Management function in the hotel industry. Organization and management of hotel enterprises. In order for the management of an enterprise to ensure effective work in providing accommodation services, the management system must be competitive and have


“Features of management in the hotel industry.”

According to Webster's Dictionary, “The hospitality industry is a business consisting of those types of services that are based on the principles of hospitality, characterized by generosity and friendliness towards guests.” Consequently, the hospitality industry can be considered as a variety of forms of entrepreneurship specializing in the market of services related to the reception and service of guests.

There are four main functions of management in the hotel industry.

Planning function.

The management system of tourism should be based on strategic (projected into the future) vision and foresight. Based on the vision (a kind of “drawings” that show us in the future), which is the leading idea of ​​management, the policy of the tourism company is developed, which represents the general goals and norms of relations that ensure the viability and development of this structure.

The formation of enterprise policy is most often carried out at the highest level of management. All provisions of the travel company’s policy are presented in the form of a tourist image.

· Participation in the development of established goals for the development of tourism in the region.

· Current analysis of the competitive capabilities of the site.

· Development of a strategy for the competitiveness of the region, its special position.

Under activity planning tourism enterprise is understood as a systematic, information-processed process of qualitative, quantitative and temporal determination of future goals, means and methods of forming and managing the development of an enterprise in the process of planning decisions about what the goals of the organization should be and what its members should do to achieve these goals.

The planning process is carried out according to the levels of the organization. Strategic planning (highest level).

The main task of planning at this level is to determine how the organization will behave in its market niche.

At the middle level of management - they are engaged in tactical planning, determining intermediate goals on the way to achieving strategic goals and objectives. Tactical planning is essentially similar to strategic planning. Ideas born during strategic planning. The third level is operational planning - performance standards, description of work. This is a system in which everyone directs their efforts to achieve the general and main goals of the organization.

With the help of the planning function, the problem of uncertainty in the organization is solved to a certain extent. Planning helps managers better cope with this problem and respond to it more effectively.

Organizational function.

The management organization function ensures the streamlining of technical, economic, socio-psychological and legal aspects activities of any tourist enterprise (organization). It is aimed at streamlining the activities of the manager and performers.

From an economic point of view, organizational activities lead to high efficiency of the enterprise. From a personnel management perspective, it conveys the meaning of work and distributes it among performers. Using the example of tour operators, we can imagine the organizational function of tourism management. This is how tour operators solve production, trade, and information problems. For each of them, the manager distributes responsibilities and establishes responsibility, that is, we are talking about establishing permanent and temporary relationships between all divisions of the company, a certain order and conditions for its functioning. This is the process of bringing together people and means to achieve the goals set by the company.

Organization as a management function creates a working structure, the main component of which is people. The organization process structures and forms divisions based on the size of the enterprise and its goals. Technology and personnel are a significant number of elements that need to be structured so that the organization can fulfill its plans and thereby achieve its goals.

Top managers manage no more than ten subordinates, while lower-level managers can supervise many more employees. In this regard, two important factors, which determine the standards of control (the number of employees that one manager can effectively manage) - time and frequency, that is, how much time the manager needs to spend with each employee and how often to do this. This criterion largely depends on the manager’s ability to communicate with subordinates, the complexity of the tasks being solved, interest and involvement in the work process.

Thus, process organization is the second management function. Of the many meanings of the term “organization” in the sense of a management function, two definitions are most often used:

1. Organization - the structure of the system in the form of relationships, rights, goals, roles, activities and other factors that take place when people are united by joint work.

2. Organization is the process by which the structure of an enterprise is created and maintained.

Motivation as a management function.

When considering this issue, management focuses on two aspects of this problem: travel motivation(s) and motivation labor relations.

Motives for travel – purpose of travel, reasons, information about travel. For example: a traveling group has only one main purpose for visiting and may also have its own motives for traveling. In this regard, it is important for management to get an answer to the question of how the reasons (motives) for travel can be systematized.

Travel motivation can be:

1. Physical motivation - rest for the body, sports treatment.

2. Psychological motivation- rest for the mind, new impressions.

3. Interpersonal motives - new acquaintances, society, social contacts.

4. Cultural motivation - getting to know foreign countries, art, sports.

5. Motivation for prestige – personal entertainment, recognition in society.

Motivation of labor relations is a set of incentives that encourage staff to be active labor activity, that is, after carrying out organizational activities, the manager must ensure the successful completion of the work.

· Stimulation (material and moral).

· Stimulation itself (internal motivation to work).

The main thing here is interest in work.

The traditional approach to motivation is based on the belief that employees are resources, assets that must perform effectively. As a result, the manager is faced every day with how to motivate staff, that is, how to direct their energy to perform a specific job.

Hotel management is an important type of professionally carried out economic activity aimed at achieving the goals of the enterprise through rational organization material, labor, information resources using the principles, functions and methods of management.

The goal of management is to maintain a competitive position in the hospitality industry, which is ultimately realized in ensuring the profitability of the enterprise. Achieving profitability in the hotel industry is ensured by solving a set of problems: creating a rational organization of the management structure, effective use personnel potential, development of the material and technical base of the enterprise, efficient organization service technologies, widespread use of modern marketing research, cooperation and specialization.

In organizing the management of a hotel enterprise, the following approaches are distinguished:

Procedural - involves management as a continuous process of interrelated management functions;

Systemic - with this approach, a hotel enterprise is considered as a combination of interconnected elements - human resources, structural divisions, technology, management decisions, which are focused on achieving various goals in variable conditions external environment;

Situational - involves application various methods management in accordance with the circumstances that are formed in the hospitality environment. The hospitality environment is changeable and is constantly influenced by internal and external factors, which determines the growth of the most effective management method in a certain situation.

The concept and principles of building management systems in hotels

To ensure the effective functioning of any hotel enterprise, it is important to build an organizational and functional management structure.

Organizational and functional management structure - This is an ordered system of management links, located in strict subordination, ensuring the relationship between the managing and managed subsystems, the development of the system as a single whole. Management links form a management structure with a specific location, relationship and relationship with each other. The creation of an organizational management structure is due to the need to distribute rights and responsibilities between individual divisions of the organization.

Organizational management structure is one of the key concepts management is necessary to determine the clear relationship and interaction of structural links in the management process and adjust them by the functional process in achieving the goals of the organization. The organizational structure of a hotel enterprise is formed to ensure its long-term competitiveness, economic efficiency, rational cooperation.

The presented organizational and functional management structure is in the form of a diagram reflecting the relationships between the structural divisions of the hotel, according to the performance of functions in enterprise management. This diagram shows the location of each service and position in general organization hotel, illustrates the distribution of powers and responsibilities of staff necessary for the effective implementation key functions employees, determining their accountability.

Management of a hospitality industry enterprise is associated with the optimal distribution of goals and objectives between structural units (services, changes, teams, etc.) and each individual employee of the enterprise. The management structure is thus determined by the division of management bodies of the hospitality industry, the nature of their specialization - management tasks and forms of coordination of their activities.

Visually, the organizational structure of the management of a hotel enterprise is reflected graphically in the form of a two-dimensional diagram. The diagram captures in a compact form information about the hierarchy, powers and subordination of management levels.

The organizational chart for managing a hotel enterprise is created by the managers of the enterprise at the initial stage of its emergence and is determined by the specialization of the establishment, its category, the volume of rooms, location, category of guests and other factors. In creating an organizational chart, an important role is played by the analysis of the creation of management units, a clear definition of their functional responsibilities, connections within the unit itself (service, department) and between units in the production process. The management structure is approved by the Charter of the enterprise and documented by a special regulation on the service sector, job descriptions all levels of management.

The organizational structure of hotel management is optimal when all structural units complement the process of creating a hotel service and ensure its functioning, while at the same time they ensure maximum operating efficiency in achieving the final result, which is the provision of competitive services.

Among the main principles of organizing a management system for hotel enterprises are:

Focus on producing services according to guest demand;

The organizational structure of management should reflect its goals and strategy;

Constant introduction of production organization through its specialization and diversification;

The combination of rights and obligations, responsibility and control in management;

Rapid adaptation - the ability to clearly respond to changes in demand, improve production technology, and introduce innovations;

Cost-effectiveness - correspond to the costs of obtaining management bodies and the capabilities of the organization;

Ease of management - formed from a small number of management levels, staffed qualified specialists, easy to understand by staff and adapted to a specific form of management;

Optimality in management - the organization must ensure rational connections between services and personnel;

The principle of controllability presupposes the ability of managers to make and communicate effective decisions to executors in a timely manner, to achieve their strict implementation in order to achieve their goals. The organizational management chart must constantly change, particularly when the hotel's external environment and management structure are dynamic. As changes in management structure drive changes in staffing levels, it is important that these changes do not significantly affect the quality of service. Personnel in the hospitality industry should always complement each other and be interchangeable in a certain structural unit.

The organizational structure of hotel management includes levels of management, units (departments) and communications.

TO management levels hospitality industry enterprises include structural divisions, managers perform management functions that ensure regulation and coordination of the activities of several structural divisions, individual specialists, connections between individual departments (divisions) are horizontal in nature.

Management level is a set of management links that occupy a certain hierarchical level in the hotel management system. Management levels are vertically subordinate to each other and include administration (top-level managers), service managers and heads of individual departments. A typical management structure in hotels is characterized by three levels: institutional (highest), managerial (middle), technical (lower) (Fig. 3.1).

Rice. 3.1. Levels of hotel management

A management link is a separate body endowed with management functions and a certain responsibility for the performance of functions. The links in hotels are services, departments, enterprises that provide Additional services, individuals. The definition of powers, distribution of functions and responsibilities, and connections between hotel staff are built on an official and informal basis.

Based on the nature of their production functions, hotel employees are divided into service personnel and office workers. The service staff directly provides services to customers and provides maintenance of the hotel premises and the surrounding area (cleaning, repairs of premises and equipment, etc.). The service personnel who provide maintenance of the premises are followed by junior service personnel - cleaners, janitors, electricians, carpenters, etc. Employees carry out management, study production process, market monitoring, improve technology, carry out legal, financial, accounting and other functions.

In the organizational structure of hotels, one can distinguish main services, typical for most hotels, auxiliary and additional ones. The main services include - reception service, reservation service, room service, service Catering, financial, commercial service, engineering and operational service. Auxiliary services ensure the functioning of basic services and diversify hotel services. Among support services stand out - laundry, dry cleaning, shoe and clothing repair shop, etc.

Additional services are provided paid services- business center, sports and fitness center, hairdresser, beauty salon, shopping kiosks, post office, solarium, etc.

It should be noted that in modern conditions wide specialization, diversification of the hotel product, different sizes and categories hotel enterprises There is no ideal and unified model of hotel management. The choice of a model of the organizational and functional management structure is determined by the specific features of the hotel enterprise’s positioning in the market and should be guided by the need to optimally satisfy customer demand.

The organizational structure in hotel enterprises depends on their size and type. In large hotels, the organizational structure is ramified and provides the opportunity for optimal management of various functional areas. Low and medium occupancy hotels provide a minimum set of services to ensure the offer of basic hotel services. For example, only in the structure of large hotel complexes the reservation, service, financial and accounting, commercial, engineering, operational and marketing services are represented as separate structural divisions. In small and medium-sized hotels, reservations and customer service functions are performed by separate front desk staff. The situation is similar in the positioning of other services.

Services in hotels, depending on the implementation of direct interaction with clients, can be divided into two categories - contact services, whose personnel have direct interaction with clients, and non-contact services - services in the functioning of which direct interaction with clients is carried out. IN hotel industry This division of services is important because it determines the approaches to the management and organization of work of service managers and regulates the requirements for personnel. In particular, the main requirements for contact service personnel are:

Attractive appearance provided with appropriate hairstyle, makeup, clothing, jewelry, etc.;

Knowledge of ethics and psychology of communication;

Communication skills; -Foreign language skills;

Age limit (for reception staff up to 30 years old).

Institutional level management of a hotel enterprise is represented by the hotel owner, general director, or chairman of the board of directors (supervisory board). Top management is divided into two sublevels: general management - represented by the hotel owner and management authorized by the owner. The form of ownership in small hotels is most often represented by sole ownership, in large hotels and hotel chains - by joint-stock ownership.

Highest level accepts general solutions of a strategic nature, coordinates the work of department heads and service managers. The strategic objectives of hotel enterprises, which are determined and solved by their owners, relate to the enterprise’s orientation towards serving a certain segment of the hotel services market, modernization and diversification of services, participation in corporate forms of economic activity, pricing policy etc. From the category decision general issues depends on the location of the hotel, its category, capacity, architecture, equipment, staff selection.

The general director is a person authorized by the hotel owner and delegates his task to the management level in specific management decisions. At the same time, the general director acts as an intermediary between the owner, on the one hand, and the guests, on the other. In addition, he justifies general directions hotel company policies, financial policy reflected in determining the limits of expenses for personnel, administrative and business needs, responsible for making decisions on targeting the accommodation establishment to the selected market segment. The General Director decides on purchasing policy issues, identifies enterprises that supply resources, and determines priority suppliers. Top management also decides on the implementation of a customer settlement system, tariff policy, and a market research system.

In large hotels with a lot of staff management structure higher levels may include the position of Deputy General Director. The Deputy General Director is responsible for making operational decisions, constantly monitoring the technological process, and therefore is required to stay at the enterprise longer. He has a closer relationship with clients and is required to solve problems related to guest service.

In some large hotels, to ensure 24-hour management control over the functioning of the enterprise, the position of executive director is allocated.

Management level in hospitality establishments, ensures the implementation of enterprise policies developed by top-level managers responsible for the receipt, clarification, distribution of tasks in departments, and monitor their implementation. Department managers have broad responsibilities and greater decision-making responsibilities. In addition to implementing general tasks into specific management decisions, department managers solve optimization problems technological process according to the latest methods work, personnel work in the logistics department, interaction with other structural divisions of the hotel. In large hotels, this level may include 5-6 deputy directors (department managers) and 10-15 service managers. Middle-level managers include managers of catering services, accommodation, financial, technical, commercial departments, etc.

Catering manager manages the restaurant and other forms of gastronomic establishments operating in the hotel. The chef, head waiter, banquet manager, and senior waiter report directly to him.

Accommodation Manager Managers of basic hotel services report to them - reservations, reception and check-in, and housekeeping services.

Manager finance department manages the work of the chief accountant, housekeeping manager, computer operator, and head of the payroll department.

Manager technical department heads the engineering and operational department. In hotels, the position of technical department manager is called differently - Chief Engineer, Director of technical operation etc. Subordinate to him are the senior foreman, heads of workshops for the repair of equipment, heating systems, technical safety, refrigeration units, furniture, etc.

To the manager commercial department Reports to the logistics manager, congress service manager, advertising manager, etc.

Technical level of management represented by lower-level managers who manage directly the service personnel. In hotels, this category includes production managers who are responsible for distributing tasks among performers, monitoring their implementation, and at the same time taking part in the production process themselves.

Heads of all departments in hotels, in addition to management functions, perform the functions of executing instructions from top-level managers. The share of executive function increases with decreasing level of control. Only the hotel owner does not carry out orders. Execution of instructions, according to the time spent, as monitoring shows, at the highest level takes about 10%, at the average - 50%, at lower levels - about 70% of the total time of managers. Managers spend the rest of their time making management decisions.

Connections ensure interaction and coordination of actions between elements of the management structure of a hotel enterprise. According to the nature of the relationships between the elements of the structure, connections are divided into vertical and horizontal.

Vertical connections provide a process of management and subordination, for example, communication between general director and the manager of a particular service. These connections arise with the hierarchical construction of the management system, the presence of a clear organization of management levels of the hotel enterprise, each of which is characterized by its own goals.

Horizontal connections reflect relations of cooperation and coordination of actions between equal elements of one hierarchical management level. For example, this type of interaction is carried out between service managers of a hotel enterprise on the problems of coordinating joint actions in the technological process.

In the management structure of hotel enterprises, according to the nature of management decisions, linear and functional connections are distinguished.

Linear connections reflect the transfer of management information general necessary to carry out with subordination in all matters of the lower divisions above. This system is simple and effective if the problems are not complex and decisions can be made independently in departments.

Functional connections are associated with the subordination of lower divisions of a number of functional units that professionally solve individual hotel management functions related to finance, planning, technology, etc. These connections ensure the transfer of meaningfully substantiated management information. Since there can be several sources of information at the same time, problems of inconsistency in the actions of individual functional units arise.

The hospitality industry as an object of management

Topic 3. Features of hospitality management

Summary on the topic

We examined the features of the hospitality industry, the features of attracting clients to the industry in question, and the features of the professional development of industry specialists.

Goals and objectives of studying the topic:

The goal is to study the features of management in the hospitality industry


1. The hospitality industry as an object of management

2. Management goals

3. Management tasks

4. Internal and external environment in the hospitality industry

5. Management structure of hospitality industry enterprises

Management - an interdisciplinary branch of knowledge that combines the achievements of economic, sociological, psychological, legal, technical and other disciplines, using the experience of management art. It includes management theory and practice, the flexible and active application of which ensures success.

Management is a complex of interrelated actions:

1. organization and management (production and team);

2. setting and adjusting tasks;

3. development of work stages;

4. decision making;

5. establishing communications (methods and forms of information transfer);

6. regulation of processes;

7. collection and processing of information;

8. information analysis;

9. summing up the work.

Management object- a separate structure, or an organization as a whole, to which the control action is directed.

Subject of management- a manager who carries out management actions. Those. the same structure of an organization can be both an object and a subject of management.

Manager - a person (organization) that exerts a control influence on other people (divisions or organizations).

Service- an important component of the hospitality industry.

Any activity system is divided into two subsystems:

1) a subsystem engaged in processing the resources at its disposal into goods and services;

2) management subsystem, which includes management and control over the activities of the first subsystem.

Hospitality industry can be represented as a planned system of enterprises and entrepreneurs serving tourists.

1. Planning function is based on modeling a future situation. Based on planning, an enterprise policy is developed to ensure its viability and development. The formation of enterprise policy is carried out at the highest level of management.

The company's policy includes:

1) taking part in developing goals for business development in the region;

2) current analysis of the competitiveness of the place;

3) development of a strategy for the competitiveness of the region, its special position.

Under enterprise planning refers to the systematic process of processing information to determine future goals and objectives, means and methods of managing and developing an enterprise.

The planning process has three levels:

1) strategic planning, which is a priority of the highest management level enterprises. the main task strategic planning– monitoring the position of the enterprise in market sphere;

2) tactical planning, carried out at the middle level of enterprise management and is part of strategic planning. This planning is necessary to achieve specific goals;

3) operational planning, aimed at making additions and changes to previously planned goals and objectives in a short period of time. With the help of planning, the enterprise management apparatus organizes the future activities of the company.

2. Organizational function in a hotel enterprise is associated with the formation of technical, economic, socio-psychological, and legal aspects of activity. This function is aimed at streamlining the activities of personnel. Economists take into account that organizational activities lead to the efficient operation of an enterprise. The organizational function is necessary for effective management staff.

The manager has the authority to distribute rights and responsibilities, and also establishes the responsibilities of the company's employees in order to maintain temporary and permanent relationships between all divisions of the company.

People are the main part of the mechanism of an organization; they manage and monitor the process of proper functioning of the enterprise. Clear organization of the enterprise’s work is the key to fulfilling plans and achieving goals.

The concept of “organization” (from the French organization, from the late Latin organizo - “I give a harmonious appearance, I arrange”) means:

1) internal orderliness, consistency in the interaction of more or less differentiated and autonomous parts of the whole, determined by its structure;

2) an association of people jointly implementing a certain program or goal, acting on the basis of certain procedures and rules and united by common work.

Motivation- This auxiliary tool for control function.

Work motivation is a combination of internal and external driving forces, encouraging a person to work and giving this activity an orientation focused on achieving certain goals.

Stimulating staff activities can be both material and moral. Stimulation is an internal urge to work. main feature– staff interest in high quality labor. To motivate work, direct people's energy to perform a certain job, the manager needs to set up staff to do this work.

3. Control function. Control is a comparison of achieved results with planned ones. The manager, managing the enterprise, giving orders to the staff and ensuring the exact implementation of all instructions, uses this function. According to the rules of classical management, implementation management activities is impossible without the control function, with the help of which the organization successfully develops.

Managers at any level work to implement planning and control functions. Lower-level managers are busy recruiting and organizing work.

Managers must meet the following requirements:

1) be able to achieve the desired result;

2) be able to achieve this result at the lowest cost.

Currently, there is no ideal management model in the hospitality industry. The basic principles and postulates developed by F. Taylor and A. Fayol are used.

For each hotel enterprise, management is unique. All decisions are driven by the need to meet the needs of each client.

Currently, there are patterns and rules used by enterprises and organizations to achieve improved management systems.

Efficient system control must have the following characteristics:

1) a small number of management levels;

2) units staffed by qualified specialists;

3) production of services and organization of work aimed at consumers.

Goals and objectives of hotel management

Note 1

The hotel business is stable profitable business, providing a range of services related to accommodation and personal services for clients in hotels and hotels.

The goal of hotel management- increasing the efficiency and quality of hotel activities in the conditions modern market services thanks to professional management.

Management tasks in a hotel complex are as follows:

  • knowledge of the basic processes and functions of hotel complex management;
  • maximum use of information in the course of making management decisions;
  • knowledge of optimization methods and modeling of management decisions;
  • analysis of risk factors accompanying management decision-making in the management of the hospitality sector;
  • ability to use effective methods to resolve conflict situations;
  • staffing management taking into account modern methods personnel assessment and selection;
  • development and implementation of management decisions using modern psychological approaches.

Approaches to managing a hotel complex

Hotel complex management is based on three management approaches:

  • systemic
  • situational
  • process

Systems approach considers the hotel enterprise as a single whole, including all connections and relationships, and also coordinates the activities of all its subsystems.

Situational approach is based on the statement that the best solution consists of the sum of the functions of the factors of the organization itself and the environment. When using this approach, managers assume that a certain situation is the basis for applying possible management methods.

The most effective method is considered to be the one that best suits the specific management situation.

Process approach defines management as a continuous chain of management functions carried out as a result of performing interrelated actions.

The use of one or another approach depends on the goals and objectives at various levels of hotel management.

Types of hotel management

In the management of the hotel industry, the following types of management are distinguished:

  • hotel chains - management is carried out Management Company under a management or franchising contract,
  • marketing networks - management is carried out by the network information systems reservations,
  • independent management companies - managed by an association of professionals.

Hotel chains as control systems are divided into:

  • hard,
  • flexible.

With strict management, operations are carried out on the basis of a management agreement, which describes network standards, financial obligations and conditions for the distribution of responsibilities.

A flexible management system is represented by a franchise agreement, which provides the rights to use the logo, name, reservation systems and other service systems. But the system does not directly perform control functions.

Note 2

Marketing networks represent national or international systems reservations, allowing the hotel to become part of this system and maintain its independence. The hotel, which is part of the marketing network, pays for services for reservation and sales technologies, and itself carries out other management functions independently or with the help of special structures.

Note 3

Independent management companies represent groups of professionals dealing with various hotel products presented by hotels of various levels of service. In this case, the hotel owner pays for services for managing his property, or the management company, renting the owner’s building, pays him part of the enterprise’s income for renting the building. These companies have become widespread in Eastern Europe, where the rental system is popular.

2.2. Control functions

Management is viewed as a process, a series of continuous interrelated management functions. Each management function is also a process because it consists of a series of interrelated actions. The management process of small hotels is the sum total of all functions.

The management process of small hotels includes four interrelated functions: planning, organizing, motivating and controlling.


Planning is the main function of managing small hotels; it is a type of activity aimed at creating means of influence that ensure the achievement of set goals. Planning concerns important decisions that determine the further development of small hotels.

The essence of planning is manifested in specifying the development goals of all small hotels and each of its divisions separately

for a specified period: determination of economic tasks, means of solving them, timing and sequence of implementation, identification of material, labor and financial resources to solve the assigned problems. Planning makes it possible to take into account internal and external factors, providing favorable conditions for the normal functioning and development of small hotels.

When planning, many problems are solved, the main reasons for which are:

Features of the initial state (planning problems are poorly structured, difficult to define and measure)

Features of the final state (the nature of the influence on goals and resources during planning is not determined, but will only appear in the future, the presence of multiple goals);

Problems of alternatives (there is uncertainty about available alternatives, searching for others requires time and money);

Problems of tools (choosing the optimal one)

Responsibility (decision makers take responsibility, but others make the plan)

The problem of control (during preparation, implementation and adjustment).

v The current rate of change and expansion of knowledge is so rapid that strategic planning is the only way to formally anticipate future problems and opportunities. Strategic planning creates a framework for decision making, it helps reduce risk in decision making, and it also helps create a unity of common purpose within the hotel itself.

Planning can be classified according to several criteria:

By degree of coverage (total and partial)

prerequisites for existing opportunities and directions, operational - implementation of specific opportunities)

For the subject (object) of planning (target, funds, potential, equipment, materials, finance, information, actions);

By areas of operation (service provision, production, marketing, scientific research, finance);

By duration (short-term, medium-term, long-term)

Behind flexibility (rigid and flexible).

The planning principles are:

Completeness (everything must be taken into account)

Detailing (its depth is determined by the planning purpose)


Simplicity and clarity;


Elasticity and flexibility (use of planned reserves, taking into account multiple possible alternatives, deferment of planning details until the circumstances are clarified, multiple options)

Alignment during planning (taking into account bottlenecks)


When assessing the cost-effectiveness of planning, one must take into account its usefulness (which is usually quite difficult) and the costs of carrying it out.

The management approach to planning can be carried out by establishing planning criteria and objectives, determining planning tools, methods for coordinating plans, directions and methods of planning.

It should be clearly defined:

Planning object (what is planned)

Planning subject (who plans)

Planning period (horizon) (for how long)

Planning tools (e.g. computer software)

Planning methodology (how to plan)

Coordination of plans (which ones, with whom and under what conditions).

Techniques and types of planning

Experts distinguish:

Sequential planning ( new plan drawn up upon expiration of the previous one);

Rolling planning (after part of the validity period of the previous plan has expired, it is revised for the remaining period, and a new one is drawn up for the period after the entire validity period of the previous one, etc.);

Rigid planning (all goals and activities are specifically indicated)

Flexible planning (the possibility of ambiguous conditions arising and revision of the plan taking them into account is taken into account).

The main features of strategic planning are:

The purpose of planning is to ensure the long-term existence and fulfillment of the hotel's mission;

V - bearer of the planning idea - top management;

Planning problems - lack of reliability and structuring;

Planning horizon - duration of terms;

Coverage - global, wide range of alternatives.

Of course, important planning issues are

promotion and sales markets.

Strategic planning includes:

Strategy development;

Strategic planning of the production program;

- ^ Capacity Development Planning.

Tactical planning (horizon 1 - 5 years) is carried out on the basis of strategic planning and is the core of the implementation of strategic plans. It concerns primarily financing, investments, promotion and sales systems, logistics, and personnel.

Distinctive features operational planning are:

The bearers of planning ideas are the middle and lower levels of management;

The task of planning is to ensure reliability and relative structuring;

Horizon - short and medium planning periods;

Depth - detail of plans;

Range - limited range of alternatives;

The basis is the created potential.

Operational planning covers individual functional parts of the hotel.

Goals of small hotels

Main common goal activities of small hotels - a clearly expressed reason for their existence - is designated as the mission of hotels. Goals are defined to achieve this mission. The mission details the status of the hotel and provides direction and guidance for defining goals and strategies at various levels of its management. In order to select an appropriate mission, hotel management must study its customers and which of their needs it can satisfy.

Common goals for small hotels are formulated and defined based on the overall mission and certain values ​​and goals that are oriented by senior management. These goals should:

1) be specific and measurable;

2) have a specific forecasting horizon: long-term (about 5 years), medium-term (from 1 to 5 years), short-term (up to 1 year);

3) be achievable;

4) be effective (a synergistic effect must be observed, i.e. the multiple goals of small hotels must be interdependent and interrelated).

It should also be noted that goals will be a defining component of the process strategic management hotels only if senior management articulates them correctly, then effectively institutionalizes them, communicates them and ensures their implementation.

Organization of activities

Organizing is the process of creating a structure for small hotels that allows employees to work effectively to achieve a specific goal.

Organization as a process is a function of coordinating many tasks. There are two main aspects of the organizational process: dividing the organization into units according to goals, strategies and delegation of authority.

Delegation of authority involves transferring tasks and powers to a person who takes responsibility for their implementation. Delegation is realized only by accepting authority, and responsibility itself cannot be delegated. A manager cannot dilute responsibility by transferring it to a subordinate. Although the person assigned responsibility for a task is not required to perform it personally, he remains responsible for the proper completion of the work. If a person is expected to accept responsibility for the proper completion of a task, hotel management must provide the necessary resources. Management does this by delegating authority along with tasks.

Authority is the limited right to use the resources of small hotels and direct the efforts of some of its employees to perform certain tasks.

They are limited by plans, procedures, rules and verbal orders from superiors, as well as environmental factors (for example, laws) and cultural values. In some cases, the limits of authority change its nature so that it is necessary to consider the relationship between levels of authority, which appear as two general types.

The number of personnel who report directly to the manager constitutes his standard of control. If the span of control is not adequately limited, confusion will arise and the manager will become overloaded. The potential for confusion in authority can be reduced by the principle of unity of command - an employee should receive direct instructions from and answer only to one superior.

Delegation is rarely effective unless management adheres to the principle of conformity, which states that the amount of authority must match the delegated responsibility.

An organizational structure should be selected that is consistent with strategic plans and ensures effective interaction with the environment, and also contributed to the achievement of the goal. The structure of an organization cannot remain unchanged for a long time, because both its external and internal environment changes. Most small hotels today use a linear, bureaucratic management structure. The traditional bureaucratic structure is a functional organization, when the entire structure is divided into divisions that have specialized functions.

Since purely functional structures are not very effective, some hotel complexes have switched to using divisional structures. Divisional structures of small hotels are focused on different kinds services or on various groups consumers. The choice in favor of one or another structure of small hotels is determined by the importance of this element in its strategic plans.

The advantages of linear management structures include a clear division of labor, hierarchical subordination of employees and management bodies of a small hotel. In professional growth based on competence, as well as in an orderly system of rules and standards that determine the functioning of the hotel. The disadvantages of these structures are the rigidly prescribed behavior and difficulties of communication within the organization. The scale of these problems is growing rapidly as the world changes rapidly. environment. Some problems can be solved by introducing organic or adaptive structures. The main types of adaptive structures are the project organization, matrix organization and conglomerates.

In a project and matrix organization, specially created temporary target structures are superimposed on the permanent structure of the organization. The imposition of authority that occurs here sometimes leads to power struggles, conformity in group decision-making, and excessive spending.


When planning and organizing work, the hotel manager determines what exactly, when and how each person or department should perform. If the choice of these decisions is made effectively, the manager has the opportunity to implement his decisions by applying in practice the basic principles of motivation, that is, encouraging himself and others to act to achieve personal goals or organizational goals. Stimulation is a function associated with the process of activating people’s activities and labor collectives, aimed at increasing the efficiency of the work of service personnel, is a system of measures used to morally and materially encourage service personnel depending on the quality and quantity of labor expended.


Control is a process that ensures the achievement of organizational goals. It is necessary to detect and resolve emerging problems before they become too serious, and can also be used to stimulate successful performance.

The control process consists of setting standards, changing the actual results achieved and making adjustments if the achieved results differ significantly from the established standards.

Control is a critical and complex management function in small hotels. One of the most important features control that should be considered first is that control must be comprehensive. Every manager, regardless of his rank, must exercise control as an integral part of his job responsibilities, even if no one specifically instructed him to do so.

Control is a fundamental element of the small hotel management process. Neither planning nor creating organizational structures, nor motivation can be considered completely in isolation from control. In fact, they are all integral parts common system control in this organization. There are three main types of control: preliminary, current and final. In terms of the form of implementation, all these types of control are similar, since they have the same goal: to ensure that the actual results obtained are as close as possible to the planned ones. They differ only in the time of implementation.

Preliminary controls are usually implemented in the form of specific policies, procedures and regulations. First of all, it applies to labor, material and financial resources. Current control is carried out when work is already in progress and is usually carried out in the form of control of the work of a subordinate by his immediate superior. Final control is carried out after the work is completed or the time allotted for it has expired.

Current and final control is based on feedback. Control systems in organizations have an open loop feedback, since the leader is what is in relation to the system external element, can interfere with its work, changing the goals of the system and the nature of its work.

The specified functions of managing a small hotel - planning, organization, motivation and control - have two general characteristics: they all require decision making and all require communication, information exchange to make the right decision and understanding by all employees. Therefore, and also due to the fact that these two characteristics unite all four management functions, ensuring their interdependence, communication and decision making are often called connecting processes.

A fundamental requirement for making an effective, objective decision, or even understanding the true extent of a problem, is the availability of adequate, accurate information. The only way to obtain such information is communication, i.e. the process of exchanging information and its semantic meaning between two or more people.