Is the school principal right? Job description and responsibilities of the school director. The director's competence allows him

I am a conscientious class teacher. Does the director have the right to release me from class management because I refused to renovate a classroom for which I was not paid. How can I protect my rights and remain the class teacher of this class?

Does the school director have the right to hire a librarian for 0.5 times the salary to work after lunch? no one agrees on other terms. The librarian worked part-time for us from 14.30 to 18.00 daily

Dear consultant! I am writing to you with the following question: I am a teacher of additional education at a school in Krasnodar. My workload is 36 hours a week. I work 4 days a week. Are the remaining 3 days considered my days off? The director claims that we are paid by the state 60 minutes. and not 45 minutes of a lesson, so we do not fully work off budget money, and we can be recalled at any time on our days off from work. does my director have the right, without my consent (the teacher is going on vacation abroad), by order to force me to replace the lessons of this teacher on my days off? In the school’s labor contract it is written: the employer has responsibilities not stipulated by this labor contract only in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. working hours: the employee is given a 6-day working week, the working hours are according to the lesson schedule, the day off is Sunday. I am required to provide in writing

papers with a report. where do I work? am I obliged to do this if I do not work in a budget organization? thank you in advance. with uv. Violetta Savelyevna.

Last year, my daughter studied in the 10th grade. On the eve of participating in the Olympiad, the history teacher took her to prepare for the Olympiad, forgetting to warn the physical education teacher about this, in the next lesson my daughter found out that the physical education teacher gave her a grade of 2, in the end for the first half a year she got a grade of 4. I was at school and talked with the director and the teacher that the teacher does not have the right to give a grade for absenteeism, tardiness, etc. Having not received a clear answer, I retreated. Now my daughter is already in 11th grade and if it weren’t for this B, my daughter could have received a silver medal.

Today the inspector for the affairs of minors came, explaining his visit by saying that throughout the week a man has been calling her and persuading her to visit me with the children, citing that we are poor children, hungry and dirty, but he did not give his name; with us it turned out that this was a boyfriend rejected by me. With this a little but it was clear there was some kind of revenge on his part, but that is the question itself: on what basis did the director and his assistants come to a school where children have not been studying for two years; children are studying in a completely different school and in the school where the children study has no complaints against me, but the director of the old school has incomprehensible complaints and again affected my mother, who has been in the first group of disability for five years. The question is, do they have the right to this?

After the 4th lesson, my girlfriend and I went to the cafeteria to eat, came, bought something to eat and sat down at a free table. We sat calmly and ate, suddenly the teacher came up and said, QUOTE, “Come on, let’s get out of here, the children are supposed to sit here, let’s go quickly,” and at that moment she shoved her hand in my girlfriend’s back, at the moment when she was eating and she choked. I yelled at this teacher, then we left there.

The next day, the school principal came up to me and started telling me, QUOTE, “I’m talking about that incident in the cafeteria. Do you think you did the right thing? Don’t you dare yell at the teacher, you had to apologize and leave there at that time, you ate at the wrong time time when it was supposed to." She talked and talked, I couldn’t say anything, then she said she would call my father. When she left, I managed to shout to her that she could sue the teacher for this. She came up and said that I was wrong, that they could sue me every day. I asked “does she have the right to treat us like that?” she responded with “It’s good that you haven’t started fighting with her yet, you shouldn’t have sat at someone else’s table” and left.

Is this my fault? Why should I apologize to this teacher for treating us like this? We always have the right to eat after the 4th lesson; we don’t pay for lunches, but we buy them ourselves and eat in peace. There was not a person on the table, there was no coupon (a piece of paper with the quantity of the required portions).

What to do in this situation when the father arrives, is it possible to sue for this at all? if so, under which article? As you can see, there is no point in filing a complaint with the director. What to do?

My daughter went to first grade at school No. 79, every morning I take her to school. There she changes clothes in front of me, and I accompany her to the locker room. She gets up to class herself. But lately the school director herself has been standing at the entrance and won’t let parents in, citing the fact that suddenly we will turn out to be terrorists and dirt will be left behind us. Although before the school year, she promised to put a plastic partition on our wing ( to isolate first-graders from high school students), make a toilet for high school students (while they go to our wing with first-graders).

But so far she has not fulfilled her promise. High school students (both female and male) smoke in these toilets and are not allowed to use first-graders to relieve themselves. Children have complained to me many times. The teachers unanimously claim that they are struggling with this, but the director remains inactive. We told her about this more than once, but she is all her own, does not react, and forbids us to enter and accompany our child to the locker room. She actually told us parents that we have no rights at all, and our class teacher constantly gets paid for arguing with her.

When I told the director that we would complain and write letters to higher authorities, she simply threatened our class teacher that if we wrote, then our class teacher would be responsible for all this. Please tell me what we should do. The school is a complete mess, high school students not only smoke in the toilets, but also walk around the school stoned, they don’t change their shoes, junior students are bullied. (For example, last year, in the same toilet, a 7th grader set fire to the hair of a 5th grader). What should we parents do, please tell us.

Where can we turn, although we parents understand that if we start writing and complaining, she will find a reason to fire our class teacher, and will start stuffing our children. The school is a complete mess.

My son entered college, studied for 1 month, during which time he fell ill twice, I decided to take him out of school and transfer him to school in the 10th grade, we agreed with the school, but the school administration refuses to expel us at will, citing the fact that we fell under a government order and funding was transferred to us. Their next argument is that we can only transfer from them to another school, but if we go to school or just leave, they won’t give us the documents. Moreover, they threaten the guardianship service (if the child does not attend classes) or trouble for the school director (if we insist on a transfer).

Please tell me - does the educational institution have the right to refuse to expel us at our own request, to hold us and our documents in this educational institution? If there is no such right, then what articles of the law do they violate?

I have been working at school for 2 years, English language, I have to go on maternity leave in November. Last year I had a 19-hour workload at school plus 5 hours of homeschooled students. After my vacation this year, despite the fact that I announced my pregnancy. I was faced with the fact that I now work 24 hours of main lessons, plus 4 hours of extracurricular work, which does not fit into the schedule at all. Today the director tells me that I have to work with home schooling again, this is another 4 hours. I physically can no longer work, because... 2 shifts. The first week was hard. And she doesn’t even hear me that I won’t go to homeworkers. Because there is 1 more English teacher. To which they answer that I am young and God will give you health. Dear lawyer, please help me figure this out. Do I have the right to refuse not only homeworkers, but also part of the workload? Pregnancy is very difficult. with complications, but no one wants to understand me. thank you very much for your answer.

The school director is the head and “face” of the educational institution. In the modern understanding, a school director is essentially an employee of an educational institution. This position is appointed, not elected. The director is responsible for many issues directly related to the activities of the institution: management of teaching and other personnel, students, economic, financial and legal aspects.

There are certain requirements for a person applying for this position. These include: having a higher vocational education, work experience of at least 5 years in teaching and leadership positions, appropriate level of qualifications and certification. When appointing a school director, not only higher pedagogical education, but also management education is welcome. The founder of the educational institution appoints the school director and dismisses him from his position. The school director can be appointed by promoting his current deputies, or “from the outside.”

Control over the activities of the director of an educational institution

If the school is public, then the founder is the city education department or municipality represented by the head of this department. The employer of the school director is the education department, which enters into an employment contract with him and sets the salary. The director's salary is determined based on the average salary of teaching staff. If the school is private, then the founders may be private legal and individuals. In this case, the founder also enters into an employment contract with the director and sets the salary. An employment contract with a school director can be concluded for either a fixed-term or an indefinite period. The founder exercises control over the activities of the director and the institution as a whole.

The founder of an educational institution may also appoint a Supervisory Board, which exercises control over professional activity director, educational process, financial resources, committing major transactions and so on. The composition of the Supervisory Board is approved by the founder of the educational institution in the form of an order.

The school director is responsible for administrative and criminal liability. The director may also be dismissed from his position by court decision.

Basic rights and responsibilities of the school director

1. The school director has the right to:

Management of the educational institution and personnel and decision-making within the powers established by the school Charter;

Conclusion and termination of labor, civil and other contracts with employees;

Creation, together with other leaders, of associations to protect their interests and to join such associations;

Organization of working conditions for employees, determined by agreement with the owner of the organization;

Encouraging employees and applying disciplinary measures to them.

2. The school director is obliged:

Pay wages in full within the terms established in the collective agreement, internal rules labor regulations, employment contracts;

Provide medical and other types of compulsory insurance for employees;

Create jobs for people with disabilities within the established quota;

Carry out measures to preserve jobs;

Create conditions that ensure the protection of the life and health of students, pupils and workers, prevent their incidence of injuries, monitor employees’ knowledge and compliance with the requirements of safety instructions, industrial sanitation and hygiene, and fire safety rules.

3. Basic rights and responsibilities of school employees

The employee has the right to:

A job that suits him vocational training and qualifications;

Industrial and social conditions that ensure safety and compliance with occupational hygiene requirements;

Upon written request, the vacation must be postponed even if the employer did not notify the employee in a timely manner (no later than 14 days) about the time of his vacation or did not pay before the start of the vacation wages during the vacation in advance (clause 17 of the Rules).

5.16. Teaching staff are prohibited from:

Change the lesson (lesson) schedule and work schedule at your own discretion;

Cancel, change the duration of lessons (classes) and breaks (changes) between them;

Remove students (pupils) from lessons (classes);

Smoking on school premises.

5.17. School employees and administration are prohibited from:

Distract teaching staff from their
direct work to perform various types

events and assignments not related to production activities;

Convene in work time meetings, meetings and all kinds of meetings on public affairs;

The presence of unauthorized persons at lessons (classes) without the permission of the school administration;

Enter the class (group) after the start of the lesson (lesson). This right, in exceptional cases, is exercised only by the school director or his deputies;

Make comments to teaching staff about their
work during lessons (classes) and in the presence of
students (pupils).

6. Rewards for success at work.

6.1.3a conscientious work, exemplary performance labor responsibilities, success in training and education of students (pupils), innovation in work and other achievements in work, the following forms of employee incentives are applied (Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

Declaration of gratitude;

Issuing a bonus;

Rewarding with a valuable gift;

Awarding a certificate of honor;

Nomination for the title of the best in the profession;

Nomination for state awards for special labor services to society and the state.

6.2. Incentives are announced in the school order, brought to the attention of the staff and entered into the employee’s work book.

7. Labor discipline.

7.1.Employees of an educational institution must obey the school director and his deputies and follow their instructions related to labor activity, as well as orders and regulations communicated with the help of service instructions or advertisements.

7.2. Workers, regardless of official position, are obliged to show
mutual politeness, respect, tolerance, respect official
discipline, professional ethics.

7.3. For violation of labor discipline, i.e. failure to comply or
improper performance due to the fault of the employee of the duties assigned to him
labor duties (documents establishing labor
employee responsibilities educational institutions listed above)
The administration has the right to apply the following disciplinary sanctions
(Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):



Dismissal for appropriate reasons.

7.4. Legislation on disciplinary liability may be
provided for individual categories workers as well as others
disciplinary sanctions (Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, according to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (clause 3. Article 56), in addition to the grounds for termination employment contract at the initiative of the administration before the expiration of the employment contract are:

Repeated gross violation of the school charter within a year;

Application, including one-time use, of educational methods related to physical and (or) mental violence over the personality of the student, pupil;

Appearing at work in a state of alcohol, drug or toxic intoxication.

7.5. In one disciplinary offense only one can be applied
disciplinary action.

7.6. Application of disciplinary measures not provided for
prohibited by law.

7.7. Disciplinary action must be imposed within the time limits
established by law.

7.7.1. Disciplinary action is applied directly for
discovery of the offense, but no later than one month from the date of its
detection, not counting the time of illness of the employee or his stay in

Penalty cannot be applied later than six months from the date of commission of the offense. The specified time frame does not include the time of criminal proceedings (Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

7.7.2. In accordance with Article 55 (clauses 2.3) of the Law “On Education”
disciplinary investigation of violations by teaching staff
educational institution can be carried out only on received
a complaint against him, submitted in writing, a copy of which must be
transferred to this teacher.

The progress of the disciplinary investigation and the decisions made based on its results can be made public only with the consent of this teaching worker, with the exception of cases leading to a prohibition from engaging in teaching activities, or if it is necessary to protect the interests of students or pupils.

7.7.3. Before applying a penalty from a violator of labor discipline
explanations must be requested in writing. Employee refusal
provide an explanation cannot be an obstacle to the application
disciplinary action (Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

7.8. The disciplinary measure is determined taking into account the severity of the offense committed, the circumstances under which it was committed, the employee’s previous work and behavior.

7.9. An order to apply a disciplinary sanction indicating the reasons for its application is announced (notified) to the employee subject to the penalty against receipt (Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

7.9.1. Record of disciplinary action in work book the employee is not subject to dismissal, except in cases of dismissal for violation of labor discipline.

7.10. If an employee disagrees with the disciplinary sanction imposed on him, he has the right to appeal to the commission for labor disputes schools and/or to court.

7.11. If within a year from the date of imposition of a disciplinary sanction the employee is not subject to a new disciplinary action, then he is considered not to have been subjected to disciplinary action (Article 194 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

8. Labor protection and industrial sanitation.

8.1. Each employee is obliged to comply with the requirements for labor protection and industrial sanitation provided for by current laws and other regulations, as well as follow the instructions of the Federal Labor Inspectorate (Rostrudinspektsiya), the instructions of the authorities labor inspection trade unions and representatives of joint commissions on labor protection.

8.2. When ensuring labor safety measures, the school director must
be guided by the Standard Regulations on the Procedure for Training and Testing
knowledge on labor protection of managers and specialists of institutions,
enterprises of the education system, Regulations on the procedure for investigation,
accounting and registration of accidents with students and pupils
in the education system of the Russian Federation.

8.3. All school employees, including the director, are required to undergo training
briefing, testing knowledge of rules, regulations and instructions on labor protection and
safety precautions in the manner and within the time limits established for
certain types of work and professions.

8.4. In order to prevent accidents and professional
diseases, labor safety instructions must be strictly followed,
violation leads to disciplinary action,
provided for in Chapter VII of these rules.