Successful business. Growing greens in a country greenhouse. Business on greenery: personal experience and practical advice on organizing greenhouses Growing greenery in a greenhouse as a business

Many gardeners, growing greens in greenhouses all year round, can afford to put up some of their produce for sale. A good harvest from home production is in considerable demand, so you can really make money on agricultural products. But in order for growing greens to be used as a business, you will have to familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of this process.

How to optimize costs?

Growing greens in a greenhouse for sale can only be profitable if you correctly select and build suitable greenhouses. To minimize the cost of heating and maintaining buildings, you should give preference to small polycarbonate greenhouses. What points should be taken into account?

  • Since the cultivation of greenery will take place not only in winter, but all year round, it is worth erecting the building on a fairly solid foundation (preferably brick);
  • The frame of the greenhouse should be made of profiled pipe, and the casing should be made of polycarbonate;
  • Heaters usually use infrared heating systems or radiators, which emit heat by circulating hot water through them;
  • The technology for growing greens, in particular onions, involves rapid forcing of crops. Therefore, it is impossible to do without good lighting in the construction.

Examples of the external and internal structure of suitable greenhouses are shown in the photo.

The cost of an equipped greenhouse is largely determined by its dimensions and equipment. When drawing up a business plan, you will have to include at least 100 thousand rubles in equipment costs. Of course, if you decide to grow greens on a huge scale, then a million may not be enough.

What can you grow?

Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business is a very delicate matter. First of all, you need to decide on the popular types of greens that are in greatest demand among consumers in winter. The most popular crops include:

  • green onions;
  • arugula and parsley;
  • basil and dill.

In order for the process of growing food as a business to go with a bang, it is advisable to think about planting several types of crops at once. Thus, you will be able to satisfy the needs of a wide audience of consumers, which will certainly bring good results.

Features of growing onions

A polycarbonate greenhouse is an ideal place to grow beautiful onions. This culture loves a lot of natural light, so it will not refuse scattered, but still natural sunlight. In order to seamlessly “produce” feather onions all year round, it is advisable to pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. It is best to give preference to plant varieties such as “Spassky” and “Troitsky”. They are less heat-loving and easy to care for;
  2. Growing greens in a greenhouse in winter begins with adding manure and mineral additives to the soil, which will stimulate the development of crops;
  3. To grow greens very quickly, you need to observe a special temperature regime - from 18 to 23 degrees. With such a microclimate, the crop can be harvested literally every 25-30 days;
  4. Early greens in the greenhouse are watered almost daily, but about a week before being sent to the counter, the plants begin to be watered once every 3 days.

If you want to create a successful business plan and really earn a lot of money from the process of growing cultivated plants, be sure to include feather onions in your product range.

How to grow basil?

A polycarbonate greenhouse, in comparison with other types of buildings, is more airtight and therefore allows you to grow almost all heat-loving plant crops. Basil is also in great demand in winter. It is worth noting that the agricultural technology of this crop is quite complex. But from the point of view of profitability of production, basil occupies almost a leading position.

How to properly grow greens in greenhouses?

  1. To plant basil, you will need turf soil with a fairly light structure;
  2. To fertilize the soil, you need to take at least 4 kg of manure to cultivate 1 m2 of land;
  3. From time to time the plant needs to be fed with a urea solution;
  4. Cultivation of small basil sprouts is carried out only by the seedling method due to the fragility of green seedlings;
  5. Picked seedlings are transplanted into a greenhouse approximately 40 days after germination;
  6. Water the plants not daily, but only once a week;
  7. To ensure that early greens have a marketable appearance, periodically ventilate the room.

How to grow dill?

Greenhouses for growing herbs all year round are ideal for the “production” of dill. As a business, growing this particular plant will not bring much profit, but to diversify the assortment, dill can also be cultivated. How to plant it?

  1. For the greens to ripen, you will have to wait about 50-60 days. But for such a painful wait you will reap a good harvest - about 1.5-2 kg from 1 m2 of bed;
  2. To improve the taste of dill, you should add mineral and potassium fertilizers to the soil before planting;
  3. To soften the shoots of the plant, maintain the temperature in the greenhouse at least 17 degrees;
  4. Early greens need a lot of light, so it is advisable to place fluorescent lamps above the beds;
  5. It is better to grow crops from seeds rather than root crops. This will significantly increase your yield, so you can offer more products for sale.

The process of planting cultivated plants in greenhouses is demonstrated in more detail in the video. The video materials clearly demonstrate methods for stimulating rapid crop growth and the most optimal lighting options.


Growing greens in winter can easily develop from a hobby into a business. With proper organization of work and the right choice of crops for cultivation, you can get maximum profit from the usual process of “production” of onions, parsley, basil and other herbs.

Greens have always been and remain the main supplier of vitamins. Let's reveal a secret, there are even more of them here than in vegetables. But there is one problem - up to 70% of the elements of the vitamin complex are lost 2-3 hours after it is cut. The best way to provide your table with such a healthy product throughout the year is to grow greens in winter, spring, summer and autumn. Moreover, if you organize the process correctly, nothing will prevent you from setting up your own business supplying parsley, dill, basil and other varieties to stores and restaurants. We will not describe the business plan here, but we will pay attention to how to set up and automate the process of growing greens so that the harvest will be stable and sufficient from March.

Oddly enough, it is preferable to grow greens in wooden greenhouses covered with 2-3 layers of dense polyethylene. Despite the fact that such structures are gradually replacing metal and polycarbonate ones, wood, together with the film, creates the very microclimate that is necessary for curing feathers, dill and other types of greens.

The film should be dense and transparent with welded seams so that there are no gaps through which cold and drafts will enter the greenhouse. Separately, arches or a frame are installed on the top of each rack, which are additionally covered with another layer of film. Such a multi-layer “pie” will transmit sufficient sunlight and retain the necessary heat.

Onions and dill - what's what

The first thing we will focus on is how to grow onions for greens. To do this, cut off the upper part of the head of the set and soak it in water for 2-3 days. It is best to wrap it in a damp cloth and periodically add water. After this, plant the seedlings in soil previously filled with warm water. After 3-4 weeks, the height of the feather will reach the desired 18-20 cm, after which it is cut off.

Next in line will be more heat-loving crops - beets, carrots, radishes.

Beets and carrots are long-growing crops. In order to get the first harvest at the end of March, you should give preference to early-ripening hybrid varieties labeled F1.

Recommendations from experts on growing greens in large quantities

Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business is not much different from your own consumption, in particular in that when you have 2-3 bushes, you take care of each one, and when a ton grows, you take care of everything at once. The main thing that is required from the gardener is to properly organize the entire process and automate the watering and ventilation system as much as possible.

It is better to grow greens for sale from hybrid varieties that give a good strong harvest that retains its marketable appearance for a long time even when cut.

The best time to sell greens, oddly enough, will be mid-summer - the second decade of autumn. During this period, there are no longer any industrial volumes, since greenhouse farms are reoriented to vegetables, and grandparents with bunches of dill have already sold all their goods.

VIDEO: How to properly plant onions on a feather

To facilitate work in the greenhouse, it is recommended to divide all beds into sectors no larger than 20 squares. This way you will have the opportunity to take care of each one separately and control the state of the culture. There are no special requirements for the composition of the soil; greenery is such an unpretentious plant that feels great both on greasy soil and on sawdust. Moreover, this does not even affect the taste. The only thing that needs to be monitored is for disease. When a whitish coating appears, the entire (!!) crop is treated with urea from a spray bottle. When mold appears, the entire planting is also treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

What varieties of onions are suitable for growing in winter?

The most preferred are:

  • "Batun";
  • "Emerald Island";
  • "Schnitt"
  • "Parade".

On average, the cycle takes about 70 days when grown from sets and about 82 days from seeds. Parade onions are considered the best - juicy, sweet, unpretentious, and can withstand any climatic shocks, including sub-zero temperatures.

If necessary, greens can be fed with mineral fertilizers - nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium.

How to grow onions in just a few days?

False bulbs

Experienced gardeners often practice growing feathers from false bulbs. This is a small thickening between the bulb and the stem, which appears on the head by the beginning of autumn. Such false bulbs are carefully dug up, dried in the shade and stored until winter-spring in a cool, dark room. As soon as the “X” hour arrives, they are planted in soil watered with warm water. After 20 days, a stable, strong, juicy feather appears. As a rule, this method is used to grow Parade onions, which are more expensive than regular onions and grow much faster.


Many people call this method the most effective and efficient. Essentially, this is the same hydroponics that every second person uses in a greenhouse. Take cassettes (plastic containers with separate sectors) with a neutral substrate and plant the Schnitt variety in them. The cassette size is 25x25 mm, fertilizers are applied with water. Situated in a bright, warm place. Watered daily.

Hydroponic growing technology

This is just the question of what can be grown in a greenhouse all year round. The idea of ​​hydroponics first appeared in the century before last, when they began to grow unpretentious crops in an artificial environment without any soil at all. The essence of this method is that the plant receives all its nutrients not from the soil, where a certain mineral complex is already provided, but from air and moisture, due to which the root system is naturally ventilated and enriched with mineral salts specially prepared for each specific species .

Growing herbs hydroponically in a greenhouse began to be practiced quite recently, but after a few years many began to perceive this method as the least expensive and most effective.

For hydroponics, special cassettes, separate plastic containers, and even PVC pipes with holes made on the surface can be used. Since there is very little soil here as such, all the nutrients supplied with highly aerated water are concentrated immediately in the root system, due to which the plant, in particular greens, grows literally in a matter of days.

But the most important thing is that there can be an unlimited number of such containers in a greenhouse - they can be installed vertically, horizontally and even diagonally. In any planting-free area where you can secure a pipe with sprouts.

VIDEO: How to grow onions in a greenhouse to recoup costs

With double glazing on a stainless steel frame. They create the effect of a thermos, maintaining an optimal temperature from 15 to 28ºC.

Glass is too fragile and expensive, and plastic film does not provide stable room temperatures. Industrial greenhouses have impressive sizes (from 0.5 hectares and above). For beginning farmers it is worth building a structure of 100-120 square meters. m, in the future, greenhouse farming can be expanded.

The shape of greenhouses for greenery can be different. In cold regions, pitched structures are the most popular, providing good insolation and preventing snow from accumulating on the roof. It is also possible to use traditional ones. For growing in soil low buildings are suitable, rack greenhouses have more impressive dimensions.

Green business: advantages and disadvantages

Having decided to grow greens on an industrial scale, It is important to know the pros and cons in advance similar enterprise.

Among the advantages of this business:

  • the ability to harvest several harvests per year;
  • greenhouses are suitable for any green crops, from common to exotic;
  • high demand for fresh herbs;
  • in winter and early spring, the markup increases significantly and profitability increases;
  • Possible cultivation by hydroponic, aeroponic or soil methods;
  • business suits even people without much experience in agriculture;
  • greenhouses minimize the risk of low yields.

Despite the obvious advantages, the business also has some disadvantages:

  • high construction costs and;
  • in the summer there is high competition from homestead owners;
  • perishable product, which increases the percentage of defects;
  • a large amount of fertilizer is required to increase the nutritional value of the soil;
  • To increase income, it is necessary to operate with large volumes of products and constantly increase them.

What should you grow in greenhouses?

Experienced farmers believe that growing greens is the most promising option greenhouse business. Green crops grow quickly, their taste remains unchanged regardless of the growing method.

Among the crops in particular demand are:

  1. . Hybrid varieties that do not form bulbs are suitable for growing for greens. A variety of varieties are planted in greenhouses: batun, slime, chives. Plants are not too demanding on lighting, but need a large amount of complex mineral and organic fertilizers. Green onions can be grown hydroponic or aeroponic.
  2. . Very productive, grows quickly and requires frequent cutting. Growing requires good humidity and lighting.
  3. Parsley. For cultivation in greenhouses, ordinary leaf and curly parsley is used, which is in great demand in stores. Very demanding on soil nutrition, watering and lighting. At lower temperatures, growth stops.
  4. . Any variety is suitable for cultivation, but the fast-growing Iceberg, Oakleaf, and Frize varieties are especially popular. Lettuce grows well in hydroponics and requires plenty of fertilizer and water.

A very promising direction is growing greens in miniature plastic pots. These containers are placed in cassettes and can significantly extend the life of greens on store shelves.

Dill, lettuce and parsley in pots attract attention and are readily sold out.

Cost price this method of cultivation is almost equal to traditional, and the markups for this type of product are significantly higher. In pots you can grow not only the usual greens, but also a variety of herbs: mint, lemon balm, anise, rosemary, thyme.

Greenhouse equipment

Industrial greenhouses are most often use hydroponic technologies. They can significantly save space and reduce the cost of finished products. Plants are grown in liquid nutrient solutions, without the use of soil.

Hydroponic technologies significantly accelerates the growth of greenery, the plants have a beautiful appearance. Unlike vegetables, greens grown hydroponically do not develop a watery taste.

Another option - soil cultivation in tiers. Along the walls of the greenhouses there are racks with a nutrient substrate into which the seeds are sown. Rack growing makes it possible to save on heating costs by increasing the number of plants per square meter. m greenhouse.

Greenhouse equipped with a ventilation system and heating. Industrial greenhouses are heated using pipes laid underground. To reduce electric heating costs, innovative methods are actively used: biofuels, solar panels, and the use of infrared cables. It is best to heat the structure in a combined way, using several methods at once.

An industrial greenhouse designed for soil cultivation must be equipped with a drip irrigation system. Lighting is also very important. Lamps under the ceiling are not enough; local lighting is needed for each tier of the rack.

To organize a continuous process, batch sowing is recommended. This allows you to harvest without overstocking. After harvest soil is mixed with fertilizers, carefully loosened, watered and sown with a new batch of seeds.

Expenses, income and profitability: calculation rules

When calculating profitability it is important to take into account all costs, both one-time and monthly. These include:

  • land lease;
  • registration of a legal entity;
  • construction and equipment of greenhouses;
  • purchase of planting material and fertilizers;
  • expenses for electricity and water;
  • payment of taxes;
  • salary of hired personnel;
  • packaging and labeling;
  • transportation costs for delivery of finished products.

Some expense items may be excluded from the estimate. For example, land owners will not spend money on rent, and small greenhouses do not need hired help, which excludes salary costs. Branded packaging is needed by large farms that have registered a trademark and sell through retail chains.

According to professional estimates, the cost of one polycarbonate greenhouse of 100,000 sq. m start from 100,000 rubles. 10,000 rubles will have to be spent on seed, at least 15,000 rubles will be required for heating.

Profit depends on the chosen crop and method of implementation. The most profitable option is to sell through retail stores or public catering chains. In the summer, a kilogram of greens can cost from 80,000 rubles; in winter, the price rises to 150,000 rubles. This growth is associated with a decrease in supply and a lack of competition from private farms.

The profitability of the greens growing business is not very high. According to various estimates, it ranges from 15 to 25%. An industrial greenhouse will pay for itself in 2-3 years, payback of a farm greenhouse medium size - 1.5-2 years. Profitability is significantly higher in regions with warm climates.

In the northern regions, the cost of greenhouse greens increases significantly, reducing profits. Well-established logistics, an increase in the sales network and a thoughtful approach to heating greenhouses will help reduce costs.

Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business - simple, but financially intensive process. A large initial investment is required to achieve success. Even before the construction of greenhouses began It’s worth thinking over a clear sales plan and calculate all upcoming costs. To begin with, it is worth building one small greenhouse as a training option. If the process goes well, you will be able to significantly expand your farm.

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Dill, the cultivation of which is widespread, can bring good income. After all, this is one of the most popular seasonings - it is rare that a housewife does not use fragrant dill in the daily preparation of various dishes, from salads to hot dishes. And there is no need to explain how much brighter and more interesting the taste of pickles and marinades to which dill umbrellas with seeds have been added becomes. Crispy pickled cucumbers with a slight specific aroma of dill are invariably a success as a universal cold appetizer!

If you have been thinking about starting your own business for a long time, but do not have an impressive start-up capital for this purpose, growing dill for sale will be the best option for a small profitable business:

The likelihood of losing the entire harvest is minimal, since dill is almost not susceptible to diseases and pests

  • this crop is unpretentious - to learn how to cultivate it, you do not need to be an experienced gardener; it is enough to follow the basic rules of planting and growing and provide the dill with suitable conditions for active growth;
  • dill greens are in constant demand at any time of the year, and even in the summer months, because not everyone has the opportunity and desire to grow dill on their own for personal needs;
  • investments in a dill cultivation business are minimal - the main expenses may be required to build a greenhouse of a suitable size (if you decide to grow dill in large volumes all year round), but the purchase of seeds, soil and fertilizers will cost a relatively small amount, and in the future you can use the seeds, collected from grown dill;
  • the likelihood of losing the entire harvest is minimal, since dill is almost not susceptible to diseases and pests;
  • This business option pays off quite quickly; the sale of dill brings especially good profits in early spring and before the New Year.

Of course, there are pitfalls here too. For example, cut greens have a short shelf life. But if you manage to establish constant sales of the grown dill, problems with selling wilted greens will not arise. Also, the disadvantages of the business include the difficulty of growing dill in winter - the plants require long daylight hours, which entails an increase in the cost of additional lighting.

Video about growing dill

Features of growing dill for sale

Some gardeners may have a question: how to grow dill suitable for sale, if even for your own needs you have to use thin, stubby bushes? How to achieve truly lush and fragrant greens that would have an attractive presentation? To do this, it is enough to follow several basic rules for cultivating dill, and it is advisable to grow dill for sale in a greenhouse - in such conditions the greens will be more beautiful, and it will be possible to harvest the harvest much longer. A thermos greenhouse will be especially effective, which, due to the solar collector and double coating, will save you from heating costs.

The greenhouse for sowing dill will need to be prepared in February, clearing it of snow along the entire perimeter. Cover the space around the greenhouse, as well as the greenhouse beds, with roofing felt or black film to attract heat and quickly warm the soil. So, by the beginning of March, the ground inside the greenhouse will thaw to a depth of fifteen centimeters, which is quite enough for such a cold-resistant crop as dill.

Before sowing, soak dill seeds for three days, but do not germinate, otherwise there will be difficulties with planting them in the soil, and young shoots may be damaged.

Growing dill

The technology is described in detail in the corresponding article on our website. You shouldn't have any particular difficulties:

  • scatter the soaked seeds in rows, sprinkling a little soil on top;
  • spray the plantings with warm water from a spray bottle, not allowing the soil to dry out completely;
  • pull out emerging weeds in a timely manner;
  • carefully loosen the soil to avoid the formation of a crust on the surface, through which it will be difficult for shoots to break through;
  • Thin out excess plants, providing sufficient space for stronger dill shoots
  • Feed the dill with nitrogen fertilizer at least once during the growing season.

The main thing you will need to consider when cultivating dill for sale is that you do not try to sow the entire area of ​​the greenhouse beds with a continuous carpet in order to get maximum profit. When planted in furrows, dill will receive more light and will grow more luxuriantly.

Growing dill in a greenhouse

It is better to choose early-ripening varieties (for example, the most popular Gribovsky). To continuously obtain fresh herbs, do not forget to sow dill, focusing on the ripening time of each variety. So, if you plant dill in early March, the first greens can be obtained in mid-April, and if you sow seeds on April 20, the dill harvest will be ready by the end of May, etc.

You may not even use the soil to sow the seeds, but instead of the traditional cultivation method, prefer growing dill hydroponically. This method involves cultivating vegetable (and any other) plants on a neutral substrate, into which a special solution is supplied with all the chemical elements necessary for the plant. Dill does not waste energy extracting nutrients from the ground and does not develop a large root system. As a result, foliage grows faster and better, while remaining environmentally friendly and healthy. To grow dill using hydroponics, it is recommended to use perlite or vermiculite as a substrate and use the periodic flooding method.

Harvesting and selling dill

When the dill greens are ready for sale, water the beds generously about five hours before harvesting. This will make it more convenient to dig up the plants with a shovel and clear the dill roots from the soil. Rinse the plant's root system and place the dill, leaves side up, in a waterproof container, tightly filling all available space. To keep the greens fresh longer, you can pour water with fertilizers dissolved in it into the container and put an aspirin tablet. In such conditions, at a storage temperature no higher than +10 degrees, the dill will remain fresh and will not lose its presentation within a week.

Video about growing dill in a film greenhouse

When growing plants, they do not pull out the roots, but carefully cut off the required amount of greenery, so that a little later you can once again harvest from the remaining bushes.

Dill greens can be sold by the kilogram or knitted into bunches from sprigs. The only disappointment is the low price of such a product; however, any produce from the garden is quite cheap. Therefore, to obtain a decent income, you need to look for wholesale buyers and buy in volume.

The agricultural business is now increasingly gaining momentum. The authorities strongly support initiatives in this area; moreover, often this area of ​​earning money does not require such terrible investments as, for example, opening your own clothing factory, bakery or cosmetics company. There is also always a great demand for agricultural products, because good healthy food is something without which a person cannot exist. Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business is an excellent option for investing savings in order to get a good income. How profitable is it, how to start it and how not to go bankrupt in the pursuit of wealth?

By greens we mean several types of cultivated plants that are grown in any summer cottage and without which the creation of culinary masterpieces is rarely complete. These are parsley, onions, dill, lettuce, spinach and other crops. These plants, or rather their green part, have always been in demand in the food market and find their consumers all year round. Even in the summer, when the majority grows them in the country, there are people who do not like to delve into greenhouses and beds and purchase such products in the store. And in winter, greens are sold for quite a lot of money, and the demand for it does not subside.

Greens are a product rich in various nutrients and beneficial substances, the contents of which are known not only to you, but also to your customers. And they will strive to constantly acquire greens. Question - do you have it? Competition in this business niche is very high, and your competitors are not only grandmothers near the markets selling products from their gardens, but also real “bigwigs” of green business.

Profitable business - growing greens for sale

The greens growing business can go two ways.

  1. Growing greens “for yourself” and selling the surplus. In this case, especially if you have a personal plot, starting a business is not difficult, since the investment will be minimal. But this option will not bring big profits - it is pointless to hope for an immediate good income.
  2. Organization of a real farm where greens will be grown only for sale. This option will require immediate and quite large investments, since it implies year-round cultivation of the product.

On a note! Most greens are very unpretentious to growing conditions, are not afraid of cool weather, do not require super-expensive fertilizing, and grow quickly. But you need to have time to sell it before it loses its marketable appearance. For this, in addition to the greenhouse, special storage facilities may be needed.

Agricultural business involves obtaining permits for this area of ​​activity. If you decide to start a business with the first option and move towards implementing the second, you can do without them. But in this case, selling goods through stores will not work - you can sell it either yourself on a spontaneous market or to resellers.

But if you open an individual entrepreneur, you will become an entrepreneur who will be able to independently manage his goods and enter into contracts for the supply of products.

On a note! Agricultural entrepreneurs will not have to pay taxes on general terms. There is a Unified Agricultural Tax for them. This is a single tax designed for those who carry out activities of this kind. His rate is only 6% of net profit.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's summarize and determine the main advantages and disadvantages of growing greens in order to make money.

The advantages of this type of business:

  • Anyone can grow greens for sale, even those without special gardening knowledge;
  • the first profit comes quickly, as the greenery grows and develops at high speed;
  • there is an opportunity to use the Unified Agricultural Tax system;
  • small investments at first if you plan to grow greens at home or in the summer;
  • good demand for the product;
  • there is the possibility of gradually developing and expanding the business as funds accumulate, and you can start growing greens right away.

Disadvantages of a greens growing business:

  • high competition in the market;
  • to grow greens all year round on an industrial scale, you need;
  • it is impossible to sell this product through stores without obtaining permits;
  • short shelf life of greens.

Looking at people earning big money in the gardening industry, you involuntarily begin to think about creating your own business. - one of the most profitable ideas in the field of entrepreneurship related to gardening.

Profitability, sales

Sales of greens can be done in several ways:

  • to restaurants, cafes, canteens and other catering establishments;
  • through our own retail outlets;
  • through resellers;
  • to the shops.

At the same time, in order to sell in retail stores, you need to obtain various sanitary documents. But in the event of a sale on the market, you can get away with demonstrating documents about the presence of a household plot.

Advice! Greens must be sorted by size before selling. Then she looks pretty.

But selling greens in large volumes is always quite difficult due to high competition. Try to win the trust of the buyer not only by dumping prices, but also by the quality of the products - let your greens be beautifully packaged, fresh and green. This is exactly the case when it is better not to be greedy, but to sell only fresh products.

On a note! The profitability of “green” businesses is quite high. Sometimes it even reaches 500%. But don’t be mistaken about some of the numbers - from 1 m2 you will not collect the declared 4-5 kg ​​of greens (they write about this on many sites). The actual volume of products from such a territory is about 2-3 kg.

What greens are best to grow?

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. But it is best to cultivate those species that are always in demand.

Table. Types of greens and features of their cultivation.

ViewFeatures of growing for sale

Many people believe that green onions are the best variety for growing herbs for sale. But this is far from true. Parsley and dill can also bring considerable profit. To grow onions, you need fairly large areas and good but moderate lighting. The crop must be harvested and sold quickly, as it quickly loses its marketable appearance. Therefore, you should not make onions the main crop grown.

These crops can be grown in combination, since they are similar in terms of the required care conditions and feel great next to each other. This option is optimal for starting a business growing greens. These crops are not capricious, they are easily sold and last longer than onions. Yes, and they grow very quickly.

Rare crops are on our table, and therefore it will be more difficult to sell them. You can also try making spices from them and selling them. They are not suitable for starting a business for a beginner in the world of gardening, as they are capricious and are not in great demand.

Many people love the salad; it is suitable for decorating dishes. There is a good demand for it and it bears fruit well. But caring for it is more labor-intensive than caring for onions or dill.

The requirements for growing conditions are similar to lettuce. The first harvest can be obtained approximately 30 days after sowing. It sells significantly worse than other crops.

On a note! You can grow several types of greens at once in one greenhouse or room. The main thing is that the requirements of the cultures are similar to each other, and that you find time to look after everyone.

Growing greens

There are three main ways to grow greens for sale:

  • in the apartment;
  • in a greenhouse;
  • in the garden plot.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The best option is a heated, insulated greenhouse, which will make it possible to grow greens all year round. The main disadvantage of this method is the high initial costs. But this option will allow you to immediately get a large harvest of greenery.

Growing greens in your apartment is as easy as shelling pears, and you can do it throughout the year. The costs are low, but you won’t be able to expand widely (of course, if you don’t have a five-room apartment).

Growing greens in a garden plot also does not involve large expenses, and besides, there is plenty of room to expand. The downside is that the business is seasonal; you won’t be able to grow anything in the winter.

Let's consider the technology of growing onions and dill as the most popular crops.

Dill is sown in the beds in even rows with row spacing of 10 cm. You can also use continuous sowing technology. Seeds are sown in grooves made in the soil about 3 cm deep. The approximate sowing density is about 2 g of seeds per 1 m 2. In a greenhouse, the harvest can be obtained constantly, and on the plot - at least 2 times a year. The greens are cut when the plants reach 12-13 cm. Dill must receive enough light to grow well, and the air temperature in the room should not be lower than +15 degrees.

Onions can be planted in beds or in separate pots. Usually small onions weighing about 30 g are used. Onions are planted in rows with a distance between them of about 45 cm. They are buried in the ground to a depth of about 3-5 cm and, while caring for them, wait for shoots to appear. Feathers are cut when they grow to 20 cm.

On a note! Onions can be grown in individual pots and sold directly from them. This is one of the new and interesting business ideas.

Lettuce is also sown in rows. Usually the leaf variety of this crop is chosen, since it is in greatest demand. Lettuce is sown in beds with row spacing of 20 cm, and in the row the distance between seeds is maintained at about 3 cm. The sowing density is no more than 0.5 g per 1 m 2. The first harvest occurs approximately a month after planting. For lettuce to grow well, the soil needs to be loosened, weeded and abundantly watered.

Parsley is usually grown from seeds. Sowing density is about 2 g per 1 m2. The technology is exactly the same as in the case of growing dill. Parsley grows well; it is one of those crop varieties that can immediately produce a rich harvest.

Sample business plan

Let's try to calculate a rough business plan for growing greens. As an example, you can choose green onions, which we will plant in boxes standing 2-3 stories high. You can place the shelving in the house, saving on a greenhouse, but it is better to purchase it right away. Our calculation can also be projected onto a greenhouse. In total, we get about 30 m2 of landing area in a small room of 20 m2. Let's solve our problem.

Step 1. We count the expenses. Seed onions are sold in kilograms, for example, 15 rubles per 1 kg at a wholesale warehouse. We need about 10 kg to plant it tightly on 1 m2. In total, for 30 m2 we will purchase 300 kg of onions for 4,500 rubles.

Step 2. We purchase containers - boxes and boxes. They can be collected for free in stores. In greenhouses, you can make beds with your own hands.

Step 3. Approximately 2,000 rubles will be spent on fertilizers monthly.

Step 4. Onions need light, and the cost of lamps is about 10,000 rubles.

Step 5. Payment for electricity and water for irrigation is 2500-3500 rubles.

Step 6. Removal of products will cost approximately 5,000 rubles.