How to open a private kindergarten: business plan, documents, advertising

Currently, in Russia and in particular in Surgut, there is a large number of different preschool educational institutions that provide various services. Considering the variety of offers on this market, parents often have difficulty choosing. In this regard, the role of advertising is increasing as a source of information about services, and at the same time as a way of forming the image of a private preschool institution.

Promotion of services of private kindergartens and centers and groups day stay has a number characteristic features, determined by the specifics of the service itself, as well as the entire sphere of preschool education as a whole. IN modern conditions without taking into account these features and active use marketing tools private preschool educational institution It is almost impossible to win the competition and occupy your niche in the market.

If you turn to general principles promotion, then we can say that any advertising campaign is aimed at highlighting a product or service among competitors, increasing sales efficiency, creating a positive image, etc. In this case, the main principles of the strategy of a preschool institution will be an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the market, identification distinctive features competitors and based on this - formulating your own competitive advantages.

During development marketing strategy an analysis of the components of the advertised service is necessary. The following components can be roughly distinguished:

  • - universal (services typical for any kindergarten, for example, organizing a daily routine for a child);
  • - unique (services specific only to a given institution. For example, a swimming pool, foreign language training, etc.);
  • - static (services that require long-term work. For example, preparation for school, etc.);
  • - dynamic (holding and participation in competitions).
  • - location;
  • - availability of a license;
  • - quality of food;
  • - availability of a medical office;
  • - personnel qualifications;
  • - length of stay;
  • - availability of a children's playground and play equipment;
  • - educational and development programs;
  • - contingent of children;
  • - additional classes.

The solution to these issues is directly related to the solution of marketing issues in relation to pricing, communication and personnel policy. And one of the most important components in the complex marketing communications is advertising.

Modern advertising of preschool education has a number of features. One of the main ones is the use of double communication when addressing the consumer. The emotional part of the message - its concept, the hero personifying it, in a word, the “packaging” should be aimed at the child, and the rational component - at the adult. The mistake many child care centers make is that they mix two messages in one communication channel.

The children's target audience is an ambiguous concept. At the age of up to 7 years, namely at this age a child goes to kindergarten, every year brings new knowledge, skills, a new level of development, therefore the age segmentation of the children's audience is narrower than for adults. Children's room target audience under the age of 7 years are conditionally divided into the following groups:

  • - from birth to 3 years. All advertising for children of this age is aimed at parents; the main communication takes place with them, which is natural, since a child at this age cannot formulate needs and is not so often at points of sale.
  • - 3-6 years - preschool period. Preschoolers are children who largely depend on their parents, but are capable of expressing their own opinions. At this age, a child perceives a lot through the prism of his family.

Today it is obvious that children greatly influence their parents' purchases. The author of the publication "Children's Branding" Martin Lindstrom calculated that the opinion of children and adolescents determines the decision of parents, no matter how absurd it may seem, when purchasing mobile phones in 45% of cases, and cars - in 60%. . This fact is actively exploited by advertisers, using in advertising of “adult” products images of children, animated images, images of animals and other images that attract the child’s attention and form his own loyalty to the brand. According to many experts, a child is a client of three markets at once: goods directly for children's consumption (food, computer entertainment, toys), goods for adults (the choice of which he influences every day) and the future market, which he will begin to determine when he himself becomes adults.

Despite the fact that children’s opinions have an influence when choosing a kindergarten, final word always remains with the parents. Against this background, the role of argumentation in an advertising message increases. Parents' arguments when choosing a preschool institution are different, but the most common are the diversified development of the child, preparation for school, consultations with specialists, a comfortable atmosphere, and professional teachers. The least common arguments when choosing are: unique techniques, a large selection of programs, studying foreign languages, working on weekends and other factors that we have already listed above. However, no matter what arguments are given in the advertising message, the final decision when choosing a kindergarten, as a rule, is always determined by personal contact. In this case, the task of the staff is to be able to talk about themselves in a language understandable to the consumer. One of the most effective ways is the openness of the institution, giving parents the opportunity to attend classes and watch the work of the teacher. The forms of work can be very different: days open doors, conversations, consultations, parent meetings etc.

Since the message in advertising for children preschool institutions is aimed at both adults and children, it is necessary to note one more feature - the attention of children. If winning it, with certain skills, is not so difficult, then maintaining it is a real art. The only one successful path, which would ensure stable children's attention to a particular product or service, marketers see in a constant change in the advertising strategy of the same product/service.

Features of advertising in the field of preschool education and leisure institutions are determined by the distinctive specific features of this sphere, which are, first of all, working with children, creating for them full-fledged conditions for games, development and recreation, maximum comfort and safety, and as paradoxical as this may sound , minimal costs. In brief, in all its types, advertising information, it is necessary to prove to the potential consumer that the maximum result in all respects can only be obtained by contacting your organization, which offers services that optimally meet the “price-quality” criterion.

It should also be taken into account that for parents who have decided to send their child to a private kindergarten, this service is not only a necessity, but also a desire to prepare a child for school, adapt socially, identify abilities and talents, accustom him to a daily routine and diet, and develop personal and communication skills.

This is precisely what is intended to make the services provided by the private preschool institution “Rosinka” high quality. If the result is satisfactory, parents of children attending this institution can tell their friends, relatives or colleagues about this, who may also want to send their child to this kindergarten, which guarantees the attraction of children to Rosinka and additional free and much more effective advertising- feedback in interpersonal communication.

  • - information content prevails over the emotional side. The advertising message is reduced to a list of services provided and contact information. For the best effect, it is necessary to balance both parts of the message through the use of bright images and colors;
  • - low quality of advertising messages. Quality promotional materials must correspond to the level and cost of the institution’s services;
  • - rarely present in advertising messages form style. Bright colors are often used to attract visual attention;
  • - photographs of kindergarten are often used, as well as photographs of the children’s learning process.

So, the promotion of private preschool institutions and the proposed educational services has its own specifics, associated primarily with the focus child care facility. A decisive role for effectiveness is played not only by advertising distribution channels, but by correctly placed accents, a developed strategy and high-quality advertising materials, developed taking into account all the features of marketing in the field of services provided by preschool institutions.

All of the above information will be used in the formation of practical developments for the private kindergarten “Rosinka”.

The co-founders of the children's eco-club “Umnichka”, the founders of the “Your Club” project, Sofya Timofeeva and Anastasia Shevchenko, share their experience of attracting children to the club. How to interest children and gain the favor of their parents for the benefit of all parties.

Sofia Timofeeva and Anastasia Shevchenko, co-founders of the children's eco-club “Umnichka”, founders of the “Your Club” project, will tell you how to attract new children to your club and how to win over their parents.

It's no secret that the success of any business directly depends on a developed client network. And the children's club in this case is no exception.

However, the peculiarity of this business is that the clients here are funny and curious kids, each of whom is unique by nature and needs a special approach.

Let's try it out

Currently, the Internet, print media, and city streets are literally full of advertisements offering services for early development children. And among all this diversity, it is quite easy for parents to get confused.

They are constantly faced with a choice: which club to give preference to? What courses should I take my child to? So invite your potential clients to attend your trial classes. While the kids are studying with teachers, the club administrator can have a fruitful conversation with parents, introduce them to the full range of services, tell them about traditions and achievements, bonuses and promotions.

And parents, in turn, can get acquainted with the methods, inspect the situation, and generally get into the spirit of the holiday and creativity of your club. It is this factor that can play a decisive role when parents choose a children's club for their baby.

Trial lessons can be either paid or free. But if you conduct trial classes for free, then be sure to include their payment in the price of the subscription when you sell it. In other words, if the client liked the course and decided to attend your club, then payment for the course should begin with a trial lesson.

Otherwise, if trial classes are simply “gifted” to clients, you risk incurring significant losses, because Nobody canceled rent and salaries for teachers.

Give gifts

What do children love most? Of course, gifts! But the most interesting thing is that adults love gifts no less. They just like gifts a little differently. If a child who has crossed the threshold of your club for the first time, you can give small souvenirs, small cars, pencils, notebooks, thereby winning him over and leaving a pleasant memory of your club.

Adults will like bonuses, promotions and discounts on your services, with which you can significantly save the family budget. Although the point, of course, is not so much about saving as about psychological aspect. It's always nice to receive gifts!

And this will be another one important factor, which will set you apart from your competitors. So regularly hold promotions, provide discounts, and award bonuses. Some of the most effective shares that influence the influx of customers to the club are promotions such as “Bring a friend” or “To the club with friends.”

The meaning of this promotion is that those clients who bring their friends to the club are given a discount on the cost of classes. It is worth noting here that best advertising children's club is “word of mouth”, and it is in your power to make sure that it broadcasts exclusively on your wavelength, notifying the target audience about high quality your services.

Don’t forget that in addition to the club, your clients visit a number of other children’s places - these are playgrounds, kindergartens, and clinics. And while the children are frolicking with each other, their mothers manage to discuss more than one topic.

And one of the most discussed is the early child development. Therefore, the “Bring a Friend” campaign may be enough for parents strong motivation in order to tell your potential clients about all the advantages and advantages of your club and invite them to visit you.

Sector "Prize"

What else do children like besides gifts? Participate in games and competitions, win and receive prizes. The most interesting thing is that, growing up, many of us continue to participate in competitions, striving to win and receive a well-deserved reward for this.

The spirit of competition still lives in us! Apparently, this is why competitions and quizzes held in in social networks, are so popular among community members.

Take advantage of this opportunity too. Organize a competition on your social network page and win a membership for classes at your club. Incentive prizes may include: trial lessons in your club for everyone involved.

We welcome guests

“Whoever goes to visit in the morning acts wisely.” Winnie the Pooh's point of view is shared by most modern children. They simply love to visit, especially to places where they are greeted warmly. New environment, new friends, new toys. What could be more interesting!

Therefore, arrange in your children's club free creative master class. Post notices on nearby houses, hand out leaflets, ask your clients to tell their friends and neighbors about the free master class that will be held at your club.

This is a very effective way to increase your customer base. Indeed, in addition to the wonderful fake that the child will have as a memory of your club, he may well have a desire to continue acquaintance with the children, and with the teachers, and with the type of creativity that he touched.

To each according to his ability

Imagine the situation: a child came to your club for a trial lesson, worked with the teacher, made friends with other children, he liked everything and so did his mother. But that’s not the problem! They can’t afford to attend your classes now. There are different situations in families: the birth of a second child, temporary unemployment, problems with business.

You never know. It would seem that, potential client already exists, but he may never turn into a real client. Therefore, in order for the club to truly make a profit, it is necessary to determine a diverse pricing policy. Those. provide various activities in the club, in different time and at different prices. For example, you can install more low prices for classes at preferential times, when club attendance decreases for objective reasons.

Thus, another problem will be solved - forced downtime, when groups are not recruited or are poorly staffed at lunchtime or in the morning. It is also possible to provide different types courses, some will cost more, while others will cost less. However, all courses without exception must be of high quality!

And in conclusion of the article I would like to cite an outstanding businessman who said: “Do not allow yourself to doze off in inaction.” In order for your club to bring you profit, constantly improve, come up with something new, unusual, non-standard, which will create a great desire among kids and their parents to look into your club and become one. regular customers for many years.

One day in 2009, the owner of a newly opened private kindergarten approached us. Or rather, I turned to her, offering to carry things from the car like a neighbor. We met and started talking. It turned out that before opening it swelled all over advertising budget(200 thousand) in a TV advertisement, and no one came to it. And he didn't even call. After that she said that she had 10 thousand, but it was unlikely that anything could be done with it. And one signed up client who came from friends is a failure.

Promotion of kindergarten

Of course, money for the launch advertising campaign not enough. And at first we separated. However, the subconscious mind still works on the task after loading the input data into it. And so the problem challenged us to a duel. We wanted to find a way out. We began to analyze why the failure happened.

Mistake #1. " TV doesn't work here."
1) The advertisement was placed on channel 49 (Novosibirsk). But young mothers don’t watch it.
2) The advertisement was placed on channel 49. And few mothers watch it, who have money for private garden ik.

Mistake #2. "Bets don't always win"
You shouldn’t pour all your money into one communication channel, even if you are 100% sure of it. This is the same as betting the entire bank on zero.

Mistake #3. "But the bridges are burned"
The video was short and, naturally, in the format of a quick chatter of text, where at the end the phone number was called (the kindergarten did not have a website).
That's why:
1. Perhaps we didn’t have time to record the phone number.
2. “What’s the point of calling at all if I haven’t even read the reviews, haven’t looked to see if there’s a license, haven’t looked at the photos. If I call, they’ll start spudting right away.”

Promotion is somewhere nearby...

The errors have been sorted out. But what to do next? As it turned out later, the problem was that at that time no one in our team had... children. And therefore no one knew that the crisis with places in kindergartens created a huge demand for places in private kindergartens. If we knew this, the solution would come faster. And so we had to monitor the situation.

My team and I surfed forums, websites, and read analytics. And we realized that a lot of gardens had opened recently, sometimes they were even of poor quality, but... they were all packed to capacity. In addition, a series of scandals in the media gave rise to a segment of the audience who, on principle, did not want to send their child to a state kindergarten. So why is our neighbor’s private kindergarten empty?

Our second conversation dotted all the i’s. There was no information about the Stork kindergarten anywhere. Nowhere at all. Not in any reference book. It was as if he didn't exist at all. Young mothers, sitting on the Internet in the evenings, could not, in principle, even find this garden (and, by the way, this is what they do in the evenings, looking for what they need). And since the goal was simple: to gather a group of 12 people, the recipe was ripe right away.

Recipe for promoting a kindergarten:

1. A pinch of information in all electronic directories and catalogs of the city;
2. Add invitations to mothers’ communities (in Novosibirsk this is the Sibmama forum, social network communities, partly Babyblog, etc.) You can mix it with specials for each of the communities (in the spirit of “only for visitors of group “A” free photo session of the child’s first day in kindergarten ) Plus sprinkle everything with photographs of the interior, teachers, scans of permitting documents (!), etc. Maximum openness!
3. If possible, create discussion threads in the same communities.
4. Scour the Internet for those interested in kindergartens and tell them about your appearance (preferably by calling them by nickname or name, officially inviting them, and if you have any information about the child, make a “compliment”);
5. Mix everything, but do not shake, and serve at the same time hot and cheerful.

In general, creativity does not have to be creative. After all, sometimes even the simplest solutions are enough to successful development- you just need to look at the situation from the right angle. But a person (yes, businessmen are people too) is such that sometimes he does not see a way out of the situation. And it's not because he's stupid. But because he is not a universalist.

In short, all the places in this kindergarten were purchased within a month and a half. In fact, without investing in advertising at all. After all, everyone can do these actions with their own hands. Of course, now this recipe is unlikely to help everyone. The market has changed. But the effect will be even now and much greater than the investment.

Despite the high demand for services, not a single private kindergarten will be able to attract a sufficient number of clients without effective and thoughtful advertising. This article is intended to help kindergarten owners identify the most and least effective ways advertising and plan your own, most competent and expedient campaign.

Point design


Entry group

The entrance area of ​​the kindergarten can be decorated in the same theme as the facade. This will allow the canopy, stairs, and railings to look more harmonious and still attract children.

During the opening period, the building can be decorated with balloons, animators can be invited - such a holiday will be visited even by those parents who did not plan to look for a kindergarten for their child and, of course, by fathers and mothers who are looking for a suitable institution. Needless to say, proper decoration and festive decorations will give your business the first boost by securing an initial customer base.

Outdoor advertising


It's also worth ordering several advertising posters, and place them on billboards around the city. If you are in a big locality, choose billboards located near the area in which the institution is located; if the garden opens in a small town, such billboards can be ordered in several areas. They should also be as bright and positive as possible. Focus on the “trick” of your kindergarten, be it learning languages, preparing for school, or creating the most comfortable play atmosphere for the child.

Advertising in elevators

Internal advertising


It goes without saying that the interior design of the garden should also be as thoughtful as possible. In addition to toys, beautiful children's furniture and play areas, there should be information posters in the room for children and their parents, on which the name of the garden should be written and its logo or brand name should be depicted.

Internet advertising


You should definitely create your own website and promote it on thematic platforms, for example, on forums for mothers. The resource should be constantly updated - post information about promotions, events, teachers, add photos and videos - this is guaranteed to attract new customers.

If you decide to create a website on your own, be sure to read our articles:

Here we have laid out our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you will simply need in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time it takes to select the necessary resources for its creation and get profit from the site as quickly as possible.

Banner advertising

You can promote your site using banner advertising, which should also be posted on thematic resources.

Groups on social networks

Having a group on social networks with proper support will become perhaps the most effective tool advertising a kindergarten. So, in the group you should post not only information about your institution, but also photos of your students, events, as well as useful information for moms. Such a policy will lead to mothers reposting on their walls, which means that all their friends and subscribers will know about your kindergarten. However, it must be remembered that this advertising will not do without material investments: in the initial stages you will have to “wind up” basic subscribers and advertise the community to more large groups cities.

Printable advertisement


Conduct a large-scale campaign to distribute leaflets before the opening of the kindergarten. In your flyers, be sure to mention the opening party and provide basic information about the facility.

Business cards

Business cards can be distributed to parents - they will serve as an actual reminder of your garden, moreover, moms and dads who have already become your clients will be able to distribute these business cards to their interested friends and acquaintances.


Hosting an event

Conducting training and entertainment events- this is a huge trump card for any kindergarten. Events held at the institution itself can also be attended by children who do not yet want to join your kindergarten, which means there is a possibility that parents will decide to give their kids to you. Educational events, visits to museums, etc. will be a huge bonus for the garden in the eyes of parents interested in the rapid development of their children’s intelligence and knowledge.

What advertising does not work for kindergartens

  1. Advertising on television and radio. In general, such advertising can be effective. However, the time of large channels and radio stations is very expensive, which means that if you open a small private garden, and not a network of gardens throughout Russia, this will significantly hit the budget, but will not bring any benefit. If you can afford advertising on local channels and stations, and you are sure that there are parents among the viewers and listeners, you can try to promote the institution through local resources. However, before ordering airtime, you should think again about the feasibility of such a promotion.
  2. Expensive means outdoor advertising: video boards, lightboxes, figures. The main task of the owner of any garden is to attract a specific target group, parents and their children. That is why kindergarten advertising should be specialized, and not aimed at attracting the attention of all passers-by without exception. This does not mean that outdoor advertising is not needed at all - facade, decor, entrance group, billboards- all this is worth using, but the costs, for example, LED sign may turn out to be unjustified.

Slogans and texts

Below you can study the slogans and texts that are already used to advertise the kindergarten:

  • We are not indifferent to the fate of your child!
  • I give my heart to children.
  • Kindness, health, knowledge for your children.
  • Happy children mean happy parents!
  • Joy for children - confidence for parents!
  • The world of children is our world.
  • So that children grow up happy!
  • Steps into the future!
  • For the most important people in the world.
  • The world rests on love for children!
  • The future is in our safe hands!
  • Kindergarten for little princes and princesses.
  • A place you want to return to.
  • If the children are happy, the parents are calm!
  • The magical territory of childhood.
  • They trust us with the most valuable things.
  • A happy child is our job.
  • Everything for children with convenience for parents!
  • Your child will be surrounded by care and attention.

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