Verbal image of a business person. Verbal image What forms a negative verbal image

Lesson 1. Formation of a verbal image

According to experts, at present the struggle in the market is mainly waged not between companies, but between their images. When communicating with representatives of a company, getting acquainted with its products and services, in the perception of partners, whether we want it or not, a certain image develops.

The verbal image is formed only through speech (oral or written). If there are problems with speech (not everyone knows how to clearly and clearly express their thoughts in impromptu speech), then the saying “The word is silver, and silence is gold” is appropriate here. In some cases, silence actually has an advantage over speech.

Remember four techniques for forming a verbal image when speaking (by the way, some of these techniques are applicable in other situations where you will need to speak... or talk):

· it is more positive to talk to people rather than talk;

· it is necessary to take into account the personal interests of the interlocutors;

· do not forget to initiate a smile when talking with your interlocutor;

· more courageously overcome some social taboos (not clearly justified or archaic prohibitions on certain topics).

And also... The diagnostic role and significance of the use of some quite common ones in everyday speech introductory words and their negative impact on a person’s image.

Why do some people present themselves “in the palm of their hand”, and how does the factor “clarity of speech” affect the image?

By the way, do you have any deviations in the tempo of your speech? If there are, they need to be corrected.

Remember the role of intonation and the psychological function of pauses in speech.

As usual, people say hello. By the way, the sound own name is a signal for a person that meets the requirements for the formation of attraction:

· do not become fixed in the mind of the interlocutor;

· evoke a feeling of pleasantness (even if not always conscious enough to think about it).

To call a person by name is to show interest in his personality, and not in the social or other function of this person... You said the name out loud Your interlocutor, therefore, showed attention to his personality, hence, approved it(In eyes) as a person, hence, called him(beyond his will) positive emotions, hence, formed in him an involuntary craving for himself.

By the way, the “proper name” technique is a wonderful diagnostic tool, or Why don’t you call your colleague by name.

And also... If someone has trouble remembering the names of people in general, it’s not a matter of sclerosis, but... the psychological alienation of this person from people in general; People, as part of the surrounding world, do not occupy the first place in his life.

Questions for self-control

1. What is “ verbal image»?

2. Name and characterize the techniques for forming a verbal image.

3. How does the way one introduces oneself affect the image of a business person?

Exercise 1 It is known that the word “hello” can be pronounced in any way. Try to identify your potential for using greetings. Ask someone to listen and “evaluate” the meaning you are putting into your greeting.

Task 2

Say the same phrase, giving it a direct and opposite meaning

1. Glad to see you!

2. Thank you for your work.

3. Come tomorrow.

4. I'm delighted.

5. Thank you, I really appreciate your attention.

6. It was nice talking to you.

7. Thank you for the compliment.

8. I am very grateful to you.

9. I appreciate your persistence.

10. I really like it.

Task 3

Say the phrase with different intonations

1. Good girl! Well done!(with gratitude, with delight, ironically, sadly, angrily)

2. I will never forget this(with gratitude, with resentment, with admiration, with anger).

3. Thank you for guessing that!(sincerely, with admiration, with condemnation).

4. I can't help you(sincerely, with sympathy, making it clear that the request was tactless).

5. Did you understand me?(friendly, polite, dry, formal, threatening).

6. See you!(warm, gentle, cold, dry, decisive, harsh, indifferent).

7. It's me!(joyfully, solemnly, guiltily, menacingly, thoughtfully, carelessly, mysteriously).

8. I can't stay here(regretfully, significantly, offended, uncertainly, decisively).

9. Hello!(dry, formal, joyful, menacing, reproachful, friendly, indifferent, angry, delighted). This text is an introductory fragment.

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Verbal behavior plays important role in the process of communication, gives speech an emotional and personal coloring. It includes intonation, rate of speech, combination of strength and timbre of voice, and key phrases. Thus, an ordinary compliment, no matter how paradoxical it may seem at first glance, can look like an insult, an ambiguous hint, and an expression of tenderness or a declaration of love. The intonation should be calm, friendly, confident, with a lowering of the voice towards the end of the sentence. It is very important to eliminate the interrogative tone at the end of the phrase.

The pace of speech should be moderate, but not slow. Words and phrases do not merge, but they should not be artificially “chopped” either. This creates an impression of “pressure” and makes you want to object or challenge what you say. The accelerated pace of speech determines the feeling of a formal attitude towards the interlocutor (interlocutors). The strength and timbre of the voice give significance and weight to the phrase, especially the final one.

The verbal image is formed only through speech (oral or written). If there are problems with speech (not everyone knows how to clearly and clearly express their thoughts in impromptu speech), then the saying “The word is silver, and silence is gold” is appropriate here.

The phenomenon of speech influence is associated, first of all, with the target setting of the speaker - the subject of speech influence. To be a subject of speech influence means to regulate the activity of your interlocutor (not only physical, but also intellectual). With the help of speech, they encourage a communication partner to start, change, or finish any activity, influence his decision-making or his ideas about the world. Thus, the analysis of speech influence is usually carried out from the position of one of the communicants - the subjects of speech influence, and the communication partner acts as the object of influence. “Speech influence is a unidirectional speech action, the content of which is the social influence on the speaker in the process of communication.”

In the work of L.L. Fedorova distinguishes the following types of speech influence:

1) social;

2) expression of will;

3) explanation, information;

4) evaluative and emotional.

In accordance with the proposed classification, social includes influence in situations where there is no transfer of information as such, but there are certain social acts (greeting, oath, prayer). Expressions of will include speech acts of orders, requests, refusals, advice, etc., that is, all speech acts aimed at ensuring that the object fulfills the will of the speaker. Evaluative and emotional types of speech influence are associated with social, objectively established moral and legal relations or with the area of ​​interpersonal subjective-emotional relations (blame, praise, accusation, insult, threat). The author classifies explanation, report, message, recognition as the “explanation and informing” type.

A different approach to the typology of speech influence is proposed in the work of Pocheptsov. Reactions from the addressee are analyzed here:

1) a change in attitude towards any object, a change in the connotative meaning of the object for the subject (expressed in appeals, slogans, advertising);

2) formation of a general emotional mood (lyrics, hypnosis, political appeal);

The strategy of speech behavior covers the entire sphere of constructing the communication process, when the goal is to achieve certain long-term results. In the most general sense, speech strategy includes planning the process of speech communication depending on the specific conditions of communication and the personalities of the communicants, as well as the implementation of this plan. In other words, a speech strategy is a set of speech actions aimed at achieving a communicative goal.

Since strategies are focused on future speech actions and are associated with predicting a situation, their origins should be sought in the motives that govern human activity. In most studies of speech communication, the ontological premise is the idea of ​​the independence of speech and its subordination to its goals. certain activities. This ontological premise was developed in the general psychological theory of activity by A.N. Leontyev. In accordance with it, in the process of verbal communication, communicants, regulating each other’s behavior, carry out joint activities. Consequently, verbal communication is such a purposeful activity of people that allows them to organize cooperation.

To analyze speech communication and, in particular, speech strategies, from the activity theory of A.N. Leontiev's most productive concepts are goals, motives, and actions. In a simplified form, their relationship can be described as follows. Action is a purposeful activity of a person, that is, each action has its own purpose (there are no aimless speech actions). Activity (as a set of actions) also has its own goal, which is called motive.

Speech strategy determines the semantic, stylistic and pragmatic choice of the speaker. Thus, the politeness strategy imposes restrictions: what semantic content should be expressed and what should not; what speech acts are appropriate and what stylistic design is acceptable.

Depending on the degree of “global” intentions, speech strategies can characterize a specific conversation with specific goals(to make a request, to console, etc.) and can be more general, aimed at achieving more general social goals (establishing and maintaining status, demonstrating power, confirming solidarity with a group, etc.).

According to experts, at present the struggle in the market is mainly waged not between companies, but between their images. When communicating with representatives of a company, getting acquainted with its products and services, in the perception of partners, whether we want it or not, a certain image develops.

The verbal image is formed only through speech (oral or written). If there are problems with speech (not everyone knows how to clearly and clearly express their thoughts in impromptu speech), then the saying “The word is silver, and silence is gold” is appropriate here. In some cases, silence actually has an advantage over speech.

Remember four techniques for forming a verbal image when speaking (by the way, some of these techniques are applicable in other situations where you will need to speak... or talk):

· it is more positive to talk to people rather than talk;

· it is necessary to take into account the personal interests of the interlocutors;

· do not forget to initiate a smile when talking with your interlocutor;

· more courageously overcome some social taboos (not clearly justified or archaic prohibitions on certain topics).

And…. The diagnostic role and significance of the use of some fairly common introductory words in everyday speech and their negative impact on a person’s image.

Why do some people present themselves “in the palm of their hand”, and how does the factor “clarity of speech” affect the image?

By the way, do you have any deviations in the tempo of your speech? If there are, they need to be corrected.

Remember the role of intonation and the psychological function of pauses in speech.

As usual, people say hello. By the way, the sound of one’s own name is a signal for a person that meets the requirements for the formation of attraction:

· do not become fixed in the mind of the interlocutor;

· evoke a feeling of pleasantness (even if not always conscious enough to think about it).

To call a person by name is to show interest in his personality, and not in the social or other function of this person.. You said the name out loud Your interlocutor, therefore, showed attention to his personality, hence, approved it(In eyes) as a person, hence, called him(beyond his will) positive emotions, hence, formed in him an involuntary craving for himself.

By the way, the “proper name” technique is a wonderful diagnostic tool, or Why don’t you call your colleague by name.

And also... If someone has trouble remembering the names of people in general, it’s not a matter of sclerosis, but... the psychological alienation of this person from people in general; People, as part of the surrounding world, do not occupy the first place in his life.

Questions for self-control

1. What is “verbal image”?

2. Name and characterize the techniques for forming a verbal image.

3. How does the way one introduces oneself affect the image of a business person?

Exercise 1

It is known that the word “hello” can be pronounced in any way. Try to identify your potential for using greetings. Ask someone to listen and “evaluate” the meaning you are putting into your greeting.

Task 2

Say the same phrase, giving it a direct and opposite meaning

1. Glad to see you!

2. Thank you for your work.

3. Come tomorrow.

4. I'm delighted.

5. Thank you, I really appreciate your attention.

6. It was nice talking to you.

7. Thank you for the compliment.

8. I am very grateful to you.

9. I appreciate your persistence.

10. I really like it.

Task 3

Say the phrase with different intonations

1. Good girl! Well done!(with gratitude, with delight, ironically, sadly, angrily)

2. I will never forget this(with gratitude, with resentment, with admiration, with anger).

3. Thank you for guessing that!(sincerely, with admiration, with condemnation).

4. I can't help you(sincerely, with sympathy, making it clear that the request was tactless).

5. Did you understand me?(friendly, polite, dry, formal, threatening).

6. See you!(warm, gentle, cold, dry, decisive, harsh, indifferent).

7. It's me!(joyfully, solemnly, guiltily, menacingly, thoughtfully, carelessly, mysteriously).

8. I can't stay here(regretfully, significantly, offended, uncertainly, decisively).

9. Hello!(dry, formal, joyful, menacing, reproachful, friendly, indifferent, angry, delighted).

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Private educational institution

Higher professional education

"South Ural Institute of Management and Economics"

On the topic: Verbal image

Discipline: Speech culture and business communication

Completed by a student

Cholak Lyudmila Andreevna

Chelyabinsk, 2015


  • Introduction
  • 2.1 Communication and its functions
  • 3. Image of a business person
  • Conclusion


Business communication is a necessary part human life, the most important type of relationship with other people. The eternal and one of the main regulators of these relations are ethical standards, which express our ideas about good and evil, justice and injustice, the rightness and wrongness of people’s actions. And communicating in business cooperation with his subordinates, boss or colleagues, everyone in one way or another, consciously or spontaneously, relies on these ideas. But depending on how one understands moral standards. What content he puts into them, to what extent he generally takes them into account in communication, he can both make business communication easier for himself, make it more effective, help in solving assigned tasks and achieving goals, and make this communication difficult or even make it impossible.

Business communication is understood as communication that ensures the success of some common cause, creating conditions for cooperation between people in order to achieve goals that are significant to them. Business communication promotes the establishment and development of cooperative relationships and partnerships between work colleagues, managers and subordinates, partners, rivals and rivals. It presupposes such ways of achieving common goals that not only do not exclude, but, on the contrary, also imply the achievement of personally significant goals and the satisfaction of personal interests. Moreover, we are talking about the interests of individuals and legal entities.

Personal knowledge allows you to determine how effective a business relationship with a particular person can be.

But to ensure a high level of communication, a manager must be able to use communication technologies based on psychological knowledge. Thus, it is necessary to take into account that in the process of communication between partners, colleagues, tension and even conflict situation, for example, due to lack of respect for self-esteem. Or, also, inept use of words can lead to significant information losses and, consequently, to failures in the performance of official duties.

The ethics of business communication are based on such rules and norms of behavior of partners, which ultimately contribute to the development of cooperation, i.e. strengthen the essential basis of business relationships. The meaning of these rules and norms is to strengthen mutual trust, constantly inform the partner about one’s intentions and actions, to exclude deception and disorientation of the partner. The practice of business communication has developed many codes of honor for entrepreneurs, professional codes bankers, etc.

1. Business communication: patterns and tactics

…Skill communicate With people - such same

purchased hA money product, How coffee or

sugar. AND I ready to pay behind This skill

more, how behind any another product V

this world.

J. Rockefeller

Management is that area of ​​human activity where communication plays a decisive role. The effectiveness of negotiations, the degree of mutual understanding with partners and employees, employee satisfaction with their work, and the moral and psychological climate in the organization depend on how well the communication is structured. Almost all business problems are in one way or another related to communication - the process of transmitting ideas, thoughts, feelings, and bringing them to the understanding of other people. Managers spend an average of 80% of their time on various types of communication.

Understanding the processes of information transfer, the patterns that exist in these processes, and developing skills for effective interaction with people are necessary for a manager at any level. Today, the experienced manager spends most of his time not on financial, technical or organizational problems, but to solve psychological problems that arise in the process of communication with subordinates, colleagues and superiors. Knowledge and skills in the field of communication are necessary not only for managers, but also for any of us, because through communication a person organizes and optimizes his production, scientific, commercial, educational and any other activities. Communication allows you to solve not only issues of the organization, but also the problems of its employees.

The patterns that determine the processes of interpersonal relationships include the following:

1. Dependence of communication on the perception of the partner.

Perception refers to the image of another person, formed on the basis of an assessment of his appearance and behavior.

All people are different, they differ from each other in their social status, life experience, intelligence, etc. In view of this, in perception, errors of inequality arise, called factors of superiority, attractiveness and attitude towards us.

When we meet a person who is superior to us in some important parameter, we evaluate him somewhat more positively than would be the case if he were equal to us. If we are dealing with a person whom we are superior in some way, then we underestimate him. Moreover, superiority is recorded in one parameter, while overestimation (or underestimation) occurs in many parameters. This perception scheme begins to work not with every inequality, but only with really important, significant for us inequality.

The effect of the attractiveness factor in the perception of a person is that, under its influence, some qualities of a person are overestimated or underestimated by other people. The mistake here is that if we like a person outwardly, then we are at the same time inclined to consider him more intelligent, interesting, etc., i.e. overestimate many of his personal characteristics.

If a person is unattractive, then his other qualities are underestimated.

The factor of attitude towards us acts in such a way that people who treat us well are rated higher than those who treat us poorly. So, for example, the closer a person’s opinion is to our own, the higher the assessment of the person who expressed this opinion.

People do not “reflect” each other adequately. There are serious reasons for this:

the person is too complex. La Rochefoucauld wrote the words: "...Easier

to know people in general than just one person";

a person consciously or unconsciously protects himself from attempts to reveal his characteristics and capabilities;

a person often cannot give information about himself simply because he does not know himself.

2. Inadequate self-esteem. It can be greatly overestimated or underestimated, depending on psychological characteristics personality.

3. The process of understanding each other is conditioned by the process of reflection.

Reflection is the individual’s awareness of how he perceives his communication partner. It's just knowing something else. But knowing how another understands me, i.e. a kind of double process of mirroring each other.

4. Splitting the meaning of the transmitted information. The reasons for this are:

different interpretation of information caused by the allegorical capabilities of language;

differences in education, intellectual development, and needs of those communicating.

5. A person’s desire to maintain his personal status, personal wealth, and personal dignity.

6. Compensation. The lack of some qualities is consciously or unconsciously compensated for by others.

All these patterns are manifested in business communication. In order for it to be constructive, it is necessary:

* Understanding the goals, objectives, hopes, and psychological state of the partner.

* The ability to model the personal characteristics of a communication partner.

* The ability to put oneself in the place of a communication partner.

* Confidence of communications.

Trust means:

open demonstration of one's intentions;

showing kindness towards your partner;

business competence;

persuasive manners;

eliminating misunderstandings.

The reasons for misunderstanding are often:

1) the tendency not to say what they really think and want;

2) the desire to say what seems appropriate in a given situation, and

3) not what they really wanted to communicate;

4) an insatiable desire to speak oneself, an inability to listen to others;

5) the desire to listen to others not with the goal of hearing, but with the goal of evaluating

6) speaker.

Constructive business communication is often hampered by various communication barriers. These include:

social barriers - political, religious, etc. They generate misunderstanding, suspicion, and lead to blocking interpersonal communication;

ethnocultural barriers. National and cultural characteristics greatly influence the perception of other peoples. One’s own traditions and habits are perceived as the norm, their absence in others is perceived as a disadvantage;

psychological barriers - individual characteristics personality (withdrawal, shyness, importunity, quarrelsomeness, etc.); psychological relationships of those communicating (mutual sympathy, hostility, incompatibility, etc.); lack of necessary communication skills.

2. Social and psychological analysis of communication

2.1 Communication and its functions

Communication is one of the most important concepts in psychology. It reveals the individual characteristics of all participants in this process in a more diverse manner.

Communication has its own functions, means, types and types, channels and phases.

Research by psychologists and sociologists shows that up to 70% management decisions accepted by managers in orally in the process of business interaction. Without exaggeration, we can say that the nature of business contacts has a decisive influence on the effectiveness of joint activities, on the success of conversations, business meetings and negotiations, press conferences, trades and presentations.

Even in the age of computers, the main instrument of communication between people is the word. Anyone who has perfectly mastered the skills in the process of communication gets the opportunity to live according to the principle “I came, I saw, I persuaded.” Communication is an extremely subtle and delicate process. It talks about direct and indirect communication, direct and indirect.

Direct communication is understood as natural contact “face to face” using verbal (speech) and non-verbal means (gestures, facial expressions, pantomime, spatial (distance, approach, distance, turns “to” and “from”), time (earlier, later )). The practical importance of the ability to “read” nonverbal information should be emphasized. Rate of speech, volume, changes in pitch and tempo of voice coloring are all means of conveying a person’s emotional state and his attitude to the message being conveyed.

A person cannot consciously control the entire sphere of his communication, therefore often even what he wants to hide is manifested, for example, through the movements of his hands, the position of his legs, the expression of his eyes, etc. Only by taking into account all the accompaniment that accompanies speech can you correctly perceive your communication partner.

Indirect communication can be considered as incomplete mental contact with the help of written or technical devices that make it difficult or separate in time to receive feedback between participants in communication. It is obvious that the emergence of various technical communication devices has significantly increased the number of sources of human experience, but has also greatly complicated the system of human communication.

Types of communication. Communication at the level social roles(role communication) - boss-subordinate, seller-buyer, teacher-student, dictated by the role performed, the place that a person occupies in the system of public social relations is fixed.

An interpersonal relationship means (the most common model of communication) the participation of two specific individuals with unique qualities that are revealed to the other in the course of communication and the organization of joint actions.

Business communication can be easily distinguished from functional-role communication. Business communication is a type of interpersonal communication aimed at achieving some kind of substantive agreement. In business communication (unlike, for example, social communication) there is always a goal.

Types of communication are determined by those rules, the implementation of which is implied. So, if the rules of “secular” communication are based on a code of politeness, then the basis of business relations is a code based on the principles of cooperation. It contains the following rules:

1. The rule of necessity and sufficiency of information. (Say no more and no less than is required this moment.)

2. Information quality rule.

3. Rule of correspondence (stay on topic).

4. Rule of style (be clear).

5. Rule of communication etiquette.

Communication is multifunctional in its meaning. There are five main functions of communication.

1. The connecting role is the most important condition for uniting people in the process of any activity.

2. Formative role. Here, communication acts as the most important condition for the formation and change of a person’s mental appearance (especially in the early stages).

3. Confirmation function. In the process of communicating with other people, a person gets the opportunity to, as it were, confirm himself, to establish himself in what he is. Even W. James noted that for a person “there is no more monstrous punishment than to be introduced to oneself in society and remain completely unnoticed.” This human state is captured in the concept of “disconfirmation.” Moreover, in contrast to denial, which can be expressed by the words “You are wrong” or “You are bad” and presupposes a certain amount of confirmation, albeit with a negative assessment, non-confirmation means “You are not here”, “You do not exist”.

The famous English psychiatrist R.D. Laing saw disconfirmation as the universal source of many mental illnesses, most notably schizophrenia.

Everyday experience of human communication is replete with procedures organized according to the principle of the simplest “confirming therapy”: rituals of meeting, greeting, naming, and providing various signs of attention. In scientific terms, they are aimed at maintaining a “minimum confirmation” in a person.

4. The fourth function is to organize and maintain interpersonal relationships at the level of definable emotional contacts.

5. The fifth function of communication is intrapersonal, i.e. communication between a person and himself.

2.2 Verbal and non-verbal means of communication

1. Communication, contact with the interlocutor occurs in several dimensions. On the one hand, in communication there is a verbal, speech plane: words, phrases, what the interlocutors WANT to say to each other (but do not necessarily think so). On the other hand, a person unconsciously reveals through his behavior his true attitude towards the interlocutor, intentions, his mood and emotional state. We will look at gestures in more detail (by which we will also mean elements of posture - for example, the way a person sits). Knowledge of sign language allows you to accurately “read” your interlocutor and, if necessary, use the means yourself nonverbal communication in order to influence the interlocutor. This is important both when communicating with relatives, friends, sexual partners - and at work, with colleagues, boss or clients. Having learned more about how the interlocutor feels by his gestures, it is important to choose the right strategy of behavior. Gestures of impatience:

2. Tapping objects or fingers, fidgeting in a chair, waving a leg, looking at a watch, looking “past” you. If a person is sitting on the edge of a chair, his whole body seems to be directed forward, his hands are resting on his knees - he is in a hurry, or he is so tired of the conversation that he wants to finish it as soon as possible. It is better to prevent such a situation - so do not abuse the attention and patience of your interlocutor, strictly adhere to the agreed time with your business partner and do not offer your company to people who do not need it at all, so as not to incur aggression. Do not be considered a bore Gestures of emotional discomfort: Collecting non-existent lint, shaking off clothes, scratching the neck, taking off and putting on a ring indicate that the partner is experiencing internal tension and is completely not ready to make any decisions. ? Share your own feelings - let him understand that you are on the same side with him (“I was very worried before our meeting with you”). Keep the conversation “about nothing” for a while or switch to less significant topic. You can discuss anything, from a client’s beautiful hand or a friend’s hairstyle, to the weather, to the lawn grass for the dacha. However, be sure to listen to the answers even to routine questions; people do not like to feel that they are being communicated with formally, without being truly interested in their opinion. Therefore, when you make a request or offer, either immediately proceed to the business part of the communication, or ask questions general, keep the conversation going. There is nothing more repulsive in the manner of some people, when the questions on duty have already been asked, and the answers to them are interrupted in mid-sentence. Gestures of lies, when a person wants to hide something, he unconsciously touches his face with his hand - as if “covering” the corner of his mouth with his palm, or rubbing his nose. However, do not confuse this gesture with the gesture of “boredom” - when a person rests his chin or cheek on his hand or both (palms, or folded into fists). Do not show the person that you doubt his words and do not try to catch him in a lie, to prove the fact of hypocrisy. On the contrary, repeat the words he said (That is, if I understood you correctly, then: ), so as to leave a way for him to retreat so that he can correct you. Gestures of superiority, when you see an index finger directed at you, a high raised chin, a figure in the shape of “arms on hips,” you can make several mistakes. Either start playing along with such an “important” person, slouching, nodding obsequiously and agreeing with his every word, or repeat all his movements, straighten your shoulders, raise your chin (take a position of competition). Both options are losing. The most effective way to meet such a pompous person is to emphasize his importance while saving your face. For example, say “You were recommended to me as an experienced, knowledgeable specialist,” or “What would you do in my place?” When asking such a question, of course, you must listen carefully to the answer, no matter how paradoxical it may seem to you. Notice to yourself when the tension and pompousness subsides from your partner. His face will relax as well as his entire figure, and his facial features will take on a calmer, more humane expression. Nonverbal components of behavior include gestures, postures, facial expressions, smells, intonations and some others that are more difficult to read. Facial expressions are usually easily interpreted intuitively: smiling, frowning - these are facial expressions known to us from childhood. On the other hand, a person quite often subordinates his facial expressions to conscious control: he restrains ridicule, hides fear behind a grimace of superiority. It is useful to know, however, that, for example, looking away to the side means doubt, hesitation, uncertainty - and looking at the ceiling means a memory.

2.3 Verbal communication techniques

A story about a similar act. Using this technique, the teacher recalls a fact that is similar in meaning to the action in question, and helps the student independently establish an analogy of this fact with his own behavior, correctly evaluate it, in order to behave correctly in the future. A story about a similar act. Using this technique, the teacher recalls a fact that is similar in meaning to the action in question, and helps the student independently establish an analogy of this fact with his own behavior, correctly evaluate it, in order to behave correctly in the future.

The teacher, with the help of a story, a fairy tale, a joke, or a specially invented story, shows how this or that action looks from an ethical position, and how one should behave in a given situation. In folk pedagogy, for this purpose, stories about dreams, legends, proverbs, sayings, and ditties were used. Nowadays required material about a person’s courage, honesty, his attitude towards work and comrades can be found in fiction, in periodicals. Based on such material, the teacher strives for the story to touch young people to the quick, to act not only on their consciousness, but also on their will and feelings. At the same time, it is important not so much to fix attention on bad actions, but to awaken interest in the formation of positive qualities.

Rostov-on-Don College of Agricultural Engineering. Student K., having received several bad marks in technical mechanics, stopped attending classes. Teacher A.M. Slizkaya came to her home and found out that the girl, having lost faith in her abilities, was already getting a job. And then the teacher told her that when she was studying at the same technical school, she was going to quit her studies several times. But then I passed the first session, later successfully graduated from a technical school, and a few years later from a technical university. And now he’s proud of it! It is rightly said: “The larger the obstacle, the greater the pleasure of overcoming it.” The story made an impression. Now K. has successfully completed technical school and corresponds with her favorite teacher.

Address to an unknown address. And in this technique, the student is led to independently compare his behavior with an obvious positive or immoral act. But at the same time the teacher addresses the group, without addressing anyone in particular. The hope is that the recipient himself will understand the error of his behavior and draw the appropriate conclusions.

At the labor and rest camp, one of the teachers, having learned that a group of girls had run away from duty in the kitchen without washing the dishes, gathered the whole squad the next day and told about the designer Margolin. The offenders and the whole group were surprised when, instead of the expected scolding, they heard the following:

“Several years ago, in the capital of Venezuela, Caracas, the world record in pistol shooting was set by the Russian shooter N. Kalinichenko. He was immediately surrounded by foreign journalists, greedy for a sensation. One of them literally snatched an unfamiliar pistol from the athlete’s hands and, feeling it, exclaimed: “Yes “In order to create such a weapon, you need to be a good shooter yourself, have a steady hand and a keen eye.”

At the first moment, Kalinichenko wanted to talk about the creator of the pistol, but then decided to remain silent. The fact is that Mikhail Margolin is blind. How does he work? Before drawing a detail, he places a ball of thread and pins next to the tablet. Having drawn a line, he sticks pins into its ends and then ties them with thread. Having felt the drawing, Margolin makes a part from clay, making sure that it is correct, removes the pins and submits the drawing to production."

By the middle of the story, it was painful to look at the guilty ones. And what was the moral satisfaction of the teacher when the next day, calling him aside, one of the girls asked her to be assigned to duty out of turn.

"Random" eavesdropping. The mechanism of this technique is that the teacher comments on the behavior of the currently absent student with the confidence that his words will become known to him. At the same time, it is advisable, when characterizing a student’s behavior, to give him an inflated assessment or, conversely, when speaking about him, to exaggerate his negative traits and actions with the hope that in the first case he will try to prove that he is really good, as people think of him, and in the second - that the teacher is wrong and he is not as bad as they think he is. Such an assessment is discreetly perceived by the child as an obvious educational technique and does not give a positive result.

One day two teachers stayed too long at school. It was late, classes had long ended. The cleaning lady entered quietly:

And Nikolai is sitting next to him in the classroom, having fun with his neighbor at his desk. What to do? Should I say it's time to go home? Maybe you can tell?

Many at school were afraid of Nikolai. He spoke harshly, at times even rudely. Apart from two or three experienced teachers, he had no respect for anyone, and studied poorly.

The teachers looked at each other.

“You don’t need to say anything, Anna Trofimovna,” one of them answered. “For now, please, clean up the director’s office and the office,” and, nodding at the thin partition, he said loudly to his comrade:

No, don't convince me. Nikolai will not be able to complete the IX grade program! And the will is not enough, and the head is not the same. If it were up to me, I myself would suggest that he leave school. He probably has no chance of getting a secondary education.

This is what the teacher said, who worked in this class for several months and did not know the students well. Nikolai was convinced that the second teacher, his class teacher, would stand up for him and explain to his colleague that he was mistaken. And suddenly I heard:

You are certainly right. But he has character. And if he really works and doesn’t waste time, he will definitely reach his goal!

Relying on the student’s self-esteem bore fruit. He tried not to look at the teachers whose conversation he heard, not to notice them. I literally began to dig into science, for the first time I began to prepare homework and read recommended literature. I graduated from IX grade with two C grades and somehow, already at the beginning of the next year, I heard: “What would we do with you, colleague, if the wall between these rooms was permanent? Well done, Kolya! We were confident in your abilities and strong-willed qualities. Congratulations on a new, hopefully equally successful academic year for you!

Only after these phrases did Nikolai’s relationship with his teachers improve.

A witty joke, an answer, a remark from a teacher. Seeing the comic and finding contradictions in the behavior of schoolchildren is an indicator of the maturity of the teacher. Humor allows you to painlessly prevent or eliminate the most difficult conflict and neutralize tension.

3. Image of a business person

“It’s not enough for people to be honest, you have to appear so.” (A.A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky).

Image (English) - image. When they talk about image, they mean exactly the image that other people have when they mention someone’s name. Moreover, by “image” we mean not only appearance a person, but also a way of thinking, actions, actions, etc., that is, an image is an idea of ​​a person, an opinion about him, what remains in memory after communication.

The concept of “image” can be applied not only to a person, but also to an organization, and even to a country. The image of the company depends on your personal image, and vice versa, the image of the company affects the image of its employees.

The importance of image is very great. When we form an opinion about another person or about some object, this attitude formed in our consciousness (or in the subconscious) determines our willingness to act in a certain way. And in the language of psychologists, such readiness is called a psychological attitude.

The opinion others have about you will determine their psychological readiness, for example, to talk to you respectfully, to strive to cooperate, or, conversely, not to talk to you at all, to ignore you. Therefore, your task is to form in them an appropriate attitude (a certain opinion about themselves).

Image can be personal and professional. It is important to decide which of these two types of image is more important to you.

Professional image - when a person is judged by his professional qualities(“He’s a real professional” or “He’s a so-so, mediocre specialist”)

verbal image business man

Personal image - when they say about a person: “He is a decent, sweet, charming person” or “He is an unbearable grump, a rude person, ready to humiliate anyone.”

The same person can have both of these images in different combinations (usually one of the images is better than the other).

Psychologists are considering several various types image: dimensional, kinetic, verbal, environmental, materialized and mental.

A habitual image is a “picture”, appearance, clothes, accessories, hairstyle... This type of image can be easily corrected.

The kinetic image is posture, movement, gestures, facial expressions. These aspects of the human personality are very difficult to change, so a good image can only be created based on the natural traits of a person. (For example, among politicians, Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov has a very high-quality image. His stylists took the most striking features of Luzhkov’s personality and enhanced them. That’s why he looks so natural).

The kinetic image is associated with national traditions. If you work for a Swedish company, you will have to curb your gestures. And if you behave with restraint among Italians, they will consider you a cold, reserved person and “on your own.”

Don't talk too loudly. Don't speak too quietly so that the other person doesn't have to get too close. Don't tense up, don't speak in a choked voice. It is unethical to speak too quickly; your interlocutor may not have time to follow your thoughts, especially since some of the information may be lost in the rapid flow of words. Unclear diction indicates low self-esteem. In general, you need to speak in such a way that the interlocutor understands you.

Environmental image is your car, apartment, gifts you give, your office, family, friends, leisure, work and sports. This is a social mindset for success. At the same time, it is necessary to observe moderation - after all, boasting about wealth, even in a rich environment, is considered bad form.

Materialized image - objects and things that a person has made, the products of his company.

Mental image is your moral position, sociability, loyalty to your word, knowledge. For example, you tell your child that he needs to read a lot, but he has never seen you with a book in his hands. Who will believe you?


I considered the most important problems that are directly related to the practice of human communication. Social and psychological knowledge and skills in analyzing situations that arise in the process of communication are of great importance for building effective relationships between people. On the one hand, they help a person to better understand himself, his inner world, to realize the socio-psychological aspects of his “I”: social attitudes, stereotypes, strategies of behavior and interaction, communication style, the ability to listen effectively, control one’s emotions and adequately understand other people . On the other hand, such knowledge allows us to better understand people, create such a situation of communication with them, individually tuning into their internal mental state, which would most fruitfully contribute to their creative development, would give a feeling of security.

Business relationships develop mainly in a small group, of which a specific individual is a member. The people around him play a huge role in the formation of the values ​​of any person, and knowledge of the socio-psychological laws of life, groups, and the ability to analyze them is the most important part of an individual’s life.


1. Golden Book of Good Taste - "Rusich", Smolensk, 1999

2. Kaznachevskaya G.B., Chuev I.N. - Fundamentals of Management - "Phoenix", Rostov-on-Don, 2004

3. Lavrinenko V.N. - Psychology and ethics of business communication - "Unity", M., 1997

4. Rytchenko T.A., Tatarkova N.V. - Psychology of business relations - MGUESI, M., 2001

5. Maslyaev O. - Personality psychology. - Donetsk, 2004

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