What profession is most in demand today? The most in-demand professions. Professions relevant in the future

Choosing a profession is a very responsible decision, because many factors must be taken into account. The profession you choose should not only please you, but also be in demand by the time you graduate from university. We bring to your attention a list of in-demand professions in 5 years.

Most, when entering universities, do not even think about the fact that by the time they graduate, the specialty they received with great difficulty may be of no use to anyone. It is precisely because of this specific moment that enrollment for a second education is actively underway.

So what profession should you choose now, so that in the future, when applying for a job, you will not encounter the problem of an “extra specialist” and at the same time receive a decent salary?

  • 1. Engineers. There is already an acute shortage of specialists in this field. The country needs competent construction engineers, electrical engineers, and process engineers.
  • 2. Service specialists. The country is actively developing services: night beauty salons, booking hotel rooms at any time of the day in any country, round-the-clock food delivery to your home, etc. People's demands are growing, and their satisfaction is the main task of employees in the beauty industry, tourism business and other services.
  • 3. IT specialists. In the age of technology, organizations need competent system administrators, but unfortunately, universities cannot provide decent knowledge, since the IT technology market is rapidly developing.
  • 4. Doctors There is currently a shortage of highly specialized specialists (ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists, speech therapists, endocrinologists, nutritionists, allergists, surgeons in various fields).
  • 5. Environmentalists. At the last moment, environmental specialists are becoming very in demand due to the fact that the environmental situation around the world is deteriorating more and more every year. After all, the quality of life of people, as well as their health, largely depends on the environment.
  • 6. Chemists. Humanity is faced with an energy problem. It is chemists who want to solve this problem, but so far they have not found a solution.
  • 7. Personal consultants and psychologists. At this time, the problem of people's mental state is a priority, which must be solved in the near future. Psychologists are in demand not only in clinics and educational institutions, but also in other enterprises.
  • 8. Marketers. Manufacturers offer many products that often remain unclaimed. Marketers must monitor the consumer market and identify in-demand products.
  • 9. PR specialists. Such specialists are in great demand. After all, the main thing in this matter is not education, but instinct, acumen, and interest in the matter. And few people have such qualities.
  • 10. Nanotechnology specialists. With the development of science, increasing interest is directed towards expanding the scope of nanotechnology.
  • 3 highest paying professions of 2019
  • TOP 5: highest paid professions for men
  • What are the highest paying professions for people without higher education?
  • The highest paying professions for humanists
  • What are the highest paid professions in the world?
  • The highest paid professions of the future

Everyone dreams of having a job where they can work less and get more - there is a fair amount of truth in this humorous statement. In a world where everything costs money, the winner is the one who has more of it - and therefore even schoolchildren who have not yet really decided on their choice of profession are in no hurry to consider unfashionable and not very highly paid professions. So who gets the highest salary in the labor market? We will talk about this now.

First of all, you need to decide which profession is considered highly paid. According to Rosstat, in 2018 the average salary in Russia was 35,843 rubles, but this figure varied greatly depending on the region - for example, in the Volgograd, Ivanovo, and Tver regions it is significantly lower.

Traditionally, high salaries are in Moscow (66 thousand rubles for the same period), St. Petersburg, in the north of Russia (Magadan region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Yakutia, etc.), as well as in megacities. But we will focus on the average for Russia and consider those professions where salaries are higher.

We will also make a reservation that “profession” and “position” are not exactly the same thing. Of course, top managers and senior executives, directors of banks and large enterprises receive the largest salaries and bonuses. But this is a position that not everyone can rise to. We also do not take into account the income of businessmen in the ranking, which can be very significant (or can be very modest and even negative). So,?

3 the highest paid professions of 2019

This is what it looks likelist of highest paid professions Nowadays:

Other in-demand specialties can be identified:

  • Market analyst - conducts market analysis and gives advice on the implementation and promotion of products.
  • Business consultant - helps the manager build the right business model and get around the rough edges in the harsh world of entrepreneurship and free trade.
  • A logistician is a specialist responsible for delivering goods from point A to point B in the fastest and cheapest possible way.
  • A marketer is a person who prepares and implements an advertising campaign.
  • HR specialist. Personnel are a key resource for any company, so competent HR is always valuable.
  • A risk manager and a crisis manager is the one who can lead the company out of the deepest crisis.
  • Sales Manager. In a world where everyone sells something, the profession of a sales manager will never lose relevance.
  • Dentist. The only medical specialty that is officially considered highly profitable. Close on the heels of dentists are obstetricians-gynecologists, psychologists and surgeons.

The range of salary levels can be quite significant, but, as a rule, the minimum wage for these positions is 40-50 thousand rubles, and then everything depends on the size and capabilities of the company, as well as on the skill level of the specialist.

TOP 5: for men

Despite all the achievements of emancipation, in some areas men still earn more than the fair half of humanity.

These harsh male professions were and remain the domain of the strongest half of humanity.

The highest paying professions for women

Women hold strong positions in the following professions:

  • PR specialist (optionally, public relations specialist). Most often these positions are occupied by women. For such work, it is important to be able to competently build relationships with partners and make a good impression - exactly what the fair half of humanity does very well (of course, when they need it).
  • Internal communications specialist. This position involves building relationships within the team and monitoring compliance with the principles of corporate ethics, as well as maintaining employee loyalty to management and the company as a whole. The salary of such a specialist can be 100-300 thousand rubles.

  • Accountant. This profession has long been considered purely female. Although exceptions do occur, they are not very common. The chief accountant of a large company or enterprise is close in status to the general or financial director - it is not surprising that this position is paid so well. But do not forget that the chief accountant, as a rule, is a financially responsible person, so he bears certain risks.
  • Lawyer. Unlike an accountant, this profession is not considered purely female. but still, representatives of the fair half of humanity have noticeably displaced men in the field of jurisprudence. But we should not forget that 10-15 years ago the profession of a lawyer was considered very fashionable, and universities graduated a huge number of specialists every year. Not all of them are well employed and work in their specialty - having a diploma is not enough, experience and qualifications are important. Only highly qualified lawyers receive good money (from 150,000 and above).

  • A master in the field of beauty (make-up artist, hairdresser, stylist, manicurist) is a purely female profession, and good masters with an established clientele are always worth their weight in gold - they can earn very decent money, because women are not ready to save on their beauty.

In these areas, women occupy leading positions, and it is unlikely that men will be able to displace them in the near future.

What professions are the highest paid?for people without higher education

As you know, “learning is light, and ignorance is darkness.” However, this statement can be disputed, because even among people who do not have the coveted certificate of graduation from a university there are successful and very wealthy people. Moreover, sometimes former school C-grade students who graduated from vocational schools with difficulty take on former excellent students and medalists to work for them. However, you should not take this as advice to “give up on studying” - this does happen, but this is not the rule, but rather an exception to the rule.

So, how can you make money without a diploma?

  1. Personal bodyguard/head of security. This is a fairly popular profession for men who have good physical training and are proficient in martial arts techniques, as well as weapons. As a rule, their employers are very serious and rich people, so the reward for the person who ensures their safety is a very significant amount.
  2. Personal driver. This is a person who is trusted with a premium class car, but also - involuntarily - with access to serious information, for which many competitors are willing to pay serious money, because in this car, in the presence of the driver, many important conversations are held. In addition, a personal driver must adapt to the often irregular rhythm of life of his employer. All this makes the profession of a personal driver so highly paid. To get to this position, it is not enough to drive a car well - people do not get here “from the street”, and all candidates undergo a thorough check and selection.

  3. Athlete. Here it is necessary to make a reservation that most athletes still have a diploma - as a rule, they study by correspondence, because they simply do not have time for full-time study. But strictly speaking, the diploma itself is not so necessary or important for a career - if you have potential and real sporting achievements, you can earn very decent money by scoring goals or pucks, and at the same time remaining a person without a higher education. But it is important to understand that only top division athletes have high earnings, amounting to hundreds of thousands (and even millions) of dollars a year.

There are other professions for people without higher education, because back in the 2000s, a personnel crisis began in the market for blue-collar professions. And it’s no longer a secret that a good plumber can earn more than an ordinary office clerk. Here are some in-demand job specialties.

  • builders;
  • masons;
  • electricians;
  • carpenters and plasterers
  • electric and gas welders;
  • repairmen.

The highest paying professionsfor humanists

It is believed that in the labor market, technical specialists are more likely to find high-paying jobs than humanities specialists, but this is not always the case. These are the directions in which people who had a solid “D” in mathematics and other exact sciences at school can develop.

  • Brand manager. A person who helps turn a name or trademark into a recognizable brand. It is thanks to these people that we buy shampoos, shoes or candies of a certain brand.
  • Politician. Oddly enough, among politicians there are more humanitarians, and this profession provides an excellent opportunity to earn money.
  • Diplomat - Anyone who can resolve any conflict at the negotiating table must have a humanitarian mindset.

Also in recent years, the profession of etiquette specialist has been gaining popularity.

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What professions are the highest paid? in the world

This list may differ depending on which country you are talking about. Top managers and company executives are in the TOP in any state, but other positions on the list may vary.

In America and in the West in general, doctors are on the list of in-demand and highly paid professions, in addition to high-level managers. Here is a list of medical specialties with salaries ranging from $150,000 to $180,000 per year:

  • Surgeon (including plastic and maxillofacial);
  • Psychiatrist;
  • Orthodontist;
  • Dental prosthetist;
  • Anesthetist;
  • Pathologist;
  • Obstetrician-gynecologist.

It is obvious that in the West, the medical profession is much more promising and highly paid than in Russia and the CIS.

The highest paid professions in Moscow

Moscow is considered a separate state - it is logical to assume that the labor market here has its own characteristics. But in fact, the entire list of in-demand professions in the Russian capital is not much different from the one given above. Most in demand:

  • IT specialists;
  • Lawyers;
  • Accountants;
  • Marketers;
  • Auditors

The only difference with the regions is the number of vacancies and the amount of salary - on average 2 times higher than in other regions. Sometimes the gap can be significantly higher.

The highest paying professions future

We live in a rapidly changing world - some professions are becoming a thing of the past, and new ones are immediately appearing in their place. The list of highly paid professions in 2019 differs significantly from a similar list in 2010, and even more from the list in 2000. There is every reason to believe that in 5-10 years the situation will change again.

What professions are gaining popularity? Basically, these are professions in high-tech fields. Don’t forget that our world has finally entered the digital era: for example, German Gref recently proposed including blockchain, which underlies smart contracts and cryptocurrencies, in the curriculum of technical universities. Surely, the first specialists who have received such an education will be in great demand and will be able to qualify for excellent salaries.

Experts believe that the demand for engineers, IT and technical specialists will not decrease in the near future, so you can safely master these specialties.

Will also be in demand

  • biologists and microbiologists;
  • chemists and physicists;
  • specialists in the field of genetic engineering;
  • rocketry industry engineers;
  • designers and test pilots;
  • builders and railway workers;
  • all professions related to shipbuilding;
  • specialists in the field of hotel and tourism business.

Advice on choosing a profession for future specialists and their parents

Schoolchildren at the age of 16-17 are not always able to make an informed choice that will determine their entire future life - where to go to study. Often their parents make the choice for them, which is also not entirely correct. If you are not sure which major to choose, use the following tips.

  • write down on paper everything you love and get pleasure from, and try to analyze this list. Try to understand: do you have a humanitarian or technical mindset? Do you want to manage or work under someone's guidance? Do you like to work alone or in a team? Do you like to communicate with people - or will you be comfortable sitting quietly all working day somewhere in a corner, with your nose to the computer? Try to give as honest answers as possible. Focus on your desires, not on the opinions of your parents or peers.
  • take a test that will help determine your strengths and weaknesses - after that you can also get a list of professions that suit you. This testing can be done both online and offline. In addition, some schools offer career guidance programs for middle and high school students.

There is nothing shameful or terrible if you do not go to university in the first year after school - first, you can try to work without a specialty. Perhaps this experience will give you an impetus and help you navigate the choice of your future profession.

If you haven’t found your current or future profession on the list of the highest paid ones, don’t rush to get upset. Remember that you need to focus not only on the needs of the market, but also on your abilities, desires and dreams - this is the only way you can achieve a lot.

It is better to choose an ordinary profession, but become an extra-class professional, than, at the insistence of your parents, to go to study to become an accountant, “because it is a good profession that will always feed you” - and as a result, spend your whole life as a second-rate accountant in a third-rate company, quietly hating your job and counting the minutes to six. Remember that real professionals get good money in any field - and to become a real professional, you need to do what you love!

What does it take to get a high-paying position?

This list may be adjusted depending on the position you are applying for. And yet, we can highlight the basic requirements for specialists who dream of occupying a highly paid position:

  • 5-10 years of work experience in the industry;
  • good knowledge of foreign languages ​​(at least English);
  • specialized education (large foreign universities are especially valued);
  • completing MBA courses;
  • high stress resistance;
  • HR management skills.

Feedback from previous employers is also important, so it is important for a highly paid specialist to maintain good relations with his superiors even after leaving.

We reviewed the highest paid professions in 2019 in Russia and the world. Of course, this list is incomplete - businessmen, civil servants, as well as representatives of the creative sphere and show business, where you can also earn very decent money, were left behind.

As they say, “all professions are needed, all professions are important,” but if you compare the level of salaries, it turns out that this is not entirely true. Approach your choice of profession responsibly: of course, it is important for any person to realize their potential, but we live in a material world and cannot ignore the size of the monthly remuneration for your work.

Recently, many opportunities have appeared to work and earn income online. If you are interested in the topic of making money on the Internet, all the most complete and up-to-date information is collected here:

Analysis of the labor market in Russia for 2014–2019. shows that its structure is gradually changing. Jobs that were not particularly in demand two or three years ago are becoming relevant. In particular, these are IT specialists, freelancers in various fields, roboticists, HR specialists, recruiters, etc.

In 2019, vacancies that were not particularly in demand two or three years ago are becoming relevant.

But in 2019, the situation in the Russian Federation changed, which is associated with the gradual stabilization of the economy, labor market, trade and financial spheres.

The state of the labor market and the level of employment of the population during 2018-2019 are influenced by the following factors:

  1. War in eastern Ukraine.
  2. Sanctions that Western countries and the United States imposed against Russia.
  3. Annexation of the Crimean Peninsula and its inclusion in the all-Russian economic system.
  4. Rising prices for food, services, and utility bills.
  5. High level of inflation, which remains stably high.
  6. Demographic crisis.
  7. Low standard of living of the population and differentiation of society into rich and poor.
  8. The transition of the economy into a phase of stagnation.
  9. High unemployment rate.

In addition, the state of the labor market in Russia is influenced by events in the international arena. Changing conditions in the system of international relations, foreign economic relations, the introduction of new technologies, automation and robotization directly affect the level of employment of Russians, incomes and wages.

Professions in demand among job seekers in 2019

As a result, the Russian labor market is characterized by the following features:

  1. There is differentiation by region.
  2. There is a so-called gray economy sector. More than 40% of workers work in the “shadow”, without official registration.
  3. There is a slow process of replacing ineffective specialties with effective ones.
  4. Legislation has not been adapted to new labor market conditions.

Labor market in Russia in 2016–2019: trends

Research regularly conducted by experts and analysts shows that 25% of Russians in the fall of 2015 considered the economic situation in the Russian Federation to be difficult and unstable. The same number of citizens are of the opinion that there are positive changes. More than half of the Russian population believes that no changes are taking place in the labor market.

Research also shows that Russian citizens are concerned about finding a job. Their opinions (in percentage) are expressed as follows:

  • 12 - the search for a new job will be difficult and fruitless.
  • 30 - the new place of work will be worse, including in terms of salary.
  • 25 - if the employer fires you, it will not be difficult to find a job again.
  • 31 - there will be work, you just need to put in a little effort to get a positive result.

During 2016–2019, the economic system and labor market were characterized by crisis phenomena, which either deepened or stabilized. A certain stagnation occurred in 2015, when the Russian labor market was constantly in need of the following specialists:

  • marketers;
  • accountants;
  • financiers;
  • auditors;
  • economists;
  • programmers;
  • IT people.

Unemployment rate in Russia compared to other countries

The demand for agricultural workers and qualified specialists for factories, factories, and companies has again emerged. Travel companies and firms began to recruit employees as domestic tourism intensified.

At the same time, there were more vacancies in some regions than there were people looking for work.

The end of 2018 is the period when the number of layoffs reached its maximum. This trend continued at the beginning of 2019, but then the situation began to change. Many companies have begun to plan a gradual expansion of their workforce. First of all, vacancies appeared in the following areas:

  1. Information technologies.
  2. Financial organizations.
  3. The media, including electronic ones.
  4. Medical field.
  5. Pharmacology.

In 2019, when the situation on the labor market began to level out, the number of vacancies gradually increased. Engineers, technicians, and blue-collar workers were considered in demand. There is a constant shortage of qualified personnel at enterprises and factories, so employers sign agreements with universities, colleges and technical schools.

Professions in demand among employers in 2019

Employers are actively involved in the process of retraining and upgrading the skills of their employees. For this purpose, special trainings were conducted on career growth, mastering new work methods, including using a computer.

Employment level in 2019

Official statistics said that in 2019 the number of working-age citizens of the Russian Federation was almost 76 million people, which is 52% of all residents of Russia. At the same time, the unemployment rate at that time reached 5.8% (4.4 million people). Compared to 2018, this figure increased by 3.4%.

Simultaneously with the increase in unemployment, there was a reduction in household income and wage levels. Many enterprises have owed wages to their employees since 2019.

The situation in the country developed differently:

  1. Moscow and Moscow region. The labor market and economic situation were almost unaffected by sanctions, political influence, and inflation.
  2. Siberia, Ural, North Caucasus, Far East. There are no problems with employment, since many workers work without official registration or create their own business, working for themselves.

Current vacancies in 2016–2019

Despite massive layoffs in 2016 and early 2019, the number of vacancies that a few years ago were considered unclaimed, unpromising, and unnecessary began to grow.

First of all, there was a massive demand for specialists who switched to a remote work schedule. This is very beneficial for the employer, since you can hire a highly qualified person from another city or even region. At the same time, there is no need to pay for renting premises, look for equipment, or an office.

Number of resumes for vacancies in various fields

The top professions that were in demand at the end of 2016 – beginning of 2019 included:

  • Workers of factories and industrial enterprises: welders of various directions, electricians, milling operators.
  • Engineers. Specialists who could work in another related field were especially valued.
  • Programmers.
  • , nurses, orderlies.
  • Sales specialists.
  • Drivers.
  • Logisticians.
  • Call center operators.
  • Secretaries.
  • Assistant managers.

The agricultural and production market began to gradually emerge from the crisis; workers were needed to participate in import and export programs. In this regard, enterprise managers modernized production, where there is a constant shortage of tractor and truck drivers, toolmakers, and machine operators, including those who can work on CNC machines.

Features of Russian unemployment

Among the main problems of the labor market in Russia are unemployment and improper use of labor. There are several types of unemployment in the country:

  • regional;
  • structural;
  • friction;
  • latent.

Regional unemployment is most widespread. It is getting worse due to the fact that in the regions there is a lack of timely payment of wages. Unemployment is characterized by heterogeneity and strong differentiation by industries, areas of employment and territories.

How does the unemployment rate differ in different regions of Russia?

The results of regional unemployment are:

  • Deterioration of economic indicators.
  • Social tension.
  • Separation of regions from the center.
  • Development of crime.
  • The emergence of regional conflicts.

Latent unemployment is very dangerous for the labor market and the employed population, since it delays the transition to a market economy in Russia. Many countries around the world are going through such a transition period, but in the Russian Federation the process has been delayed. This prevents workers from getting used to new working conditions and the mobility of specialists from one industry to another, and becomes an obstacle to employment centers registering the officially unemployed.

Latent unemployment provokes delays in wages, the amount of which does not increase. At the same time, there is a decline in people’s living standards and increasing differentiation of society.

Rosstat data for 2016–2019 show that unemployment is characterized by uneven distribution of unemployed people across regions. Detailed information is presented in the table.

Region of the Russian FederationMinimum indicatorsMaximum performance
Central Federal District3,2 %–5,8 % Moscow - 3.2%Ivanovo region - 5.8%
North Caucasus Federal District12,5 % Stavropol regionThe Republic of Ingushetia
Northwestern Federal District4,9 % Saint PetersburgNenets Autonomous Okrug
Southern Federal District6,8 % Krasnodar regionKalmykia
Volga Federal District5,2 % Samara RegionKirov region
Ural federal district5,9 % Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous OkrugKurgan region
Siberian Federal District7,5 % Tyva RepublicNovosibirsk region
Far Eastern Federal District6,3 % Magadan RegionJewish Autonomous Region

Thus, during 2014–2019. the unemployment rate by region did not exceed 12.5% ​​(maximum value). The data suggests that the number of unemployed people in individual regions is approximately the same: on average, from five to 7.5% of Russians are unemployed.

Labor market in 2019–2019

The formation of modern labor relations and the formation of the labor market in Russia after overcoming the crisis continues. In 2018 and 2019, analysts, first of all, note the imbalance in employment of the population and the lack of a structure for the distribution of labor resources.

In this case, experts pay attention to the following phenomena:

  • There is a shortage of workers and specialists in industries that require graduates of technical universities, colleges and technical schools.
  • Unemployment continues to rise.
  • An employee with high qualifications and professional training is valued, which has a positive effect on increasing the number of young people who go to study.
  • Employees with high-quality knowledge and practical skills will come to work. But for this, employers will have to adapt to the new realities of the labor market: the duration of training increases, and active work begins much later.
  • Employees have the opportunity to seek employment that will fully correspond to their qualifications and wishes.
  • Company managers and entrepreneurs are no longer striving to make quick profits, but sustainable income, which has a positive effect on firms and enterprises in an increasingly competitive environment.
  • Activation of processes for robotization and automation of production, companies, enterprises. At the same time, there is a large-scale introduction of digital technologies.
  • There is a merger of professions, a transition from one sphere of employment to another.
  • As before, there is an acute shortage of medical personnel: doctors, nurses, orderlies. This is especially felt in remote regions of the country, in rural areas and megacities.

In 2019, employment processes covered most regions of the country. For example, in January of this year, the number of unemployed (officially registered) decreased in 37 administrative regions of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the situation has not changed at all in the Chechen Republic, but the number of unemployed has increased in 47 constituent entities of the Federation. The main regions where there is an increase in unemployment include:

  • Republic of Tyva - by 9%.
  • - by 5.5%.
  • Omsk region - by 5%.
  • Ivanovo region - by 4.6%.
  • Tatarstan - by 4.2%.

So, at the beginning of 2019, the labor market in Russia continues to change. There are positive trends that are characterized by structural changes. But the lack of balance between the required and existing specialists prevents the economy from completely emerging from the state of stagnation.

This is reflected in unemployment, which is decreasing in some regions and increasing by several percent in others. This situation indicates that there is no mass unemployment in the Russian Federation; it is, as before, of a regional nature.

The labor market in 2019 is hampered by the following factors:

  • Age discrimination. Employers are reducing salaries for people who have crossed the retirement threshold or are close to it.
  • Discrimination based on work experience. Young specialists cannot receive a decent salary, since managers are not ready to pay people without experience as much as specialists with experience.
  • People don't want to work in budget organizations.
  • Reducing the number of employees through optimization while simultaneously assigning broader responsibilities to other employees.
  • Doctors, teachers, educators, instructors, salespeople, cashiers, and accountants are constantly at risk.

Choosing a profession is a question that everyone faces. From early childhood, a person tries to understand what place he will occupy in adulthood. Some sincerely believed in a career as a firefighter, some wanted to become a ballet actor, and some dreamed of selling sweets to children. Unfortunately or fortunately, not all children's wishes come true. With age comes an understanding: an ideal profession is not only something you love, but also something that is in demand. Today's schoolchildren and applicants must anticipate changes in the labor market. In this regard, you should understand the list of in-demand professions in 2020-2025. It must be capacious and justified - then it will be possible to take advantage of freedom of choice.

What was relevant before

The first professions appeared even before the emergence of civilization. Then among the ancient people it had a clear, specific character. The man's task was to ensure the safety of the "home", women and children. He also had to provide the tribe with food. Women raised children and made sure that the fire in the family hearth always warmed the household. The redistribution of responsibilities appeared when humanity began to change its usual way of life. Nomadic tribes became sedentary, and the development of agriculture began. A profession such as tillage appeared.

The hard physical labor with which people cultivated the land pushed society to invent more convenient devices. A craft appeared. Over time, the specialties of potters and blacksmiths arose - these were professions associated with the future. Dynasties of masters constantly improved their skills, which triggered progress. Ultimately, this led to what are now about forty thousand different professions.

The emergence of narrow specialization

Already in the twentieth century, an urgent need arose for the division of labor. If previously “jacks of all trades” were irreplaceable and in great demand, then in conditions of an overloaded labor market and a constant increase in demand for goods, narrow specialists were needed. The first to understand this was Henry Ford, who divided car production into conventional workshops. Each of them produced a separate part of the general mechanism. People worked where they were more successful. The result was an increase in the output of finished products several times. Ford's example was followed by other major manufacturers, and now every enterprise uses the assembly line method.

How was the progress

In industrial Russia throughout the twentieth century, traditional factory workers were popular; they received good salaries, and young people, wanting to be useful, gladly went to work for large enterprises. However, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, many factories lost their stability. A new era has begun in the labor market - the development of the service sector. Construction developed no less actively - large cities were built up with high-rise buildings. Thus, at the beginning of the 2000s, the professions of a builder, mason, plasterer, as well as managers, waiters, specialists in the restaurant and tourism business and other service workers became new, promising professions.

In 2007, society increasingly wondered what professions would be in demand in 10 years. The applicants understood that their entire subsequent life depended on their choice. Then the ratings of the professions of the future were full of sales managers, marketers, customer service specialists, IT engineers, lawyers, economists and some others. This suggests that at that time the service sector continued to develop and the demand for qualified specialists was constantly increasing. But even then, a development trend in the field of scientific research began.

Scientific development today

Now scientific research has a decisive place. The future development of the country and society depends entirely on the daily achievements of scientists. The peculiarities of scientific development are that there is a clear division of science into several independent disciplines. This allows us to address current issues in more detail. Research and experiments at this stage of human development are aimed primarily at solving environmental problems. Thus, an expert in the field of alternative energy will be in great demand on the labor market in just a few years. The field of medicine is no less important, since prolonging life and improving its quality are paramount issues of our time.

Medical professions

The development of technology allows specialists to constantly improve. However, there is another side to this coin: workers need to improve their skills and undergo retraining programs. Undoubtedly, the results are worth all the effort - because they prolong human life.

The future is theirs

It is easier to present the list of in-demand professions in 2020-2025 as a list:

  1. Surgeon. This specialist must keep up with the times. Thus, already in 2012, an operation was performed to implant a lower jaw implant, which was pre-printed on a 3D printer. Surgeries to implant artificial organs such as kidneys, liver and even heart are well known. The ability to use completely new technologies is the most important skill of a successful specialist of the future.
  2. Healthcare Manager. A representative of this profession will be required to select a team of scientists, engineers, developers and researchers and coordinate their joint work to achieve commercially promising goals.
  3. Medical device architect. This is a symbiosis of the profession of an engineer and a medical worker. This specialist will develop the design of medical equipment, as well as ensure its normal functioning. This profession is also called "bioengineer". Where to study? In universities that have areas of “medical photonics”, “biotechnical and medical devices and systems”, “computer technologies in medical physics”.
  4. Genetic consultant. This is a specialist in the field of genetics who identifies hereditary diseases, determines individual metabolic characteristics and studies diseases that cause viral and bacterial infections.
  5. Molecular nutritionist. The responsibilities of a representative of this profession will include studying the molecular composition of food and developing an individual nutrition plan for each patient.


In order to understand the question of what professions will be in demand in 10 years, it is necessary to analyze the economic development of the country at the present time. The leading sector of the economy in Russia is industry. This is the most important factor influencing the development of the state. A specialist who has connected his life with this field will never be left without work.

Where to go?

Types of industry:

  • Food.
  • Easy.
  • Chemical.
  • Mining.
  • Metallurgy (ferrous and non-ferrous).
  • Mechanical engineering and metalworking.
  • Fuel and electricity.
  • Coal, oil and gas.
  • Lesnaya.

Thus, industry provides society with everything that is necessary for its normal functioning. The food industry of the future, for example, is developing new varieties of plants that humanity eats. The number of vacancies in industry is always higher than in other industries. In addition, there is a need to optimize production, so, in addition to representatives of blue-collar professions, the work of economists, biologists, and many other specialists will be useful here.

Indispensable in industry

So what are the most in-demand professions in 2020-2025? The list will look like this:

  1. Design engineers, who will design new equipment and invent more modern technology.
  2. Nanotechnologies, whose area of ​​work is cutting-edge nanotechnology.
  3. Chemists, biotechnologists, petrochemists, employed in all branches of the chemical industry: from household chemicals to complex chemicals used in production.
  4. Seamstresses, textile workers, cutters, whose work will always be in demand in
  5. Lumberjacks, mechanics, sawyers, ensuring the correct distribution of forest resources.

Professions in demand in 2020-2025: list for men

Many traditionally male professions have been mastered by women over time. So, now ladies can be not only drivers and bosses, but also politicians, police officers, and installers. But, despite the widespread prevalence of such professions among the fairer sex, some areas are much more suitable for men. These include the professions of a sailor, pilot, miner, lumberjack, plumber, bodyguard, security specialist, firefighter, military man, as well as a builder or scientist. The most promising areas for men are:

  • Programming.
  • Design.
  • Engineering.
  • Cyberprosthetics.
  • City farming (organization of production of farm products in a metropolis).
  • Space industry - spacecraft piloting, cosmogeology and galactic architecture.

It just so happens that more men than women are endowed with a technical mindset. This plays into the hands of the stronger sex: the rapid development of science and industry requires not only an increase in the number of workers, but also the involvement of technical minds. Designing, drawing, planning, organizing and optimizing production require a strong and strong-willed person at the head of the table. Often such positions are occupied by men.

Professions in demand in 2020: list for girls

Representatives of the fair half of humanity are not inferior to the male part of the population. Hard work, punctuality, clarity of action and a non-standard approach distinguish female specialists from the vast majority of male colleagues. Nowadays, the ability to overcome difficulties at work with dignity is also inherent in women. Thus, the areas of work for women are very diverse: from creative professions, in which girls are traditionally considered professionals, to complex technical sciences. This may include the work of a teacher, a marketing, tourism or advertising manager, a realtor, a designer of all kinds, as well as a psychologist and even a security specialist.

The most popular “female” professions in ten years will be the following professions:

  • Journalist.
  • Editor.
  • Nanomedica.
  • Space tourism manager.
  • Game teacher (specialist in teaching children through games).
  • Mind fitness trainer (brain training).

Women will not be left without work. A stable life position, activity, and enterprise, which can easily coexist with tenderness and complaisance, will always be useful in the labor market. Not a single direction is complete without the participation of a woman’s hand. In addition, among the students at the country's leading universities, the vast majority are representatives of the fairer sex. Educated girls are able not only to build a brilliant career, but also to teach important knowledge to their children.

How to choose the ideal profession?

Applicants are faced with a difficult choice: to go to study in the direction in which their heart lies, or to choose an unloved but in-demand profession? Everyone decides this for themselves. However, careerists who are successful in their field advise finding a middle ground. Not a single profession, even the most relevant one in the future, guarantees complete material security. How a person’s future life will turn out depends only on his desire to move and develop within his direction. But do you want to grow in something you don’t love? Definitely not. Therefore, you need to go where it will be interesting to work first, and the rest will follow.

Development of science and technology

The speed of progress is impressive. Literally ten years ago, humanity could not imagine what the science of today would be capable of. Even now it’s hard to believe that implants of vital organs can be printed on a 3D printer, that the space tourism industry not only exists, but is also actively developing. That nanotechnology occupies a leading place in industrial development. It is difficult to imagine what in-demand professions will be in 2020-2025. The list can only be conditional. But one thing is clear: the future cannot manage without qualified specialists. This means you need to learn, develop and work hard on yourself.

Along with the market economy, prestigious and not so prestigious professions began to appear in Russia. The market began to dictate the demand for various specialties.

This is where the corresponding salary for this or that work came from, since demand creates supply. And in order not to make a mistake with a profession or to retrain for a higher-paid and more prestigious one, you need to monitor changes in the labor market. So, what are the most in-demand professions in 2012? Let's start our rating with the less popular ones.

Tourism specialist

The tourism business in Russia is rapidly gaining momentum. They predict a great future for him, and that is why new specialties in “hotel service and tourism” are being opened in universities. You can earn from 10 to 25 thousand rubles in this area.

Tourism manager is a sought-after profession

In addition, the demand for maids and receptionists in hotels will never decrease. In a prestigious hotel, by the way, professions with such a rather unattractive name may hide quite good money earned as tips.

Banking specialist

Banking specialists are not left behind either. Nowadays it is rare that a person does not use the services of banks. Almost everyone takes out loans or opens deposits to save and increase their own money. Therefore, financial analysts, credit experts and other financial specialties are paid quite decently.

A beginner can count on an income of 10-25 thousand rubles per month. It is worth noting that finance specialists are often required not only by banks, but also by large companies. So any applicant will have plenty to choose from.


The profession of a cook will never lose popularity. Everyone wants to eat regularly. Therefore, people who know how to handle pans and pots will always be valuable. But the rating refers to those people who manage the cooking process.

They can receive from 35 thousand rubles. But their assistants, that is, ordinary cooks, can naturally count on more modest earnings.


Specialists with higher technical education have recently been in great demand in the labor market.

Engineer - a sought-after profession of the future

The development of new and optimization of existing solutions is estimated at an average of 40-60 thousand rubles.


The profession of a doctor today, as always, is relevant. Doctors receive a rather modest salary for their work alone. However, specialists should not get lost in large cities. As a rule, there are a huge number of private clinics there.

A doctor can choose a fairly decent place of work for himself. The most profitable medical specialty is dentistry. The dentist's salary is 15-25 thousand rubles per month. However, in prestigious centers with a good reputation, a dentist can receive 65 thousand rubles per month. Pharmacists are also constantly in demand on the labor market. But their work is valued much less. The rate, as a rule, is 15-22 thousand rubles per month.


The rather vague word “manager” actually hides many vacancies. For example, an account manager, advertising, sales or personnel manager. All listed specialists require at least secondary specialized education. For the knowledge acquired and skills presented, the applicant can receive from 25 thousand rubles.

The exact amount of earnings depends, naturally, on responsibilities and work experience. Nowadays, recruiting and personnel specialists are most in demand. And some companies are looking for specialists to conduct training and personnel management. If you like this profession, then you can take additional education courses. However, people who have received higher education in this profession are more valued. A diploma will enhance the applicant in the eyes of the employer and increase prestige. It is worth noting that a purchasing manager is also among the top ten most in-demand professions in Russia. Such a person receives from 35 to 55 thousand rubles per month. This profession is unlikely to lose its relevance in the near future.


Oddly enough, but such a profession as a driver is also included in the list of the most in demand. Every self-respecting and successful leader wants to have a personal driver. This is a plus for a businessman’s reputation.

Driver is a sought-after profession that will never lose demand

In addition, today you cannot meet a single deputy at any level who does not have his own driver. A professional with impressive driving experience in a good, thriving company can count on a salary of 60 thousand rubles.


Quite popular professions in Russia in 2012 are lawyers and accountants. True, here the requests of applicants and the expectations of employers very often do not coincide. If a company plans to pay professionals in the field of accounting and jurisprudence only 8-12 thousand rubles, then applicants for the position expect to receive at least 12-20 thousand rubles. However, when applying for a job, novice specialists can qualify for a salary of 7-15 thousand rubles. Further, the salary, based on their work experience, can range from 35 to 100 thousand rubles.

By the way, this also includes the auditor. That is, a person who audits accounting books, reports and documents, and also advises on the topic of setting up accounting. In other words, in Russia such a specialist can be called an accountant of the highest qualifications. Such an employee, as a rule, receives an average of 35 to 55 thousand rubles per month. It is worth noting that this specialty has regularly been among the top five most in-demand professions for several years in a row.

The most in demand profession

In first place in the ranking of the highest paid professions in Russia are people who specialize in IT technologies and are aces in programming. And no wonder. Computers and high technologies have already firmly entered our lives and conquered the business sphere, so every self-respecting company has a full-time programmer.

And everyone who knows how to program has the opportunity to get a prestigious job with good earnings. By the way, 1C programmers are valued more than others. And their salaries range from 500 to 2500 dollars. The managers of large enterprises also have web programmers on their accounts.

Programmer is the most popular profession in Russia

After all, most companies that are focused on development want to have their own resource on the Internet. And here it’s not enough to write a website, you need to support it. It is precisely because of the desire to automate their business that directors are looking for talented and executive programmers. Over time, their popularity will only grow.

One way or another, 2012 is not the best time to change jobs, experts say. The situation on the labor market is quite difficult right now. Therefore, before writing a letter of resignation, it is better to think again. And if the question is about finding or mastering a new profession, then it is better to calculate the best option and study the most in-demand professions in Russia.

But there are people for whom the amount of salary is not the most important thing in life. They want to do what they love or benefit other people. We invite you to read an article about the rarest professions in the world, for which people also receive a lot of money and are very much in demand due to their rarity.
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