Standards for customer service on the sales floor. Service quality standards Organization of a system of customer service standards

Standard “Service for guests by reception service”

  1. Greet guests cordially and with a smile.
  2. You must only talk to the guest while standing.
  3. If you know the guests' names, address them in a way that lets them know you remember their names.
  4. Know how to establish personal contact with each guest, accompany each guest's appearance with a smile.
  5. Give all clients the same attention because they are all equal.
  6. Let your guest know they are noticed, even if you are very busy. Guests should not be kept waiting. We should always remember that for us there is no more important person than a guest.
  7. Always offer help to guests and don't wait for them to ask you for it.
  8. Before moving on to serving the next guest, you need to ask the previous guest if he needs anything else.
  9. All special requests of regular guests must be taken into account and carried out automatically.
  10. We apologize to the client for any inconvenience.
  11. Be attentive to the needs and wishes of the guest, make decisions based on his interests.
  12. When a guest makes a request: listen carefully; absorb all the information; if something is unclear, ask again; provide the necessary help.
  13. If a guest makes a request that obviously seems impossible, under no circumstances should you refuse.
  14. Personally fulfill the guest’s request, try not to send him to another department or to another employee. If the guest's request is beyond your competence, invite a competent employee or accompany the guest to him.
  15. Any request of the guest must be fulfilled as quickly as possible, and the guest must be quickly and clearly informed about its implementation.
  16. Guest requests are fulfilled in such a way that the guest is satisfied with the result.
  17. Provide guests with accurate and complete information. Employees are required to know the hotel, premises, service hours and general information about the hotel.
  18. Always have ready information: about car rental, taxi ordering; dry cleaning, laundry; excursions; conference room services; shops, markets, shopping centers etc.
  19. Professionally recommend various hotel services to guests.
  20. When saying goodbye to a guest, you should definitely smile at him, wish him all the best and thank him for the visit, this must be done sincerely. Each guest should have the impression that he is always welcome at the hotel and on his next visit he should definitely stay here, where his opinion and mood are valued.
  21. Always remember: the guest is always right, the guest should always be satisfied; the guest is the most important person in the hotel, regardless of whether he is present in person, contacts in writing or by telephone; the guest is a living person with his own prejudices and the right to make mistakes; the guest is an integral part of the business, and not an outsider.
  22. Hotel employees are strictly prohibited from: showing the guest whether you like him or not; reading moral lectures to the guest; asking the guest about his personal life; listening to the guests’ conversations; discussing personal or work-related problems, political and religious issues with guests; arguing with colleagues in the presence of guests; show your disapproval to a drunk client.
  23. Always speak only positively about the hotel's activities. No negative comments, always emphasize the advantages of your hotel over its competitors.
  24. Become a member of a single team - help, support and share experience with your colleagues.
  25. Maintain silence in the guest services area.

Standard "Telephone conversations".

  1. All outgoing calls must be answered no later than the third ring.
  2. Greeting: “Good afternoon (morning, evening)! Hotel "X". Christina. How can I help you?
  3. The answer to an incoming internal call should be: “Good afternoon (morning, evening)! Reception service (security service, business center, etc.). Christina. How can I help you?
  4. A hotel employee should always talk on the phone with a smile.
  5. The employee's voice should be pleasant, his speech should be clear and intelligible.
  6. A hotel employee must have all the necessary information about the services provided and hotel equipment.
  7. Listen carefully to the guest's requests.
  8. A guest should never be rushed during a telephone conversation.
  9. Repeat the guest's request to avoid misunderstandings.
  10. The guest's name should be mentioned at every opportunity (if the call is from a guest).
  11. The caller should not be put on hold without his or her consent.
  12. If a call requires forwarding, remember that you can only forward a call once, so make sure you forward it correctly. Before you transfer the call, be sure to notify the guest of your intention.
  13. Never ask a guest to call back.
  14. Free your guest from having to repeat what he has already said. Briefly outline the essence of the issue to the employee to whom the call is forwarded.
  15. Never transfer a call to another department or to a guest's extension until they answer.
  16. If no one answers this extension, the hotel employee should invite the guest to leave a message.
  17. If the subscriber insists on a new connection, the hotel employee must return to the line every 20 seconds.
  18. Do not leave a call on hold for more than two minutes.
  19. Standby music should be classical.
  20. When you return to the line, thank the guest for waiting.
  21. A hotel employee should not connect a subscriber to a room without knowing his name.
  22. Express your regret if a guest's wish or request cannot be fulfilled.
  23. When you need to answer another call or have an urgent distraction, ask the guest if he can wait and wait for an answer.
  24. Do not use the words “no”, “impossible” and their derivatives.
  25. When ending the conversation, the employee should thank the client for the call. Make it clear that all the promises you make will be kept.
  26. You can hang up the phone only after the other person has already done so.

Guest Complaints Standard.

When receiving a complaint from a guest, the Front Desk Officer should act as follows.

  1. Determine the level of authority required to address and resolve the issue.
  2. Finding yourself face to face with a guest and his complaint, take a break from your current work and focus all your attention on the guest.
  3. Listen carefully to the guest's complaints, do not interrupt, give him the opportunity to speak.
  4. Listening to what the guest says, show him respect, make it clear that you share his feelings (put yourself in his place).
  5. Thank the guest for their trust in you. Explain why you appreciate the complaint. For example, you could say, “Thank you for pointing out the mistake,” or “Thank you, your complaint will help us improve our experience and make you proud to be our customer.”
  6. Be sure to apologize regardless of whether the mistake was made by you, someone on staff, or management. Don't try to explain who is to blame.
  7. Do not make excuses or accuse the guest of dishonesty until it has been proven that he is lying.
  8. Show genuine interest and genuine concern about the situation.
  9. Never try to prove a guest that he is wrong. Never argue, do not object to the guest and avoid manifestations of aggression.
  10. When dealing with dissatisfied guests, do not explain or refer to established management procedures or general hotel policies.
  11. Never blame employees of other departments or specific individuals. Take personal responsibility for solving the problem.
  12. It is necessary to remove a guest who violently expresses his dissatisfaction from the guest area.
  13. Promise to take immediate action.
  14. Find a solution to the problem and agree on your solution with the guest.
  15. First, offer the guest the most acceptable, from your point of view, solution to the problem, and then alternative ones. Give the guest the opportunity to choose the most suitable option.
  16. Suggest joint actions, for example, you could say: “What do you think we can do together for you?”
  17. Gather all the necessary information. Find out what the guest expects. Make notes and don't hide notes from him.
  18. Agree on the time needed to resolve the problem.
  19. Do not take any action unless you are authorized to do so.
  20. Be sure to deliver what you promise and only promise what you can deliver.
  21. Try to resolve the problem before the guest leaves the hotel.
  22. If you are unable to solve the problem yourself, contact your manager immediately and provide him with a solution to the problem.
  23. If the guest wants to express his comments or comments in writing, invite him to fill out a book of wishes and comments. Try to obtain the name and address (fax, telephone and office address) of the dissatisfied guest. In this case, the management will be able to offer him a personal apology.
  24. Keep your guest informed about current state solving the problem.
  25. Make sure the guest is happy with the solution to the problem. Once again express your gratitude to him for his complaint: send a letter of gratitude (better if on behalf of the head of the enterprise).
  26. When receiving a complaint from a guest, always leave information about this in the “Shift Handover Log”, and also report all claims and complaints to the hotel duty officer.
  27. Analyze the complaint, establish all the reasons for the complaint: why the guest was dissatisfied, what caused the error. Keep records and analyze all customer complaints to improve the quality of service.
  28. If you receive a complaint in writing, respond to it within two days and do not delay resolving problems.
  29. Do everything to restore quality service.
  30. Guests who make complaints are assigned VIP status. Be sure to inform the guest about this.

Standard “Appearance of a receptionist”

General requirements for employee appearance:

  1. A mandatory condition for working in the reception service of Hotel “X” is wearing a uniform.
  2. Uniform is mandatory and the only form clothes in working hours.
  3. All employees are required to wear a name badge on the left side of their uniform during working hours.
  4. Uniforms must always be in perfect condition, clean and ironed.
  5. The jacket should always be buttoned, except when sitting.
  6. Wearing a uniform outside of working hours is strictly prohibited.

Requirements for the appearance of male administrators:

  1. The uniform set is a men's suit consisting of trousers, jacket, long-sleeved shirt and tie.
  2. The shirt must be buttoned with all buttons, including the collar and cuffs.
  3. Trousers should be well ironed and worn with a suitable belt.
  4. The tie should be tied in a neat, strong knot at the collar of the shirt.
  5. Socks should be dark in color (preferably black).
  6. Shoes must be exclusively classic style, black and closed.
  7. Hair must be clean, neatly cut and styled so that it maintains its proper appearance throughout the working day.
  8. Hair neither on the sides nor on the back of the head should touch the collar of the shirt.
  9. The face must be carefully shaved. Wearing a beard, mustache, or sideburns is not allowed.
  10. Men are prohibited from using decorative cosmetics.
  11. Nails should be clean and neatly trimmed. Men are prohibited from using nail polish other than clear color.
  12. The aroma of cologne should be light - strong odors should be avoided.
  13. Jewelry allowed to be worn wristwatch traditional design and wedding ring. Wearing bracelets and earrings is prohibited.

Requirements for the appearance of female administrators:

  1. The women's uniform set consists of a skirt, blouse and jacket.
  2. Wearing a full set of uniform is mandatory, with the exception of the summer period (without a jacket).
  3. The blouse must have long sleeves and fasten all buttons, including the collar and cuffs.
  4. The length of the skirt should be no higher than 5 cm from the knees.
  5. Regardless of the season, it is mandatory to wear flesh-colored or black tights or stockings without a pattern and no thicker than 20 denier during working hours.
  6. It is mandatory to wear only closed shoes with a heel no higher than 4 cm, classic style, black.
  7. Shoes should always be polished and repaired.
  8. Hair must be clean, neatly trimmed and combed. A woman's hairstyle should be compact; wearing bulky hair clips in bright colors is prohibited.
  9. You can wear your hair loose only if its length does not reach the collar of your blouse.
  10. Hair color should look natural.
  11. Makeup should be as natural as possible. The use of dark and bright shades of eye shadow, lipstick, and blush is prohibited.
  12. Nails should be clean, neatly trimmed and polished. It is allowed to use nail polish only in neutral tones.
  13. The aroma of perfume should be light - persistent odors should be avoided.
  14. All employees must use unscented deodorant daily.
  15. The wearing of jewelry during working hours should be limited. As for jewelry, it is allowed to wear one thin chain around the neck, a wristwatch of a traditional design, one simple and/or wedding ring, one set of simple, small earrings (without pendants). Ankle bracelets are prohibited.
  16. Tattoos and piercings are prohibited.

The golden rule of service is: treat guests the way you would like to be served. Service quality standards are the criteria necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the quality management system. Service standards refer to the set of procedures and daily operations performed by staff that contribute to maximum customer satisfaction. “Know in order to foresee, foresee in order to manage.”

The key to the commercial success of a hotel enterprise is the ability of its owners to predict any possible desire of a potential client.

Based on this, it is necessary to develop service standards for each enterprise individually, taking into account international and national requirements. Standards must be flexible and reflect the wishes of customers, especially regular ones, and also correspond to the concept of the enterprise. Standards mean not only the correct technology for serving guests, but also the attitude of the staff to their work, i.e. to visitors.

Often the reason for obviously unsuccessful service lies not in the absence of any expensive equipment and insufficient gloss of the interior, but in “unobtrusive” service, therefore each hotel must have its own code of regulations regarding:

  • behavior;
  • appearance;
  • technological process;
  • knowledge foreign language within the profession;
  • knowledge of the hotel concept and its structure.

IN hotel business First of all, an impression is sold, so it is important that negative emotions are not conveyed to clients, they should feel psychologically comfortable. The standards of hotel corporations are higher than those of so-called independent hotels, so clients who visit establishments of their favorite system are attracted by a certain predictability - the same quality of services provided. Maintaining a high level of service quality is facilitated by training programs used in hotel chains around the world; such programs are designed to emphasize the importance of corporate standards and their direct relationship with increased guest satisfaction. The standards of many well-known hotel chains determine that staff should be: sociable, friendly, have a pleasant appearance, and be able to work in a team.

Service standards may vary, much depends on the concept of the hotel - its category and target audience. Here are some examples of the service credo of high-category hotel chains: “Quality service. First time - every time! "We are ladies and gentlemen - at the service of ladies and gentlemen." In order to train hotel staff from maid to manager, it is necessary to develop for each type of activity professional standards. Their essence is that they determine what service should be in each department hotel complex. However, there should be no deviations from the standards under any circumstances. Compliance with standards guarantees stability quality indicators: there cannot be a “bad or good” shift of waiters, receptionists, maids,” everyone always works exactly like that. Concierge, driver, security guard, administrator or waiter - each of them must know, understand and strictly adhere to professional standards. Imagine what would happen if each maid decided for herself how to make her bed, how to lay out towels and accessories in the bathroom, or was guided by her own life experience when deciding whether to clean the room at all or just take out the trash.

International service standards

1. Fast service:

  • hotel employees should always be ready to offer assistance to guests;
  • visitors’ demands must be dealt with immediately, without sending them to another department or to another person;
  • all requests and complaints are resolved before guests leave the hotel.

2. Order execution accuracy: Guests should be offered accurate and complete information and fulfill every request until final satisfaction.

3. The most excellent wish of the guest:

  • It is necessary to anticipate the needs of visitors and offer them help before they ask;
  • Employees should be familiar with guests' special requests in order to automatically expedite their fulfillment.

4. Friendliness and politeness:

  • with any visitor located within a radius of 2 m from you, you must be the first to start a conversation;
  • Whenever possible, use titles before the guest's last name (Mr., Sir, Doctor, etc.);
  • you should establish good eye contact with each visitor, always smile if the guest is within a radius of 8-10 m; We apologize for any inconvenience to the visitor.

5. Attentiveness:

  • let the guest know that he has been noticed, even if you are busy;
  • you should be extremely careful.

6. Appearance standards imposed on the uniform, hairstyle and hygiene of employees.
6.1. Dress code:

  • required full form- clean, ironed and in good condition;
  • groups of employees working together must wear the same uniform;
  • all employees must wear a name badge, which is attached to the left; the icon should be high quality and read well;
  • jackets and shirts should be worn buttoned up; only long sleeves are useful in service areas;
  • the contents of clothing pockets should not distort its shape;
  • socks only dark colors;
  • Closed-toe shoes, clean and in good condition.

6.2. Hairstyle and hygiene of employees:

  • men's hair: clean, neat, pulled back from the face, not touching the back and sides of the shirt collar;
  • hair for women: no longer than the bottom edge of the collar, otherwise it is collected in a bun or neatly tied at the back;
  • Employees handling food, drinks or equipment must wear protective headgear;
  • a beard is not allowed, the mustache must be neatly groomed and not extend beyond the corner of the mouth more than 12.5 mm;
  • nails: clean (cut for men, medium length for women) and painted only in neutral colors;
  • men should not wear any bracelets or earrings, only a wedding ring;
  • for women - no more than two rings, earrings of a discreet style.

7. Confidentiality of information: the confidentiality of any information related to the guest is maintained, including room numbers, length of stay, personal information, etc.

8. Job knowledge: Any employee needs to know the hotel, facilities, opening hours and general information.

9. Patience:

  • complaints and comments must be addressed politely, carefully and passed on to management for appropriate action;
  • You should never argue with a guest or appear defensive.

10. Responsibility: Do you need a sense of responsibility and pride?

  • when maintaining order in the hotel;
  • in the event of a guest complaint, other departments or persons cannot be blamed;
  • You should take responsibility for solving the problem yourself.

11.Number of personnel must be such as to provide efficient and continuous service to guests. At the same time, there are the following recommendations for the number of employees per 10 hotel rooms:

  • five-star hotels - at least 20 people per 10 rooms;
  • four-star hotels - at least 12 people per 10 rooms;
  • three-star hotels - at least 8 people per 10 rooms;
  • two-star hotels - at least 6 people per 10 rooms.

Qualification requirements for various groups of hotel workers

All hotel staff from the point of view qualification requirements can be divided into three large groups: management staff (hotel administration, department heads, supervisors); staff working with guests (waiters, maids, doormen, receptionists); supporting departments (engineers, technicians, warehouse workers, stewards).

The competence of the personnel of these groups is of great importance for quality management. Hotel management must ensure that its staff have the necessary qualifications, knowledge and skills to perform their jobs to the best of their ability.

General requirements for all personnel:

  • politeness, friendliness, enthusiasm, interaction with colleagues, relations with guests;
  • flexibility, adaptability;
  • taking responsibility, initiative;
  • personal hygiene;
  • discipline, punctuality;
  • knowledge of work, quality of work, attention to detail;
  • work under load, under stress;
  • ability to complete tasks to completion;
  • cost awareness; knowledge of a foreign language.

Organizational structure of a hotel enterprise

The hotel business is characterized not only by a large number of personnel with different skills and competencies, but also by a variety of relationships between its employees (staff and management), as well as structural divisions(by departments). management provides hotel company an appropriate basis for planning, organizing, executing and monitoring the work of personnel. And although properly designed organizational structure in itself is not a sufficient condition for successful activities hotels, its absence makes it impossible to organize efficient work the entire enterprise, regardless of the level of qualifications and competence of managers and personnel.

Organization of hotel services and management of labor resources of a hotel enterprise

Hotel service is a complex and multi-stage process, starting from the moment the client realizes his need for a service and ending with his departure from the hotel. It is very important to understand the composition, content, interrelation of elements, as well as the degree of participation of certain departments and hotel employees at each stage of this process.
Planning personnel requirements consists of several stages: cash assessment labor resources, assessment of future needs, development of a program to meet these needs. It is necessary to determine how many people will be required to perform a particular operation and evaluate the quality of labor.
Personnel selection involves creating reserves of potential candidates for all available positions in hotels and selecting the most suitable people for these positions.

Differences between a concierge and a butler

You might think that these two services duplicate each other, but this is not entirely true. They have different work hours - the concierge does not work in the evening or at night. In Western hotels there are 20 butlers for 230 rooms, while in Russian hotels of the same top category there are 5 concierges for the same number of rooms. The concierge is focused on solving “external” issues (tickets, excursions, restaurants). Butlers deal with internal matters.

A.Yu. Mazaeva,

European Chamber expert on hotel certification

Quality customer service today is most important factor success in the company's market tomorrow. This statement is valid for any industry, be it the sale of airline tickets, car sales, hairdressing services or the production of loading equipment for warehouses.

The product itself (service, product), according to global trends, is becoming more and more unified every year, and, therefore, quality service becomes the main differential that will satisfy the buyer and receive competitive advantage relative to other companies.

As the market becomes saturated with goods and the general standard of living rises, consumer demands are actively changing.

World practice suggests the following trend - replacing the need directly for a service or product with the need to belong to a privileged group of people.

That is, receiving satisfaction not so much from the purchase, but from the exceptional quality of customer service. These are no longer material, but psychological and social factors loyalty. Consequently, the company must improve not only its products (goods or services), but also work to improve the quality of service, which makes it emotionally attractive to the target group of consumers.

Objectives of service standards

Each company, as a rule, develops its own rules for customer service, so that they purchase its goods or services again and again. But standards for working with clients of an enterprise must be established only taking into account a comprehensive study of the requests of potential buyers.

A customer service specialist must not only regularly interview managers, but also monitor sales processes with his own eyes, in order to subsequently train staff in communicating with consumers.

One of the most important methods for studying consumer expectations is customer surveys about the quality of their service in a particular company, which makes it possible to recognize not only rational latent dependencies, but also emotional ones.

Surveys can be conducted directly in the office or via the Internet, for example, via Skype.

Having a company's service rules means transmitting a positive image to clients, creating a favorable impact.

The presence of these standards guarantees the consumer service of “branded” quality, regardless of what level of employee he communicates with. The concept itself defines bringing the process of relationships with clients to a certain unified form and content.

The customer service professional must take the development of the standard very seriously because it:

  • part of corporate style and culture;
  • indicator of the solvency of the company's management;
  • part of marketing activities;
  • part of HR activities;
  • indicator of the company's attitude towards customers.

The main goal of developing customer service rules is to reinforce the elements of marketing communications directly in the behavior of personnel.

By combining customer service standards, the value and reputation of the brand it sells, the company creates for itself unique advantage, which would be difficult for any other company to replicate.

The objectives of implementing corporate service standards are as follows:

  • Unify the behavior of personnel in various areas (including customer service employees by phone and Skype).
  • Procedures should be as clear as possible to staff (how and what to do in certain circumstances).
  • Creation of criteria for evaluating personnel performance.

Let's consider the basic principles of service standards. Standards should:


Let's look at the structure of customer service rules. Like any other corporate document, customer service rules are created in such a way that they are as clear as possible to the staff.

Often in Russian companies the rules of conduct between employees and consumers do not apply to internal relationships. And enterprises use Western methodologies to develop standards (IDF0 in ARIS or BPWin) to optimize commercial and production processes, which must be used in a standardized manner and with extreme caution. It is in this regard that the presentation of customer service rules is extremely important.

There are three possible options for developing a standard for working with clients:

  • Based on sales technology.
  • Based on a checklist to assess the quality of work.
  • Based on corporate culture and company values.

The last one is the most voluminous option. It consists of the following items:

  • appearance personnel;
  • focus on personal sales productivity;
  • negotiations with clients by phone or online, for example, via Skype;
  • internal relationships between members of the company team;
  • everyone’s behavior in various conflict situations;
  • employees processing information and working with documents;
  • optimal use of working time;
  • the personal attitude of each employee to the company’s property;
  • development and implementation of employees in the company.

But at the moment there is no uniform methodology for developing this document. This is always a certain level of know-how. In principle, standards exist in any company, as traditions or unspoken rules behavior. Turning them into a document is a process of long, painstaking work that requires a serious approach and the interest of the employees involved in its creation. It consists of three stages: analysis (customers, competitors, product), direct development and the last stage - implementation of rules.

Advantages of operating an enterprise according to the standard

In order for employees to provide a high level of work, they must know what exactly and how they should do in a given case. But not only that. Employees must be able and willing to do this in accordance with the rules.

In addition, they must understand that their work is always under control and constantly evaluated (optimally by both clients and top managers).

All these nuances are dictated by the rules. The standard of customer service sets the ideal of work for employees. It creates motivation for the development and implementation of people within the company. This contributes professional growth personnel. Ultimately, the standard of behavior contributes to the stability of the enterprise.

A service standard (SO) is a set of requirements and standards that an employee must comply with during personal or remote interaction with clients. Despite the fact that the presence of a CO, as well as its content, is not regulated by law, this document is an important part of the corporate culture and a tool for building customer loyalty. SBs vary in scope and structure depending on the specifics of the company’s activities. However, in most cases, the regulations affect:

  • appearance of employees;
  • algorithm for communicating with the client (from greeting to completion of the sale);
  • prohibited actions of employees;
  • rules for document preparation.

The presence of CO as an algorithm of actions not only contributes to customer satisfaction, but also brings benefits within the company, because it simplifies the process of control, training and mentoring.

What is provided and by whom is it approved?

Like anyone internal document, The CO is approved by the head of the enterprise. As for the procedure for developing standards, they are not regulated at the legislative level. However, there is a document that serves not only as a guideline for drawing up the RS, but also as a basis for the implementation of the quality management system as a whole. Such a document is a single international standard ISO 9001 (Russian equivalent - GOST ISO 9001), designed to ensure that the product (service) meets quality requirements at all stages from design to service. The quality criteria described in this document are applicable to companies of all types and sizes. Ensuring maximum compliance ISO management 9001, the enterprise may (but is not required to) undergo appropriate certification.

CO as an example

As mentioned above, CO is introduced and applied at the discretion of the manager. However, there is a category of enterprises commercial success which is impossible without working with clients. These include, first of all, restaurants and hotels. The classic standard of service in a restaurant for waiters involves following a sequence of steps: greeting, collecting information, offering, serving food and drinks, feedback, settlement, farewell. Each of the listed stages is regulated in terms of time, speech content and professional gestures.

Hotel service standards are more extensive and cover speed of service, accuracy of order execution, anticipation of guest wishes, courtesy, attentiveness, appearance, confidentiality, knowledge, areas of responsibility and number of staff.