Training aircraft L 39. Domestic weapons and military equipment. What to take with you

Czechoslovakia has never been a great aviation power, but membership in the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) and the Warsaw Pact Organization (WTO) made this country a leader in the production of training aircraft in the 60-80s. There is no doubt that light jet aircraft of this class could be created and produced in the Soviet Union, but the Soviet aviation industry, unlike in modern times, was already overloaded with orders, and there was a serious need to support and develop the aviation industry of the countries of the socialist camp.

For a long time, the main jet trainer of the USSR Air Force was the MiG-15UTI. This machine was produced in large quantities and was used in the Soviet Air Force and DOSAAF until the early 80s. However, in terms of efficiency, avionics and flight safety, it did not fully meet the requirements of initial flight training. The Czechoslovakian L-29 Delfin, created in 1956, was recognized as the winner of the competition for a jet trainer for ATS countries. The competition also included the Polish PZL TS-11 Iskra and the Soviet Yak-30. This decision was largely due to political reasons: representatives of the USSR Air Force believed that the Yakovlev Design Bureau’s vehicle was better and had greater potential for further improvement. As a result, Soviet pilots were trained on the L-29 Delfin, and the Poles preferred their own TS-11 Iskra. After the victory of “Dolphin” in the competition, the creation and construction of the training center became the prerogative of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (Czechoslovak Socialist Republic) among the CMEA member countries.

The Dolphin, being very easy to fly and unpretentious to maintain, marked a new era in pilot training and quickly became a favorite among aviators. At the same time, the aircraft had a number of shortcomings, and attempts to eliminate them demonstrated that the L-29 had very few reserves for modernization. In addition, the improvement of combat aviation put forward new requirements for the training of young pilots. Thus, the need for a new TCB arose.

The terms of reference for the new jet training aircraft were prepared by the USSR Ministry of Defense, but the official customer was the Ministry of National Defense (MHO) of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. In particular, it was necessary, while maintaining the advantages of the L-29, to ensure greater thrust-to-weight ratio and reliability, and to reduce preparation time for departure. It was indicated that the maximum flight speed could be no more than 700 km/h. The instructor and cadet cockpits were required to be as close as possible to the cockpit of a modern fighter in terms of their layout and instrumentation. The empty weight of the aircraft was limited to 3400 kg. The new aircraft was supposed to be used in schools for all types of flight training, including initial training.

The creation of a new training facility was entrusted to the national enterprise Aero Vodochody. This Czechoslovak aircraft factory was built in 1953 near the village of Vodochody, 20 km north of Prague. Since then, there has been serial production of jet aircraft, both Soviet licensed and those created in Czechoslovakia. The MiG-15, MiG-19S, MiG-21F-13 and L-29 fighter jets were assembled there.

Initially, the aircraft, designated L-39 Albatros, was to use two engines, which was preferable from a reliability point of view. But, on the other hand, this would inevitably increase the weight, cost of the aircraft, preparation time for departure and fuel consumption. As a result, the customer was convinced that one engine was sufficient, especially since the degree of reliability of the new turbojet engines was already very high. After comparative tests of the Czechoslovakian M-720 with a thrust of up to 2500 kgf and the AI-25TL bypass engine with a thrust of 1720 kgf, created at the Progress ZMKB under the leadership of A.G. Ivchenko, the choice was made in favor of the second option. It was not a matter of pressure from the Soviet side: the M-720 was too big for a light training device, and besides, after bench tests it became clear that its development could not be completed quickly. It was assumed that the production of engines would be carried out by the Prague company Motorlet, but in the end the AI-25TL for the Albatross began to be built in Zaporozhye.

After factory tests in Czechoslovakia, state tests began in the USSR in May 1973. Soviet pilots had a favorable opinion of the car. They noted that, in general, the L-39 meets the requirements for a single jet trainer aircraft designed to train pilots at all stages. Among the positive qualities of the aircraft, special attention was paid to the proximity of the working conditions in the cockpits of the instructor and the trainee to the cockpits of combat vehicles, excellent visibility from both workplaces, a good rescue system, the ability to start the engine without the help of ground devices, as well as training in the basics of combat use. With the flaps retracted, the landing approach was similar to the MiG-21. The aircraft had good aerobatic qualities, allowing it to perform the entire range of aerobatic maneuvers.

In addition to the advantages, a number of disadvantages were noted: a shorter flight range compared to the specified one, increased landing speed and run length. We were not completely satisfied with the characteristics of the aircraft in recovering from a spin, which subsequently required modifications to the nose and vertical tail. The power plant turned out to be the weakest point of the aircraft. Due to problems with gas-dynamic stability, reaching high angles of attack threatened with surging and overheating of the turbine. The AI-25TL engine has low throttle response; it reaches “maximum” in 9-12 s. The pilot actually could not count on a rapid increase in thrust when maneuvering and landing; difficulties also arose when practicing group flying. Despite the identified shortcomings, the Albatross was recommended for adoption by the USSR Air Force to equip flight schools with it.

Mass production of the L-39 at the Aero-Vodokhody enterprise began in 1974. In the USSR Air Force, the first L-39C aircraft began to operate in 1975 at the 105th UAP of the Chernigov Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots. The aircraft in many ways surpassed its predecessor, the L-29, and quickly won the sympathy of pilots and technicians. The new training device was distinguished by excellent visibility from workplaces, a good air conditioning system, and good ergonomics.

Performance characteristics of the L-39С aircraft

But at the same time, the decision to use the Albatross as an initial flight training aircraft can hardly be considered completely justified. For a cadet with absolutely no initial flying skills, the L-39 was too strict and fast. The cadets were trusted to perform their first independent flight after 35-40 extraction flights, and some required much more. However, the flights were short, and the export program, as a rule, did not exceed 20 hours. When practicing landing, many novice pilots experienced difficulties due to changes in the nature of the aircraft's controllability at low speeds. In cruising modes, the car quickly responded to deviations of the handle and pedals, but on landing it became sluggish. Errors during landings were common: high alignment, overshoots, “goats,” but the Albatross had a sufficient margin of safety and, as a rule, everything ended well.

To practice the skills of using weapons, the aircraft was equipped with an ASP-ZNMU-39 aviation rifle sight (in the front cockpit), an FKP-2-2 photocontrol device, two simulators of controlled I-318 on APU-13M1 launchers, two wing beam holders L39M-317 or L39M-118, on which it was possible to suspend aerial bombs weighing 50-100 kg or UB-16-57 NAR units.

The training program provided for the cadet to receive 100-120 hours of flight time. In addition to mastering takeoff and landing, it included en-route and instrument flights under a curtain, and mastering the elements of combat use. Future fighters were necessarily taught the basics of intercepting air targets from the ground. Air combat techniques were practiced with aiming using an optical sight and target acquisition by the homing heads of R-ZU training missiles. Cadets from all schools practiced “ground work” using 57-mm NAR S-5 and 50-kg training bombs.

Very quickly, the L-39C trainer became one of the most popular aircraft in the USSR Air Force. The plane “Russified” and was not perceived as foreign. The Latin letter “L” in the designation was immediately replaced by the Russian “L”. The letter “C” indicating a modification completely disappeared, since only one modification of the vehicle was used in the USSR. And the proper name “Albatross” was practically not used, much more often the slang nickname “Elka”. The aircraft were received by most flight schools: Kachinsk, Chernigov, Kharkov, Armavir, Barnaul, Yeisk, Borisoglebsk, Tambov, Krasnodar. These schools trained pilots for front-line fighter regiments and air defense forces, fighter-bomber and front-line bomber aviation. The number of training regiments was significantly higher than the combat ones, and in some of them the number of Albatrosses exceeded a hundred.

Training L-39Cs were also available in the Centers for combat training and retraining of flight personnel, in a separate training and testing regiment of the USSR Cosmonaut Training Center, and in the units of the Civil Aviation Research Institute of the Air Force. A small number of Eloks were transferred to DOSAAF flying clubs and training centers. Outside the law enforcement agencies, the Elkami were located at the LII MAP (Zhukovsky near Moscow); they were also available at the Test Pilot School. Albatrosses were used as flying laboratories and escort aircraft when testing new aircraft.

The L-39 aircraft has become one of the most widely used jet trainers, occupying an honorable fourth place in terms of the number of aircraft produced after the American T-33, Soviet MiG-15UTI and L-29 Delfin. In total, more than 2,950 production vehicles were built. The most widespread modification was the L-39C, produced in the amount of 2280 units. Of these, the USSR received 2080 aircraft. In addition to the USSR, the L-39C training equipment was available in the Air Forces of Afghanistan, Vietnam, Cuba and Czechoslovakia. Based on the L-39C, the L-39V target towing vehicle was produced in a small series, but this modification was not supplied to the USSR. Since the mid-50s, the Soviet Air Force has used the Il-28 bomber to tow air targets.

Despite the fact that the Albatross was developed as a training aircraft, it had a certain strike potential. Of course, such a use case for the USSR Air Force was irrelevant, but many “third world” countries that did not have a large and modern aircraft fleet seriously considered the UTS as light attack aircraft. Moreover, the L-29 already had such experience. During the Yom Kippur War in 1973, after the breakthrough of Israeli mobile units through the Suez Canal, which was unexpected for the Arabs, the Egyptians were forced to throw into battle training aircraft equipped with NAR and free-falling bombs.

In 1975, a version of the L-39ZO (Zbrojni - armed) aircraft was created, with a reinforced wing and four external hardpoints. The creation of a variant with expanded strike capabilities began at the request of Libya. In the 80s, this aircraft was delivered to the GDR (52 aircraft), Iraq (81 aircraft), Libya (181 aircraft) and Syria (55 aircraft). Serial production of this model ended in 1985. A year later, a modification of the light two-seat attack aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft L-39ZA appeared, which was a further development of the L-39ZO aircraft. The vehicle had four underwing and one ventral suspension units, as well as a reinforced wing and landing gear structure. The mass of the combat load at five nodes is 1100 kg. In addition to the NAR and free-falling bombs, a 23-mm GSh-23L cannon with 150 rounds of ammunition is suspended under the fuselage. For self-defense from enemy fighters and combat against helicopters, it is possible to mount two K-13 or R-60 air combat missile systems.

L-39ZO aircraft were received by the air forces of Algeria (32), Bulgaria (36), Czechoslovakia (31), Nigeria (24), Romania (32), Syria (44) and Thailand (28). A variant of the L-39ZA aircraft with western avionics (in particular, with an indicator on the windshield and a digital processor for the weapons control system) was designated L-39ZA/MP. Production of the L-39ZA ended in 1994. In the same 1994, the L-39ZA/ART appeared with avionics from the Israeli company Elbit; this version was specially developed for the Thai Air Force. In total, in addition to the most widespread modification of the L-39С, 516 Albatrosses with expanded strike capabilities were built. "Elki" were in service with the Air Force in more than 30 countries. And not all of them arrived legally: used aircraft from Eastern European countries and republics of the former USSR often ended up through third parties, in a roundabout way, in countries that have unresolved territorial disputes with neighbors or internal ethnopolitical conflicts.

To be continued…

Based on materials:

Czechoslovakia was deservedly called the forge of Europe: at its enterprises at different times, machines and equipment were created that were well known throughout the world and were distinguished by high reliability and original design solutions.

With the advent of jet aviation, training aircraft with economical turbojet engines were required for mass training of future pilots. In Czechoslovakia, such a training aircraft (TCA) has been developed since the mid-50s of the last century under the leadership of famous aircraft designers Zdenek Rublic and Karel Tomas. The development and launch of this vehicle into mass production under the designation L-29 “Dolphin” was led by engineer Jan Vlček, who took over the baton from his senior colleagues. In 1962, the national enterprise Vodohody, which was part of the Central Bohemian Engineering Plants, began mass production of the Dolphin. In 1963, the Let enterprise joined it. Until 1973, these enterprises built 3568 L-29. The creation of this aircraft was a major success for the Czechoslovak aviation industry and contributed to the continuation of work in this direction.

The design bureau, headed by Jan Vlček and lead designer Karl Dloug, proposed two more projects for advanced control systems in August 1964.

The first was a deep modernization of the production L-29 into the L-129 variant, intended for initial and basic training. The aircraft was the basis of a training complex, which also included flight simulators and ground control equipment (GTC). It was supplemented by the supersonic training vehicle L-39M1 “Makhtrener”.

The second project is the L-39 training vehicle in variants that differ in configuration. As part of the training complex, it was supplemented by training equipment, a flight simulator and a KPO.

In the proposed TC project, the design solutions corresponded to a typical single-engine fighter with a turbojet engine (TRD) of the Air Force of the Warsaw Pact countries. The crew was seated in tandem: the cadet was in the front cockpit, followed by the instructor. The aircraft was designed for possible operation from unpaved runways, which necessitated the placement of air intakes above the wing to prevent the entry of solid particles and water into the turbojet engine during takeoff. The wing had a pronounced sweep. Subsequently, end fuel tanks were installed on it, and before that the entire fuel supply was in the fuselage. The main landing gear with brake wheels was located under the wing, allowing for rough landings. All units have been designed to be easily accessible for replacement. The engine was attached to the front part of the fuselage, and the rear part, together with the tail unit, was removed like a cover.

The aircraft was designed for a Soviet or Czechoslovak turbojet engine with a thrust of about 2000 kgf with an axial compressor. After discussion, they chose the Soviet serial bypass turbojet engine AI-25, developed under the leadership of general designer A.G. Ivchenko for the Yak-40 passenger aircraft. A modification of this engine, known as AI-25V for the L-39 training unit, was carried out by the Mo-torlet company (formerly Walter), as indicated by the index B. The modified AI-25V differed from the basic AI-25 mainly in the oil system, modified for aerobatics, and from the later AI-25TL - with fewer high-pressure compressor stages. During bench tests of the AI-25V at Motorlet, significant sensitivity of the engine to the shape of the supply channel was revealed. The static thrust of the engine was 1400 kgf; its starting was provided by a starter-generator.

The first three prototypes flew with the AI-25V. In 1967-1968, the DTRD was tested on the Il-28 flying laboratory of the Research and Test Flight Institute (VZLU). The modified engine was installed in the rear of the fuselage in place of the gunner's cockpit.

Aerodynamic studies of the new aircraft were carried out in the VZLU wind tunnels in close collaboration with TsAGI scientists. The help of the Soviet side was not limited to this. Representatives of the Soviet Air Force actively participated in the work of mock-up commissions that resolved many issues regarding the cabin layout, accessibility and operational manufacturability of the aircraft. Initially, the forward part of the fuselage was conceived with two large hatches, providing convenient connection to the vehicle with the KL-39 KPO.

The main developer of the L-39 aircraft was the Vodokhody enterprise of the Aero production and economic association (PHO), where in January 1968 they completed the assembly of the airframe of the first flight prototype of the L-39 - X-02. Installation of aircraft systems continued until the end of the summer of 1968.

The X-02 had three anti-surge flaps behind the leading edge of the air intakes and a guide vane at its inlet; the wing center section had a pronounced transverse V. On October 28, 1968, the X-02 was rolled out to the factory airfield in Vodokhody to determine taxiing characteristics. Rudolf Duhon, who has been involved in this program from the very beginning, was appointed VZLU's lead test pilot for complex testing.

On November 4, R. Dukhon performed the first takeoff on the L-39 with the flaps retracted. He had to evaluate the control of the X-02 with the flaps fully extended at a safe altitude and, depending on the result of the check, land with the flaps retracted or extended. This test flight lasted 35 minutes. Having made sure that there were no problems with balancing, the pilot climbed to an altitude of about 1000 m and assessed the operation of the engine, the controllability of the machine with the flaps extended (they were jammed in the take-off position - the landing was made in the same position), aerodynamic brakes and landing gear, as well as at the minimum permissible speed.

After minor modifications, the aircraft was presented to the mock-up commission in early December 1968. During the run after the demonstration flight of the X-02, a tire on the left landing gear burst due to excessive braking, but the pilot was able to keep the prototype on the runway.

At the beginning of May 1969, Duhon first flew the second flight prototype X-03. It featured a modified fairing between the wing and fuselage. At the initial stages of testing prototypes X-02, 03 and 05 with the AI-25V DTRD, small anti-surge flaps located behind the air intake entrance were made of wood for their rapid modification. The stabilizer on the prototypes was made adjustable to select its optimal position.

At the beginning of June 1969, the X-03 was transferred to the first stage of factory flight tests, which lasted until November. The X-03 prototype, which was gradually expanding the boundaries of its flight ranges, was again joined by the X-02 in mid-May. After replacing the engine, it was used to check its operation. On the X-03 prototype, the air conditioning system was completed, and later the AI-25V engine and air intake devices were tested.

The flight characteristics of the L-39 were checked by pilots of the VZLU flight test department R. Duhon, J. Kunc and A. Oswald. During climb on one of the flights on the X-03, an unplanned release of the rear cockpit canopy occurred. Duhon, with a measurement technician in the open cockpit, was able to successfully complete the flight.

In September 1969, the X-05 was handed over for testing. During the first flights, we noticed cases of surging during overloads. The modifications made to the aircraft did not help get rid of this phenomenon. After the eighth flight under the test program, the engine was replaced on the plane, and the car was transferred again to factory tests, which had previously been carried out on the X-03.

At the end of April 1970, factory test pilot Juraj Szuc joined the tests of the L-39 on the next X-06 prototype, which was distinguished by enlarged engine air intakes, started by a Sapphire 5 air starter-generator, manufactured in Czechoslovakia under a French license. "Sapphire" increased the vehicle's autonomy, especially in winter.

During the test flights of the “six”, an unplanned test of the aircraft’s strength occurred: in July 1970, factory chief pilot Vlastimil David safely made an emergency landing on the ground with the landing gear retracted due to the left landing gear not coming out. The cause of the emergency landing was a defect in the rod holding the door.

In mid-May 1970, the X-05, after its paint had been restored and its instrumentation had been replaced, was presented for the second stage of factory testing. This stage included aerobatics, checking controllability in inverted flight and in a spin, determining the limitations of flight performance when pilot Juraj Szuc suffered a prolonged overload. As a result, a wave-like deformation appeared on the upper wing skin.

The wing was dismantled and sent to Let for repairs and local reinforcement. In mid-December 1970, 15 days ahead of schedule, pilot Yu. Shots completed the first flight on the X-07 prototype with the AI-25V engine.

By this time, based on the test results, it became clear that in order to fulfill some technical requirements it was necessary to increase the thrust of the turbojet engine. Of the two proposed engines - "Walter-Titan" and AI-25TL - they chose the Zaporozhye engine and at the beginning of 1971 they began preparatory work to install it on the aircraft.

Meanwhile, in February 1971, the fifth prototype was transferred to the Research and Testing Center 031 for military testing of flight characteristics. Before the summer, about a hundred test flights were performed on it.

In the summer of 1971, we moved on to the next stage of inspections - testing the rescue system. The ejection of the VS-1BRI seat from the second cockpit of the L-39 aircraft was first tested at the factory testing stage in November 1970, after which the system passed joint factory and military tests. The seat was tested on the MiG-15UTI and on the third prototype L-39 in its original form. During testing in June 1971, military test parachutists P. Suhomel and K. Plzak ejected from the X-03 in flight.

On the pre-production X-07 (the standard of the zero series), modifications were made to reduce the control force when the front wheel lifts off during take-off.

The front landing gear presented another kind of surprise: at certain speeds, vibrations occurred on it, known as “shimmies.” Chassis characteristics have been studied for quite some time; in December 1971, the X-03 aircraft was additionally equipped with rocket boosters, and on the X-07, a vibration damper was installed on the front support. However, this problem arose again after an increase in the gaps in the chassis elements, which appeared due to their wear. One of the reasons for the occurrence of “shimmies” was the shape of the tire tread grooves, which was solved by selecting the profile of the grooves: the central groove became noticeably wider than the two side ones.

In 1971, the Aero Vodokhody enterprise began preparations for serial production of the L-39, which, based on the results of a plant-wide competition, was given the name “Albatross” (the initial letter A indicated that it belonged to “Aero”). The first five production L-39s were handed over to pilots of the Czechoslovak Air Force on September 7. 1971. The production of aircraft of the zero and first series with the AI-25V engine for the Czechoslovak Air Force continued at the beginning of next year.

The official transfer of aircraft of these series for military acceptance took place in March 1972 at Vodokhody. After the flight to Slovakia, the Albatrosses were connected to test work at the Higher Military Flight School named after the Slovak People's Uprising in Kosice.

In October 1971, they completed the modification of the X-02 for the installation of the AI-25TL engine and began replacing the engine with the X-07. The X-07 first flew in March 1972, when factory testing of the X-02 with a new engine ended.

The X-07 underwent factory and partly military tests until mid-August 1972, performing 75 test flights in which the new power plant was evaluated. Greater thrust led to an improvement in the main characteristics: the rate of climb increased, the take-off run and the time to climb to a given altitude were reduced.

The design of the aircraft has undergone fundamental changes, both related to the installation of the AI-25TL engine, and in the course of evolution. After bench tests of the air conditioning system, it became clear that it needed to be equipped with a turbo-refrigeration unit (TCU) at the inlet. Replacing the power plant forced modifications to the TCU and the entire air conditioning system due to hotter air entering the system due to the 9th stage of the engine compressor.

The radio equipment of the aircraft was significantly changed: one part was modernized, and the other was modified according to specified operational and design requirements. Until mid-1978, the prototypes and first production aircraft were equipped with the RTL-11 communications radio station from the L-29 aircraft. Especially for the L-39, the VUST Prague company developed the RTL-31 radio station, tested on the X-03 at the beginning of 1972. Since mid-1978, the aircraft was equipped with a Soviet dual-band radio station R-832, which was first tested on the X-07. After its installation, the keel tip became shorter due to the lack of a radiating antenna in it.

At the end of 1971, the Kvant radar rangefinder was installed on the X-07 prototype to test the acquisition of air targets. Since mid-1978, Kvant was no longer installed on aircraft, as the Soviet Air Force abandoned it.

In parallel, testing of the RSBN-5S Iskra radio navigation system began on the X-07 prototype, first in a single-seat version and later in a double-seat version. This system began to be installed from the sixth aircraft of the first series.

Since 1980, aircraft for the USSR began to be equipped with the SDU-L-39 remote control system. Designers of on-board radio equipment solved two main problems: the first was the actual acquisition of radio units, the second was ensuring electromagnetic compatibility to ensure their normal operation. The RKL-4 radio compass antenna on the upper surface of the fuselage was redone several times. Static electricity caused a lot of trouble. The drainage of electrostatic charges was ensured by the convenient placement of a new type of dischargers on the trailing edge of the steering wheel and the ends of the stabilizer.

Changing the alignment of the aircraft after installing the DTRDAI-25TL on it and equipping it with an RV-5 radio altimeter required moving the battery to the instrument compartment in the forward part of the fuselage. Further rearrangement with the transfer of the RKL-41 radio compass led to a change in the electrical system.

On instructions from the Ministry of Defense of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, the Aero Vodokhody enterprise developed the L-39V aircraft for towing the KT-04 training artillery target. The single-seat version of the Albatross had an unpressurized cabin: a towing winch drum with a steel cable with a diameter of 5 mm was installed in the rear cabin. The winch was driven by an L-03 pressure turbine located under the fuselage. Behind it, in front of the rear wing fairing, an emergency cable cut-off device was installed.

The development of the X-08 tug prototype coincided with work to replace the power plant. The X-08, modified for the AI-25TL, was manufactured in June 1972, and its tests were completed in 1974.

The additions to the lower fuselage had little effect on the aircraft's flight characteristics. The prototype, unlike the production aircraft, was not equipped with aerodynamic brakes.

The X-07 prototype was considered the standard for the L-39 series, intended for flight schools of the USSR. At the beginning of 1973, the aircraft with a set of measuring equipment was transferred to state control tests in the Soviet Union.

The testing team at the Air Force Research Institute was headed by leading engineer Alexander Fedorovich Kotlyar. The leading pilot was Alexander Petrovich Kholupov. For Soviet specialists, this was not the first and not the last meeting with Czechoslovakian technology: before that they had flown the L-29, and later together they conducted military tests of the L-39, special tests of the Z-526F and Z-42 sports aircraft. The tests fully confirmed the fulfillment of the stated requirements. The aircraft was highly praised; its characteristics exceeded the level of modern foreign analogues and its predecessor L-29. The new car was significantly superior to it, primarily in its aerobatic performance. There was a good overview from the instructor's seat and sufficient equipment in the cockpit, which was as close as possible to the conditions of a combat aircraft. Emphasizing the similarity of the L-39 with the MiG-21 in landing and climbing behavior as a disadvantage, the need to rescue the crew in a wider range of altitudes and speeds was noted. The possibility of training cadets in the elements of combat use and the autonomy of the aircraft when starting the engine were also outlined here. In general, the full list of shortcomings and necessary improvements was half as long as after similar tests of the L-29.

To complete the main testing program of the basic training aircraft, later designated L-39C, additional tests were carried out in 1974: life support systems - on the X-02 at the beginning of the year and on the X-06 - operation from unpaved airfields in the spring.

The first ten production aircraft for the Soviet customer passed control tests, and after minor modifications they were transferred for operation. In 1973, 14 L-39s were delivered to the USSR, in 1974 - 55. The first to begin mastering the L-39 were cadets and instructors of the Chernigov VVAUL, who received “albatrosses” in April 1974. This was preceded by the training of a group of VVAUL pilots and engineers at the flight school in Kosice and at the Zaporozhye Motor Plant. All improvements recommended during the first year of operation were taken into account in the 1975 standard, tested at the end of 1974.

In 1974, they began to replace the DTRD on the first series aircraft operated in Czechoslovakia with AI-25TL engines, and by the end of the next year there was not a single aircraft left with the AI-25V engine.

To increase the export potential of the L-39 aircraft and meet the needs of the national air force, Aero designers began developing a modification with an increased combat load in 1973. Initially it was designated L-39Z, and the following year it was included in the State Planning Committee. In the second half of the 1970s, the main efforts were concentrated on this work, the goal of which was to create an aircraft with an affordable price for advanced pilot training and a light combat aircraft.

The work was completed in two stages. On the first, the wing was strengthened to accommodate four pylons: external ones for the combat load and internal ones for external fuel tanks (PTB), to which fuel fittings were connected. The variant was later designated L-39ZO. At the second stage, the fuselage was modified: a number of units were moved and the cut of the skin was changed, and a container with a GSh-23 double-barreled cannon was installed underneath it. To test a cannon installation with an ammunition box in the fuselage, a decommissioned X-03 was used as a ground test bench.

The installation was tested by fire at the end of 1974.

The construction of the X-09 prototype was completed in June 1974, its flight was performed by Yu. Schoutz. Key tests in the L-39ZO program were launching rockets and their effect on engine performance, testing the strength of the standard landing gear at increased take-off weight, as well as dropping bombs and anti-tank tanks. It was necessary to perform static strength tests of reinforced airframe components. “Nine” was also used to test the cannon installation. For control tests of the Z0 variant, completed in March 1976, the X-10 prototype was used. On the “ten” they tested a new chassis with widened wheels, for which it was necessary to enlarge the niches due to the boules on the upper wing skin near the fuselage.

In June 1976, we completed a comprehensive examination of the L-39ZO aircraft under the joint factory and design testing program. At the same time, the flight characteristics were checked, the aeroelasticity of the wing with four pylons and the load placed on them was assessed: according to the test results, no additional restrictions were introduced in comparison with the L-39C with the old wing. There were no adverse phenomena in the controllability and behavior of the aircraft; the change in the obtained characteristics was proportional to the increase in mass and drag. Certain difficulties emerged when dumping 150 and 350 liter tanks, both empty and filled with water simulating fuel. After being separated from the locks, the 350-liter tanks were rotated around a transverse axis and, at a certain speed, collided with the trailing edge of the wing in the area of ​​the flaps. In another case, the PTB, after being dropped, was pressed against the leading edge of the wing and fell off from it only during the run after landing. The defect was eliminated by installing stabilizers in the rear of the tanks.

When firing from the GSh-23 at high angles of attack and overloads, the engine overheated due to changes in pressure at its inlet. The installation of various powder gas localizers at the barrel end did not give satisfactory results, so an angle of attack sensor was included in the cannon firing circuit. It provided blocking of fire in extreme modes. The X-11 prototype, built in the spring of 1977, was also used in these tests.

To use the L-39ZA aircraft as a photo reconnaissance aircraft, the PFK-5 photo container was tested on it. Control military tests of the aircraft were completed at the end of 1977. After them, thorough checks of the machine were carried out in the USSR and the aircraft was prepared for production.

The L-39 trainer was a major achievement of the Czechoslovakian aviation industry. In 1976, its creators, led by Jan Vlček, were awarded the Klegment Gottwald State Prize. The Albatross was awarded gold medals at the 15th International Engineering Fair in Brno (1973) and the International Fair in Leipzig (1979). The aircraft was purchased by 23 countries around the world for their air forces. Between 1973 and 1990, the USSR acquired 2,080 L-39Cs out of 2,784 built, including 2,244 L-39Cs.

In general, the aircraft concept became the basis for further modifications. Even at the design stage of the L-39 in the 60s, a more advanced version of the L-39S aircraft with a 2000 kgf thrust engine, with blowing off the boundary layer from the leading edge, in front of the flaps and ailerons, was considered as a future prospect. Thanks to this, the maneuverability of the aircraft was significantly increased. This option remained unrealized.

The emergence of a new generation of aircraft served as a signal for the development of modern systems with an increased share of electronics, providing a more effective solution to navigation and combat missions. The general trend towards increasing combat load inevitably led to a more powerful power plant. An enterprise in Zaporozhye began to work on its creation together with Czechoslovak specialists. The work eventually resulted in the modernized L-39MS, which first flew in September 1986. At the same time, a variant of the L-39MSV target towing aircraft was created. The maximum program for the L-39MS provided for the creation of an aircraft for basic training of military pilots after 2000.

Jan Volchek did not get to see the first takeoff of the L-39MS. Since 1981, his work was continued by the chief designer of Vlasti-mil Havelka. The development of the project was directly supervised by engineer Alois Benetka and lead designer Emilie-an Postl. The desire to preserve the good qualities of the L-39 made it possible to create an aircraft that meets the requirements of the time.

In serial production, the aircraft received the designation L-59. Its shape has not changed noticeably, but the filling and airframe have been modernized. At the same time, we improved manufacturability, increased service life, and used new structural materials and technical processes. It differed from the L-39 in its reinforced airframe structure, a new avionics complex (including a head-up display on the windshield), as well as a more powerful DV-2 turbojet engine, developed jointly by the USSR and Czechoslovakia. The aircraft had an elongated nose cone and a slightly modified shape of the vertical tail. Three L-39MS were delivered to the Czech Air Force in 1991 and two in 1992.

In comparison with the L-39, the main advantage of the L-59 is primarily the DV-2 engine, the thrust of which is 500 kgf more than the previous one. It was developed by order of the Czechoslovak government at the Progress plant (Zaporozhye) and is mass-produced by Povazske Strojarne in Slovakia.

Political changes and the refusal of the Russian Air Force to use single-engine aircraft, unfortunately, have had a negative impact on our cooperation. The drop in production at the turn of the 90s and the loss of the main customer had a significant impact on the subsequent program of activity of the company, which began to focus its developments on Western partners.

Of the two thousand aircraft delivered to the USSR, about 800 continue to be used by Russian aviators and about 300 by Ukrainian ones. There are several programs to ensure the normal flight operation of these “albatrosses” until the advent of new generation Russian training equipment. The Russian program provides for the restoration and provision of spare parts for the L-39 by the domestic aviation industry. This work has been carried out by the V.M. Myasishchev Electromagnetic Plant since 1994. The program includes two stages:

on the first stage, outdated Czech components are replaced with domestic ones, while technologies for repairing imported products are being developed at Russian enterprises;

the second involves replacing Czech equipment and units with modern domestic equipment and carrying out design improvements in order to improve safety and performance characteristics.

There is an interesting program proposed by the Odessaviarem-Service plant together with the Israeli company IAI. The aircraft, presented at Le Bourget in June 2003 in the Israeli pavilion, was equipped with modern avionics, a satellite communications system and an on-board computer. Israeli avionics allows you to adapt the cockpit of the L-39 Su-27 and MiG-29. Zaporozhye engine builders have prepared for this aircraft a new modification of the DTRD AI-25TLSh, which was first tested in flight on this aircraft on June 13, 2002 by test pilot of the State Aviation Research Center of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Eduard Sotnikov. The installation of a more advanced and powerful engine made it possible to significantly improve the dynamic characteristics of the aircraft and the safety of flights at low altitudes. Given the difficulties in financing the armed forces in countries operating the L-39, other alternative proposals cannot be ruled out. Therefore, the history of this aircraft is still far from over.

Combat training aircraft L-39:

I - radome of the Kvant radar rangefinder; 2 - pneumatic system pressure gauge window; 3 - charging hatch for pneumatic and oxygen systems; 4 - instrument compartment hatch cover; 5 - canopy visor; 6 - cadet's cabin; 7 - instructor cabin; 8 - radio compass compartment RKL-4 of the short-range navigation radio system RSBN5S “Iskra”; 9 - technological maintenance hatch for DTRD AI-25TL; 10 - technological hatch for servicing the Safir-5 turbostarter;

II-technological service hatches DTRD AI-25TL; 12 and 17 - service hatches for rudder wiring; 13 - built-in footrests; 14 - step; 15 - angle of attack sensor vane; 16 - antenna radome of the R-832M radio station; 18 - air intake drain wedge; 19 - ejection seat VS-1BR1; 20 - service hatches for radio and electrical equipment; 21 - brake wheel 650x185 mm; 22 - wheel 430x150 mm; 23 - shimmy damper; 24 - anti-surge air intake flaps; 25 - rudder; 26 - RV-UM antenna; 27 - hatches for fuselage docking fittings; 28 - wing fuel tank; 29 - wing aeronautical light (red); 30 - landing light; 31 - cockpit canopy handle; 32 - radio transponder antenna SRO-2 (3 bands); 33 - underwing suspension pylon; 34 - FAB 500ts aerial bomb; 35 - 350 liter external fuel tank; 36 - block NAR UB-16-57UM; 37 - mechanical chassis position indicator; 38 - FAB 200ts aerial bomb; 39 - fuel tank stabilizer; 40 - air turbine L-03; 41 - tow rope cutter; 42 - tow rope; 43 - wheel 450x165 mm; 44 - nose shock-absorbing strut of the L-39MS landing gear; 45 - container for the GSh23-2 gun; 46 - brake wheel 650x215 mm; 47 - flare cassette; 48 - ejection seat VS-2; 49 - MRP-56P antenna; 50 - aileron; 51-aileron trimmer; 52 - slotted flap; 53 - control rod maintenance hatches; 54 - Safir-5 turbostarter nozzle; 55 and 63 - flow turbulators; 56 - static electricity dischargers; 57 - brake flap; 58 - PVD; 59 - GOES 520; 60 - operational training missile R-ZUD; 61 - launcher APU-13M-1; 62 - air-to-air missile P-3C(K-13A); 64 - wing tank filler cap; 65 - main tank filler cap; - liter external fuel tank

"Modeler-constructor" No. 2 "2007

AeroL-39Albatros (L-39 Albatross)- a light combat training aircraft developed in Czechoslovakia. Produced by Aero Vodochody. The main training aircraft of ATS countries.

History of the L-39

Created in 1956, the L-29 Delfin was recognized as the winner of the competition for a jet trainer for the Warsaw Pact Organization (WTO) countries. It turned out to be very easy to pilot and unpretentious to operate, and quickly became a favorite among aviators. At the same time, a number of shortcomings and the rapid development of aviation made this aircraft obsolete - a new aircraft was needed.

The new aircraft was supposed to become the successor to the L-29 and its development began there - in Czechoslovakia. The military began developing requirements for it already in 1963. In particular, it was necessary, while maintaining the positive qualities of the Dolphin, to ensure higher thrust-to-weight ratio and reliability when operating from unpaved runways. Particular attention was paid to ensuring that the instructor and trainee cockpits were similar to the cockpits of combat aircraft.

In 1965, test assembly of the first prototypes began at the Aero Vodochody plant. Licensed MiG-19 and L-29 aircraft were already being assembled at this enterprise.

From the very beginning, the aircraft was considered as a classic cantilever low-wing aircraft with a three-post retractable landing gear, placing the instructor and trainee one behind the other. A trapezoidal wing was chosen for the Albatross.

To ensure that cadets master the basics of combat use, the vehicle was equipped with two underwing weapon suspension units.

The issues of ground handling of the aircraft were well thought out.

An important issue was the choice of engine. Initially, an option with two engines was considered, but then the aircraft became too heavy and expensive. After deciding to use one engine, the choice arose between the Czech M-720 and the Soviet AN-25. The USSR Air Force was the main customer and preferred a domestic engine, and the M-720 was too big for the training facility. As a result, the aircraft received a Zaporizhzhya ZMKB Progress AN-25 engine. The engines began to be produced in Czechoslovakia under license under the designation AI-21W (W - Walter).

By 1968, prototypes began to be produced. Aero Vodochody, LET and Rudy Lelov factories participated in the cooperation. At the end of the year, the L-39 Albatros prototype flew for the first time.

L-39 design

L-39C is a two-seat all-metal low-wing aircraft designed according to a normal aerodynamic design. The aircraft is equipped with a tricycle landing gear with a nose wheel and a dual-circuit turbojet engine.

The aircraft fuselage consists of two parts - front and tail.

The aircraft wing is trapezoidal in plan, three-spar, integral in span. Its leading edge is not mechanized, and the rear is equipped with a double-slot retractable flap and ailerons. Headlights are installed in the toes of the end tanks. The lower surface of the wing is equipped with units for hanging universal beam holders.

The aircraft's landing gear is tricycle, retractable in flight: the main supports are retracted towards the fuselage axis into the compartment between the middle and rear wing spars, the front ones are retracted against the direction of flight into the forward fuselage compartment.

The aircraft is equipped with a dual-circuit twin-shaft turbojet engine AI-25TL. Air starting of the engine. The high-pressure rotor is spun up by a starter, to which air is supplied from the auxiliary power unit. The APU is a single-shaft gas turbine engine Sapphire-5.

The aircraft's armament provides targeted dive bombing and firing of unguided missiles, as well as simulating the launch of guided missiles at air targets. The weapons include:

  • aviation rifle sight ASP-ZNMU-39 (installed in the front cockpit), designed for aiming when using ground-based weapons and photographic shooting at air and ground targets;
  • photocontrol device FKP-2-2, mounted on the sighting head ASP-ZNMU-39;
  • two wing beam holders L39M-317 or L39M-118;
  • aerial bombs with a caliber of 50-100 kg;
  • two blocks of unguided missiles UB-16-57U;
  • two I-318 training guided missiles on APU-13M1 launchers.

Dropping bombs, firing unguided missiles and simulating the launch of guided missiles are possible at flight speeds of more than 310 km/h.

Video Aero L-39: Video of flights of the Rus aerobatic team over Moscow


  • L-39С- a standard modification of a training aircraft for initial and basic flight training.
  • L-39СM- modernized version of L-39С
  • L-39ZO- an armed training aircraft developed in 1973-1976. Can be used as a light attack aircraft, there are four underwing weapons hardpoints.
  • L-39ZA- further development of the L-39ZO with the installation of a GSh-23 double-barreled gun.
  • L-39ZAM- modernized version of L-39ZA
  • L-39V- towing aircraft targets.
  • L-39MS (L-59 Super Albatros) - modification with a new turbojet engine, class ejection seats and new electronic equipment. The first flight took place in 1986. 80 units produced.
  • L-39D- Ukrainian modification of the L-39C, introduced at the beginning of 2010.
  • L-39M1- Ukrainian modernization of the L-39: replacement of the AI-25TL engine with the modernized AI-25TLSh (thrust increased from 1720 to 1850 kg), improved control system for the power plant and on-board emergency operation recorder. Developed in 2002-2009. By the beginning of 2014, the number of L-39M1s in Ukrainian service was six.
  • L-39M- Ukrainian modification of the L-39, the development of which was completed in 2013. It differs from the basic version in the presence of the BTK-39 on-board training complex, which is designed to simulate the operation of the sighting system of the MiG-29 fighter.
  • L-39 NG– remotorization project for a Williams FJ44 engine
  • L-159— created on the basis of the L-59.

Operation of the L-39

L-39 Albatross is one of the most popular training aircraft in the world. Produced in a quantity of 2,868 units, it is in service with 30 countries, both in the Air Force and in the hands of private owners and companies.

As of 2015, the Russian Aerospace Forces operates about 60 aircraft.

"Aero L-39" is a Czech-made aircraft designed for pilot training. It can also be used as a maneuverable short-range fighter. There are civilian versions of the aircraft, loved by pilots for their convenience, ease of control, speed, maneuverability and reliability.


The Aero L-39 Albatros (diminutive "Ellie") was mass-produced by the Czech airline Aero Vodochody. From 1968 to 1999, 2,868 units of the L-39 model and 80 units of the modernized version of the L-59 were produced. The L-39 training aircraft is still in service in more than thirty countries around the world (Russia is among them).

The L-39 Albatros is a single-engine, two-seat jet trainer aircraft. It is more often used for initial pilot training and advanced training for experienced pilots. Possibility of use as fighters is limited by flight characteristics (small size, insufficient armament). However, the model is quite effective in the fight against reconnaissance drones, unmanned aerial vehicles, and helicopters.


L-39 is an aircraft with a rich history. The Albatross first flew in 1968, and since then Aero has delivered more than 2,900 units of several versions of this successful model. The L-39 still serves in the air forces of many countries, and is also popular among private pilots, especially in the United States.

Although the L-39 is no longer in production, military and civilian modifications of the aircraft are constantly being improved by modernizing control systems, communications, navigation, weapons, etc. The main consumers of the L-39 Albatros were the USSR and European and American consumers also highly appreciated the simplicity, speed , maneuverability and accessibility of the L-39 model.

The aircraft is the successor to the first Czechoslovakian jet aircraft, the L-29 Delfín. The Czech authorities are considering the issue of resuming production of the extremely successful “baby” in different versions.

Chronology of creation

Over 30 years, Aero Vodochody has developed and produced several modifications:

  • 1964 - the beginning of the design of the Albatross as a jet trainer.
  • 1968 - first flight.
  • 1971 - start of serial production of the L-39C.
  • 1972 - first flight of the L-39V - a version designed for target towing.
  • 1974 - Aero became part of the Czechoslovak Air Force.
  • 1975 - First flight of the L-39ZO with four underwing hardpoints.
  • 1977 - First flight of the L-39ZA with four underwing and ventral hardpoints for aircraft cannons.
  • 1996 - end of serial production of the L-39 Albatros.

Even after the cessation of mass production, the Aero company did not hide the drawings of the L-39 aircraft in a distant drawer, but continues to improve the model. The firm provides a wide range of services to its operators, including aircraft life extension, overhaul and modernization. Clients include the armies of Hungary, Algeria, Thailand, Vietnam and other countries.


The L-39 Albatros is a conventional, single-engine, two-seat jet trainer designed for advanced training and initial training, as well as additional combat training against enemy airborne and non-flying targets. You can fly it like a regular light aircraft.

This model is often an alternative to artificial flight simulators. Combat options are practiced on it, but unlike the computer version, the crew masters the technique and practices techniques live, in natural conditions. Easy to fly, lightweight and at the same time functional and well thought out - this is the L-39 aircraft.


This device has a number of advantages over other models. For example, it is distinguished by a rather solid engine of the 1xAI 25TL series. Plus, the “dry” thrust is 3307 lbf (14.7 kN). The cabin is designed for a crew of two people, but everything is distributed very rationally, compactly and conveniently.

The length of the aircraft is 13 meters, its wingspan is 9.44 m, the area of ​​​​each wing is 18.8 square meters. m, height - 4.7 m. The empty weight of the aircraft is 3400 kg, while when loaded the weight increases to 4370 kg. Despite its considerable weight for such a small vessel, its speed is considerable - 750 km/h. There are also some other characteristics that distinguish the L-39 model in a good way. The aircraft has a Ferry range (with PTB) of 1000 km, its service ceiling is 11,500 meters.

Application in civil aviation

L-39 is a significant part of the government's civilian program. The Czech Ministry of Defense is focusing on supporting civilian operators piloting Albotros. A specially created support and modernization program includes its own specifics for training and aerobatic use of this aircraft, which is extremely popular in dozens of countries around the world.

Aero is an excellent subsonic trainer. Despite the fact that it was developed in the 1960s, it remains in demand in civil aviation today. Until now, the L-39 aircraft is considered the favorite model for recreation and sport flights. The photos eloquently demonstrate how well thought out the device is in terms of design, but we must not forget about its excellent flight characteristics, high level of safety and low requirements for maintenance and operation. All this made the L-39 the most popular civilian model.

More than 300 Albotros units carry out public service around the world. Simple controls and unsurpassed flight characteristics enable many aerobatic teams, including the French Breitling Jet Team, a team of pilots from the Russian Vyazma, the Patriots Jet Team from the USA, the military aerobatic team of Belarus and, more recently, the Mayzus Jet Team Czech, to successfully use the Aero aircraft Albatros.

You can always fly and jump with a parachute.

Everyone already knows everything about spring and summer: the maximum number of flight days, good weather.

If it's golden autumn outside, then despite the clouds and frequent rains we continue to fly and parachute. Believe me, it's very beautiful.

And when the snow falls, many will ask: “Isn’t it cold to fly in winter?” We answer the question with a question: “isn’t it cold to ski in winter?” Maybe it's better to ride in the summer? There are and will be winter flights. Come. Until then.

20 min. on the Yak-52 for 6500 rubles.

We will bring you a beautiful box with a certificate,
- we will show aerobatics,
- we’ll let you “steer” the plane,
- In-flight video recording is possible.

watch the video on our YouTube channel.
scroll through photos of flights in Instagram.
ask questions in a group VKontakte.
or on the official page at Facebook.

Why our clients love us

We only sell the sky and we do it well. We fly on our own. We want to give you the opportunity to fly and give flights. Our goal is safe flights for everyone!

We have adequate delivery and our own courier service. Delivery is possible on the day of order, delivery outside working hours is possible. Our couriers arrive on time. Our couriers know how to use maps and find their way independently.

Huge range of flights: more than ten types of aircraft, more than a hundred different flights or jumps. Adrenaline, extreme sports, aerobatics or beautiful sightseeing flights and air excursions.

Many different airfields in different directions of the Moscow region. Fly where it is convenient for you. Which airfield should I choose? And anyone! Everywhere is beautiful, interesting and safe: we work with professionals.

Reasonable prices. Our certificates are worth real money. And our flights are real. We sell just enough time for a person to “fly”; the duration of the flight is your choice, we only advise.

The information on our website is up to date, complete and true. We constantly monitor the correctness of the presentation of the material and the relevance of prices. We write details on the website. We know them and will be happy to tell them to those who do not like to read.

And everything is fair with us. Flight time is counted from the moment the aircraft takes off from the runway. We warn you in advance that flights may be rescheduled due to weather conditions.

And a gift box which contains a certificate for our flight, it is stylish, beautiful and comfortable. A candy wrapper cannot cost more than candy: we do not sell certificates in boxes encrusted with diamonds, but our box will be noticeable among other gifts and will delight its owner.

Gifts for the holidays

On February 23(Day of the Soviet Army or Defender of the Fatherland, whichever you prefer) You choose gifts.

Aerobatics on a light attack aircraft L-39 Albatross

This machine is still in service with the Russian Air Force as a training aircraft, and in some countries it even participated in military operations. So, once you find yourself in the cockpit of a flying Albatross, you can say with confidence that you have flown on a real combat fighter.

  • The speed is about 900 km/h (not much less than the speed of sound).
  • Overloads up to 8g (an ordinary person loses consciousness in such conditions), but they won’t mock you like that.
  • Ejection seats.
  • Tandem landing (you fly in the rear cockpit), which does not greatly affect your visibility.
  • And most importantly: this is one of the planes of the Rus aerobatic team (at the Vyazma-Dvoevka airfield)...
  • ...or one of the planes of the Region aerobatic team (at the Krutyshki airfield).

Therefore, there will be complex and aerobatics! Aerobatic team pilots can perform miracles in the air, but when performing maneuvers they will focus on your well-being. Loops, rolls, inverted flight, passing over a runway at high speed, turns around clouds, simulating avoidance of an enemy missile with a huge overload - all this is available.

Where do we fly and how much does it cost?

The cost of the certificate depends on the number of available airfields for the flight and the time of the program. To order a certificate, click on the link with the price:

Aerodromes 20 minutes 30 minutes 40 minutes 60 minutes

55,000 rub. 73,000 rub. 95,000 rub. 140,000 rub.

55,000 rub. 80,000 rub. 105,000 rub. 155,000 rub.

How to find yourself in the pilot's seat?

The only thing cooler than flying on the L-39 is flying into space and aerobatics on a 4th generation fighter (the cost is also “cosmic”). Therefore, aerobatics on the L-39 is, so to speak, an affordable exclusive.

  • It all starts with ordering a certificate for the required flight time (right here on the website or by phone).
  • Our courier delivers a stylish box containing the certificate itself, a description of the flight and directions to the airfield.
  • A certificate can be an expensive gift, or it can be the start of your own adventure.
  • A few days in advance, you sign up for the flight by calling the phone number indicated on the certificate, arrive and fly.

In words, everything is elementary. But in fact, the heart of the certificate holder will increase the frequency of contractions at the moment of opening the box and reading the name of the certificate. During the pre-flight briefing and preparation for the flight, the pulse quickens again... The moment of closing the canopy, starting and throttling the engine, taxiing for takeoff, the increasing whistle of the turbine, vibration on the take-off run and a smooth take-off from the runway - all these moments will be engraved in the memory for a lifetime.

And this is just the beginning!

Age, weight and height restrictions

Since these aircraft are based at a military airfield, then Only Russian citizens are allowed to fly.

People over 18 years old, weighing up to 120 kg and height up to 205 cm can fly. Overload is contraindicated for people with serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system or nervous system, as well as for patients with diabetes. We also do not allow pregnant women to fly.

When and where do we fly?

Flights are conducted all year round during daylight hours and on weekends.

You can also fly in winter: the cabin of the plane is heated, and the adrenaline warms you up even more. Moreover, in winter there is low cloudiness and very often there are flights behind the clouds, which is very beautiful.

The diagram below shows the approximate location of the airfields, and the box with the certificate that you purchase will contain detailed travel directions for personal and public transport.

What to take with you?

Be sure to take a certificate. This is your pass to fly. In the flight canteen you can drink tea or coffee and watch the flights from the ground. Dress according to the weather, it is better to give preference to comfortable clothes, but the main thing is that the shoes fit snugly on your feet.

Drinking alcohol before a flight is strictly prohibited! You can mark the flight after.

Take a camera or video camera: you will have something to show your friends and publish on your page on social networks.

About flight safety

The Rus aerobatic team was created in 1987 and has since become famous throughout the world. Rusi pilots are frequent guests at international air shows and aviation festivals.

The Region aerobatic team is much younger - it is the first non-state aerobatic team in Russia to fly jet aircraft. It consists of pilots who have performed at MAKS air shows and have flown more than a thousand hours.

Therefore, you can be confident in the highest qualifications of the pilots, and the qualifications of the aircraft commander and his attitude towards flights are the basis of aviation safety.

Everything about the technology is also clear: if planes fly at air shows that attract thousands of spectators, then they must be in good working order. And in the almost impossible event of failure of vital aircraft systems, there are two ejection seats. Ejection practice is one of the most important elements of pre-flight preparation.

The flight certificate is valid for 8 months from the date of order

Ready to take the pilot's seat? .

Reviews of flights on the L-39 Albatros aircraft

04/25/2019, Vera: When a man is in love with the sky, it is forever. I am very glad that thanks to companies like @nebo_v_podarokthere is an opportunity to make your man happy, to see his eyes sparkling with joy and excitement, to share this exciting moment with him... the emotions of flying in a fighter jet.

From the heart to the soul - I thank all those who made this holiday for us so bright and memorable @rus_jt Aerobatic team Rus - pilots, people of God, true professionals, aces who know their business, who even treated us, tourists, very sincerely , with warmth and care. Special thanks to Nadezhda for your patience and excellent organization!!! To pilot Yuri - for our wonderful and unforgettable first flight!! To all the airfield workers who took part, for your care, instructions and meaningful conversations!!! #skygift - you made this holiday possible!! Great organization!!! @aviationanatomy - thank you for the excellent accessories, fast delivery and quality work. The jerseys were appreciated at the airport, the accessories set the mood.

I really hope that he will tell you about how the flight itself went. But from the ground, their paired takeoff looked amazing (I missed taking a photo of this beautiful moment).

09/03/2016, Pavel: Had a great time with the whole family! Some even collected mushrooms near Vyazma!) The flight was excellent, verythe sincere team of the Rus aerobatic team. Interesting flight missions, allowed me to control the plane myself, managed to master the “Nesterov loop”, and also enrich my knowledge with the theory of correct ejection) I recommend it to everyone, an experience for life, “a childhood dream come true” so to speak... Thank you for the excellent organization!

08/21/2015, Alexander: We live once, to hell with money: I order a certificate, receive it (thank you, everything is clear here) and rushto Vyazma, to the base of the aerobatic team.

The morning Minsk highway is free and wide, the road is perceived as a good trip (on the way back I stopped at the source of the Moscow River - a local landmark).

I arrive, park my car, call, and soon they take me to the airfield: you can’t get there with your car, after all, the active helicopter unit of the Russian Air Force is based there.

During the medical examination, the doctor took my blood pressure, asked about my injuries and my well-being, cleared me for the flight and sent me to the ejection simulator. This is a real L39 cabin in which the same seat is installed (only there are no squibs). It’s easy to eject: you just need to perform a simple sequence of actions, but you can’t make a mistake - the cost of a mistake can be life (when a chair is fired, a load of 18g will be applied to a person), so I carried out these operations for a long time and thoughtfully and brought them to the point of automaticity... And then I came up pilot Igor Dushechkin, smiling broadly, said that the training was very correct and good, but it was time to fly.

Hooray! The moment has come! While we are walking to the plane, we are discussing what we will do in the air: I would like to try the controls, and then do something original.

Well, come on, the takeoff and climb to 500 meters is mine, says the pilot, and then you go to the zone yourself, perform simple maneuvers there, then I show how to do a roll and a loop, you try them yourself, and then, depending on your condition, I’ll show you something .

Ok, agreed.

We take our seats, fasten our seat belts, close the canopy, check communications and start.

I must say that the view from the rear seat is simply excellent. It is raised relative to the front one and you see everything. Compared to the Yak52, this is just a different level! We taxi, takeoff thrust and off we go!

Takeoff, takeoff, climb. Not impressive yet: the vertical speed is only 5 m/s - not enough. -Igor, why so slow? -Wait, now the engine will return to normal, it will become more fun. Indeed, after 400 meters of gained altitude, the plane rushes upward, the speed is 500 km/h.

Maintain a vertical speed of 20 m/s while in a straight line, give up control, says the pilot.
-Do you see a large village on the right? This is the center of our zone, what will you do?
-I want to go around it with a left turn.
- I allow it.
- Allowed. I smoothly and carefully tilt the stick to the left, give the left pedal a little and realize that I have already passed the landmark village.

Alexander, be brave, it’s a jet plane, look. The handle tilts strongly to the left and slightly towards itself, a roll of 90 degrees: one wing goes to the ground, the other to the sky, a slight overload and here it is, the village, right below us.

Is it possible vertically through the clouds?
-I do! Add thrust, push the stick towards you, and the plane goes like a candle into the sky. There was some cloud cover, but the speed of the entry amazed me. For a couple of seconds nothing is visible, and then there is a blinding bright sun. Handle from myself, weightlessness and even negative g-force, I’m above the clouds: it’s breathtaking.

Alexander, turn around, otherwise our zone will end,” the pilot warns.
-I perform a right turn, and then a roll to the right.
- Allowed. Kick drum with handle only, no pedals.

Yi-i-ha! Unusual, but not scary, the stick is more aggressive to the right and towards itself, and the plane, on the knife, performs a turn. Damn, I forgot about the course, where to fly? It’s okay, I have an instructor in the front cockpit who will tell me!

I level out and... The barrel hits! How easy and simple it is to turn the world upside down! Old Archimedes needed a long lever and a fulcrum, but for me the tilt of the handle is enough!

Can I have a loop?
-Turn around first, we've taken off from the flight zone.

How fast he is! These are not calm flights, here you have to make decisions in a split second.

I performed the turn myself, and Igor showed the loop first. Everything is simple here, but not entirely: I didn’t get it to be round, but that’s not scary: the pilot is alive, the flight was a success :)

Alexander, time is running out, what are we going to do?
-Show me something of what you do at performances.
-Do you want to do a vertical figure eight with rotations?
-Want. Gave control.

Well, so what? Well, the number is "8". Well, the rotations... The straps prevented the head from breaking the canopy, the plane dived sharply down, pierced the clouds and began to RAPIDLY approach the ground. Pilot, are you alive? (managed to flash through my head)

The handle suddenly turns towards us, the bottom of the figure eight, we rush up and back, rotations, I counted seven rotations, instantly through the clouds, from darkness to light, rotations, again I see the handle taken over, we turn over, wow-how-high-we- above the clouds!

And now spin in the other direction, e-e-e-e-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Clouds!!! We dive from light into darkness, the ground approaches at catastrophic speed, up again, completing the figure eight and entering horizontal flight...

Alexander, how are you?

Alive. But for now there is no need for more evolutions.
-And I won’t, it’s time for us to go home.
-Then can I give you a pen, I’ll get to the airfield myself.
-Hold it.

There was a grasshopper sitting in the grass, just like a cucumber, just like a cucumber, it was green...

Edrid-Madrid. This is @!$#$%#$^#$!@@#~@!!! The possibilities are amazing. During the briefing, Aunt Doctor said several times: “to bear the overload, you need to tense your abs and legs.” When you do this, everything is ok, but once, at the very bottom of the “eight”, I decided to try: what will happen if I don’t do this.

What will happen, what will happen? You'll be a shish kebab! Get dark eyes and sign! After the flight, the doctor was interested in my well-being, suggested validol (you will come to life faster) and, having learned that I had violated the recommendations regarding tense abs, she said: “in vain, now it will take a long time to come to your senses.”

Well, I walked around, took a breath of fresh air, got better... However, what delicious food is in the flight canteen after the flight! It turns out I'm hungry as a wolf!..

I’m sitting here now, a couple of weeks later, thinking about how to finish this story. Well, I’ll say thank you to everyone. And to Nebu, and to Igor Dushechkin, and to the Czechs who designed and made this plane. Thank you.

But that's not all. I want to write something else, convey some idea, but it eludes me... Have you heard the band Stratovarius? Their music would be perfect for a flight soundtrack. Or Iron Maiden, Aces high. And, of course, at full volume. Or at a concert, so that the bass shakes your chest, so that after the end of the song there is a ringing in your ears for a long time... Or Manowar, Wheels of fire. Yes, many themes in the style of Speed ​​metal would be suitable. So, a thought, nothing more.

How can you describe in words the feeling of complete superiority over nature (at the beginning of the flight), and then the feeling of complete insignificance before an overload of 7g? 20 minutes flight. Several hundredweight of burned kerosene. Strongest impressions! Strong-nay-shi-e.

Expensive. Far. Oh..really. I'll end with this. Jet aerobatics is definitely worth a try. If someday flights into space become available, I will fly.

06/13/2015, Pavel: It was awesome! Unreal impressions, sensations that cannot be expressed in words - you have to try it. I recommendeveryone who wants to try everything in this life!