Etp electronic trading platform for government procurement. Unified electronic trading platform (Roseltorg). Securing an application on the Roseltorg platform

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About the company

Joint stock company"Unified electronic trading platform» (JSC EETP) – the largest federal operator in Russia electronic trading for government customers (44-FZ), state-owned companies (223-FZ) and commercial enterprises.

The history of the company’s development began in 2005, when the first electronic auctions in the interests of interregional companies of the Svyazinvest group and the holding company AFK Sistema, as well as experiments with placing government orders in Moscow. The official opening of JSC “Unified Electronic Trading Platform” took place on May 19, 2009. The main shareholders of the company were the Moscow Government and the Bank of Moscow (now VTB Bank). In 2019, the company celebrated its 10th anniversary.

Over the course of ten years, the company launched a number of services that allowed it to take a leading position in the field of e-commerce. Among them is one of the largest certification centers in Russia, at 59 points of which more than 65 thousand electronic signatures are issued annually. No less successful training center JSC "EETP", thanks to special curriculum in which tens of thousands of participants in procurement procedures were able to master the basics of electronic procurement.

Also, EETP JSC has built effective system IT security, has implemented many modern high-tech solutions for customers and suppliers, among which are:

  • IT solutions that automate procurement chains;
  • financial services: factoring, bank guarantees, tender loans.

The rapid growth of business led to the expansion of the company's geographical presence - more than 60 regional offices all over the country.

On October 1, 2018, EETP JSC once again successfully passed the selection of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia and became one of nine electronic trading platforms that have the right to conduct trading in accordance with Federal Law No. 44-FZ “On contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.”

In addition, during the selection process, EETP JSC also successfully confirmed its compliance to conduct tenders within the framework of Federal Law No. 223-FZ “On the procurement of goods, works, services certain types legal entities» in terms of ensuring procurement among small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs).

Another significant segment of the company’s work is electronic trading for the sale of state property(Federal Law No. 178-FZ “On the privatization of state and municipal property”). In 2016, the site began active work on conducting tenders in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 615, regulating the work and procurement of major repairs common property and multi-apartment residential buildings.

To date, more than 3.2 million trading procedures worth over 17 trillion rubles have been carried out on the Unified Electronic Trading Platform. Total in trading system“EETP” has registered over 350 thousand customer organizations and more than 560 thousand participating companies.

Trading sections

Procurement within the framework of 44-FZ –

Purchases under 223-FZ with restrictions only for SMEs-

Section for bidding on privatization and lease of property (178-FZ) -

Bidding for the overhaul of RF PP No. 615 -

Section for corporate procurement and procurement of subjects 223-FZ −

VTB Section –

Rostec section −

Rosgeology section −

RusHydro Section -

Rostelecom section −

Rosseti section –

State Corporation Rosatom -

Unified electronic trading platform (Roseltorg, Roseltorg)- is one of the five state electronic platforms, which since January 1, 2011 have been servicing and conducting all government orders in the field of electronic auctions.

At the end of 2017, Roseltorg became the third federal platform in terms of the number of contracts concluded and the amount of lots placed (according to the official all-Russian website Sberbank-AST and RTS-Tender took first and second place, respectively.

Cost of participation and registration

The participation price for suppliers depends on the type of auction on the Roseltorg website in which you are going to participate.

  • government procurement under 44-FZ - free
  • corporate procurement and government procurement under 223-FZ - 6900 rubles per winner
  • property auctions - from 0 rubles
  • trade section of FKR MKD (contractors for major repairs) - 6900 rubles from the winner
  • agricultural site (sale of agricultural products) - free

To participate in any of the listed sections of the site you need a qualified electronic signature.

How to obtain an electronic signature for ETP Roseltorg

To register and participate in trading on the federal trading platform "Roseltorg" you need an electronic signature.

To purchase it, fill out and submit the following application.

After this, a specialist from the certification center will call you within 30 minutes. He will clarify the questions you have. After which he will send an invoice and a contract for production electronic signature.

Cost of electronic signature

Option 1. Government procurement under 44-FZ

EDS price for government procurement on Roseltorg (EETP) - 3800 rubles.

If this is your first time participating in electronic trading, you will also need:

  • USB token on which your electronic signature is recorded (1200 rubles)
  • license for the CryptoPro program (1200 rubles)

The digital signature is valid for 1 year from the date of manufacture. After this, it must be issued again.

Ordered E The CPU also operates on other five state electronic platforms . In addition to the Roseltorg website, these include:

  • National electronic platform (former ETP "MICEX")
  • All-Russian electronic trading system (ZakazRF)
  • Russian auction house

Option 2. Commercial bidding (including purchases under 223-FZ)

For trading in this direction, the cost of creating an electronic signature will be 4,500 rubles.

Option 3. Government procurement and commercial tenders

If you select advanced EDS for 6,000 rubles, you will be able to participate in all auctions held on the Roseltorg website.

The largest customers at Roseltorg

The main organizers of trading on this electronic platform include: VTB Bank, Binbank, Transneft, Mosgortrans, Rostelecom, Mosvodokanal.

Background information

The Roseltorg electronic trading platform has several options for user support. Therefore, you can choose what is more convenient for you personally.

  • 24/7 technical support phone +7 495 276-16-26
  • Written questions can be sent by email [email protected]
  • Consultation system via a form on the website

In addition, the site has a similar knowledge base with instructions and answers to the most common questions from suppliers and customers.

National operator of electronic trading for government orders. The unified electronic trading platform provides the most complete statistics on auctions, which makes it possible to effectively suppress corruption, ensure competitiveness of auctions and, as a result, initiate large discounts for customers.

History and performance

2017: The speed of searching for trades increased 9 times

On August 9, the Unified Electronic Trading Platform announced the launch of an updated version of the open part of the platform (the main website). Thanks to modern technological and multimedia developments The functionality of the open part of the site simplified and made working with the site comfortable for both customers and suppliers.

In addition to the unified design, the most important update was the multifunctional platform, which made it possible to increase the speed of searching for trades by nine times, and the overall speed of the site by 2.5 times. Taking into account various psychological characteristics perception of information by specialists, the structure of the pages was also completely redesigned and a single user space was created, - said general manager EETP Anton Emelyanov.

According to representatives of the EETP, finding a suitable purchase from a list of several tens of thousands of procedures will not be difficult even for a novice user. An updated search system, which takes into account the morphology of the Russian language and separately highlights all relevant information, displays the necessary results almost instantly, in real time. An intuitive interface with a convenient menu will also allow you to quickly navigate through the pages of the site and find any necessary information or service.

In addition, a “Knowledge Base” section was created, which is an electronic storage reference information, necessary for daily work all procurement participants and site users. This section contains and structures all the most relevant information and instructions for users on working with trading sections and services of the Unified Electronic Trading Platform.

An interactive map has appeared in the “Contacts” section, which clearly shows detailed information about all the company’s representative offices and points for issuing electronic signatures in the regions of Russia.

The “Press Center” section has also been updated, which is an informative news feed, which includes, in addition to company news, news from the entire procurement sector. News messages are integrated with all popular social networks - this allows you to quickly share the site's news content.

The nearest plans of the EETP include work on adapting all pages of the updated website to any screen sizes - from mobile devices to widescreen monitors.

Within a month (until approximately September 2017), the updated version of the site will be available at, after which it will move to the main site address


Trading volume on the Unified Electronic Trading Platform exceeded 10 trillion rubles

The total volume of procurement procedures on the Unified Electronic Trading Platform reached in monetary terms 10 trillion rubles, an increase of 12% compared to last year.

Thanks to the electronic procurement procedures carried out on the site, the state and state-owned companies have already saved over 550 billion rubles. In 2016 alone, customer savings thanks to EETP exceeded 151 billion rubles; for comparison, in 2010, at the dawn of the formation of the e-procurement market, the amount of savings amounted to 15.2 billion rubles.

In 2016, on the Unified Electronic Trading Platform, customers carried out 318 thousand procurement procedures within the framework of the Law “On the Contract System” (44-FZ), as well as 121 thousand procedures under 223-FZ “On the Procurement of Goods, Works, Services certain types of legal entities." In total, during the operation of the platform since 2009, over 2.2 million trading procedures took place on the EETP. The average price reduction from the initial price during trading is 14.3%.

As of February 2017, the number of users registered on the EETP JSC platform is more than 300,000 customers and over 420,000 suppliers.

Among the largest government agencies and companies that conduct their purchases on the “Unified Electronic Trading Platform”: Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Investigative Committee of Russia, State Corporation “Development Bank and foreign economic activity(Vnesheconombank)", State Corporation for atomic energy Rosatom, State Corporation Rostec, Inter RAO and RusHydro groups, etc.

The volume of data stored on EETP servers exceeded 150 TB

According to the officially presented data from the Unified Electronic Trading Platform (UETP), the volume of project data currently stored on the project’s servers has exceeded 150 TB. As of January 2017, the data volume is more than 158 TB (over 161 thousand gigabytes or 165.5 million megabytes). In fact, these are 7 massive server racks, which are located in one of the largest data centers.

The information stored includes tender records, bid submissions, and other auction and procurement documentation, which are highly sensitive documents and data. In addition to information about the trading procedures themselves, the site accumulates information about more than 600 thousand users of the trading platform, information about all legal entities registered in the system, addresses email and telephone numbers.

Protecting such a volume of information implies the mandatory presence of a reliable control and protection system, which is maintained and improved by site specialists every day. These are analysts, testers, developers and other technical engineers.

The monitoring system, developed by EETP’s own specialists, examines the entire range of hardware and software at the site around the clock and transmits monitoring data to the situation center. In total, the system uses over 3,500 sensors that monitor the volume free space on disks, determine the voltage and temperature of servers in the data center, study network traffic, etc.

Technical specialists constantly monitor system performance, configure and implement various new options and services to ensure reliability and increase fault tolerance.

Joint Stock Company "Unified Electronic Trading Platform" is an operator of trading for government customers within the framework of 44-FZ, for individual legal entities - 223-FZ, as well as for commercial enterprises. More than 300,000 customers and 400,000 suppliers, more than 2 million completed trading procedures with a total volume of over 10 trillion. rubles - this deserves special attention.

History of education and development

OJSC EETP, an electronic trading platform, was established in 2009 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 28, 2009 No. 369-PP.

The owners are the Moscow Government, which has a controlling stake of 51.82%, as well as VTB Bank, which has 48.18%.

EETP was one of the first operators to host and conduct auctions as part of an experiment in pilot electronic trading.

From July 1, 2009, the EETP of the Russian Federation, an electronic trading platform, became part of the operators on whose platforms auctions for state and municipal customers began to be held within the framework of the then 94-FZ (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 755-R, order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated October 26. 2009 No. 428, order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation dated November 14, 2009 No. 466/763), and currently - according to the law on the contract system (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2016 N 2933-r).

In 2011, a new trading section was opened on procurement procedures for state corporations and natural monopolies within the framework of 223-FZ, as well as for commercial tenders.

It is important not to confuse the EETP, an electronic trading platform, the official website of which is located at (hence the second widely used name - “Roseltorg”), and the EETP Russian Railways, an electronic trading platform, the official website of which is http://etzp.rzd .ru . The second is intended to optimize the procurement process and carry out procedures related to the disposal of the property of JSC Russian Railways.

Main directions

  1. Conducting procurement for state, municipal customers and individual legal entities.
  2. Conducting procurement for commercial customers.
  3. Conducting property auctions, including the sale of illiquid property.
  4. Issuance of digital signature by our own certification center.
  5. Exchange of legally significant documents via the Internet (Rosinvoice document management system).
  6. Training seminars and conferences.

Functionality and characteristics

For the convenience of participants e-procurement The site provides the ability to remotely set up a workplace for both the customer and the supplier.

In 2017, Roseltorg took first place in the categories “Best results in expanding competition in procurement” and “High level of customer and technical support» according to estimates of the largest corporate customers in Russia. Stable position of the EETP on Russian markets trades have been repeatedly confirmed by high places in professional ratings. Let's take the UIS statistics as an example.

1. Unified electronic trading platform - UETP Roseltorg

The Unified Electronic Trading Platform (JSC EETP or Roseltorg) is the largest national operator of electronic trading for commercial enterprises. Over 300,000 customers and more than 420,000 suppliers are today among the regular clients of EETP JSC. The unified electronic trading platform "Roseltorg" was one of the first to begin conducting an open auction procedure in electronic form also under Federal Law No. 94-FZ as an experiment to implement pilot electronic trading for government customers. By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 755-R, EETP JSC was included on June 1, 2009 as part of three platforms authorized to conduct electronic auctions. For almost 10 years, the company has established itself as a reliable partner and truly a professional in its segment. Procurement on the EETP allowed government agencies immediately save budget money: during the auction, the average percentage of savings approached 20%. And this is almost a fifth of the total amount of funds. And on a large scale, the figure looks more than respectable.

2. History of the development of the Unified Electronic Platform (UETP) “Roseltorg”

The history of the company’s development began in 2005, when the first electronic auctions began to be held in Russia to place government orders from the Moscow Government, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and interregional companies of the Svyazinvest group and the Sistema holding company.

The founders of the Unified Electronic Trading Platform "Roseletorg" were:

    The Moscow City Government is the highest executive body in Moscow, headed by the mayor (51.82%);

    VTB Bank is the second largest bank in the Russian Federation in terms of assets and the leader in size authorized capital (48,18%).

The general director of the company from the date of its foundation to the present day is Emelyanov Anton Andreevich.

3. What types of activities are carried out by the Unified Electronic Trading Platform (EETP) “Roseltorg”

According to the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated October 26, 2009 No. 428, JSC Unified Electronic Trading Platform was among the winners of the competitive selection of electronic platforms and received the appropriate accreditation, becoming a federal operator of electronic trading under government orders. The rapid development of the company contributed to the rapid expansion of the geography of its productive activities. Currently, operational offices of JSC EETP are open in the following 30 cities of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Cheboksary, Arkhangelsk, Tambov, Novosibirsk, Ufa, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Tyumen, Yakutsk, Sakhalin, etc.

Today, the EETP is active in several areas.

    Electronic trading for government customers. Placement of government orders under 94-FZ and 44-FZ;

    Placement of orders for goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities under 223-FZ.

According to the standards enshrined in Federal law dated July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ “On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities”, the EETP conducts trading procedures, posted:

    state corporations, state-owned companies;

    subjects natural monopoly, state institutions of planned types of employment (electricity, gas, heat, water supply, etc.);

    state and municipal unitary enterprises;

    autonomous institutions;

    various economic units;

    subsidiaries of economic state institutions.

Do you want to get accredited for ETP?

Working with us, you will receive our specialists who will be accredited in just 24 hours.

4. Which organizations does the Unified Electronic Trading Platform cooperate with?

When entering the auction, it is important to understand the level of professionalism of the organizing company. This is eloquently evidenced not only by customer reviews and comments, but also by the very structures, enterprises and companies with which EETP JSC works. The unified electronic trading platform provides services to an extremely wide range of government organizations, including:

    Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;

    Federal Penitentiary Service;

    Federal Agency for Tourism;

    Ministry of Internal Affairs;

    Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia;

    Federal Antimonopoly Service;

    Ministry agriculture RF;


    Federal Customs Service;

    Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation;

    Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation;

    Investigative Committee of Russia;

    Federal Highway Agency;

    Federal Treasury;

    Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

And many other departments and subordinate organizations. JSC EETP has been specializing in tender support, has proven herself to be an excellent developer practical programs training, created its own competence center for tenders for the supply of goods and services. The motto of the company’s activities has become: we win through the power of the law, consistency and experience (without gray schemes). Regular clients They have long been convinced of the veracity of these words, and new ones have the opportunity to personally verify what was said.

5. Level of specialists of JSC EETP

Without a doubt, the face of the company is the professionals who create its authority and image. There is no need to convince or change anyone’s mind about this, especially when we're talking about about a high-level company. All employees of EETP JSC are highly qualified specialists with extensive practical experience in the field of electronic trading. Complete openness and truthfulness to customers and suppliers, high level of responsibility and distribution of responsibilities, productive feedback, as well as the organization of a transparent procurement and sales process are the fundamental principles of EETP JSC’s work with customers and suppliers. This is a company that guarantees its customers:

    maximum convenient and efficient work;

    professional level of bidding;

    high-quality and convenient training for our clients.

EETP JSC is ready to explain everything that clients need in simple words, understandable to a non-specialist, to help where others refuse. Many services can be obtained in just one hour.

To train those wishing to take part in trading in the Unified Electronic Trading Platform system, there is a training center where over 45,000 specialists have already completed training. EETP JSC also has its own certification center and agreements with 35 third-party partners. This creates a unique opportunity to obtain the electronic signature necessary for participation in trading in more than 600 points throughout Russia.

Thanks to the coordinated work of specialists at all levels, JSC Unified Electronic Trading Platform forms leading trends in the procurement market, and the key to its successful activities has become high quality technological base and modern software. Today, access to tenders for suppliers and small and medium-sized businesses is very simplified. Unchanging positions in Russian and international markets electronic trading has long been confirmed more than once by high places in professional ratings. JSC Unified Electronic Trading Platform is a shining example of a successful and dynamically developing company, ready for productive and effective cooperation.

6. Video instructions for submitting an application for Roseltorg

For a guaranteed result in tender procurement, you can seek advice from the experts of the Entrepreneurship Support Center. If your organization is a small business, you can get a number of benefits: advance payments for government contracts, short terms settlements, concluding direct contracts and subcontracts without a tender. and work only on lucrative contracts with minimal competition!