskaya cattle are heterogeneous in constitution. Most herds are dominated by animals of the dairy-meat type, although there are cows that deviate towards the dairy or meat-and-milk type. Most of the cattle of this breed are characterized by the following exterior features: the head of medium-sized cows, light and dry, with elongated facial bones, narrow forehead, wide ganaches, large, white horns; the neck is of medium length, with small folds of skin; the chest is deep, with a developed dewlap; the back is straight, the loin is straight and wide; the sacrum is slightly raised; limbs are low, widely spaced; the udder is medium in volume, round and bowl-shaped, with widely spaced nipples, covered with fine hair, the lobes are clearly expressed; elastic skin; the musculature is well developed. In cows, the following exterior disadvantages are encountered: interception behind the shoulder blades, the roof-like shape of the sacrum, saberiness of the hind limbs. The main measurements are as follows (cm): height at the withers in cows 130-132, chest depth 70-72, chest width 40-42, oblique body length 157-159, chest girth behind the shoulder blades 190-194, pastern grip 19- twenty.

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Red Gorbatovskaya breed. The color of animals is red, of varying color intensity, there are animals with white markings on the lower part of the belly and udder, with a white color of the tail brush. Bulls are darker in color, turning almost black on the neck and head. The nasal mirror is light. Animals of the Red Gorbatov breed are characterized by a strong constitution and well-built. With short stature, they have an elongated body. The head is short, the neck is of medium length, wide; the chest is deep, wide; the line of the back is straight; the loin is wide; the sacrum is slightly raised, wide, but not roof-like. The tail is set high and long. The udder is of medium size, the lobes are evenly developed, the nipples are conical, slightly close together; the musculature is well developed. The following exterior disadvantages are encountered: drooping of the sacrum, sagging back, saberiness of the limbs.

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Kalmyk breed Cattle of this breed is strong constitution, possesses endurance, makes good use of scarce pastures, quickly gaining fatness. This cattle is characterized by certain biological characteristics: large seasonal deposits of internal and intermuscular fat (up to 60 kg per cow); a special morphological structure of the hair with an increased thickness of the guard hair and its core; strong development of hair and fluff in winter and reduction in summer; strong development of sweat and sebaceous glands and an increased number of red blood cells and hemoglobin levels in the blood. The color of the animals is red, of varying intensity, sometimes with a white stripe along the upper part of the body and with a white head. Often, animals have white markings on the lower part of the body; the nasal mirror is usually light; the head is small; the forehead is short; the horns are not long, directed upward with their ends inward; the face of the head is elongated, with a humped-nosed profile.

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Hereford breed The color of the Hereford cattle is red, of different shades; the head, dewlap, lower part of the belly and limbs, as well as the brush of the tail are white. The nasal mirror is pink. The white-headedness and white color of the belly, characteristic of Hereford cattle, are rather steadily inherited when crossed with other breeds. Animals of this genus have a typical beef cattle rectangular shape physique; the head is small, wide; the dewlap is well developed and protrudes slightly forward. Height at withers in cows 124-126 cm; the front and back of the body are well developed; deep chest (68-72 cm) and wide (48-50 cm); oblique body length is 152-158 cm; the back and loin are wide, short; the rear is wide, straight, well-muscled; the skin is thin, elastic, covered with delicate hair; the horns are long, thick.

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Kazakh white-headed breed Cattle of the Kazakh white-headed breed are well adapted to the conditions of a sharply continental climate and the use of natural pastures. It tolerates heat and frost well, feeds quickly and has high gains in live weight. Color: red body; head, chest, belly, lower part of limbs and brush of tail are white; there are white markings on the withers and rump. In general, the color of the animals and the type of constitution are in many respects similar to the animals of the Hereford breed. The height at the withers in cows is 123-125 cm, the depth of the chest is 68-70 cm, the width of the chest behind the shoulder blades is 43-45 cm.The animals have a compact build, characteristic of beef cattle (oblique body length 150-155 cm), strong bones (cannon girth 18-20 cm); round and wide body (chest girth 187-190 cm), well-developed muscles. By winter, animals grow thick with long hair.

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Aberdeen-Angus breed Aberdeen-Angus cattle are hornless, black color, which is steadily inherited during interbreeding, of a pronounced meat type. Animals of compact constitution, with a deep (chest depth in cows 66-67 cm) and wide (chest width 45-46 cm) body on short limbs (height at the withers 116-118 cm); the head is light, tapers somewhat towards the back of the head and protrudes in the forehead; the neck is wide and short, passing imperceptibly into the shoulder; the musculature is well developed, on the leg it goes down to the hock joint; the skin is loose, covered with delicate hair. Animals are characterized by high early maturity. They finish growing early and tend to be more obese earlier than other beef cattle. Shorthorn breed The main color of the Shorthorn cattle is red, of varying intensity; there are red-and-white, roan and white animals. Animals of the meat production direction are characterized by a delicate loose type of constitution. They have a compact, deep body; the head is small, light, the horns are short, the forehead is wide; the neck is thick, short, imperceptibly connected to the body; the back and loin are straight, wide; the chest is deep and wide, with a protruding dewlap; the sacrum is long, straight, wide; muscle tissue is well developed; limbs are strong, correctly set; the skeleton is thin; the skin is thin, elastic, covered with fine thick hair. There are herds of hornless animals in the USA, Great Britain and other countries. 27 Charolais breed The color of animals is light in different shades (from yellow to white). The nasal mirror is light; the head is short, with a wide forehead. The neck is short and fleshy. The chest is deep and wide (the girth of the chest behind the shoulder blades is 200-210 cm); dewlap is poorly developed; the back is wide, with slight sagging; the back is wide, well muscled. The limbs are correctly positioned. Charolais cattle are large, large (the height of cows at the withers is 134-136 cm, bulls - 141-145 cm), on low limbs; the body is elongated, with almost the same length of the front, middle and back parts; the musculature is loose, the skeleton is rather coarse; the hairline is thin. The disadvantages of the exterior are the bifurcation of the shoulder blades, the unevenness of the back and the roof-like sacrum. Animals of this breed are hardy and have a long lifespan. Breeding bulls are effectively used up to 15 years old, cows - up to 13-14 years old. Breed santa gertruda The color of animals is red, of varying intensity; there are animals with white markings on the lower part of the belly. At birth, calves weigh 29-30 kg. When raised on suckling at 8 months of age, young animals weigh 230-250 kg, and at one and a half years of age, when kept on pasture, heifers reach a live weight of 400 kg, gobies - 460-510 kg. Adult cows weigh 560-600 kg, individual animals - up to 780 kg, bulls - 830-1000 kg. Animals of the Santa Gertruda breed have good meat qualities. When calves are fattened, their daily increments reach 1000-1200 g. Well tolerating the heat, the animals give high increments in summer, even at high air temperatures. The lethal yield reaches 63-65% and more. Juveniles of the Santa Gertrude breed, under the same conditions of feeding and maintenance, exceed the live weight of the English breeds at weaning by 45 kg. Milk productivity of cows is low. The daily milk yield of first-calf cows is 5-10 kg of milk with a fat content of 4.6%. Some cows have up to 6% fat in milk.

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Black and white breed

The constitution of black-and-white cattle is strong, the exterior and body type are typical for dairy cattle. The animals are distinguished by good health and adaptability to different climatic zones. Cows are usually large, live weight 500-550 kg, in breeding plants and reproducers 550-650 kg, with a slightly elongated, proportionally developed body (oblique body length is 158-162 cm), deep (70-75 cm) medium chest width, wide loins, back and sacrum. The belly is voluminous, the udder is large, mostly round and bowl-shaped. As the blood count for Holstein increases, the proportion of animals with a bowl-shaped udder increases. The limbs are set straight. The color is black and motley, occasionally there are animals of the red and motley color.

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Kholmogory breed

The cows of this breed are large, the height at the withers is 130-132 cm. The constitution is strong. The body is elongated and somewhat angular. The chest is deep, but not wide, the back is wide, sometimes with a raised sacrum, the bones are strong, the limbs are set correctly. The udder is medium in size, mostly round and bowl-shaped, with a goat-shaped and third pair of teats. The main suit is black-and-white, but there are red-and-white and black.

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Tagil breed

The color of animals is quite varied, black and black-and-white prevails, then red and red-and-white. Tagil cattle are of medium size (height at the withers of cows is 125-128 cm), with a slightly elongated body (oblique length 153-156 cm); the head is medium in size, dry; the neck is long, straight, with small folds of skin; the chest is deep enough (66-68 cm), but not wide (33-38 cm); the back of the body is elongated, not wide; the udder is well developed; nipples are set correctly; the skin is firm and elastic. In cows, sometimes there is a drooping of the sacrum, a narrow pelvis, improper positioning of the limbs (saber, closeness in the hock joints), as well as poor muscle development. Animals of the Tagil breed have a strong skeleton (the girth of the cannon is 18-18.5 cm), are well adapted to keeping in the pasture and give high milk yield for a long period of use. There are registered cows that have not lost their reproductive capacity up to 15-20 years, and bulls, which were used in reproduction up to 14-15 years of age.

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Yaroslavl breed

Animals of the Yaroslavl breed are characterized by angular forms of constitution, average size (height at the withers in cows 125-127 cm), developed middle part of the body (oblique body length 152-155 cm); the head is light, dry, with an elongated facial part; the neck is thin, of medium length, with small folds of skin; the chest is deep (66-69 cm), but narrow (35-37 cm), with a poorly developed dewlap; the withers are high, sometimes narrow. The back of the body is wide; there are animals with a drooping and roof-like sacrum. The animals are relatively low-legged, with thin bones (the girth of the metacarpus is 17-18 cm); the muscles are poorly developed; the udder is of medium size, round in shape, the front nipples are often widely spaced, and the rear ones are close together; cylindrical nipples, medium length; udder skin is thin, tender, milk veins are well developed. Of the shortcomings of the exterior, there are narrow chest, weak development of muscles in the back, lower back and sacrum, interception behind the shoulder blades.

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Istoben breed

The predominant color of animals is black-and-white, black with a white stripe along the back, loin and rump. There are animals of red-and-white and red color. Istoben cattle are low (height at the withers 124-126 cm); the head is somewhat elongated; the neck is thin, with small folds; the chest is deep (64-66 cm), but not wide enough (37-40 cm); narrow withers; the body is elongated (oblique length 152-156 cm); the skeleton is thin; elastic skin; the udder is round and bowl-shaped; nipples are medium in size, somewhat drawn together; the muscles are poorly developed. Among the shortcomings of the exterior that are found in animals, one can note a narrow chest, a sagging back, a narrow rear, as well as improper positioning of the limbs (saber, closeness in the wrist and hock joints).

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Red steppe breed

The color of the animals is red with varying color intensity: from light red to dark red. Many cows have white markings, mainly on the lower torso. In bulls, the front and upper parts of the body are usually darker in color. If individual animals have signs of dairy and beef cattle, then in the mass cows of the red steppe breed are dairy type and are characterized by the following features of the exterior. Animals of medium height (height at the withers in cows 126-129 cm), with a somewhat deep and elongated body (152-156 cm); the head is small, light; deep chest (66-68 cm), medium width (37-42 cm); the back and loin are wide and long enough; the sacrum is often slightly raised; light backbone (cannon girth 17-19 cm); the udder is usually well developed, round and bowl-shaped; the skin is thin, elastic, and forms small folds on the neck. The most common defects are a narrow and drooping sacrum, a narrow chest, and improper positioning of the limbs.

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Ayrshire breed

Ayrshirs have a dry and strong constitution, proportional physique, typical for dairy cattle. The color of the cattle is red and motley (red markings on a white background). In some animals, the red or white color predominates. Animals of this breed are characterized by peculiar features of the exterior: the head is light, dry, somewhat elongated in the front part, the horns are large, lyre-shaped, directed upward, the neck is thin, with small folds of skin, of medium length, smoothly turning into the shoulder. The chest is deep (65-67 cm), moderate in width (38-40 cm); small dewlap; animals of short stature: height at the withers 124-125 cm; the sacrum is straight, the skeleton is thin, light (girth of the metacarpus is 17-18 cm), the muscles are moderately developed, the limbs are short, correctly set, with well-developed joints. Cows have a proportionally developed bowl-shaped udder with a lactation rate of 1.8-2.0 kg / min, an udder index of 46-48% on average, teats of medium size, widely spaced; the skin is thin, elastic, covered with delicate hair. Live weight of cows 450-500 kg, in the best farms - 550-570 kg, bulls - 800 kg; the weight of individual cows reaches 700 kg, and of bulls - 1000 kg.

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Jersey breed

Jersey cattle belong to a pronounced dairy type with a light thin bone (metacarpus circumference 15-16.5 cm) and dense dry muscles. It belongs to small breeds of cattle with a height at the withers of 120–123 cm. The head is light, small, with strongly developed brow ridges and a shortened facial part, the forehead is not wide, with a concave profile; the neck is thin, with many small folds of skin. The body of Jerseys cows is flat, the ribs are set obliquely; back with slight slack; the chest is relatively deep (63-65 cm), but not wide (37-38 cm); the dewlap is small (Fig. 43). Animals have a somewhat stretched body, angular forms of constitution, the root of the tail is raised.

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Holstein breed

Currently, the importance of this breed is very high, as it is characterized by the highest milk yield and is used to improve dairy breeds all over the world. It is distinguished by good adaptability to various climatic and economic conditions, high feed rates with milk. The milk productivity of cows under optimal feeding conditions is 8000-10000 kg of milk with a content of 3.6-4.0% fat and 3.0-3.2% protein. In the best herds, the average milk yield exceeds 12,000 kg. All records for milk production belong to cows of this breed. For example, Beecher cow Arlinda Ellen for 365 days of IV lactation yielded 25,248 kg of milk with a fat content of 2.8%, milk fat received 713 kg, from cow Miranda Oscar Lukinda - 30,870 kg of milk with a content of 3.3% fat, milk fat 1018 , 7 kg.

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Simmental breed

The main color of animals of the Simmental breed is fawn, pale-motley, red-motley and red with a white head are found. In purebred Simmentals, the nasal mirror, tongue, pharynx and eyelids are light pink. As a rule, Simmental cows are large (height at the withers 135-140 cm), proportional build (oblique body length 160-165 cm), with strong bones (cannon girth 20-21 cm); the head is large, wide in the frontal part; neck of medium length; the chest is deep (68-72 cm), wide (45-47 cm), in bulls with a developed dewlap; the back is wide; the back of the body is long and wide; the sacrum is sometimes raised; strong backbone; the muscles are well developed; the limbs are usually set correctly; thick skin; the udder is often rounded, with a large margin, with delicate hair; nipples are large, conical or cylindrical. Udder index in cows is 42-45%.

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Sychevskaya breed

The Sychevskaya breed has characteristic features of the exterior and type of constitution, characteristic of dairy and meat cows. Among the Sychevsk breed, there are a large number of animals that deviate towards the dairy type. In color, constitution and productivity, the cattle of this breed does not differ significantly from animals of the same type of Simmental breed. From the Smolensk region, Sychevsky cattle were imported to various regions of Russia, as a result of which it had a great influence on the formation of simmentalized cattle in the central regions, Siberia and the Far East.

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Brown Swiss breed

The color of the animals is brown, with various shades: from light gray to dark brown. A characteristic feature is a light hairline around the nasal mirror, painted in a dark lead color. On the upper line of the body from the withers to the root of the tail, the hairline is lighter. In bulls, the head, neck and front of the body are dark in color. Cows have a short head with a wide forehead, the ends of the horns are dark; the body is somewhat elongated (oblique length 165-170 cm), with an even line of the back and loin; the chest is deep (68-70 cm) and wide (44-46 cm), with a developed dewlap. The animals are large (height at the withers is 133-135 cm), have strong, correctly set limbs (girth of the cannon is 19-20 cm); harmonious physique, well-developed muscles; the skin is thin, dense; the hairline is short and thick; the udder is voluminous, bowl-shaped and round, medium-sized nipples, cylindrical; milk veins are well developed.

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Kostroma breed

The Kostroma cattle have much in common with the Swiss breed in terms of their exterior, live weight, and the level of milk production. Cattle color is mainly light brown and brown

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Bestuzhevskaya breed

In terms of physique, the Bestuzhevsky cattle are heterogeneous. Most herds are dominated by animals of the dairy-meat type, although there are cows that deviate towards the dairy or meat-and-milk type. Most of the cattle of this breed are characterized by the following exterior features: the head of medium-sized cows, light and dry, with elongated facial bones, narrow forehead, wide ganaches, large, white horns; the neck is of medium length, with small folds of skin; the chest is deep, with a developed dewlap; the back is straight, the loin is straight and wide; the sacrum is slightly raised; limbs are low, widely spaced; the udder is medium in volume, round and bowl-shaped, with widely spaced nipples, covered with fine hair, the lobes are clearly expressed; elastic skin; the musculature is well developed. In cows, the following exterior disadvantages are encountered: interception behind the shoulder blades, the roof-like shape of the sacrum, saberiness of the hind limbs. The main measurements are as follows (cm): height at the withers in cows 130-132, chest depth 70-72, chest width 40-42, oblique body length 157-159, chest girth behind the shoulder blades 190-194, cannon girth 19-20.

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Red Gorbatovskaya breed

The color of animals is red, of varying color intensity; there are animals with white markings on the lower part of the belly and udder, with a white color of the tail brush. Bulls are darker in color, turning almost black on the neck and head. The nasal mirror is light. Animals of the Red Gorbatov breed are characterized by a strong constitution, well-built. With short stature, they have an elongated body. The head is short, the neck is of medium length, wide; the chest is deep, wide; the line of the back is straight; the loin is wide; the sacrum is slightly raised, wide, but not roof-like. The tail is set high and long. The udder is of medium size, the lobes are evenly developed, the nipples are conical, slightly brought together; the musculature is well developed. The following exterior disadvantages are encountered: drooping of the sacrum, sagging back, saberiness of the limbs.

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Kalmyk breed

Cattle of this breed are strong constitution, possess endurance, make good use of scarce pastures, quickly gaining fatness. This cattle is characterized by certain biological characteristics: large seasonal deposits of internal and intermuscular fat (up to 60 kg per cow); a special morphological structure of the hair with an increased thickness of the guard hair and its core; strong development of hair and fluff in winter and reduction in summer; strong development of sweat and sebaceous glands and an increased number of red blood cells and hemoglobin levels in the blood. The color of the animals is red, of varying intensity, sometimes with a white stripe along the upper part of the body and with a white head. Often, animals have white markings on the lower part of the body; the nasal mirror is usually light; the head is small; the forehead is short; the horns are not long, directed upward with their ends inward; the face of the head is elongated, with a humped-nosed profile.

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Hereford breed

The color of the Hereford cattle is red, of different shades; the head, dewlap, lower part of the belly and limbs, as well as the brush of the tail are white. The nasal mirror is pink. The white-headedness and white color of the belly, characteristic of Hereford cattle, are rather steadily inherited when crossed with other breeds. Animals of this breed have a rectangular body shape typical for beef cattle; the head is small, wide; the dewlap is well developed and protrudes slightly forward. Height at withers in cows 124-126 cm; the front and back of the body are well developed; deep chest (68-72 cm) and wide (48-50 cm); oblique body length is 152-158 cm; the back and loin are wide, short; the rear is wide, straight, well-muscled; the skin is thin, elastic, covered with delicate hair; the horns are long, thick.

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Kazakh white-headed breed

Cattle of the Kazakh white-headed breed are well adapted to the conditions of the sharply continental climate and the use of natural pastures. It tolerates heat and frost well, it fattens up quickly and has a high increase in live weight. Color: red body; the head, chest, belly, lower limbs and the brush of the tail are white; there are white markings on the withers and rump. In general, the color of the animals and the body type are in many ways similar to the animals of the Hereford breed. The height at the withers in cows is 123-125 cm, the depth of the chest is 68-70 cm, the width of the chest behind the shoulder blades is 43-45 cm. pastern circumference 18-20 cm); round and wide body (chest girth 187-190 cm), well-developed muscles. By winter, animals grow overgrown with thick long hair.

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Aberdeen Angus breed

Aberdeen Angus cattle are hornless, black, which is steadily inherited during interbreeding, of a pronounced meat type. Animals of compact constitution, with a deep (chest depth in cows 66-67 cm) and wide (chest width 45-46 cm) body on short limbs (height at the withers 116-118 cm); the head is light, tapers somewhat towards the back of the head and protrudes in the forehead; the neck is wide and short, passing imperceptibly into the shoulder; the musculature is well developed, on the leg it goes down to the hock joint; the skin is loose, covered with delicate hair. Animals are characterized by high early maturity. They finish growing early and tend to be more obese earlier than other beef cattle.

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Galloway breed

In color and constitution, Galloway cattle are similar to Aberdeen Angus. However, unlike the Aberdeen Angus, it has a more elongated, but less deep body, with long wavy hair, reaching 20 cm in winter. Cattle are hornless, black, sometimes gray in color, with a brown tint. Long coarse coat with a thin fluffy undercoat protects animals from the cold, which all year round are outside the premises. The livestock is unpretentious, hardy, and makes good use of the pasture.

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Shorthorn breed

The main color of Shorthorn cattle is red, of varying intensity; there are red-and-white, roan and white animals. Animals of the meat production direction are characterized by a delicate loose type of constitution. They have a compact, deep body; the head is small, light, the horns are short, the forehead is wide; the neck is thick, short, imperceptibly connected to the body; the back and loin are straight, wide; the chest is deep and wide, with a protruding dewlap; the sacrum is long, straight, wide; muscle tissue is well developed; limbs are strong, correctly set; the skeleton is thin; the skin is thin, elastic, covered with fine thick hair. There are herds of hornless animals in the USA, Great Britain and other countries.

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Limousine breed

On the exterior, the animals of the Limousine breed are typically meat. They are characterized by a short head and broad forehead, deep chest and round ribs. The color of the animals is red, reddish-brown. The back is very broad and well muscled; the sacrum is wide, with well-defined muscle tissue; limbs correctly set, muscular. The height at the withers in cows is 127-130 cm, in bulls - 135-140 cm; chest girth 187-193 and 230-235 cm, respectively.

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Charolais breed

The color of the animals is light in different shades (from yellow to white). The nasal mirror is light; the head is short, with a wide forehead. The neck is short and fleshy. The chest is deep and wide (the girth of the chest behind the shoulder blades is 200-210 cm); dewlap is poorly developed; the back is wide, with slight sagging; the back is wide, well muscled. The limbs are correctly positioned. Charolais cattle are large, large (the height of cows at the withers is 134-136 cm, bulls - 141-145 cm), on low limbs; the body is elongated, with almost the same length of the front, middle and back parts; the musculature is loose, the skeleton is rather coarse; the hairline is thin. The disadvantages of the exterior are the bifurcation of the shoulder blades, the unevenness of the back and the roof-like sacrum. Animals of this breed are hardy and have a long lifespan. Breeding bulls are effectively used up to 15 years old, cows - up to 13-14 years old.

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Obrak breed

Animals of light brown color, with light markings on the end of the muzzle and limbs. The head is of medium size with a concave profile. The nasal mirror and the end of the tail are dark. The back and loin are wide; the front and back of the body are well developed. The back has some slack. The sacrum and root of the tail are raised, the limbs are strong, set correctly.

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Santa gertrude breed

The color of the animals is red, of varying intensity; there are animals with white markings on the lower part of the belly. At birth, calves weigh 29-30 kg. When raised on suckling at 8 months of age, young animals weigh 230-250 kg, and at one and a half years of age, when kept on pasture, heifers reach a live weight of 400 kg, gobies - 460-510 kg. Adult cows weigh 560-600 kg, individual animals - up to 780 kg, bulls - 830-1000 kg. Animals of the Santa Gertruda breed have good meat qualities. When calves are fattened, their daily increments reach 1000-1200 g. Well tolerating the heat, the animals give high increments in summer, even at high air temperatures. The lethal yield reaches 63-65% and more. Juveniles of the Santa Gertrude breed, under the same conditions of feeding and maintenance, exceed the live weight of the English breeds at weaning by 45 kg. Milk productivity of cows is low. The daily milk yield of first-calf cows is 5-10 kg of milk with a fat content of 4.6%. Some cows have up to 6% fat in milk.

  • The text should be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, as well as choose the right combination of background and text.
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  • Try to speak confidently, fluently, and coherently.
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  • Questions:
    1. Biological and economic features
    cattle (cattle).
    2. Breeds of cattle.
    3. Reproduction and structure of the cattle herd.
    4. Methods of keeping cattle.
    5. Cattle management systems.
    6. Management of the cattle herd.

    Main products derived from livestock raising
    Milk and dairy
    Meat and meat products

    CATTLE -
    farm animals, artiodactyls, ruminant mammals belonging to the species Bos taurus (Latin bos - cow
    or ox; taurus - bull) of the bovine family

    Cattle (cattle) has the ability
    efficiently process large quantities
    relatively cheap crop production, not
    used for human food (roughage, grass
    pastures, technical waste, stillage, bagasse, etc.)
    By paying for feed, the dairy cow is considered the most
    effective. Over 50% of the energy is converted into
    milk, while fattening livestock - only 17%. Therefore, in
    in most cases (with sufficiently high milk yield)
    milk production is highly profitable.

    1. Cattle - ruminants with multi-chamber
    1 - scar; 2 - mesh; 3 - a book; 4 - abomasum

    1. Biological and economic features of cattle
    2. Under normal growing conditions, sexual maturity in
    heifers arrive at the age of 6-9 months, in bulls - 7-8 months.
    From 5 months of age, heifers are kept separately from
    3. Late maturing cattle. Physiological maturity
    in heifers it occurs at about the age of 15-18 months, in
    bulls - 14-15 months.
    4. Life expectancy is 12-15 years, in modern
    conditions of detention, the period of operation is 4-5
    calving and even less.
    5. The duration of pregnancy is 285 days on average,
    monoplodious animals.
    6. With a sufficient level of feeding, cows are able to give for
    lactation up to 5000-7500 and more kilograms of milk, and young animals
    on fattening up to 1000-1100, the average daily gain.

    The most important task in cattle breeding is
    intensification of the industry. According to -
    milk production can become profitable,
    if the milk yield is not less than 4000 kg, and the daily gain
    young animals for fattening at least 800 g.

    2. Breeds of cattle
    productivity on:
    1. Dairy;
    2. Combined (double productivity);
    3. Meat.
    There are huge breed resources in the world, over 1000
    breeds, but only about 250 of them are the most
    In Russia, there are about 50 domestic and
    foreign breeds. The most common of them
    have 5 breeds - Simmental, Black and White, Swiss,
    Kholmogorskaya, Bestuzhevskaya.

    Black and white Holstein breed
    Red-spotted Holstein breed

    Live weight of Holstein cows on average 670-700
    kg, bulls 960-1200 kg.
    the most
    highly productive in the world, average milk yield per
    lactation in the USA is 6700-7000 kg with
    fat content 3.6%, good shape
    and a capacitive udder system.

    Dairy breeds
    Black and white breed
    Full age
    weigh 500-600 kg, bulls 900-1000.
    Under favorable conditions
    feeding milk yield reaches
    4500-5500 kg, milk fat
    regions of Russia 3.5-3.6%, in
    Siberia - 3.7-3.8%.

    Dairy breeds
    Kholmogory breed
    livestock is relatively different
    good weight of cows - 500-550
    kg, bulls 900-1000 kg, milk yield -
    3500-4200 kg, milk fat -
    3,6-3,8 %.

    Dairy breeds
    Yaroslavl breed
    Live weight of cows on average
    is 460-500 kg, bulls -
    700-800 kg. Calves are born with
    average daily gain 700-750 g.
    The lethal yield is 60%.
    Average milk yield of the first lactation
    equal to 2250 kg; third lactation -
    3000 kg milk fat 4%.

    Dairy breeds
    Red steppe breed
    Live weight of cows is 450 550 kg, bulls - 800 900 kg, calves at birth - 28 - 30
    kg. Meat qualities of this breed
    not well developed.
    The lethal output is usually
    50%. Milk productivity at
    3500-4000 kg level, fat content
    – 3,6-3,7%.

    Dairy breeds
    Jersey breed
    Divorced on limited
    Refers to
    fat milk
    The fat content of milk is
    5.0-5.5% (in some individuals -
    up to 7.0%) with a milk yield of 4000-4200 kg

    Dairy breeds
    Ayrshire breed
    Live weight of cows 450-500
    kg. The color is red and motley and
    Ayshir productivity
    livestock reaches 4000 kg.
    The fat content of milk is 4–4.2%.
    The main
    Ayshir cattle to Russia
    imported from Finland.

    Simmental breed
    Weight of adult cows
    is 550-650 kg, bulls - 850-1000 kg,
    calves at birth - 35-45 kg.
    Lethal output - 60-65%.
    Average milk yield of cows - 3500-4000
    kg with a fat content of 3.7-3.9
    %, protein content 3.3-3.6%.

    Breeds of meat and dairy production
    Bestuzhevskaya breed
    Live weight of cows - 550-600 kg,
    bulls - 800-900 kg, calves at
    birth 32-35 kg. Slaughter
    yield 58-60%. Dairy
    productivity of bestuzhevsky
    livestock ranges from 4000 to 5000
    kg, fat content - 3.8-4.0%,
    protein - 4.2 -4.3%.

    Breeds of meat and dairy production
    Swiss breed
    The animals are large. Height in
    withers 129-152 cm. Udder of cows
    bowl-shaped and rounded.
    In the best farms in the country
    milk yield of cows is 42005100 kg of milk with fat content

    Kalmyk breed
    Live weight of cows 400-450 kg,
    bulls 600-800 kg. Average
    lethal yield 55-57%.
    Animals get fat easily
    Xia in pasture conditions.
    low - 1000-1500 kg at
    fat content 4.2-4.3%.

    Breeds of meat productivity
    Kazakh white-headed
    Live weight of cows 500-550 kg,
    bulls about 900 kg. Slaughter
    internal fat up to 40 kg.
    cows 1500-2000 kg at
    fat content of milk 3.8-3.9%.

    Breeds of meat productivity
    Live weight of cows 520-620 kg,
    bulls - 900-1000 kg. Meat
    Milk productivity -
    1000-1800 kg per year. Slaughter
    the average yield is 60–
    65 %.
    Hereford breed

    Breeds of meat productivity
    Early maturing English breeds
    Aberdeen Angus breed
    Galloway breed

    Breeds of meat productivity
    Late maturing French breeds
    Charolais breed
    Salerskaya breed
    Limousine breed
    Obrak breed

    Breeds of meat productivity
    Belgian blue breed
    Shorthorn breed

    Breeds of meat productivity
    American descent
    Santa gertrude

    3. Reproduction and structure of cattle herd
    Reproduction is a complex of organizational and
    veterinary activities:
    correct rearing of pedigree young stock,
    creation optimal conditions feeding,
    keeping and exploiting cows,
    organization of herd repair and artificial
    training and professional development of personnel
    other activities

    Distinguish between simple and extended reproduction:
    with expanded reproduction in a breeding group
    there are up to 70% of cows, and with simple reproduction 50-60%.
    The live weight of heifers at the start of use for
    reproduction must be at least 60-70% of the mass
    adult cows in a herd, that is, not less than 290-320 kg for
    small breeds and 340-350 kg for large (preferably
    380-400 kg).
    Reproduction methods
    Natural fertilization (mating)
    Free mating
    Manual mating
    2. Artificial insemination.

    Herd structure is understood as the percentage
    sex ratio and age groups animals in
    The following groups are distinguished:
    - bulls-producers;
    - cows;
    - heifers;
    - heifers over one year old
    - heifers up to a year;
    - bulls older than one year;
    - bulls up to a year.

    3. The structure of the cattle herd
    When implementing an overhaul
    When implementing everything
    young animals at the age, months
    young animals aged
    Commodity farms
    20 days
    Heifers st.
    of the year
    Chicks up
    of the year
    100 100

    The scheme of using animals of various

    With a milk yield of 4000 kg, the ratio of cows depending on
    calving age should be something like this: cows
    the first three calving 56%, older than three calving - 44%.
    The annual rejection by age in calving will be:
    1st calving - 34%, 2nd calving - 7%, 3rd calving - 9%, 4th calving - 12%, 5
    calving - 18%, 6 calving - 39%, 7 and older - 100%. Average
    the calving age of such a herd will be 4.3.

    Stable tethered
    keeping cows

    4. Methods of keeping cattle
    Loose content
    on a deep litter

    4. Methods of keeping cattle

    4. Methods of keeping cattle
    Boxed-free content with fixation during
    feeding time

    Year-round stall keeping
    with wide use in winter when
    feeding cattle silage, hay, straw, beets
    in summer - green mass of crops
    green conveyor with additives

    5. Cattle housing systems
    Stable-pasture maintenance
    livestock based on feeding
    animals in winter with silage, hay,
    pastures combined with green
    forage crops green conveyor

    5. Cattle housing systems
    stall keeping in winter
    period, and in summer - in camps, where
    feeding him is organized
    green fodder for pastures and
    crops green conveyor.

    5. Cattle housing systems
    Grazing livestock
    improved pastures (usually with
    beef cattle breeding).

    ALPRO system:

    6. Cattle herd management system
    ALPRO system:
    Provides complete information on each cow (tracks
    up to 37 indicators simultaneously)
    Provides the ability to sort cows by
    certain indicators (takes into account a combination of several (up to
    8) parameters)
    Regulates the milking process with the establishment of optimal
    ripple parameters
    Registers data on milk yield
    Tracks cows ready to inseminate
    Ensures that each cow receives the required amount
    feed depending on productivity, throughout the day
    Provides calf care through feeding and drinking stations
    Signals low feed intake and identifies weak and
    sick calves

    Activity sensor. Required for accurate timing
    insemination of a cow. The sensor transmits data about the cow every hour of the day
    and at night, regardless of the location of the cow in the barn

    Collar with transponder and activity sensor. WITH
    with the help of them, all information about the cow goes to
    a computer that registers and analyzes information about
    the cow and the whole herd

    Cow identification and sorting system. Provides
    accurate identification of each animal without disturbing
    this flow of cows

    Feeding stations, processor and transponders provide
    advanced control system for the feeding process. She allows
    correctly determine the rate of issue of concentrates, exclude them
    overspending and overfeeding of animals, especially in the initial period
    lactation. Along with this, it makes it possible to optimally
    distribute the delivery of feed throughout the day.
    Feeding station for dispensing
    concentrated feed
    Control block
    feed station

    The system is connected to feed stations and outboard
    feed dispensers.
    Mobile automatic feeder