Feeders made of plastic houses. Bird feeder. How to make a bottle feeder: a simple design with a spoon

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Making a bird feeder with your own hands is a fun and rewarding activity, especially if you have kids helping you. After all, surviving the winter cold is very difficult for our feathered friends. Sad statistics show that out of 10 birds before spring sunny days Only 2 birds survive. And by placing an original bird feeder with your own hands in a public garden, park or on your own personal plot, you will save more than one bird’s life from hunger.

How to make a bird feeder with your own hands?

Arranging food station for birds in your garden or summer cottage, you kill two birds with one stone: you save the birds from hunger in winter period and protect your harvest from numerous pests in the summer. Our feathered brothers are effective fighters against midges and other harmful insects. Birdies will delight you with cheerful chirping, loud trills or funny games and fuss around food, and all this is fascinating to watch.

By showing a little imagination and making an original bird feeder with your own hands from scrap materials, you will decorate your garden with an extraordinary accessory! So what do you need to have on hand to make your own bird feeder? Materials that can be used are empty cans, wine bottle caps, plastic cans and bottles, cuttings of branches, unnecessary pieces of plywood, roofing felt and boards, unused dishes (cups and saucers, mugs, teapots, decorative glass bottles), metal or nylon mesh and other household rubbish. For fastening and decoration, rope, fishing line, various chains, ribbons and nylon tapes, and wire will do.

Despite the variety of materials, all designs can be conditionally divided into four groups:

  1. Sturdy and durable birdhouse-like feeders made of wood.
  2. “Disposable” feeders made from cardboard boxes do not require any costs, but they will not last long.
  3. Easy to manufacture, designs made from plastic cans, cans or bottles.
  4. Feed suspended on threads.

What to use for feeding?

Experiencing a significant lack of food in the cold months, pichugas will eat everything you offer them with great pleasure. For complementary feeding, use any ground cereals: buckwheat, rice, oats, millet and millet - everything will be eaten. Grind any nuts and grains; add a little honey to the seeds of pumpkin, melon, watermelon, quinoa, thistle, hemp, sunflower, and quinoa.

At the titmouse feeder add small pieces of lard or chicken, boiled and finely chopped egg. Any dry berries and fruits will not be left without attention, especially viburnum and rowan bunches.

When setting up a dining room for birds, you must not forget to regularly fill the feeder with a nutrient mixture, since birds, getting used to feeding in one place, are ready to fly quite a long distance for food. And not finding food in the usual place, tired and hungry, they may die. Do not use rye bread, roasted nuts, cereals, grains and seeds, salty foods, citrus fruits, or fresh rolls for bait. Such products will harm birds.

When selecting material for making a feeder, you need provide a few points:

How to make a bird feeder accessible and safe?

Feeders need to be placed in open, easily visible areas, that is, in places accessible to birds. Bird feeding areas should not be provided in dense branches, highly windy areas, or in areas where cats can reach. Bird feeders, mounted on a tree trunk or branch, or on the walls of outbuildings at a height of about one and a half meters, are easily accessible to birds, it is convenient to add food to them and they are inaccessible to domestic predators.

Most of us think of a bird feeder as a small house or birdhouse. This form is an ideal solution for organizing poultry catering.

Whatever material you choose, the design must include:

Lightweight bird feeders made of plastic or cardboard can be easily weighed down by placing a piece of unnecessary linoleum or plywood on the bottom.

The most original bird feeders are grain ones

To make it you will need a mixture of raw grains, seeds, nuts and bread crumbs. We will make the base of the feeder with our own hands from thick cardboard and nylon thread, using scissors and a thick needle. Adhesive backing prepared from oatmeal , mixed with egg and honey, or from gelatin. Mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal (not cereal), 1 egg and 1 teaspoon of honey, leave for 30-40 minutes. At this time, we cut out the base for the feeder from cardboard in the form of hearts, stars, and any other geometric shapes.

To attach the delicious treat to the branches, use a thick needle to thread a thread, lace, braid or ribbon through a hole in the cardboard blank. Apply the swollen adhesive mass to the base and roll it in the prepared grain mixture. Place in the refrigerator to harden and after a few hours the treat for the birds is ready!

With a gelatin base, the manufacturing process is even simpler. Mix the finished nutrient mixture with a warm gelatin solution and pour into silicone baking molds. Having inserted a loop for fastening on the branches, we send it to harden in the refrigerator.

An original solution for such feeding would be old dishes. We leave the food prepared in any way to harden in mugs or a teapot that has become unusable. We tie the fastening thread to the handle of the product. We hang treats on the trees and watch the birds feast.

Cardboard box feeder

How to make a feeder with your own hands from a candy box or parcel, milk or juice. Having placed the edges of three candy boxes inside each other in the form of a triangle, we glue or use tape, thread any lace or ribbon through the roof and fasten it to the tree. The feeder is ready. Designs made from bags of any drinks will last a little longer, since they have a laminated layer inside and outside, moisture-proof. Using a knife or scissors, cut out an entrance, a round or square hole in one of the sides, slightly above the bottom of the box. A rope is attached to the top for hanging on a tree. The feeder is ready in a few minutes.

Similarly, you can make a feeder with your own hands from plastic containers: bottles, canisters, cans.

It is easier to secure a plastic feeder with wire. And to protect the birds from injury, seal the entrance hole with tape or tape. With a little more time, you can make a basic bunker feeder from plastic bottles. To do this, two through holes are made in a one and a half or two liter bottle: the first at a height of 10-15 cm from the bottom and the second in the center of the container, perpendicular to the first. Two wooden spoons are inserted into these holes. Holes on the wide side of the spoons expand to release feed. It is convenient to pour food into the feeder through the neck of the bottle; due to the weight of the grain mixture, the plastic feeder is not afraid of gusts of wind, the food remains dry and accessible to the birds for a long time.

Having insulated a one and a half or two liter container from the inside with yarn or sisal, you will know how to make a birdhouse from a bottle.

A little more time and skill will be required to make a bird feeder from plywood.

It can be with a gable or flat roof, open or with a bunker compartment. To make even the simplest feeder, like a birdhouse, you will need a drawing, which can be found on the Internet or calculate the design yourself. Tools needed: hammer, jigsaw, nails, glue, sandpaper. In addition to plywood, you will need a block.


The plywood feeder is hung by a rope threaded under the roof or a hook screwed into the roof. The service life of such a structure will be extended if it is coat with varnish or oil paint.

Classic dining room made of wood

However, with a little imagination and ingenuity, you can create a real masterpiece!

The minimum tools you will need are: a hammer and nails, self-tapping screws and a screwdriver. Cutting boards can be combined with slabs or branches, preserving the tree bark; small twigs or straw will decorate the plywood roof of the feeder in an original way. Roof wooden feeder can be mounted either on four support posts or on two flat supports located opposite each other. In addition, a feeder with two supports can be two-level or bunker. And, having certain skills and appropriate equipment, the sides of the birdhouse dining room can be made of any shape.

Making a double-walled feeder does not require an exact drawing of the bird feeder and adherence to exact dimensions. But there is unlimited scope for creative thought.

The assembly of the structure occurs in the same sequence as the plywood feeder. The bottom is fastened to the supports, then the sides and the roof. Since the bird feeder made of wood is quite heavy and durable, it can be installed either on a support pole or by hanging it from a wire or rope on tree branches.

For the convenience of small birds, titmice and sparrows, thin branches-perches can be attached parallel to the sides. And by cutting out round “windows” in the walls and threading a knitting needle or metal pin through them, it becomes possible to diversify the birds’ table with apples, pieces of pumpkin or lard.

The ideal solution for “remote” food points, especially near birdhouses, is dispenser installed inside a double-walled structure. One of the bunker options is with glass or plastic sides. On the inside of the walls, vertical grooves are cut, not reaching the bottom by about a centimeter, into which side panels made of glass or plastic are inserted. The food will spill out through the gap as the birds eat it.

An easier-to-make feeder, in which the hopper serves as plastic bottle. Cut off at both ends, it is hung with wire in the center of the feeder a couple of centimeters above the bottom. To make it easier to fill the hopper with nutrient mixture, the lid of the feeder is removable.

Without the opportunity to frequently replenish provisions in the feeder, a filled bunker will well preserve bird treats and allow the birds to remain full for a long time.

By placing a birdhouse made with your own hands from scrap materials next to the dining room, you will provide for tits and other small birds both housing and food.

Whatever idea you choose for making a feeder with your own hands, the birds will certainly thank you! Having tried your hand at making a feeder, you can make a birdhouse with your own hands from scrap materials.

Bird feeders

How to make a bird feeder

Bird feeders are a great theme for both bird lovers and inventors of small architectural forms. How to do simple or sophisticated feeder from cardboard boxes, from plastic bottles, from tin cans, from a wooden block or mayonnaise bucket, as well as from cake packaging and everything else, what to feed tits and what sparrows eat, look and read, - ideas fly in the air and land on this page.

The cutest and most beautiful “cafe” for birds

What a beauty!

Master class
1. Using a hot knife, cut the bottle in two places according to the mark. See for yourself what width of strip to cut, there are no exact dimensions.

Cut according to the basting

2.See the picture below. If you cut a wider strip, you will get a more squat figure; if you cut less, the product will be taller.

The height of the feeder depends on the height of the cut piece

3. At the bottom of the bottle, cut a hole for birds to land in, as shown in the photo. Don't forget to run a hot knife along the edge of the window so as to melt the cut and make it not sharp. The bird will sit on the edge of the window with its paws and should not cut itself.

To prevent birds from cutting their paws

Paint the bottom of the bottle with acrylic paint.
4.When the paint is dry, make two holes with a hole punch (or a hot nail) in the bottom of the bottle, on either side of the entrance to the feeder at the same distance.

A hole punch makes holes neater than a nail.

5. Symmetrical holes must be made in the upper part of the bottle; twine will be threaded through these holes, with the help of which the upper and lower parts of the bottle will be connected and this beauty will be suspended.

Connect the bottom and top of the structure with twine

6.Color the top of the bottle and don’t forget the cork. Let dry.
7. The twine will be threaded according to the scheme:

The twine connects the top and bottom of the feeder, and the knots are pulled up through the hole in the plug

8Make a hole in the cork, take the knots and pull the two ends of the twine by the knots through the hole in the cork.

Thread the twine through the hole in the cork

9Decorative detail. Make additional holes, as shown in the photo, on the bottom and top of the bottle and fasten the parts with decorative rivets. This will additionally hold the parts together and give the appearance of a “branded item”.

Holes for rivets

Align the rivet holes at the bottom of the product with the same holes at the top

Rivets are especially decorative Raffia palm twine bow

And these bottles would also make funny feeders.

Minion Feeder

From cardboard boxes.

Any cardboard box with a hole cut out, hung, and filled with food is a feeder. For example, a box from Rafaelo or boxes from New Year's children's gifts, of which every home accumulates in abundance after the New Year.
We use milk cartons, paint and decorate with buttons and twigs. Glue with a glue gun using silicone glue. (I bought myself a glue gun at hardware store, it was 3 times cheaper there than in a handicraft store).

Milk carton feeder with buttons
Cardboard box feeder
Box from Raffaello
New Year gift boxes

By the way, if there is no balcony, but only a window, then the cardboard device will be very useful; it will not break the window when you lower it outside the window onto the windowsill. I'm just afraid that in this house the neighbors are not happy about feeding pigeons so close to cars. The hole in the box should have been made small, then the pigeons would not have been able to feed on the windowsill, but the tits would scurry back and forth and delight the child and kitten with their bustle. And so it is It’s kind of boring to look at a pigeon’s butt sticking out of a box.

A girl hangs a feeder outside the window (So much effort, but you can only see the pigeon’s butt).

Bird bistros made from tin cans

Feeders made from tin cans
To prevent birds from cutting themselves, smooth the landing edge of the feeder.

Baby formula jars are very convenient for birds.

Lauren Martin, a French gardener, has created an entire feeding garden.

From plastic bottles - simple.

The simplest homemade bird canteen, which allows you to pour a full bottle of seeds, since the small hole does not allow the seeds to spill out.

The simplest bird feeder

We do this according to the scheme:

How to make the simplest feeder from a plastic bottle
Easy to do

From other available materials.

From cake packaging.

Cake for tits

Wooden bar idea

Bird bar idea

From plastic buckets for mayonnaise.

Bird bucket1 Bird bucket2

Wooden blocks

It’s quite difficult to do, but it looks very eco-friendly

Made from whole coconut.

When the festival is over and the coconut meat has been eaten, the coconut feeder's container will be filled with simple food in the form of seeds and an exotic restaurant will turn into a budget dining room.

Two options for one technology:

How and where to place fertilizer.

This is actually an important question. After all, we live among people and our interests or the interests of our feathered friends should not conflict with the interests of the people around us.
If the droppings of birds that we attract to our window or balcony regularly fall on the lower balconies or on our neighbors’ cars, expect trouble. Do we need it?
The solution to this problem is simple. There are a few things you need to know.
1 Feed pigeons only on the ground, away from parking lots, balconies and window sills, so that pigeon droppings do not cause damage to us and our neighbors.
2 Sparrows, unlike tits, do not fly away immediately as soon as they take food; they sit in the same place where there is food and poop there and throw the husks from the seeds there. Such a fellow will sit on the edge of a bottle or perch, take the seeds, peck them and throw the husk back into the seeds or nearby. The brat will spit all around. The tits are afraid of him and wait, sitting on the branches nearby, for him to eat. Therefore, the container with seeds should be hung away from the wall of the house,

1.at least look at how my neighbors did it in the video.

This is a brambling that has settled down; they spend the winter with us. These birds are like sparrows, they sit until they are full and try not to let the tits in, but the tits fly up, take a seed and put it on a branch to peck the seed from the seed.
2.Or place it inside the balcony so you can clean up after your guests.

Krmushka on the balcony
Tits love lard
Serious feeder
Titmouse on the window slope
Attach the feeder using a dowel
Feeder with a lid - very convenient for filling with seeds "Bread pipeline"

A child living in this house called this structure a “bread pipeline”

What do tits eat

Unroasted sunflower seeds, unsalted lard, fat, nuts (chopped, soft-fleshed, such as walnuts) and an exotic option - sawn coconut suspended on a string - are suitable for feeding tits.

What not to give to birds
You can't give salted lard roasted sunflower seeds, smoked meats, rye bread.
Tits will not eat buckwheat, millet, or rice.
But sparrows will eat millet and crushed grains and raisins.

By the way, wild grape berries () on your balcony will also attract birds. An Alpine jackdaw flies to us, watch the video at the end of the article.
Lard treat

Treats for birds

Lard can simply be hung on a thread or cut into pieces and placed in a vegetable net, I am on my feeder, which is also an observation deck for my cats in summer time, made such a design.

February 22nd, 2016

To make a bird feeder, you need to have a few simple things and tools. You can make a feeding trough with your children, but keep in mind that you need to watch every step, since during the construction process sharp things are used - scissors, knives, screwdrivers and even, sometimes, a saw. There are many options for feeders - from plywood, plastic bottles, tin can or cardboard.

Here are the most interesting, popular and original ideas creating a feeder:

Feeder made from scrap materials: toilet paper rolls

You will need:

1 toilet paper roll

Peanut butter

Small bowl


A couple of branches

Strong thread or fishing line

Knife (dull or plastic).

1. Connect two branches or sticks together using hot glue or string. You can skip this point if you make 4 holes in the sleeve (see below).

2. Make holes in the toilet paper roll so that you can thread two branches or sticks through them. It is better to make 2 holes: a little higher and 2 slightly lower (see image). This item is not required, because The sleeve can be put on differently.

3. Place the peanut butter in a small bowl and use a plastic knife to spread the butter onto the surface of the cardboard toilet paper roll.

4. Sprinkle the food over the peanut butter sleeve.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for 4 more bushings.

6. Tie a strong thread to the connected branches so that the structure can be hung.

7. Hang all the cardboard tubes on the branch structure, and then hang everything on the tree.

Feeder made from a plastic bottle. Option 1.

You will need:

Any plastic bottle

Ribbon, thread or fishing line

Awl or drill (for making holes in the bottle and plastic cap)

Bolt and nut

Stationery or simple knife (if necessary)

Deep plastic plate.

1. Prepare a plastic bottle. Remove the label from it, wash it well and dry it.

2. Make a hole in the middle of the lid and plastic plate.

3. Attach the lid to the plate using a bolt and nut.

4. Make a hole in the bottom of the bottle (bottom).

5. Make several holes on the side (4-5), near the neck of the bottle, so that the food can spill out when you turn the bottle over. Holes can be made with a stationery knife if the bottle is not too dense.

6. Take the ribbon, fold it in half, and tie the ends in a knot. Thread the ribbon through the hole at the bottom of the bottle.

Now you can pour food into the bottle, screw on the cap and turn it over. The ribbon will allow you to hang the feeder on a branch.

Bird feeder made from a plastic bottle. Option 2.

You will need:

Plastic bottle

Plastic container

Strong thread or fishing line

Screwdriver or nail

Knife (simple or stationery).

1. Remove the cap from the bottle and the cap from the container.

2. Place the bottle cap on the container cap (in the center) and trace with a pen, felt-tip pen or pencil.

3. With stationery knife cut a hole in the lid of the container. The hole can be made slightly smaller than the diameter of the bottle cap.

4. Make one hole along the edges of the container lid.

5. Make a hole in the center of the bottle cap. The hole should be large enough to allow bird food to spill out.

6. Place the cap on the bottle and then insert the bottle into the hole in the container cap.

7. Tie a strong thread to the bottle and put the cap on the container.

Now you can pour food into the bottle or pour water and hang the feeder on a tree.

How to make a feeder from a box (photo instructions)

Original polymer clay feeder

You will need:

Polymer clay


Thick wire or piece of aluminum

Baking bowl or any other utensil that can be placed in the oven

A small piece of fabric.

1. First roll out the clay on a flat surface until it is about 6mm thick.

2. Carefully place the rolled out clay inside the baking bowl. Trim off any excess pieces so that the clay lies flat. Make 3 large holes in the clay for the rope.

3. Place the bowl of clay in the oven. Read the clay instructions carefully to know how long it takes for the clay to harden in the oven.

4. When the clay has hardened, carefully remove it from the bowl, tie three pieces of rope to it - tie a knot at one end of each rope, and insert the other end into the hole of the clay plate.

5. Tie all ends of the rope and secure them with wire.

6. It is advisable to place a small piece of fabric inside the plate so that the birds do not accidentally peck the clay along with the food.

Original do-it-yourself pumpkin feeder

You will need:

Small pumpkin

Wooden crossbars (even branches can be used)

Thin wire.

1. You need to cut off the top of the pumpkin.

2. Using a knife or screwdriver, make 4 holes in the pumpkin to insert branches or wooden slats into. Make 2 opposite holes at the same height and two other opposite ones slightly lower - this way you will have one branch slightly higher than the other.

3. Take a thin wire and wrap it around each end of the branches so that the feeder can be hung on the tree. Connect all the ends of the wire so that the feeder can hang evenly. Twist them into a hook.

Original DIY bird feeder idea

This feeder is suitable for sub-zero temperatures.

You will need:

Large plastic bottle

Small plastic bottle or small plastic container


Coniferous branches

Berries (optional)


1. Cut off the bottom of a large and small plastic bottle. First you can make a hole with a knife and then cut with scissors. You will have the base of the feeder.

2. Place spruce branches, berries and seeds in a circle in the cut-out bottom of a large bottle.

3. Place the bottom of a small bottle or small plastic container in the center of the base.

4. Pour earth, sand or pebbles into a small container.

5. Tie strong threads or fishing line to the feeder so it can be hung.

6. If you put the feeder in the freezer overnight, and then take out and remove the plastic parts, you will get an ice feeder.

How to make a feeder with your own hands using a bottle

You will need:

Small glass or plastic bottle (preferably with a cap)

Small saucer or bottom of a plastic bottle


Saw (if necessary)

Screw half ring (hook).

1. Using screws, connect two small pieces of plywood. In this example, the dimensions of the plywood are 11 x 15 cm and 31 x 15 cm.

2. Using the bottle that you will later attach to the stand, mark the places where you will need to attach two pieces of wire - one at the neck, the other at the bottom of the bottle.

3. The neck of the bottle should be approximately 3-4 cm above the base.

4. Drill holes for the wire, insert your wire through the bottom, wrap it around the bottle and secure it with reverse side plywood (you can twist the wire or secure it with a stapler).

5. Fill the bottle with seeds, screw the lid on so as not to spill the seeds, turn it over and insert the bottle between the wires, place a saucer under it and remove the lid.

6. Screw a half-ring screw into the top of the plywood to hang the feeder.

Original DIY bird feeder

You will need:

Tin can (preferably with a lid)

Sisal rope (sisal rope) or thick rope

A piece of thin plywood, a branch, or any small metal piece

Hot glue.

1. If you have a jar with a lid, then the lid needs to be bent in half.

2. Take a small branch, piece of plywood, or other small piece that birds can perch on and glue it to the can.

3. Insert the bent lid as shown in the image (slightly inside the jar and over metal part), and secure it with glue.

4. Take a thick rope or rope about 80 cm long and start wrapping the can so that the long ends of this rope (30 cm) remain at the beginning and at the end. Use glue to secure the rope to the can.

5. Cut the rope, tie the ends in a knot and secure with glue.

You will need:

3/4 cup birdseed

1/4 cup water

1 packet of gelatin

Twine or strong thread

Cookie pans

Baking paper.

1. Mix gelatin with water (1/4 cup) and bring to a boil, stirring. Make sure the gelatin is completely dissolved.

2. Remove from heat and let cool.

3. Add 3/4 cup birdseed. You can add more if it fits.

4. Place the cookie cutters on baking paper and fill them with the resulting food mixture.

5. Cut a piece of thread and tie its ends in a knot. Partially insert the thread into the mixture.

6. Leave the mixture to dry overnight, making sure to turn it occasionally when you have time.

7. Remove the molds and hang the food on the tree.

How to make your own bird feeder using tin cans

You will need:

3 cans of paint or cans

A piece of branch or wooden stick

Hot glue

Paints (if desired).

You can paint the jars, or you can leave them as is.

1. Glue a piece of branch to a jar for the birds to land and eat.

2. Wrap strong thread or ribbon around the jar and tie the ends in a knot. You can secure the tape with glue so that it sticks better to the jar.

3. Fill the jars with food and you're done!

How to make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle

You will need:

Plastic bottle (1.5 l or 5 l) or canister

Sharp scissors or utility knife

For birds, you need to have a few simple items and tools.

You can make a feeding trough with your children, but keep in mind that you need to watch every step, since during the construction process sharp things are used - scissors, knives, screwdrivers and even, sometimes, a saw.

There are many options for feeders - made from plywood, plastic bottles, tin cans or cardboard.

Here are the most interesting, popular and original ideas for creating a feeder:

Feeder made from scrap materials: toilet paper rolls

You will need:

1 toilet paper roll

Peanut butter

Small bowl


A couple of branches

Strong thread or fishing line

Knife (dull or plastic).

1. Connect two branches or sticks together using hot glue or string. You can skip this point if you make 4 holes in the sleeve (see below).

2. Make holes in the toilet paper roll so that you can thread two branches or sticks through them. It is better to make 2 holes: a little higher and 2 slightly lower (see image). This item is not required, because The sleeve can be put on differently.

3. Place the peanut butter in a small bowl and use a plastic knife to spread the butter onto the surface of the cardboard toilet paper roll.

4. Sprinkle the food over the peanut butter sleeve.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for 4 more bushings.

6. Tie a strong thread to the connected branches so that the structure can be hung.

7. Hang all the cardboard tubes on the branch structure, and then hang everything on the tree.

Feeder made from a plastic bottle. Option 1.

You will need:

Any plastic bottle

Ribbon, thread or fishing line

Awl or drill (for making holes in the bottle and plastic cap)

Bolt and nut

Stationery or simple knife (if necessary)

Deep plastic plate.

1. Prepare a plastic bottle. Remove the label from it, wash it well and dry it.

2. Make a hole in the middle of the lid and plastic plate.

3. Attach the lid to the plate using a bolt and nut.

4. Make a hole in the bottom of the bottle (bottom).

5. Make several holes on the side (4-5), near the neck of the bottle, so that the food can spill out when you turn the bottle over. Holes can be made with a stationery knife if the bottle is not too dense.

6. Take the ribbon, fold it in half, and tie the ends in a knot. Thread the ribbon through the hole at the bottom of the bottle.

Now you can pour food into the bottle, screw on the cap and turn it over. The ribbon will allow you to hang the feeder on a branch.

Bird feeder made from a plastic bottle. Option 2.

You will need:

Plastic bottle

Plastic container

Strong thread or fishing line

Screwdriver or nail

Knife (simple or stationery).

1. Remove the cap from the bottle and the cap from the container.

2. Place the bottle cap on the container cap (in the center) and trace with a pen, felt-tip pen or pencil.

3. Using a utility knife, cut a hole in the lid of the container. The hole can be made slightly smaller than the diameter of the bottle cap.

4. Make one hole along the edges of the container lid.

5. Make a hole in the center of the bottle cap. The hole should be large enough to allow bird food to spill out.

6. Place the cap on the bottle and then insert the bottle into the hole in the container cap.

7. Tie a strong thread to the bottle and put the cap on the container.

Now you can pour food into the bottle or pour water and hang the feeder on a tree.

How to make a feeder from a box (photo instructions)

Original polymer clay feeder

You will need:

Polymer clay


Thick wire or piece of aluminum

Baking bowl or any other utensil that can be placed in the oven

A small piece of fabric.

1. First roll out the clay on a flat surface until it is about 6mm thick.

2. Carefully place the rolled out clay inside the baking bowl. Trim off any excess pieces so that the clay lies flat. Make 3 large holes in the clay for the rope.

3. Place the bowl of clay in the oven. Read the clay instructions carefully to know how long it takes for the clay to harden in the oven.

4. When the clay has hardened, carefully remove it from the bowl, tie three pieces of rope to it - tie a knot at one end of each rope, and insert the other end into the hole of the clay plate.

5. Tie all ends of the rope and secure them with wire.

6. It is advisable to place a small piece of fabric inside the plate so that the birds do not accidentally peck the clay along with the food.

Original do-it-yourself pumpkin feeder

You will need:

Small pumpkin

Wooden crossbars (even branches can be used)

Thin wire.

1. You need to cut off the top of the pumpkin.

2. Using a knife or screwdriver, make 4 holes in the pumpkin to insert branches or wooden slats into. Make 2 opposite holes at the same height and two other opposite ones slightly lower - this way you will have one branch slightly higher than the other.

3. Take a thin wire and wrap it around each end of the branches so that the feeder can be hung on the tree. Connect all the ends of the wire so that the feeder can hang evenly. Twist them into a hook.

Original DIY bird feeder idea

This feeder is suitable for sub-zero temperatures.

You will need:

Large plastic bottle

Small plastic bottle or small plastic container


Coniferous branches

Berries (optional)


1. Cut off the bottom of a large and small plastic bottle. First you can make a hole with a knife and then cut with scissors. You will have the base of the feeder.

2. Place spruce branches, berries and seeds in a circle in the cut-out bottom of a large bottle.

3. Place the bottom of a small bottle or small plastic container in the center of the base.

4. Pour earth, sand or pebbles into a small container.

5. Tie strong threads or fishing line to the feeder so it can be hung.

6. If you put the feeder in the freezer overnight, and then take out and remove the plastic parts, you will get an ice feeder.

How to make a feeder with your own hands using a bottle

You will need:

Small glass or plastic bottle (preferably with a cap)

Small saucer or bottom of a plastic bottle


Saw (if necessary)

Screw half ring (hook).

1. Using screws, connect two small pieces of plywood. In this example, the dimensions of the plywood are 11 x 15 cm and 31 x 15 cm.

2. Using the bottle that you will later attach to the stand, mark the places where you will need to attach two pieces of wire - one at the neck, the other at the bottom of the bottle.

3. The neck of the bottle should be approximately 3-4 cm above the base.

4. Drill holes for the wire, insert your wire through the bottom, wrap it around the bottle and secure it to the back of the plywood (you can twist the wire or secure it with a stapler).

5. Fill the bottle with seeds, screw the lid on so as not to spill the seeds, turn it over and insert the bottle between the wires, place a saucer under it and remove the lid.

6. Screw a half-ring screw into the top of the plywood to hang the feeder.

Original DIY bird feeder

You will need:

Tin can (preferably with a lid)

Sisal rope (sisal rope) or thick rope

A piece of thin plywood, a branch, or any small metal piece

Hot glue.

1. If you have a jar with a lid, then the lid needs to be bent in half.

2. Take a small branch, piece of plywood, or other small piece that birds can perch on and glue it to the can.

3. Insert the bent lid as shown in the image (slightly inside the jar and over the metal part) and secure it with glue.

4. Take a thick rope or rope about 80 cm long and start wrapping the can so that the long ends of this rope (30 cm) remain at the beginning and at the end. Use glue to secure the rope to the can.

5. Cut the rope, tie the ends in a knot and secure with glue.

You will need:

3/4 cup birdseed

1/4 cup water

1 packet of gelatin

Twine or strong thread

Cookie pans

Baking paper.

1. Mix gelatin with water (1/4 cup) and bring to a boil, stirring. Make sure the gelatin is completely dissolved.

2. Remove from heat and let cool.

3. Add 3/4 cup birdseed. You can add more if it fits.

4. Place the cookie cutters on baking paper and fill them with the resulting food mixture.

5. Cut a piece of thread and tie its ends in a knot. Partially insert the thread into the mixture.

6. Leave the mixture to dry overnight, making sure to turn it occasionally when you have time.

7. Remove the molds and hang the food on the tree.

How to make your own bird feeder using tin cans

You will need:

3 cans of paint or cans

A piece of branch or wooden stick

Hot glue

Paints (if desired).

You can paint the jars, or you can leave them as is.

1. Glue a piece of branch to a jar for the birds to land and eat.

2. Wrap strong thread or ribbon around the jar and tie the ends in a knot. You can secure the tape with glue so that it sticks better to the jar.

3. Fill the jars with food and you're done!

How to make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle

Making your own bird feeder is not difficult. In winter, birds are in great danger; they need to be fed.

This is why people create feeders and help birds survive this cold season.

Feeders can be created using any materials that are found in any home. They do not require financial investments or special knowledge, but only a good attitude towards the environment.

General rules for creating feeders:

  • convenience;
  • moisture resistance;
  • safety (exclude sharp corners);
  • walls and corners should not be sharp or prickly;
  • fastening not lower than 1.5 m above the ground.

Plywood as a material for a feeder

You can make the drawings yourself, or you can find them on the Internet. When selecting or creating a drawing, take into account the features of the tiles.

If you plan to feed small birds, then plan a small opening so that big birds did not compete with them.

Prepare: plywood, hammer and nails, glue, jigsaw (electric), timber (about 20 by 20 cm) and sandpaper.

  • Step 1 Mark the plywood and cut out the parts with a jigsaw. Make the square on the bottom and on the roof 5 cm larger (25x25 cm).

  • Step 2 Sand the workpieces.

  • Step 3 Cut out posts (up to 30 cm) from the block.

  • Step 4 Connect the parts with nails (or glue), attach the posts to the bottom, and attach the sides to the posts.

  • Step 5 The roof is attached with self-tapping screws.

Wooden feeder

A reliable and high-quality material for any crafts is wood.


  • for racks a block (4.5 by 2 cm);
  • for the bottom plywood (square 25 by 25 cm);
  • plywood for the roof (35 by 22 - two pieces);
  • glue, screws, nails.

Step 1 Frame base – assemble the bottom with the sides. Cut pieces of timber to fit the bottom and connect. Glue the ends with glue and tighten with self-tapping screws. It is recommended to make the sides (two parallel) 5 cm longer than the bottom.

Step 2 Nail the bottom to the base frame.

Step 3 Screw the racks (from 18 to 20 cm) to the inside of the box.

Step 4 Attach two bars at right angles. Secure the joints with another block. You need to make two parts in the form of a right angle.

Step 5 Attach the rafters to the posts using rafters and nail pieces of wood to them for the roof.

Step 6 Glue sticks-perches to the sides (extended).

Feeder made from a milk carton

This type of “bird house” is often made in kindergartens and primary schools. Prepare: milk/juice carton, scissors, wire, marker and adhesive tape.

  • Step 1 Cut holes on two opposite sides of the box.
  • Step 2 Glue the edges of the “windows” with adhesive tape.
  • Step 3 Punch a hole under the windows and insert a cardboard tube (from the cut holes).
  • Step 4 Make holes for the wire in the bent corners.

Feeder made from plastic bottles

  • Step 1 Cut holes on both sides of the bottle (leave bridges between them).
  • Step 2 Apply adhesive tape to the sides.
  • Step 3 Make holes at the bottom for the perch stick.

Feeder made from a five-liter plastic bottle

This type of feeder holds a lot of food, which is very convenient for feeding birds in winter. It is convenient for them to eat inside such a spacious product. You can involve the whole family to create. Prepare: bottles, knife (or stationery knife).

  • Step 1 Cut a hole vertically or horizontally, depending on the mounting method.
  • Step 2 If the holes are made horizontally, then you need to make two holes on the side (with a knife) and pass twine through them (to tie).
  • Step 3 Place a small stone on the bottom to avoid falling during strong winds.

Feeder out of the box

You can create a feeder from almost any cardboard box. It is better to choose thick and laminated cardboard so that it will last longer in winter moisture conditions.

This feeder is easy to make because it already has the right shape, sides, bottom and roof. You just need to cut the holes. Prepare: tape, knife and nylon cord.

  • Step 1 Wrap the box with tape.
  • Step 2 Cut the side holes.
  • Step 3 Attach the fastening cord.
  • Step 4 Place pebbles on the bottom.

There is an alternative version of this design. The lid can be glued perpendicularly so that it serves as a stand for food.

Then the side and roof will be from the second part of the box.

This product must also be carefully taped. Next you need to make two small wire hooks and lay them on the “ceiling” (twist and bend). The hooks need to be connected to each other, and now it can be hung on a branch.

Photos of bird feeders