Personal experience: I opened a confectionery studio. Two housewives in one studio Business idea culinary school for children

If a child offers his help, be patient and try to accept this “help” with joy, even if sugar gets into the soup and butter lazily washes the shores of your kitchen.

And in order to reduce grocery costs as much as possible, turn to professionals by giving your child to. There, your child will not only learn how to cook their favorite dishes, but also learn about safety rules in the kitchen and, perhaps, discover a real talent.

Note! Information posted at the time of writing.


“Let the children into the kitchen!” – This is the name of the children's course in the culinary studio of Yulia Vysotskaya.

Here, in the kingdom of taste, young gourmets learn the secrets of culinary skills, and parents look with pride at their future helpers. In fact, the culinary holiday itself begins when chef’s hats appear on the heads of future chefs. And then a fascinating story awaits the children and an equally fascinating action, where everyone plays the main role.

The young creator is given a special place here workplace, and upon completion of the classes, cooks are given a certificate.

NOTE TO PARENTS: the course includes from 4 to 10 lessons and is designed for children from 6 to 12 years old. The cost is calculated for one child and one adult.

For parents who also want to get a dose of culinary inspiration, and children who are eager to fight, the studio offers family master classes “Cooking with Children.” Here, each lesson is devoted to a separate topic, be it rosy pies or the favorite delicacy of cartoon characters (ratatouille). It’s convenient that the classes are designed for the whole family. You can take your mom, dad, and grandparents with you for culinary exploits. After all, learning together is much more fun!

NOTE TO PARENTS: One ticket is purchased per family. The price is based on a family contract.

Theater of taste

It’s definitely worth visiting the theater of taste. After all, this is the first and only culinary theater in the capital - a creative tandem of cooking and theatrical art. There are no spectators in this theater, because once you cross the threshold, you automatically become an actor - a participant in the culinary performance.

“Delicious School” is one of the popular directions of the theater, where children learn culinary wisdom. Classes are usually held within the framework of a thematic week. For example, weeks of homemade bread or mind-blowing Italian desserts. In just a couple of hours, young chefs will be able to master the secret of preparing one of the dishes, be it real Italian pizza, homemade ice cream or French truffle.

In addition to the intricacies of preparing culinary masterpieces, young cooks will also learn about culinary traditions different countries.

NOTE TO PARENTS: this delicious school opens its doors to students aged 4 years and older. In order to attend a lesson, you must submit an electronic application. Tickets can be purchased at the box office of the theater "Workshop".

Kids Club – Ribambell

In the Ribambell cafe, a child will learn the secrets of preparing his favorite dishes, as well as which products will help him grow up strong and healthy.

All classes are conducted in a playful way. In such a culinary class, studying becomes an unusual game and entertainment. The result is a happy child, and you will have a real helper in household chores.

NOTE TO PARENTS: Participants' ages range from 3 to 12 years. The duration of one master class is 40–50 minutes.

Saint Petersburg

Lavrushka, culinary school

Here you can choose delicious and uncomplicated recipes for classes. At the same time, the inspiration and creative impulses of students are welcome! Your child will not only learn how to roll out dough and make ideally shaped dumplings and dumplings, but will also learn a lot about national dishes of different countries and interesting facts associated with them.

NOTE TO PARENTS: the age of young cooks is from 5 years. The duration of the lesson is 1.5 hours.

St. Petersburg restaurant school

The Golden Spoon culinary studio operates at the St. Petersburg Restaurant School. Surprisingly, in this atmosphere of creativity, even a slight interest in cooking is ready to grow into something more. After all, the “Golden Spoon” is prestige.

The teachers here are real professionals who work as chefs in the best restaurants in the city. And school students regularly take part in the “Golden Kulina” - a culinary arts competition. By the way, it is quite successful: the little chefs with enviable consistency accept awards from the hands of the governor himself.

At the “Golden Spoon” your child will be able to learn many culinary secrets: master the technique of painting with colored chocolate, graceful sculpting from marzipan and masterful work with dough.

NOTE TO PARENTS: classes are held for children from 3 to 15 years old. Training can take place in a group or individually.

“Beautifully Served”, culinary school

Here lessons are held exclusively in the form of master classes. The city's best chefs, who, by the way, have an amazing gift of storytelling and are able to interest even the smallest participants in the action, talk and demonstrate how to make a culinary masterpiece out of ordinary products. At the end of the master class, your favorite dish must be tasted.

NOTE TO PARENTS: one lesson lasts from 1.5 to 3 hours. A group lesson can involve 4 to 6 people.


“Kulina-yummy”, children's culinary school

The school itself is geographically located in the Culinary College, where on Saturdays and Sundays future chefs learn all the intricacies of culinary art.

Topics of classes, as usual, are chosen at will. This could be an exquisite cutting of vegetables, a sandwich show, learning the tea ceremony, or modeling from salt dough.

In addition, the school hosts thematic classes where children learn a lot of interesting things about Russian, Italian, French, Japanese and Oriental cuisine.

NOTE TO PARENTS: children are admitted to school in 4 subgroups - 7–10 years old, 10–13 years old, 13–15 and 15–18 years old.

International culinary school at USUE-SINH

Ural economic university opens its doors not only to students, but also to young cooks. This is where the International Culinary School opens its arms to gourmets.

A culinary master class lasting 10 days will teach your child how to cook, knead dough, cook soups and, of course, masterfully prepare sandwiches. However, there is a chance that the child will also learn to make candy from candy wrappers and chocolate from thin air.

At this school, everything is possible, since the topic of one of the classes is chosen by the children themselves. Actually, the topics of weekly classes are no secret and are available on the school website.

NOTE TO PARENTS: enrollment in the school is conducted weekly. The duration of one lesson is about 3 hours, during which your young child will learn how to prepare their favorite snacks, delicious breakfasts and soulful lunches. With such zeal, you can safely take a week's break to take a break from the kitchen.

"Cook", culinary studio

IN family center"Darina" culinary skills are honed every Sunday. In one lesson, children manage to master the secrets of preparing two dishes and the basics of serving.

The culinary course itself includes 10 lessons, during which the intricacies of preparing everyday and holiday dishes are studied, right down to airy desserts. Children who already know how to cook can take Chef and Pastry Chef courses.

NOTE TO PARENTS: Children from 6 years old study in the Povarenok studio. The groups are divided by age: 6–8 years, 8–10 years and older. Duration of classes - 1 hour 20 minutes.


"Entourage", culinary studio

Curd mousse with candied fruits, fragrant apple pie or fluffy cheesecakes... How do you like this menu? By the way, this is only a small part of what children who have completed the “I’ll Cook!” course can cook. in the culinary studio "Entourage".

In addition to preparing delicious dishes, chef Alexander Laevsky will teach the children important culinary wisdom: how to protect your fingers from the knife, how to use kitchen utensils and where to find inspiration to boldly juggle ingredients, creating something new. By the way, the author of the dish can try the next masterpiece right there, on the spot, sitting at a perfectly set table.

NOTE TO PARENTS: cooking classes in the studio are held once a week. Pre-registration is required for all classes.


This school also has a children's class, where a lot of gastronomic adventures await little cooks. It can be anything: an Italian lunch with lasagna and tiramisu or a rough cowboy breakfast with burgers and grilled corn... One thing is constant: the perfection of taste and the general fun with which young dreamers cook, improvise and taste their masterpieces.

NOTE TO PARENTS: The current lesson schedule can be viewed on the Mandarin Gourmet website. Pre-registration for the group is required.


"Ratatouille", culinary studio

On Saturdays there is a hooligan mood in the studio. Of course, the kids are kicking ass! Either they go with the whole team in search of John Silver's pirate recipe, or they rush to Italy, wanting to learn the secret of making ravioli or pizza. As you can imagine, Saturdays are full of adventures here.

By the way, for true connoisseurs of the Italian language, there is an opportunity to combine business with pleasure - learn the language directly during culinary battles. Why not an option?

NOTE TO PARENTS: culinary master classes are held every Saturday, starting at 12.00. For children 4–9 years old, the presence of one parent is required. Older children can safely cook alone.


School of young cooks

Well, I must say that for parents this school of young culinary specialists is a real find. Mainly because classes here are completely free and take place every Sunday at the Moroshka restaurant.

It is also convenient that such a trip to a restaurant will be interesting for both children and their parents, who can calmly chat while the children learn how to prepare the next sandwich for a picnic.

Little masters, under the guidance of the Chef, enthusiastically chop and knead, cook and bake, create signature dishes from different cuisines of the world and treat their parents to them. And then, together with animators and fairy-tale characters, they set off on adventures! This Sunday they will have to learn how to make Potato cake for the Mad Tea Party with the Cheshire Cat.

NOTE TO PARENTS: culinary battles begin every Sunday at 14.00.


Young restaurateur school

This culinary project took place with the support of the national restaurant award “Golden Fork” and High school service of the Russian-British Institute.

The curriculum at the Young Restaurateur School is completely unusual: here the future generation of restaurateurs will learn not only the secrets and intricacies of preparing their favorite dishes, but will also learn impeccable service and etiquette. In total, the culinary course includes 5 practical lessons.

NOTE TO PARENTS: the school enrolls children in 3 groups of 10 people. Groups of different ages - 10–12 and 13–15 years. Upon completion of training, cooks will receive a surprise - a certificate, as well as a chef's hat and apron as a gift.


"Culinary Club", master class studio

According to one parent, after an evening at the Culinary Club, her son spoiled his family with Italian pizza for three days. The result, as they say, is obvious. Actually, the club itself sees its mission precisely in this: to easily and unobtrusively introduce children to the process of cooking.

Now the club has programs for children 6–10 years old, where young talents make dumplings or even assemble pizza piece by piece. For older children (10–14 years old), the culinary school is open in the summer. Upon completion, your child will be able to prepare even those dishes that require considerable courage from experienced cooks.

NOTE TO PARENTS: for children's master classes, the duration of the lesson is no more than an hour. For children from 6 to 10 years old, the presence of an adult is required.


Women's business. About how to create a culinary studio and teach adults and children to cook

Aliya Makhambetova, 36 years old, hometown - Astana, entrepreneur, owner and director of a culinary studio

How did the culinary studio begin?

The studio appeared in 2015. I am a specialist by education information technology and since 2001 she has worked in this specialty. But over the years I realized that it does not bring pleasure. At that time, the children had already grown up, and I wanted to realize my potential, do what was interesting to me. And, of course, for it to generate income. Just then there was a wave that everyone started baking cakes to order. I thought about this too, but didn’t come to it. Then everyone who bakes to order rented restaurants and kitchens and held master classes with the chefs there. And each time it was a different cuisine. I myself saw it several times and heard reviews, sometimes negative, because the event did not always meet the wishes of those who attended it. Restaurant kitchens have their own life, and then this group bursts in, wanting to teach housewives how to cook and also earn money. Therefore it was not always clean, not always in good conditions. At that moment, I had an idea - to create a space that could be rented out. That is, a kitchen where you can come, see the equipment, bring your chef and organize a master class.

At that time, I didn’t even know that there was something similar in Kazakhstan, but I knew that there was the famous cuisine of Yulia Vysotskaya in Russia. At that time, my goal was to simply rent it out. Then I started working closely in the kitchen, studying what, where and how. This is how everything was born, ideas appeared that it was possible to teach both children and adults, and hold culinary parties.

That is, a kitchen where you can come, see the equipment, bring your chef and organize a master class

What is Jam

At first we were simply called “Culinary Workshop”. It was a space where you could do anything related to cooking, but then the culinary workshop became more marketed as a culinary studio, and there was no name. It had to be concise, so that it would be quickly remembered and easy to pronounce. I searched for a long time and found the name - Jam. It can be different, with different additives, from different berries and fruits.

We are sincere, we care about the service, about every client. I hear a lot of gratitude after every master class, large course, which is attended by people from different cities of Kazakhstan: Almaty, Aktau, Karaganda, Pavlodar, Uralsk. We have a fairly vast geography; people even came to us from Turkmenistan. Many do not want to leave, some are crying. It’s interesting that then in groups the girls begin to make friends and communicate.

We carefully select the masters who come to us. We bring professionals in their field. Organizing is not easy because everyone is different and everyone needs an individual approach. Before people come to us, we need to do a tremendous amount of work with them. I worked alone for about a year, then I couldn’t stand it and decided to hire someone to help. Now I have two girls working for me. And another one who does the cleaning, washes the dishes. Our clients have nothing to worry about: they come and relax, are filled with energy and inspiration, leave inspired and bake cakes, delighting their customers or just their relatives.

We conduct master classes and courses for both adults and children, organize culinary parties, birthdays, hen parties in the format of a culinary master class

We conduct master classes and courses for both adults and children, organize culinary parties, birthdays, hen parties in the format of a culinary master class. It's such a relaxed atmosphere where guests cook with the chef. They enjoy it, eat delicious food, learn to cook and will be able to repeat it at home.

The shortest master class lasts about three hours. Mostly they are attended by housewives or simply women who want to learn how to cook deliciously. The minimum price for a master class is 6000 tenge. Often girls come to us before getting married. They literally have two months to do everything and they need to learn how to cook.

We have teenage groups from 10 to 17 years old, this is a five-day course, classes last 3-4 hours a day so that it is not difficult for the child. They learn to cook breakfasts, hot meals, soups and baked goods. We try to hold such master classes during the holidays, because children are not always able to do this during school. We have already trained about 40 children. In the summer, one girl said that she didn’t like okroshka when everyone was making it. And then she said that she had simply never tried it in her life and it turned out that she loved okroshka. There have been many cases when, for example, a child does not eat porridge. And then he looks at what everyone is eating, and he cooked it with his own hands, and he also wants to try it and starts eating. The most important thing is that they cook at home, we give them confidence that they will be able to cook this dish themselves.

Girls often come to us before getting married

Difficulties modern business

All the difficulties I encountered were minor. For example, the contractors let us down and didn’t deliver the table on time. There are no problems with products in the city; now there is a wide range.

Everything is on my fragile female shoulders, but everything is feasible and solvable, you just need to work hard

Every day is permanent job. We need to offer people something new, to be different from our competitors in some way. Everything is on my fragile female shoulders, but everything is feasible and solvable, you just need to work hard. You won't be able to open a studio and let it work on its own. I put a lot of work, effort, time and money. We’ll hang new curtains somewhere to make it look nice, or the equipment breaks down and we have to buy something extra.

About plans

This holiday we want to do a special course for girls, it will be more dedicated to baking. These will be pies, buns, sponge cake, so that the girl will already have some skills when she gets married.

We also plan to hire a nanny for daytime master classes, so that those mothers who stay at home with their children can leave them with us and calmly learn to cook. We think that we will take children aged four to seven years, because you can’t keep very young children.

We also plan to hire a nanny for daytime master classes, so that those mothers who stay at home with their children can leave them with us and calmly learn to cook

Co next month we want to launch confectionery courses with a qualification as a pastry chef. Now I am negotiating with one of the leading confectioners in Kazakhstan so that she comes to us and conducts six-week courses, from the basics to modern confectionery skills. The courses will be developed in accordance with the curriculum of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Students will receive theory, practice, homework, take an exam at the end of the course and become pastry chefs. This is created for those who want to change their activity, or who have no education, but like to cook and are ready to become a pastry chef, get a specialty and get a job.

I want to open a pastry shop. As one person said, “You came in from the back door.” We now have a good base. We know what people like, we know how to make it beautiful and tasty, and that’s why we want to open a confectionery shop to feed people delicious desserts.

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If you absolutely decide to open something of your own in the gastronomic sector, be prepared for a number of problems.

The first is the similarity with others and the absence of one’s own distinctive feature. If you have even the slightest shortcomings in terms of the uniqueness of the project, drop it.

How it happened for us: in 2012, my business partner Giulio D’erme and I decided to open a culinary studio, the basis of which would be thematic master classes for everyone. The main idea was that in our studio you could not only learn to cook, but also have fun in good company. Such a new, non-trivial form of leisure. It doesn’t seem like a restaurant, but you can eat. There were no such studios in Moscow. I believe we succeeded in firmly occupying a niche in the market because we abandoned the academic approach to the idea of ​​culinary master classes.

Remember: if you are thinking about a new project and have not found clone businesses in this area as a result of market monitoring, this is the first step on the path to success.

Sell ​​a house - build a business

The second problem is a modest budget. This is the problem with many projects. Even with very original idea It’s unlikely that anything can be done without funds. By the way, my business partner and I had to sell our own homes to have enough for startup expenses. Of course, we had a place to live, but the risk of losing our property was still present.

Therefore, my advice is: try to build a business with partners, especially if you do not have enough resources alone.

Do detailed plan expenses - how much will be spent on rent, how much on repairs and corporate identity and for advertising. Write down each ruble, as well as possible options savings.

Cost Saving Options

We did the interior design of the studio ourselves, it turned out cheaper and faster. Look at the websites of expensive design studios, read on the Internet about modern trends, go to the addresses of all competitors, and then come up with something of your own.

We saved over 50 thousand dollars on interior design. For the overall budget - a solid increase. And the feeling of making your own contribution to your business is completely different. In addition to money, you need to invest your strength, your whole self.

How to save on advertising? Designate target audience, look for leaders of public opinion, try to prove to them what you are really worth. Demonstrate all the advantages of the project, and if the public is really interested in it, then they will know about it. So, for six months we organized free master classes for opinion leaders, gastronomic critics and journalists. As a result, the expenses were not as large as if we had started advertising ourselves in some standard way. Of course, we calculated the possible costs in advance.

In the first year, the company's income amounted to 90 million rubles. In 2014, we earned 165 million rubles. During the crisis year of 2015, we earned more than planned, and our turnover increased to 215 million rubles. We also went international in 2015 by opening a second studio in Singapore. And in 2016 we plan to earn 300 million rubles.

Kitchen shooting

To begin with, Anna and Maria created an account with beautiful pictures desserts on Instagram. The plan was this: make an attractive website, film a basic pastry course with a professional teacher and sell it as online lessons. Anna used to work at City Business School business school— online courses were just being launched there, and the girl decided that this format could be repeated in the culinary niche. “We analyzed what our competitors were doing and realized that in Moscow full-time schools education was expensive, and there was no online service at all. We decided that we could launch,” recalls Anna.

The first videos for the Bakerschool project were filmed at Anna Kovalchuk’s home and we agreed on a barter deal with kitchen appliance supplier KitchenAid. “We wrote to them about the school, told them the whole plan, and said that their equipment would be constantly visible on the video. They agreed,” says Kovel. So the girls got a professional mixer, blender, etc. - they saved about 100 thousand rubles.

Anna had to urgently renovate her own kitchen. This and the selection of equipment took the entire summer, which is why the start of filming had to be postponed until September. Meanwhile, the girls ordered a website for 300 thousand rubles, developed a design, compiled a course program, and looked for teachers.

Filming began in the fall of 2015. Without taking into account the costs of kitchen renovations, entrepreneurs needed about 1.2 million rubles. — for design, website creation, payment for the film crew and teacher, purchase of ingredients and kitchen equipment for filming. The investor of the project was a friend of the families of both girls, entrepreneur Evgeny Vardanyants (now he owns 50% of Bakerschool LLC, Kovel and Kovalchuk each have 25%).

The main difficulty was finding a professional pastry chef. What was needed was not just a professional, but a person who could tell and teach others. “We found a super cool girl, her Instagram at that time already had 50 thousand subscribers, and she successfully taught in-person master classes in one of the culinary studios in Moscow. But during the filming process, it turned out that conducting “live” master classes and working on camera are far from the same thing. We filmed half a day and realized that this was not suitable for us,” recalls Kovel.

I had to urgently look for a replacement. A friend advised me to contact pastry chef Maria Reshetnikova, a teacher by first education. “Masha studied with Ivan Shishkin, the founder of the Delicatessen and Yunost cafes, popular among Muscovites. And even through video she was able to convey her love for her work. As a result, we filmed the first basic course - ten lessons of 1.5 hours each - with her,” says Kovel.

It took the whole autumn to install and “package” the material. As a result, the school launched in December 2015 - a user could buy access to the entire series of video lessons on the Internet for 12 thousand rubles. or one lesson for 1.5 thousand rubles. The video was accompanied by recipe texts and a description of the cooking process; in the comments to the lesson you could ask your questions to Maria.

The first sales were brought by Instagram; at that time, the Bakerschool account already had more than 12 thousand followers. Before the launch of the school, fashionable city and culinary publications wrote about it (Maria Reshetnikova’s acquaintances helped). Sales fluctuated at the level of 150-200 thousand rubles. per month.

“For the first six months we had problems with the site - there were many technical problems, many previously planned sections, tests and a good chat were missing,” recalls Maria Kovel. “We realized that with the money we invested, it was impossible to make such a cool site as we originally wanted.”

As a result, the entrepreneurs worked “about zero” - they gave 15% to the pastry chef-teacher, paid a freelance developer who helped solve problems with the site, a lot of money was spent on the production of photo and video content for promotion on social networks. The production of one video course now costs 150-300 thousand rubles. At the same time, we did not spend money on renting an office; we worked either from home or from a cafe. Kovel was in charge of marketing, and Kovalchuk was in charge of operational management.

Credit on Instagram

In June, it became clear that the current school model was not working, everything urgently needed to be redone - both the approach to teaching and the sales system. “In fact, from the very start, we were more involved in PR than building sales. It’s time to correct the mistakes,” recalls Kovel.

We started by “moving” to a new website, created the “landing” pages ourselves, bought an account on the online learning platform, and hired a sales manager. Previously, you could only buy a course, but now you can leave a request and make a decision after communicating with the manager. This increased the conversion several times. Girls began to experiment with marketing tools and set up contextual advertising.

And most importantly, now the courses came in streams and started on certain dates. This disciplines the students. The first group of 30 people started on May 25, 2016. In order to answer numerous questions from students, the company formed a department of curators - through a competition, they recruited professional confectioners to the team for daily support. The school employs three curators from Kazan and Stavropol, who from 9:00 to 22:00 “sit” in Bakerschool chats on VKontakte and in instant messengers, promptly answering students’ questions.

The basic course works like this: one week is allocated for one lesson, during which the student studies educational materials, recipes. Then he prepares the product for testing and by Friday-Saturday he posts it on Instagram with a certain hashtag (both the whole product and in section - then the pastry chef’s mistakes are visible). After which you need to take another online test, and on Sunday go through a webinar with a teacher, a debriefing, and a discussion of mistakes. “The teacher pre-checks homework on Instagram and gives it a pass, and sometimes doesn’t pass it and asks them to do it again,” explains Maria. It turned out that many students want a certificate, even if there is no question of any state standard, and strict teachers discipline them.

From communicating with students, it turned out that many of them take courses not for fun, but to earn money - after the courses they start selling desserts through Instagram or open their own establishments. One Russian girl opened a restaurant in Jamaica and even got into the local press - desserts on the island are not very good.

The approach worked: in the summer of 2016, Bakerschool sales increased to 700 thousand rubles. per month, and in January 2017, revenue exceeded one million rubles. Operating profit - about 200 thousand rubles. per month. Turnover for the past year amounted to a total of about 7 million rubles, the entire operating profit spent on filming new courses with new teachers.

Currently, three courses from three teachers are available at Bakerschool: basic confectionery (12 thousand rubles), a business course “How to open a pastry shop” (in two versions: for 13 thousand rubles and 18 thousand rubles) and a course on desserts for raw foodists Raw and Vegan (8 thousand rubles). Now the girls are filming several more courses - on gingerbread, chocolate and mousse cakes.

In total, during the existence of the school, 2 thousand people bought courses. According to Kovel, today website traffic reaches 1,500 people per day, the main source of attracting customers is contextual advertising, in second place are word of mouth and Instagram. “Purchasing one client, who will then pay for the training course, costs us about 1.5 thousand rubles. It’s a little expensive,” admits Maria. But the school does not spend money on rent - a key cost item in the business of offline culinary schools.

Online or offline?

In what direction should we develop next? Bakerschool's competitors balance between online and offline. For example, the culinary school Chefshows by Novikov started in the winter of 2016 as an online project. “We contacted chefs and invited them to record video lessons. This was a popular format for professional content, which is especially suitable for confectioners, since all the details are very important for desserts,” says Yulia Mitrovic, founder of the Chefshows by Novikov project. However, then Arkady Novikov joined the project, and the school began to conduct full-time courses. This allows you to attract a new audience and sell your services at a higher price. “Our goal is to give people the opportunity to either learn to cook from scratch or improve their skills with professional chefs,” says Mitrovic.

“The absolute advantage of an online school for the founders is the absence of daily operating costs for a large number of participants, since students study at home, in their own kitchens,” says Maxim Katsev, general manager culinary studio Clever. — And most importantly, it is much easier for online schools to grow and scale, it is enough to correctly distribute advertising budget. While an offline school requires the opening of new sites to develop. It’s always difficult and expensive.”

But an offline school can attract a completely different audience - these are people who not so much want to learn how to cook, but come to the courses for fun. “The purpose of an online lesson is to gain knowledge. A culinary master class is a different format, during which participants not only learn something, but also communicate live with the chef and with each other. This is a special atmosphere, dinner at one table,” says Maxim.

The Moscow culinary school Culinaryon, founded by former Indesit top managers Alex Blanc, Giulio D'Erme and their partner Vera Sadovina, entered the Singapore market in November 2015. In Russia, according to Giulio D'Erme, corporate events and parties in the culinary format master classes account for 85% of the school's revenue, but it turned out that in Singapore it is not customary to organize large-scale private parties for friends. Usually the celebrations take place in the family circle.

But other opportunities unexpectedly opened up: it turned out that the government of the city-state annually gives $500 to residents of the country for education. You can spend them on photography courses or piano master classes. As it turns out, many people are interested in learning how to cook. “We are now the number one culinary school in Singapore for government classes,” says Giulio. The company plans to expand its activities around the world, with Bucharest, Hong Kong, Australia, Thailand and Vietnam next in line. Last year, Culinaryon held 3 thousand events, which were attended by almost 40 thousand people.

The founders of Bakerschool also expect to start conducting master classes offline in 2017 - this is one of the most frequent requests from clients and an additional opportunity to earn money.

We would like to thank SCHMIDT for their assistance in conducting the survey.

  • Production plan
  • Monthly store expenses
  • Which OKVED code must be specified for cooking?

Sample business plan for opening a culinary store with its own kitchen (food to order)

How much money do you need to open a culinary store?

According to preliminary calculations, to open a business you will need to invest about 1,958,800 rubles:

Step-by-step plan for opening a culinary store

The opening of a culinary establishment will be accompanied by the strict implementation of a plan, including the following sequential actions:

  1. Search for sources of project financing
  2. Search for premises
  3. Registering a business and concluding a lease agreement
  4. Carrying out cosmetic repairs, coordination with regulatory authorities
  5. Purchase of commercial and kitchen equipment and household items. inventory
  6. Personnel search
  7. Procurement of products and ingredients
  8. Development of an advertising company
  9. Opening of the establishment

Cooking store product range

Our cooking will earn money in three main areas: Trade directly in the store (sales to retail customers). Delivery of ready-made meals to order (to offices, home, etc.).

The demand for prepared food is growing from year to year, especially in major cities, so we will send additional funds for the development of delivery. The development of such a service will be facilitated by the favorable location of our point (there are many offices and elite areas of new buildings nearby)

Execution large orders for preparing food for holiday buffets, banquets and other events. In this area, we will work with banquet halls in the city that do not have their own kitchen. The main culinary range will include:

  • Baked goods (pies, pizza, belyashi)
  • Salads
  • Pickles
  • Snacks
  • Hot dishes
  • Side dishes and pastas
  • Desserts
  • Cakes and cookies
  • Drinks (tea, coffee, juices)
  • Banquet dishes
  • Alcohol, excluding strong drinks

How much can you earn by opening a culinary store?

The average sales receipt for our establishment, according to preliminary calculations, will be 200 rubles. Average number of visitors in retail department will be 70 people, about 20 more people. will purchase culinary products to order.

Potential daily revenue is 18,000 rubles, monthly (22 working days) - 396,000 rubles. It is also worth considering the profit from large orders for banquets. In total, we plan to serve up to three such orders per month, for a total amount of 100,000 rubles.

Download a culinary business plan from our partners, with a quality guarantee.

Production plan

Since our culinary department will have its own kitchen, this will require compliance with the relevant premises requirements from Rospotrebnadzor. We have selected a room containing two entrances, with proper ventilation and all necessary communications, including water supply, heating, electricity (of sufficient power) and sewerage.

The premises do not border with any industrial production and transferred to the appropriate type of permitted use. Only cosmetic repairs are required. The size of the rented area is 74 sq. m. m., rent - 44,400 rub. per month.

What equipment should you choose for a culinary store?

Everything you need will be purchased kitchen equipment: cutting table, refrigerator, convection oven, pizza oven, frying surface, stove, coffee maker, microwave oven, dishes and equipment. About 1.4 million rubles will be spent for these purposes.

A hall for receiving visitors will also be equipped accordingly ( trading floor). A sales display, shelving, and a sales counter will be installed here. There will also be several high tables for quick snacks.

Ingredients and products for cooking will be purchased from local suppliers and farms. Some of the products are planned to be purchased at wholesale stores in our city, as well as from bakery organizations.

Monthly store expenses

  • Supply manager with personal car -20,000 rub. per month
  • Senior cook - 25,000 rub. per month
  • Assistant cook - 18,000 rub. per month
  • Administrator (manager) - 25,000 rubles. per month.

It is planned to hire an accountant and a cleaner under an outsourcing agreement. The total wage fund per month will be 120,000 rubles. RUB 40,000 will be transferred to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund (extra-budgetary funds). monthly.

Which taxation system to choose for a culinary store?

As an organizational and legal form, it is planned to register an LLC - a company with limited liability consisting of two founders. Taxation system - simplified tax system, 15% of profit. A cash register will be installed.

Marketing and promotion of cooking

The main advantage of our cooking is that it will work in a fairly advantageous location. Nearby there are many large office buildings, where hundreds of enterprises of various profiles operate. Office workers are one of the main clients (always busy people).

It is also worth noting the presence in close proximity (200 m.) of higher educational institution. Special marketing techniques for business promotion will be applied only to food delivery. For this, according to the business plan, we plan to use the media, the Internet and banner advertising.

To attract retail customers, it will be enough to place a bright advertising sign above the entrance and distribute leaflets to nearby office buildings.

Financial plan (best result)

Let's move on to calculating the main economic indicators business. Monthly cooking expenses

Total - 397,400 rub. Revenue per month: 496,000 rub.

Profit before tax: 496,000 - 397,400 = 98,600 rubles. simplified tax system, 15% of profit: 14,790 rub.

Net profit: 98,600 - 14,790 = 83,810 rub. per month.

Business profitability is 21%. With such indicators, investments in the business pay off within 24 months of cooking.

This is a full-fledged, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain.

1. Privacy

3. Project implementation stages

4. Characteristics of the object

5. Marketing plan

6. Technical and economic data of equipment

7. Financial plan

8. Risk assessment

9. Financial and economic justification for investments

10. Conclusions

Which OKVED code must be specified for cooking?

Any subject entrepreneurial activity, regardless of the organizational and legal form (individual entrepreneur, legal entity) when submitting documents for registration in necessary documents must indicate the code of the activity that will be carried out.

To open a culinary business, we indicate as the main code 56, which, according to OKVED, corresponds to activities that are related to the provision of drinks and various food products. Further, depending on the specific direction, the additional codes.

What documents are needed to open

To open a cookery you will need to register. If you initially establish big business, then we register a legal entity in the form of a limited liability company. When opening a small kitchen, it is enough to register individual entrepreneurship. The following documents are submitted for LLC:

  • application for registration and charter of the company;
  • decision of the meeting of shareholders and information about the director, chief accountant;
  • legal address and receipt of payment of state duty;
  • register with government authorities and obtain the appropriate permits;
  • open a current account in any bank.

For individual entrepreneur A simplified registration procedure is provided for individual entrepreneurs. An application and a document confirming payment of the state duty, a photocopy of the passport and obtaining permits are enough to register and receive a bank account.

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Cooking business plan (42 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Canteen business plan (42 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Pizzeria business plan (46 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

Do I need permission to open?

This area of ​​activity is associated with obtaining a number of permits:

  • To carry out culinary activities, we obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor. To obtain it, you will need to collect a certain package of documents, which includes not only assortment list, but also requires education;
  • having received permission from the named government agency We go to the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspectorate for permits.

In addition to the above permissions, it is necessary to conclude agreements for:

  • removal of waste and other garbage;
  • carrying out work on disinfection of premises;
  • documents confirming that all employees of the facility have undergone a medical examination;
  • in cases of delivery of ready meals, semi-finished products, you will need to receive vehicle sanitary passport;
  • undergo certification and receive appropriate documents for the quality of prepared dishes.