Structure of labor resources of the enterprise. Composition, structure and role of labor resources. Brief description of the company

Under the labor resources of the organization understand the number and composition of its staff. The volume, quality and timeliness of the performance of industrial problems, the efficiency of the use of machines, mechanisms, equipment, equipment, which in turn affect the production of production, its cost, profit, and a number of other financial and economic indicators are dependent on the organization of labor resources and efficiency of their use.

IN modern conditions Production efficiency use production Funds, raw materials, improving the quality and structure of produced products depend on both the number of employees and the level of their qualifications. In accordance with the current legislation, the enterprises themselves determine the total number of employees, their professional and qualifying staff, approve the states. The restlessness of the staff often has a negative impact on the quality and dynamics of product volume.

The age limits and the socio-demographic composition of labor resources are determined by the system of legislation.

Labor resources include:

1) the population in working age except for the disabled of war and labor I and II groups and non-working persons receiving pensions on preferential terms;

2) working persons of the retirement age;

3) working teenagers under the age of 16.

The definition of labor resources as a planned accounting indicator should first of all reflect the quantitative characteristics of labor resources and their structure. Labor resources as a planned accounting indicator is the number of people employed in the public economy, as well as unemployed working age in it. This characterizes the active and passive part of labor resources.

Labor resources, staff, or personnel are the main staff of the organization's employees (with the exception of management) performing various production and economic functions. It is characterized primarily by the number, the structure considered both in statics and in dynamics, professional suitability, competence.

Labor resources have quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Quantitative include numbers of numbers and composition (by sex, age, public groups, etc.). Qualitative - indicators of educational level, vocational qualification structure, etc.

All staff of the enterprise is divided into two groups: industrial and industrial personnel (PPP) and personnel of non-industrial farms. PPP employees are divided into workers and employees. As part of employees allocate managers, specialists.

Managers are hired employees performing managerial functions. These include director, chiefs, heads, chairmen, masters, main specialists ( chief Accountant, chief Engineer Both others) and their deputies.

Specialists are hired workers engaged in engineering, technical, economic and other works. These include administrators, accountants, dispatchers, engineers, inspectors, mathematics, normalizers, sociologists, marketers and others.

Technical performers - employees who carry out the preparation and design of documentation, accounting and control, economic service. These include agents, office managers, statistics, stenographic and others.

Workers are workers directly related to the creation of products or ensuring the normal course of production.

Depending on the nature of the work, the staff of the organization is divided by professions, specialties and qualifications.

Profession is a certain type of employee's activities, due to a totality of knowledge and labor skills acquired as a result of special training.

Specialty is a type of activity as part of a profession, which has specific features and requires additional special knowledge and skills from workers.

Qualification - degree and view professional training An employee, the presence of his knowledge, skills and skills necessary to perform work or functions of a certain complexity, which is displayed in qualifying (tariff) discharges and categories.

Data on employees of the organization are systematized in the plug-in schedule. The staff schedule is internal document Organizations that the structure is determined, the number of positions, official salaries for each specific division and the organization as a whole. The staffing and staffing structure independently develops and records in the consolidated form of the current division of labor between the workers described in job descriptions. Staffing schedule, fixing the situation of the number of professional qualification composition on certain momentmust be a document of a certain period of action. The most optimal period may be one year.

The number of labor resources is calculated as of a specific point in time (one date or another) and is calculated on average for a certain period (month, year). In the other case, two indicators are used: the list of workers and the number of actually worked.

The list of enterprises include all employees engaged in the main activity of enterprises adopted for permanent and temporary work for a period of more than one day, as well as employees of non-mining activities adopted for a period of at least 5 days receiving salary in this enterprise, despite the fact that They are on a business trip, on vacation, on advanced training courses, work under the contract in another organization. The list of accounts do not include workers temporarily aimed at a contract to other organizations, if they do not receive a salary at the main place of work, students of educational institutions undergoing production practices, part-in.

Along with a list of numbers, it is important to know the number of actually worked. For enterprises, a fake number is also a certain meaning (the number of people who came to work.) The focusing number differs from the number of actually worked on the amount of native downtime.

Due to the constant changes in the number of labor resources, average indicators are calculated.

The average number of employees of the enterprise (SSC) is the number of employees of the list of accounts on a specific date, taking into account the workers adopted and disposed of this day, is calculated by the formula

The amount of the list of numbers for all days in the period

H cc \u003d number of calendar days in the period

The wonderful number is the number of employees of the list of composition, which internally actually have to work during the day.

The amount of fastening number for all days of work

Ch xya \u003d number of days of work for the period

The difference between the javing and list of labor resources characterizes the number of native downtime (vacation, disease, business trips, and so on).

The quantitative characteristics of labor resources in time and at the rate of change is rounded with absolute and relative indicators: absolute increase, growth rates and growth, labor resources.

The absolute increase is the difference between the number of labor resources at the beginning and end of a certain period. The growth rate of labor resources is the ratio of the number of labor resources at the end and the beginning of the period. The growth rate of labor resources is the ratio of the absolute value of the appropriate increase to the number of labor resources at the beginning of the period for which the indicator is calculated.

The composition of employees of each enterprise is constantly changing, updated. This workforce movement is characterized by the turnover of the workforce on the reception (the relationship of the annual annual number adopted for the year) and on the disposal (the ratio of retired to the average annual number).

An indicator characterizing the unjustified flow fluidity is the ratio of the number of retired own willing and dismissed for violation labor discipline to the average annual number.

In practice, personnel is in constant movement due to admission to the work of one and dismissal of other workers. The process of updating the collective as a result of the disposal of part of its members and the arrival of the new is called replacing (turnover) frames.

Disposal may be due to objective and subjective reasons, including: biological (worsening health), production (reduction of states due to integrated mechanization and automation), social (retirement age), personal (family circumstances), state (call for military service).

The absolute indicators of staff movement are the turnover of receiving and turnover by disposal.

The turnover of receiving is the number of persons enrolled after the end of educational institutions, according to Ornotarour, in order of translation from other organizations, on the distribution, in the direction of employment bodies, at the invitation of the organization itself, as well as undergoing production practices.

adopted workers total

Coef. Turnover by reception \u003d the average number of employees

The turnover on the disposal is characterized by the number of persons who have dismissed from the organization for this period, grouped by the reasons for dismissal. Depending on these reasons, it is necessary and unnecessary. The latter is differently called the fluidity of frames.

fired employees total

Coef. Radiation for retirement \u003d the average number of employees

The required turnover on the disposal has objective reasons: the requirements of the legislation (for example, about military service), natural moments (state of health, age), and therefore inevitable.

The fluidity is associated with subjective reasons (care for their own desire, dismissal for violations of labor discipline). It is usually characteristic of young employees and after three years of work is significantly reduced. It is believed that normal personnel turnover is up to 5% per year.

Relative personnel turnover can be described using a number of indicators:

Accepted + fired workers

Coef. total turnover \u003d average employee number

Dismissed at their own accord and

violation of discipline

Coef. Personnel yields \u003d average employee number

Number of employees worked

Coef. Personnel constancy \u003d average employee number

Personnel motion coefficients are not planned, so their analysis is made by comparing the reporting year indicators with the indicators of the previous year. The fluidity of workers plays a large role in the activities of the enterprise. Permanent personnel, working at the enterprise for a long time, improve their qualifications, master the adjacent professions, are quickly focused on any atypical environment, create a specific business atmosphere in the team, actively affecting labor productivity. The consistency and stability coefficients reflect the level of wages and employee satisfaction with working conditions, labor and social benefits.

The staff movement is reflected in the balance sheet that includes information about changing the number and structure of frames. Balances are compiled in organizations for monthly, quarterly and annual periods, including in individual specialties, professions, categories. They contain data on the number of employees at the beginning and end of the period, the number of received and retired for the period. At the same time, they are deciphering how people come from (from educational institutions, from other organizations in the order of translation, with labor exchange) and for which reasons are gone (translation to other organizations, the end of the term of the contract, study for study, call for military service , retirement and other reasons).

The combination of individual groups of workers forms the staff structure, or the social structure of an organization that can be statistical and analytical.

The statistical structure reflects the distribution of personnel and its movement in the context of categories and groups of posts.

For example, personnel can be distinguished by the main activities (persons working in the main and auxiliary, research and development units, the Office of Management engaged in the creation of products, services or maintaining these processes) and non-primary activities (repair workers, housing utilities, social divisions). All of them in their divisions occupy managers, specialists, workers, and basic information about them are contained in the current reporting.

By the nature of labor functions, personnel are divided into workers and employees. Workers directly create material values Or provide production services. It is customary to distinguish between the main and auxiliary workers. The first busy B. technological processes, varying form, structure, object properties, resulting in material products or services. The second is associated with the service of equipment and jobs in the auxiliary units - repair, instrumental, transport, warehouses.

When analyzing labor resources in terms of education and training, the following indicators are taken into account: the level of education of the working-age population (general, special), the ratio of the number busy population to the number of persons with higher, middle and primary education, the dynamics of students' number of learning; The development and level of vocational education, the number and composition of students, issue from schools by profession and sectors of the national economy.

It is important to study the vocational qualification structure of labor resources, determining the specific gravity of workers by activities, level of qualifications, etc. Indicators of the vocational qualification structure of labor resources are widely used in drawing up balance sheet calculations in the preparation of qualified workers and specialists.

The employee's qualifications are determined by such factors as the level of common and special knowledge, work experience and this or similar position necessary for the development of the profession. Qualification is assigned to a special commission based on a comprehensive test of knowledge and experience of this person and legally enshrined in documents: diplomas, testimonies, and so on.

Differences in the degree of qualifications of workers are reflected in the tariff discharge, a higher discharge corresponds to higher qualifications.

When analyzing staff, the composition of the workers are also studied by professions, age, forms and remuneration systems, shifts, I experience.

The structure of personnel in the level of education (general and special) involves the allocation of persons having higher education, unfinished higher (more than half of the term of learning), secondary special, secondary general, incomplete average, initial. It is advisable to draw up a table of information about the alignment of specialists with higher and secondary special education.

Analysis of the qualitative need for profession, specialties are accompanied by simultaneously calculating the number of personnel for each criterion of high-quality need. The overall need for personnel is summary quantitative need According to individual quality criteria.

An analysis of the qualitative staff of personnel is necessary for the forecast of quantitative and qualitative needs for personnel and determining measures to carry out cash in line with the needs for the development of a program for the preparation and advanced training of personnel.

An analysis of the composition of working on qualifications does not pursue the goal to ensure the perfect accurate compliance of the qualification level of work and workers, since therefore, the practical impossible is impossible in connection with the constant change in the nature of the work and composition of workers. However, such an analysis periodically should be carried out in order to prevent large gaps between the qualification level of work and workers.

The ultimate goal of analyzing the qualitative composition and use of labor of specialists and managers is to develop measures to improve the efficiency of using their labor, changing the specific gravity of specialists with higher and secondary special education, the implementation of the plan for improving the qualifications of managers and specialists.

The main tasks of the analysis of the use of labor resources are to most accurately assess the implementation of established tasks and identify reserves of further growth in labor productivity and economical expenditure of the Fund wages, increase production.

In this regard, when analyzing the use of labor resources, attention should be paid to the correct assessment of the compliance with the established limit of the number of working, the results of the implementation of the established tasks and growth rates of the production of one employee and one working, the use of working time, the influence of the cellular and intracementary downtime for labor productivity and production .

For this purpose, an assessment of the company's security by labor resources, the effectiveness of their use, the movement of labor, as well as to study the degree of labor productivity and factors affecting it.

In the process of analyzing labor resources, the following tasks are resolved:

· The provision of workplaces of the production division by personnel in the required professional and qualification composition (ensuring the production of labor resources) is evaluated;

· The qualitative use of labor resources (working time) is studied in the production process;

· The total evaluation of the dynamics and the implementation of the labor productivity plan is carried out;

· The impact of technical and economic factors is measured on the level of labor productivity;

· The system of factors affecting labor productivity indicators is determined;

· Quantitatively measures the impact of factors to identify the deviation of reporting indicators of labor productivity from their basis values;

· The composition and structure of the wage fund in the context of groups, personnel categories and types of payments are investigated;

· Produced factor analysis wage fund;

common the influence of labor factors on the results of the enterprise. Thus, the purpose of analyzing labor is to identify reserves and unused opportunities at the enterprise, the development of measures to bring them into action.

Introduction p. 3

Chapter1 Theoretical Aspects Analysis of the Company's labor resources.

1.1 Composition, Structure, and Labor Resources Functions Page 4

1.2 Company security by labor resources page 5

1.3 Analysis of the use of the working time fund page 8

1.4 Personnel payments p. 10

1.5 Evaluation of the efficiency of working strength resources 12

Chapter 2 Analysis of labor rates p. 15

2.1 a brief description of Enterprises p. 15

2.2 Analysis of the Company's security by labor resources page 15

Chapter 3 The main directions to improve the efficiency of the use of personnel page 17

3.1 Methods of labor stimulating staff p. 17

3.1.1 Improvement of remuneration p. 17

3.1.2 Improving personnel work p. 19

3.2 Implementation of information technology p. 20

3.2.1 Why should I introduce new information technology?

3.2.2 Enterprise work before the introduction of information systems Page 21

3.2.3 Enterprise work after the introduction of information systems page 22

Conclusions and suggestions p. 26

List of used literature p. 27


Our country's economy has practically switched to market rails and functions exclusively according to the laws of the market. Enterprises themselves are responsible for their activities, and they themselves decide on further development. A B. market economy The one who best uses its resources available to get the maximum number of profits, solving the main problems of economic activity.

Of the factors known at the moment, the factors of production are one of the main, and often the main, which requires the greatest costs.

The main objective of this work can be formulated as follows: to evaluate the employment records of a particular enterprise (it will be the MUP "Pharmacy Mila"), practically consolidated in the knowledge of the economic analysis of economic activities of enterprises.

In this case, the following tasks must be solved:

1. Comparison of the concepts of "labor resources" and "labor force", an exemplary characteristics of the indicators used in this analysis.

2. Study at the enterprise MUP "Pharmacy Mila" dynamics of the number of personnel, the use of labor resources and the working time fund.

3. Detection of reserves for improving employee motivation and the introduction of innovative technologies.

The object of study chosen MUP "Pharmacy Mila", carrying out activities to implement medicines in order to meet the needs of the population.

Chapter 1

Theoretical aspects of labor analysis


1.1 Composition, Structure and Functions of Labor Resources

Labor resources include the part of the population, which has the necessary physical data, knowledge and skills in the relevant industry. Sufficient provision of enterprises with the necessary labor resources, their rational use, the high level of labor productivity is of great importance to increase product volumes and increase production efficiency.

In general, the term "labor resources" is the concept of "tensile" and outdated. The company is more applicable to the concept of "labor force" (economically active population), although it includes "occupied" and "unemployed".

Need a term that would excrete "unemployed" from the workforce. "Enterprise personnel" and "personnel composition" is what you need. Thus, using the concept of "labor resources of the enterprise" and "labor force", I think will not be so rude identifying them with the composition of employed at the enterprise, because In all textbooks on the analysis of enterprises, for some reason these inaccurate terms are used.

The personnel of the company is a combination of individuals consisting of a firm as a legal entity, in relations regulated by the employment contract. In such respects, not only employees may consist, but individuals - owners or co-owners of the company, if, in addition to the income due to them, take part in the activities of the company their personal labor and receive relevant payment for this.

Only persons engaged in individual labor activity, and persons engaged in the so-called family enterprises, although registered as legal entity (Farms, for example), are not included in the employment personnel, as they receive remuneration for their employment participation from income left at their disposal after paying taxes and other mandatory payments.

In large firms that operate related to various sectors of the national economy, all personnel are divided into persons employed in the main activity and persons generated personnel not of the main activity. Regardless of the scope of the employment of labor, the company's entire personnel is divided into categories. Currently, it is customary to allocate the following categories of personnel: workers, employees, specialists and managers. Depending on the nature of the functions performed, managers can be found to be specialists if their activities require special technical knowledge, or to employees if the functions of such special knowledge are not required.

As part of specific firms, workers allocate workers' main and working auxiliary. This division is important because, firstly, the workers make up the most numerous category; Secondly, because labor functions performed by major and auxiliary workers are very different and at the stage of intra-profit planning, the definition of the number of working groups is based on different approaches.

1.2 Company security by labor resources

In modern conditions, production efficiency of the use of industrial funds, raw materials, improving the quality and structure of produced products depend on both the number of working and the level of their qualifications. In accordance with the current legislation, the enterprises themselves determine the total number of employees, their professional and qualifying staff, approve the states. The restlessness of the staff often has a negative impact on the quality and dynamics of product volume.

Employees of the enterprise are distributed by professions, specialties and qualifications. The profession is characterized by a complex of theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to fulfill certain work in one of the industries. It is predetermined by the nature of the work created by the product and the specific conditions of production in this industry. The specialty is a further division of labor within the profession. Qualification characterizes the degree of the preparedness of the employee, its ability to fulfill the work of a certain complexity for this specialty.

There are a list, secondary and fascinating composition of employees of the enterprise. All employees adopted for permanent, seasonal and temporary work for a period of one day and more, from the date of enrollment of them, are included in the list of composition. In it, every calendar day is taken into account both in fact working and missing at work for any reason. It should be noted here: it is incorrect to assume that to determine the number of employees of the enterprise for any period, it is enough to make the number of employees on a specific date, since this indicator does not take into account the dynamics of the number of employees of the enterprise in the period under consideration. For these purposes, an indicator of the average number of employees during a certain period should be used.

During the reporting month, it is defined as an arithmetic average number of workers over the entire period, and festive and weekends are included in the calculation. The list of employees for the weekend or holiday day is made equal to the list of employees for the previous working day. The average number of employees for a longer time interval can be defined as arithmetic arithmetic weighted periods.

From the list of employees should be distinguished by the uncess, which shows how many people from among those consisting of the list appeared to work. The number of actually working is the number of personnel, not only who came, but also actually started to work. The difference between the fracture number and the number of actually working allows you to determine the number of persons in the native downtime (due to the lack of electricity, material, etc.). Accounting for the number of employees makes it possible to find out their distribution in different sections of enterprises, as well as changes in this distribution.

The structure of the enterprise is characterized by the ratio of various categories of workers. In order to analyze the frame structure, it is determined and compared specific gravity Each category of employees in the overall average number of enterprise personnel.

In the process of analysis, the actual average number (SCCH) some categories It is compared with the planned in absolute terms and as a percentage of the appropriate database.

The calculation of the average personnel of workers can be carried out by dividing the amount of list numbers for all days of the reporting period (including festive and weekends) on the full calendar number of days during this period. At the same time, the appearance and non-appearance of workers are taken into account on certain days.

Consequently, the same result can be obtained if the number of fans and non-appearance for work for all days of the period of the period and divide the total number of calendar days.

When calculating medium list numbers, not all employees listed to the list are taken into account. In a list, women are not included who have taken leave without detention after the end of maternity leave, adolescents under 17 years old, who have no specialty, students' employees who have temporarily transferred to the scholarship, and other persons who have taken leave without detention (at their own expense) for more period 1 month.

The most responsible stage in the analysis of the company's security of the workforce is the study of its movement. For the characteristics of the workforce movement, the dynamics of the following coefficients are calculated and analyzed:

Trim turnover \u003d ___ Adopted workers total ____________

the average number of employees

Traffic turnover \u003d ___ Fired employees total ______________

the average number of employees

Total turnover \u003d __Friend workers + fired workers__

the average number of employees

Personnel yields \u003d dismissed at their request and disorders of discipline The average number of employees

Personnel constancy \u003d number of employees worked out the average average number of employees

Personnel motion coefficients are not planned, so their analysis is made by comparing the reporting year indicators with the indicators of the previous year.

The fluidity of workers plays a large role in the activities of the enterprise. Permanent personnel, working at the enterprise for a long time, improve their qualifications, master the adjacent professions, are quickly focused on any atypical environment, create a specific business atmosphere in the team, actively affecting labor productivity. The consistency and stability coefficients reflect the level of wages and employee satisfaction with working conditions, labor and social benefits.

1.3 Analysis of the use of the working time fund.

The completeness of the use of labor resources can be estimated by the number of spent days and hours with one employee for the analyzed period of time, as well as by the degree of use of the working time fund. The working time fund is calculated by the following formula:


CR - the number of workers

D - the number of days spent one workers on average per year

P - average duration of the working day.

An object of analysis in this case is the magnitude of the deviation of actually spent time in man-hours in the reporting period from the relevant indicator for the previous year. This deviation may affect such factors as: changing the number of workers, changing the duration of the working period and changing the duration of the work shift.

NOMFRV \u003d Calendar Foundation - Holidays and Weekend Working

It is possible that the nominal fund is used entirely: there are no downtime, no absenteeism. But the loss of working time is possible as the result of the skills and downtime of equipment from the inefficient use of working time. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the focusing fund of working time and, accordingly, the budget of the working time is the NAVFRV \u003d NOMFRV - non-appearance to work.

Budget PV \u003d NAVFRV * Duration of the working day.

We distinguish the concepts of advanced days, native and intraspecific downtime, non-appearance and absenteeism. The worker can come to work and not work throughout the change or part of the shift. Hence the concept of native and intraspecific downtime.

Spelling is a non-appearance to work for disrespectful reasons, that is, without legitimate reason.

When analyzing it is important to establish which of the reasons that caused the loss of working time, depend on the labor collective (absenteeism, downtime of equipment due to workers, etc.) and which are not due to its activities (vacation, for example). Elimination of working time losses for reasons depending on the labor collective is a reserve that do not require capital investments, but allowing you to quickly receive returns.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the unproductive costs of working time (hidden loss of working time). These are the costs of working time for the manufacture of rejected products and marriage correction, as well as in connection with the deviations from the technological process.

To determine the unproductive loss of working time associated with marriage, it is necessary for the amount of wages of workers in a rejected product and paid wages to the work on its correction to divide the workers on the average hourly salary.

Failure is an integral part of the enterprise management, and it largely depends on the effectiveness of its work, since the wage is one of the most important incentives in the rational use of labor.

1.4 Personnel Payment

Salary is a sense of national income in cash, which is distributed by the number and quality of labor spent by each employee entering his personal consumption. SP performs several functions, the most important of them are a reproductive, stimulating, status, regulating (distribution), production and share, etc.

The reproductive function is to ensure the possibility of reproduction of labor at the socio-normal level of consumption, i.e. In determining such an absolute size of the SP, which allows the conditions for the normal reproduction of labor.

The status function of salaries implies the correspondence of the status determined by the size of the SP, the labor status of the employee. Under the "status" means the position of a person in a particular system social relationship and connections. Labor status is the place of this employee in relation to other employees, both vertically and horizontally. Hence the amount of remuneration for labor is one of the main indicators of this status, and its comparison with its own labor efforts allows to judge the fairness of wages. It requires vowel development (with a compulsory discussion with personnel) of the system of remuneration criteria for individual groups, personnel categories, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise, which should be reflected in the collective agreement (contracts).

The status function is important, first of all, for the employees themselves, at the level of their claims on the salary, which employees have the relevant professions in other firms (in the RCC), and the orientation of staff at a higher level of material well-being. To implement this feature I also need material basewhich is embodied in the relevant work efficiency and the activities of the company as a whole.

The stimulating function of the SP is important from the position of the management of the company: it is necessary to encourage the employee to work in labor activity, to the maximum return, increase labor efficiency. This goal is to establish the size of earnings depending on the results achieved by each result.

The implementation of the stimulating function is carried out by the management of the company through specific wage systems based on the assessment of the results of labor and the relationship of the wage fund (fot) with the efficiency of the company.

The regulatory function of the RFP affects the relationship between supply and supply of labor, to form personnel (the number of employees and professional qualification composition) and the degree of its employment.

The production and share function of the RFP determines the measure of living labor (through SP) in the formation of the price of goods (products, services), its share in total production costs and in labor costs. At the enterprises of various forms of ownership, two forms of wages were most common: piecework - payment for each unit of products or a performed volume of work and timeless - payment for spent time.

There is also a number of conditions under which it is advisable to apply this or that form of remuneration.

Conditions for applying piecework remuneration:

The presence of quantitative performance indicators directly dependent on a particular employee;

The possibility of accurate accounting of the volumes of work performed;

The possibility of working specific plot to increase the production or scope of work;

The need for a particular production site to stimulate workers in the future increase in the production of products or volumes of work performed;

The possibility of technical standardization of labor.

Deterioration of product quality;

Violation of technological modes;

Deterioration of equipment maintenance;

Violation of safety requirements;

Expandments of raw materials and materials.

Terms of application of time remuneration:

The absence of an increase in production output;

The production process is strictly regulated;

Working functions are reduced to monitoring the progress of the technological process;

The functioning of the flow and conveyor types of production with strictly specified rhythm;

An increase in production can lead to marriage or worsening its quality.

Changing the magnitude of wages is one of the tools for influencing the personnel of the company. The impact on personnel is prerequisite Its effective use. Therefore, when analyzing the use of labor resources, much attention is paid to the study of the assessment. economic efficiency use of labor resources.

1.5 Assessment of the economic efficiency of the use of labor resources.

The effectiveness of the use of labor resources is the most important economic concept characterizing the effectiveness of the use of labor resources; It is expressed in achieving the greatest effect at the minimum cost of labor resources and is measured as the ratio of the result to the cost of living work in all areas of activity: in the field of material production, in the non-productive sphere, in the sphere of public, collective and private production.

In the market economy, an entrepreneur, assessing the efficiency of the use of resources available at its disposal of labor, is forced to solve two relatively independent tasks: first, it is necessary to evaluate in each of the periods of time the effectiveness of the application in the production of existing resources of labor and if it is found that this efficiency is found For any reason, it is reduced, then on the basis of conclusions from economic and statistical analysis to take appropriate measures. The productivity of the enterprise for the year is determined by the formula:

Fri \u003d DV / CR where:

DV - cash revenue

CR - average population

Secondly, given that certain types of resource consumed in the production has a certain interchangeability (instead of the Seller in the tobacco store, you can install a cigarette sales machine; Instead of making casting in your workshop, you can use a purchase cast, supplied by another enterprise), you must correctly evaluate how It is reflected in the costs of production and appeal the results of the consumption of labor resources, i.e. The results of consumption of living labor is not in the natural (according to labor costs), and in cash (because the costs of production and circulation can be defined only in value estimates).

The first task is solved in practice through the determination of performance indicators, analysis of their dynamics and revealing reserves for its increase, which in some cases requires the economic services of the company's economic services for the development of special plans for organizational and technical events.

The result of the solution of this task will be data on the level of labor costs (working time) on the production of products on the basis of product volumes and the complexity of its unit.

The second task is based on the price of the price in which the company costs the use of a unit of labor costs. In such monetary evaluation The costs of production directly related to consumption in the production process of living labor should not only be the amounts directly spent on the payment of workers in the form of wages accrued by them, but also all sorts of accruals and deductions to various funds (pension, compulsory medical insurance, social insurance. , Employment Fund, etc.) and taxes whose bet is determined depending on the wage fund or staff number (transport tax, school tax, etc.).

Of great importance for assessing the efficiency of the use of labor resources in the enterprise in the conditions of a market economy has an indicator of staff profitability. Since profits depends on the profitability of the coefficient of turnover of capital and the amount of functioning capital, the factor model of this indicator can be represented as follows:

P / CR \u003d p / in x in / kl x cl / cc

or P / CR \u003d p / in x V / TP HTP / CR, where:

P - profit from sales of products;

Czech Republic - the average number of employees;

In - revenue from the sale of products;

CL - average annual amount of capital;

TP - the cost of producing commercial products in current prices;

P / CR - profitability of personnel;

N / in - profitability of sales;

CL / CR - capital capital;

V / TP - the proportion of production in the cost of products;

TP / Czech Republic is the average annual production of products in one workers in current prices.

The model allows you to establish how the profit has changed per employee due to the level of profitability of sales, the specific weight of the production in the total volume of products manufactured and productivity.

Chapter 2.

Analysis of labor rates

2.1 Brief description of the enterprise

The company was created without a validity period.

The purpose of creating an enterprise is to implement the statutory activities for the production of products, the performance of work and the provision of services in order to meet the needs of the population and receipt of the enterprise. To achieve these purposes, the enterprise carries out the following activities:

Pharmaceutical activity;

Production of medicines for the recipes of doctors and the requirements of therapeutic and preventive institutions;

Acquisition, storage, vacation and implementation of all medicines and medical products registered in the State Register;

Turnover Activities narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, according to the Federal Law "On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances" of January 08/1998, No. 3-FZ;

Realization of prepared medicines, medical items, patient care products, hygiene, natural and artificial water, cosmetic and perfumery products "

Manufacture and packaging of drugs in t. Sterile dosage forms;

Implementation of homeopathic preparations, medical instruments;

Acquisition, manufacture, repair and sale of spectacle optics;

Realization of means and preparations of veterinary value;

Realization of drugs of therapeutic child diet nutrition;

Implementation of pharmaceutical, reference and information literature;

Participation in charitable activities;

The implementation of other works and the provision of other services that are not prohibited and not contrary to the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

All of the above activities are carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Separate activities, the list of which is determined by federal law, the company can only be carried out on the basis of a license.

2.2 Analysis of enterprise security by labor resources.

Acceptance of hired personnel is carried out in accordance with the current legislation on the employment contract. Acceptance of people who are not parties, as well as temporary seasonal workers, is carried out only by labor books.

The director of the MUP "Pharmacy Mila" appoints a person responsible for maintaining, accounting and storing documents on personnel. The introduction and storage of documents on personnel is carried out in accordance with the current legislation and the requirements of the state archival service. When liquidation or reorganization of the enterprise, the Director is personally obliged to monitor the timely transfer of documents on personnel for state storage.

The company is responsible for causing harm to human health in order and in the sizes stipulated by the current legislation.

Chapter 3.

Main purstions to improve personnel use efficiency

3.1 Personnel Labor Stimulation Methods

3.1.1 Improving remuneration

Improving the methods of economic stimulation of Personnel MUP "Pharmacy Mila" should be based on the establishment of the relationship between the payment and income level of the enterprise, as well as the efficiency of the worker himself.

The existing wage system at the enterprise is based on the tariff system. The tariff system of remuneration of workers MUP "Pharmacy Mila" includes:

Tariff rates (salary);

Tariff net;

Tariff coefficients.

Since May 1, 2006, the rate (salary) of the first discharge of the tariff mesh is 1100 rubles. The salaries of the second and subsequent discharges of the tariff net for the wage of employees are determined by multiplying the first discharge tariff rate to the corresponding tariff coefficient, followed by rounding to units.

Tariff coefficients and tariff locations provided for wages of employees of budgetary organizations from 01.05.2006

Discharge number Coefficient Amount (rub.) + 25% surcharge to employees on the village
1 1.00 1100 1375
2 1.11 1221 1526
3 1.23 1353 1691
4 1.36 1496 1870
5 1.51 1661 2076
6 1.67 1837 2296

Tariffication of work and the assignment of tariff discharges is made taking into account the unified tariff reference book of works and professions of workers, a single qualifying reference book of managers, specialists and employees.

The assignment of tariff discharges to the employees of the MUP MILE MUP is produced according to the results of certification of employees and retraining of workers. Payment of stimulating and compensatory payments (surcharges, premiums, premiums and other) employees of the enterprise is carried out within the approved wage fund, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Qualified specialistsworking in the field of health care, the allowance for working in rural areas 25% to the salary is proportional to the load

But, despite a number of positive moments, this system Payment has significant drawbacks. In particular, it does not take into account the amount of wages depending on the work performed by the staff of the work. It is designed only to prevent disruption of labor discipline. Thus, no prerequisites for motivation are not created to increase the personnel of the enterprise of labor activity. In addition, the amount of wages even, despite the allowance of 25% (as for workers in rural areas) remains rather low.

Therefore, it is necessary to use not only timeless, but also a piece of remuneration system. Only combining these payment forms can be achieved the best effect in the use of labor resources.

Currently, the company is already developing a form of payment that would not be limited to maximum and minimal dimensions. The introduction of this form will significantly increase the influx of young highly qualified personnel, and also "will push" to improve the qualifications of the operating personnel.

3.1.2 Improving staff work

Management activities in modern economic conditions are characterized by the installation for democratization and the creation of business partnerships in the team, which is reflected in the MUP "Pharmacy Mila".

The main task of the management of the enterprise is to conduct active personnel policies and ensuring conditions for the initiative and creative activities of employees, taking into account their individual characteristics and professional skills. To maintain the level of employee qualifications, annual personnel certification is carried out. According to the results of the certification, the plan for organizing advanced training and retraining of personnel is being developed, and then personnel permutations are performed.

At the same time, despite the personnel certification carried out, the overall level of personnel qualification as a whole is primarily at the average level, although the number of low qualification workers has decreased.

Social and psychological factors play an important role for the company's work. The management of the enterprise managed to create a healthy working atmosphere in the team, to organize technically equipped jobs. Special attention is paid to educational young professionals, providing them with a flexible work schedule.

At various meetings and planners, management assesses the work of various divisions and groups. With positive results, gratitude to both individual workers, so groups.

Among the methods of socio-psychological incentives used at enterprises should also be called the creation of a rest room, the organization of corporate holidays.

Thus, the company practically formed a team (as long as low flow fluidity), which was made possible thanks to a competent policy by the management of the enterprise. At the same time, the overall level of employee qualifications remains not optimally high. Therefore, for the successful development of the enterprise, this problem requires a speedy permit, since the introduction of new ones is planned to the company. information technologies.

3.2 Implementation of information technology

3.2.1 Why should I introduce new information technology?

It is not a secret for anyone that success in any business today is impossible without the use of modern marketing techniques. No exception and business pharmacy, especially since the competition between pharmacies is becoming more acute. Only those who will understand not just offer the consumer will be able to get out the winner in this competition, but also to organize their work in the best possible way.

From this point of view, the most obvious decision is the use of modern information technologies, allowing to highlight the logistics and pricing policy of the pharmacy enterprise, speed up the process of customer service and, ultimately, significantly increase the turnover and profitability of the pharmacy.

The introduction of computer systems in the pharmacy was necessary and due to the ever-increasing flow of information, in which all employees are simply obliged to navigate to fulfill their duties. And it becomes increasingly harder to do this, given the constantly expanding and renewing assortment of medicines and medicines, not to mention such a factor as the presence of a huge number of mediators on the domestic pharmaceutical market, which cannot be carried out without the use of computer technologies.

Advantages of the automation of the pharmacy company:

1. The process of posting the goods and its preparation for retail sales is accelerated;

2. The process of customer service is accelerated;

3. There is an opportunity to promptly control the spending of goods, including the retail, automate the calculation of the amount of orders of goods in order to minimize the inventory and the terms of cash turnover;

4. The efficiency and accuracy of the accounting of goods increases;

5. The process of preparation of regulated reports on the goods is fully automated;

6. The labor intensity of control of the terms of the shelf life of goods is reduced;

7. Improved control over the safety of goods;

8. Earls and significantly accelerates the process of inventory commodity reserves;

9. The reliability of certificates for the availability of goods increases;

10. All inventory activities and financial means becoming "transparent" to lead the pharmacy enterprise;

3.2.2 Enterprise work before the introduction of information systems

Deliveries of goods on the enterprise are carried out daily. The goods are accepted at the receipt documents:



Annex to overlap

Protocol coordination of prices

The product enters the departments.

The pharmacy director forms the prices of goods manually in the minutes of price coordination protocol. Also, the Director produces counting overhead.

From the stock department over the overhead, the goods are unsubscribed into the prescription and production department (PPO) and the department of finished dosage forms (GLF).

Defective magazines are underway in the departments. On their basis, the director on the computer forms applications for the company.

The order of the goods from the supplier company director carries out through the Internet.

Every day, there is a long time to maintain the necessary documents manually. Data on time spent on document processing are presented in the following table.

Time Costs for Document Processing

On average, about 160 minutes is spent daily for the processing of the necessary documentation.

3.2.3 Enterprise work after the introduction of information systems

As the analysis showed, this scheme is ineffective, since there are many flaws. One of the main deficiencies is a large load of the director of the pharmacy on the processing of receipt documents manually. Consequently, the introduced system for complex automation should eliminate this drawback, that is, to distinguish between the duties of the director of the pharmacy. After the implementation of the automation system, the document flow within the pharmacy will be carried out in electronic form.

So, what information flows will exist in the pharmacy after the introduction of comprehensive automation?

When delivering the goods, the pharmacist in the stock department produces an input on the computer overlap from the supplier. When processing the invoice, the pharmacist receives an automatically filled list of drugs with the price of the supplier.

For each arrival of the goods start registration card With automatic generation of internal bar code, serving the identifier of this party.

In pharmacy, there is a concept percentage of "limit markings to medicines". Pharmacy forms its retail price depending on the marginal markal and the price of the supplier. Having two batch of one medicine from different suppliers, the pharmacy should form a retail price on both parties. But this can be done in the case when each batch of goods is taken into account individually.

It is the use of internal bar code that allows you to automate partial accounting, which is used in the pharmacy. For each batch of goods, its unique code is formed. The goods are marked using the label print printer. Thus, each batch is identified.

At the same time, the automatic calculation of the retail price is based on the prices of the manufacturer and the wholesale supplier, as well as customizable betting rates. It is necessary to control the trading charge on various groups pharmaceutical preparations (included in mandatory listAvailable for sale on preferential recipes). Based on the parish invoice, you can automatically print the barcode labels with the price and the name of the goods that are labeled each packaging.

After processing invalid from the supplier, overhead movements are automatically formed.

After labeling, the goods enroll in departments (GLF and PPO) for its further sale. When used, the barcode scanner is used, with which the automatic identification is not only the goods, but also the delivery batch. It provides accounting for several parties of the same product at various pay prices and selling prices.

In addition to the direct sale, the provision can receive information on the availability of this or that drug in its trading section or in stock.

The goods sold are written off from commodity warehouse residues, so control over the presence of drugs in the section is carried out continuously, which allows you to regularly replenish stocks.

At the same time, all information about medicines is stored on the server, because the server is the kernel of the automation system. It is responsible for the safety of all information used by the system. Registry of medicines, assortment of pharmacies, movement of goods, turnover documents - all this is in his jurisdiction. The server provides information on the assortment of pharmacies in cash terminals and collects data on retail sales.

The basic principle of minimizing inventories in the pharmacy is the mechanism of non-absent residues.

The mechanism of non-expendable residues suggests that for each drug, the automatically values \u200b\u200bof the minimum and optimal residues for this pharmacy enterprise are calculated.

The minimum residue is the value of the remnant of goods at the pharmacy, when it is reached, it is necessary to order such a number of goods from the supplier to achieve an optimal product balance on the pharmacy. Usually the basic basis for calculating the minimum and optimal residues is the average daily sale of the drug.

Automation of the operation of the stock department is that an automatic calculation of applications for the delivery of goods is made.

In this case, the director's function is to analyze these applications and send them through the Internet to suppliers.

From the foregoing, it follows that the obligations of the director of the pharmacy on the processing of receipt documents, the formation of prices and the calculation of applications decreased, which led to the release of the leader's time to solve other managerial and organizational tasks.


Based on the methodology for analyzing the use of labor resources, it was investigated:

1. Company security by labor resources;

2. Indicators of movement and constancy of personnel;

3. Using the working time fund;

4. Personnel use performance indicators.

After analyzing the workforce movement, the results showed that the number of employees in the enterprise increases. At the same time there is a tendency to reduce the amount of abolished.

An analysis of the working time fund showed that its total volume increased due to the involvement of new employees.

Indicators of labor productivity at the enterprise also increased significantly compared with previous periods.

At the same time, the profitability of personnel has increased, which indicates an increase in the profits of the pharmacy.

However, the company has a number of areas for improvement. One of these is the improvement of wages that requires not only timeless, but also a piecework form.

The management of the enterprise was able to create a healthy working atmosphere in the team, to organize technically equipped jobs, which largely contributed to the decrease in labor discipline disorders.

The company assumes the introduction of new information technologies, which largely should reduce the costs of working time on the design of the order, reception and distribution of goods. The main factor inhibits this innovation is the insufficient level of the overall qualifications of personnel. Permission of this problem should be the primary task for the management of the enterprise.

List of used literature

1. Zhuravlev V.V., Savrukov N.T. Analysis of the economic and financial activities of enterprises. Lecture notes. Chiem SP6STU.Seboksary, 2001. - 135 p.

2. Lyubushin N.P., Leshcheva V.B., Dyakova V.G. Analysis of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise: studies. Handbook for universities / ed. prof. N.P. Lyubushin. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2001. - 471 S.

3. Petrov V.I. Analysis of the use of labor resources of the enterprise // Modern management - 2001. - №12. - from. 21-25.

4. Charter of the municipal unitary enterprise "Pharmacy Mila" - 2001.- 12 p.

  • Question 7. Quality of labor life as a criterion for the development of socio-labor relations.
  • Question 8. Labor market: its main elements, functions and features. Types of labor markets.
  • 4. The presence of a large number of institutional structures of a special kind, regulating the activities of agents in the labor market, such as:
  • Question 10. The main trends in the development of labor relations in developed countries.
  • Question 11. Employment and unemployment as important characteristics of the labor market.
  • Question 12. Mobility on the Russian labor market.
  • Question 13. Discrimination in the labor market and its consequences.
  • Question 14. ILO and International Way Regulating Socio-Labor Relations
  • Question 15. State regulation of the market and its border.
  • Question 16. Essence and forms of wages in a market economy.
  • Question 17. Features and troubleshooting problems in modern Russia.
  • Question 18. Organization of remuneration in modern conditions and its elements.
  • Question 19 Labor rationing: Essence, role and methods.
  • Question 21. Labor productivity and its growth factors.
  • Question 22. Classification of work time costs.
  • Question 23 Separation and cooperation of labor.
  • Question 24. Principles for the formation of income in a market economy. The structure of personal income of the population and working.
  • Question 25. Essence and classification of staff staff.
  • Question 26. Labor adaptation of employees: content, structure, factors.
  • 9.2 Objective and Subjective Labor Adaptation Factors
  • Question 27. Labor organization as a social system.
  • Question 28. Cohesion of primary labor collective. Socio-psychological climate in an employment organization.
  • Question 29. Humanization of labor.
  • Question 30. Labor behavior: content, structure, functions.
  • Question 31. Stabilization of the labor collective.
  • Question 32. Features of a sociological approach to learning work
  • Question 33. Types of motifs and incentives, their relationship and interaction.
  • Question 34. Methods of sociological research of work.
  • Question 35. Conditions for the development of the personality in the organization.
  • Question 36 Essence of motivation and stimulating work.
  • Question 37. Working conditions. The system of benefits and compensation to workers employed in adverse working conditions.
  • Question 38. Labor team: types, objectives, functions.
  • Question 39. Needs, interests and values \u200b\u200bof the individual.
  • Question 40. The system of stimulating employees.
  • Question 41. Leadership in a labor organization.
  • Question 42. Social functions of labor.
  • Question 43. Sociological studies of work: Essence, goals, objectives, types, programs.
  • Question 44. Quality and standard of living. Factors that determine them.
  • Question 45. Social partnership system: its elements, principles, problems.
  • Question 46. Personality in an employment organization.
  • Question 47. System of social protection of employees.
  • Question 48. Social partnership in Russia.
  • Question 49. Basic social processes in labor activity.
  • Question 50. Proof of work: content, specificity of formation in market conditions. Satisfaction with work.
  • Question 3. Labor resources: their composition and number. Characteristics of labor resources of the Russian Federation.

    Work - This is the expedient human activity, in the process of which material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bare created. The labor process is the process of human impact on nature elements in order to adapt them to their needs. The labor process includes the following elements: labor, labor, and human labor itself. Without the means of production, the labor process is unthinkable, but also without labor, the means of production are dead and nothing can create. Only the work of people leads to the means of production, promotes their goals. Creating facilities and objects of labor and affecting nature, a person changes himself, developing his skills and knowledge.

    Labor is an economic category and its character is determined by production relations. The transformations carried out in the APC are aimed at changing the production relations, the transformation of a significant part of the employees in the owners of the Earth and other means of production, on the development of the peasants initiative and enterprise. Conditions are created so that a person belongs to work, its work is not indifferent, not as a hired companion, but a host, with responsibility for the final results.

    Labor resources - This is part of the country's population with a set of physical abilities, knowledge and practical experience for work in the national economy. Labor resources include all able-bodied population aged 16 to 55 years - for women and from 16 to 60 years - for men, as well as persons older and younger than working age, actually occupied in the national economy (working retirees and schoolchildren).

    Labor resources as the main and productive force of society are an important factor in production, the rational use of which provides an increase in production in the APC and its economic efficiency.

    Economically active population (working force) There is a set of persons who are potentially able to participate in the production of goods and the provision of services. It includes both engaged and unemployed; As of January 1, 2001, its number was 72.4 million people, or about 50% of the population of the country.

    Busy population - These are persons involved in industrial and non-productive activities. These include employers, entrepreneurs, individuals of free professions, military personnel, full-time students of vocational training; Their number at the beginning of 2002 was 65 million people.

    TO unemployed These are able-bodied citizens who do not have work and earnings are registered in the employment service in order to search for suitable work and are ready to start it.

    In agriculture, 7.7 million people are currently employed, or 12% of the total number of people employed in the sectors of the national economy. Of these, there are 3.8 million people in agricultural enterprises (50% of all employed in agriculture).

    Labor resources of agricultural and processing enterprises are divided into production personnel and staff employed in non-production units (employees of housing and communal services, cultural and children's institutions, etc.).

    Production personnel - These are workers engaged in manufacturing and its service. By industry affiliation, they are divided into agricultural workers, industry, etc.

    Labor resources include several categories of workers: managers, specialists, workers, employees, younger staff. The most numerous category of production personnel is workers - workers directly engaged in the creation of material values \u200b\u200bor work on the provision of production services; They are divided into basic and auxiliary.

    The mains include workers who directly create products and engaged in the implementation of technological processes, to the auxiliary - workers engaged in maintenance service, as well as all working subsidiary units.

    According to the duration of stay at the enterprise, workers are divided into permanent, seasonal and temporary. Permanent is considered to be taken to work without limitation or for a period of more than 6 months, seasonal - received for the period of seasonal work (no more than 6 months), temporary - for up to 2 months, and when replacing temporarily absent workers - up to 4 months.

    Permanent workers are divided by profession (tractor drivers, machinists, combiners, machine milking operators, cots, etc.), qualifications (tractor driver I, II, III class, etc.), age, sex, experience, education, etc. d.

    Managers and specialists The organization of the manufacturing process and leadership them. The director of agricultural enterprises include the director (chairman), chief economist, accountant, engineer, agronomist, zootechnics, mechanic and other major specialists, as well as their deputy.

    Specialists are employees who have higher or secondary special education: economists, agronomists, zootechnics, engineers, mechanics, accountants, etc.

    To category servants Employees carrying out preparation and paperwork, accounting and control, business services (cashiers, clerk, secretarizers, statistics, accountants, tablers, etc.)

    Junior service personnel positions For office premises, as well as for servicing other workers (wipers, cleaners, couriers, etc.).

    The labor resources of the enterprise have certain quantitative, high-quality and structural characteristics, which are measured by the corresponding absolute and relative indicators: the structure of employees of the enterprise; the average and average annual number of employees; the coefficient of existence of personnel; Personnel yield coefficient; Personnel reception coefficient; coefficient of frame stability; Middle work experience in certain categories of workers.

    Structure of labor resourcesenterprises are the percentage of various categories of workers in their total number. In the structure of agricultural enterprises, employees employed in agricultural production occupy 85 - 90%, including permanent workers 70 - 75% (of which tractor drivers - 13 -18%), seasonal and temporary workers 5 - 8%, leaders and experts are 8 -12%. This structure is determined by many factors: the size and specialization of the enterprise, the degree of participation in integration processes, natural conditions, etc. It can be calculated on such signs as age, floor, level of education, work experience, qualification, etc.

    The average number of employees During the year, it is determined by summing up a similar indicator for all months and divisions of the amount obtained by 12. In the same way, the average number of per month is calculated by summing up the number of employees of the piston composition for each calendar day of the month and dividing the amount received on the number of calendar days of the month (this information is available in accounting registers).

    The average annual number of employees determined by division Total time workers workers for the year (in man-hours or man-days) on the annual working time fund.

    Facilities coefficient of personnel (KVK) Represents the ratio of the number of employees dismissed for all reasons for this period, to the average number of employees in the same period.

    Personnel reception coefficient Determined by dividing the number of employees adopted on the enterprise for a certain period of time, to the average annual number of personnel for the same period.

    Personnel yield coefficient - The ratio of the number of dismissed employees of the enterprise, which retired during the reasons for the reasons (at their own request, for absenteeism, for violation of safety, self-altitude care, etc. reasons that did not cause a production or national need) to the average number in the same period .

    Focus stability coefficient (COP) It is recommended to use when evaluating the level of production management organization of both the enterprise as a whole and in individual units.

    The widespread form of redistribution of labor resources is migration of labor - mass movement and relocation of the working-age population. Depending on whether the border of the country is intersecting, the internal and external migration distinguishes migration. Internal labor migration (between the country's regions, from the village to the city) is a factor in the change in the composition and placement of the population; At the same time, its number does not change. External migration affects the population of the country, increasing or reducing it to the magnitude of the migration balance. The latter is the difference between the number of people moved beyond the country (emigrants), and the number of people who moved to the country due to its limits (immigrants)

    Russia's labor resources are now about 50% of the country's population. The average annual number of workers of agricultural enterprises over the years of reform has decreased, and significant changes have occurred. In connection with the creation of peasant (farmer) farms, more than 700 thousand workers switched from large agricultural enterprises in this sector. As a result of the expansion of personal subsidiary farms of the population, the number of employees occupied in them.

    the composition of labor resources include:

    able-bodied population in working age;

    actually working adolescents younger than 15 years;

    actually working pensioners.

    The number of labor resources is calculated by two methods:

    1. Demographic: Population of working age minus disabled I, II groups, including working adolescents and pensioners.

    2. Economic: actually working population (occupied), including those employed in personal, subsidiary and farms, plus students with a separation from production, the unemployed and the rest of the disabilities of working age.

    Labor resources - ϶ᴛᴏ Part of the country's population, which has the necessary physical development, education, culture, abilities, qualifications, professional knowledge to work in the field of socially useful activities. The material is published on http: // PRIF.RF Labor resources - the most important productive strength of society characterized by a potential mass of live labor, the state has a key in this period.

    Labor resources can be assessed with demographic, economic, sociological and statistical positions.

    Demographic aspect Labor resources demonstrate the dependence of these resources from the reproduction of the population and takes into account the characteristics such as the floor, age, resettlement, melting, migration, etc.

    how Economic category Labor resources express economic relations on the formation, distribution and use of the working-age population in public production and other spheres of human activity. The material is published on HTTP: // PRIF.RF Economic Relations - ϶ᴛᴏ That social form, in which the ability to work is implemented.

    Sociological aspect Labor resources should be considered as the formation and use of labor resources within a historically specific social formation and under its influence.

    Statistical aspect Labor resources are characterized by the able-bodied working age of the population.

    Labor resources are formed mainly from the population of the working age, excluding disabled people and preferential pensioners, the work of labor resources includes the working population of retirement age and working adolescents (the number of groups of the population is not statistically taken into account).

    Age serves as the main criterion in determining the number economically active population. that part of the able-bodied population, Kᴏᴛᴏᴩaya participates, or can participate in material production and non-productive sphere.

    Economically active population - ϶ᴛᴏ Part of the population offering work for the production of goods and services. By the way, this category covers all persons (occupied and unemployed), which create a labor market (in terms of labor supply) for the production of goods and services.


    Labor resources organization - This is a set of mental and physical abilities of workers of various professional-qualified groups employed in the organization and in its literary composition.

    The results of the organization and its competitiveness are largely dependent on the quality and efficiency of the use of labor resources. Labor resources lead in motion material and real values, create a product, create a cost (more of their cost) and surplus capital in the form of profit.

    Personnel of the organization (staff, labor collective) - This is a combination of individuals consisting of an organization in contractual relations. Properly chosen labor collective is a team of like-minded people and partners who can realize, understand and implement ideas of the management of the organization. In this regard, the personnel policy of the organization is based on the definition of labor needs (depending on the specifics and characteristic features Organization) for its number and quality, form of its involvement and replenishment, as well as developing measures to improve the efficiency of its use.

    Staff structure organization - This is a combination of individual groups of workers united by any sign.

    All staff organizations are divided as:

    • - List composition Organizers' employees are all employees adopted for permanent and temporary work in the organization associated with its main and not the main activity for a certain period (indefinite or urgent).
    • - Production personnel Dogs directly production activities and maintenance of the production process (employees of the main and auxiliary workshops, plant management apparatus, laboratories, research and development departments, computing centers, etc.).
    • - Non-production staff - Workers engaged in housing, communal and subscribed farms, healthy

    preteractories, educational institutions, etc.

    By the nature of the functions performed The staff of the organization is divided into the following categories.

    • 1. Workers - directly involved in the production process, i.e. Create material values \u200b\u200bor perform work on the provision of production services and the movement of goods. Workers are divided into basic and auxiliary.
    • - Basic workers Directly create commodity (gross) products and are occupied in technological processes (varying forms, sizes, position, structure, physical, chemical and other properties of labor objects).
    • - Auxiliary workers Service equipment and jobs in production shops, as well as all workers auxiliary workshops and farms.
    • 2. Managers - Head the organization, its structural divisions and perform the control function. Depending on the functions performed, they are divided into managers:
      • - low link - Masters, Projects, Chiefs of Small Workshops, Officers structural units etc.;
      • - midline - Heads of shift, plot, etc.;
      • - top level - general Directors, their deputies, chief accountants, etc.
    • 3. Specialists - Employees employed in the organization's functional divisions - engineers, economists, accountants, lawyers, technology, etc.
    • 4. Servants - carry out accounting, control, documentation, and other functions - Customers, cashiers, tablers, accountants, etc.

    The ratio of various categories of workers in their total number characterizes the structure of labor resources Organizations, which can also be determined by such signs as age, floor, level of education, work experience, qualification, etc.

    The vocational qualification structure of labor resources is developing on the principle of professional and qualifying division of labor.

    Profession - Type of work, requiring certain knowledge and practical skills, which are purchased through common or special education and practical experience.

    Specialty - Type of activity as part of a profession, which has specific features and requiring additional special knowledge and skills to perform work on a particular site (for example: Economist accountant, locksmith, plumbing, etc.).

    Qualification - Determines the level of knowledge and labor skills of workers in the specialty, which is reflected in qualifying (tariff) discharges, categories. Tariff discharges and categories are also indicators characterizing the level of complexity of work. In terms of qualifying, workers are divided into unqualified, unoccupied, qualified and highly qualified.

    Structure of labor resources organization It can be measured and reflected by the following absolute and relative indicators:

    • - the list and the uncertainty number of employees for a specific date;
    • - the average number of employees for a certain period;
    • - the proportion of employees of individual structural units (groups, categories) in the total number of employees of the organization;
    • - growth rates (growth, reduction) of the number of employees for a certain period;
    • - average discharge of workers organizations;
    • - the proportion of employees having a higher or secondary special education in the total number of employees and workers;
    • - Middle experience in the specialty of managers and specialists;
    • - fluidity of personnel on the reception and dismissal of workers;
    • - Foundation equipment of workers and others.

    List number Organizers of the organization are the number of employees of the piston composition on a certain number or date, taking into account the workers accepted and retired for this day.

    Execution number - This is the number of employees of the piston composition that appeared to work.

    The difference between the fiction and list composition characterizes the number of cellular downtime (vacation, disease, business trips, etc.).

    To determine the number of employees for a certain period, an average number of average is used.

    It is used to calculate labor productivity, average wages, turnover coefficients for receiving and dismissal, personnel turnover, labor marketing and a number of other indicators.

    To determine labor costs, as well as to determine the amount of remuneration, the work time is carried out. The main units of accounting for working time are a person and a man-hour. In man-days, the appearance and non-appearance of work, which are reflected in the working hours accounting table. The turnout consists of actually spent days and native downtime. A man-day is considered to be worked out if the worker appeared to work and actually started her. Disadvantages are taken into account for the following reasons: holidays, regional holidays, maternity leave, diseases, other non-appearance permitted by law and administration. According to the accounting of working time, the Calendar Foundation of Man-Days (the sum of the appearance and non-appearance) is determined.

    The state of labor resources of the organization can be determined using a number of coefficients, consider some of them.

    - Structure of personnel organization - characterized by the ratio

    where the sch is, - the average number of employees / "- category, pers.;

    SCR is the total average number of employees, people. - Planned number of employees - It is characterized by the ratio of the planned production of products (selling goods, the provision of services, performance of work) and the effective fund of main working hours:

    where VP is the planned volume of gross production of products (selling goods, providing services, performance), normo-hour;

    EFVR is an effective fund of main working time in the planned period, h.

    - The number of the number of main workers:

    where BP is the average number of auxiliary workers, people;

    P is the average number of all workers organizations, people.

    Labor market relations - One of the most important aspects of the organization's work. Despite the technical capabilities, organizational and managerial advantages, the organization cannot work efficiently without the relevant human resource. Ultimately, all the activities of the Organization depends on the human factor, the qualifications of workers, their skills and desire to work.

    Labor resources include the part of the population, which has the necessary physical data, knowledge and skills in the relevant industry. Sufficient provision of enterprises with the necessary labor resources, their rational use, the high level of labor productivity is of great importance to increase product volumes and increase production efficiency.

    The study of labor resources can be divided into two interrelated groups: a study of their own workforce, that is, the number and composition of workers and their dynamics, and the consideration of working time, that is, the total volume of the disposable and actually spent time, as well as the use of working time.

    The staff of the enterprise is a combination of individuals consisting of an enterprise, as a legal entity, in relations regulated by the employment contract. In such respects, not only employees may consist, but individuals - owners or co-owners of the company, if, in addition to the income due to them, take part in the enterprise's activities by their personal labor and receive relevant payment for this.

    The staff of the personnel of any organization is usually heterogeneous, since even in the smallest one needs many activities, and this requires people with various professions, experience, qualifications that occupy various positions.

    Personnel grouping in accordance with the types of activities performed by the functions and categories of posts reflects its statistical structure. It is distinguished:

    1. Personnel of basic activities (persons working in basic and auxiliary, research units, management apparatus, etc.)

    2. Personnel of non-custody activities (workers of the repair, housing and communal services, social divisions).

    By the nature of labor functions, personnel are divided into workers and employees.

    Workers create material values \u200b\u200band provide manufacturing services. Workers are also classified by professions, age, forms and wage systems, I experience.

    Employees carry out the organization of people's activities, production management, administrative and economic, financial accounting, equipped, legal, research and other types of work.

    Employees belong to the professional group of persons engaged in predominantly mental, intellectual labor.

    Only persons engaged in individual labor and persons engaged in the so-called family enterprises, although registered as a legal entity are not included in the personnel working on hiring, as they receive a remuneration for their employment participation from income remaining in their disposal after paying taxes and other mandatory payments.

    In large enterprises operating activities related to various sectors of the national economy, all personnel are divided into persons employed in the main activity and persons forming personnel not of the main activity. Regardless of the scope of the employment of labor, the company's entire personnel is divided into categories. To date, it is customary to allocate the following categories of personnel: workers, employees, specialists and managers. Depending on the nature of the functions performed, managers can be found to be specialists if their activities require special technical knowledge, or to employees if the functions of such special knowledge are not required.

    As part of specific firms, workers allocate workers' main and working auxiliary. This division is important because, firstly, the workers make up the most numerous category; Secondly, because labor functions performed by major and auxiliary workers are very different and at the stage of intra-profit planning, the definition of the number of working groups is based on different approaches.

    In modern conditions, production efficiency of the use of industrial funds, raw materials, improving the quality and structure of produced products depend on both the number of working and the level of their qualifications. In accordance with the current legislation, the enterprises themselves determine the total number of employees, their professional and qualifying staff, approve the states. Unqualified personnel often has a negative impact on the quality and dynamics of product volume.

    Employees of the enterprise are distributed by professions, specialties and qualifications. The profession is characterized by a complex of theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to fulfill certain work in one of the industries. It is predetermined by the nature of the work created by the product and the specific conditions of production in this industry. The specialty is a further division of labor within the profession. Qualification characterizes the degree of the preparedness of the employee, its ability to fulfill the work of a certain complexity for this specialty.

    There are a list, secondary and fascinating composition of employees of the enterprise. All employees adopted for permanent, seasonal and temporary work for a period of one day and more, from the date of enrollment of them, are included in the list of composition. In it, every calendar day is taken into account both in fact working and missing at work for any reason. The average number of employees for the reporting month is defined as the average arithmetic number of workers over the entire period, while the festive and weekend are included in the calculation. The list of employees for the weekend or holiday day is made equal to the list of employees for the previous working day. The average number of employees for a longer time interval can be defined as arithmetic arithmetic weighted periods.

    From the list of employees should be distinguished by the uncess, which shows how many people from among those consisting of the list appeared to work. The number of actually working is the number of personnel, not only who came, but also actually started to work. The difference between the fracture number and the number of actually working allows you to determine the number of persons in the native downtime (due to the lack of electricity, material, etc.). Accounting for the number of employees makes it possible to find out their distribution in different sections of enterprises, as well as changes in this distribution.

    The structure of the enterprise is characterized by the ratio of various categories of workers. In order to analyze the structure of personnel, it is determined and the share of each category of employees in the overall average number of enterprise personnel is determined.

    In the process of analysis, the actual average number (SCCH) of individual categories is compared with the planned in absolute terms and as a percentage of the appropriate database.

    The calculation of the average personnel of workers can be carried out by dividing the amount of list numbers for all days of the reporting period (including festive and weekends) on the full calendar number of days during this period. Also take into account the appearance and non-appearance of workers on certain days. When calculating medium list numbers, not all employees listed to the list are taken into account. In a list, women are not included who have taken leave without detention after the end of maternity leave, adolescents under 17 years old, who have no specialty, students' employees who have temporarily transferred to the scholarship, and other persons who have taken leave without detention (at their own expense) for more period 1 month.

    Most an important stage In the analysis of the provision of the enterprise, the workforce is the study of its movement. For the characteristics of the workforce movement, they analyze and calculate the dynamics of the following coefficients:

    Total turnover \u003d (accepted employees + fired workers) / secondary number of employees

    Radiation on the disposal \u003d dismissed workers of the total / secondary number of employees

    Turning on reception \u003d accepted workers of the total / secondary number of employees

    Yielding \u003d dismissed at their own wishes and disorders of the discipline / secondary number of employees

    Personnel constancy \u003d number of workers who have worked for the year / the average number of employees

    Personnel motion coefficients are not planned, so their analysis is made by comparing the reporting year indicators with the indicators of the previous year. The fluidity of workers plays a large role in the activities of the enterprise. The consistency and stability coefficients reflect the level of wages and employee satisfaction with working conditions, labor and social benefits.