Ring made of polymorphus plastic. Experience material polymorphus through the eyes of a polymer clay lover Polymorphus at home

I needed to make a decoration for the child. I decided to try a polymorphus plastic ring. Several copies were made. Of course, this is not gold and diamonds, but no one turned up their nose. All the rings were taken apart, and not only by children. Making rings with your own hands turned out to be not so easy; something acceptable began to turn out after the third or fourth attempt.

How to make a ring or ring with your own hands

I won’t dwell on the details of preparing plastic for work; this has already been discussed and shown here. The ring is made from colored molten polymorphus. You can use a large metal or glass bead as a pebble. The sculpting pattern can be arbitrary.

But when you start working, you should practice making a ring of the required diameter and uniform thickness without a pebble. Soft polymorphus holds its shape worse than plasticine and changes its shape under its own weight and with every impact. In addition, polymorphus cools quickly and unevenly, and when warmed up it begins to deform. Only skill will save you here. It won't work right away!

The same difficulties arise when gluing a pebble. It is better to choose a pebble with a large hole, which will make it easier to install. An example of attaching a bead is shown in the video. To add shine to plastic, its surface must be heated with a hairdryer; work carefully (it won’t work the first time!)

Needlewomen are a unique people -)) we often use them in needlework various materials, which seem to have nothing to do with needlework. Today we will talk about one of these materials, namely polymorphus.

Polymorphus is also called super plastic polymorphus - it is a self-hardening plastic. They will be especially interesting for needlewomen who do sculpting. In this case, either polymer clay or self-hardening mass(eg plaster). Both one and the other are not without drawbacks, for example, with polymer there is a lot of hassle with baking; if you do not withstand the temperature, then it may well become fragile or, on the contrary, overbake. And with self-hardening, the problem is fragility in the manufacture of small parts, there is a very high probability that they will break. And now a material has appeared that is devoid of all the above-mentioned disadvantages, while it can be used not only in modeling, but also in various modeling, and can also be used simply on the farm for repairs and construction (for which, in principle, it was originally intended.)

Superplastic polymorphus properties

As the manufacturers state in their advertising brochures, this material is non-toxic, biodegradable, and has a low melting point of about 60 degrees. That is, the material becomes completely “controllable” in terms of sculpting when simply heated in hot water, and after cooling it hardens and becomes elastic. Requires absolutely no additional devices to work with it. At the same time, one of important features The advantage of the material is that it combines perfectly with various surfaces, be it wood, metal or the same plastic. It can be painted in any color even at the stage of its melting, and is also easy to drill and cut. And its biggest difference from polymer clay, is that polymorphus is much harder and can be reused!

P eraser polymorphus application

The material is sold in the form of white granules, packaged in jars or hermetically sealed plastic bags.

To start working with polymorphus, you simply need to fill the granules with hot water at a temperature of more than 60 degrees, while the material becomes more workable at a higher temperature of about 90 degrees, but it is important not to overdo it with heating, since at a temperature of about 200 degrees the material may lose its properties . If you heat polymorphus with water, then while mixing the granules, be careful not to mix water into the resulting mass; it will then be impossible to remove it from there. It is not necessary to use water to heat it up; you can do this with a heat gun.

After pouring, the granules acquire a transparent appearance and become plastic and can take on almost any shape. Then, as it cools, the material begins to gradually harden (becomes white), and can continue to be adjusted by the needlewoman until it hardens completely. If you didn’t have time to finish anything with the polymorphus, and it has already frozen, you can re-fill it with boiling water and continue working. If, on the contrary, you want to quickly obtain the desired shape, simply immerse the polymorphus product in cold water.

When the polymorphus material hardens, it will physical properties It becomes similar to the most ordinary plastic, just as hard and rigid. You can even drill it!

If you want to get a colored product, you can add any pigment directly to the molten granules, then the final product will turn out to be the color you need. Or you can simply paint the product with acrylic paint after hardening.

Practical application of the material

The practical application of the material is very wide, it is not limited only to modeling, it is widely used in the repair of various products, for example, it can be used to make various handles, etc. hooks can be used to repair plastic products in the car and much more. If, for example, you roll up a thin tube and curl it into a spring, then this spring cannot be torn with your hands or straightened (it calmly holds a force of 500 kg!)

A very important property: it is reusable, that is, it can be filled with boiling water endlessly and used again and again.

Polymorphus can also be used as glue because it sticks to absolutely any surface (even metal) and can bond very quickly and firmly, but of course there is a huge field for making various costume jewelry. Craftswomen often use it to create forms (molds) when working with polymer.

As a summary, the use of the material leaves only positive emotions. The material really meets the properties declared by the manufacturer and creating with it is a great pleasure. The pluses also include the fact that it is absolutely harmless and is even widely used in medical purposes. Therefore, it can even be used for decoration. kitchen utensils in this it beats polymer clay, which is not recommended for these purposes.

Good luck with your creativity!

Another version of self-hardening plastic has appeared on the market - superplastic polymorphus. It comes in the form of white crystals. The name speaks for itself: “poly” - many, “morph” - form (from Greek): polymorphus - “multiform”.

Shoplenta magazine figured out how and where to use this superplastic.

It, like wax with filler, softens at +61 °C. Cools down at room temperature (20-22°C).

The material does not require special handling. To soften, pour into a container of hot water and wait until the granules become transparent. The material is ready for use. Then take it out with a spoon or other object and create for your health! Cool the finished cast.

Important! The speed of cooling depends on the air temperature. The faster you need to cool the product, the cooler it should be environment. The solution is to place the impression in cold water.

There are two downsides:

  • temperatures above 56°C are destructive for products made from it;
  • When heated to 200°C, it loses its ductility and strength.

Main characteristics:

  • easy to use;
  • instantly melts and hardens;
  • does not stick to hands;
  • attaches to surfaces;
  • can be used many times without loss of properties and is waste-free;
  • is painted and takes on the desired shape;
  • durable, multifunctional.

This will be discussed below.

Where is superplastic used?

The physicochemical properties allow this plastic to be used everywhere: in science, in handmade products, and in everyday life. Polymorphus is a plastic material for modeling fragments of objects or monolithic small crafts.

We create toys, jewelry, decorative elements

Needlework, or handmade, has always been popular among the people. Some people create things “for the soul”; for others it’s a business or an urgent need. Let's consider the principles of making polymorphus products with your own hands.

To create simple toys, you can cover the finished hollow form with colored polymorphus and let it cool.

To paint, you must first roll out the cake, pour a little special paint into the center (it is also on sale), stretch it, wrapping the edges each time.

There are craftsmen who create dolls and mannequins from this wonderful plastic.

Stylish jewelry (necklace, earrings, bracelet in folk style) is made from colored beads rolled from softened colored plastic. Then roll into balls. Puncture holes with a needle, string on fishing line, attach fasteners. Thus, by sculpting flowers, leaves, geometric shapes, you can create hair clips, medallions, and brooches. If the products are not painted, you can apply acrylic paints to the finished item. This painting will also look stylish.

Decorative elements (artificial flowers for curtain holders, for example) are created according to the same principle.

Polymorphus is easy to cut, so it is possible to use a knife to correct the details of the object.

Such polymorphus products are easy to make with your own hands, often original, and therefore valued. Interesting things happen.

Minor household repairs

Craftsmen use polymorphus superplastic in everyday life to troubleshoot problems and repair household utensils: key heads, door handles, stands.

To get a wrench of the required diameter, simply cover the nut with softened plastic, pinch the edges to create an “eye” so that you can easily take the wrench later, and let it cool. Then remove from the nut. As it cools, the polymorph becomes denser, tightening around the nut. In a solid state - does not break, does not split.

This material does not conduct electricity. It is quite suitable for insulation, making screwdriver handles, etc. hand tools, switches, holders.

Attention! When insulating, check whether the contacts are heating up. Otherwise the insulation will melt.

RC car repair and parts creation

For those interested in this field, polymorphus is simply a godsend. Prototyping parts, making “skeletons” or load-bearing parts, fastening parts and adding strength to any structure is an incomplete list of all the possibilities in this area.

A polymorphic “cocoon” around a damaged control arm will make it durable, and a broken suspension control arm will be completely repaired using this material.

This super-plastic is also applicable in the repair and tuning of real cars. For example, with its help you can convert the central console of the stove blower into a convenient panel.

Polymorphus and medicine

In this area, the use of polymorphus has also been implemented. It is used in the creation of suture and bioimplantable products, and in the manufacture of capsule shells, as an alternative to gypsum.

Where to buy polymorphus


Relatively recently, being involved in radio-controlled equipment, I discovered one very interesting material called Polymorph - which means “transformation” in Russian (this formulation applied to this product makes sense, because it really has the property of transforming), it is popularly called Polymorphus or Super plastic.
For those who are interested in what this super plastic is capable of and what can be made from it, please cut

A little background on how it all began. It all started from the moment when the hex (landing pad) in one of the 4 wheels of my truggy was worn out.
The first thought that flashed through my head was to order new 2 or 4 wheels. Cost varies from $20 per pair ~ to $60 for 4 pieces. And then one of my acquaintances says, go ahead and order Polymorphus. In this regard, it has no equal, you can seal, seal or sculpt a lot of things from it. That same evening I started digging sites for a fragment of what kind of miracle material this was. As a result of searching, I already had an initial idea about this material =)

Delivery was via Royal Mail International and took approximately two weeks. Packaging: a bag of polymorphus (250 grams) and paint was packed in a yellow bag on the inside with bubble tape.

Photo instructions for use (from the Internet):

Let's look at it in order. First of all, take polymorphus (a small amount, for example zhmenka) and pour it into a container filled with water at a temperature of > 80*C. As soon as the granules change color, from white to transparent, you can begin to collect them for extraction, and they stick to each other very well.
We take out this lump using a previously prepared tool, an ordinary spoon or stick will do.
Polymorphus - athermal material, that is, it does not accumulate temperature on its own, and once it is taken out of boiling water, it is quite possible to use it! I also note that this material is non-toxic and odorless!
Next we start sculpting. It is advisable to first do something trial to understand how to use it. As soon as your hands understand how and what needs to be sculpted, you can start! =) If the molded object begins to turn white, that is, to cool, you can throw it into boiling water again (but not into cooled water) and correct the part.
Based on this, polymorphus can be use again and again if this or that item did not work out on the first try.

The creativity kit is ready: polymorphus, paint, a kettle with boiling water and a water container.

Let's make a memorial inscription))

site from polymorphus =)

If you want the product to be not white, but, for example, black or any other color, there is a powder paint on sale for this that will paint the plastic in the color you need. I took the black one for testing:

I also read on the net how to use polymorphus paint. So, we take the softened polymorphus, while it is still transparent, make a cake out of it - pour a little paint into the center, then wrap the cake so that the paint does not spill out of it. Next, we begin to knead from side to side with our fingers until the plastic gets a uniform color.

Now I’ll show you how I used super plastic to repair various plastic parts.
Application attempt No. 1
Here in the photo you can see how I repaired the wheel of an RC car, in which the drive hexagon (hex) had turned, yet it has almost 1.5 kW of power. When the wheel locks, this situation may well occur =)
After repair, the wheel holds up no worse than others. We can say that a pack of 250 grams paid for itself with one repair!
Polymorphus pressed it into the wheel with a suitable size bolt:

Application attempt No. 2
In the same car, a month ago, the front arm cracked due to a serious impact with the wheel on the curb.
There are no such spare parts in Ukraine, and the most offensive thing is that company store in Europe it is also out of stock. They told me to wait 2 months. I tore off the broken piece and drove like that for a while, but when jumping from a springboard, the lever
In general, after writing the review, I decided to attempt to restore the lever using polymorph.
Here is the original state of the broken lever - about 2cm of ABS plastic is missing.

I disassemble and remove the entire left wheel block.

First you need to wipe everything from dust and dirt. Next I work with soldering irons using an old tip.

I pour the polymorph granules onto the stand and start blowing air at them at a temperature of 200*C.

I form the missing part of the part.

I add more polymorph and heat it from time to time until it becomes transparent.

You can speed up the hardening by placing the structure in the refrigerator.

I use a black marker to color the polymorph. The end result is a repaired lever!

Also, during the operation of the ball, a crack was discovered on another plastic part. The plastic is reinforced with a metal mesh, but I decided to deal with that too.

Next comes the process of strengthening this part using polymorph, which is heated from time to time with hot air.

So, with the help of a handful of polymorph, we repaired plastic parts worth more than $25, which are not commercially available =)

Application attempt No. 3
In the car it was necessary to remove the cover with the side tweeter. According to the law of meanness, it was not the disposable clip that broke, but the fastening on the pad...
I tried gluing it, soldering it with plastic, reinforcing it with a paper clip - after a while it fell off when the door was closed. And only polymorphus saved me from buying a new pad!
Now everything has been fine for about a month, I hope it won’t fall off anymore.
This time I melted the polymorphus with an air soldering station with a set temperature of 200*C, the repair took literally 15 minutes.
Polymorphus granules were heated on a metal stand.

After heating, they stick to each other perfectly.

Using a small spatula I gave it the desired shape:

After a few minutes, the plastic begins to turn white. Accelerate hardening you can use a refrigerator =) After putting the entire structure in it, after 1 minute everything is ready for use. You can also cool the product using cold water.
The result was very pleasing - I pulled the fastener several times and it remained in place, although I was not worried about the polymorphus (since it is one of the strongest plastics), but about the other plastic parts on the panel. It was possible to use black paint, but since the mount is not visible when installed, I didn’t bother =)

A small loop with a diameter of 1 cm can withstand more than 20 kg of weight. If you try to tear it with enormous force, it will more likely come apart at the junction of the two parts than in any other place.

My Video review:

Characteristics and advantages of polymorphus:
+ Practicality in use: from repairing parts to creative experiments
+ Low cost
+ Environmentally friendly, non-toxic, odorless material
+ Easy to use
+ Does not stick to hands, does not leave dirt
+ Hardens as it cools
+ The products are very strong, resilient and elastic, they are difficult to break
+ Easily painted with powder pigments when plastic, or acrylic paints when in a solid state
+ Easily drills and cuts without crumbling or breaking
+ Does not leave waste - unsuccessful or unnecessary products can be heated and molded again!

Note: The paint that needs to be rubbed into the polymorphus gets a little dirty on your fingers.

Video from the Internet:
Polymorphus Jaw:

This video lesson is dedicated to crafts made from superplastic polymorphus and in different ways its application. This is a multifunctional polymer. Its peculiarity is that its melting point is 65 degrees. What is superplastic used for? There are a huge number of areas of its application. From household repairs before children's creativity. The great advantage of this material is that it can be melted down many times. You can buy it in this online store.

How to work with this wonderful material?

Pour some hot water into the bowl. Take a handful of granules and pour them into this container. The granules stick together and become transparent. A little later, we take the lump with sticky granules into our hand. You need to be careful not to get scalded by the hot water.

Craft ideas.

First idea. You can make a sheath. You can also use polymorphus to make a knife handle or repair it.
Second idea. You can make a cap for a bottle or any other container with a thread. The only condition is that the dishes should not come into contact with hot water whose temperature is more than 50 or 60 degrees Celsius. Otherwise, the cork will become soft and will not perform its functions.
3. You can make an ergonomic fountain pen that fits perfectly under your hand.
4. Take a small piece of super plastic, divide it into two parts and make fangs.
5. If you don't want to spend money on a hanger, you can easily make one from polymorphus.
6. You can make dental floss from this material. To do this, roll out a small piece of polymorphus into a sausage and stretch it out. When the material is almost frozen, you need to pull it and you get a thread. It turns out to be very thin and very durable.
7. Bookmark for books. Roll out a piece of polymorphus and cut out the bookmark of the desired shape.