Connection to taxi orders without exams. Software solution "SimTax" for taxi services Taxi without dispatcher communication driver passenger

A comprehensive solution for taxi services "SimTax" is designed to increase efficiency operating activities taxi services. A manager, 5 programmers, 2 testers, a project manager and a product manager work on the creation, implementation and support of the software. Before launching the system on the market, it was extensively tested on more than 5 services, where it proved to be 100% effective.

Taxi program: what we offer

Our company provides customers with 3 functional options for taxi services programs designed for a variety of consumers. We offer to purchase and install:

1. control system for the dispatcher;

2. mobile app for taxi drivers;

3. mobile application for customers using the services of road carriers.

Taxi service software: dispatching part

A taxi service specialist working at a computer on which our taxi dispatcher software is installed has the ability to:

1. fully control the execution of orders;

2. keep records of drivers and customers;

3. set the tariff scale;

4. control whether the drivers have paid for the services of the taxi company;

5. Automatically generate reports on the operation of the service for a certain period.

Taxi driver program

Drivers working with the "SimTax" program can:

1. easy and simple to register in the system;

2. set the work area, as a result of which orders will be received automatically;

3. cancel an already taken order at any stage of its implementation;

4. generate reports automatically;

5. choose a convenient type of payment for fleet services.

Mobile application for the client

Clients, having installed a mobile application, get the opportunity to:

1. place an order for a car in advance, indicating the desired delivery time;

2. call a female driver;

3. order drivers (service "sober driver");

4. choose a car class that suits the price;

5. call a car directly in the taxi program without calling the service itself;

6. track the route of each trip;

7. pay for taxi services by credit card or cash.

Cooperation options

"SimTax" is implemented in two variants:

1. A boxed solution with the ability to use the software without restrictions.

2. Installation and commissioning free application with the conclusion of an agreement for the payment of a subscription fee for orders.

Do you want to compete with powerful competitors, such as Yandex.Taxi, TapTaxi, Uber? The best choice in this case will buy a program for a taxi service. Call and our employees will definitely help your company improve the quality of customer service!

Softphone operating on the SIP protocol;

Internet telephony in SeDi The telephone agent built into SeDiManager allows you to use any number of Internet telephony channels, and when using the appropriate gateways, both terrestrial and mobile communication channels. This will allow the use of remote workplaces and reduce the cost of maintaining a corporate telephone ...

Internet telephony in SeDi

The telephone agent built into SeDiManager allows you to use any number of Internet telephony channels, and when using the appropriate gateways, both terrestrial and mobile communication channels. This will allow the use of remote workplaces and reduce the cost of maintaining corporate telephone communications.

Recording telephone conversations;

Continuous accounting and recording of telephone conversations All telephone conversations are recorded in the system. You can always listen to the conversations of customers with dispatchers for any period of time. All calls are recorded by topic, this allows you to find out what kind of telephone conversation was, whether it was an order, a call to the driver, a cost estimate, etc. This approach avoids many controversial...

Permanent accounting and recording of telephone conversations

The system records all telephone conversations. You can always listen to the conversations of customers with dispatchers for any period of time. All calls are recorded by topic, this allows you to find out what kind of telephone conversation was, whether it was an order, a call to the driver, a cost estimate, etc.

This approach avoids many controversial situations.

Functionality for GPS, Glonass vehicle monitoring

Free GPS, GLONASS monitoring Not the main, but absolutely necessary component of the SeDi system. Free GPS, GLONASS monitoring means saving about 500 rubles on transport monitoring from one taxi car. We connect any type of GLONASS or GPS to our system...

Free GPS, GLONASS monitoring

Not the main, but absolutely necessary component of the SeDi system.
Free GPS, GLONASS monitoring means saving about 500 rubles on transport monitoring from one taxi car.

We connect any kind of GLONASS or GPS devices to our system.

Form for calculating the cost of a trip and registering an order;

Calculating the cost of an order is convenient! After specifying the tariffs for taxi services, the dispatcher can calculate the cost of the trip along the client's route. In this case, the system can take into account traffic difficulties in the city. To calculate upon the completion of the trip, the system provides an electronic taximeter that calculates in real time. Using the functionality of SeDi, a taxi company can provide its customers with the ability to calculate the cost on their website, with the function ...

Calculating the cost of an order is convenient!

After specifying the tariffs for taxi services, the dispatcher can calculate the cost of the trip along the client's route. In this case, the system can take into account traffic difficulties in the city. To calculate upon the completion of the trip, the system provides an electronic taximeter that calculates in real time.
Using the SeDi functionality, a taxi company can provide its customers with the ability to calculate the cost on their website, with the function of registering an order online.

Means of accounting and analysis of all registered orders;

Continuous accounting of orders Automated accounting of all registered orders. The ability to analyze orders by date, driver, dispatcher, client, cash / non-cash, completion status and...

Permanent accounting of orders

Automated accounting of all registered orders. Ability to analyze orders by date, driver, dispatcher, client, cash/clearance, completion status, etc.

Forms for registration in the program of employees, customers and vehicles;

Driver's card A form for registering and making changes to the driver's registration data in the system. It is possible to upload photos and documents of an employee, photo...

Driver card

Registration form and making changes to the driver's registration data in the system. It is possible to upload photos and documents of an employee, a photo of a car.

Financial reporting within the company and with the Organizer of the System

Reporting in the SeDi system A large number of query options allows you to create detailed reports on the company's activities. Profit report, report on interaction with corporate clients, report on the work of drivers, report on interaction with SeDi, summary report on a specific driver - these are the main reports that help to have accurate information about the activity...

Reporting in the SeDi system

A large number of query options allows you to create detailed reports on the company's activities. Profit report, report on interaction with corporate clients, report on the work of drivers, report on interaction with SeDi, summary report on a specific driver - these are the main reports that help to have accurate information about the company's activities.

Our taxi system has everything you need

Our complex includes:

  • Taxi program SeDiManager;
  • Module for the driver to work through regular SMS messages;
  • Programs for taxi drivers on mobile devices, phones, PDAs and Navigators;
  • Electronic taximeter;
  • Functionality of ordering a taxi for corporate clients;
  • Widgets for ordering a taxi from websites and social networks, for example, VKontakte;
  • Automated exchange of taxi orders;
  • IP telephony;
  • GLONASS/GPS monitoring of transport;
  • Messenger for single and mass mailing of messages;
  • Functionality for automating a taxi website.

This is not a complete list of opportunities that the SeDi Manager program gives to the user. According to one of our partners, he initially accepted the SeDi system as another taxi program, but as he became more familiar with it, he came to understand that the SeDi system is not just a set of programs, but a ready-made full-featured complex for creating, developing and control of the taxi business, making it easy to implement various innovative, interesting ideas in this business. Unfortunately, it is impossible to tell everything about our System on the site. If the above is of interest to you, then call or write to us, and we will provide you with access to the SeDi Manager program for study and testing.

Join us and you will see that the SeDi system is what you need!

Connecting large dispatch services in Moscow to taxi programs will allow you to constantly receive additional orders and use your own car and the fleet of attracted cars with maximum efficiency. Connecting to dispatch taxis will help automate the workflow and take it to a new level:

  • Convenient systems for managing taxi orders in programs allow you to quickly navigate and choose the most profitable routes, as well as avoid downtime and trips without a client. Applications will be displayed online on a mobile phone or tablet. You will be able to receive orders depending on the location of your car.
  • Payment will be automatically credited immediately to your account.

Free online connection to the taxi dispatch service program will make your work more productive. During the day, you will have time to complete more orders, simultaneously doing your own business - for example, while driving home. Connecting to a taxi with us is very easy - we will arrange everything online, without forcing you to come to the office.

  • We connect Yandex Taxi, Uber, Gett to orders.
  • Remote connection without coming to the office.
  • Bonus for new drivers - 0% commission.
  • Complete supporting documentation for free.
Earn with us from 7,000 to 11,000 rubles per shift
Earn the first money on the day of treatment!
We connect instantly!

One of the main aggregators in Russia, which has won its place in the market thanks to the rate on the maximum mutually beneficial cooperation with their drivers. Connect to them and get many benefits, such as: pay for downtime bonuses for completing weekly tasks

Connecting to taxi orders - which system to choose?

To be able to connect to the taxi order distribution system, you need to choose the program that suits you best.

Various mobile services differ in the following parameters:

  • the driver has a taxi license (for most systems, this condition is mandatory);
  • commission on orders (this parameter must be considered in combination with order prices. For example, the commission percentage can be large, and the order price is also large);
  • automation of order distribution (in some programs there is no dispatcher, distribution occurs automatically);
  • coverage area (cities where orders are accepted);
  • the presence of numerous parameters and settings in the mobile application (it can be difficult for beginners to understand all the intricacies of the program, it will take additional time to master the program);
  • presence and amount of fines.

the only general condition to connect to the taxi order distribution system is the availability of a modern mobile phone or tablet with unlimited internet access.

A Brief Overview of Taxi Order Distribution Systems

Yandex.Taxi - the ability to order a taxi by a client without calling the dispatch service. The customer places an order through his mobile application. Drivers get the opportunity to choose the order closest to them. The program has many settings. The commission is between 14% and 19% depending on the application that is being used. A taxi license is required. The service works in the cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Kazan, Vologda and Krasnoyarsk.

RBT (Russian Taxi Exchange) - the main focus of this service - to fulfill urgent orders (which is beneficial to the client) and to ensure that the driver can quickly choose the most profitable order. It is also possible to transfer your orders to other drivers if for some reason you do not have time to order. Commission on orders from 15%. An extensive system of fines. Easy to learn program, suitable for beginners in taxi. A license is not required. Works in many cities of Russia.

Up&Up is a fully automated service, no dispatch service. Orders are distributed instantly. There are no "bargaining" between drivers for an order. The system of fines is reduced to a minimum. Commission fixed 20%. Covers cities throughout Russia. Required. Commission 20% of the order value.

You can connect to one or more systems at the same time. This will increase your ability to select the most profitable orders.