Promotion options to increase sales. Promotions to attract customers. What are the goals of marketing campaigns to attract customers?

One of the most pressing topics for owners and marketers of any business is advertising promotions.

What could you come up with to increase sales and make legends about your business? There is a way out, you don’t even have to imagine it.

You can just take what’s ready, add your own, and get a great promotion. Where to get it from? From the list below. There are more than 15 ideas for every taste and willingness to take risks


Before we get into the specific list of stocks, I want to warn you that everything should be in moderation. You can’t live on stocks alone, just as you can’t live without them at all.

Everything should be fine in your company: and other important elements of a successful company.

Once your business becomes sufficiently harmonious, you can move on to advertising campaigns.

Although they all have their own goals, there is a common and basic one - to attract attention and smooth the corners on the purchase decision. But if your seller “Petya” screws up and doesn’t work with, then there will be no money in the cash register.

I also want to say that if you are planning to hold an action, you need to promote it well (this is of course good, but not enough).

You need to use a sufficient amount, otherwise you will make a premature conclusion that advertising campaigns to attract customers do not work and that this is not your thing at all.

For example, you can notify visitors to your website about a promotion using an online consultant.

Or if you actively use Instagram to promote your business, then the “Direct Mailing” function from the Okogram program can help in communicating information about promotions.

And one more thing, people get tired of the same type of promotions, and besides, when they are carried out constantly, they begin to classify you as a company that increases prices and then drops them. Therefore, you take breaks or do not include new collections in promotional items.

Performance action (nerves of steel)

And now that the word to go has been given, we can start. Let's start with those who have strong nerves and who are not afraid to take risks. These are the most interesting, eye-catching and unusual promotions that attract customers.

In this section, I will rather describe to you the approach (strategy) with examples, since not everything is so simple. But further you will see ready-made examples.

One of the most successful, memorable and increasing sales was the advertising campaign of the well-known Euroset store - come naked and get a cell phone for free.

The effect was intended primarily to be shocking. Since then, all store owners who have the courage to promote their store at the expense of human greed have been trying to repeat such an action, in one way or another.

Recent example - sporting goods store in Germany, which staged a similar event on its opening day.

You could come and dress from head to toe in whatever you wanted in the allotted time. Absolutely free. True, there was a small condition - you had to come completely naked.

Moreover, a business does not have to be large and famous to hold such a promotion in a store.

For example, in Irkutsk, at the opening small store youth clothing, there was a promotion - tear up the jeans/trousers you are wearing now and choose new ones completely free of charge.

A married couple lived in one of the IKEA stores for almost a month. They slept there, cooked, ate and even washed there. A lot of people came to see these extraordinary people (read: eccentrics).

Do you think this has had an impact on this store? You’re right, it did have an impact 😉

We discussed the performance of the action in more detail in a separate article. Be sure to study it if you are hooked by such a crazy technique. Just when implementing, think not only short-term, but also long-term, how it will affect your business.

Almost a freebie

Quite an old example successful promotion. The Technoshok store began selling video cassettes at cost (at half price, almost at a loss), very aggressively talking about it. There was no time to deliver the cassettes to the store.

Crowds of people stood to buy a cheap video cassette. And at the same time they were sold a new VCR, TV, antennas and much more.

This promotion applies to almost any business. All you have to do is find one in your company and start attracting people to it.

You don’t have to sell it at a loss; you can simply not earn anything from it. But you must do it.

Totally freebie

We organized a similar promotion in our client's store. They gave out free socks. Good, high-quality socks and completely free.

Moreover, you didn’t even have to buy anything. Just walk in, fill out and get your pair of socks. You may start to swear that you will not give away anything for free. So appreciate the whole idea.

Firstly, we gave out free socks, which cost us 20 rubles (quite little), and this figure was much more profitable from an advertising point of view, since from other advertising sources, one visitor cost us at least 35 rubles.

Plus, you understand that in addition to the socks, they offered a discount on the main assortment, a coupon for a repeat purchase, in general, a lot of things. The result is an increased customer base and promotion, with more than 400 percent.

Or here's another example of a good implementation. The target audience will react absolutely accurately.

Example of a Freebie promotion

Search for treasure

Quite an unusual and interesting event. You are pawning/burying a valuable treasure somewhere. The location of the promotion can be, for example, the shopping center where your store is located or even the entire city.

As soon as the treasure is found, news will be published about it (for example, in) and information about the next one will be given.

This is what one bank did, for example. They put in dozens of treasures containing real gold coins and began actively promoting it. There were also successful cases for food delivery services.

The certificates were hidden for a year and a search was organized with the help of radio presenters. People are very willing to get involved in such advertising games and promotions because they love interactivity.

Give a discount/gift to the client for what he rolls on the dice. You can even make a stage game. For example, if a person throws once, he is guaranteed to receive a gift of up to 1000 rubles.

And if he throws three times and dials more than n value, he will receive a super prize, or will be left empty-handed.

A variant of the super game from Field of Miracles. By the way, instead of cubes, there may be a spinning drum. The rules are up to your discretion and imagination.

Example of the Cubes promotion


Typical promotions

Therefore, there is no need to rack your brains about which promotions can be carried out and which are not suitable. For the most part, they are designed for discounts and play on one of the main feelings of a person - the desire to save money, to purchase profitably (not to be confused with greed).

By the way. To carry out just such promotions, a service such as “Bazaar-online” may be perfect for you. He will solve the issue with discount cards and. And notifications will cost pennies 😉

Two for the price of one (three for the price of two)

A standard promotion launched in most grocery and retail stores clothes. When you buy two/three products, you get the third one free. Ideal for services.

Install a suspended ceiling in 2 rooms and receive installation in the hallway as a gift. Buy 2 apartments, get a parking space as a gift (what if!).

Example of a promotion Two for the price of one

This type of promotion is a good alternative to a discount. And we even implemented this approach in the wholesale business.

But as you already understood, it was not about pieces, but about containers. But in this way we succeeded significantly, and this is one of the main indicators when carrying out actions.

Discount on certain products

100% You have seen products with red/yellow price tags. Such targeted promotions are actively used by retail stores.

But their services are undeservedly ignored, although large assortment, this is almost a gold mine for them.

When we talk about a “color” price tag, it doesn’t have to be a discount. You can go the other way and make a purchase without extra charge/without VAT/at wholesale prices.

Or just a promotion for one of the items, for example: “Changing the oil in your car is free! You only pay for the materials.”

And we are also not just talking about shop windows. You can highlight items in the price list or on the website with special colors.

And just an example of how we achieved an increase in sales through elaboration of the price list (including color), read in the article.

Increase the average check by 15% before the New Year, turning customer spending into virtual currency. Advertise the company by giving the client an expensive prize for pennies. Track store traffic using special technology.

Consumers are accustomed to New Year's promotions and discounts and do not respond to the same type of offers. To stand out from your competitors during peak sales times, hold a consumer auction. This method will work retail companies. The article contains five examples of interesting promotions to attract customers. Following the algorithm, we increased the average check by 15% and increased customer traffic by 20%.

Marketing campaign to attract customers 1. Simple

The buyer will not join a game that requires many actions. Before the New Year, clients already don’t have enough time. What will attract them? An interesting event, big prizes and simple mechanics. Take advantage of the fact that people buy quickly and do not always calculate full price goods in stores. Instinctively, they pay attention to offers that seem profitable.

Best article of the month

We have prepared an article that:

✩will show how tracking programs help protect a company from theft;

✩will tell you what managers actually do during working hours;

✩explains how to organize surveillance of employees so as not to break the law.

With the help of the proposed tools, you will be able to control managers without reducing motivation.

Example. In 2011, three months before the New Year, we organized an auction competition to stir up consumer interest in shopping in the Moscow chain of the RIO shopping center. 70% of the tenants of three shopping complexes. The idea of ​​the auction: visitors purchased goods in the stores of these shopping centers for three months. By saving receipts, they received virtual currency based on the amount of purchases. Using invisible “money,” consumers bid at an auction that took place before the New Year.

To participate in the auction, visitors made each purchase at the promotional counter. It was allowed to come once with checks collected during the promotion period. The receipt indicated how much gaming “money” the buyer had, and this information was recorded in the database. When a person came to the auction, the manager at the counter reported the total amount. Clients who spent more than 5 thousand rubles were allowed to attend the event. Thus, stores that participated in an interesting promotion increased the average check to attract customers.

To make it easier for customers to understand the terms of the promotion, managers were on duty at special points in the shopping center to explain the details.

Conclusion. The unusual format interested consumers. Customers might not notice a promotion with standard discounts or gifts. A competition that fuels excitement is optimal before the New Year.

Marketing campaign to attract customers 2. Seductive

An interesting promotion to attract customers should be bright. Announce a drawing of expensive prizes that customers will want to receive. Involve in the event famous people and it’s not always worth organizing a show. Buyers participate in competitions for gifts.

Example. In three shopping malls, special display windows were set up where prizes were displayed. The number of lots was gradually increased: this guaranteed buyers that the auction was real. Among the prizes: a car, a moped, gadgets, a trip to Europe for two, a home theater, etc. The main lot of the auction is a new foreign car. The car was also exhibited in the shopping gallery.

Conclusion. Show clients that the event is not a scam. It is important for consumers to see the prizes and, if possible, touch them. Otherwise, people will not believe that they will receive a valuable gift.

Marketing campaign to attract customers 3. Thoughtful

To make the competition a success, stir up the excitement of buyers. Then people will positively perceive the promotion and will enthusiastically compete for the lots. Without this, the draw will turn into a simple distribution of gifts. A lively auction motivates customers to come to the store.

Example. To captivate the competition participants, we evened out the chances. We introduced coefficients to convert purchase amounts into auction currency. In clothing, footwear, and accessories stores, the exchange rate was set at 1:1 (1 thousand rubles in a receipt - 1 thousand rubles at an auction). In electronics stores, household appliances, jewelry was assigned an exchange rate of 10:1 (10 thousand rubles in a check - 1 thousand rubles at an auction). In furniture and lighting stores - 20:1. In addition, the terms of the auction prohibited adding real money to checks.

It was noticed at the auction that the winners were those who did not spend their savings immediately, but waited for the drawing of a large lot. The majority gave away all the “currency” for inexpensive prizes (gadgets). Only five people reached the last lot - a car. As a result, the car was purchased for 50 thousand in-game “money” by a participant who kept the entire amount until the end of the auction. The buyer received the car in three months: this was the initial agreement with the dealership. All this time, the owner came to the shopping center, checked the trophy and even washed the car. This served as additional advertising for the car dealership and shopping center.

Conclusion. Ensure safety: In the heat of battle for a prize, people often overstep the bounds of politeness. Let security guards and duty managers keep order. Security will quickly respond to aggression in the crowd and remove inappropriate participants.

Marketing campaign to attract customers 4. Affiliate

To avoid excessive costs, involve partner stores, the shopping center where your point of sale is located, or local shopping centers. It is better to cooperate with individual entrepreneurs or small retailers. They will like the idea of ​​increasing traffic and average check, increasing brand awareness.

Example. We relied on small and multi-brand stores that allocated barter prizes. In exchange for gifts, retailers received large-scale PR, mentions in the media, advertising inside the shopping center, in e-mails, etc. Thus, a car dealer provided a car - according to the contract, it stood in the shopping gallery for six months (three months during the promotion and three months after the final ). Due to this, the salon promoted own brand. Large brands also invested in the prize fund, but did not directly inform customers about the drawing.

What arguments will work at the negotiation stage?

1. Explain to stores that the main advantage of an interesting promotion to attract customers is an increase in the average check. Customers will be motivated to spend more than usual.

2. Show that in exchange for a small outlay, retailers will receive advertising that would actually cost more.

3. If you sell in the regions, give an additional argument: here consumers have lower incomes and they are not spoiled by spectacular competitions with interesting prizes.

Conclusion. It is difficult to coordinate the campaign with federal chains, since the marketing budget of large brands is approved a year in advance. The networks also host their own events. If you decide to work with large retailers, plan the promotion in advance. If you have not agreed on a direct partnership, invite retailers to form a prize fund.

      • B2B customer acquisition program that increased sales by 28%

Marketing campaign to attract customers 5. With notification on social networks

To record the result of the promotion, do not limit yourself to just counting the participants in the competition. Use all methods to find out the number of attracted consumers. This way you will understand how many buyers were actually interested in the promotion in order to repeat this experience in the future or improve the result.

Example. Attendance at the shopping center and the overall effect of the promotion were assessed in two ways.

Online tracking. The company's SMM managers measured the organic traffic of subscribers in social groups the shopping center itself. During the promotion period, e-mail newsletters and SMS notifications were organized: based on transitions to the competition website, the number of responses among loyal customers was measured. The newsletter was sent to all buyers of the shopping center, regardless of participation in the holiday promotion. This is how other visitors learned about the competition.

In groups of the shopping center itself, users shared photos of receipts and discussed prizes in the comments. This made it possible to gain new subscribers on social networks and track the number of attracted customers.

Offline tracking. Traffic in the shopping center was measured using a software and hardware complex, which consists of sensors, network equipment and software. When the flow of visitors passes through the frames, the system counts the number of people for a specific period of time. There are such complexes in almost all shopping centers. There was no need to purchase an additional system. To assess the change in traffic, we compared information on the number of buyers with data for similar periods in previous years.

Conclusion. If the store or shopping center does not have sensors installed, ask interested customers to post photos with receipts online. Offer a small bonus or gift in return. Even if these consumers don't come to the competition, you will attract attention to the brand. Also, ask store visitors if they plan to participate in the promotion.

During the campaign, attendance at the shopping center increased by 30%, the event involved 150 thousand buyers. The auction increased loyalty regular customers. Average bill tenants participating in the competition increased by 25%, and traffic from partner stores increased by 20%. This is a good result, considering the distance of some shopping centers from the metro.

Everyone loves gifts, surprises, jokes, discounts - this is a feature of human nature. For an entrepreneur, this circumstance serves as an excellent reason for carrying out interesting promotions that will attract customers a simple process. Such a move will allow you to increase revenue, get rid of stale goods and find new “admirers” of your products. Let's look at the most common promotions to attract customers.

Types of shares

Depending on the specifics of the operation of a store, public institution, salon or any other commercial project, one promotion or several in total may be beneficial. There are a number of effective options:

  1. Bonus card. Purchases made at your establishment allow the buyer to accumulate points or rubles, and later receive gifts or discounts on purchases.
  2. “Bring a friend” campaign. For the fact that customers used the service or purchased a product, but additionally left the contact information of friends and acquaintances (or referred them), the next purchase is entitled to a discount of a fixed amount (for example, 20%, 1000 rubles or a gift).
  3. Discount for new client. Such a bonus can influence the behavior of buyers who prefer to purchase products from your competitors. Increase in sales occurs due to “poaching” potential clients. It's just a matter of leaving a positive impression.
  4. Gift with purchase. This could be a bonus valid on a certain day or time of day. The gift is issued for the purchase of a promotional product or according to the size of the total receipt.
  5. Discount for pre-order or reservation (or ordering online). It may be small, but pleasant, especially if it is combined with other bonuses.
  6. Birthday discount. Giving each client 25-30% of a one-time order once a year is not much, but it is very nice for the buyer.
  7. Promotional products of the day. A reduced price is set for certain products every day. For example, for all sausages, alcohol, shorts, fishing gear - it all depends on your assortment. You can take a specific item as a promotional item and set a minimum price for it, subject to purchase at a certain amount.
  8. Discount for special occasion. This could be the day of the dentist, teacher, driver and others. specific professions. As evidence, you can require documents confirming your education or work in your specialty.
  9. “Come First” campaign. You can give a gift or discount to every first visitor every day.
  10. Prank. This is especially true if your store or establishment has an Internet website, a public page on a social network or an Instagram page. For a certain time, your subscribers share information about the ongoing draw with friends, and on a set day, a product or product is raffled off between all participants good discount to purchase.

Giving a client 25-30% of a one-time order for his birthday is not much, but it is very nice for the buyer.

Regular promotions to increase sales and attract new customers will create the impression of an interesting and tempting project. People will come to you in search of new discounts and offers, wait for notifications by mail or SMS (it’s worth implementing such a system), and set you apart from your competitors. People will intuitively come for benefits, and in addition they will buy something at the same time. This is an effective one that should not be neglected.

SMM marketing is gaining more and more popularity today. In this regard, marketers need to constantly look for new ideas on how to work with the audience of their project. Of course, the most interesting option to attract and retain the attention of the audience is to hold promotions, competitions, and various sweepstakes on social networks. As practice shows, the audience’s attention is perfectly concentrated on all kinds of advertising and entertainment campaigns.

If they include an element of gamification, involvement, games with the audience, then such contact has every chance of being long-lasting, and also developing into a sale, and then into the loyalty of a permanent customer. So today marketers have to increasingly play the role of a mass entertainer and not only inform the audience about the product, but also provide the audience with high-quality entertainment materials. We have compiled a list of 10 competition ideas that can be held on Facebook, as well as Vkontakte or on your own project website.

Let these ideas help you create your own competitions and inspire you to search for new formats. So here are our suggestions.

1. A promotion to distribute mini-sets of company products, for example, if your company sells cosmetics (especially little-known ones brands), then you can use the idea of ​​making cosmetics sets from samples. For a small fee, and sometimes for free, such sets can be sent to everyone. The idea is especially relevant before the holidays.

2. Discounts for purchases from 2 people. That is, if you buy a product together, it costs you less. You can create a progressive discount system. For example, the more people buy, the more discount. In this case, user contacts are valuable. They are usually quite difficult to obtain. So you have the opportunity to get them for virtually nothing by simply giving a discount to a group of people!

3. Refer a friend and get a bonus. Such promotions on the Internet are usually carried out on the principle of paying for recommendations - if you told a friend about the campaign and he bought something based on your recommendation, then you get either monetary reward, or I'll discount it. In practice, it is best to give a bonus to both – both the one who brought a new client and the client himself.

5. Promotion with levels. This is something more like conducting a quest, only the action takes place not on real terrain, but in social network. Several levels of difficulty can be developed. For example, in the first stage everyone participates, everyone is recruited large quantity participants, then there is a quiz, then voting, then another quiz. This way you can create several levels of difficulty in participating in the promotion. Just don't overdo it. Your task is to captivate and gather as large an audience as possible, and not to disperse people.

7. Product knowledge quiz. Everything is simple here - you can try to find out from the audience, what do they even know about the product that you are releasing or selling? A quiz is both entertainment and education rolled into one.

8. Competition in partnership with another company. You can come up with and hold a competition in partnership with a company of a completely different profile. For example, today one of the best options would be to hold a competition together with a travel agency or language school.

9. Promotion with the collection of likes. Such promotions are aimed at increasing the number of subscribers and expanding coverage. The rules are simple - there is some kind of prize, and the one who collects the most likes on his page gets it.

10. Reality show. The most difficult, but also the coolest option, since it allows you to get a huge response, a huge number of shares, and also simply increase your image among the audience and existing clients. For a reality show you need good idea, as well as participants who agree to abide by your terms.