The best examples of product advertising. How to create advertising on the Internet: step-by-step instructions Types of outdoor advertising

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Everything is as simple as the first letters of the alphabet, like A, B, C - you are the owner of a business, you have a potential client, and he should find out about you. A B C.

Whether you are the owner of a small hardware store or the head of a chain of shopping centers, the actions required are approximately the same, just on a different scale.

At the same time, it is not always possible to turn to professionals in this regard or hire one on your staff. This is normal if the business is just starting. And it’s okay if you just want to personally participate in this side of your child’s life.

Do-it-yourself advertising, step one. “What do you call the ship?”

You are starting from scratch. You are not some small employee of an already established office. You are creating your own business. You do not have a program prepared by someone. They don’t hand you ready-made flyers for you to just hang up.

How to tell the world about your enterprise? About your product?

Sit down and think about it - what exactly do you want to achieve? What place to take in the niche? Risk for popularity or be satisfied with stability?

How do your main or possible future competitors act in terms of advertising? Do you want to stay in this business as long as possible - or not? And how exactly do your competitors advertise their companies - in the media, on social networks or on huge and expensive advertising posters along highways and avenues?

Your competitor is your enemy. But learn everything about him, and he will cease to be your enemy. He will become a pathetic envious person.

If you are the owner of a small business, then advertising for you can be done by other people, specialists, employees of advertising agencies. And it’s a good sign if you have a creative idea in your head that they just need to bring to life. After all, by and large, the main question is not the technical ability to make an advertisement with your own hands, but the ability to create key ideas for it.

What if there is not even an idea? Well, that means you are not Steve Jobs, take heart. However, Steve Jobs also once had no ideas.

By the way, the name Apple, according to legend, was chosen precisely because the team could not come up with another, more adequate idea. And it did fire.

Have you already chosen a name for your company?

Your company, your store is your child. And you would hardly name your child Akaki. So it is in this case. A catchy, bright name, but at the same time conveying the essence of your activity - that’s what you need. A good name is the starting point of your business. This is the first thing that customers learn about you.

Second step. Outdoor advertising yourself?

Once again, we will not discuss the process of cutting out advertisements from whatman paper and posting them on poles. “We make advertising ourselves” means “we come up with advertising ourselves.” Advertising agencies still take the main money for this.

A piece of paper on the entrance door, posters on the walls, advertising boards with a pasted image or screen, neon advertising (backlit), audio advertising on escalators in the metro - there are many possibilities, you are required to understand the characteristics of your target audience and the correct allocation of funds.

Ideally, your advertising stand should become part of the street landscape. So that passers-by perceive your “Best Products at the Best Prices” poster as an integral element of the environment as the trimmed bushes along the alley.

Stationary advertising structures– installed in certain places that you have agreed upon and paid for. It is desirable that these be places popular with the population - busy squares and major highways. The structure can either stand on its own or be attached to a building.

Temporary structures– installed near your retail outlet or office. They usually contain brief information of primary need - name, opening hours, discounts and promotions. They are displayed during the working day and removed at night.

Our minimum is an advertising poster on the wall or shop window. The maximum is a large screen with an advertising (staged) video in the city center. It all depends, of course, on money. But you need to fulfill the available minimum efficiently and with dignity in order to grow further.

To increase the element of dynamism in your advertising, you can install an inflatable air figure near your business. Which one depends on your financial capabilities and design imagination. The main thing is not to be blown away by the wind.

Signposts and other advertising structures can be placed at your entrance, on a building, or on a pedestrian area. Design is always important - catchy, but not tacky. An original name plus an original form of advertising and its placement are the hooks with which you will hook buyers. You don’t just need to stick a small advertising poster anywhere and sit contentedly - you need to ensure that only your advertising attracts attention, overshadowing all the others, mediocre and tasteless.

Types of outdoor advertising

  • A billboard is a large advertising board, usually placed along a highway.
  • A superboard is usually three billboards enclosed in a triangle.
  • A supersite is a type of billboard that is large in size and height, which is why it is usually placed outside the city limits.
  • Prismatron is a billboard whose surface consists of prisms alternating sides. Can show three pictures changing over time.
  • Citylight is an illuminated display case standing on the sidewalk.
  • A firewall is a large poster or billboard mounted on the wall of a building.
  • A media facade is a large display somehow built into the façade of a building.
  • Video screen and so on.

Outdoor advertising is a natural, effective and visual way to advertise yourself. A theoretical client of your company may not watch TV, may not listen to the radio at home or in the car, may not read newspapers or use the Internet, but will definitely pay attention to the bright, large and original billboard in front of his window. Or at the bus stop near the house.

You must show that this area in this niche is occupied by you. Let your logo become a kind of mark - a sign that competitors have nothing to do here.

Disadvantages of outdoor advertising

  • Outdoor advertising is damaged by various weather conditions. It breaks, rusts, falls off, fades, and is simply blown away by the wind. The condition of your outdoor advertising needs to be constantly monitored, maintained - cleaned, and updated frequently.
  • Outdoor advertising is viewed by potential buyers in just a few seconds. Therefore, the key to the success of such advertising is brightness, catchiness, laconic content (who will pay attention to a pale poster with several paragraphs of barely legible text?), an original logo or emblem. And again, such advertising must be constantly updated so that the buyer does not become bored with a picture that he has looked at for a long time and has not aroused interest. The more often, the more varied and persistent, the better.
  • should not have provocative or offensive content;
  • should not disturb the harmonious appearance of the environment.

The fulfillment of these conditions is monitored by many regulatory authorities. So that the content of outdoor advertising is not overly erotic, provocative or even immoral.

But it is not federal law that controls outdoor advertising alone; compliance with the conditions for its use is monitored by various services and committees, which make their own amendments based on the format and location of advertising.

So it is better to initially consult with the municipality before displaying your advertisement. It’s better to play it safe just in case than to pay fines later or even lose profitable advertising space.

We do advertising ourselves, step three - business cards

Like many things in our modern world, business cards were invented in China. More precisely, in Ancient China, even before our era. Brevity, conciseness and business dexterity are traits of the Asian character. As they say, the East is a delicate matter. So is marketing.

A business card can be made of paper, cardboard, plastic, metal or even wood. Remember: your business card is your face; it is the shortest and most succinct form of advertising of your person and your organization. What would you prefer – colorful cardboard or a minimalist metal plate? Depends on your income and how you position yourself.

There are three types of business cards:

  • personal business card;
  • corporate business card;
  • business business card.

Personal business card

Simply includes the contact information of its owner. Both the CEO of a large company and the owner of a tire repair shop must have a personal business card if he wants his business to be taken seriously.

Remember: your business card is your face. Freelancers and freelancers can also use business cards. Personal business cards are often exchanged during informal interactions.

A personal business card is:

  • FULL NAME. owner;
  • type of activity and position held;
  • telephone;
  • official site;
  • e-mail.

Corporate business card

A corporate business card includes brief information about your company. Nobody's names, positions or private contact details are written here. Corporate business cards are needed to briefly introduce your company, advertise and present in a favorable light. This is the face of your company. This means it must have a good design and dense material. It should look great, be happy to be held in your hands and always be kept in your wallet among other important and high-quality business cards.

A corporate business card is:

  • company name and logo;
  • brief information about the field of activity;
  • address, travel route;
  • official site;
  • telephone.

Business card

Includes a minimum of information. No unnecessary words and a minimum of design - no decorations, standard font. Often, the exchange of business cards takes place at official events, negotiations and business meetings. This happens because a business card has a narrow focus - a direct invitation to future partnerships and joint activities.

A business card is:

  • First Name Last Name;
  • job title;
  • Company name;
  • scope of the company.

Using business cards is very convenient. This gives you a wide range of opportunities so that you can properly advertise yourself. It will immediately show how you present your event and how serious you are about the matter.

How to distribute business cards?

  • hand out;
  • put in a mailbox or send by mail;
  • negotiate with other retail outlets so that they have a stack of your business cards on the counter (and in return you can put their business cards behind your tray).

The most popular business card size is 90x50 mm. But it’s better – the size is 85.6x53.98 mm. Credit cards are the same size, and sections in wallets are made to fit this size.

Step four: how to properly create advertising through leaflets, booklets, flyers and stickers

Leaflet- a simple, ancient and effective method of self-promotion. Even the minimal impact of a leaflet is effective - bright colors, huge font size and meaningful pictures will not leave anyone indifferent. Everyone is sure to at least briefly familiarize themselves with the contents of the leaflet, and thanks to visual photographs or pictures, even a child will understand - at least roughly - what it says.

  • distribute on the street in crowded areas;
  • hand out at the entrance to your store;
  • put in mailboxes;
  • like an insert in a magazine or newspaper.

How you distribute your flyers will determine their appearance. A bright and eye-catching design if leaflets are distributed on the street by promoters or dropped into mailboxes. Or a discreet, discreet design of a leaflet if it is sent to the addresses of clients who are already using your services.

Booklet- almost the same leaflet, only with an image on both sides, and folded in half or three.

Flyer- almost the same leaflet, only smaller in size and with a more structured presentation of information of short-term importance. For example, about new discounts, events, company promotions. Often, a flyer is also an entrance ticket to such an event - or a coupon for which you can get a discount.

Sticker/sticker/magnet- almost the same leaflet, printed on self-adhesive paper in order to, in fact, be glued to various surfaces - walls, pillars and packaging.


The range of opportunities to properly advertise yourself, advertise yourself and your company is incredibly large. Make good use of all the methods available to you, and you will succeed.

There are many free ways to promote and promote groups and communities on social networks. Some of them are very effective, but they all require time and effort. Therefore, one day there comes a time when you realize that in addition to all the available methods, it would be good to add another, paid method - targeted ads. And if you have not previously had experience in advertising, for example, on a social network such as VKontakte, then the next question arises quite quickly: how to make VKontakte advertising yourself, without turning to specialists for help.

In fact, there is nothing complicated. I think that with the help of my screenshots, you will be able to repeat all the steps, make an advertisement on VKontakte, and analyze the results.

We are starting our first advertising campaign

The first thing you need to start with is follow this link to the VKontakte advertising page. We are interested in the first tab “Targeted Ads”. I’ll say right away that targeted ads are a key feature of VKontakte advertising, and require the availability of tools with which you can customize the display of an ad based on various parameters.

  • Gender, age, marital status, country and city of residence.
  • University, faculty, school, year of higher education.
  • Positions, districts, metro stations and even streets.
  • Interests, hobbies, favorite movies, books, games, etc.

That is, we can customize our ad so that the ad is shown to the target audience. If your target audience does not include schoolchildren, then you can independently set the desired age of the audience and exclude ad impressions from the field of view of schoolchildren.

Click on the “Targeted Ads” tab and carefully read about the advantages of advertising on VKontakte. Feel free to click “Create ad”. On the next page we are asked what we want to advertise: our community (group, public or meetings), the VKontakte application, a video with a link to the advertiser’s website or an external site. The most popular is community advertising, so we choose this option as an example if it suits you.

Here, on this page, you will need to select your community, and you will find yourself on the ad posting page. Task: choose the accommodation option that you like best.

  • Heading 25 characters + image 90x120px with payment per impression
  • Heading 25 characters + image 90x65px + ad text 60 characters with pay per click
  • Promotion of communities - the group logo is automatically displayed.

In my opinion, the most difficult thing is to write a 25-character headline correctly. In my case, it would be better to adjust the title with two words: “Treasury of Tips.”

Scroll down and you'll see your targeting settings. You can select a country, city, gender, indicate interests and education. If you consider it necessary and tick the necessary points, then in this way you will narrow your audience to a target audience interested in your products and services.

The most important thing left is to set the cost of the advertising price. And to do this, it is important to determine what you want to pay for - impressions or conversions.

Here's how VKontakte describes the differences between advertising for impressions and transitions:

“Cost-per-impression ads are a more static format than pay-per-click ads. They are suitable for advertisers interested in generating demand for goods or services of a particular brand or for image advertising. The main component of pay-per-impression ads is the image.
When paying for impressions, for every 1000 impressions, an amount that you set yourself is deducted from your budget (for example, 1 ruble = 1000 impressions).

When paying for conversions, only unique conversions from your ad are counted. If a VKontakte user has already clicked on this ad (from any computer), the transition will not be counted. You also set the price for the transition yourself (for example, 1 transition = 1 ruble).”

It is only worth considering the fact that when paying for impressions, the image is noticeably larger due to the absence of ad text and, most importantly, there is no CTR in the cost per thousand impressions formula.

Since the effectiveness of advertising can only be determined through testing, I prefer to listen to the advice of more experienced people and set payment for clicks. That is, I will only pay for those people who clicked on my advertisement and followed it. For the first time, I recommend starting with a small transition cost - 3 rubles, even though VKontakte recommends that I pay from 22 to 31 rubles for the transition.

As an example, I can give my results:

Having set the transfer cost to 3 rubles, I topped up my account with 300 rubles. In 3 days, 36 transitions were made, and 5 people became subscribers of the group. Small results, but to get the best, I need this experience today. As a result, in 3 days out of 300 rubles, 108 rubles were spent. The cost of one subscriber was 21.6 rubles. A little expensive, to be sure. We still have to work on reducing the cost of a subscriber. It is difficult to achieve what you want the first time. This means that I have to test the increase in the cost of transition, since the higher I set the bid, the more often my ad will be shown.

With experience will come an understanding of chips that seem to lie on the surface, but cannot be understood the first time. By experimenting with the selection of target groups and improving the advertising itself, you can achieve a smaller number of target audiences and a lower, but more optimal cost of transition.

You also need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to constantly monitor the effectiveness of your ad; if you are not satisfied with the results, you can always edit the ad and make changes to the settings.

Launch an advertisement

After you agree to the VKontakte advertising policy, the ad must be launched in your personal account. Now that you have created your first advertising campaign, you will see an “advertising” link on the right side of the page; follow it at any time and you will find yourself in your advertising account.

Budget replenishment

At the top, enter the amount of the total limit and the daily limit. That is, how much money would you spend on advertising per day, and over the entire period of time. Of course, first you need to top up your personal account balance and transfer money in any way convenient for you: Visa and Master Card bank cards, using the electronic payment systems Yandex.Money, WebMoney and Qiwi wallet. You can also top up your account using a fairly large list of payment terminals .

After the money appears in your personal account account, you need to set the daily and total limit at the top of the page and in the table, and run an ad in the “status” section. After this, your ad is sent for moderation for approximately 2-3 hours. The moderation of VKontakte ads is serious: you cannot address the audience first name in an advertisement, you cannot indicate phone numbers in the text and in the image, you cannot advertise drugs, pornography, tobacco products, etc.

You should know! There must be at least 100 rubles left in the campaign account, otherwise you will see a warning:

“Unable to run ad. For each launched ad, your budget should be at least 100 rubles. You can top up your budget or stop your ad. "

Don’t be afraid to make changes to the ad settings during a running advertising campaign if you see that the result is not satisfactory to you. In some advertising campaigns, it will be more profitable to use payment for impressions rather than for clicks. But you will have to experience this for yourself.

Pay attention to the ads that are showing on your page right now. Assess whether the advertiser correctly took into account your interests, or chose to waste their advertising budget. For example, if you are a mother on maternity leave, and you are shown an advertisement for the Elektrostal plant, then this is a clear sign that the advertiser has set up his ad incorrectly, and accordingly the effectiveness of his advertising campaign will be low.

A well-written text of an advertisement with the obligatory inclusion of psychological elements makes it possible to provide potential consumers with information about a product, service, as well as planned promotions. The most advantageous offers for customers about discounts, gifts for purchases, holiday events accompanied by prizes will not be effective and will not attract the expected number of customers without organizing their information.

How to attract buyers

To achieve success in promoting a product or service, you need to effectively declare the subject of your business activity.

Timely drawing attention to planned marketing activities will increase the effectiveness of their implementation among numerous potential clients. Advanced entrepreneurs take advantage of the modern capabilities of specialized Internet platforms. They allow you to quickly, and in some cases free, post current news in specialized services and on social networks. All resources provide the opportunity to select target audiences based on interests. If you already know your target audience, you can order printing of your brand or slogan on clothing from FairPrint, which will undoubtedly be effective in attracting attention to your product or activity.

Features of advertising text

  1. The headline should reflect the essence of the trade proposal, as well as the benefits of cooperation. There must be an element of intrigue.
  2. The text part should take into account all channels of human perception and detail the advantages of the proposal.
  3. Text advertising must take into account the interests of the target audience for which it is intended.
  4. The use of specific facts and precise information expressed in numerical terms is encouraged.
  5. The product should be concise and not intrusive.

Algorithm for presenting information

Customers' interest in a product is directly dependent on the way information is presented. His choice depends on the social affiliation of the citizens for whom the product or service is intended, and on the place where the advertisement is published.

The best examples of advertising texts contain a bright headline that is informative. They are characterized by clearly formulated rules for the promotion and price parameters of the product. And the offer to purchase is always veiled and expressed in the form of a motivating offer.

The advertising text for any product can be published on social networks, on specialized platforms, on your own website, in newspapers and magazines. Placing it on billboards is effective. Distribution to the mailing addresses of regular customers and, through patronage, their acquaintances is effective.

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Before creating your own advertising brainchild, you should study various examples of product advertising in order to copy the best ideas that are a feature of the product in question. To compose your own advertising, you should first think through all your wishes, as well as compile a list of information that was relevant and useful at the time of creating the brand.

A marketing model must be chosen based on the advertised product and the target audience that might be interested in it. In this case, only one parameter of the model should be taken into account, aimed at activating attention, understanding, desire, and, as a consequence, actions. The technique of identifying with a well-known brand has a good effect.

By adding a unique style to your advertising, you can give your entrepreneurial idea an exclusive image, which will ensure product recognition and significantly expand the target audience. The use of slogans will add an element of originality and uniqueness, and a well-written text structure will allow you to quickly achieve the desired effect.

When advertising is ineffective

Advertising is a powerful sales tool. However, if used incorrectly, it can ruin the reputation of a business entity. It must reflect truthful information. It is unacceptable to embellish with events or additional services that are not relevant for the advertised product. There is no need to intrusively attract the buyer; this always creates the impression of lack of demand in the market for similar goods or services. You need to be able to masterfully present relevant information. If this rule is violated, all marketing and advertising efforts to promote your product are doomed to failure.

Determining the target audience

In advertising activities, it is important to competently determine the target category, since this parameter has a direct impact on the effect of the information offered for review. Its main feature is that the potential client belongs to a certain social status, age, gender, and place of residence.

Advertising stunts

Advertising is necessary so that a business entity can stand out among thousands of similar companies with their own offers. To do this, it is not enough to simply tell your potential consumers about the availability of a quality product and encourage them to buy it. To attract the attention of customers, it is recommended to use several marketing schemes, following which allows you to advertise correctly. This will ensure maximum results from its publication. Promotion methods such as a unique selling proposition and the classic sales model, in which the buyer is accompanied at all stages of the purchase, are popular.

Create a personal Facebook page. Your personal page will provide the first introduction to you to those users who are interested in your brand or your personality. While most of the page's visitors will be your friends, it's worth remembering that sometimes employers also look at a candidate's Facebook page before scheduling an interview.

  • Develop your professional presence using LinkedIn. LinkedIn has quickly become the world's largest professional network, and many employers often turn to LinkedIn to find qualified candidates for open positions.

    • Showcase problems you've had to solve in the past in various positions, rather than just listing your responsibilities. List these accomplishments in the characteristics field for each of your positions.
    • Convert your goals into keywords that you list in your profile. Other users find your page based on keywords, so you must ensure that your keywords make a truthful statement about your experience, accomplishments, and goals. For example, if you are a graphic designer, find a way to express your skills in different words: “graphic design,” “website design,” or “graphic content creation.”
    • Build connections. The LinkedIn network is a very important part of connecting with people in your field. Add fellow students, current and former colleagues, and users from your geographic region and industry.
    • Prove your skills. Ask people in your contacts to validate your skills to increase your level of credibility. If you don't feel comfortable directly asking people for testimonials, take the time to solicit appreciative reviews from those you've provided services to.
    • Upload a professionally taken personal photo. A good quality photograph should show you in your work attire and appear experienced and friendly.
  • Be active on Twitter. Twitter is a fast way to spread short messages of 140 characters or less. It's great for reporting on current events or delivering immediate, explosive news. Due to the limited length of messages, the manner in which you write them is very important.

    • Update your Twitter several times a day. To gain a following on Twitter, you need to be extremely active. Showcase your accomplishments and projects with links to clips, relevant articles, and images.
    • Use strictly professional content if you are marketing your brand or services. Create a separate account for professional activities, and use another one to communicate with friends and relatives (if necessary).
    • Think carefully about how to write each message. Word choice, grammar, political correctness - they are all extremely important for presenting yourself on the Internet. Be sure to proofread what you are about to send.
    • Don't hold back your creativity and sense of humor. They are important for gaining like-minded followers. Periodic newsletters with funny expressions will help you find them.
    • Forward important messages from trusted sources. This may include forwarding messages from other users about you or your field of activity, or about an upcoming event.
  • Increase your exposure with a blog. A personal or company blog is an integral part of your online presence because it provides limitless space to create your primary source of information. Use it to provide subscribers with news about your professional activities, travel and/or personal life.

    • Update your blog regularly. You need to write something new in it several times a week to maintain an active presence.
    • Insert photos into your messages. Visual stimulation is just as important as the textual content of your messages. Include your own or other relevant photographs that will break up the text and keep readers interested.
    • Keep your posts to 1,000 words or less and target a specific audience. To keep your readers interested and gain a loyal following, posts should be short so that readers find them readable. Long essays are more likely to turn off readers who are looking to quickly find readable content online.
  • Walk along the streets of the city: you will see that, at best, one in a dozen advertisements actually fulfills its function - attracts attention. How to invest in advertising so that this investment turns out to be beneficial for your business, and not crippling it?

    1. Don't copy your competitors

    The main thing is to remember: the height of recklessness is an advertisement like “We are open” (and it doesn’t matter that three neighboring houses have just such an advertisement). As sad as it is to state, the share of such advertising does not decrease from year to year, and its effectiveness is reduced to zero.

    2. Remember your target audience

    An example of an unsuccessful choice of channel for promotion is advertising of products intended for pensioners on the Internet. As well as placing advertisements for new highly efficient microprocessor controllers on a forum for housewives. I think it is unnecessary to clarify that the positive result from such advertising is negligible, if not completely absent.

    3. Conduct a preliminary performance analysis

    In most cases, entrepreneurs are looking for some way to advertise their goods and services, invest a significant (or even the entire) amount into it, and after a couple of weeks or months all the money goes down the drain. To prevent this from happening, follow a few simple rules.

    If you have only one phone number, then you can indicate different contact persons in the advertisement: for example, in one case you indicate that you need to ask Svetlana, in another - Yulia

    Never rely on only one type of advertising. There are a lot of channels for promotion today, from contextual advertising in search engines and targeted advertising in social networks to outdoor advertising and advertising in mailboxes, from distributing leaflets and flyers on the street to direct advertising in the media or in transport.

    If the results from advertising exceed the costs of it, this promotion channel has the right to life for you and your business. For such advertising methods, it is advisable to increase the budget, but not by much - approximately twice. If it works the second time, double it again, etc. In any case, you should not sharply increase the budget of advertising that is working well right now, since you cannot be sure that it will be effective tomorrow.

    4. Make your own measurements on the effectiveness of advertising channels

    Every type of advertising you use should be measured and calibrated. This means that when advertising to one source or another, you must know exactly how many potential clients you received from there. It's not difficult to do.

    Use a different phone number for each ad or, if you are promoting goods and services on the Internet, provide links to pages with different addresses (the content of the pages, of course, should be the same).

    If you have only one phone number, then you can indicate different contact persons in the advertisement: for example, in one case you indicate that you need to ask Svetlana, in another – Yulia.

    5. Remember: any advertising medium must have three components: an offer, a limitation on some parameter and a call to action

    The proposal should be interesting in itself. It should make your prospect want your product or service right now. The offer may include a significant discount, a gift when purchasing your product, as well as other bonuses or certificates for receiving interesting services.

    For example: “When you buy two products “A”, you get a third one as a gift”, “40% discount on the entire range of products” or “Buy product “B” and receive a certificate for visiting a water park for the whole family.”

    Don’t forget about the presence of a limitation - it can be by time, by the number of clients or by the number of orders. For example: “Only until the end of the week, when you purchase a laptop, you will receive a coupon for a 50% discount on any product in our store,” “We will give a microwave to the first three customers a day when purchasing a washing machine,” “When purchasing a table, delivery is free. Every day 20 tables participate in the promotion.”

    A call to action means that it is necessary to clearly indicate to the client his next step to purchase a product or service (otherwise, with a high degree of probability, the consumer will not do anything).

    For example, for offline advertising: “Call 123-456 right now,” for online promotion: “Fill out the form on the website and our manager will contact you” or “Click the “Order” button located below.” Only the presence of all three points will make your advertisement effective and allow you to stand out from your competitors.