How does a company sell? Selling an LLC with a single owner: step-by-step instructions. Are notary services necessary when selling an LLC?

How and where to sell ready business?


Pitfalls, expert advice and real-life stories

Being an entrepreneur is hard, especially in Russia. Not everyone is capable of working hard all their lives. Even the creator of Magnit, Sergei Galitsky, recently admitted that he no longer receives the same emotions from his work. But he is not going to leave - there is no one to hand over his empire to. This is easier for owners of small and medium-sized companies. As a rule, than smaller business, the easier it is to part with him.

Every year tens of thousands of ready-made businesses are sold and bought in Russia. They are sold by entrepreneurs who:

We became interested in another niche;
- decided to get rid of non-core asset;
- cannot cope with problems;
- decided to move to another country;
- just tired of business.

If at least one of these points applies to you, then this article is for you.

Where to look for a buyer

To sell a business, you need either connections or intermediaries, or better yet, both. You can try to find a buyer through friends or offer your company to competitors who want to expand their business.

In this case, you should take care of confidentiality: a competitor can find out the state of the company and all your “chips”, and then refuse to purchase. You also need to be careful with your acquaintances - rumors about the sale will damage the reputation of the enterprise. " Open sale business can cause great harm, warns legal adviser of the Jurisprudence Finance Personnel Group, Elena Sharova. “This will cause concern for staff, suppliers and creditors.” Ill-considered actions can lead to labor conflicts, a reduction in the selling price and even the collapse of the business.”

Sometimes advertisements for the sale of a company are placed on specialized forums, where there is a chance of finding a savvy and interested buyer. Avito has become a fairly popular channel for selling ready-made businesses. Currently, there are more than 28 thousand such advertisements on this site. Their main categories are services, trade, catering, production, online shopping, entertainment, agriculture and construction. The effectiveness of Avito is evidenced by the fact that even business brokers - intermediaries between sellers and buyers of ready-made businesses - post ads there.

If you're having trouble selling a company on your own, business brokers are a good option. They select objects, evaluate them and accompany the purchase and sale transaction, receiving a percentage for this. This big market with their leaders. In 2015, the Mergers and Acquisitions magazine released a rating of Russian business brokers, the first places in which were taken by Altera Invest, Scania Invest, ReSale Expert, Vasha Firma and Ready Business Bank.

The choice of channel and the time it takes to find a buyer strongly depend on the company’s profile. According to the observations of business brokers, in Russia most in demand enjoy retail outlets(which account for a quarter of transactions), catering, hotels, beauty salons and car washes. Businesses bought abroad, media and oil fields are the least likely to be purchased. So if your company operates in a difficult or unpopular industry, you will have to search for a buyer manually.

Personal experience:

In 2009 I opened flower shop in one of the towns of Primorye. A year later it became necessary to move to central part countries. By that time, my outlet had long since become profitable and began to attract people who wanted to buy it. But more often the mood was to “squeeze out.” They told me: “Well, you’re leaving anyway, if you don’t sell it, you’ll abandon it, but the place has already been fed, we won’t let it go to waste. The store was a rented place inside big store(22 sq. m). I didn’t understand how to sell this business - the place is rented, not owned. But I started looking for a buyer among competitors and the right person found quickly. The sale took place under a mutual agreement, a kind of receipt where we wrote down all the conditions for the transfer of my business and the buyer’s money. I handed over all the documents, the customer database, introduced me to suppliers and for another two months helped the new owner get up to speed. In the end, we were both satisfied.

Common mistakes when selling a business

Experts interviewed by Rusbase list the following mistakes of inexperienced sellers:

Insufficient preparation for sale;
- loss of time on false buyers;
- inability to justify and defend the price;
- delay in selling or selling hastily;
- non-compliance with confidentiality.

“Very often the seller neglects the pre-sale preparation of the business,” notes Lyudmila Kharitonova, managing partner of Zartsyn and Partners. - It seems that your business is already good, so there is nothing to check there. And then it turns out that the company has no assets, the contracts concluded are not profitable or can be terminated at one moment, and the accounting department has not been put in order for a very long time. All this threatens to disrupt the negotiations.”

“The company must present a business that is ready to be transferred to third parties - with a strong team and clear development prospects,” says Anton Poletaev, partner at RB Partners and M&A expert. - You only have one chance to make a first impression, so not paying attention to the “packaging” of your business can be fatal. An investor should not be under the impression that a sale is the only option for the company's survival."

Personal experience:

In December 2014, we acquired the investment company Centaurus and renamed it A Finance. We also created an IT platform for investments in securities. We wanted to give clients a return higher than the Sberbank deposit, but with less risk, and we achieved 15-17% per annum.

This was a big project for us - at the start we invested about 40 million rubles. It seemed to us that there would be an explosion in this market and everyone would run to open these accounts. But analysts' forecasts did not come true. Maintaining an investment company turned out to be too expensive due to the Central Bank’s requirements for personnel and volume own funds. In September 2015, we decided to sell the company. The value of the company, in our opinion, was the license and IT platform.

We were posted on dozens of sites, constantly updated advertisements, but only intermediaries called. The main flow was from Biztorg and February they left only him. Our main asset was the IT platform, so we made detailed presentation: described its advantages, attached a video and manual. In April, we found a buyer and quickly reached a deal. The contact was with Biztorg, but the deal was handled by an intermediary.

For those wishing to sell their business, I recommend posting on all sites on the Internet, not sparing 5-10 thousand rubles on paid placement, and not giving up intermediaries - in my experience, they really manage to successfully conclude deals.

How to prepare a business for sale

The buyer needs to be convinced of the profitability of the enterprise and the legal purity of the transaction, and the seller needs to understand and eliminate the shortcomings of the company that reduce its value. As you know, there are no ideal enterprises. According to FreshDoc CEO Nikolai Patskov, pre-sale preparation includes:

Analysis financial condition;
- examination legal registration business;
- analysis of management and accounting;
- inventory of assets;
- assessment of business prospects;
- elimination of shortcomings.

“When selling, you need to put yourself in the buyer’s shoes and understand what his benefits from the acquisition are,” advises Anton Poletaev, partner at RB Partners and M&A expert. - You can find a buyer for almost any asset. For strategic investors the potential for synergy with existing assets is interesting; for investors in distressed assets - the potential to increase the value of the company; for others - profit. Vendor due diligence - a pre-sale assessment of the company's risks by an independent consultant - makes a very good impression on buyers. It shows the seller’s integrity and gives him the understanding that he can reduce the price during negotiations.”

The Zartsyn and Partners company gives the following instructions for putting things in order:

1. Conduct an audit and make sure that all taxes are calculated correctly and paid. Get in tax certificate about the absence of debt.
2. Check who all assets are registered in the name of. They are often “scattered” across several individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, which is inconvenient for sale. “Gather” everything in one company that you will sell. Also, do not forget to register the rights to intangible assets - website, software, content. The buyer will definitely ask this question.
3. If the company has several founders, make sure that all of them are ready to sell the business and sign the necessary documents.
4. Check whether the authorized capital and shares of the founders have been paid.

Screenshot from the Avito website

Ways to sell a business

There are three main ways: selling a share of the company, selling the enterprise as property complex and sale of assets separately with their re-registration to a new legal entity. The first method is most suitable for small and medium-sized businesses. It is the fastest, simplest and cheapest, accounting for about 80% of transactions on the market.

“Usually a company simply changes its owner,” says Lyudmila Kharitonova, managing partner of Zartsyn and Partners. “But if you ran your business as an individual entrepreneur, then you cannot change the owner and you will have to transfer contracts and assets to the buyer.”

What documents are needed

The minimum package for the sale of a business includes constituent documents, registration certificates, internal regulations and labor documents, privatization documents, balance sheets, agreements with counterparties, a list of creditors and debtors.

Legal consultant of the Jurisprudence Finance Personnel Group Elena Sharova provides an exhaustive list of documents that can be used as a checklist:

Legal documents:

Charter, memorandum of association or copy of the entrepreneur’s certificate;
- certificate of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
- land lease agreement;
- lease agreement for real estate;
- if the premises are owned: contract of sale and purchase of non-residential property, --- - - certificate of registration of real estate rights, BTI certificates;
- geodetic plan of the leased land plot;
- explication of premises.

Financial documents:

Audit report on financial statements(if any);
- business assessment report (if any);
- certificate of absence of debt from tax office;
- acts of reconciliation with counterparties;
- a certificate from the bank confirming the absence of debts and credit obligations;
- a list of fixed assets indicating their cost, year of manufacture, manufacturer and model;
- list of intangible assets and their value;
- a list of inventory balances indicating their value (raw materials and finished products);
- justification for additional investments (purpose of investment, cost items);
- report on financial results companies (at least for the last year);
- a list of the company’s main suppliers and product range;
- staffing table indicating the number of employees by position and payroll;
- company details;
- passport details and registration address of business owners.

And also:

Company presentation;
- commercial offer.

How does the procedure work?

Competitive advantages there may be patents efficient system personnel management, an impeccable reputation (helps to win tenders) and an attractive business strategy. “In my practice, there was a case when the owner of the plant had many patents for manufactured designs commercial equipment, - recalls Alexey Koryagin. “In this way, he made it difficult for competitors to enter the market, who needed to invest a lot in developing a product line.”

The company's value may also increase if the buyer sees prospects for synergy. “We once assessed a crushed stone mining business,” an association representative gives an example. - It brought the owner very good income, but it could not be compared with the benefit of a potential buyer. The inclusion of this enterprise in its production chain allowed it to significantly save on raw materials. The identified synergistic effect increased the transaction price by an order of magnitude.”

According to the legal adviser of the Intercession company Elena Muratova, independent auditors and lawyers are involved in the sale of the business. Auditors identify irregularities in accounting, lawyers prevent the risks of litigation and administrative liability.

Business owners struggle even with such basic things as calculating taxes and registration costs for different methods of sale, notes Elena Sharova, legal adviser at Jurisprudence Finance Personnel Group. She advises immediately contacting business sale specialists who can competently prepare the company for sale, check the buyer’s integrity and evaluate the terms of the contract.

Minimum legal support the transaction will cost about 15 thousand rubles. Participation of a lawyer in pre-sale preparation and negotiations will cost 100-150 thousand rubles. Of course, it all depends on the specific transaction.

Sale of a ready-made companycarried out by transferring 100% of the share in the authorized capital to the buyer.

You can do this in two ways:

1. through a sales contract

It must be drawn up in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. It specifies the subject of the contract, the obligations of the participants, the price, method of payment and other important points. If inconsistencies are subsequently discovered current legislation, the contract will be considered invalid.

2. through the buyer joining the founders

This method involves changing the management team. All stages of this process are accompanied by the submission of documents certified by a notary to the tax office. If they are completed incorrectly or the stages do not follow a certain sequence, the registration authority will refuse to accept the changes.

How to sell an LLC with debts

Sale more profitable and faster than liquidation, so it is often used as a way to get rid of a legal entity.

Let's figure it out How sell a company in Russia if she has debts.

1. First you need to choose a competent assistant. It's better if it is law firm, which has good reputation in the services market.

2. Together with specialists, determine whether it would be optimal to sell the organization. Sometimes other ways to relieve owners of liability may be appropriate.

3. Specialists will put the company up for sale and select a buyer.

4. Choose a method for selling the company and submit the necessary information to the registration authority.

5. Receive a ready-made set of documents from the regorgan.

6. Draw up an act on the acceptance and transfer of all business and financial documentation of the company.

The most significant indicator for a buyer whose goal is to purchase a company on credit is the size of turnover. Therefore, even if a company has debt or other problems, but it has high turnover, it will not be difficult to sell it.

Selling a company with debtsoften used as one of ways . As a result of this procedure, former participants are released from responsibility for the further work of the legal entity.

Sell ​​a company with debts: price

Debt is not the reason why an organization cannot be implemented. It may suit the buyer according to other parameters. Therefore, having debt will not be a barrier.

Price for company sales service with debtsmuch less than liquidation prices, which is why this method is so popular among those who want to waive responsibility for the activities of a legal entity.

Different businesses are in demand: wholesale, retail, trade, construction, financial, etc. Therefore, you can sell a company in any field of activity. The decision to sell must be made by the director and its constituent members. For this purpose, an official consent is drawn up, which is certified by a notary.

An important point in our sales service is no payment for services. All costs are the responsibility of the buyer. Therefore, you will only need to provide complete information, we will do the rest ourselves.

How to sell a company with a zero balance

There can be a zero balance for two reasons:

1. The organization was recently registered and has not yet conducted activities.

2. Work has been suspended.

Due to the fact that we often have promotions, well-established service and we have partners throughout Russia, we will sell your company in the most as soon as possible and at a price that suits you.

Many people think that sell zero company difficult. But in reality this is not the case. Difficult to find a buyer on your own, and if you contact a company that has a large base of people who want to purchase GF, then sell a clean company you can quickly and for good price. Therefore, if you need sell the organization urgently, then contact us.

Required condition For your company to be included in our catalog, it needs to be fully checked by our specialists. Our accountants and lawyers will study all the reports on the financial and economic activities of the organization and then announce the price for which it can be sold. Even if there are some problems, we will still find a buyer. Absolutely any business is in demand. It all depends on the purpose of the purchase.

How to sell a company with turnover in Moscow

Turnover is an important indicator. Therefore, it is easier to sell an organization with this parameter than with zero balance. Companies with history it is more profitable to buy because they can be used for participation in tenders or for other purposes where experience is important. We regularly receive requests to buy businesses with turnover, so we will ensure a quick and correct sale at a good price.

Indicators that affect the value of the company:

· Legal address (rent or own the premises).

· Location (country, city and region of registration). Moscow business, as a rule, costs more.

· Current account.

· Revolutions. Price profitable business always higher.

· Registration date.

· Story.

· Licenses.

· Property (real estate or equipment).

To find out the value of your company, send your application to our manager. You will be required to provide transcripts and other documents. It will take no more than one day to review them. After this, we will tell you the price for which we can sell your organization and evaluate the profitability of the transaction.

Sell ​​an LLC company in Moscowwith our help it won’t cost you a penny: the buyer pays for the services. Therefore, to the question: “ How much does it cost to sell a company? with us?”, there is one answer: free.

Sell ​​the company

In short, in order to make a deal on sale of LLC in Moscow, you need to introduce the buyer into the founders, and then sell him your share.

Let's take a closer look at the procedure.

First, you need to enter the buyer into the list of participants. To introduce a new participant into the LLC, you must draw up an application. It indicates the size and value of the contributed share in the authorized capital. The remaining participants sign the decision to introduce a new participant into the LLC.

In order for the changes to become official, you must submit documents to the tax office, from where you will receive registration documents within 5 working days.

When the buyer officially became a member of the LLC, the procedure for removing the previous owners selling the LLC begins. To do this, the general director and participants sign appropriate statements of withdrawal from the LLC. The package of documents required for registration is notarized and submitted to the tax authority. After passing official changes at the registration authority, the composition of the LLC will include: a new general director and the participant - the buyer.

How to sell a stake in a company

Each member of the company has the right sell your share. There are three options to do this:

· Transfer it to another member of the same company. To carry out such a transaction, you will need the consent of the remaining participants, an offer with the cost of the share and other documents.

· Sell ​​to third parties. The law requires you to first offer to buy a share to other participants in this LLC, so this option is only suitable if they refuse to purchase.

· Transfer the share to the LLC. The purchased share from a participant is distributed among the remaining participants.

Sell ​​the company And its assets are different concepts. In the second case, we mean the property of the organization. For example, you can first sell assets, and then directly the legal entity itself. But more often than not, companies are sold along with their property.

The transaction must be accompanied by experienced lawyers who know all the intricacies of the process. Otherwise, problems may arise that will negatively affect the results of the transfer of rights to the company. Our lawyers are always ready to take part in the process and control its outcome.

Where to sell a company

You can find a buyer in different ways. For example, submit an ad or place it in a special catalogue. But the most effective solution is to entrust the process of finding a buyer and completing the transaction to professionals. We specialize in the purchase and sale of GF. To sell with our help, you do not need to sign any agreements or pay for services. The work of our specialists is paid for by the buyer. To start cooperation, fill out the form on our website and send it to our manager or call us. After this, your company will be added to the database of ready-made companies. Thanks to the built-in filters, it is easier for the buyer to choose the right option and, accordingly, your organization will sell faster. The approximate time frame during which a business is sold is five to seven days.

Sell ​​the companyIt’s not recommended to do it yourself – the risk is too great, so a logical question arises: where to sell a company? There are several options:

· Suggest to friends and partners.

· Put it up for sale on numerous forums and websites.

· Sell ​​through specialists. This option is the safest and most effective. Companies selling business, as a rule, have a large base of purchase requests, so the buyer does not have to wait long.

How to choose company selling business

Selling on your own is not the best solution. Since you will have to spend a lot of time finding a buyer and concluding a deal. To carry out all this without the involvement of third-party specialists, you must have certain knowledge and experience in the field of law and related fields. To order a service from us, fill out the form feedback, and we will call you back.

Choose company selling business, it is necessary according to the following criteria:

· Age.

· Clients.

· Is there a percentage taken from the sale?

We have been operating on the market since 2008, have more than 800 satisfied clients and do not take a percentage of the sales of your company. With us you can sell the company without VAT, quickly and at maximum cost.

How to sell a company in Moscow

Peculiarity modern business– constant change and economic instability. Therefore, entrepreneurs often leave one area for another. There are more and more entrepreneurs who decide to relieve themselves of responsibility for an existing legal entity by selling it rather than liquidating it.

The purpose of a business is to generate income. But the preparatory process and registration of a large number of documents at the initial stage discourages many who want to start a business. It’s a completely different matter to buy a ready-made LLC or a share in it. So the sale of an LLC (or the sale of shares in an LLC) that has the entire package necessary documents(charter, certificate of state registration, decision (protocol) on the creation of a company, constituent agreement) and paid authorized capital is a fairly effective tool for doing business. But how does this process actually happen? And how can you simplify the procedure for acquiring a share in a Limited Liability Company?

When is a ready-made LLC most often purchased?

Purchasing a ready-made company is especially relevant in several cases. For example, if the activity you plan to engage in requires a license. Instead of going through licensing, it’s easier to buy an LLC, which permit document has already received for the required type of activity. Or, to conduct business, you need to join an SRO and obtain permission to do certain work. This is also a rather lengthy and difficult process, and a ready-made company that already has access is a good option for investing. In addition, if you need to expand your business or scope of activity, it is also easier to buy ready-made enterprise or a share in it.

Process in detail

The sale of a share in an LLC can be of several types:

  • alienation to another member of the Company;
  • alienation to the Society itself;
  • alienation to a third party.

The list of necessary measures also depends on who will be the buyer of the share (or part of the share). Naturally, the sale of a share or part thereof within the Company is much simpler, since it does not require certification by a notary. But selling to third parties is quite complicated, since in addition to notarization of the purchase and sale transaction, it is necessary to collect a large number of documents, and not only the buyer and seller, but also the spouses of the parties to the transaction must be present at the transaction itself. The financial cost of selling a share in an LLC to a third party also increases significantly due to the cost of notarization, which averages 20,000 - 30,000 rubles. At the same time, no upper ceiling on the cost has been established, since the notary has been financially responsible for the execution of such transactions since 2009. Consequently, their price can be very high.

Sale of a share to another member of the Company

But if you sell a share to another LLC participant, everything can be done quickly, simply and inexpensively, since such alienation does not require notarization. A simple written purchase and sale agreement is sufficient. Therefore, when considering the question of how to sell an LLC, first of all you need to consider the alienation of a share within the Company. But there is one point: the charter of many LLCs defines the procedure for the alienation of shares within the Company, according to which, in order to formalize such a transaction, it is necessary to obtain the consent of other participants. Therefore, before starting preparations for a transaction, it is worth carefully studying the Company’s charter and completing all formalities. After the contract is signed, changes need to be made to the documents. To do this, the seller must submit an application to register the changes with the Federal Tax Service. This can be done by mail or in person. Registration of changes takes seven days and after a new extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is received, all rights to the share in the LLC are transferred to the buyer.

Sale of share to the Company

This option for selling a share is possible in two situations:

  • if a participant decides to leave the LLC;
  • if a participant has demanded that the LLC purchase his share.

As for technical issues, as in the first case (sale of a share to another participant), such a transaction does not require notarization. The agreement for the sale of LLC shares is drawn up in in writing and is signed by the seller and the buyer without the participation of a notary. But regarding the Company’s obligation to buy the participant’s share, it is worth talking in more detail. Such an Obligation arises for the Company, for example, if one of the participants wants to sell his share, and the organization’s charter prohibits the sale of participants’ shares to third parties.

At the same time, other members of the Company refused to purchase the share. The company is also obliged to buy the share of a participant who, at the general meeting, voted against the decision to carry out any transaction, but this decision was still made by a majority of votes. In all these cases, the LLC participant has the right to submit a demand for the Company to repurchase his share (or part thereof), which must be realized within three months with full payment of the amount due to the participant. A period of three months is established by law, but other terms can be stipulated in the LLC charter.

As for leaving the LLC, it is only possible if this is provided for in the constituent documents. If the charter allows withdrawal from the Company, the participant submits an application for withdrawal, his share is transferred to the Company, and the participant himself receives the actual value of his share within three months. To legalize the transfer of a share, you must submit an application for registration to the Federal Tax Service. This must be done by the CEO or president of the LLC. Based on the submitted documents, changes will be made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and the share of the former participant within a calendar year from the moment its former owner leaves the LLC must be distributed among other participants of the Company. Although, depending on the provisions of the charter, the LLC may not distribute the purchased share among everyone, but offer it to a third party or one (several) members of the Company. So, having completed the documents correctly, you can sell the LLC through the distribution of shares without extra costs and the participation of a notary.

Sale of shares to third parties

Now let’s take a closer look at another option – selling a share in an LLC to a third party. Such a transaction is possible only if this is reflected in the organization’s charter, and the share in the authorized capital of the LLC that is planned to be alienated is fully paid. If these conditions are met, then the first thing to do is to warn other LLC participants about the impending transaction in writing. In this case, the Company must be notified of the terms of sale and the price of the transaction. The whole point is that the Company itself and its participants have a priority right to buy out the shares of the participants, which they can exercise within thirty days (or another period specified in the charter) from the moment of notification of the sale of the share by one of the participants.

If during this period none of the participants or the LLC buys the share, then it can be sold to a third party. If it is not possible to wait thirty days, you can simply obtain from all participants of the LLC and the Company itself written refusals to purchase a share (or part thereof), certified by a notary. Thus, the pre-emptive right to repurchase the share will be lost by the Company and its participants at the time of signing the refusal. After this, you can look for a buyer for the share and formalize the purchase and sale transaction with a notary, at which the presence of both the participants in the transaction and their official spouses, who must confirm their consent to the transaction, is required.

If one of the spouses cannot arrive at the required time to complete the documents, he must provide notarized consent. The alienation of a share is considered completed from the moment the signatures of the parties to the transaction are certified by a notary, without which the transaction will be declared invalid. After signing the documents, the notary himself submits them (a purchase and sale agreement or a decision to sell and an application for changes in relation to a legal entity, which is signed by the seller of the share or part thereof) for registration of changes by the Federal Tax Service within three days, and the share passes to the new owner .

The need to sell an LLC may involve a large number of various reasons. If you want to sell a company, then you need to learn how to sell an LLC correctly. In any case, you need to be prepared for the fact that this procedure will take from one to three months. In order to sell an LLC, you must:

  • give an accurate assessment of your company;
  • find a company that can provide legal support;
  • find a buyer;
  • prepare the necessary documents;
  • re-register the LLC.

There are several options for how you can sell an LLC. It is worth considering them in detail.

Introducing a new co-founder

A share in an LLC can be sold by introducing a new co-founder. After this, the remaining shares can be transferred to the new co-founder. This will enable you to change the owner of the company. This procedure is carried out as follows.

First stage

It is necessary, based on the application of the new LLC participant, to make a decision on its introduction. The application should be drawn up in form P14001. After this, it must be certified by a notary. This application must provide information about the new participant and the emergence of the right to a new share of the LLC. Next, the notarized application must be registered within three days at the place of registration of the LLC in tax authority.

Second stage

In five working days the tax office will have to issue a certificate of state registration of changes in constituent documents companies. After this, it will be necessary to draw up a decision of the founder on the transfer of his share of the LLC to the new co-founder and his removal from all participants of the company. This application will also need to be certified by a notary and registered at the place of registration of the company with the tax authority. Please note that all transactions made with shares in the LLC, as well as changes in the authorized capital in mandatory must be certified by a notary and registered with the state registration authority.

Putting a company up for sale

There is another way to sell an LLC. This can be done by putting the company up for sale. Before putting it up for auction, it is necessary to organize audit LLC in order to make a preliminary assessment based on its results. This way, a potential buyer can be sure that the company is real and has conducted its business. entrepreneurial activity without violating the law.

How to find a buyer for an LLC

There are several ways to find a buyer for an LLC. They all have their pros and cons. To find the most suitable method for you, you should consider them in detail.

This is the most ineffective method, since it is suitable only for a very narrow circle of owners own business. The advantage of this option is the relative safety of financial costs. The main disadvantage is the small number of potential buyers.

  • Placing advertisements in newspapers.

If you are deciding how to sell an LLC company and decide to resort to this method of finding a buyer, then you should take into account that this option is extremely unprofitable. It can only be effective for small businesses that are actively in demand among the most ordinary buyer. The advantages of this option of finding a buyer for an LLC include the low cost of posting an ad.

  • Place an ad on paid business sites.

Placing an ad on 4-5 large sites can attract a fairly large number of potential buyers. However, the cost of submitting an ad on such sites is quite high, which puts a big minus on this option of finding a buyer.

  • Contact business brokers.

The most profitable way to sell an LLC is to seek help from business sale specialists. Business brokers use in their work not only the above methods of finding a buyer, but also many others, taking into account their own experience in selling a business. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that each professional broker has its own established base of investors and buyers.

How to sell LLC property

Sometimes it may be necessary to leave the LLC and at the same time take back the acquired property. How to do this? In this situation, the ideal way would be to sell the company's assets. Moreover, almost all of this is carried out through the sale of a share in the authorized capital of the LLC to the buyer. After the sale, the buyer receives the right to own the property, which he can dispose of at his own discretion. To implement this procedure for selling a share, it is recommended to seek help from a notary. In any case, his help will be necessary, because it is the notary who will draw up the notarization after the collection and execution of documents. Within three days, the notary will have to submit to the registration chamber an application for amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Also, in addition to the application, you must also provide an agreement. After carrying out this procedure, you will easily figure out how to sell a share in an LLC, and the problem of dividing the company will be solved. The buyer takes ownership from the date of notarization of the purchase and sale agreement.