Greenhouse business at home. Analysis of greenhouse business opportunities - how to make rural entrepreneurship profitable. Soil and growing conditions

The greenhouse business opens up opportunities for its creator not only to constantly expand his business, but also to receive year-round income.

A winter greenhouse as a business allows you to grow flowers, vegetables, herbs, providing customers with fresh vegetables even in winter.

You can also earn income by selling seedlings as a gardener or supplying flowers to flower shops.

Greenhouse all year round as a business - advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of building a winter greenhouse:

  • Low initial costs. It will be possible to create a greenhouse business from scratch even with a minimal budget.
  • Fast payback. In less than a year, spending on a winter greenhouse will pay off if the products are sold correctly.
  • Constant demand for products. In winter, homemade cucumbers, peppers, and herbs will be very popular among both stores and customers. Growing in a greenhouse all year round is a win-win business.
  • If you grow vegetables or herbs, you can both sell and consume them, as you are confident in the quality of the products.

Growing plants in a winter greenhouse

Disadvantages and pitfalls of the greenhouse business that are worth remembering when starting your own business:

  • Heating and lighting costs. It is necessary to finance electricity for lighting the greenhouse all year round, and heating - in the cold season.
  • Seasonality of sales. In winter, the demand for grown products will be much higher than in summer. In the warm season, it will be more difficult to find buyers or sales points.
  • Independent search for solutions for most organizational issues - searching for buyers, product delivery, accounting and much more.

Business plan for creating a greenhouse business - calculate every detail

A business plan is the main document on which you rely when creating your own business from scratch.

It contains a thoughtful action plan for several months ahead.

The business plan takes into account:

  • Financial component. All expenses that will be spent on the construction of the greenhouse, its arrangement and support in the near future are indicated in the business plan. The planned income, additional and monthly expenses are also calculated, and the payback is calculated.
  • Description of the project. This part describes the essence of the project - what will be grown, what needs to be purchased for this (seedlings, equipment, fertilizers), what personnel to hire. All tasks are distributed on specific dates, each goal is given a clear deadline.
  • Possible risks, methods of product sales and other issues.

A business plan should be your support in any matter, so it is advisable to draw it up as clearly and in detail as possible.

Organization of greenhouse business

First of all, you should choose a place where to place the greenhouse. The best option is to have your own personal plot. If you don't have one, it's better to buy one than to rent. Renting a plot in the future will bring additional expenses, and the main task of a businessman from the very beginning of organizing a greenhouse business is to minimize costs.

What materials to choose?

Once the location has been selected, it is important to choose the covering you will use for the greenhouse.

Each option has its advantages and disadvantages.

The most popular materials are:

  1. Glass. This material is one of the most durable, and it is the one that transmits light best. It is important to choose tempered glass; its width should not be less than 6 millimeters. Please note that the cost of such material is higher than others, especially due to the need to construct frames. Also, glass is the worst at retaining heat, so you will need to think about additional heating.
  2. Polyethylene. Despite the fact that polyethylene film transmits sunlight worse, it is much cheaper, so when organizing a greenhouse business from scratch, it is often chosen. It is important to remember that the shelf life of high-quality polyethylene is on average 3 years. To organize a winter greenhouse, it is necessary to lay at least 2 polyethylene balls; the air gap between them will act as an additional heat insulator. As a rule, polyethylene film 100 - 150 microns is used for a winter greenhouse.
  3. Polycarbonate. Polycarbonate has good thermal insulation properties and is easy to install and process. But this material is easily exposed to ultraviolet rays, as a result of which it turns yellow and transmits less light. It can also expand at high enough temperatures.

Each region needs local food products, because their prices are cheaper than imported goods. can not only provide the population with inexpensive vegetables, but also bring considerable profit to the business owner. What is profitable to grow and how much will it cost to build a greenhouse? Read on.

Does it make sense to open a private school in Russia? Read.

Trading through special equipment is called the vending business. Here is all about the advantages and disadvantages of this type of activity.

How to install a greenhouse?

If you are planning to build a small greenhouse, then you can do it yourself.

But it is important to comply with all standards and build a greenhouse according to certain rules.

That is why for the construction of medium and large structures it is worth turning to specialists.

Today there are many companies that are ready to build a turnkey greenhouse from scratch, completing all the necessary work - building a high-quality structure, organizing watering, heating, lighting, and starting soil.


There are two types of greenhouse heating - technical and biological.

The technical type involves the use of special equipment. There are many heating options for winter greenhouses:

  • boilers: they can be fueled with wood, fuel oil or coal;
  • gas heating with heating vessels;
  • potbelly stoves;
  • heaters.

The greenhouse can also be connected to steam heating installed in the house. This method has one drawback - the heat is distributed unevenly throughout the greenhouse, collecting in the upper part of the structure. It is possible to heat the greenhouse using a heating or infrared cable. Solid fuel stoves are often installed in greenhouses.

Biological type involves the use of natural materials. To do this, take manure (horse, cow, pig) and mix it with straw/compost (the ratio should be 1 to 1).

The mixture must be poured with warm water and heaps formed, after 2-3 days the mixture will begin to generate heat, after which it must be poured under the soil in the greenhouse.

To do this, a layer of soil is removed, a mixture of manure and straw is laid out in an even layer 30-40 cm thick, and then covered again with soil. Plants are planted in the warmed ground, and biological heating significantly increases productivity.

Horse manure will provide a temperature of up to 35 degrees; this regime can last up to 3 months.

The temperature regime from cow manure will last about the same, but the mixture will warm up by +15...+20 degrees.

On average, pig manure produces about 15 degrees of heat and lasts up to 2 months.

Please note that for winter greenhouses biological heating may not be enough, so it can be used as an addition to heating devices or technical systems.


Communication issues are resolved in advance and are necessarily written down in the business plan. For the greenhouse, average electricity costs are calculated, cables are laid, and lighting is organized. If necessary, drains, an irrigation system, and a water supply system are equipped.

It is recommended to entrust the laying of cables and other issues related to the creation of communications to professionals.

How to grow plants in a winter greenhouse?

In order to grow a rich harvest, you need to learn all the intricacies of growing the plants you have chosen. Any vegetables, flowers or greens have their own growing rules, which include:

  1. Features of landing.
  2. Temperature and light conditions required by plants during different periods of growth.
  3. Fertilizer feeding.
  4. The need for transplantation, protection from sunlight, optimal collection time and other subtleties.

Winter greenhouse for growing all year round

It is important to choose the right soil and fertilizers, provide the plants with constant care, and monitor the temperature and lighting.

Seedlings require special attention, because the sprouts are just beginning to grow stronger, and the greenhouse owner must provide them with increased protection.

For high-quality care of plants in a winter greenhouse, you can hire experienced gardeners, especially if you have built a large structure and want to harvest a large harvest.

How to sell a product?

  1. Depending on the type of plant you have chosen to grow, the implementation methods may be different:
  2. Vegetables and herbs can be sold both to customers and wholesale deliveries to stores and supermarkets. To gain a customer base, you can post ads on the Internet, distribute information about the product through friends, or think through a full-fledged marketing campaign.

Flowers can be sold to flower shops, cosmetic or pharmaceutical factories, and florist salons. You can also open your own flower shop.

Growing strawberries in a greenhouse

It is difficult to accurately calculate expenses and profits from a greenhouse business; for this it is important to draw up a detailed business plan. On average, the initial costs of constructing and arranging a greenhouse, as well as purchasing and planting plants, will cost you about 600-700 thousand rubles. It is worth taking into account labor costs (from 50,000 rubles per month or more, depending on the number of employees).

In addition to the initial contribution of funds, you will need to take into account the monthly costs of lighting, heating the greenhouse, purchasing fertilizers, seedlings, and equipment.

This is about another 40 thousand rubles per month. Income will depend both on the development of the business and on the methods of selling the goods.

On average, the initial amount of income starts from 400-500 thousand rubles per month. Accordingly, a winter greenhouse is a quickly profitable business.

Setting up a winter greenhouse is a profitable business that does not require large investments in the initial stages, quickly pays for itself and brings a stable income, and also leaves the owner the opportunity for further expansion.

Video on the topic

How to grow in a greenhouse all year round? Receive harvests whole year possible only during construction capital winter greenhouses. Structures can be erected on a wooden or galvanized metal frame. for a business, it must have a foundation; its thickness depends on the climatic conditions of the region.

A greenhouse in winter as a business, covered with polyethylene, will cost cheapest. However, film coating has a number of disadvantages: fragility, poor light transmission. The film will have to be replaced every season, which will significantly reduce the profitability of the structure. Film greenhouses are suitable for growing moisture-loving crops: cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers. Greens, strawberries and flowers do not need the increased humidity that film creates.

Glazed greenhouses are more durable, but their construction will cost more. For greenhouses, you need not household glass, but tempered industrial glass; it is much more resistant to weather conditions. The downside of glass greenhouses is excess ultraviolet radiation. On hot and sunny days, plants will have to be shaded to avoid burns.

Perfect option– a greenhouse covered with sheets of acrylic or polycarbonate.

They are durable, easy to cut and bend, taking any shape.

Polycarbonate allows sunlight to pass through and is suitable even for the coldest regions.

Suitable for industrial cultivation single-pitch structures.

This shape ensures uniform illumination and prevents snow from lingering on the roof.

It is advisable to make the northern wall of the greenhouse opaque by lining it with timber or cinder blocks. A blank wall will create the effect of a solar panel, allowing you to save on heating costs.

The structure must be equipped with a ventilation system, climate control and automatic drip irrigation. A double door or vestibule is required at the entrance area; this will protect the plants from the cold in winter.

The most important issue for year-round greenhouses is heating in the cold season. To save money, you can combine conventional heating methods with biofuel. For heating you can use wood stoves, fires, electric boilers, infrared cables. Most often, farmers combine several methods.

Industrial greenhouses are of impressive size. The most common area is from 500 sq. m to 1 ha. For strength, load-bearing columns are installed inside the structure. Farmer's greenhouse may have more modest dimensions. For vegetables and flowers, it is worth building structures of 150-200 square meters. m, for greenery greenhouses of 100-120 square meters are suitable. m.

Choosing crops

Experts are unanimous: it is most profitable to grow flowers in a greenhouse. In second place are greens, in third are vegetables. Those who decide to bet on berry crops, primarily strawberries, have good chances.

The choice of a particular crop for cultivation depends on many factors:

  1. Level of competition in the region. Before you get started, you need to find out what other entrepreneurs are growing. It is worth considering that in summer and early autumn the profitability of the greenhouse business decreases due to an increase in the supply of soil crops.
  2. Consumer preferences. Bet on what is in high demand. Beginning farmers should grow the most popular crops that are easier to sell.
  3. Level of initial investment. The cheapest option is to build a small greenhouse for greenery. Growing flowers is much more expensive; they are demanding in terms of heating, lighting, and the size of greenhouses.
  4. Climate. The colder the region, the less profitable greenhouse farming is due to high heating costs.

Characteristics of popular crops

What is profitable to grow in a greenhouse all year round? In a greenhouse, they are most often grown, and, or. Let's look at this in more detail.

IMPORTANT! You need to choose varieties cultivated for indoor soil, characterized by a rich taste and the correct shape of the berries, as well as their density and moderate juiciness.

Basic costs

A winter greenhouse as a business requires significant initial investment. These include:

  1. Purchase or lease of land. The price depends on the distance. It is worth considering that a farm located far away increases transportation costs.
  2. Construction and equipment of a greenhouse. The most expensive option is a fully automated structure with a climate control system, drip irrigation, self-ventilation, fogging and shading.
  3. Purchase of planting material. The cheapest option is to buy seeds. Grown seedlings and cuttings for flower rootstocks are more expensive. In the future, you can allocate an area in the greenhouse for the constant cultivation of seedlings for yourself and for sale.
  4. Registration of a farm or individual entrepreneur. Necessary for entrepreneurs planning active work with retail and attracting employees. A small greenhouse on its own plot does not require registration, but it limits the farmer’s ability to find buyers for his products.

In addition to one-time expenses, the farmer is also expected to monthly expenses. These include:

  • expenses for heating, lighting and plumbing;
  • purchase of fertilizers;
  • fare;
  • employee salaries.


Experts estimate the average profitability of a winter greenhouse at 20%.

When breeding flowers and greenery it reaches 30% and higher, profitability vegetable greenhouses – no more than 15%.

Payback periods depend on the size of greenhouses and the level of demand.

To get the maximum benefit from your greenhouse business, you must:

  1. Choose the right crop to grow. Undemanding greens are suitable for novice farmers; flowers or strawberries are suitable for more experienced farmers. Vegetables should only be grown in regions with a temperate climate and low competition.
  2. Build a quality greenhouse, which will not require annual repairs. Structures made from decommissioned double-glazed windows are not suitable for business.
    Consider the issue of lighting and heating.
  3. Choose a growing technology. Soil technologies are too expensive, and consumers do not like crops grown hydroponically. A compromise option is hanging growing or shelving technologies. The soil layers are placed in tiers, each equipped with lighting and an irrigation system. Strawberries can be grown in special mats placed in vertical or horizontal plastic sleeves.
  4. Control the composition of the soil. The greenhouse business requires frequent replacement of the soil; with continuous cultivation and dense planting, it is quickly depleted. It is necessary to apply fertilizer every 2 weeks.
  5. Use varieties cultivated for growing in greenhouses. They are disease resistant, have a short growing season and excellent yield. It is recommended to focus on the 2-3 most popular varieties, excluding constant experiments with new products.

A greenhouse business can become successful and provide the owner with a constant profit. In order not to be disappointed, it is important to analyze your capabilities long before the start, draw up a detailed business plan and think through the issues of selling products.

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Natural vegetables and fruits, fresh herbs, flowers and berries, regardless of the time of year, can be purchased in a store or at the market for a long time. They get there not only by delivery from warm countries, but also from local farmers, among whom there are both large enterprises occupying huge areas of thousands of hectares and private farms located on garden plots. Absolutely anyone who owns land or can rent it can organize a greenhouse business.

How to start farming

Anyone who really loves working on the land, caring for plants and has decided to start building a greenhouse business at home for financial gain must take into account a number of nuances for organizing business activities. Before launching and opening a business that can bring in profits throughout the year, you need to take care of the “airbag”:

  • To operate in the legislative field, you need to prepare: register an LLC or individual entrepreneur, obtain all permitting documentation, analyze the wage and tax scheme.
  • A home greenhouse business assumes that the grown crop must be sold all year round, and this must be done very quickly, since all products are perishable. To do this, you need to analyze competitors, product demand, etc.
  • A permanent base of buyers with a good reputation must be ready; find out in advance about the possibility of selling products. When creating a small greenhouse farm, the best solution would be to enter into appropriate agreements with shops, restaurants, kindergartens, etc. A medium-sized farm requires cooperation with at least one hypermarket, respectively, in this case certification and delivery organization will be required.
  • You should not save on equipment, fertilizer and seeds, as well as on modern technologies that will save you from unnecessary losses and costs in the future.

Advice: to set up a greenhouse business at home, set aside funds for the future to modernize and improve the greenhouse. For the fruitful development of the project and turning it into a successful business, it is necessary to work for the future and invest accordingly. A greenhouse built from unnecessary window frames and covered with polyethylene on top will not be able to bring good profit.

What is better to grow

Whether you can create a profitable greenhouse business primarily depends on what crop you decide to grow. The inability to provide the plant with heat, water and light balance will lead to a significant deterioration in the quality of the crop, and in some cases to its complete destruction.

Therefore, you should not neglect a thorough study and selection of the variety and type of crop. To make the choice easier, two groups can be distinguished:

  1. Grow farm favorites - cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs and flowers (potted or for bouquets).
  2. Exotic - lemons, strawberries, blueberries or even watermelons and grapes.

The second option is much more complicated, as it requires certain knowledge and skills to grow crops in a confined space. But when choosing flowers, do not forget that they are very picky about the quality of the soil and temperature conditions, so it is very difficult to grow even good roses.

In matters of greenery, everything is much simpler, it is less capricious in care, it grows rapidly, but in this case the possibility of the fastest possible implementation is important.

As for tomatoes, this is a very heat-loving plant, which in the cold season will require huge energy costs, and in the summer the level of competition increases significantly, and in addition, products grown in open ground appear.

Growing plan

To create a truly successful business, it is recommended to give preference to a combined scheme, taking into account the specifics of the local climate, difficulties of transportation, storage and consumer demand. For example, a growing scheme could be like this:

  • Spring - growing flowers.
  • The first half of summer - tomatoes.
  • The second part of summer is cucumbers.
  • Winter - different types of greenery.

This is ideal. Of course, at first it is quite difficult to organize a constant flow, so you can take the scheme as a goal, and in the meantime, gain experience and clients.

Greenhouse business: plan

The amount of investment directly depends on a number of factors.

Where will the greenhouse be located:

  • On your own site.
  • On leased land.

Is future expansion being considered to include:

  • purchasing your own land;
  • rented plot.

How far away is the place where the products will be sold?

The relationship between supply and demand.

Have communications been installed on the site where the greenhouse will be located, their cost, and are there any restrictions on use?

Business is seasonal or year-round.

Are there enough funds for:

  • Purchase of land and warehouse.
  • Purchase of structure and materials for the construction of a greenhouse.
  • Technical support costs.
  • Purchasing tools.
  • Registration of commercial activities.


In addition, in the greenhouse business plan, in the monthly payments section, you must enter:

  • Payment for renting the site (if necessary).
  • Salaries of employees (if any).
  • Cost of consumables and services (heating, light, water, seeds and fertilizers).
  • Payment of taxes.

A greenhouse business plan should take into account the most significant expense component - energy. That is why the key task when drawing up a business plan is to find effective ways to minimize these costs. This will be facilitated by:

  • Farming in the southern part of Russia.
  • Construction of permanent greenhouses with a durable heat-insulating layer.
  • Agreement with suppliers on more favorable cost of resources, etc.

The greenhouse business (we gave the beginning of action above) requires a clear analysis of its capabilities. It is much more difficult to form a category of income than an expenditure part, because it is influenced by a huge number of factors - from your personal volumes and quality of the harvest, to the performance of competitors. For this reason, without farming experience, it is not recommended to start with large volumes; product quality should come first.

How to build a greenhouse

First way. The most affordable option is a metal, plastic or wooden base covered with polyethylene on top. This design cannot be described as reliable; it retains heat poorly and is therefore suitable exclusively for seasonal use, but it copes with the main problem of protecting the crop from the spring cold. Thanks to this, it is possible to collect an early harvest and sell it at a favorable price. If you plan to install the greenhouse on a removable plot of land, then it is recommended to connect the parts of the frame not by welding, but by removable parts, so that the structure can be dismantled at any time and transported. Polyethylene should also be secured using specialized clamps, which allow you to remove and tighten the film if necessary.

Second way. When organizing year-round crop cultivation, a capital structure is required, equipped with light, heating, ventilation and watering systems. The structure should be erected on a strip foundation with a recess to the height of soil freezing. The base must certainly be made of metal with anti-corrosion treatment. The best material for covering is polycarbonate or glass, laid in two layers. In order for the greenhouse to withstand a lot of snow in winter, it is better to make the roof shape single or gable. On the north side, the building can be lined with bricks/cinder blocks for better wind protection.

Selecting fuel for heating the greenhouse

One of the most important and difficult aspects is artificially maintaining a temperature that is comfortable for plants, regardless of the time of year outside. The process is complicated for a number of reasons:

  • Under no circumstances should the inside of the greenhouse be allowed to overheat or dry out.
  • The heat transfer process must be carried out in a bottom-up direction and slowly.
  • It is necessary to organize all conditions for the distribution of heat along the entire perimeter of the room.

To meet all requirements, a heat generator with fans or water heating is ideal. What type of fuel is beneficial for producing heat?

  • First of all, firewood comes to mind, which is easy to purchase and its cost is reasonable. However, it is quite difficult to warm up a large room in this way due to the rapid combustion (about three hours).
  • Pyrolysis solid fuel boilers are more economical and convenient to use; they also have high efficiency and are buleryan.
  • Water heating. This is the most expensive method of warming up, but it is good at maintaining almost 90% of the performance, providing automatic fuel and the absence of soot. All this makes it possible to make running a greenhouse business several times easier. As a disadvantage, it can be noted that stoves are extremely picky about the quality of fuel.

  • Gas heat generators. They have good performance, but are difficult to install. First, you need to order a project from a gas company, which is not cheap, and then have it approved by several authorities. In addition, the greenhouse must be located near the gas main.
  • Electricity. This method is not exactly cheap, but it is quickly installed. It is not recommended to use electricity as the main heat source, only as an additional one.
  • The now popular infrared heating devices mounted on the ceiling often cause dissatisfaction due to the fact that plants stretch upward.

Internal structure of the greenhouse

At the very beginning, if there is a need to organize a greenhouse business with minimal costs, the internal arrangement is limited to installing shelving if necessary, hanging lighting lamps and installing a heating system. However, the more successfully the business develops, the more pressing the issue of simplifying the plant care system becomes. Simply put, the process is automated.

Automatic systems for watering, lighting, heating and ventilation of the room help get rid of a significant part of the functions. They provide the opportunity to completely abandon the manual mode due to the installation of special sensors inside the greenhouse. At the right moment, the sensors are triggered and transmit a command to the actuators (heating, ventilation, pump), after which the equipment restores the desired microclimate:

  • Automation does not always operate using electricity. For example, craftsmen construct an irrigation system from two barrels, one of which is a storage tank, the second is a receiver tank. A float valve is installed in it, which sets a regular water level. A ball valve built into the overall system opens during the solar heating process and allows water to flow into the drip system or sprinklers.
  • Hydraulic ventilation equipment consists of two containers with liquid, which are located on the movable window part. When the air inside the greenhouse warms up, the container changes position, thereby influencing the window and opening it.

The disadvantage of such homemade systems is their unreliability, so if your greenhouse grows as a business, you will need electrical systems.

Ideally, a modern greenhouse structure is an almost completely computerized complex, with many tasks to maintain the microclimate using special equipment. Therefore, it is possible to plan a greenhouse business with significant income only after the technical and material base for its operation has been created.

Advantages of greenhouse farming

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether a greenhouse business at home is profitable or not, since any business has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of farming:

  • Its main advantage is its high profitability: if all technologies for growing crops are followed, up to four harvests can be obtained from one greenhouse per year. You can organize the whole process in your own garden plot, and you can do the care and cultivation yourself, involving your family, while simultaneously mechanizing individual processes (ventilation, irrigation).
  • It is possible to start a greenhouse business from scratch without investing large sums. The use of inexpensive and common materials such as metal, plastic and polyethylene makes it possible to minimize the initial investment, however, this is only suitable for seasonal crop cultivation. In addition, you can assemble the greenhouse yourself. And in a maximum of a month, any person can become the owner of a small but promising farming business.
  • There is always a demand for food. As a last resort, the unsold harvest can be canned, frozen, or eaten yourself.
  • The price for an early harvest is always high, especially for berries and herbs of excellent quality.

All these advantages indicate that the greenhouse business has very good profitability.


Every situation has positive and negative sides. There are also many disadvantages in the greenhouse business. People who have been farming for a long time say that it is hard work. And also the disadvantages include:

  • The undulation and seasonality of business. Financial enrichment depends on the yield, which can change several times in one season.
  • Cost of resources. A year-round greenhouse requires additional heating and, accordingly, a large amount of fuel.
  • All products are perishable. Due to the rapid loss of marketable appearance and taste, it is impossible to transport the crop far, which is why the sales market is very limited.

When planning to open a farming business and receive a good income from year-round harvests, you should prepare carefully. However, with proper organization, a greenhouse business can grow into a lifelong endeavor with good income.

Creating a business in the form of a greenhouse farming is not a new idea. However, with proper organization, a “green” business can bring very good income. Where to start a greenhouse business and how to overcome the obstacles that arise on the path of a novice entrepreneur? We will talk about this and much more in this article.

Let's weigh the pros and cons

In greenhouses, greens and vegetables grow quickly; in some regions, 3-4 crops are harvested per year. Therefore, such a business, in fact, cannot be unprofitable. However, in addition to its advantages, it also has a number of disadvantages. Let's look at both of them in the table.

Benefits of greenhouse farming

Business Disadvantages

Greenhouse business is simple. Greenhouses are being built quickly. Launching a business can be done in a couple of months

Selling grown products is very problematic, so a constant search for consumers and markets is required

Opportunity to receive subsidies from the state. For example, the administration of the Krasnodar Territory provides subsidies for starting a business in the field of agriculture in the amount of up to 50%

Seasonality of prices and high competition require careful study of the local market

Business can be established in a small area required for greenhouses. Sometimes 2-3 acres is enough. Saving on rent if you have your own land or rent it far from the city

Decent monthly costs for electricity, water, as well as their installation and connection

Fast payback (from 1 to 2 years) distinguishes any greenhouse business

Where to begin?

For a novice entrepreneur, it is extremely important to have a rough picture or plan of action that will contribute to the success of the greenhouse business. It is important to think through many points related to the organization of greenhouse farming, but first of all it is worth paying attention to solving three primary issues:

  1. What to grow? Taking into account weather conditions that are favorable in a small number of regions and price forecasts, it is advisable to grow vegetables and herbs. These plants are very unpretentious, do not require much care, and any greenhouse business will benefit from them. Flowers are the choice of many professionals. Exotic plants and flowers are the most profitable area in the greenhouse business. But it is always associated with risk and high costs. It is recommended for a beginner starting greenhouse farming to practice on greens (onions, lettuce, parsley).
  2. Who should I sell to? This is a question that must be resolved before building or purchasing a greenhouse. Before starting all work, it is important to establish contacts with buyers. The more guaranteed points of sale of your products you have, the better, because if one wholesale buyer refuses to purchase what is grown, then another will be found.
  3. What type of greenhouse should I install: summer or winter? What materials and in what quantity should I purchase? Many people choose quick-assembled greenhouses. They are more suitable for business, but they are not cheap. Some novice entrepreneurs build from scrap materials, and then update and equip the farm as they earn money. Regardless of how much you plan to invest, it is advisable to plan your budget in advance.

Business specifics

There are three sectors in the greenhouse business: growing vegetables, flowers and herbs; Each direction has its own greenhouses. According to experts, the maximum income from them can be obtained in a fairly hot climate; it is desirable that the winter temperature is not lower than -5 degrees. A frosty winter is a serious risk; to avoid it, you will have to invest additionally in the purchase of insulation materials. Losses from the cold winter will be many times greater than the cost of transporting products to the northern regions.

A budding entrepreneur will have to choose a direction: seasonal or permanent greenhouse business. Where to start planning? If you are going to engage in seasonal growing of plants, then a regular one will do. A permanent business is based on special industrial premises with protected soil, with year-round heating and lighting.

It is almost impossible to mentally calculate all expenses and expected income, think through financial risks, and other significant issues without a business plan. It helps to identify and solve many problems at the preparation stage. How to properly develop a business plan for a greenhouse complex?

Sections of a business plan

A greenhouse business plan may include several sections. It takes into account natural and climatic conditions, all aspects of a particular business:

  • Activity overview or summary.
  • Description of the business.
  • Description of products and services.
  • Market and industry analysis.
  • Production plan and
  • Sales plan.
  • Financial and investment plan.

What to write about in a business plan?

We present a detailed justification for the project in the table.

Activity overview or summary

The business plan provides for the opening of a greenhouse farm, which will carry out the cultivation, harvesting and subsequent marketing of agricultural products (greens, vegetables or flowers, etc.). Individual entrepreneur was chosen as the legal form. The advantage of this form is simplified accounting, ease of settlements with counterparties and reduced taxes. The project is assessed as successful, since there is a fairly high demand for agricultural products in the area

Business Description

In this section, it is recommended to describe in detail all the objects that will be included in the greenhouse. The business plan must contain a description and diagrams of future building structures and planned engineering and technological communications. It is necessary to calculate the needs for heating, gas, water. For example, it is planned to open a greenhouse farm consisting of five greenhouses, the total area of ​​which is 600 m2, the size of the greenhouse is 20 x 6 m

Description of products and services

A greenhouse business is created to grow agricultural products and sell them to customers wholesale and retail. At the preparatory stage, it is worth deciding on the future assortment that will be presented in the greenhouse. Most often these are greens and vegetables. At this stage, you have to choose a growing method, traditional or innovative, for example hydroponics. When selecting an assortment, it is important to take into account the demand and general specifics of this industry in your region; for this we are working on the next section

Market and industry analysis

A greenhouse business plan, as a rule, contains detailed characteristics and features of the regional (regional, district) greenhouse market. In addition, it is extremely important for the success of the entire business to find potential wholesale buyers, assess sales opportunities, and report on work with wholesalers. The business plan indicates not only future buyers, but also their planned purchase volumes

Production plan and organizational plan

  • Purchase or lease of land.
  • Construction of greenhouses.
  • Carrying out all necessary communications.
  • Recruitment if necessary

Sales plan

Before starting all activities to organize a greenhouse business, it is necessary to draw up a sales plan. It is necessary to think about what the circle of buyers will be, and, if possible, establish connections with agricultural bases, shops, supermarkets, food markets and other contractors

Financial and investment plan

Is the greenhouse business profitable? A financial plan will help answer this question. To calculate the amount of profit and the break-even point, you need to keep records of upcoming income and expenses, understand the features of tax accounting and other indicators

Financial plan

The basis of a financial plan is forecasting upcoming income and expenses; without this, a greenhouse business cannot become successful. In addition, the entrepreneur will have to independently maintain these items, calculate planned and actual profit, net profit, break-even point and other indicators. To create a plan and keep records, it will be convenient to divide all expenses into one-time, constant and variable:

  • One-time costs are expenses that will have to be incurred once, as a rule, at the initial stage (purchase of greenhouses, cars, plumbing, electricity, etc.).
  • Fixed costs are usually monthly expenses paid by the businessman in equal amounts (land rent, employee salaries, water supply, electricity).
  • Variable costs are expenses that arise periodically in different amounts (repair of greenhouses, purchase of fertilizers, fuel and lubricants (fuel) for product delivery).

Based on detailed cost information, we can calculate total costs for each month and for the year as a whole. A table will help simplify your work, in which we will highlight columns for each month and columns for types of expenses.

It is significant that in a number of regions they receive 2-3 harvests per year, and in some, 4 harvests per greenhouse. A business plan allows you to quite simply calculate your planned income. To do this, it is important to know market prices and harvest volumes per square meter. Income will appear only after the sale of the ripened harvest and depends on the type of product and its price on the market.

As an example, let's take a green greenhouse business. Let's make an approximate calculation for green onions. In the supermarket, a bunch of onions costs up to 30 rubles in the spring; 1 kg of onions at the base has about the same cost. From 100 to 120 bulbs are planned to be planted in a greenhouse per 1 m2. You can get from 100 to 120 bunches of onions from 1 m2. So, 1 m 2 of greenhouse will bring up to 3,000 rubles. Subtract expenses from income and get profit. Let's say we have already incurred one-time costs. The remaining expenses were for heating and watering the greenhouse and others, which amounted to 2,500 rubles per 1 m2:

3000 - 500 = 2500 rub.

We multiply the profit from 1 m2 by the total area of ​​150 m2:

2500 × 150 = 375 thousand rubles.

After deducting the amount of taxes, we get a net profit, which will show how successful the greenhouse business is, whether it is profitable to invest your money, time and effort in it. Thus, the payback of a greenhouse business for growing greens, if calculated correctly, can be several months. A constant search for clients will allow the entrepreneur to make a profit in the first year of operation, so the profitability of the greenhouse business is quite acceptable.

Investment plan

The investment plan contains a scheme of investments or investments for all stages of business development, the amount of initial capital. The first investment will be a greenhouse. The businessman receives project documentation for it and all external networks. It is important to know how much all the pieces of equipment cost. It is necessary to plan funds for the construction of greenhouses, connection to networks (electricity, water supply), purchase of equipment and planting material. These investments are included in the production costs that the businessman bears before receiving the first profit from the greenhouses.

Which greenhouse to choose?

Before purchasing a greenhouse, you need to decide on its type. The type of greenhouse depends on climatic conditions, assortment and specifics of the farm:

  • Greenhouses of the summer-light type are simple and can be installed in a couple of hours. This type of building can be erected in a few hours. The summer version of greenhouses is mostly used as protection from prolonged rains or pests.
  • Winter-type greenhouses that transmit sunlight well will help create and maintain the necessary microclimate. Therefore, they are more suitable for growing any plants, including flowers.

Materials for greenhouses

Creating a temperature regime suitable for plants is expensive. A cheap greenhouse will not be able to maintain the desired temperature for a long time. It is important to consider the choice of material that will be used in its construction. The following types of materials are popular today:

  • Glass. For a very long time, the greenhouse business at home was built on one of the main materials in this business - glass. It was used to create insulated greenhouses that could be successfully operated until late autumn. Glass transmits up to 90% of light. But it is not suitable for the cold winter months, regardless of whether additional insulation is used. Glass has such a disadvantage as fragility; low temperatures can destroy it. And the cost of glazing will be rather high. Therefore, this material is suitable for temporary use.
  • Polyethylene is a material that has been used for a long time in many types of greenhouses. Its advantage is its low price compared to other materials. But a significant drawback is the low bandwidth. Many plants will need additional light sources. The greenhouse will have to be opened during reasonable weather to allow sunlight to reach the plants. The material is characterized by weak strength and low heat capacity, therefore it is suitable exclusively for summer greenhouses.
  • It is impossible to imagine a home greenhouse business without polycarbonate. It is a product of modern technology, 250 times more durable and 8 times lighter than glass. Its heat capacity is several times higher than that of glass and polyethylene. Only polycarbonate is an ideal material for winter greenhouses. A greenhouse roof made of polycarbonate with a thickness of no more than 9 mm allows for the greatest penetration of light. The walls may be thicker. When choosing a polycarbonate greenhouse, it is important to know that it is available in two types: monolithic and cellular. Cellular polycarbonate has more advantages, since it is much more transparent and warmer than monolithic. For greenhouse business, cellular polycarbonate is recommended.


Greenhouse farming is a business that must constantly develop and improve. High competition in industries reduces profit margins. New technologies are emerging, but at the same time the cost of equipment is rising. Therefore, a businessman must be able not only to sell what he has grown, but to navigate the market, use innovations and expand the business.

Good afternoon. My name is Alexander Garmashov, I am from the city of Stavropol. Five years ago I became interested in the question of the profitability of greenhouse farming. Despite the existing competition, all greenhouse owners had a stable and solid income. And for four years now I have been growing potted flowers and one of the most valuable products in stores - greens - in my greenhouse.

Today my business growing greens in a greenhouse is the largest in the city. Agreements have been concluded with more than a hundred stores and individual entrepreneurs.

The existing greenhouse occupies more than three hundred square meters and is equipped with aeration, irrigation, ventilation, watering and shading systems. There is a private well and boilers for heating the premises. Optimal temperature and lighting are maintained all year round.

Maintenance personnel - three workers who care for the plants, plant, harvest and protect the greenhouse.

The financial side of the issue is as follows:

  • initial costs – from 500,000 rubles;
  • labor costs – from 70,000 rubles per month;
  • other expenses (light, seedlings, fuel, etc.) – from 40,000 rubles per month;
  • monthly profit – from 400 thousand rubles per month.

Does a greenhouse generate income as a business?

Building a greenhouse and growing herbs, vegetables and flowers is a profitable business.

Its advantages:

  • low construction costs and simple solution to organizational issues;
  • high payback. As a rule, it is possible to cover costs within a year after the start of work;
  • constant demand for products. If you grow vegetables and herbs, you can be sure of stable demand for the product. The only issue is the price;
  • grown products are always available for personal consumption (if we are talking about vegetables and herbs). You grow it yourself, so you are confident in the quality.

But there are also disadvantages to the greenhouse business idea:

  • high costs of paying for electricity, because a large greenhouse needs to be illuminated almost around the clock;
  • presence of business seasonality factor. In winter, the demand for goods is much higher. In the summer, finding a market at a good price is usually much more difficult;
  • you have to independently decide the issue of delivering the goods to the buyer, and this means additional costs.

What should a greenhouse business plan for growing vegetables look like?

To achieve success and quickly recoup your costs, do the following:

1. Decide what exactly will grow in your greenhouse. There are enough options - it could be onions, parsley, indoor flowers, herbs and other plants.

One of the best ways to make money is to grow vegetables, for example, carrots, kohlrabi, broccoli, potatoes, leeks, cabbage, cucumbers, eggplants, garlic, peppers and so on.

2. Decide on a growing system. A good option is hydroponics. The peculiarity of this system is complete automation of the process, minimal costs and high efficiency.

Each plant grows in its own container of water, which receives additional fertilizers and nutrients.

The downside of the system is that vegetables acquire an unnatural “watery” taste.

If you plan to develop long-term cooperation with representatives of retail outlets, then it is better to abandon this method.

You can get tasty vegetables by growing them on the ground or using special mobile beds.

By the way, the last option is the most preferable. With this method, vegetables acquire a truly “natural” taste and are no different from those grown in the country under the open sun.

3. Find a site for the greenhouse. At the initial stage, a greenhouse requires an area of ​​about 130-150 square meters. But look for a place with the prospect of further expansion.

When searching, consider the possibility of supplying electricity, drilling a well or supplying water. The quality of the soil is also of great importance. The average cost of rent is from 30 thousand rubles, but you can find cheaper ones.

4. Select staff. No matter how much you want to handle such a business on your own, you will need hardworking assistants. It is advisable to take two or three people who will care for the vegetables, plant, harvest and perform other work.

The financial part of the question will look like this:

  • payment for rent of land for a greenhouse – from 30,000 rubles per month;
  • purchase and arrangement of a greenhouse – from 400,000 rubles;
  • electricity payment – ​​from 15,000 rubles per month;
  • expenses for deductions and taxes - from 15,000 rubles per month.

Total costs – from 500-600 thousand rubles.

How to install a greenhouse?

If you are building a small greenhouse, you can build it yourself. If you are constructing a permanent structure, find specialists. The business idea of ​​a greenhouse is a promising direction.

But to implement it, it is important to build a high-quality greenhouse, taking into account all the rules and regulations.

It is important not only to build the structure, but also to organize irrigation, bring in soil, supply electricity, install a boiler, and so on. It is better to look for a company that is ready to do everything on a turnkey basis, including resolving issues with the electricity supply organization.

Costs for construction and arrangement - from 400,000 rubles.

Home business make money from your greenhouse

Is the business of growing greens in a greenhouse profitable?

Growing herbs (dill, parsley, onions) is one of the most promising areas (I can safely say this from my experience). The business pays off very quickly.

All that is needed for growth is good soil, some water, warmth and sun. Moreover, from one square meter you can harvest more than three kilograms of onions per season.

Taking into account that the average annual price is about 50 rubles for a small bunch weighing 150 grams, then one “square” of land can bring 1000 rubles. Greens can be grown in two layers, which increases overall profitability.

Which greenhouse to build for business?

You can choose one of three options:

  • build a polycarbonate greenhouse. The peculiarity of the material is its ability to completely transmit the rays of the sun and its lightness. To build such a greenhouse, there is no need to install a foundation, which significantly reduces the cost of the construction process. On the other hand, polycarbonate itself is a very expensive material;
  • greenhouses made of polyethylene have a low cost (this is the main and almost the only advantage). The disadvantages are insufficient light transmission (vegetables grow much slower) and low strength. In practice, greenhouse repairs have to be done almost every year;
  • glass structures are an expensive pleasure. But there are more advantages - they transmit light well, have a long service life and allow you to operate the greenhouse all year round.

Table No. 1. Dynamics of agricultural production in Russia

What is special about growing chrysanthemums in a greenhouse?

Chrysanthemums are very popular flowers today. Their peculiarity is that they are absolutely not capricious or whimsical.

But if you are interested in a greenhouse business idea for growing these flowers, then consider several important requirements:

  • chrysanthemums require high-quality soil and special attention to the selection of cuttings;
  • daylight hours should be at least 14-15 hours;
  • pay special attention to temperature conditions, fertilizing and watering;
  • prevent diseases.

Table No. 2. Prices for greenhouse products in Russia

As a rule, to plant such flowers, you can get by with simple garden soil with a small addition of sandy soil or humus. During planting, you should not deepen the roots too much - this will complicate the “work” of the plant.

As for light, in summer the sun’s rays are enough, and in other periods the greenhouse should be illuminated by artificial sources. The optimal temperature is about 17-18 degrees Celsius.

At the moment the buds appear, it is advisable to reduce the temperature to 10 degrees Celsius.

The first fertilizing should be carried out 11-12 days after planting. During growth, nitrogen-based fertilizers are the best option.

When their buds begin to form, it is advisable to use special phosphorus-potassium supplements (they should be applied directly under the root). Pay special attention to the dosage - it is important not to overdo it.

When buying chrysanthemums for planting, keep in mind that at the end of spring the cost for them will be maximum - up to 17-19 rubles, but by the end of May and the beginning of June it decreases by two to three rubles. A little later, cuttings can be bought for free - for 6-8 rubles.

You can study the numerous experiences of other entrepreneurs who have created their own successful franchise business in the section of our website:

The most successful and informative case, according to the editors of the Russtarup portal:

An interesting experience of creating a business under a franchising program is presented

Greenhouse manufacturing business. How profitable is this?

If you have your hands on your shoulders and a passion for construction, then you can make money by manufacturing and installing greenhouses. The simplest technology is to assemble a structure using polycarbonate.

As a rule, a frame is first made, to which the sheets are attached. The latter are fixed to each other using sealed tape. The frame is formed using a galvanized iron profile (sold in any store).

The structure is installed directly on the selected site (you can do without a foundation). Once construction is complete, all that remains is to install the windows and doors. The total cost of constructing the structure is about 8-10 thousand rubles.

The procedure takes about two days. The cost of work for the customer is from 20 thousand rubles.


Decide what you want to grow, delve into the features of the new direction and become the best in your field. Write (order) a high-quality business plan and put it into practice.

All roads are open. Moreover, you now know what is good about the greenhouse business and where to start your business.