Business: Supply of goods to massage parlors from Thailand. The failed business of a young mother, or how I bought Korean cosmetics

For hundreds of years, Thailand has been considered one of the most developed countries in Asia. The Second World War caused serious damage to the Thai economy. World War, after which Thailand increased its capacity for a long time. Since 1991, after the coup d'etat, the country began to develop again at an accelerated pace: the automotive industry and agriculture improved.

Today, Thailand has firmly taken a leading position in the world in the production of rice, auto parts, rubber and latex raw materials. In recent years, more and more natural cosmetics, exotic leather, household and sports goods, clothing, jewelry, and agricultural products (chicken, pork, fruits and vegetables) have been exported. According to my estimates, rice, clothing, cosmetics and auto parts account for about 90% of exports from Thailand to Russia.

National characteristics

Thais are friendly and calm people, so doing business with them is quite easy. Once in Thailand, everyone will be able to notice a charming national feature of the Thais - a smile, an integral part of the philosophy of “sanuk”, which translated into Russian means “live with pleasure”. Thais smile almost always: when they feel good, sad, bad, even when they are angry. For this reason, Thailand is called the “Land of Smiles”.

But there are also several “forbidden zones” when working with Thais. For example, you should avoid any negative statements about royal family, which holds a special place in the hearts of the Thais, and since their king is equated to a semi-divine person, any harsh statement towards him can put an end to business relations. It is also necessary to show respect and tolerance for the main religion of the country - Buddhism.

Thais always have good self-control and expect the same from their partners, so even if you are negotiating in an informal setting, you should keep this in mind. But what you really need to stock up on when dealing with Thai counterparties is patience, because entrepreneurs there carefully weigh every little detail before making a decision.

In general, mature, big business, but there are also a large number of just emerging young companies. Communicating and doing business with Russians is a common thing for Thai businessmen, because they have long been accustomed to our compatriots thanks to the massive tourist flow and a number of agreements at the state level (for example, regarding rubber production).

Search for a supplier in Thailand

The main advantages of working with Thailand are inexpensive labor and the accommodating nature of local manufacturers, who are not spoiled wholesale buyers from abroad and are ready to reduce purchase prices in favor of customers. At the same time, the quality of the final product does not suffer at all, and products produced in the country are sometimes superior to European ones. For example, Thai cosmetics, which have proven themselves well on the world stage, cost 50-60% less than their counterparts from Europe. Largest store Thai cosmetics - WellDee, in just three years of its existence it has already served more than 130,000 customers around the world. One of the most popular areas of cooperation Russian entrepreneurs with Asian countries - textile industry. At the same price, the quality of products made in Thailand is on average 1.5 times higher than, for example, in China. And the cost of labor in the Middle Kingdom is about $2.50/hour, in Thailand—$1.70/hour.

Entrepreneurs wishing to export goods from Thailand should start by finding a supplier. This problem is easy to solve with three different ways: through sales representative on site, via the Internet or on specialized exhibitions.

The first method, searching for a sales representative, is, of course, the most convenient and reliable. A trusted person on site will help you find and check the counterparty through national registers, personally verify the quality of the goods offered, and also help you conclude an agreement and control the shipment. The cost of the work depends on the volume of purchases and relative to the benefits acquired is not at all high. As a rule, trade representatives charge up to 10% of the contract value for their services. Knowledge of the language is not required, because most of the companies representing the interests of our compatriots are Russian, however, registered in Thailand as a legal entity and permanently residing in the territory of the “Land of Smiles”. When selecting a sales representative, it is important to look at reviews on forums and in in social networks where they are usually placed.

You can work with Thai companies without intermediaries. Many local manufacturers, in an effort to increase export volumes, translate their websites into English and try to rank high in Google search results. There are also those who offer their goods in the well-known Alibaba wholesale purchasing system. Finding a supplier online is by far the cheapest, but also the riskiest way. Unfortunately, there is also a chance of falling into the web of scammers in Thailand, although to a lesser extent than, for example, in China. The most common method of deception is the disappearance of the supplier after he has received an advance payment.

You can reduce your own risks by personally selecting a supplier at specialized exhibitions. Participation in them for scammers is quite expensive and therefore thankless. In Thailand, many professional exhibition events are organized annually on a variety of topics. The largest business events take place in Bangkok at two exhibition centers: Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Center (BITEC) and IMPACT Exhibition and Convention Center. On the centers' website you can see information about upcoming events at English language. But novice entrepreneurs will have to spend a lot of money: visiting an exhibition is not the cheapest pleasure, because you will have to pay not only an entrance ticket, but also flights, accommodation, a translator, etc. The cost of such a selection of a supplier will cost the entrepreneur, according to the most conservative estimates, approximately 100,000 rubles, with that air tickets will make up the majority of this cost - approximately 70%.

You can save money by hiring a local representative who will collect all the necessary information, prepare a photo report and ask all your questions to the exhibitors at the exhibition. The price for such a fee business cards will cost 12,000 rubles.

Logistics issues with Thailand are sometimes even easier to resolve than with China. Here you can rarely encounter delays in goods at customs. On average, air delivery from Thailand will take no more than four days, and by sea, cargo arrives in 45. All Thai manufacturers use the international Incoterms rules, which determine who pays for delivery and insurance and is responsible for the goods. The most commonly used formats are EXW and FCA. With EXW, the goods are picked up by the buyer from the seller’s warehouse specified in the contract, and payment of export duties is the responsibility of the buyer. And with FCA, the goods are delivered to the customer’s main carrier, to the departure terminal specified in the contract, and export duties are paid by the seller. These formats are usually specified in the contract, and you should pay attention to this.

Dmitry Fedorov, CEO goods delivery service "


Good afternoon 1. I resell cosmetics from Thailand. 2. There is a supplier, and he does not provide any certificates, licenses or declarations. 3. What documents will I need for legal trade when registering? legal entity? 4. Who can issue these documents? 5. I heard that some certificates can be obtained directly from customs. What are these certificates, how to obtain them and where? 6. What documents are required from the seller, for customs and for certification? 7. Legal and financial responsibility for trading without necessary documents? 8. How do companies registered in Thailand sell cosmetics to Russia if they do not have certificates and declarations? It is legal? 9. Is it possible to register a company in Thailand and distribute parcels received from there to recipients without certificates and declarations? How to communicate with customs in this case?



provisions of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On licensing individual species activities" (, do not provide for mandatory licensing of activities for the sale of cosmetic products.

For cosmetic products in Russia, a declaration of conformity is provided. Also, a mandatory hygienic assessment is provided for cosmetic products. For import, production and further sale on the territory of the Russian Federation in mandatory declaration of conformity is carried out. That is mandatory document serves as a declaration of conformity, certificate of state registration and test reports. Declaration of cosmetics is carried out in stages - a certificate of state registration, a certificate of conformity and certification test reports are issued.

The certification center is provided with product samples and Required documents: contract between the importer and the manufacturer or supplier of the product, constituent documents importer's company, quality certificate and packaging layout, or rather the information part (information for the consumer). This document contains the following information: product description, raw materials, precautions, method of use. To calculate the cost and quantity of declarations, protocols and certificates of state. registration, you must send a list of products indicating the composition of each product.
Then laboratory tests of standard samples of cosmetic products will be carried out. For laboratory testing, 3 samples are provided for each type of cosmetic product. Clinical trials, physicochemical and microbiological tests are carried out. After this procedure, the laboratory issues a test report, the number of which will be included in the declaration of conformity. The certificate of state registration is issued by Rospotrebnadzor authorities and is issued for an indefinite period.
Next, based on previously received test reports and registration certificates, the cosmetics are declared, which implies the issuance of a declaration of conformity.

This article I recommend reading it to those people who are seriously thinking about changing their place of residence in a global sense. That is, they decided to change their country of residence. Since we went to live in Thailand, the idea that I will describe is, of course, related to the supply of Thai goods to Russia. Well, in general, this idea can be applied more widely. After all, every country has certain group goods, which is much cheaper than in Russia. This is certainly related to geography, raw materials, national production, industry, etc.

Thailand is an exotic country and far from Russia in every sense: they think differently here, they eat differently, they live differently. Well, in general, Thailand is famous for its latex production, fruits, seafood, cheap and high-quality silver, and of course, the famous Thai massage. Anyone who has ever been to Thailand and visited a massage parlor will understand what I'm talking about. Incredible fragrances, not cloying and unobtrusive, after which the mind becomes rested and clean. The wonderful balms and oils with which Thai people perform massages give the skin softness, silkiness and a light aroma of fruits and flowers.

Let's return to Russia for a while. Shortly before leaving Russia, I began to notice that various Thai, Balinese and other massage parlors were growing by leaps and bounds. That is why we decided to try to offer ourselves to salons as suppliers of high-quality Thai cosmetics for massage and other small attributes. In general, these goods can be found on every corner in Thailand, but here’s how to negotiate favorable price it will be more difficult. But we are lucky, we have a Thai friend who speaks excellent Russian and runs a small shop with oils and balms for massage, aromatic oils and other things. Her shop is located on the embankment, where tourists stroll in the evenings. The assortment she has was more than enough for us. We agreed on the wholesale price without any problems.

The next question that really puzzled us was delivery to Russia. Delivery by various popular express services is so expensive that it is only worth it for very large shipments. For example, if you are the exclusive supplier of all massage parlors of some Russian million-plus population. Thus, the only option left was mail. Yes, the delivery time is not very impressive (3-5 weeks). But in principle, it is perfect for this type of business. The cost of delivery from Thailand to Russia of a parcel weighing 20 kg (which, by the way, is the maximum weight) is only 4,500 rubles. (+/- 500 rubles, depending on the destination in Russia).

Our next steps were very simple. The first thing we did was decent photos of the product (some found on the Internet) and a detailed and “selling” description of each of them. From all this they put together a commercial proposal, which was sent to all massage parlors, having also called them first.

We didn’t worry about pricing for a long time; we took the unit price, added overhead costs to it and multiplied it by two. Thus, we got a markup of one hundred percent, which gave us a good income. Having monitored the prices of similar online stores (even of a wider range), we realized that our price tag is more than competitive, since on average, competitors’ markups were 200-400%.

Since this kind of business was our debut, we were afraid to invest money and simply purchase goods without pre-ordering. After, mailing commercial offer gave her first responses and we formed the first, albeit small, order, purchased required amount goods and sent to Russia, having previously received an advance payment of 50% from the customer.

In Russia, the goods were received at the post office by “our person” who quickly delivered the goods to the customer. After delivery we received a satisfied regular customer and the remaining 50% of the payment.

The range that we offer to massage parlors is small and consists of everything you need: Thai oils and balms for massage, aroma candles, aroma oils, aroma lamps, fruit shower gels, body balms, body creams, various body powders with shimmer, soap self made in the shape of fruits and genitals, masks for the face and body, etc. This assortment is more than enough to sell it successfully. A large assortment often scares away the client; people do not want to delve into a huge catalog and look for several products they need.

Thus, we can conclude that the most important thing is to find the very niche that needs the products that you can offer. I know many people who live in Thailand and sell Thai cosmetics, products and much more to Russia. People don’t mindlessly shop online, but find a buyer for their product with precision. You sell face masks, offer them to beauty salons, are ready to supply latex mattresses - offer your services as a supplier to large furniture stores. Good luck to everyone in your new endeavors!

Thailand, like any country, has goods that are especially profitable for export. Moreover, in many cases, you can engage in such a business while being in your homeland and without even visiting the Kingdom. What is profitable to bring from Thailand, where to make purchases and how to open a business in Thailand based on exports, we will tell you in this article?

Hevea grows very well in Thailand, from the juice of which latex is obtained. Thanks to this, pillows and mattresses from Thailand are used in great demand, since they have low cost And good quality. It is convenient and profitable to purchase latex pillows and mattresses from direct manufacturers, although a trial batch can be purchased at retail.

Exporting latex products from Thailand is a very specific business. Here are a few points to consider:

  • Factories are not always producers;
  • There is a high probability of buying low-quality latex pillows and mattresses;
  • Latex products take up a lot of space.

Thais often deceive buyers from other countries in the most sophisticated ways. They can say that latex products purchased from them are not taken into account when weighing luggage and even issue a corresponding document. And at the airport an unpleasant surprise will await you; you will be forced to pay for excess weight. If a guide takes you to a factory or store, don’t expect a good price - he gets a percentage of every latex mattress or pillow you buy. The same goes for taxi drivers.

Read also: Business exhibitions in China. Who needs it?

Business in Thailand for the export of leather goods

Products from genuine leather In Thailand, everything is done, both by single artisans and large factories. Moreover, they all differ in quality and low price. The assortment is simply amazing - all kinds of bags, wallets, purses, cases for gadgets and accessories. Such a business can be developed in two directions.

The cheapest, but nevertheless high-quality products are made from cowhide. It is inexpensive, so in order to export from Thailand for a normal amount, you will have to import a large number of units. It is better to buy them in factories, but if you want to expand the range, you can buy them in large markets.

Exclusive products are made from the skin of sharks, monitor lizards, snakes, crocodiles, etc. They are more expensive than consumer goods, but you can earn more from them. When purchasing, you should pay attention to quality, since such leather must be properly processed, adhering to a certain technology, which not everyone follows.

Clothes from Thailand

Clothes in Thailand are made for both children and adults. And it costs mere pennies. But it doesn’t always differ in quality - sometimes you can save 20-30% on a purchase, but then end up with products that “fall apart” after the first wash. Such a business in Thailand will go down the drain, as they say.

Cosmetics from Thailand - tangible benefits for both the body and the wallet!

Thai women look younger compared to European women. In many ways, the “culprits” of Taika youth are racial and genetic characteristics. But another secret lies in the cosmetics that Thai women use. This cosmetics has a considerable number of significant advantages.

First of all, it should be noted here that almost all cosmetical tools, which are produced in Thailand, contain only natural ingredients. These are components such as algae, oils, extracts of tropical trees and plants, and minerals. Even if chemical elements are used to create this or that product, there are very few of them.

Most Thai cosmetics are hypoallergenic. For skin with irritation, rashes and overly sensitive skin, Thai cosmetics are a real salvation. All cosmetics created in Thailand have a light structure and a pleasant aroma. Therefore, they are simply perfect for any skin type.

Many cosmetics are made in Thailand according to traditional time-tested recipes. Thanks to Thai cosmetics, you can achieve the desired result in the most short time. The prices of Thai cosmetics are very attractive. In Thailand, the production of such products is inexpensive. Natural ingredients that make up cosmetics are very cheap in this country. As a result, thanks to all this, the manufacturer has the opportunity to provide the buyer with affordable products.

Another very significant advantage of cosmetics from Thailand is that it can be purchased in bulk. Cosmetics from Thailand wholesale- this is a great opportunity to save money various organizations and individual entrepreneurs who sell cosmetics at retail.

You can wholesale not only the most popular cosmetics, but also products from lesser-known companies. These include products such as lotions, shampoos, oils, balms, lip balms, body care products and much more. All cosmetics supplied in bulk are packaged with high quality, so they reach the buyer completely intact. You will not have any difficulties choosing cosmetics from Thailand, since they are universal.