Chuvash Energy Saving Company. Chuvashenergosbyt - Chuvash energy sales company. Working with private consumers

OJSC Chuvash Energy Sales Company was formed as a result of the reorganization of OJSC Chuvashenergo. State registration of companies separated from Chuvashenergo OJSC took place on January 1, 2005 based on the decision of the Extraordinary general meeting shareholders of OJSC Chuvashenergo dated 04.27.04 on the reorganization of the Company in the form of a spin-off, and the decision of the Board of Directors of OJSC Chuvashenergo dated 27.12.04 on the completion of the reorganization of the Company.

history of the company

Energosbyt in the Chuvash Republic was created on April 11, 1958. Headcount Energosbyt consisted of 10 people, together with the first director of Energosbyt - Ivan Vasilyevich Blagodatskikh. Initially, Energosbyt was located in the premises of the Cheboksary city power plant on K. Ivanova Street, since 1965 - in the Chuvashenergo management building at 40 Lenin Ave.; since 1987 - in a new laboratory building on the street. Gladkova, 13a.

In 1971, the complex and responsible work of accepting rural subscribers began. The work of Energosbyt has been improved. Its branches operated in the city and region.

Energosbyt included five branches. In 1982, Energosbyt was transformed into the Energonadzor enterprise. In addition to the tasks of energy sales, operation and repair of electric meters, and control of energy consumption modes, the enterprise was entrusted with the functions of state energy supervision over the safe operation of consumer electrical installations. Energosbyt was among the first in the country to begin widespread implementation among consumers of computer-based information and measurement systems for accounting and summing up energy consumption and information processing. The Energosbyt team was the first to register in the Unified Energy System of Russia, and was the first to receive a certificate giving the right to state energy supervision. At this stage, two new divisions of Energosbyt appeared: Yadrinsky and Morgaushsky sections.

After the corporatization of Chuvashenergo, in 1996 Energonadzor was transformed into Energosbyt. This is not a simple change of signs; the enterprise has been freed from the functions of state energy supervision. Energosbyt began improvement organizational structure enterprise, personnel selection, marketing implementation and financial management. At the end of 1997, the functions of supplying, accounting and selling energy from wholesale consumers-resellers of energy in the cities of Cheboksary and Novocheboksarsk were transferred to Chuvashenergo OJSC. In accordance with this, two more branches of Energosbyt were organized: Cheboksary and Novocheboksary.

In 1999, Energosbyt became a separate division of Chuvashenergo OJSC and performed the functions of Chuvashenergo OJSC for the sale of electrical and thermal energy.

Successful work with consumers made it possible to ensure the fulfillment of the main tasks of the ESD business plan, and thereby the revenue side of the budget of Chuvashenergo OJSC and, accordingly, the fulfillment of all mandatory payments according to the tasks of the Operational Commission of RAO UES of Russia.

On January 1, 2005, based on the decision of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of OJSC Chuvashenergo dated April 27, 2004 on the reorganization of the Company in the form of a spin-off and the decision of the Board of Directors of OJSC Chuvashenergo dated December 27, 2004 on the completion of the reorganization of the Company, the state registration companies separated from Chuvashenergo OJSC:

  • OJSC Chuvash Generating Company,
  • OJSC Chuvash Energy Sales Company,
  • JSC "Cheboksary HPP".

OJSC Chuvash Energy Sales Company provides electricity to consumers of the Chuvash Republic in an area of ​​over 18.3 thousand km2. This is more than 9.4 thousand. legal entities and 346.5 thousand household subscribers.

Structure of OJSC Chuvash Energy Sales Company

Chuvash Energy Sales Company OJSC includes 7 inter-district branches:

Alatyr interdistrict department;

Batyrevsky interdistrict department;

Kanash interdistrict branch;

Novocheboksarsk interdistrict department;

Shumerlinsk interdistrict branch;

Tsivilsky interdistrict branch;

Yadrinsky interdistrict department.

OJSC Chuvash Energy Sales Company is a team of highly professional specialists capable of solving problems of the highest degree difficulties, both technical and economic. In total, the company employs 371 people (data as of January 1, 2013). Their knowledge and experience, a significant level of responsibility contribute to the dynamic development of the energy company and production and economic relations of the republic as a whole.

Goals and Objectives of OJSC Chuvash Energy Sales Company

The priority tasks facing the management of the enterprise and its employees are improving service, expanding the list additional services to consumers. My main task Our vision is to provide every consumer with electricity in order to make the process of “communication” with the energy company as comfortable as possible - both for the ordinary resident and for the giant plant. This means that our company’s specialists are always ready to resolve issues and difficulties that arise when organizing energy supply to facilities, paying bills, give advice on choosing the optimal mode of energy consumption, and help in solving specific problems.

The reliability and stability of the activities of Chuvash Energy Sales Company OJSC, supported by the efforts of its employees, represent a kind of foundation, and also an incentive for improving the energy sector of the Chuvash Republic as a whole.

Guarantee supplier

OJSC Chuvash Energy Sales Company is a guaranteeing supplier electrical energy.

By order Federal service according to tariffs No. 16-e dated 02/09/2007, Chuvash Energy Sales Company OJSC was included in the federal information register of guaranteeing suppliers and their areas of activity under number 21/01.

The area of ​​activity of Chuvash Energy Sales Company OJSC as a guaranteeing supplier is the territory of the Chuvash Republic, with the exception of the area of ​​activity of Oboronenergosbyt OJSC.

OJSC Chuvash Energy Sales Company enters into energy supply contracts (purchase and sale (supply) agreements for electrical energy (power)), in accordance with Civil Code Russian Federation, Federal law dated March 26, 2003 No. 35-FZ “On Electric Power Industry”, Rules for non-discriminatory access to services for the transmission of electrical energy and the provision of these services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2004 No. 861, Basic operating provisions retail markets electrical energy approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 4, 2012 No. 442 and other regulatory legal acts.

The clients and partners of Chuvash Energy Sales Company OJSC are more than 10.1 thousand legal entities and 348.9 thousand. individuals. OJSC Chuvash Energy Sales Company is part of the structure of OJSC ESK RusHydro (100% subsidiaries and affiliates of OJSC RusHydro).

JSC Chuvash Energy Sales Company (subsidiary and affiliate of JSC ESK RusHydro) reminds you of the need to comply with the deadlines for transmitting readings from individual metering devices. All individual subscribers who have entered into direct contracts with CESK are required to report electricity consumption data by March 26. As of March 1, 2013, the company had about 350 thousand such subscribers.

Consumers of electrical energy can submit meter readings by telephone numbers indicated in the invoices or in person by coming to the offices of the interdistrict branches of the CESK. In addition, since February of this year, the Chuvash Energy Sales Company also began to receive information via SMS messages and e-mail. The service is available around the clock.

Readings must be taken from the 23rd to the 25th of each month and transferred to Chuvash Energy Sales Company OJSC no later than the 26th day of the current month.

Subscribers of all mobile operators can send an SMS message with meter readings to the numbers indicated in the table in a specific format.

Chuvash Energy Sales Company (RusHydro) in modern form exists for more than 10 years. It was created in Cheboksary on the basis of an enterprise with a long history and many years of experience.

The main activity of Chuvashenergosbyt is the sale of electrical energy to individuals and enterprises. The energy enterprise networks cover an area of ​​over 18 thousand square kilometers. CHESK subscribers are more than 11 thousand legal entities and 300 thousand private households.

The structure of the Cheboksary company includes 8 branches and 10 field offices, ensuring that services are brought closer to direct consumers in the cities and towns of the republic.


Working with private consumers

The supply of electricity is impossible without concluding a contract. On the website of CHESK RusHydro, a future subscriber can find a list necessary documents for filing. When connecting a client to the network, the company performs the following work:

  • preparation of the diagram;
  • calculation of the required power for reliable operation of all electrical appliances;
  • selection of materials, including cables capable of withstanding the required load;
  • installation of equipment;
  • installation and programming of metering devices;
  • secure connection of the intra-house network.

CHESK guarantees an uninterrupted supply of electricity of the required parameters to all consumers.

The company is actively working with non-payers. Extreme, but often necessary measures are going to court and disconnecting from networks.

Services for legal entities

In order to ensure an uninterrupted supply of electricity to ESK enterprises, a connection scheme has been developed that provides for backup and emergency lines.

The energy company offers the following services to its clients:

  • installation of additional power lines;
  • training user personnel in the requirements of safety regulations;
  • installation and maintenance of electrical equipment;
  • installation, repair, maintenance, programming of metering devices.

The company, at the request of the customer, develops and installs automatic system electricity consumption metering.

It became possible to speed up the interaction between supplier and consumer by using electronic document management and exchange of information via the Internet and the CESK website.

Additional services

In order to provide the most complete customer service, the Chuvash Energy Company offers a whole list of additional services:

  • sale of electrical goods, from innovative lamps to complex metering and security devices;
  • consultations on all issues related to the connection and use of electrical networks and equipment, calculation of power consumption;
  • checking existing networks, insulation integrity, ability to withstand load;
  • grounding device;
  • inspection of electrical equipment for its effective use, in order to reduce costs;
  • inspection of premises using a thermal imager to identify places of heat loss.

Chuvashenergosbyt engineers, in addition to designing electrical networks, provide services related to the development of water supply, drainage, and ventilation systems.