What you need to know when selling cookware. How to open a kitchenware store. Premises and place for trade

Tableware market operators note that in recent years, consumer preferences have changed: buyers have become more demanding of the quality and design of tableware and kitchen utensils - they want to see in the kitchen beautiful and high quality dishes. The market is constantly changing, following changing tastes, fashion and style, but the rules of successful and effective sales, knowledge and application of which will allow any market operator, be it a large commercial network or a small retail store, keep your customers.

Tableware market, like any market in general, is obliged to take into account differences in the preferences and purchasing abilities of different consumer groups. There will always be a clear price gradation of goods: economy, medium and premium segments. Accordingly, any tableware market operator, first of all, decides for itself a key question: what will its target audience be? In other words, each retailer chooses its buyer. And it will depend on this choice assortment list and the price level on the shelves of a particular store. Secondly, the retailer answers the conceptual question: what should its store look like? This is a question of positioning, a question of design, interior and exterior design, a question of recognition.

At the level of assortment formation retailer determines the percentage of goods in different price categories. As a rule, the lion's share of large format stores (hyper- and supermarkets) falls on products in the mid-price segment; No more than 15-20% of the assortment is allocated to products in the high and low price segments. However, operators that include several networks solve the problem of price differentiation by special positioning of each separate network and its geographical location, taking into account social factors and the solvency of the population. Most operators believe that it is impossible to achieve good profitability from tableware sales in a small area, since this product sells well only if it is presented in a wide range.

Specialized kitchenware stores designed for a narrower category of buyers, offering products in the middle and high price ranges. Often they are exclusive representatives of foreign factories, thanks to which they can offer special - one-piece - goods that no one else has. At the same time, in contrast to the middle and low price segments, where supply exceeds demand, competition in the high price segment is minimal: the buyer of expensive tableware is ready to pay for the product he likes.

Almost all market operators agree: the usual product group a store can be turned into a “cash cow” if three components are present: qualified salespeople (and quality service), a properly selected assortment and well-organized merchandising.

Merchandising, which takes into account the psychology of consumer preferences and motivation for making purchases, helps to create a unique atmosphere, win over the buyer, thereby forming his own special style of the store.

To create the necessary emotional atmosphere in kitchenware stores use special layout techniques. For example, a very positive impact on visitors is the presence of trading floor islands of decorative display - tables, served and decorated as a dining table or as a table for a festive breakfast. In the kitchenware departments, souvenirs are often sold as related products. Display of elegant souvenirs on slides in the center of the hall can create a festive emotional background in the department and help make a purchasing decision. The importance of proper display of products in stores and tableware departments is difficult to overestimate. There are cases when, after changing the design of a storefront, sales increased by 40-200%!

Classically ideal commercial equipment for kitchenware stores Simple functional racks and counters with horizontal surfaces are considered. The shelves in such racks are made of glass for tableware or made of chipboard and OSB for kitchen utensils.

Expensive dishes exhibited in glass cases and mirrored slides. Such slides can be rotating with selective lighting. But for kitchen equipment departments, instead of simple horizontal shelves, it is better to use perforated panels on which items are hung - from ladles to frying pans.

Cutlery is displayed in display counters, and cutlery sets are displayed in tall glass racks. Silver and gold-plated devices are more often placed in jewelry counters.

Pans and small kitchen utensils(spoons, spatulas, ladles, etc.) are never displayed in single quantities, but only in several units - from 3 to 10. This display is an accumulator ( inventory) and at the same time makes the product more attractive and “richer”.

Plates look much more presentable when they are “facing” the buyer, which is possible when using special holders or grids for plates. And cutlery sets are conveniently placed on inclined shelves with a side, which facilitates visibility.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the wide possibilities of using space along the windows of a store or department in a shopping center. Dishes- exactly the product whose display can be easily made attractive from all sides. By installing “transparent” equipment along the display windows, you can get a beautifully and informatively designed display case and rationally used retail space operating inside the sales area.

(based on materials from the site www.liveretail.ru)

The market is a place where everything is constantly changing. Moreover, changes and changes also affect such segments where there seems to be nothing to change. For example, in the field of selling the most basic household items - dishes.

It seems that you can’t come up with any special innovations or tricks here, but there are subtleties everywhere, including in the sale of dishes. Moreover, knowledge of some of them can increase sales significantly. What are these miracles of marketing? And what needs to be done to apply them successfully?

Who? Where? When?

Let's start with the most basic thing - the buyer. Here you need to answer three questions:

  • who buys your dishes?
  • when does he buy?
  • where does he do this?

The first question concerns the price segment, which can be economy, medium and premium. Everyday economical cookware will be constantly purchased by 80% of the population (since it breaks from time to time). 40% of the middle class will be tempted to use the medium (and very, very rarely, since they will only use it on holidays). And a maximum of those 10% of the population who have become “big people” and now care about the external attributes of their status consumption will spend on premium. Which, by the way, is very good for the seller, since high-status consumers have to keep track of fashion trends, which are constantly changing even in the field kitchen utensils(although not as fast as with clothes).

In the meantime, it remains to decide when and where people buy dishes? In relation to the economy segment, the answer will be banal: as needed and during large trips to supermarkets (when products are purchased for the whole week at once). That is, on the shelves of related products. But for medium and premium tableware, people can take the time to go to specialized stores that are located... where? This is an interesting question.

Anchor for the buyer

Let's start with the fact that a specialized kitchenware store does not have to be located in business center cities. Firstly, for economic reasons - renting retail space in such areas is too expensive. And secondly, in the minds of even a rich person, kitchen utensils are not such an important acquisition that you would have to go somewhere very far for them.

Therefore, it makes sense to open a kitchenware store even in a residential area, fortunately, many of these areas themselves represent cities with a population of over 100,000 people. But there is also a subtlety here: a store selling tableware should not be located completely on its own. It must be located next to other shopping centers, which in modern cities play the role of “anchors” of consumer demand.

So a store selling tableware can be either a separate building or a cell in a shopping center - the main thing is that it catches the eye of potential buyers more often. The rest will be a matter of technology. If, of course, it is used correctly. In any case, knowledgeable people are sure that any product can be made a financial “goldfish” if three conditions are met:

  • hire good salespeople;
  • choose the right assortment;
  • competently organize merchandising (that is, supply of goods).

At eye level

Let's start with the assortment. Experienced retailers say that most products are shopping centers belongs to the middle price segment. There is no more than 15-20% of the assortment left for very cheap and very expensive goods.

However, most of the revenue, as already mentioned, comes from expensive and medium-sized goods. How do sellers achieve this ratio?

First of all, through merchandising. The simplest of merchandising rules is the location of the most popular goods on shelves 110-130 cm from the floor, at eye level. Products of the medium segment, located in a prominent place, provide up to 40% of sales. Above the level of the hands are more expensive goods, and below the level of the hands (50-60 cm from the floor) there is a completely economy segment.

Let's start with an elementary technique - specialized corners that can attract attention to certain types goods. Plates and dishes will look much more impressive in specialized department facing the buyer.

If a potential buyer suddenly sees a table set for lunch in a supermarket among long rows of shelves, this will certainly attract his attention. And if the table is set and decorated according to all the rules, and there are nice consultants next to it, ready to talk about the promotion of a company that specializes in the production of tableware of such and such a brand, then with a probability of about 90% we can assume that the name of the company is the buyer will remember. As is the appearance of her products. And if necessary, he will buy such dishes.

However, supermarkets are usually not eager to organize such performances. But they have other techniques in use. For example, combining medium-class dishes and souvenirs made of porcelain or earthenware in one department. The combination of elegant trinkets with plates facing the buyer creates an uplifting mood that helps a person decide to make a purchase. But expensive premium-class dishes are usually displayed in glazed mirrored display cases, which by themselves appearance should emphasize the luxury of the product offered. Ideally, such display cabinets should be rotating and illuminated. Silver and gold-plated cutlery sets are sometimes even placed in jewelry counters. As for more prosaic kitchen utensils (knives, ladles, pots, etc.), instead of horizontal shelves, vertical perforated panels are used on which these items are hung.

Another trick: frying pans and other small utensils (spoons, spatulas, ladles, etc.) are displayed several at a time - from 3 to 10 pieces. Such a display makes the product prettier and “richer”, and at the same time creates an association with the inventory, which in itself instills confidence in the buyer’s soul.

"20 by 80" in a china shop

Then the question arises: if large supermarkets are familiar with all the know-how to increase sales of tableware and use them, then what about an individual store that is going to do the same? How can a small store (in common parlance “a china shop”) compete with the sharks of the big china business? Will it work?

The answer is simple: it will work if you remember about the “20 to 80” rule, which was already discussed.

To put it simply, super and hypermarkets do business on those 80% of customers who spend 20% of their money on dishes. And a specialized kitchenware store will be faced with the task of attracting the 20% that will spend the remaining 80. But how can this be done if all the methods of attracting customers are already known and used?

Firstly, not all are used. It is still extremely rare to find themed corners in supermarkets. You can understand the owners of supermarkets - retail space should give quick results. And when and to whom can an exemplarily set table in a trading floor bring profit? But the owner of a kitchenware store will no longer have such a question.

Secondly, the owners specialized stores There are also some other ways to promote your products. For example, sales different types Dishes can be increased if they are displayed in display cases not as empty plates, but with contents. Of course, not the real one, but various dummies. This effective method increasing sales has long been used in Japan. Another way to attract consumer interest is to create corners of dishes associated with national cuisine. This move is promising because it is in this area that the influence of kitchen fashion is present.

Again, if space allows, the store can allocate 4-5 square meters to conduct master classes on the proper handling of exotic tableware. These events can be recorded on video and posted on the store’s website, then a club of loyal fans will form on its own over time.

And, of course, the staff. It is preferable to hire women aged 40-45 as sales assistants in a kitchenware store. They themselves come across as sophisticated kitchen experts, and customers will be inclined to listen to their advice.

As our level of well-being increases, we begin to think more and more about the household items around us. Let's take dishes, for example. If we used to pay attention to what we eat, now we are often interested in what it comes from.

Plates, pots, jugs, sets, glasses - the assortment is so large that a good housewife gets new dishes quite regularly. Manufacturers are constantly updating model series, and sellers skillfully display new items on easy-to-view shelves, tempting consumers to make new purchases.

Conceptual points of the tableware business

Before deciding to start a business, do detailed analysis tableware market, study the presented assortment, price range, level of competition. If the final conclusions are in your favor, feel free to move to the top of the tableware business.

You can start with cheap Chinese and Turkish products. But since the main purchasing audience belongs to the middle-income class, it will not be a big risk to look at the range of average prices represented by domestic and Eastern European goods.

As for shape, color, material, trust the opinion of experienced sellers. They advise placing an initial emphasis on traditional white dishes, in which any prepared dish looks great. White color harmonizes well with different colors of tablecloths, napkins, and furniture. There won't be much contrast when using transparent dishes.

As a material, give preference to aesthetic and practical porcelain. Among its advantages, we note high environmental friendliness, excellent thermal conductivity and great consumer interest. Also, white dishes are relevant from an advertising point of view. Notice how many initially white cups, saucers, and plates are transformed into gift items with the help of drawings and inscriptions. And how often the applied logos of companies transform snow-white dishes into corporate ones.

By the way, gift and serving utensils, along with cooking utensils, provide the main income for a china shop.

It is better to purchase goods directly from manufacturers - first domestic, and then, when you “get on your feet,” switch to high-quality imports. Look for foreign partners at international exhibitions. Cooperation with them involves prepayment, but for large volumes a discount of up to 10% is possible. For your first wholesale purchase, plan an amount of up to $80-100 thousand.

Whatever the product - beautiful, affordable, fashionable - you shouldn’t expect big sales if the store is located in an inconspicuous place on the outskirts of the city. The mass consumer loves to go to supermarkets, most often located in densely populated and central areas. In such places, try to rent space for a future store.

For a small shop, 60 m² will be enough; for a larger one, designed for several thematic zones, you will need up to 150-200 m². With a monthly cost of 1 m² of about 200 euros, you can “estimate” for yourself how much you will need for rent.

The next “sore spot” for many entrepreneurs is qualified personnel. When looking for sellers for a china shop, we recommend not chasing slender, long-legged girls, but focusing on middle-aged women who know a lot about dishware paraphernalia and are able to convey the benefits of kitchen utensils to customers in an understandable way. Statistics show that it is precisely this type of seller that the average buyer of tableware products trusts the most. Based on working in 2 shifts of 3 consultants, plan an expense item with the salary of each salesperson in the region of $300-400.

And one more criterion that influences the final result of any business is advertising. For a “ware” entrepreneur, an effective and profitable way to promote a product and promote the store itself is the so-called product placement. Nowadays there are many cooking programs and other programs that use dishes in the transfer process. By concluding a “serving” agreement, you either earn “real” money or receive effective advertising that increases sales.

Trade is one of the most popular sources of income. If you are interested in an activity own business, consider opening a china shop. Draw up and carefully work out a business plan for a kitchenware store, and the result will not be long in coming. Try opening a store and it will become your reliable and constant source of income.

Why is it profitable to sell tableware today?

Firstly, people have always had, have and will have the desire to stand out from the crowd. Every housewife is always happy to surprise her guests and loved ones by serving both a festive and everyday table. An important role in the tableware business was played by the Soviet shortage - a time when people had a desire to be different, but this was impossible for one simple reason: everyone ate and drank from the same cups and plates, because there were no others at that time. Therefore, nowadays it is very valuable for people to have something beautiful and unusual in their home. This also applies to dishes.

Secondly, social factors have a significant influence on the sale of tableware. Luxurious dinner sets are must-have wedding or housewarming gifts. The more people buy houses and apartments, the more the demand for kitchenware for furnishing new housing increases.

Third, constant change fashion trends always entails a demand for dishes. Now in stores you can find plates not only round, but also oval, square and even triangular in shape, with different colors. A constantly expanding assortment is another key to successful trading.

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The success of your business will depend on drawing up a business plan.

A properly drawn up business plan will help you open a store and will be the key to success and future profit.

Therefore, approach this issue responsibly and take advantage of the advice of specialists who will analyze your business plan and check the accuracy of the calculations

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Manufacturers and suppliers

First, you need to decide on the brands of manufacturers that will be presented for sale. Based on price range, manufacturers are divided into classes:

  • low - Türkiye, China;
  • medium - Poland, Belarus;
  • high - France, Czech Republic, Italy.

Having studied in detail the assortment of various brands, proceed to selecting future suppliers. Consider their conditions and prices. For suppliers, a very important criterion is the fulfillment of the terms and conditions by the customer. In order for your further cooperation to be profitable and successful for both parties, read the terms of payment and delivery of products in advance, highlight all the pros and cons for yourself.

The next step is to determine the buyer audience. It depends on what kind of outlet you want to open: mono- or multi-brand. For beginners, it is better to focus on the second option, as it is more flexible. Without certain experience and skills in the tableware trade, it is quite difficult at the initial stages to represent only one company.

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Premises: location, area, interior

To open a kitchenware store, you must select correct location. It is important that the retail outlet is located in densely populated and walkable areas. The best option would be to locate the china shop in a large shopping center. This arrangement ensures a constant flow of visitors. It wouldn’t hurt to get acquainted with nearby competitors and evaluate them pricing policy in relation to the product they trade. The rental price of the premises will fluctuate depending on the location, the availability of parking and the convenience of access roads.

When choosing a room, you need to consider the area point of sale. For organization small store the minimum area will be 60 sq. m. The footage depends on the number of zones and the range of products. The dishes are selected according to their purpose and divided into zones, for example, festive - in one zone, everyday - in another.

An important step is decorating the interior of the store. This will also determine the costs of purchasing equipment (cash register, display cases, shelves, racks, etc.), information about which should be included in the business plan. If you work directly with manufacturers, they can provide retail store equipment for your products. In branded racks, dishes will look more impressive. The downside is that foreign manufacturers cooperate exclusively on prepayment, but in cases where we're talking about For amounts of several tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars, it is possible to receive a discount of up to 10%.

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Recruitment and advertising

You need to take your staff selection seriously. Sales consultants can be the difference between trading success and failure. Therefore, before opening a store, it is necessary to train staff on product characteristics and sales technologies. Six sellers are enough, who will work in three shifts. It is recommended to hire charming and attractive women who love to cook and set the table themselves. If sellers like the product they are selling, then they will be able to competently talk about the benefits of the product and convince the buyer to buy.

To attract future customers, you need to create an effective advertising company. Use the following advertising methods:

  • own website;
  • outdoor advertising;
  • advertising in local media;
  • advertising in local culinary magazines and newspapers;
  • product placement on television (dishes are provided for use in culinary programs).

A customer loyalty system is one of the main competitive advantages of any store. Therefore, it is necessary to create a system of discounts, as well as carry out promotions with raffles and prizes. Your task is to retain your customer base, and turn visitors who are in the store for the first time into your regular customers.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Dishes are essential household items, so the demand for them is always quite high and constant. These products generally have several product categories, so they distinguish between dishes that are elite and almost considered works of art, and dishes intended for everyday use, which are practical and low in price. An entrepreneur who wants to engage in trade can start his own business in the field of selling tableware, and he will have access to various formats for working with consumers and organizing his business. What type of entrepreneurship can be considered quite promising, but to a greater extent guarantees the entrepreneur a stable and fixed income in case of competent organization of your business.

In any big city you can find a huge number of tableware stores that offer customers exactly goods from various categories; Moreover, the level of competition in most cases is quite high, regardless of the category of cookware that the decision was made to trade. In this regard, it is necessary to carefully study the market situation and competitors’ offers in order to develop your strategy and business tactics; for this purpose it may be advisable to conduct a full marketing research to study market conditions in order to find out the demand for all categories of goods and occupy a niche in which there is a lack of supply or insufficient customer satisfaction with the product being purchased. In general, with proper organization and drawing up a well-thought-out business plan, you can count on the fact that risks will be minimized as much as possible, and the entrepreneur will be able to take his place in the market, successfully counteracting the actions of competitors. As already noted, several work formats are available to him. If we take into account a retail kitchenware store, it can work not only with individuals, but also wholesale sales in small batches with other entrepreneurs.

To get started you need to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity, in this case you can simply write it as individual entrepreneur, because it will not require large financial costs, and will also reduce the time and effort for registration. If there is a need for registration legal entity or you plan to work with other enterprises and organizations, then it is more advisable to register a company with limited liability, because in this case, as in the case of individual entrepreneurship, a simplified taxation system will be available, which involves transferring to the state no more than 6 percent of income or 15 percent of operating profit as taxes. No special permits are required for the retail trade of tableware, so an entrepreneur can begin his activities immediately after registering with tax authorities. The activity itself falls under the definition (OKPD 2) 47.78 Other services retail in specialized stores.

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A factor that largely determines the success of such an undertaking is the choice of location for your store. A china shop usually brings the greatest income in crowded places, that is, first of all, you need to consider the possibility of renting premises in the central areas of the city, but it may be advisable to open a china shop even in a residential area. It should be noted that the demand for tableware, although constant and stable, is still not too great when compared with the demand for other types of products; it is also very important to correctly determine your target audience and their capabilities. In an elite quarter, a china shop that sells only fairly expensive dishes can bring good profits; in the center it is best to open a store aimed at a fairly wide range of consumers. A disadvantage of a residential area can be considered a decrease in the level of sales after a certain amount of time, when all the residents of the surrounding houses buy the goods they need, and the store will not be able to offer anything new, and they will no longer be interested in such products. However, the players of this market note that a location that seems at first glance ideal for placing a china shop ultimately leads to a small number of consumers, and at the same time, a seemingly unfortunate location allows products to be sold in huge quantities.

When an entrepreneur decides on a location, he needs to accurately calculate the size of the room; at first it is best to open relatively big store with an area of ​​no more than 50 square meters, in this case it will be possible to determine the needs of customers and subsequently more accurately formulate your product range. If you immediately open a large store, you will need considerable funds to fill it with products, but the level of sales will be minimal, which means significant funds will be frozen and withdrawn from circulation. Depending on the selected target audience the range of its products is being formed, and already at this stage one can understand that this will largely determine the future format of work.

Ready ideas for your business

This is due to the following feature of trade in this type of product. Currently, a fairly large number of tableware stores work with local suppliers, who for the most part are intermediaries in a fairly long chain between the manufacturer and the buyer, that is, most of the tableware stores buy goods from small wholesalers, who in turn take it from large wholesalers, who also do not always cooperate directly with the manufacturer. The fact is that elite and expensive dishes can only be bought in other countries; in Russia, manufacturers usually produce relatively cheap product, aimed at inexperienced buyers. For example, you can point out crystal glassware; in this case, Bohemian glass, which is produced only in the Czech Republic, is generally considered a quality product. To be able to trade Czech crystal at competitive prices, an entrepreneur needs to contact the manufacturer directly. Bohemian glass for the most part belongs to elite types of tableware, and therefore, if wealthy people are oriented, they will have to contact manufacturers or at least large wholesalers in other countries.

Sooner or later, an entrepreneur realizes that by receiving products at a relatively low price, he can sell them on his local market with a benefit not only to individuals, but also to small wholesale traders. However, it should be noted that it will take a lot of effort, time and money to establish cooperation with foreign manufacturers. This applies not only to Czech glass, but also to luxury porcelain and many other types of products. An exception is Chinese manufacturers who produce a cheap product, because cooperation with them is often much more profitable, even taking into account transport and customs costs, than cooperation with Russian manufacturers. Depending on the size of the premises and the planned sales volume, the initial purchase amount of the first batch is determined. For a small store, this amount rarely exceeds half a million rubles, but if you open a store with a large assortment and the assortment of which includes a large number of manufacturers, you need to allocate at least one million rubles, and sometimes this amount is even several times more.

The entrepreneur also needs to decide from the very beginning how many product manufacturers will be represented in his store. You can enter into an agreement with a large supplier-manufacturer to sell only his product, in this case you can count on sufficient profitable terms cooperation, advertising support and even assistance in opening a store. If the manufacturer supplies all possible types of cookware, including related products, then such an undertaking can be quite profitable, because the consumer can always find exactly what he needs specifically. If the supplier cannot offer all types of tableware, but produces, for example, only sets, mugs and cups, then the entrepreneur is forced to look for other suppliers of other types of products. The average china shop offers its customers products from 5-6 different manufacturers, in this case a sufficient assortment is formed, which allows for a stable level of sales.

Multi-brand stores in general are a much more promising endeavor because they always have the opportunity to enter into agreements with other suppliers or even significantly change the range of products supplied. However, if we consider opening a small store, then it is more advisable to work with only 2-3 different manufacturers in order to understand the needs of customers. Working with resellers in most cases turns out to be too unprofitable, because their markup can reach 100 percent; it is best to spend time and, perhaps, some additional funds to contact the manufacturer directly.

You should also worry about conducting advertising campaign for your outlet. When opening a china shop, it may be worthwhile to hold special promotions, provide significant discounts on the opening day, or gift certificates. Information about the store should be placed in the box in the funds mass media, including also thematic portals on the Internet, if possible, you should create your own website, which will provide detailed information about the company, opportunities for cooperation with it (especially relevant when working with wholesale buyers), as well as a complete product catalog with prices. Next, you can organize work in such a way that the consumer receives the goods only after ordering on the website; opening an online store allows you to significantly reduce the costs of storing products, and in general adds convenience when purchasing, and therefore increases customer satisfaction with the service.

When developing your company, you need to think about opening your own special distribution points in various areas of the city, because in this case it will be possible to reach a fairly wide audience of consumers. The point of delivery of goods can be not only own store or a specially created outpost, but also tableware stores of other companies with which cooperation has been established. But this option should be considered only if there is no opportunity to open your own additional stores. This type of business cannot be called easy, because there are a huge number of factors that significantly influence the success of an undertaking, and the entrepreneur must therefore constantly develop the business and look for new ways to sell their products.

To summarize, we can say that important competitive advantages are the maintenance of your online store and online sales, a convenient network of delivery and sales points, a lower price than competitors, which is possible in the case direct cooperation with the manufacturer, good location and advertising, thanks to which the largest possible number of consumers will learn about the store, a system of discounts and cooperation with small wholesale buyers, as well as polite treatment of sellers with customers, extensive consultations on issues and good quality service.

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