Window production management. Specialized solution for window business Program for window company

Currently, the market for translucent structures is characterized by intense competition. Companies with serious plans rely on technology modernization and process automation. The main focus is on improving production lines.
The specialized market is also quite developed. software. However, almost all of the presented products are positioned primarily as design products intended for the preparation of design and installation documentation. In many window programs, additional functionality is implemented (warehouse accounting, optimization of cutting, mutual settlements with contractors), but in practice these capabilities are not used. Thus, automation plans for most window companies limited to the purchase of a production line and the installation of a modern design program.

Automation of a window company

For companies producing customized products, an equally important task is to improve order processing technology as a whole. In this regard, issues arise such as reducing order processing time, end-to-end monitoring of order statuses throughout the entire promotion chain, accurate production planning and dispatch of work at the client (measurement, installation, service). Have you asked yourself these questions:

  • How to organize and coordinate the interaction of departments, plan the work of production and installation?
  • Are all production costs taken into account in the planned cost?
  • Are you satisfied with the current planning system in the company? Money and sales forecasting?
  • Do you have the opportunity to get a snapshot of all the company's key performance indicators?
  • Are motivation schemes for workers and managers effective enough?
  • Is your work with clients transparent from applications to installation?
  • Do you think that you have all the tools to support management decision making?

We invite you to look at increasing the competitiveness of your company from the outside optimization of management processes. The software product Oknosoft: Window Production Management is aimed primarily at solving management problems. In addition to standard mechanisms for managing mutual settlements, tracking financial flows, analyzing sales, actual costs and others, the solution includes technologies specific to manufacturers of window structures. This is a system for dispatching the execution of each order and managing the window company as a whole. It is based on the successful circulation products “1C: Enterprise 8 “Trade Management” and “1C: Enterprise 8 “Complex Automation”. There is an assembly of Oknosoft with "1C: Enterprise 8 "Manufacturing Enterprise Management"

The efficiency of managing the company's activities using standard solutions 1C has been confirmed by many companies. With this functionality you can use mechanisms such as:

  • Sales management;
  • Purchasing, inventory management, warehouse accounting;
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM);
  • Report to the manager and analytical reports.

Our experience of cooperation with manufacturers of translucent structures has allowed us to improve and supplement the following subsystems:

  • Control life cycle order (planning and control of measurements, production, SGP and installation);
  • Accounting for the actual cost of production, direct and indirect costs;
  • Tracking the status of contracts and orders;
  • Flexible integration with technological program(Superwindows, AluRol, Schucal, Klaes, WH-Windows, Profstroy, XLS)
  • Prompt setting of planned prices for items;
  • Formation of requirements - invoices in accordance with the production plan;
  • Formation of requirements for materials for ordered products;
  • Cash management (payment calendar, cash flow analysis);
  • Calculation of piecework wages for workers and installers based on data from the dispatcher’s workplace
  • Accrual of commissions to the manager (% of the planned margin or % of profit)
  • Accounting for advances, mutual settlements with employees and accountable persons, credits and loans
  • Quick to learn
    • The program combines quick learning for the unprepared and high speed works for experienced users
    • Users of the program can use its functionality step by step. Having started working with solving individual problems, for example, accounting for cash flows, you can later move on to fully using the program’s functionality
  • Information and technical support
    • We conclude an agreement for information and technical support after implementation and provide free updates to program releases throughout the year
  • Open source
    • The source code of the program is designed in compliance with 1C development standards
    • Maintenance and modification of the program can be carried out both by our specialists and by programmers of your enterprise or partners of 1C company

Any window business, be it a manufacturer or a dealer, sooner or later faces the need for comprehensive and holistic management - management of all departments of your production, sales, and after-sales service.

You, as a manager, need to see the work of your entire window “organism” in full view.

Today, hundreds and thousands of different CRM systems have been developed. But the question is, is there anything among them that is suitable for your window business?

After all, you must agree that window production requires a specialized CRM program that can solve all the problems that arise in the production of windows and other related products.

While researching the software market, we tested and researched many ready-made solutions. However, none of them satisfied the needs of window production.

Therefore, having understood the needs of “window workers” and structuring the collected information base, we have developed our own CRM system.

Its successful implementation, configuration, and integration into window production showed that our CRM system solved all the problems of window manufacturers:

  • maintaining a client base;
  • placing orders;
  • maintaining a database of counterparties;
  • establishment of components;
  • accurate price calculation;
  • application of a system of discounts and markups;
  • accounting of business balances;
  • cutting optimization module;
  • warehouse management.

To date, we have implemented 100% successful projects in more than 40 enterprises. On average, it took us 1-2 days to solve the problem. Next we compose technical task Taking into account your requirements and assigned tasks, this is an average of 3-4 days. And the further implementation of the project was, as a rule, one month.

Thus, within a month you will receive a comprehensive project to automate your turnkey production.

An important, relevant and popular point is that our CRM is very flexible and can be easily customized for any production.

We will train your employees to use the program. We also provide technical support 24 hours a day.

Country support:
operating system:Windows
Family: Universal Accounting System
Purpose: Business automation

Window production management

In other languages:

Main features of the program:

    You can make any product using any materials or semi-finished products

    For each product, you can create a cost estimate so that the program automatically calculates the amount of required raw materials

    It is possible to see the cost of each product produced

    The supply department can receive raw materials and transfer them to Production Department and write off

    The program can work with any number of warehouses and departments

    You will have a single customer database with all the necessary contact information

    All orders will be stored in a database, based on their quantity it will be possible to plan production volume

    Orders can be arranged according to routes, which will be printed out to drivers

    Every day you can receive manufactured products to the warehouse finished products, comparing the planned consumption of raw materials with the actual

    You can attach any files to each order, for example, with an order layout

    Each service can be divided into specific works and stages and can be easily controlled

    You will be able to track the execution of work by your employees and monitor their effectiveness

    All departments will interact with each other as a single successful mechanism

    The program is capable of average production indicators show how many days of continuous operation the raw materials in stock will last

    You will be able to keep full financial records: post income, any expenses, see profits and view various analytical reports

    to the screen




    for staff

    for clients

    You can quickly enter the initial data necessary for the program to work. This is done using convenient manual data entry or import.

    The program interface is so easy that even a child can quickly figure it out.

Language of the basic version of the program: RUSSIAN

You can also order an international version of the program, into which you can enter information in ANY LANGUAGE of the world. You can even easily translate the interface yourself, since all the names will be placed in a separate text file.

Window production management begins with automation of the production itself. Software "Universal Accounting System" for automation manufacturing enterprises meets all requirements for window production. This is, first of all, production accounting plastic windows, which will be conducted in real time, in accordance with established rules and official calculation methods approved for the industry producing plastic windows.

Automation of window production is accompanied by a reduction in costs not only for accounting and time costs for completing this procedure, but also for many others, since the window production program assumes high responsibilities - quality control over all stages of plastic window production, raw material consumption management and others consumables, fittings, time management of each production operation, time management of enterprise employees, management financial activities and even the administrative apparatus.

Automation of the production of plastic windows significantly increases the profitability of the enterprise by reducing labor costs, increasing productivity, and reducing the cost of plastic windows, which already indicates a significant increase in profits. The program “Production of PVC Windows” is installed on the enterprise’s computers by USU specialists, who previously agree on the features of such production with the enterprise’s specialists for the correct display of production processes in the program and the same correct management of them.

It should be noted that the program for window production, developed by USU, differs from all other similar software products in its simple interface, easy navigation and clear distribution of information across the menu. These qualities allow you to instantly master the program without any preparation, regardless of the user’s skill level. And the scope of their responsibilities will be small - enter data as they perform their duties into electronic magazines, everyone will have their own - the window production program provides for the division of rights in accordance with the powers granted to the user, which means the division of everyone’s area of ​​responsibility within the framework of the work performed. The user himself is responsible for the correctness of his data.

However, the program for managing the production of plastic windows does not leave this process to chance; it provides the manager with access to employee work logs to control their activities and condition production process. The audit function it uses allows you to quickly check the latest data and corrected previous ones for compliance with the real state of affairs at the enterprise. The division of rights to own proprietary information is implemented in the “PVC Window Production” program by assigning individual logins and passwords to users.

The program for managing the production of plastic windows has, as noted above, a simple menu - three structural blocks Modules, Directories and Reports. The work begins with Directories, consisting of several internal folders where information about the enterprise itself and its production is located. For example, here they choose a working language - one or more, a currency - also one or more (this depends on the territory of interaction with customers), indicate sources of income and expense items, list employees, structural divisions, warehouses, own stores, if they exist, branches, etc. And here a product line is formed, which presents the full range of raw materials and materials with which the enterprise for the production of plastic windows works, finished products, etc. Each position has its own characteristics to take into account each item and quantity .

In the Modules block, the management and accounting program concentrates the working documents of the personnel, where they enter data, forms a client base, a database of orders received both for the production of plastic windows and for preliminary calculations. To divide orders by priority, they are assigned statuses corresponding to the order status on this moment, and are highlighted in color to visually draw attention to those that require urgency. This block contains current financial information - reports on income and expenses for the period, each with detailed information on responsible persons, dates, amounts, etc.

In the Reports block, the accounting and management program places statistical and analytical reporting intended for top management, since automatically generated reports and summaries clearly demonstrate the successes and failures of a plastic window production enterprise - they show not only weaknesses in the organization of processes, but also show which parameter negatively affects the company’s profit. The behavior of all indicators can be tracked a long period, to assess the randomness of this result or its stability and make the necessary adjustments.

The program can be used by:

By watching the following video, you can quickly familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the USU program - the Universal Accounting System. If you don't see what's uploaded to YouTube video, be sure to write to us, we will find another way to show the demo video!

After watching this video, you can quickly familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the USU program - the Universal Accounting System. If you do not see the video uploaded to YouTube, be sure to write to us, we will find another way to show the demo video!

Download production accounting software

Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation for free at PowerPoint format and demo version. Moreover, the demo version has certain limitations: in terms of use time and functionality.

Download production accounting software

Below are the download links. You can download a free PowerPoint presentation of the software and a demo version. Moreover, the demo version has certain limitations: in terms of use time and functionality.

After watching this video, you can quickly familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the USU program - the Universal Accounting System. If you do not see the video uploaded to YouTube, be sure to write to us, we will find another way to show the demo video!

Download production accounting software

Below are the download links. You can download a free PowerPoint presentation of the software and a demo version. Moreover, the demo version has certain limitations: in terms of use time and functionality.

Monitoring and control capabilities of the window production system

  • Block Modules designed for operational activities, is the only one where users are allowed to work, here they are workplace and work logs with data;
  • Organized automated system warehouse accounting optimizes warehouse activities, reducing overstocking by forecasting the period of supply of plastic raw materials;
  • Managing current inventories allows you to replenish them on time, automatically prepare requests for suppliers, calculating required amount, determine the volume of products;
  • The management and accounting system is used by everyone structural divisions, branches and warehouses, as it creates a unified information space for work;
  • Management and accounting software creates a common working network and provides remote access when an Internet connection is available and works without it when hosted locally;
  • The management and accounting system allows for the work of many users at the same time without conflicting data storage, it provides multi-user access;
  • The management and accounting system generates a complete package of accompanying documentation when placing an order for plastic window products for the client, staff, driver;
  • The management and accounting system generates a complete package of documentation at the end of the period, including industry reports with statistical data, financial document flow, etc.;
  • The management and accounting system uses the auto-fill function in the preparation of all types of documentation, freely operating with its own information and forms as intended;
  • The management and accounting system uses a CRM system in working with clients, which can regulate the frequency of contacts with them, compiles a daily to-do list for all employees, reminding about urgent work in pop-up windows;
  • The management and accounting system uses SMS messages and e-mails when working with clients to organize advertising and information mailings, using different formats sending;
  • The management software works with several databases, the participants of which are divided into categories for convenient work with them, lists of all categories are attached to each database;
  • Management software offers the same tools for managing information in each database, including contextual search, multiple grouping and filters;
  • Management software easily integrates with warehouse equipment, thereby speeding up audit and inventory procedures and final reconciliation of values;
  • Management software has a fixed cost and is not included in the offer. subscription fee, the cost can be increased by adding additional services.