What wifi should be installed at school and how. Internet at school - how it is protected. Phishing. Obtaining a wi-fi password by forgery

Municipal educational institution Kudinovskaya secondary school



Completed by: Agzamova Tatyana

9th grade student


Petkevich A.M.


S. Kudinovo, 2016


Today it is difficult to imagine a modern school without access to the Internet, and in recent years the Internet has become much more accessible and more convenient to use.

Modern schoolchildren are advanced people, no matter how you look at them. Every second student (including in primary school) there is a more or less decent phone with Internet access, a multifunctional tablet, or even a sophisticated netbook. Children actively use the Internet: there is an answer to complex issue You can find it from your homework and download an essay on a given topic, but there’s no need to talk about all sorts of “toys” on the Internet.

An invaluable contribution to the comfort of using the World Wide Web was made by the emergence and widespread use of access via Wi-Fi, because thanks to this technology it became possible to use fast internet, without tying yourself up with wires, which is especially important for mobile devices with which everything is provided large quantity students at school.

However, will Wi-Fi help? educational process? The Internet gives schools the opportunity to take advantage of all the possibilities of online learning. A video can replace a boring story with a slide show. A presentation running simultaneously on many devices will give you the opportunity to focus on capturing your thoughts, and not just copying the teacher’s speech. Test tasks, performed on-line on websites, provide an opportunity to quickly test your knowledge. Access the network using Wi-Fi allows all students to solve educational problems in the classroom using netbooks and tablets.

Observations of students show that they often spend recess with mobile devices in hand. High school students listen to music, browse pages on various websites, younger teenagers play games. Among the students “relaxing on the phone” there is a group of children who use wireless Internet. Considering that access daughters are in separate classrooms, you can see groups of teenagers concentrating near these classrooms, disturbing teachers and other students.

To provide more comfortable conditions for students and teachers, I developed the “School – Comfortable Wi-Fi Zone” project.

Purpose This work is to create a comfortable zone for using Wi-Fi at school.


    Finding out what Wi-Fi is

    Conducting a survey among students and teachers about the use of wireless Internet.

    Creating a comfortable Wi-Fi zone at school

Hypothesis: comfortable A Wi-Fi zone at school will help fulfill communication and cognitive needs

Stages of work on the project:

    Theoretical studyWiFi

    Impact StudyWi- Fi to your health

    Analysis of the use of schoolWi- Fi. Conducting a survey among students and teachers

    Development of symbolism “School is a comfort zone”Wi- Fi»

    Development of rules for using the comfort zone

    Calculation of financial investments

    Analysis of possible risks

Research methods :

    literature analysis


    generalization of material

The theoretical significance of my work lies in the fact that not all schoolchildren know whatWi- Fi, perhaps my work can help them with this.

The practical significance of my work lies in the fact that this project can be implemented at school by students, and the comfortable hut itself will contribute to the development of communication and cognitive abilities.

What is Wi-Fi?

The 21st century is the era of the information society. Computer technologies are confidently being introduced into our lives. Development technical means, computer, information technologies, means of information visualization, on the one hand, and the changes taking place in modern education, new approaches, theoretical and practical achievements in pedagogy, on the other hand, allow us to assert that there is an urgent need for the formation of a new culture of working with educational information.

The idea is quite clear: since educational institutions are already connected to the Internet, it is necessary to make this service available not only in computer science classes. Despite the fact that not all students can afford 3-4G Internet access (400-500 rubles per month for a USB modem or Internet tablet), they should still find useful data on the Internet. It is no secret that in many educational institutions, even in large cities of the country, the signal of 3-4G networks from telecom operators is very weak. The walls are in the way, and the relatively weak capacity of cellular networks, which are dedicated to data transmission.

It is believed that covering the entire school area with a Wi-Fi zone can help with this. First, let's define what Wi-Fi is?

The term "Wi-Fi" was originally coined as a play on words to attract the consumer's attention with a "hint" about ( High Fidelity - high accuracy). Although some WECA press releases initially included the phrase “Wireless Fidelity,” this moment This formulation was abandoned, and the term “Wi-Fi” is not deciphered in any way.

At the dawn of an era home internet Everyone hid the arrays of wires as best they could. They were “sewn” into the baseboard, fastened along the perimeter of the wall, and packed in dust bags. The computer desks even had special holes for pulling the network cable through. But with the popularization of Wi-Fi wireless technologies, the need to “encrypt” cables has disappeared.

Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) is not the Internet as such, but wireless digital data transmission format. In other words, this is a simple and affordable way establish a connection between devices equipped with special radio modules (laptop or other device equipped with Wi-Fi) and the Internet without using wires, sockets, landline phones and similar outdated devices. Wi-Fi modules are installed on the lion's share of electronics and equipment produced today. So, initially only wearable computers, mobile phones and handhelds were equipped with them, but recently cameras, printers and even multi-cookers have the ability to communicate with the global network and other devices.

In the Wi-Fi zone, the connection is established immediately – you just need to turn on the computer.

A mandatory attribute to access the network via Wi-Fi is an access point. As usual, this role is played by a router - a device that looks like a compact box with antennas and a set of standard sockets for connecting wired Internet. The “box” itself is connected to the Internet via a twisted pair wire, and through antennas it “distributes” data received from the network and transmits to the network data transmitted from devices connected “over the air”.

People first started talking about what Wi-Fi is in 1991, when the standards were just being tested. It was invented by W. Hayes in the Netherlands and was intended to equip trade sectors with communications. Widely popular wireless technologies found only closer to 2010.

Thanks to its quick payback Wi-Fi quickly penetrated airports, offices, government agencies, cafes, bars, hotels.

In our country The program of universal computerization continues to gain momentum and, as a result, more and more schools are equipped with zonesWi-Fi, including ours. I sincerely hope that this will help the guys in educational process, will provide access to useful and interesting information directly from the walls educational institution. Nowadays there are a lot of opportunities that you can take advantage of if you have global network: refer to electronic libraries, go to the website of the desired institution, exchange links and files.

The impact of Wi-Fi on human health

This device emits low frequency waves equal to 2.4 Hz. Consequently, scientists asked the question - how serious can Wi-Fi harm be for people within its range? The answer was received by American scientists, who revealed that radio waves with a frequency of 0.5-2.4 Hz have a negative effect on humans. First of all, there is a powerful attack on the nervous system. Wi-Fi is especially harmful for a growing organism. In the USA, and then in the UK, they introduced a ban on Wi-Fi in schools and preschool institutions, as it harms the young body.

It is important to understand that the influence of radio waves emitted by broadband Internet access points is currently not fully understood. It is worth noting that WHO does not exclude the possibility of using Wi-Fi networks in educational institutions. It's about that installation of a large number of access points in a relatively small area can cause harm. Many residents of Russia and neighboring countries actively use wireless Internet connection technology at home and at work. Representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation claim that the harm of wireless networks is greatly exaggerated. The main emphasis in this case is on the fact that all devices installed in schools and other educational institutions have appropriate safety certificates. According to recent studies, exposure to Wi-Fi hotspots is significantly lower than radiation from mobile phones. However, a number of other countries are seriously thinking about introducing a ban on the mass use of Wi-Fi technology in schools, kindergartens and places of children's leisure.

Health problems from Wi-Fi use have not yet surfaced. However, this is not a reason to conduct experiments on yourself and talk about its complete harmlessness.

The health agency notes that a person who spends an entire year in Wi-Fi coverage will be exposed to approximately the same amount of radio waves as a 20-minute conversation on a cell phone.

According to parents of schoolchildren in one of the cities of Canada, with the advent of wireless Internet in schools, their children began to experience ailments, which include: itching, insomnia, memory impairment, headaches, palpitations, and dizziness.

Requests to turn off WI-FI came from parents of students in fourteen Ontario schools. According to them, the deterioration in children’s well-being began precisely from the moment of deployment of WI-FI wireless networks in educational institutions. To confirm the correctness of its conclusions and the dependence of the deteriorating health of schoolchildren on the operation of wireless networks, the statement states that on weekends, when children are exempt from attending educational institutions, their condition improves significantly and they do not experience the above-described ailments.

Despite the intentions of some families to transfer their children to other schools, the management of the mentioned institutions did not react to what was happening and refused to dismantle the WI-FI equipment.

Meanwhile, American scientists who have conducted research into the influence of radiation on the human body at a frequency comparable to that of WI-FI do not exclude the possibility of a negative impact of that same radiation on human well-being and health. And although it is too early to say with absolute certainty about the negative impact of WI-FI networks on health (full-scale studies require much more time), some educational institutions in America have already decided to turn off WI-FI and switch to wired networks.

But this is in America, and in Russia the program of universal computerization continues to gain momentum and, as a result, more and more schools are equipped with zones Wi-Fi.

School Wi-Fi Usage Analysis

For a more complete picture of usageWi- Fiat our school I conducted a survey in which 50 students took partand 15 teachers (Appendix 1, Appendix 2)

Theoretical analysis of the survey results allowed us to draw disappointing conclusions that the majority of students who took part in the survey do not use school Wi-Fi for educational purposes. At the same time, teachers use school Wi-Fi due to the lack of a wired connection in their classrooms.

Using mathematical and statistical methods, I analyzed the responses of students and teachers to the survey questions. this work refers to theoretical research, and its practical significance is that it shows real data on the use of school Wi-Fi.

Research I conducted among students in grades 5–11 of our school showed that out of 50 respondents, more than half use school Wi-Fi, while 27% (4 people) are teachers.

When finding out for what purposes they use it, it turned out that 62% of respondents use it to view various web pages, 25% download information, 13% spend time in on-line games. It is worth noting that students would use access to communicate on social networks if it were not for content filtering. Grades 10 and 11 download information the most; grades 5-7 are the most passionate about games. Teachers use it for work: preparing for lessons, downloading information, watching demonstrations, etc.

When conducting a survey, it turned out that at home, 56% of students and 27% of teachers use Wi-Fi to connect to the Internet, 34% of children and 67% of teachers use wired Internet, use modems mobile operators only 10% of students and 6% of teachers. It is also noted that at home there are all methods of connection.

When asked about their preferences for connecting to the Internet, 68% would like to connect using Wi-Fi, 24% of students answered that they prefer wired Internet because of the stability of the connection, and 8% chose modems from cellular operators (3- G, 4-G).

When asked about the advantages of Wi-Fi over other types of Internet, 76% of students noted the free access point, 24% - ease of use, while all teachers noted convenience.

Many students use school Wi-Fi for various purposes, but not everyone understands what Wi-Fi is. 15% of respondents honestly admitted that they could not say what Wi-Fi is. Unfortunately, 45% of respondents are confident that Wi-Fi is free Internet and only 40% answered that it was a wireless Internet access point.

96% of students note that they would like the school to have a special area for comfortable access.

After analyzing the results, all convenient places in the school were considered, based on the fact that the equipped area should be: easily accessible, safe and controlled. An area on the ground floor between the locker rooms was selected and a diagram of the future comfortable corner was drawn up (Appendix 3)

Financial support for the project

At the next stage it was calculated financial support project, taking into account the information provided by the Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Affairs:

The cost of the project can be reduced by making benches and tables for technology lessons or by eliminating the carpeting and chalkboards.

The school holds school charity fairs every year, so the proceeds can be cash to be used for the implementation of the project.

At the next stage of work, I suggested to my classmates to draw the emblem of “Schools - a comfort zone.”Wi- Fi" (Appendix 4), Rules for using the comfort zone were also developed. (Appendix 5)


Wi- FiV modern school necessary for both teachers and students. It allows you to immediately find the necessary information on the network, without resorting to desktop computers.

It is important to understand that the influence of radio waves emitted by broadband Internet access points is currently not fully understood. Therefore, you should not spend a lot of time in the zonesWi- Fi. That is, use access points wisely.

Comfort zone Wi-Fi will help children in the educational process and provide access to useful and interesting information directly from the walls of the educational institution. Students using the zone will be able to communicate comfortably and discuss the necessary information.

Annex 1

Questionnaire for students:


    download information;

    play on-line games;

    communicate on social networks;


    1. Wi-Fi;

  1. wired;



    modems of cellular operators (3-G, 4-G)

5. What advantages of Wi-Fi over other types of Internet would you choose as key:

    free hotspot

    easy to use

    it's practical


6. What is Wi-Fi from your point of view?

7. Would you like the school to have a special Wi-Fi zone?


Appendix 2

Questionnaire for teachers:

1. Do you use school Wi-Fi?


2. If yes, what do you use school Wi-Fi for?

    download information;

    conduct on-line testing;

    prepare for lessons;


3. What kind of Internet do you have at home?



    modems of cellular operators (3-G, 4-G)

4. Which method of connecting to the Internet do you prefer?



    modems of cellular operators (3-G, 4-G)

5. Would you like the school to have a special Wi-Fi zone?


Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Sketches of the emblem

Appendix 5

Municipal educational institution Kudinovskaya secondary school offers teachers and students the opportunity to use a wireless Internet network. To do this you need to have mobile phone, netbook or laptop with Wi-Fi support and be in a special comfortable zone marked with a Wi-Fi sign. Using the network is free for everyone.

The rules are developed in accordance with Law of the Russian Federation “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”


Gaining network access

    The network access key is posted on a special information stand.

    Access to the network is provided on weekdays during breaks from 9.15 to 15.30. During class hours, access is possible for individual students (classes) after agreement with the school administration

    Internet access is controlled by built-in content filtering.

    The computer science teacher turns off the access point during lessons and after school hours.

    The duty class monitors discipline in the comfort zone.

    School teachers do not provide services for setting up user equipment .

How to use the network

    Users are responsible for protecting their equipment from viruses, spyware and other threats.

    Users are prohibited from carrying out actions aimed at disrupting the network, equipment of other users, etc.

    It is prohibited to use the Internet to view and download malicious programs, computer games and any materials that contradict the laws of the Russian Federation.

    It is prohibited to use the network during school hours.

    It is forbidden to break the rules internal regulations, discipline.


Internetization of schools is no longer just about connecting computers on desks to the World Wide Web. Many schools (primarily, of course, in the capital) make their areas “open wi-fi areas”, where any student can access the Internet from their smartphone or tablet.

MK found out who is responsible and how to ensure security school Internet, protecting children from porn, pedophiles, sectarians, extremists and other evil spirits.

The Moscow Department of Information Technologies told us that about 1,500 schools in the capital already have internal wi-fi networks. Today, protecting schoolchildren from harmful Internet information rests on the shoulders of the educational institution. What information children need to be protected from is stated in “ Methodical recommendations on restricting students’ access to the Internet,” distributed by the Ministry of Education and Science to schools in 2014.

In the schools of our complex there is everywhere wired Internet, and in the building on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya there is even so-called “seamless Wi-Fi”. The entire territory is covered by the network, and students can use it freely using their smartphones and tablets,” says the director of gymnasium No. 1579, Inna Mayevskaya. - We do not prevent our students from freely using it - we only make sure that children do not poke at the screens directly in class. And this is, of course, a safe Internet!

School Internet security begins with the provider company that provides the school with Internet access. The first line of defense - filtering sites according to the all-Russian prohibited list of Roskomnadzor - excludes terrorist, sectarian, drug addict, suicidal and other resources. This is done by the provider for any users: schools, individuals, and everyone else.

At the same time, ordinary citizen clients are not blocked from accessing porn sites, gambling and much more, which does not violate the law. But for schools, all this needs to be filtered and cut off,” Alexey Morozov told MK, Technical Director a large provider company that provides Internet access to dozens of schools. - This is done by special filter programs that monitor millions of sites and characterize them according to their own algorithms for the degree of danger for children. Students on their smartphones and tablets score in address bar some site, this request goes through a filter program, which either allows it to be opened or not.

Is this done by the school or the provider?

Both options are available. The end result is important - protecting schoolchildren from harmful Internet information. But achieving it is permissible different ways. Our client schools prefer to have the filter software installed on our DNS server so they don't have a headache. And some schools consider themselves advanced and receive traffic without restrictions - filter programs are installed directly at the school, and the local IT specialists can flexibly configure them.

To bypass filters, so-called web proxies are popular. By typing this word in the search, you will see a huge list of proxy sites through which you can get to those sites that are closed. Will such tricks happen at school?

Web proxies, anonymizers, TOR browser and various tunnel services are blocked. But in principle, if a student tries one web proxy after another, it is possible that he will stumble upon working ones. The protection is effective, but not one hundred percent.

At the same time, internal control over protection allows the school, if necessary, to reduce its severity.

For example, we have blocked social media“VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter,” says Igor Pluzhnikov, head of the IT department of gymnasium No. 1576. - But if one of the teachers needs to find or download something there, then at his request we can easily reduce the level of protection for a while.

The logic of different filter programs is different. Having tried two of them, the most commonly used in schools (NetPolice and Internet Censor), we were surprised to find that one of them prohibits the MK website, while the other does not... Both banned the well-known Google translator service at translate. google.com - this service became famous some time ago because Internet users discovered a hidden, “undocumented” function in it: it worked as a web proxy - if you enter a blocked site in the translation field, then it opens through it. But through other web proxies, both watchdog programs allowed the opening of pornographic resources.

However, in the regions the problem of filtering Internet access in schools is often solved using the “white list” method. At school, a local IT specialist configures filters on computers or access points to only allow sites (usually educational resources) whose names are manually included in the allowed list. Such an Internet is fundamentally more secure, but extremely limited even for purely educational purposes, not to mention entertainment during recess. After all, there are only a few hundred sites on the list, plus most of them do not have very outstanding information value.

For example, in schools Kursk region use a “white list” from the local regional committee of education and science.

This list contains 1256 sites, most of which are cognitive and educational - dedicated to school subjects, olympiads, exams, admission to universities, textbook publishers, etc., - Svetlana Apenina, director of the regional budgetary institution“Information and Analytical Center”, created to introduce new information and analytical technologies in the education system of the Kursk region.

Having combed the Kursk “white list” diagonally, we found many oddities there. For example, for some reason it does not have Wikipedia, although it has its much less popular Russian “analogue” “Wikiknowledge”. On the resource about astronautics, the latest news is dated 2007, it is unclear why the list of sites for Kursk schools included... an Internet provider from Yaroslavl, a site for apartment renovation, etc. That is, it is obvious that, using the “white list” system, it needs to be refreshed and expanded more often.

P.S. Actually, a reasonable question may arise: why should a school filter access to the Internet via Wi-Fi, if every student has a SIM card in their smartphone and tablet, with which they can go wherever they want without Wi-Fi, even if it’s not free. It's simple: the school is obliged to do everything within its area of ​​responsibility. Outside this zone, the responsibility of parents begins, who must independently control their child’s walks on the World Wide Web - with home computer, smartphone or tablet. There are home and mobile control and access control tools - everyone can use them.

Where can children go via school wi-fi?

Internetization of schools is no longer just about connecting computers on desks to the World Wide Web. Many schools (primarily, of course, in the capital) make their areas “open wi-fi areas”, where any student can access the Internet from their smartphone or tablet.

MK found out who is responsible and how to ensure the safety of the school Internet, protecting children from porn, pedophiles, sectarians, extremists and other evil spirits.

The Moscow Department of Information Technologies told us that about 1,500 schools in the capital already have internal wi-fi networks. Today, protecting schoolchildren from harmful Internet information rests on the shoulders of the educational institution. What information children need to be protected from is stated in the “Methodological recommendations for limiting students’ access to the Internet,” sent by the Ministry of Education and Science to schools in 2014.

In the schools of our complex there is wired Internet everywhere, and in the building on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya there is even so-called “seamless Wi-Fi”. The entire territory is covered by the network, and students can use it freely using their smartphones and tablets,” says the director of gymnasium No. 1579, Inna Mayevskaya. - We do not prevent our students from freely using it - we only make sure that children do not poke at the screens directly in class. And this is, of course, a safe Internet!

School Internet security begins with the provider company that provides the school with Internet access. The first line of defense - filtering sites according to the all-Russian prohibited list of Roskomnadzor - excludes terrorist, sectarian, drug addict, suicidal and other resources. This is done by the provider for any users: schools, individuals, and everyone else.

At the same time, ordinary citizen clients are not blocked from accessing porn sites, gambling and much more, which does not violate the law. But for schools, all this needs to be filtered and cut off,” Alexey Morozov, technical director of a large provider company that provides dozens of schools with Internet access, told MK. - This is done by special filter programs that monitor millions of sites and characterize them according to their own algorithms for the degree of danger for children. Students on their smartphones and tablets type some website into the address bar, this request goes through a filter program that either allows it to be opened or not.

- Is this done by the school or the provider?

Both options are available. The end result is important - protecting schoolchildren from harmful Internet information. But it is permissible to achieve it in various ways. Our client schools prefer to have the filter software installed on our DNS server so they don't have a headache. And some schools consider themselves advanced and receive traffic without restrictions - filter programs are installed directly at the school, and the local IT specialists can flexibly configure them.

To bypass filters, so-called web proxies are popular. By typing this word in the search, you will see a huge list of proxy sites through which you can get to those sites that are closed. Will such tricks happen at school?

Web proxies, anonymizers, TOR browser and various tunnel services are blocked. But in principle, if a student tries one web proxy after another, it is possible that he will stumble upon working ones. The protection is effective, but not one hundred percent.

At the same time, internal control over protection allows the school, if necessary, to reduce its severity.

For example, we have blocked social networks - VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter,” says Igor Pluzhnikov, head of the IT department of gymnasium No. 1576. - But if one of the teachers needs to find or download something there, then at his request we can easily reduce the level of protection for a while.

The logic of different filter programs is different. Having tried two of them, the most commonly used in schools (NetPolice and Internet Censor), we were surprised to find that one of them prohibits the MK website, while the other does not... Both banned the well-known Google translator service at translate. google.com - this service became famous some time ago because Internet users discovered a hidden, “undocumented” function in it: it worked as a web proxy - if you enter a blocked site in the translation field, then it opens through it. But through other web proxies, both watchdog programs allowed the opening of pornographic resources.

However, in the regions the problem of filtering Internet access in schools is often solved using the “white list” method. At school, a local IT specialist configures filters on computers or access points to only allow sites (usually educational resources) whose names are manually included in the allowed list. Such an Internet is fundamentally more secure, but extremely limited even for purely educational purposes, not to mention entertainment during recess. After all, there are only a few hundred sites on the list, plus most of them do not have very outstanding information value.

For example, schools in the Kursk region use a “white list” from the local regional committee of education and science.

This list contains 1256 sites, most of which are cognitive and educational - dedicated to school subjects, olympiads, exams, admission to universities, textbook publishers, etc., - Svetlana Apenina, director of the regional budgetary institution “Information and Analytical Center” told us. created to introduce new information and analytical technologies in the education system of the Kursk region.

Having combed the Kursk “white list” diagonally, we found many oddities there. For example, for some reason it does not have Wikipedia, although it has its much less popular Russian “analogue” “Wikiknowledge”. On the resource about astronautics, the latest news is dated 2007, it is unclear why the list of sites for Kursk schools included... an Internet provider from Yaroslavl, a site for apartment renovation, etc. That is, it is obvious that, using the “white list” system, it needs to be refreshed and expanded more often.

P.S. Actually, a reasonable question may arise: why should a school filter access to the Internet via Wi-Fi, if every student has a SIM card in their smartphone and tablet, with which they can go wherever they want without Wi-Fi, even if it’s not free. It's simple: the school is obliged to do everything within its area of ​​responsibility. Outside this zone, the responsibility of parents begins, who must independently monitor their child’s walks on the World Wide Web - from a home computer, smartphone or tablet. There are home and mobile control and access control tools - everyone can use them.

Many of us are wondering how to connect to wifi without knowing the password? For any action you can always find a reaction. This also applies to password-protected wi-fi networks. Protection methods are becoming more complex, but with them the methods by which this protection can be bypassed are evolving. Today we will teach you how to connect to wifi without knowing the password!

3 options to connect to wi-fi without knowing the password

In practice, there are 3 main approaches to obtaining someone else’s wi-fi password - guessing the password, obtaining the password using phishing, and interception. Next, we will look at the 3 most common options for hacking someone else's wi-fi.

Attention!!! Before hacking wi-fi, be sure to make sure that it does not belong to government or financial institutions(police, cerium, utility companies, banks), hacking such a network may result in criminal liability.

Selecting a wi-fi password

It is possible to hack someone else's wi-fi by guessing the password! To begin with, you should try the most obvious combinations, such as: 12345678, 87654321, qwerty, etc. Although this is the most banal method, as practice shows, such passwords are found quite often, many users do not particularly bother setting a password and enter the most simple values(so as not to forget).
If this option does not work, then you can try special programs that will select the password automatically, for example, WiFICrack. This program is completely free and helps you get a password in most cases.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First, run the WifiCrack.exe file.
  2. We put a tick on the networks that need to be hacked.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Next, we load the file with the dictionary, which can be found in the archive with the program. To connect it, you need to mark the file with the appropriate checkbox.
  5. When everything is ready, you can press start.
  6. If you still manage to guess the password, then at the end of the work a file called Good.txt will appear in the program directory. It will contain the names of the hacked networks and passwords for them.

Intercepting and hacking wi-fi password

Another effective method of hacking is interception and decryption of data. This operation is quite complex and requires the user to have a high level of knowledge in computer technology, as well as special software. This method is as follows: a connection request from your device (smartphone or PC) is sent to the router, even if the connection fails, the router continues to exchange data with your device. And this data contains the password for the router. It turns out that if this data is intercepted and decrypted, you can find out the password.

is an operating network (program) designed specifically for hacking and intercepting data from wireless networks with wep/wpa protection.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Unpack the downloaded archive onto a flash drive.
  2. Run the bootinst.bat file.
  3. Once the download is complete, you will have a ready-made bootable USB flash drive.
  4. Press the Alt+F1 combination and select AiroScript from the menu that appears.
  5. Select from the list the wireless adapter that needs to be hacked. If only one device is highlighted, then press the 1 + Enter key. If more, then you need to select the appropriate option from the proposed list.
  6. Select the “Automatic” mode from the list of commands, the program will automatically select WEP passwords and intercept WPA network handshakes.

Phishing. We obtain the wi-fi password by forgery.

Phishing- this is when the owner of the router is forced to give out a password through various deceptive tricks.

Phishing attacks are often carried out through social networks or email, but in the case when you need to find out the password for Wi-Fi, even the most naive will consider it strange to ask for the password from the network in email. To carry out an attack more successfully, you can force the user to connect to an artificial access point you created with the same name as the original.

First, the so-called “tuning” of your computer occurs, setting up HTTP and HTTPS, as well as searching for various wireless interfaces, which are most often represented by the wlan0 and wlan1 networks, then one of these interfaces is switched, it goes into monitoring mode and subsequently displays additional IP addresses using DHCP services. Subsequently, the program displays a list of the victim’s access points, one of which can be selected for attack.

is a program for automating phishing attacks over a Wi-Fi network.

Phishing process with Wifiphisher:

  1. Disconnect clients from the real access point.
  2. Next will happen automatically Wi-Fi setup adapter into “access point” mode, the name and network address will be copied.
  3. Then the DHCP server will be automatically configured.
  4. The program will give the “victim” a page disguised as updating the access point’s firmware, where the network password will subsequently be entered.

Besides automatic mode, it has a text interface for the operator.

There is only a moral aspect to connecting to someone else’s wi-fi; if you think it’s bad to do this, then just don’t do it! In other cases, it is almost impossible to identify you. Let's say that 80% of users will not even look who is connected to their wi-fi, 10% will look but will not understand anything, and the remaining 10% will find and block all devices that were connected to the network illegally. Your address is not in the connections, there is only IP, it does not say anything, the MAC address also cannot reveal your location and the name of your device.