Konstantin Khabensky relief fund. Konstantin Khabensky treats children with cancer. How money is distributed

YEREVAN, May 29. News-Armenia. Doing charity work is very important, because the more people help each other, the fewer unresolved issues there will be, since, as a rule, questions arise from idleness, the People’s Artist of Russia, theater actor and cinema Konstantin Khabensky.

“I think any normal person thinks about charity, there are no people who don’t. Another question is whether a person has the strength to take this step. Everyone approaches this differently. I don't blame those who were scared, those who tried and ran away. Everyone has their own understanding, but every person has the right to try during his lifetime,” said Khabensky.

By personal example

In 2008, Khabensky founded charitable foundation, helping children with cancer and other severe brain diseases. Today the fund is one of the ten largest fundraising funds in Russia.

After creating the fund, the actor and his wife began saving lives and helping children. In 2013, he turned to Gor Borisovich Nahapetyan (Managing Director, Advisor to the President of the Troika Dialog investment company since 1998. Ed.) for help, and he helped Khabensky create a team of like-minded people.

“He told me the golden words: “I won’t give you a fish, but I’ll give you a fishing rod, and you yourself will learn to fish,” recalls the actor.

Today the fund employs 15 people. As Khabensky stated, the fund provides assistance to sick children not only from Russia, but also from Armenia, Belarus and other CIS countries.

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“Any fund, if it wants to develop and not stand still, must set goals, so-called business plans, like any corporation, in order to grow and raise the bar. Every year we set ourselves goals for the next year and thus today we already have the opportunity to engage in more than just targeted assistance,” he said.

In particular, in addition to targeted assistance to patients, the fund helps equip clinics necessary equipment, develops its own rehabilitation programs, improves the qualifications of doctors and changes society’s attitude towards the topic of oncology.

“We came up with winter and summer camps, our students come on vacation and communicate with their peers. Gradually they begin to return to life. We also came up with the direction “Know and not be afraid”, so that parents would pay attention to any little things related to their children, and not be afraid to examine them, because the earlier the disease is detected, the easier it will be to cope with it,” emphasized Khabensky.

The actor is sure that the task of the foundation is to convince people that charity is “simple, necessary and necessary.”

“There are heroes on the screen who explored outer space, and whom you and I cannot reach. But you can become an earthly hero, do things here on Earth, helping someone. This is our time, the time in which we live, we just need to think and understand that heroism does not have to be on a battle scale. This may be personal heroism, which may not be noticed from the outside, but the inner feeling of dignity will always be with you,” said Khabensky.

Help through creativity

Konstantin Khabensky said that the fund attracts many famous people who visit sick children and participate in various charitable events of the foundation.

“Together with them, if they do this consciously, and very many do this already consciously and feel the desire to again enter the “waters of charity”, this story includes their viewers, fans, and the media,” the actor noted, clarifying that help can be different, and volunteers do not have to personally visit clinics where a very difficult atmosphere reigns. For example, he says, you can help sick children develop creatively. Today, children's Studios are already operating in 11 cities of Russia creative development, whose wards play in performances, all proceeds from which are aimed at helping suffering children.

“It is very important to talk about charity from school, because what we see today is good and correct, but in my opinion it is a belated approach. It is very important from school to explain to children not only theory, but also to show through practice what charity is, what help is,” said Khabensky.

You have to believe in what you do

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The actor admitted that he and his wife made the decision to engage in charity work at the moment when his wife was diagnosed with cancer, and in order not to focus on their own problems, it was decided to help others.

“She managed to help several guys. Then...she was gone. This was probably the most difficult thing, but at some point I realized that we were worthless if we gave up everything and lived a different life,” said Khabensky.

“I believe that what I am doing is right, it is necessary. It is very important when you see the result and receive a caring look. Because empty, cold, uninterested eyes will kill your engine very quickly. Those eyes that we encounter give us a lot of energy in life,” summed up Konstantin Khabensky. –0--

DatsoPic 2.0 2009 by Andrey Datso

After actor Konstantin Khabensky’s son was born in 2007, his wife Anastasia fell ill with cancer. He sold the house, gave all the fees for treatment, and got into debt himself. But a year later, in Los Angeles, she died. Since then, the actor has lived in an ordinary apartment, and gives almost all of his earnings to charity. On this moment he saved about 150 children from brain cancer.

Everyone knows that Konstantin Khabensky does not like the attention of the press outside the stage and film set. In 2012, Konstantin was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation, but his principles did not change.

The actor supports many public projects. Under his leadership there is a charitable foundation that provides assistance to children with cancer. He does not engage in charity “to nowhere” and believes that it is necessary to help those who still have a chance.

It all started with a call from a hospital where leukemia patients are treated. For old times’ sake, the doctors kept Khabensky’s phone number. And they gave it to a woman who lacked two hundred thousand rubles for an operation for her son. Simply because they are tired of looking at the suffering of a mother who is struggling in search of money. Hearing such a request, the actor immediately brought the money to the hospital, and the child was admitted for surgery.

Since then, his phone has become a “lifeline” for those treating their children for cancer. But, oddly enough, they ask for more than just money. Sometimes Khabensky is required to have his connections with doctors. Konstantin receives calls from distant cities, where no help can be provided to a child with such a complex illness. Doctors say: “Go to Moscow!”, but it is difficult for people from a village or small town to figure out where to go with their trouble. Therefore, Khabensky helped several unfortunate mothers - he arranged for their children to be seen by doctors in the capital. And he checked that everything was fine.

This attitude towards the grief of others, apparently, has always been accepted in the Khabensky family. After all, as it later turned out, his wife Anastasia, already sick, helped save a girl suffering from multiple sclerosis.

The actor invests his enviable popularity more profitably in charity, joining the circle of philanthropic artists: Chulpan Khamatova, Dina Korzun, Maria Mironova and Evgeny Mironov, Ksenia Rappoport, Gosha Kutsenko, Mikhail Porechenkov, Egor Beroev, Ksenia Alferova and others. Khabensky is ready to talk about the activities of his charitable foundation.

Although Konstantin Khabensky’s charitable foundation to help children with cancer and other brain diseases has been operating since 2008, it did not participate in public events until this year. But the accumulated experience and firm decision to expand the activities of the foundation required attracting serious funds and involving more socially responsible people in the charitable movement.

The first public event of the Khabensky Foundation took place on the last day of Maslenitsa celebrations in Gorky Park. Konstantin Yuryevich invited his friends with their children and all visitors to the park to go skating. Many responded, and, of course, colleagues with experience in charity work - Chulpan Khamatova, Alexey Kravchenko, Ingeborga Dapkunaite... And world champion Irina Slutskaya gladly conducted a master class for Konstantin Khabensky and everyone. And although the famous “student” did not feel as confident on skates as his namesake Kostya, the character from “Pokrovsky Gates,” the main thing is to start! What won’t you do for a noble cause! Everyone had fun and warmth. This day will be remembered by the participants of the action for a long time!
As a result, more than 600 thousand rubles - proceeds from tickets sold at the skating rink over the weekend - were transferred to help the children of the Khabensky Foundation, who vitally need such support.

Public statement about the fund

Konstantin Khabensky Until this moment, we had not dared to go on a “big voyage” - we were limited to private donations from individuals, including mine, my colleagues and our business acquaintances, who helped targeted, specific children. We felt at the beginning that we shouldn’t spread ourselves thin and take on more than we can do. As a result, we are not ashamed to report for the work done. Over four years, more than 16 million rubles were raised (of which 58 percent came from corporate patrons, and the rest from private donors). This made it possible to pay for the treatment of 79 children, many of them full course: from diagnosis to rehabilitation in our country, as well as in Germany and England. I think we need to use every chance in treatment; fortunately, miracles happen.

The foundation's motto is: “One life saved is one life saved.” And now, when we have gained experience, there is a desire and opportunity to strengthen our work. The idea of ​​creating a fund arose five years ago, when his wife Nastya fell ill. We decided not to focus on our misfortune, but to help children who are faced with similar problem. Unlike us, for example, in America, the charitable movement is quite developed, in addition, people who have been given the same diagnosis communicate with each other, organize conferences, learn something new in diagnostics, treatment methods, and support each other. Having created the fund, I did not consider it possible to leave this activity. Although from emotional burnout none of us are immune.

Why do we want to develop? Of course, first of all, in order to be able to help more children, and for this we need to attract more funds. And in general, to attract people’s attention to charity, to involve them in a common cause. We will try to make sure that people do charity not with sad eyes, but with a smile and joy. We will hold interesting, beautiful, memorable events, establish live contact with real and potential donors and, of course, with children.
Since we are addressing a wide audience, then, of course, we will now also have to report publicly so that people clearly understand how each ruble they donate is spent.

Exclusive. It is known that due to the dishonesty of some foundations and simply scammers, the attitude in our society towards the charitable movement is somewhat discredited. How can you answer your potential opponents who, in particular, may assume that this is being done for personal PR?

K.H. As for PR, it would be easier to go to some show rather than engage in quite difficult work from a psychological point of view with sick children. Practice shows, and my actor friends who have been involved in charity work for many years, confirm that some people who tried to do this at least once either step aside immediately or stay for a long time. I considered it necessary for myself to continue the work I had begun.
In addition, nothing can be stolen from our fund. This is excluded because parents of sick children do not receive money in their hands, but it is transferred directly to the account of the medical institution.

Exclusive. What is the scope of your foundation's activities?

K.H. First of all, payment for expensive operations, medications, post-operative rehabilitation, including psychological rehabilitation after a many-month course in a medical institution. What is its essence? We have noticed that after parents and children have spent a long time in hospital wards, they need to feed on positive emotions, change the environment, climate and, perhaps, even the country. This is a very important moment for recovery. Our Happiness Therapy program has shown wonderful effectiveness. We buy air tickets, pay for hotels, excursions, meals and send families on vacation to Europe. Six families completed this program at sea in Spain, after which there were significant improvements in the well-being of the children. And two children completely recovered! We will definitely develop this direction, because it works great! Of course we're talking about about low-income families, most of whom not only abroad, but have never traveled further than their town or village. Can you imagine the emotional stimulus they get from the trip?
In addition, after returning home, children and their parents need moral support. Because it’s no secret that at the everyday level our society still reacts very ambiguously to children with cancer - they may have problems at school, kindergarten, with others. Need basics warm word support, human participation. And educational work. Trouble can happen to anyone. And you never know in advance how the child’s medical history will end. We fight for each of our charges to the end. Therefore, we will widely use awareness-raising work aimed at early diagnosis of brain diseases in children - then the chances of recovery are significantly increased. It’s no secret that this issue is a big problem in our society and, unfortunately, we mostly get children in the late third and fourth stages...

Exclusive. What surprises you personally most about your little patients?

K.H. What is most striking is their fearlessness. Sick children who have not yet had life experience, as a rule, do not think about the worst, quickly forget the pain when you communicate with them, and do not lose their sense of humor. And what’s also amazing is the strength of spirit of our children’s parents, mostly mothers - they fight fantastically for the child’s life, using the slightest chance for recovery. This is amazing!

Exclusive. What problems do you encounter in the work of the foundation? For example, Chulpan Khamatova spoke about the imperfection of our legislation in the field of charity and the lack of many effective medicines in the country. Will you somehow use your authority in dealing with the authorities to resolve such issues?

K.H. The Fund was created not to replace the state, but to attract as many people as possible to solving existing problems in this area by its own example. Of course, the solution to the problems that Chulpan is talking about depends on the state. But if we, as a society, remind the authorities of them more often, then together we will achieve more.

Exclusive. Konstantin, how realistically are you going to combine a busy creative life with work at the foundation?

K.H. If for four years we worked almost together with executive director Foundation by Evgenia Afanasyeva, today I have a whole team of professionals. The foundation's website has been created. There is a lot of work ahead. In addition, after finishing work in the big television film “Peter Leshchenko”, where I had to master vocals and perform 16 musical numbers from the repertoire of a former pop singer, I took a break from cinema. At the Moscow Art Theater, I have also reduced my work so far to just “The Threepenny Opera.” Oleg Tabakov understood me and gave me a break for a year. Sometimes I perform with Yuri Bashmet and his “Moscow Soloists” as a reader. And most importantly, I spend more time with my son Vanya, who really needs my attention. This situation is somewhat unusual for me, but apparently the time has come to stop, think, reboot, and understand in which direction to move forward. I’ve been planning to try my hand at directing for several years, but due to the terrible workload I haven’t been able to do it yet. So today there is more time, including for the fund.

Exclusive. What is the fate of those organized by you? creative studios for children? Will you continue them?

K.H. We are promoting a regional program: in Kazan, St. Petersburg, Saratov, Yekaterinburg and other cities of the country. The first creative studios opened there, where children will not be taught to achieve acting heights, and will not even be prepared for theater universities. It is much more important to simply teach them to think, fantasize, formulate their thoughts correctly, control their body, and take a fresh look at the world that surrounds them. All this will help the children in life.
All our creative studios are based in secondary schools. My friends Mikhail Porechenkov, Sergei Garmash, Leonid Yarmolnik and colleagues from local theaters agreed to help in the work of the studios.
I like working with children. The main thing is not to spoil them with “acting”. But if I had gone to such a studio as a child, I would not have been a hooligan and would not have skipped classes. Educating not actors, but, above all, good, decent people using acting techniques is a new thing, but, as the first experiments of creative studios show, it is pedagogically justified and its results are encouraging.


Elena Kokhanovskaya, PR director of MTS, a long-time partner of the Konstantin Khabensky charitable foundation, about the experience of cooperation with the foundation and his vision of the role of large corporations in charitable activities: “Corporate Social responsibility has already become a mandatory component of the work of self-respecting companies that are focused on a long-term presence in the market. At the same time, we want to be sure that the funds we allocate to charity fall into safe hands and will be spent exactly on the purposes for which we allocate them. In this sense, the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation meets all our safety criteria. We are very pleased with the partnership and look forward to developing new tools to support the fund.” One of these tools will be new service

for MTS subscribers: the ability to transfer funds using the USSD request *115*700# directly to the account of the Konstantin Khabensky charitable foundation. This service was chosen as the most fraud-protected channel for transferring funds from cellular network users. All materials taken from open


Many people know that the famous Russian theater and film actor Konstantin Khabensky is not a public person and tries to be the object of attention of the press as little as possible. However, he gained enormous popularity not only for his talented performance on stage, but also for helping those who suffer from serious illnesses. This happened when he joined the ranks of philanthropic actors, which include: Chulpan Khamatova, Ksenia Rappoport, Mikhail Porechenkov, Maria Mironova, and many others. And the famous figure skater willingly agreed to teach everyone, including Khabensky, a few lessons. In general, everyone had great fun and received a great charge of positivity. This holiday was memorable for all the guests. Charity Event

brought its organizer more than 600 thousand rubles.

These funds were transferred to Konstantin Khabensky for the treatment of cancer patients.

Who finances the fund?

Over the years of its existence, the above organization has saved the lives of more than a dozen children. Most of the investments in the Konstantin Khabensky Help Fund, which is 16 million rubles, were made by the actor himself, as well as his stage colleagues, friends and private companies.

The founder of the charitable structure emphasized that in the future the size of monetary assets will increase, but for this, he needs to move to another level in his work, and he is almost ready for this.

He once told reporters about this at a press conference, which was organized in one of the Moscow cinemas.

Konstantin Yuryevich Khabensky, whose charitable foundation helps children with cancer, provides financial support to some medical institutions that specialize in diagnosing cancer and treating brain diseases.

Funds for patients are not transferred to their personal deposit, but are addressed directly to the institution where they receive medical care. In some cases, financial assets are allocated for the treatment of children abroad.

Unfortunately, parents do not always turn to the charity fund on time, so not everyone can help.

Famous theater and film actor Konstantin Khabensky held a meeting in Astana, during which he shared his experience in the field of charity.

“Charity as a part of everyone’s life” - this is the title given to the meeting of Konstantin Khabensky with public funds of Kazakhstan involved in charitable activities. The meeting was organized by the Samruk-Kazyna Trust, a champion of the idea of ​​corporate philanthropy in Kazakhstan. During the meeting, People's Artist Russian Federation spoke about the initial stages of creating such a project.

— The difficult thing is to create a team. I won’t discover America here, because people are different, with different professional and emotional levels. This is a transition to everyday charity. We have already learned to talk and talk about what we do. We have even learned to listen and accept what other foundations are doing, but we have not yet learned to take it for granted and take it for granted. This is probably the most difficult thing,” says Konstantin.

The Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation was created in 2008. Its activities are aimed at helping children with cancer and other serious brain diseases. He also helps in organizing examinations and treatment of children, creating rehabilitation programs, and providing medications. In addition, Russian doctors medical institutions the opportunity to improve qualifications abroad is provided.

The artist shared some ways to develop the fund and attract patrons.

— When it comes to mass fundraising (a variety of donations from individuals), the main thing is to keep it simple. The more convenient the tool, the more interesting and simpler the story about why and who needs it, the more money is collected. The main thing here is not to go too far with cries for help,” the actor shares.

Another way used by the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation is to attract people through events for clients and partners while simultaneously transferring donations. For example, today there is an exclusive pre-premiere screening of films with the participation of an actor for a particular organization.

— We agree with the distributors that we take a copy of the film, naturally, under our own responsibility, and show this film to some organization a week before it is officially released. For this, the organization transfers huge donations to the Foundation. This is quite status-bearing for them, because they were the first to see something that no one else had seen. At the same time, there is an opportunity to hold a meeting with the actors, the director, during which they will be told for the first time what they wanted to say with this film, and so on. It works, it’s interesting for both sides,” says Khabensky.

This is not the first time Samruk-Kazyna Trust has held such meetings, designed to help Kazakh NGOs better navigate the use of modern fundraising tools and generally improve their professionalism. This year alone, the foundation held two educational seminars for NGOs, and most importantly, organized the Forum of Corporate Philanthropy - the first in Kazakhstan.

Meanwhile, at the last meeting with Konstantin Khabensky, other pressing issues that have to be faced in social work. One of them is cancerophobia, that is, the fear of cancer and people who have been diagnosed with this disease.

— Cancerophobia is a serious topic. I suppose that in different regions, not to mention countries, this history needs to be presented and dealt with differently. We constantly think about this, try to fantasize, offer society certain programs to combat cancerophobia. It's very difficult. And I know what we are doing, how we are working with the involvement of volunteers, who are known, if not by the whole world, then by the whole country, who have personally gone through this story,” Khabensky noted.

After actor Konstantin Khabensky’s son was born in 2007, his wife Anastasia fell ill with cancer. He sold the house, gave all the fees for treatment, and got into debt himself. But a year later, in Los Angeles, she died. Since then, the actor has lived in an ordinary apartment, and gives almost all of his earnings to charity. So far, he has saved about 150 children from brain cancer.

The actor supports many public projects. Under his leadership there is a charitable foundation that provides assistance to children with cancer. He does not engage in charity “to nowhere” and believes that it is necessary to help those who still have a chance.

It all started with a call from a hospital where leukemia patients are treated. For old times’ sake, the doctors kept Khabensky’s phone number. And they gave it to a woman who lacked two hundred thousand rubles for an operation for her son. Simply because they are tired of looking at the suffering of a mother who is struggling in search of money. Hearing such a request, the actor immediately brought the money to the hospital, and the child was admitted for surgery.

Since then, his phone has become a “lifeline” for those treating their children for cancer. But, oddly enough, they ask for more than just money. Sometimes Khabensky is required to have his connections with doctors. Konstantin receives calls from distant cities, where no help can be provided to a child with such a complex illness. Doctors say: “Go to Moscow!”, but it is difficult for people from a village or small town to figure out where to go with their trouble. Therefore, Khabensky helped several unfortunate mothers - he arranged for their children to be seen by doctors in the capital. And he checked that everything was fine.

This attitude towards the grief of others, apparently, has always been accepted in the Khabensky family. After all, as it later turned out, his wife Anastasia, already sick, helped save a girl suffering from multiple sclerosis.

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