Mysterious photographs and stories about them. The strangest and most unusual historical photographs (26 photos) Strange photographs in history

Since the invention of the camera, photography has brought joy to many people and provided insight into the world from many different angles. Photographs have a powerful impact on people, whether they are shocking images or pictures filled with kindness. However, some photos are so shocking that they are considered too scary or disgusting for wide distribution. But thanks social networks managed to collect the most mysterious, sinister and creepy photos on the Internet.

At first glance, there's nothing wrong with this photo: a few divers enjoying snorkeling. But the diver in the background lies on the bottom separately from the others. Little does anyone realize that in the background is actually the body of a murder victim, thrown into the ocean a few days before the other two divers decided to dive in the area. The photo itself doesn’t look scary, but only if you don’t know what story is behind it.

Many people don't like spiders anyway, but these trees in Pakistan are truly terrifying. In 2010, the country experienced terrible flooding and many areas were inundated, including parts of Sindh province. The spiders, which could no longer hide on the ground, climbed into the trees and remained there. They ended up making nests in the leaves. In general, Sindh is not the place where people suffering from arachnophobia should go.

Many people know famous horror movie characters such as Jason or Michael Myers, but the most famous and terrible is Freddy Krueger. On this old photograph, which may already seem ominous, is just three children looking at the camera. However, in the background you can see a man frozen in a strange position and grinning creepily. And he looks suspiciously like Freddy Krueger.

Imagine that you are walking around the city and suddenly come across an advertisement. A small piece of white paper with handwritten text stuck to it with an oddly shaped piece of clay. The ad reads: “As you read this, there is a man standing in one of the windows high above you, and he is filming you. Then he will make a little doll out of you, put you with others like him and play strange games with them.” When you finish reading the note, these words will probably be stuck in your mind. After all, you will never know if there was someone there who would then play something terrible with your doll.

This was drawn by a little girl who wanted to tell her that she had an imaginary friend. In the drawing the girl wrote: “This is Lisa. She's my friend. My mom and dad can't see her, so they said she's an imaginary friend. Lisa is a good friend." However, looking at Lisa, one cannot say that she is such a pleasant friend: her mouth, hands, eyes and chest are bloody.

Little is known about this photograph. Girl watching movies in vending machine, and her head hangs back unnaturally. Some believe that the surveillance camera captured the girl possessed by demons. The true origin of the photo, as well as the circumstances under which it was taken, have never been revealed. One thing is clear: you cannot turn your head like that without serious injury.

In family photos, people usually laugh or smile. Unfortunately, sometimes the situation takes a dramatic turn in the other direction. For the family in this photo, everything changed in one second. The moment the photographer pulled the trigger, the corpse, which had been lying under the ceiling for some time, fell next to the family. It is not difficult to imagine how terrified these people were.

There are a lot of events that mark the beginning of something important in life, and a wedding is one of the main ones. However, as this photo shows, weddings don't always go as planned. While the happy couple was getting engaged in front of the house, behind them stood a group of strangely dressed people who looked like followers of some kind of cult. They all turned and watched the unsuspecting guests and newlyweds.

Among the vast collection of creepy objects is a pair of gloves made of human skin. Ed Gean, who became famous for other terrible acts, made them out of his victims. It’s one thing to hear about maniacs, and another to see the fruits of their deeds. The worst thing is that these gloves show the texture of the skin of your hands.

Surely there is nothing worse than realizing that you are about to die. This is exactly what was on the minds of many Auschwitz victims. When they were brought to these cells, people thought it was for something else. They were actually gas chambers, and once someone was in there, there was no going back. The photograph shows scratches from the nails of victims who realized that they would not get out and were already dying from the gas.

This is a photograph of a shell-shocked soldier on the battlefield. At first glance, this is just a man smiling from ear to ear, but the sparkle in his eyes and wide smile are terrifying and repulsive. It looks like the soldier is really going crazy.

It’s unlikely that any of the readers know what it means to face one’s death face to face. Unfortunately, some people have no choice. In this photo of a burning wind turbine, a couple of people can be seen standing on top, realizing the horror of their situation. Nothing could be done, the only way out was on fire, and both died.

One quick glance at this photo is enough to understand that something is wrong here. The girl seems to be afraid of the photographer and backs away from him in fear. The photo was taken by Robert Ben Rhodes, serial killer, who kidnapped the girl shown in the photograph. This is 14-year-old Regina Kay Walters, she was also killed. But first, Robert cut her hair and forced her to wear heels and a black dress. He is believed to have tortured, raped and murdered more than 50 women between 1989 and 1990, although only three have been confirmed.

Even at first glance this photo is creepy. The child behind the stairs seems to be trying to get into the frame, but not remain too noticeable. The creepiest thing about this famous footage is that it was taken at the famous Amityville haunted house. There were no children in the house at the time of shooting, and the photographer did not see anyone behind the stairs. It is believed that this photo is a fake, however, given the location and time, it can be assumed that this photo is an eternal mystery.

This creepy image was captured by a hospital CCTV camera moments before the patient's death. Something scary and black is standing on the bed, bending over the patient. None of the hospital staff had ever seen anyone like him. It is believed that cameras can record otherworldly phenomena that are not perceived by the human eye. When you see this, it’s hard not to believe in the existence of spirits and demons around us.

[b]I suggest you familiarize yourself with the “ten” strangest and inexplicable photographs in the entire history of photography. Very interesting and mysterious. Read on for details.

In 2004, the Opportunity rover discovered curious microscopic spherical formations on the Martian soil. However, Opportunity took an even more interesting photo at the end of 2012, which clearly shows much more much larger areas.
These spheres, made of hematite, could mean that there was water on the “Red Planet” in the past.

Sea Monster filmed off the coast of Hook Island (March 1965)

This well-known photo is considered by many to be the result of Photoshop. But few people know that French photographer Robert le Serrec photographed this unknown giant sea animal back in 1965, and this photograph became the reason for heated discussions among zoologists.

The first photograph of an unknown object, called the “Black Knight,” was taken in 1960 by one of the first Earth satellites. An unidentified object is clearly visible in polar orbit, which could not be either a USSR satellite or a US satellite. Since then, this object has been seen many times - it appears and disappears at certain time intervals. The images below are photographs of this object taken by NASA's STS-88 mission.

Among these images was STS088-724-66. Enlarging the image makes it possible to view the object in more detail. After careful study, scientists are inclined to believe that this is a fragment of artificial origin.

On November 22, the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was shot and killed in Dallas, Texas. While analyzing photographs taken at the murder scene, experts noticed a mysterious woman in a light brown raincoat and scarf. She appears in many photographs and almost always holds a camera in her hands. The FBI searched for this woman for a long time, but were never able to establish her identity.

On DVD with collector's edition Charlie Chaplin's The Circus, with a short film about the 1828 premiere added as a bonus. One of the frames shows a woman holding in her hand something very reminiscent of a mobile phone.
Belfast-based film director George Clarke said he believes the footage is evidence of the existence of time travelers. Many are inclined to believe that the woman is holding an auditory tube in her hand. But then it is not clear why she smiles and says something to her.

In 1907, a group of teachers, students and scientists set up a scientific camp in Norway to study a mysterious phenomenon called the Hessdalen Lights.
Björn Hauge took this photo one clear night using a shutter speed of 30 seconds. Spectral analysis showed that the object should consist of silicon, iron and scandium. This is the most informative, but far from the only photo of the “Lights of Hessdalen”. Scientists are still scratching their heads as to what it could be.

This photo was taken during the Tiananmen Square riots in Beijing in June 1989. Some unarmed man alone held back a column of tanks for half an hour.
The identity and further fate of this man remained a mystery. But this photograph was published in almost all major publications in the world, and the unknown rebel himself became a symbol of resistance to power.

In 1964, the family of Briton Jim Templeton was walking near the Solway Firth. The head of the family decided to take a Kodak photograph of his five-year-old daughter. The Templetons assured that there was no one else in these swampy places except them. And when the photographs were developed, one of them revealed a strange figure peeking out from behind the girl’s back. The analysis showed that the photograph had not been subject to any changes.

This is a group photo of Goddard's squadron, which fought in the First World War. It contains one intriguing detail: at the very top, behind one of the officers, you can see a face in which the squadron members recognized their former mechanic Freddie Jackson, who died two days before this photo was taken. And on the day the squadron was photographed, Jackson’s funeral took place.

What you see above is a photograph of the lunar surface numbered AS17-136-20680, which was taken as part of the Apollo 17 mission. In the catalog of photographs, it was listed as “exposed.” She clearly suffered from excessive light exposure. However, after working with the contrast of this image, it turned out that in fact it captured structures that resemble pyramids.

We are all a little cynics and skeptics when it comes to phenomena such as ghosts, UFOs and other illogical things. Look at these 12 photos that are hard to explain and draw your own conclusions.

1. Walking down the corridor

It seems to be an empty corridor, but upon closer inspection, in its depths there is some strange hooded figure. She looks strange and scary.

2. Strange figure

This creepy photo has gone viral on blogs and videos all over the internet, and opinions on its authenticity are rife. Some claim it's completely fake, while others swear it's proof that monsters live among us.

3. Time Traveling Guy

Another photo popular on the Internet, with many believing that the tall man in sunglasses- clearly a time traveler, because he looks out of place there. This guy in glasses, a T-shirt and a sweater would look more at home in a modern Starbucks with a latte than at a 1940s press conference.

4. Alien in Brazil

British tourists photographed this strange figure in the bushes during their holiday in Brazil. The creature somehow doesn’t really look like a human, does it? Are they really already among us?

5. Just a UFO

This photograph captured an unidentified flying object. The UFO was filmed from the window of an airplane and it looks suspiciously real.

6. Lady “Granny”

This is the nickname of this unknown lady who was captured during the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 and is believed to have photographed and perhaps even filmed the event. The mystery is that this lady was never identified, and they could not even clearly identify her face in the photo.

7. Boogie-woogie

The woman who took this photo swears that at the time of shooting this dude in pink was not even visible. Ghost from the past???

8. Egyptians are from Mars

Back in 1976, the Viking orbiter took photos of the surface of Mars that captured some rather strange formations. Some scientists have begun to argue that one of these formations looks like an Egyptian sculpture and is therefore proof that there is life on Mars, or that the ancient Egyptians lived there at some point.

9. The truth is out there

This photo is also popular on UFO-themed websites. It shows two soldiers jet aircraft accompanying the flying saucer. I wonder what's going on there? Are they working on a new military project or escorting an alien ship? We will probably never know, but the truth is out there.

10. Strange guest

The owner of this Indiana home was experiencing bouts of anxiety for no reason, so she decided to do her own research and photograph the house to find any evidence of strangeness. In this photo, you can see a blurry silhouette of a woman looking directly at her from the living room window.

11. Ancient rocket

This cave drawing was dated to 500 BC, which is before airplanes, cars and even bicycles. So how did this wonderful drawing of a rocket end up on the cave wall? Interesting food for thought.

12. Giants Among Us

The folklore of the Amazon peoples is full of stories and legends about giants. This giant skeleton was allegedly discovered in Brazil and may be proof that giants once lived among us. Is he real? Quite doubtful. However, all sorts of “non-standard” remains have long been found in this region.

In 2004, the Opportunity rover discovered curious microscopic spherical formations on the Martian soil. However, Opportunity took an even more interesting image at the end of 2012, which clearly shows a much larger number of much larger spheres.
These spheres, made of hematite, could mean that there was water on the “Red Planet” in the past.

Sea Monster filmed off the coast of Hook Island (March 1965)

This well-known photo is considered by many to be the result of Photoshop. But few people know that French photographer Robert le Serrec photographed this unknown giant sea animal back in 1965, and this photograph became the reason for heated discussions among zoologists.

The first photograph of an unknown object, called the “Black Knight,” was taken in 1960 by one of the first Earth satellites. An unidentified object is clearly visible in polar orbit, which could not be either a USSR satellite or a US satellite. Since then, this object has been seen many times - it appears and disappears at certain time intervals. The images below are photographs of this object taken by NASA's STS-88 mission.

Among these images was STS088-724-66. Enlarging the image makes it possible to view the object in more detail. After careful study, scientists are inclined to believe that this is a fragment of artificial origin.

Grandmother (November 22, 1963)

On November 22, the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was shot and killed in Dallas, Texas. While analyzing photographs taken at the murder scene, experts noticed a mysterious woman in a light brown raincoat and scarf. She appears in many photographs and almost always holds a camera in her hands. The FBI searched for this woman for a long time, but were never able to establish her identity.

Mobile phone in Charlie Chaplin's film (January 6, 1928)

The Collector's Edition DVD of Charlie Chaplin's The Circus includes a bonus featurette of the 1828 premiere. One of the frames shows a woman holding in her hand something very reminiscent of a mobile phone.
Belfast-based film director George Clarke said he believes the footage is evidence of the existence of time travelers. Many are inclined to believe that the woman is holding an auditory tube in her hand. But then it is not clear why she smiles and says something to her.

Lights of the Hessdalen Valley (September 20, 2007)

In 1907, a group of teachers, students and scientists set up a scientific camp in Norway to study a mysterious phenomenon called the Hessdalen Lights.
Björn Hauge took this photo one clear night using a shutter speed of 30 seconds. Spectral analysis showed that the object should consist of silicon, iron and scandium. This is the most informative, but far from the only photo of the “Lights of Hessdalen”. Scientists are still scratching their heads as to what it could be.

Unknown Rebel (June 5, 1989)

This photo was taken during the Tiananmen Square riots in Beijing in June 1989. Some unarmed man alone held back a column of tanks for half an hour.
The identity and further fate of this man remained a mystery. But this photograph was published in almost all major publications in the world, and the unknown rebel himself became a symbol of resistance to power.

Spaceman from Solway Firth (23 May 1964)

In 1964, the family of Briton Jim Templeton was walking near the Solway Firth. The head of the family decided to take a Kodak photograph of his five-year-old daughter. The Templetons assured that there was no one else in these swampy places except them. And when the photographs were developed, one of them revealed a strange figure peeking out from behind the girl’s back. The analysis showed that the photograph had not been subject to any changes.

There is a misconception that life used to be safer and calmer. Of course, this is just a misconception. Every historical period boasts a whole host of strange social habits, traditions and beliefs. Some of them are really useful by the standards of that time, but for us they may still seem like absolute savagery.
Our selection contains 26 of the most bizarre photographs about the oddities of the past.

Patricia O'Keefe, a 30-kilogram young bodybuilder, carries a 90-kilogram man on her back. 1940

In 1973, car driving was banned in Amsterdam due to the fuel crisis. But a solution was found.

In 1939, in the USA, mills began to supply flour in colorful bags. This was done so that the poor could then sew their own clothes from sack fabric.

In the photo there is a two-hundred-kilogram perch and fisherman Edward Llewellen, who alone was able to catch this monster. By the way, his record has not been broken to this day.

In 1938, schoolteacher Helen Hulick was sentenced to five days' imprisonment for wearing trousers to a trial. This type of behavior was considered contempt of court.

German soldiers photograph a dog in 1940.

1969 Niagara Falls is temporarily closed for “restoration work.”

Between 1939 and 1945, British sappers often found such "mini-tanks". They were used by German soldiers to blow up full-size military vehicles from below.

US President Lyndon Johnson loved to impress his guests and take them for rides in an amphibious vehicle around the lake.

Nothing unusual. Members of the Ku Klux Klan ride a Ferris wheel. 1925

An elephant helps load food onto an American plane in 1945.

During the filming of Dr. No, Sean Connery autographed a coconut for a little Jamaican fan. !962 year.

This is what the system of 5000 looked like in 1890 telephone lines in Stockholm.

Do you want to learn to swim, but the water is too far away? The solution was invented back in 1920.

Stupid photographs of animals began to be taken back in 1875.

Field, Friday, 1910 (just kidding - just 1910).

The period from 1941 to 1945.

In 1930, ponies were for girls and weaklings. And all real men rode exclusively on wild boars.

Macy's often hired detectives to help prevent theft. In 1948, all the “front” workers took a group photo, but did not reveal their identities.

Chariots are cool. Motorcycles are cool too. South Wales Police decided to combine all this coolness into one vehicle.

The most beautiful legs in 1930 were chosen this way.

1950, Russian tankman feeds polar bears.

Ann Hodges and her doctor, Moody Jacobs, show the press a bruise on Ann's body left by a fragment of a meteorite that fell in 1945.

Horrors of war. Soldiers use gas masks to peel onions.

Here are the winners of the Miss Perfect Posture contest at a chiropractic convention in 1956.

Football helmet testing in 1912