Fly byfly personal account. Hall television personal account check the balance. Checking and replenishing your byfly balance using your contract number and login number. Application for Android system

ByFly - trademark RUE Beltelecom is a leading operator providing over 60 types of telecommunication services in the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

Under the ByFly brand, Beltelecom provides broadband Internet access services via ADSL technologies, PON, Wi-Max and Wi-Fi, which can be found in more detail on the official ByFly website.

Particular attention on the web resource should be paid to the tab of the main menu “Customers”, which contains materials regarding the procedure for providing services, connection points, settings, tariffs and much more. Here, among other things, information is available about the user’s account, which opens up wide opportunities that you can use at any time convenient for you.

After connecting to ByFly services at the points of sale of Beltelecom services (a full list of which can be found on the company’s website), you receive access to the user’s personal account. To enter your account, you will need to provide a login and password, which you will receive upon connection. After entering the required data, click on the “Login” button.

In the same way, by specifying the login and password, the user of the Wi-Fi card can log into the account.

Login to your personal account

The ByFly personal account provides users with such opportunities as monitoring the status of their personal account and obtaining information on payments, registering a promised payment, and changing the tariff plan. You can also order additional services, activate an express payment card, and view statistics on services.

A personal account is also an opportunity to block an unnecessary service, change the password to access services, and also, if necessary, order new services.

At the top of your account you can see information about the contract number and application number, as well as see your login. Information about the user is also indicated here: full name or company name, client category, contact details and address. To the left are links to provider messages, application selection and settings (adding or deleting an address Email and contact phone number).

So, in order to check the balance of your personal account, you will need to go to the “Account Status” tab, available in the user account. After this, the “Account Status” page will appear in front of you, informing you about the current balance, blocking status, as well as the tariff plan.

If you are interested in information about payments, select the appropriate tab in your personal account menu. By the way, here you can register the promised payment (valid for three days), for which you will need to enter the amount of such payment and click on the “Apply” button. In addition, in the “Payments” section you can activate an express payment card. To do this, you need to specify PIN1 (PIN code indicated on the card) and PIN2 (confirmation of the entered PIN code by repeating it) and click on the “Apply” button.

The ByFly personal account also allows you to change your tariff plan (by the way, this can only be done with a positive account balance). To do this, select the “Tariffs and Services” tab, then at the bottom of the page that opens, read the information about the possibility of changing the tariff plan: the date and list of available plans, from which you should select the appropriate one, and confirm your choice.

After changing the tariff plan, go to the “Account Status” tab to make sure that the change was successful (line “Tariff plan for services”).

Among other things, you can also place an order additional services and ByFly services, which will also require a positive account balance. To place an order, you will need to select the “Tariffs and Services” tab in your personal account and familiarize yourself with the list of services available for ordering. To add the one you need, just click on the “Add” button, after which a window will appear in front of you with a description of the selected service. To confirm the operation, click “Add”.

After this, the selected service will appear in the list of ordered ones. By the way, if necessary, you can refuse unnecessary services by clicking on the “Delete” tab opposite the specific service.

Your personal account is also an opportunity to view statistics on services, available in the “Statistics” tab. So, here you can get acquainted with subscriber counters, applications and transaction results, as well as connection statistics. To receive the relevant information, you must select the period you are interested in, and also indicate the email address to which a message with the relevant information will be sent.

The ByFly user account also allows you to block services. However, before proceeding with this operation, you need to check the current blocking status in the “Account Status” tab (it must be “not blocked”; you can also view the blocking history here). After this, you will need to go to the “Tariffs and Services” tab, where among the services that are available for ordering, you should select blocking for the desired period of time and click “Add” opposite the corresponding line. As a result, a window will open to confirm this action, in which you should again click on the “Add” button.

Another opportunity that the personal account opens to its users is changing the password for accessing the service. You can perform the corresponding action in the “Tariffs and Services” tab. Here, in the table of ordered services, you should select the “Internet access” service and click on the “Change password” button. After that, in the window that appears, enter a new password and click on “Save”.

Your ByFly personal account will also help you order new services if necessary. In this case, you will need to go to the corresponding menu tab - “Ordering new services”. As a result, you will see a list of services available for receipt: ordering the services “WiFi”, “Virtual phone number”, “Smart Zala”.

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ByFly personal account -

Byfly is a trademark of Beltelecom, which provides customers with access to the Internet in the Republic of Belarus. For the convenience of users, the site has the ability to log into the system, which will allow you to manage your personal account and use other services of the service.

All this can be done at any time of the day. Let's look at how to get started using the Byfly user account from Beltelecom.

Service activation and login

Login to Byfly's personal account is available without prior registration, but the main condition is to be a client of the company. Data for authorization in the system are contained in the contract drawn up when connecting to the service. If for some reason you do not have access to them, contact the nearest company office, taking your passport with you. Please note that recovery of lost data is only possible for persons who entered into an agreement.

To enter Byfly, you need to go to the company’s website and on the main page, under the “User Account” column, click “Login”.

Subscribers can log in using the old version of the service, entering their username and password in a special window, and then clicking the “Login” button.

Please note that Byfly subscribers need to enter a login without, indicating only numbers. If you have entered the correct data, your personal account will open and you will have access to a full remote maintenance in online mode.

For the convenience of clients, a trial version of the personal account has been launched, which can be accessed when switching to the Personal Account by selecting the “New Version” button.

The service will transfer to the updated Online service, where you only need to enter the number mobile phone.

How to restore access?

If you have forgotten your password, you can recover it on the login page. To do this, in the old version, click the corresponding button and go to the access recovery page, where you will need to enter your email address, login and code from the image, then click “Restore”.

After this, you will be asked to create a new password, and the old one will become inactive.

IN new version For your personal account, you just need to enter your mobile number, which will receive an SMS message with a code to reset and restore access to your profile.

Why do you need LC?

A personal account in the byfly service opens up useful opportunities for the user, including:

  • obtaining information about the account status;
  • change of tariff plan;
  • connection of additional services;
  • Change Password;
  • view payment history;
  • pay for services;
  • registration of the promised payment;
  • activation of express payment card;
  • suspension of access to the Internet;
  • viewing traffic statistics.

How can I find out my account status?

To check the account status and find out the balance, select the “Account Status” section and on the page that opens you will see the current balance, in addition, other information on the personal account will be available: the current tariff, blocking status, payment method, activation date and more.

How to check the status of payments?

Using their personal account, users can find out information about credited payments. To do this, go to the “Payments” section and information about transfers will open on the page. On the same page there will be an opportunity to register the promised payment and activate an express payment card.

Bottom line

Byfly is a brand from Beltelecom, the leading Internet provider in the Republic of Belarus. The company offers the use of a personal account, access to which opens after connecting to the service and signing an agreement.

Zala (Zala) is a trademark for the provision of interactive television services IP-TV from the leading Belarusian telecom operator Beltelecom.

There are interactive, on-air and smart Zala, you can learn more about each of them on the official website of the Hall.

A personal account is also presented here - an online service, access to the capabilities of which is carried out in real time. Thanks to this service, you do not need to visit a service center, since a number of services become available remotely.

The Hall’s personal account allows you to track information on ordered services, as well as get acquainted with information about new services that you can connect yourself (additional thematic packages).

Here you can also view payment history and control Money on a personal account, making it possible to manage expenses.

Your personal account is available both through the corresponding official website and using the Hall service interface on your TV.

In order to log into your personal account, you will need to provide a login (Beltelecom agreement number) and password. If you are not yet connected to the services of the Hall, to access them you will need to contact the service center at your place of residence. A complete list of centers can be found on the website.

Login to your personal account

You can connect to Smart Zala services online through your personal account (available for Beltelecom clients) or through a web form in which you will need to indicate the tariff plan, region, first and last name, an identification number passports and email address. After this, you will need to confirm that you have read and agreed with the public agreement by checking the box next to the appropriate entry and clicking on “Submit”.

The advantages of Smart Zala include the ability to control viewing, a clear interface, high quality broadcasts, high-quality content available for viewing on two devices simultaneously, a program guide, convenient search, as well as 24-hour technical support.

The undoubted advantage of interactive television in the Hall as a whole is that to start using the services you do not need to lay an additional cable or install various antennas. All you need is to be a subscriber to the telephone network. However, watching television will not affect regular telephone communication.

In order to use the services of the Hall, it is necessary to make payment, the methods available include cash, plastic cards, and electronic money. If necessary, you can also use the “Promised Payment” service, which is available to subscribers receiving the Hall’s services through an advance payment mechanism.

In order to receive the promised payment, you will need to go to your personal account, where you select the “Payments” tab, and then specify the amount in the “Registration of promised payment” utility. The actual amount must be deposited within three calendar days. Information about using the promised payment is also available in your personal account in the “Information” section. To obtain this information, you will need to refer to the “Credited Payments and Adjustments” utility.

If you have any questions related to receiving the services of the Hall, you can contact us by phone 24/7 technical support, presented in the “Customers” section. Here you can also ask a question to a specialist, who can be contacted through the form feedback, in which you will need to indicate your name, email address, region and the actual question. If necessary, you can also indicate the application number for the service and phone number. You can also ask a specialist about a service such as a personal account.

On the official website of the Hall, not only a personal account is available, which will simplify your work with services related to interactive television, but also information on tariffs, service packages, and additional services. The web resource also provides answers to frequently asked questions and other useful information.

For residents of the Republic of Belarus it may also be useful acquaintance with the services of the joint-stock commercial bank Belagroprombank, which can be obtained remotely. To do this, you will need to carry out, as a result of which you will be able to control your own accounts, view information about completed transactions, make non-cash payments, transfer funds and much more.

Personal account of the Hall -

Beltelecom is a large telecommunications company, which includes the byfly, ZALA and YASNA brands, within which subscribers receive high-speed Internet access, television services and communication packages.

For the convenience of clients, the company has unified its services and offers the use of a single personal account, with which you can resolve almost all issues related to Beltelecom services without leaving your home. Let's find out in more detail how to enter your account and connect your personal account.

Login to your personal account “My Beltelecom”

Registration of a single account on the website

New clients need to follow the link, where in the login form you will need to enter a mobile phone number, which will be checked for uniqueness. If the system has not detected a user with this number, the registration procedure will be proposed.

The second stage requires entering the confirmation code sent to the previously specified mobile number; enter it in the code field.

The SMS should arrive within a few minutes, the code is valid for a limited time. If the SMS message has not been received, click on the “Send again” button. After entering the code correctly, you will be directed to the next stage of registration, where you will need to enter the user’s personal data: name, e-mail address, password twice and click “Confirm”.

For security purposes, the password you create must meet certain requirements: contain at least 8 characters, at least one capital letter and a number. Confirm the entered data with the appropriate button, after which your personal account will open.

The service will prompt new users to add a service; go to the menu to carry out the procedure or skip it by selecting the “Add later” button.

For registered users, access to your My Beltelecom personal account is carried out using the same home page where registration took place. In the authorization form you need to enter your mobile number and click “Login”. After this, a field for entering a password will open, enter it and start working in your personal account.

Login to the old version of the site

Clients can use the old version of the site. Activation of access to your personal account occurs automatically when connecting to the service from Beltelecom, upon concluding an agreement. The document will contain the data for accessing the service - login and password. In order to enter Beltelecom’s old personal account, go to the company’s official website, select “User Account” at the bottom of the page.

Next, go to the account for services based on the IMS* platform, after which you need to click “Old version” in the downloaded link.

You must enter your username and password in the authorization form.

Recovering your personal account password

Having forgotten the password from My Beltelecom, enter your mobile phone in the login window and click on the “Forgot your password?” button, a recovery code will be sent to the specified number. It should be remembered that it is active for a short time.

To restore access to your profile on the old version of the company’s website, click on the same button, enter your e-mail address, login, code from the picture, click “Restore” and follow the instructions.

LC functionality

Creating a profile in Beltelecom will allow the user to:

  • view information on connected services and manage them: connect, disconnect, change tariff plan, etc.;
  • manage the services of different subscribers in one profile, connecting the services of loved ones;
  • find out your personal account balance and payment history;
  • remit payment;
  • keep up to date with the latest news and promotional offers;
  • get information about location and work service centers;
  • Contact customer support and view your call history.

Mobile app

Beltelecom cares about the convenience of its users, not only updating and improving their personal account, but also allowing access to it from a mobile phone. Not long ago an application was released that supports OS iOS and Android, you can download the program for free in the application store, or from the links below:

My Beltelecom version for iOS:

Application for Android system:

To start using it, install it and run it, after which information about the capabilities of the My Beltelecom account will appear on the screen.

The application can be used in two modes: authorized and guest. In the first case, full access to the service will be opened, in the second there will be limited functionality that will allow you to find out news, tariffs, location of service centers and more. To use the application in authorized mode, registration and login are carried out in the same way as in the Web version.

The program will prompt you to connect existing services client, what can you do:

After adding, you will be able to manage them in the most convenient and modern way. The functionality of the personal account on the phone has the same capabilities as the version on the official website.

Video review of the My Beltelecom application

Bottom line

Beltelecom includes several companies, whose clients have a convenient opportunity to use a single personal account and use it to view information about services, manage them, pay, keep abreast of news and special offers and much more.

By visiting the “Personal Account” of, clients gain access to the interactive television system. The service provides expansion functionality when watching regular home TV. Purchasing one of the subscription packages allows the client to watch any programs at a convenient time of day and independently manage the content. By choosing this company, clients receive high-quality television broadcasting with stereo sound and contrasting pictures. Employees of the organization who have received an application to connect the subscription take care of the installation software and broadcast settings.

“Personal account” of user - advantages

Subscribers of the network watch their favorite TV channels at any time and this does not affect the quality in any way telephone communication or internet connection. The company has developed several TV packages for clients, including profitable offer and additional options, for example:

  • the ability to record television programs;
  • pausing the TV program you are watching;
  • viewing programs that ended broadcasting up to 48 hours ago.

Login to the “Personal Account” of and user capabilities

Subscribers of this operator connections have the ability to independently track all connected options and used bonuses. By logging into the “Personal Account” of, the subscriber can view the current package and clarify which programs are available for broadcasting. When watching TV, it is possible to watch a TV program and restrict the broadcasting of a number of programs for children, the display of which can only be restored if you have a special password. If necessary, you can change the current tariff through your personal account.

“Personal account” - balance

The company provides communication services using an advance payment mechanism. This means that access to the channel package and Internet connection appears only after funds are credited to the user’s personal account. In the “Personal Account” of, you can check your balance in a few minutes. Depositing funds into the account is allowed by:

  • performing a postal transfer;
  • transfers by bank transfer;
  • use electronic systems payment.

If the subscriber needs to pay the initial invoice, the system operator will ask for the unique number of the contract for the provision of communication services concluded with the company.

“Personal account” - promised payment

The electronic service allows citizens to use the promised payment option. When you log into the “Personal Account” of, the promised payment is connected after entering the desired amount. 3 days after creating an application, it must be confirmed with actual payment, otherwise it will be canceled and deleted. The organization does not limit the number of promised payments for one subscriber, but the transfer amount has a limit. Payment of created payments is made one by one. Information about the use of the service is automatically saved in your personal profile.

“Personal account” - account status

Through the “Personal Account” of, the account status is easily monitored. By analyzing data on expenses for the Internet and interactive television, a person can choose alternative tariffs and save costs on communication services. The company issues express payment cards with different denominations. After entering the codes hidden under the protective layer on the card, you can quickly top up your personal account. The account is also replenished using mobile payments, depositing cash through terminals and non-cash payment services.

“Personal account” - Internet

The company has developed a series of offers, when connected, you can activate Internet traffic. Clients have access to high-speed information viewing profiles connected via Wi-Fi technology. When activating the Internet, subscribers can familiarize themselves with the terms of the tariff plan in a special agreement concluded with the telecom operator. If desired tariff plans can be changed and disabled.

“Personal account” - television

The company provides access to the terrestrial digital television network if appropriate technical capabilities are available. Modems and set-top boxes for signal transmission are provided free of charge. After connecting the system and paying for the selected tariff, the channels will be broadcast in the manner prescribed by the contract. By logging into the “Personal Account” of, television can be checked in the column with purchased subscription packages. In addition, the client will be able to connect additional thematic packages that interest him.