Basic types and styles of collages. Very interesting ways to create a collage from photos on your computer? Beautiful do-it-yourself collages

Hello dear readers! Today I will share with you a technique on how to create a collage from photos on the computer. Read the article to the end and you will learn several ways to create a collage. You will definitely like one of them.

Collage– this is the arrangement of photographs on one canvas. There are several types of such compositions and they are determined by the purpose for which they were created.

Family photo puzzle.

It is made from photographs of all family members. This also includes romantic ones that tell a love story. But the purposes here are different: as a gift or for interior decoration. Agree, it’s nice to walk into a room and see the history of your family. The longer you stay together, the number of images will grow.

Vacation photo puzzle.

It is, in a way, a kind of report on how your vacation went. After all, it happens that the vacation has passed, and we didn’t notice it. Can become a stylish decoration in the bedroom.

Salesman collage.

This view is created with the goal of showing all products in one message, so as not to clutter up the airwaves. It is mainly used by networkers whose choice does not exceed 50 products.

This type of composition is created with the aim of visualizing your goals in order to be sure to achieve them. Because if we set goals simply in our heads, then 98% of them will not be achieved. There will be some obstacles and excuses to bring them to life. And then there will be a picture before your eyes that will make you move, move and act. And this is already a definite path to success. Is not it?

Now we will look in detail at how to create a collage. There is more than one of them, I will highlight the most popular ones:

  • Using the Photo Collage program.
  • Photoshop.

Photo Collage program.

There are special programs for creating collages for both smartphones and computers. For example, Photo Collage. It is free. You can download it to your PC using search engine, in which you will find it. And follow simple steps to install it. Next, launch the program and select “New Collage”.

We choose a template according to the theme: simple, children's, wedding and others. You can also select a background. And place photos in the empty windows in any order. Afterwards you need to save it so that you can print it or set it as a screensaver on your desktop.

Opening Power Point. And in the main menu, first select the “Comparison” design. Then select the “View” section, then “Sample modes” and finally “slide sample”.

Using “Insert Layout” we add a new layout. Next, you need to insert a placeholder from the list. We give the resulting layout the name Collage and now you can insert photos, pictures and create a background. After finishing the work, do not forget to save our masterpiece.

I like to create compositions using tables. Open Word – Insert – Tables. We create a small table, give it a design, and insert a picture into each window and you will have a simple photo puzzle of images.


And now we come to Photoshop. Launch the photo editor Photoshop. You need to select images for the composition in advance. After launch, we load all the selected images into it.

Advice. Choose no more than 8 photos, otherwise it will be difficult to see them.

Click create file and select a size larger than the expected result. Next, insert the photos onto the canvas using the “copy”-“paste” command.

We arrange the pictures in the order we want. The next step is to merge all the layers and optionally add a watermark.

These are the kind of collages that you don't watch every minute. It's a movie of sorts. To do this, you need to download the Movie Maker program, it is absolutely free. Launch it. Transfer all the desired photos and your favorite melody. Add interesting transitions, adjust the duration of each image, so that you don't end up with a song before the photos are shown.

Advice! Before saving, play the video to make sure everything goes as it should.

And save your creation. This will be a wonderful gift for a birthday, wedding anniversary or any other very important event.

This concludes my article “how to create a collage from photos on a computer.” I hope you liked it. Create your masterpieces, visualize and achieve your goals.

Photos preserve moments that will never happen again. Therefore, personal and family photographs carry deep meaning for any person. Receiving a collage of photographs for your birthday means once again plunging into these significant life moments.

A collage of photographs presented to the birthday person on his birthday helps create a festive atmosphere. Such gifts are always discussed. Guests enjoy looking at photos where the hero of the occasion is small or captured in a funny situation.

From the point of view of the value of the gift, the collage indicates that the gift was thought out, effort and time were spent on it.

Paper photo collage

If the donor has a desire to approach the process creatively, humorous masterpieces may appear. But even a simple thematic selection of photographs arranged on a white sheet of Whatman paper can become a great gift.

A collage of birthday photos will be a pleasant surprise for both a close relative and a loved one

A paper photo collage is the simplest collage option.

Matchbox collage

An ordinary thing, like an empty matchbox, becomes a good source material in the right hands.

This version of photo collage has many advantages:

  • Economical. You can make it from scrap materials. For decoration, remnants of multi-colored paper, postcards, leftover jewelry, ribbons and braids are suitable.
  • It's easy to choose the frame size for any photo. In home photo albums, all photos are usually the same size. But the collage looks better when there are a lot of different-sized photos. By experimenting with photos and boxes, you can find the perfect size.

Making a collage from matchboxes is not difficult, but it will require perseverance and accuracy. One evening will be enough.

To work you will need:

  • Empty matchboxes – 72 pcs.
  • Photos.
  • Thick cardboard.
  • Glue, scissors, paint, brush.
  • Colored or wrapping paper, old postcards.
  • Decor.

Stages of making a collage:

  1. You should start work by preparing the boxes. You will need 12 pieces with lids and 60 without. 12 whole boxes will serve as the top and bottom frames.
  2. Next, you need to lay out the boxes in the form of a rectangle, where the long side will be formed from 12 boxes laid horizontally. The width of the rectangle fits 6 boxes. The first and last row are made from solid boxes.
  3. The next step is to select photos and determine where they will be located. If necessary, adjust their dimensions to the dimensions of the boxes. This is where the most difficult part of the work ends.
  4. It is necessary to glue the boxes onto a sheet of cardboard. To do this, you should draw the boundaries of the rectangle on the cardboard so that the template does not warp when sticking it on.
  5. You need to take each box separately and glue it. On some, the sides need to be cut off to accommodate a larger photo.
  6. After all the boxes are glued, you should align the borders of the cardboard to the borders of the resulting structure.
  7. Next, paint the inner and outer sides of the boxes., and also completely cover the first and last row of whole boxes with paint.
  8. When the paint has dried, you need to paste the photographs into the places selected for them, and trim them if necessary.
  9. Boxes not filled with photographs should be decorated. You can paste colored paper as a background and then decorate the resulting cells with any small things available in the house: unnecessary jewelry, buttons, flowers, herbarium.

A collage of birthday photos can be signed with wishes for the birthday person. To do this you need to use the first and last row of boxes.

Photo collage in the form of puzzles

It’s easy to make a collage of birthday photos in the form of puzzles. This is an original version of a photo collage, since it can actually be disassembled and assembled. And if you make the parts of the same shape and size, then the photographs can be swapped at your discretion.

To make a collage puzzle you will need:

  1. Puzzle piece blank form (10 cm * 10 cm).
  2. 4 photos.
  3. White and red paper.
  4. Thick cardboard.
  5. Glue, scissors, stationery knife, tape, rope.

Stages of work:

  1. Using a blank puzzle piece, transfer its outline onto white and red paper and then cut it out. You need to make 2 puzzles of each color.
  2. Next, you need to assemble 4 puzzle pieces together and glue them onto a sheet of cardboard.
  3. The cardboard should be cut along the outer contour of the parts.
  4. In the center of each puzzle you need to glue a photo.
  5. If the collage is supposed to hang on the wall, then you need to glue a rope to the back of the cardboard using tape. The work is ready.
  6. If the photo collage must be disassembled and assembled, then the cardboard should be cut along the contour of the puzzle pieces.
  7. If you want to place more photos, you can use the back side of the cardboard. To do this, cut out 2 more pieces from white and red paper and glue them with reverse side cardboard

The final step is to paste 4 more photographs.

What size should I make the collage?

The size of the collage will depend on the place where it will be hung. Especially when it comes to large products. There is no point in giving a large collage if a person does not have a free wall for it. The design of the collage also matters. For example, if it is heart-shaped, then its place is in the bedroom.

Accordingly, you should find out how it can be placed in the bedroom.

How many photos will you need?

The number of photos for a collage depends on the size of the work, the available photos and the chosen design. Even a few photographs in an original design can look interesting. The event for which the collage is being prepared also matters.

For example, if it is a birthday, then often the photographs indicate different periods of life. For a child, this is growing up over the years. For an adult, important events such as school, college, wedding, birth of children and others. Therefore, the number of photographs should be such as to show “ life path» person.

Are captions needed?

Inscriptions on the collage allow you to make the gift more personal.

People with humor can come up with funny comments on photos. On the collage you can write your wishes on the occasion of a festive event. If the collage is made for a colleague or on the occasion of graduation from school or college, then the inscriptions after many years will serve as a reminder of past events and people whom we have not seen for a long time.

How to make a collage using a template: materials and tools

When creating a collage, several issues need to be addressed:

  1. Subject of work.
  2. Selecting a base or template.

The value of a collage is that it can be made from scrap materials. Therefore, it is possible to use different bases for the template. For example, wooden surfaces, or plastic. Large or small photo frames will also work. The template can be made from corrugated cardboard. It is suitable if you need to cut out a base of complex shape.

Even an ordinary wall can become a base.

If you glue photos directly to the wall, you need to use double-sided tape. Or you can come up with original ways to attach photos. To make photo collages you will need the following tools: glue, regular and double-sided tape, scissors, a stationery knife (for cutting thick cardboard), and a ruler.

Any things that can be used to make decoration are suitable as materials for a collage. Usually the materials are limited only by the imagination of the performer. However, the main ones include: paper (white and colored), cardboard, paints, photos, various pictures, postcards, beads, buttons, artificial flowers, leftover ribbons and other decor.

Master class on creating a paper collage

Making a birthday photo collage is easier than it might seem. Even a person far from creative can handle a simple collage, where the base is ordinary cardboard or whatman paper, and the photographs are selected in the same size.

To work you will need:

  • A sheet of whatman paper, you can use the remains of a roll of wallpaper, both on the clean side and on the side with the pattern.
  • Photos are the same size. The quantity can be any, as long as it is a multiple of 4.
  • Glue with a brush.
  • Double sided tape.

Stages of work:

  1. It is necessary to place the photographs in even rows. By rearranging them, you should choose the most harmonious option placing photos on paper.
  2. The accuracy of the work depends on how accurately the sizes of the photographs and whatman paper are adjusted and whether the rows are even (for this you can barely noticeably draw guide lines on the paper).
  3. After all the preparations are made, you need to stick the photographs on double-sided tape or glue.
  4. The collage will hang on the wall. To prevent dust, sunlight and time from damaging photographs, it is recommended to use the decoupage technique. Namely, paint the entire surface of the collage with one or two layers of PVA glue or special glue for decoupage. This will add shine to the surface and protect the collage from external adverse influences.

You can attach the collage to the wall with double-sided tape, or thread a rope into the upper corners of the collage and hang it on a nail.

Collage in a wooden frame

As a wooden frame for a collage, you can use any frame available in the house, for example, a photo, painting or mirror, or you can make it yourself. The master class uses a ready-made frame for collages.

Necessary materials:

  • Wooden frame.
  • Scrapbooking paper, or you can use colored paper, wrapping paper, magazine clippings, and more.
  • Rhinestones, flowers, buttons, lace, sparkles and other details that your own imagination suggests.
  • Photos.

Video demonstrating the process of creating a collage from photos with frames:

Stages of making a collage

  1. First of all, you need to decide on the placement of photos. Placement may depend on time stages, on the size of the photograph, on the presence or absence of sufficient materials for decoration.
  2. If necessary, photographs can be signed.
  3. The spaces not occupied by photo cards should be filled with colored or other paper. The best result can only be achieved experimentally, trying different placement options.
  4. Further, also experimenting, you need to try different decor options.
  5. After the optimal collage option has been found, you need to photograph the resulting project and remove the decor from the photo.
  6. On final stage Photos and colored paper should be glued into a wooden frame.

Lastly, you need to attach the decor to the collage with glue, focusing on the saved photo.

Ideas for designing and decorating a collage for mom

A collage for a gift for mom on Mother's Day is usually made on a family theme. These can be photographs of mother and children separately, or general family photos, photos from family vacations and holidays. These photos should evoke warm feelings. This idea can be used when there are few photos.

The collage benefits from the originality and simplicity of the idea. The photographs in the collage are selected in such a way as to show mom her achievements in family life. Photos selected in the same style or from the same photo shoot look especially organic.

Original collage for a child

A collage for a one-year-old baby usually features photographs showing his growth month by month. The collage will also help you cope with the festive decoration of the room for your baby’s first birthday. For older children, the idea is the same, but the stages of growing up will be counted in years.

Collage as a gift for your wife or husband

The simplest idea for a collage for a husband or wife, including for a wedding day, would be to use wedding photos. These photographs are usually taken in the same style, so you can create a beautiful collage without additional decorations. Other romantic photos will also work.

They can be laid out in the shape of a heart directly on the wall in the room using double-sided tape.

Before attaching photographs, you should make markings on the wall. The lack of free space on the wall is not a reason to abandon the collage idea. The original family tree will allow you to change the foliage from the photo, in accordance with the events taking place in the family and holidays.

Collage for a friend's birthday

On a collage for a friend, you can place joint photos as a souvenir, or photos related to some common events. There are usually secrets between friends, so photographs can be accompanied by inscriptions that will be understandable only to the author and the person for whom the gift is being made.

You should avoid photographs where the birthday person looks bad, or the event may cause a negative reaction in him.

Article format: E. Chaikina

Useful video about photo collages

WITH original ideas Placement of photos can be found in this video:

"If you smile,all your dreams will come true!"

Collage of wishes, aka "Wish Poster", she's the same "Newspaper of Happiness", she's the same "Treasure map" or visualization is a collage in which your desires and dreams are depicted.

Imagination is the main tool of any person, because we can only do what we can imagine! Since our brain receives most of the information through the eyes, real pictures and photographs become the most effective elements of self-programming. If you can do it introduce, you can this achieve! Dreams Come True! Otherwise, nature would not have endowed us with the ability to dream.

There are collages annual affecting all areas of our lives and thematic, designed to improve a specific area, for example, getting a desired job, going on a trip, improving family relationships, etc. In this article we will talk about compiling the Annual Collage of Desires, since the Thematic Collage is simply one of its components, and it is made according to the same principles.

Thematic collage

Annual and thematic collage can be individual, i.e. intended only for you and reflect the aspirations of your soul, or family. The latter takes into account the interests and desires of all family members and is produced jointly. You can attract even the oldest and youngest family members, because there are no age restrictions for creativity and dreams!

When is the best time to start making a collage?

My answer is right when you feel the desire and are ready to start!

It’s very good if the desire and opportunity to create comes from:

  • The period of the waxing moon, the most favorable are considered to be from the 1st to the 5th lunar days;
  • Your birthday (favorable period is a month before and after your birthday);
  • The lunar day on which you were born, even if it is a waning moon;
  • New Year holidays: calendar New Year, old new year, Chinese new year, etc.;
  • Depending on your religion, on various religious holidays, for example, for Buddhists - these are the 9th and 21st lunar days - the days of Daka and Dakini, respectively; full moon, the most powerful - the May full moon - Buddha's birthday;
  • Your option;
  • But the most important day is the one when you just want to create!

So, the stars have aligned, now is the time to decide collage structure. Best suited for an annual collage Ba Gua grid of Feng Shui system. Why her? Because it includes all areas of our lives: health, family, love and relationships, children, creativity, career, success, wealth, wisdom, knowledge, helpers, protectors, and travel. To build a harmonious and happy life, it is important to set the vector of the desired development in all of these areas.

Methods for making a Collage:

  • Draw by hand, with paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, on a blank sheet of paper in format A1, A2, A3, A4, and for this you do not have to be an artist, but the main condition must be met - your collage must be Very like!
  • Paste pre-assembled pictures and phrases from newspapers and magazines on a sheet of paper in A1, A2, A3, A4 format. You can also download and print from the Internet the pictures you like in the form of photographs, pictures on a color or even black and white printer.
  • Print in A1, A2, A3, A4 format a collage drawn in any of the graphic editors, made up of pictures and photos uploaded to the Internet or drawn by yourself.
  • A combination of the three previous methods.
  • Your option.

Step-by-step instructions for making an annual collage:

In our example, we use the Ba Gua grid structure of the Feng Shui system, you can use any other system you like, but the one that you create yourself will work best!

Step 1. Desires must be clear, clear and written down on paper.

Take a blank sheet of paper or in electronic format, desired format. What paper is best suited in size A1. We divide it into 9 equal parts and give names to all sectors:

  • Wealth, prosperity.
  • Glory, success.
  • Love, marriage.
  • Relationships with loved ones, parents, friends.
  • Me, health.
  • Children, creativity.
  • Wisdom, knowledge, travel.
  • Career, life path, new projects.
  • Assistants, significant people, defenders, patrons.

To get what you want from life, you must first determine what you want.

Therefore, in each sector we write down our goals and desires for the next year or more:

  • The desire must be clearly and clearly expressed in a few words in the affirmative form and present tense, as if you already have what you want;
  • Without a piece "Not";
  • Desire should bring pleasure to you and your loved ones;
  • The desire must be safe for you and others;
  • There is no need to expand your consciousness, just stop limiting it. Dream, write, achieve and do not deny yourself anything for the joy of you and your loved ones!

Important!!! During the filling process, we leave one sector empty. Which one - you will see for yourself. This sector is still closed from you and the Higher Powers themselves decide what surprise to arrange for you in it. The sectors of men and women will differ in their fullness, since a man is realized in achievements, and a woman is realized in relationships.

For example:

  • Sector "Wealth, well-being":
    • I/our family owns a house in the mountains of Crimea, with a fireplace and a swimming pool;
    • I have a ring with a large dark blue sapphire and diamonds;
    • I easily attract money into my life;
    • Money comes to me easily and often;
    • I have a large wardrobe of beautiful dresses, shoes and several fur coats in which I look amazing;
    • I am the owner of a new red Range Rover jeep;
    • My monthly income is $10,000;
    • Etc.
  • Sector "Glory, success":
    • I am the youngest member of the Forbes ranking;
    • My husband and I are the perfect couple;
    • I am a magnet for love, luck and money;
    • I won $1,000,000 in the lottery;
    • Etc.
  • Sector "Love, marriage":
    • The man of my dreams proposed marriage to me;
    • My wedding is the most beautiful;
    • My honeymoon on the islands;
    • I am a beloved and loving wife;
    • I'm happily married;
    • Etc.
  • Sector "Relationships with loved ones, parents, friends":
    • My parents are healthy and happy;
    • My husband likes to give me gifts;
    • My husband and I often spend time talking by the fireplace with a glass of wine and sweets;
    • We often spoil each other by bringing coffee in bed;
    • My husband enjoys spending time with our children, they play together, fool around, read books and make things;
    • Etc.
  • Sector "I, health":
    • My family and I are healthy and happy;
    • I have a beautiful, slender figure;
    • My stable body weight is 47 kg;
    • I am healthy;
    • I have beautiful thick hair;
    • I have a flat tummy;
    • Etc.
  • Sector "Children, creativity":
    • I gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby;
    • I am a happy mother, beloved and loving woman;
    • My son is growing up obedient and smart, to the delight of his parents;
    • I easily and joyfully express myself in my creativity by cross-stitching beautiful pictures;
    • Etc.
  • Sector "Wisdom, knowledge, travel":
    • I successfully defended my PhD thesis;
    • Our whole family went on a trip around the world;
    • Etc.
  • Sector "Career, life path, new projects":
    • I am a successful business leader;
    • I'm the best salesman;
    • I am constantly growing and developing professionally;
    • Etc.
  • Sector "Helpers, significant people, defenders, patrons":
    • My Guardian Angel is always next to me and takes care of me;
    • The universe is taking care of me;
    • Vladimir Putin is assisting me in implementing my project;
    • etc.

Step 2. We draw our own world!

Let's start gluing, drawing pictures, photographs and slogans. By cutting out images we like from magazines, we materialize our desires, which are sometimes difficult to imagine in reality and, moreover, to hold on to these mental images for a long time. And here are a few simple secrets on how to quickly bring what you want into your life:

  • All you need is to know where you want to go, the right decisions and means to realize what you want will arise by themselves! You reflect only the end result, not the means to achieve it.
  • Before pasting a picture reflecting your desire, look at it and answer the question: “How do I feel when I have this or when I am like this?”/ The feeling of owning these things should cause emotional comfort and pleasure. This means this is really your desire, and not someone else’s. This means this is the desire of your soul, not your mind, and only in this case will your subconscious mind help you make your dream come true.
  • If you find a slogan that suits you in its entirety in magazines, newspapers or the Internet, this means that the phrase you need is in your life already started working and will soon become a reality.
  • For each sector, use an image as a backdrop or background that reflects the basis for realizing your desires. So, for example, for the “Wealth” sector, images are suitable: gold bars, diamonds, banknotes, etc. For the “Love, Marriage” and “Relationships” sectors, the basis can be love and harmony - these are hearts, the Yin-Yang sign, etc. If you do not have the opportunity to use a background image, then cover the remaining unfilled spaces, sketch or decorate according to the same principle.
  • On top of the background image we place sweet pictures depicting material goods, events, emotions that we want to preserve and/or attract into our lives.
  • In the “Me, Health” sector, place a photo of yourself or a photo of your family, no matter how old it is or what you look like there, the main condition is that you like it and evoke positive emotions. If you are not planning to be single for the next year, then in the photo you should be with your partner or the whole family. If there is no such photograph, place next to you any image that symbolizes the opposite sex for you. So for a woman, the symbol of masculinity can be the icon of Mars, the Eiffel Tower as eros, etc. Try to avoid photographs where the person is alone, because life is always an interaction.
  • You can use photos of yourself, celebrities or real people who you would like to follow as an example and who, in your opinion, have the qualities that you want to strengthen or attract into your life. For example, a photo of Brad Pitt and A. Jolie is a symbol of a beautiful and ideal couple.
  • In the “Wealth” sector, try to use those images where people enjoying their use are located next to the desired benefits. It is better to replace images of people with your own and/or your family members. If you want to emphasize that you have money, it could be a wad of money, a wallet full of " your hand, etc. The central image of your Dream house should contain smiling photos of all its residents, etc.
  • All vehicles: planes, yachts, cars, etc., should be directed from left to right for those who use right-hand writing, since it is the car looking to the right that will “look into the future” , and, conversely, the future will be on the left for those who use left-hand writing.

Step 3. Charging the collage with Magic Power

When the collage is completely ready and you feel satisfied, full and joyful, it’s time to bring what you want to life.

Unleash your creativity by:

  • First of all, voice out loud to yourself, to others, to the world everything that you understand by each image in your collage.
  • Write in the corner in the director's handwriting: to fulfillment, I affirm, so be it!.
  • Put the date, your name and signature.
  • Certify with an electronic, physical seal or fingerprint.
  • Cover your hand with paint, leave an imprint of your entire hand and say: “Such is my will! So be it!”
  • Sprinkle with magic gold pollen (glitter) to make your wishes come true.
  • Do a collective meditation and charge with magical power.
  • Post for charging with magical power in electronic form on the Simoron forum "Dancing Wizards" in the Rubric "Magic collage - an amazing technique!"
  • Your option.

If you followed all the recommendations when making a collage and, looking at it, your heart rejoices and sings, you will attract everything you want into your life within 1 year from the day they charged the collage to fulfill its intention with the magical power; or within 3 years, if any of the conditions were not met; or never- if what you want is the desire of your Mind, not the Soul, or can cause harm to you or others.

After “Approval” of the collage, do not add new images and pictures, because By doing this you will change the starting point in the realization of your desires.

Step 4. What's next?

With full confidence that the Universe has already begun its execution, you can place the finished collage on the eastern wall of your house, apartment, room according to the recommendations of Feng Shui masters or in any other wall that suits your opinion.

The main thing is that you can look at it as often as possible, admire it and become infected with the magical energy of accomplishment in order to attract what you want into your life as soon as possible. It’s good to arrange such sessions in the morning to recharge yourself with positive energy for the whole day and before bed, so that our subconscious mind contributes to the fulfillment of our desires during sleep. Carry a small A4 copy with you, watch and be inspired, make a screensaver on your computer monitor, etc.

You can safely show your collage to absolutely everyone: friends, loved ones, family members, so that they know what you want and know what to give you. Know that those who like your collage truly love you, and those who "Not good", Means, "Not good". Main? Don’t brag about your desires, but sincerely share them with your loved ones!

You can put dates on the pictures as they happen in your life.

Old collages - they are our children - loved ones and relatives, they are part of us and our path; It is not necessary to part with them; you can, for example, gradually cover the wall in the room instead of wallpaper, etc.

Dream, wish, create and make it happen!

“Good luck to you and fulfillment of all your desires,”Maria Alekseeva.

  • Huge variety of photo collage layouts

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    Options for using photo collages

A photo is worth a thousand words, but how many words can you fit into one picture? Try Fotor's photo collage maker and create amazing photo collages online now, make your image amazing. Photo collages are very popular on Pinterest for online businesses. This is a great way to show off your product with even more detailed photos in one image and give people the opportunity to see the product in all its glory and then go directly to the online store and buy it. Photo collages are also popular on Facebook and Instagram. Share your life every day with multiple photos in one image and express yourself in a unique way, gaining more followers quickly. Want to try Fotor's online collage photo editor right now? Creating a collage may be necessary for publication in in social networks

, storage in albums or on a computer, as well as for printing. There are several ways to do this.

Collage What is collage?

is a composition of several photographs against a common background. Today, electronic collages are the most widely used. They are created using ready-made templates, where the background and location of the pictures are pre-selected - you just need to insert the frames into frames, or they are made independently in graphic editors.

  • To create electronic collages use:
  • Programs installed on the PC.
  • Mobile applications on smartphones and tablets.

Making a collage online using

— a convenient web service with great functionality. There's a lot of stuff here ready-made layouts, where you just need to insert photos. A huge selection filters, colors and textures for the background will help bring all your photos to a single style.

How to use the service

note, you can adjust the photo area and size by clicking on the pen in the top right corner of the image.

  • To adjust the canvas size, background color, font size and texture type, use the settings in the left panel.

To add more expressiveness to your work and focus attention on your photographs, it is better to make the background monochromatic or multi-colored, but muted and not eye-catching.

Below is one of ready-made examples:

Very important do not overload the collage with photographs, as otherwise the perception of details is lost and a piling effect is created. It will be difficult for the viewer to concentrate on one thing.

Creating a composition on the computer

Adobe Photoshop

Let's move on to creating a collage in Adobe Photoshop. Here we will not consider standard templates, since this program opens up limitless space for creativity. Let's try to create a collage from several photos from the trip. All photos will be in the same style.

It turns out like this:

Now, if you want to move the photo, press Ctrl+T.

If you go beyond any boundaries, no problem. This can be easily fixed by changing the brush color from black to white. With these settings, the brush works like an eraser.

The result will be a collage something like this:

Next program . It automatically downloads all the photos from your computer, creating a library. To select pictures to create a collage, click on them with the mouse while holding down the Ctrl key.

– another application with a large set ready-made templates. To study its capabilities, we will create a collage from blanks, which we will find here.

This is what it looks like ready collage:

Here, as elsewhere, photographs of the same series or theme look most harmonious.

When selecting photos for a collage, focus on shots with similar lighting, color and theme.

Collage on mobile devices

On Android

First application for creating collages on mobile devices is called inCollage. With its help, you can create a beautiful, almost professional photo composition in just three steps.

One of the techniques of the luminaries of the genre is to choose the color of the canvas to match one of the leading colors in the composition. In our example, each of the pictures is dominated by shades of orange - the setting sun and traces of car headlights, so the reddish-colored frame fits well into the overall plan.

Second application- , similar in structure to the previous one, but richer in functions.

On the screen of mobile devices, collages with thin frames look most advantageous.

For iPhone

One of the most popular apps for creating collages on iOS is . This application has very great capabilities for mobile device: Lets you change the background and outline of your photos, change the distance between them, add stickers, and more.

To make the collage successful, focus on one thing, as in the example of the layout with the bridge, and leave the rest secondary, forming a kind of background.

  • To save the result, click on the outermost button with the image of a floppy disk.

Another successful application from the developer Big Blue Clip is called It is popular due to the simplicity of the interface and a large number of built-in layouts, the number of which exceeds two hundred.