Bowling tips. How to learn to bowl: rules, choice of ball, throwing technique. Bowling Lane Specifications

Each of us has a thirst for unpunished destruction. What could be more enjoyable than rolling a ten-pin ball with a bang? And the simplicity of the rules of bowling makes millions of people fans of this sport!

Bowling is a great sport, active recreation or just entertainment. Recently, bowling has truly become a popular pastime and recreation all over the world. Every person, at least once in his life, should try bowling by touch, and those who have experienced this pleasure will want to enjoy the next game again and again!

History of origin

Bowling is an exciting and gambling game that dates back more than 5 thousand years. The first bowling balls were discovered in the tombs of the pharaohs of Egypt. And the tracks intended for this game, found by archaeologists in the territory of ancient Polynesia, are confirmation that back in the 6th century, local residents actively played bowling. By the way, the length of these paths completely coincided in length with modern ones - 18.228 m.

Over the history of its existence, bowling has gone through many controversial stages. For example, for a long period in Germany the game was part of a religious ritual, and skittles identified pagan gods. It was believed that the more pins a person knocked down, the purer his soul and motives, the better his human qualities.

There were also periods when bowling was considered a gambling and vicious game. People played for money and made bets. And since the church assured that it was gambling that gave rise to banditry and fraud, the game was prohibited.

And only at the end of the 19th century, bowling became the way people know the game now. General rules were developed, playing standards were established, and the sizes of pins and balls were approved. By the way, it was at this stage that it was decided to use the usual ten pins for the game (previously there were only nine).

In 1895, the first American Bowling Association was formed. As a result, official rules of the game were established. From that moment on, official bowling tournaments were held in Chicago every year. The first tournament was held with the participation of 41 teams.

In 1916, the first International Women's Bowling Congress was held. And at the end of the 30s of the last century, special equipment for automatically raising and placing pins and returning balls saw the light. Before the advent of these inventions, street urchins often made money by serving as “pin lifters.”

What is bowling?

Bowling is a bowling game where the main goal is to knock down the pins arranged in a certain order by sending the ball along a flat track. Each bowling game consists of 10 stages - frames. Each player can throw the ball twice during the next frame. Depending on the number of pins knocked down and their combination, the player earns points.

The most common combinations of knocked down pins are:

  • Strike - 10 pins knocked down with the first throw in a frame
  • Spare - 10 knocked down pins in total for both throws in the frame
  • Split - after throwing the ball, non-adjacent pins remain in the frame


There are many different types of bowling all over the world. The most popular types of this game are:

  • Bowling with 10 pins (classic bowling)
  • 5 pin bowling (very popular in Canada)
  • Skittles with nine pins (popular in Europe)
  • Candlepin bowling (a game with pins-candles that do not have a clearly defined base and peak)
  • Dakpin bowling (game with duck pins)

Helpful Tips for Beginner Bowlers

Before you start bowling, you should familiarize yourself not only with the official rules, but also with the etiquette of the game. This will help not only to fully enjoy the process, but also to avoid injuries and other misunderstandings.

Tip #1

Never throw a ball if a person is standing on any of the paths, this is dangerous, because the ball can bounce and hit a person. There are many cases in the history of bowling where bowling staff have been injured.

Tip #2

Bowling is positioned as a game that is suitable for absolutely all people. But this is not entirely true; people who have problems with their back and lower back are better off giving up this sport, because these are the areas of the muscle corset that receive the greatest load in the process.

Tip #3

Sand is not allowed on the track; it disrupts the trajectory of the ball, so people always wear special shoes for the game.

Tip #4

Do not take bowling balls brought by another team for the game and, especially, personal balls of bowling fans, which they independently buy and adapt to their hand.

Tip #5

If you take children bowling, choose children's balls for them and ask the staff to raise the sides to make the children's play more coordinated.

Tip #6

Choose a ball so that your fingers fit easily into the holes and your palm remains straight. But the ball should not slip out or be too heavy.

Tip #7

For bowling, sportswear or casual style is best - dresses and suits are inappropriate.

Tip #8

Watch the machine that sets the pins. You can throw the ball only after finishing its work. Otherwise, you can get into the barrier, pay a fine and ruin the entire impression of the game.

When you see how bowling is played, it seems that it is quite easy to hit the pins at the end of the lane. In fact, entire throwing systems have been developed that allow you to knock down as many pins as possible with one hit. Professional athletes strive to knock down all the pins with one throw. This is almost impossible for a person uninitiated in the intricacies of bowling.

Various varieties of bowling have been played since time immemorial. For example, in ancient Egypt, objects for a game reminiscent of bowling were discovered.

Homeland modern bowling Germany is considered, where as early as the third century AD a game was widespread in which wooden pegs were knocked down with a stone ball.

Bowling as a sport.

Modern Bowling is a sports game that involves knocking down as many pins as possible with special balls in two attempts.

This game can be played both indoors and outdoors. The most popular game is the ten-pin version of bowling.

To play bowling, you need to know some basic terms. For example, frame– this is one game that contains two throws.

You also need to know what a strike is.

Strike– this is a complete hit on all pins in one throw.

Well Spare This is the case when the entire number of pins are knocked out in two throws.

When playing bowling, points are counted, the maximum number of which is 300 points.

As mentioned above, special balls are used for this game. They are usually made from polyester, but can also be made from polyurethane.

Bowling balls They are convenient because each person can choose the right size and weight ball for themselves. When people choose bowling as just a leisure or entertainment activity, then the centers contain rolling balls. But professionals and athletes in this sport have their own balls, which are made individually for each of them. These individual balls have holes made precisely for the owner's fingers.

It's easier with pins. They are the same for everyone. They are usually made of plastic, and there is wood inside them.

For a successful game it is very important to direct the ball directly to the center of the pins; for this you need to practice a lot so that the ball rolls exactly along the given path. It is also necessary to calculate the required number of steps to the line, which, by the way, cannot be crossed, otherwise the throw will be canceled. And it is equally important to understand at what moment you need to release the ball in order to get a strike.

Today, more and more people, young people and others, choose bowling as entertainment on the weekend or even to celebrate a holiday (birthday, New Year).

Shopping and entertainment complexes increasingly installed bowling lanes to attract people to this game. But there are also special bowling clubs - there are about sixteen thousand of them around the world.

And the largest of them, with 141 tracks, is in Japan. There is a Hall of Fame in the USA. It contains world records and awards from legendary bowlers. For example, the famous Bill Phillips.


Choose a ball that swings back and forth freely and comfortably. It's easy to spot a ball that's too light: you'll feel like you can throw it far. A very heavy ball will force you to lower your shoulder and arch your wrist as you swing. When swinging the ball, use the principle of the pendulum, which is that the hand and the ball should have the greatest energy at the lowest point of the trajectory. Having risen to the starting position, swing forward and back, then point your arm down and throw. The reverse swing should be performed with a straight arm at waist to shoulder level.

Take the optimal number of steps when performing a passage. They should be simple from heel to toe. Beginners are advised to stop at four steps. The fifth step is usually added by experienced players. Make the first step the shortest one possible. The last one, which includes sliding, should be the longest. To stop, the body weight must be transferred to the toe. Start with your right foot and count to four to maintain the pace. You need to ensure that the step and swing merge into a continuous chain of movements.

Concentrate on synchronizing your steps and swing. Use the power of your steps to transfer all the energy of motion to the ball as it launches onto the track. To do this, swing it with a large amplitude so that on the penultimate step it goes as far back as possible. During the backswing, take the first three steps, and on the last step, your swinging arm and sliding leg should move forward in sync. Release the ball the moment the slide comes to an end.

Lean your upper body forward 15 degrees and bend the knee of your supporting leg on the last step so that the distance from the ball to your ankle is 2.5 to 5 centimeters when throwing. To maintain balance during the throw, the middle of the chest should be located above the knee of the sliding leg. During the approach, the gaze should be focused on the target, and the free arm extended to the side.

Choose the correct throw angle to ensure the ball maintains its intended trajectory. Direct it at an angle from right to left into the space between 1 and 3 pins. Use the second arrow on the right as a sight. This will increase your chances of getting a strike. The first thing to remove from the ball is your thumb. Train the complete completion of the throw: after launching the ball, the hand, without deviating to the sides, should rise straight to shoulder level or slightly higher.

Video on the topic

The main goal of the bowling game is to knock out the maximum number of pins by throwing a special ball and score a large number of points. In order to play bowling correctly, you should study the technique of throwing the ball and the rules of the game.

  1. Before the start of the game, a ball of the required mass is selected. As a rule, the mass of the ball should be 1/10 of the weight. It should be noted that the heavier the ball, the easier it is to control its throw.

  2. A regular ball has three holes, which should be grasped with the ring, middle and thumb fingers. The thumb goes completely into the hole, and the ring and middle fingers only go up to the second phalanx. The index finger and little finger are placed freely on the ball.

  3. To throw, you need to take the ball in your right hand, while supporting it with your other hand, and lower it down to the level between your chest and waist. The elbow of the right hand should be pressed to the thigh.

  4. The game includes ten rounds. In each round, the player makes two throws of the ball, except for the tenth round, which may include three throws: an additional throw is made to knock out a strike (pins knocked down on the first try) or spaa (pins knocked down in two throws) in the tenth round and is counted only for results of the tenth round.

  5. If a player fails to knock down all the pins within two ball throws in one round, the stage remains open.

  6. Points scored at each stage are counted as the sum of pins knocked down and bonuses. In a round in which all pins are not knocked out, the number of points equals the number of pins knocked out. The player is awarded bonus points if he hits a strike or save. For one strike, ten points are awarded and bonuses equal to the number of pins knocked out by the player in two throws. For one spae, ten points are awarded and bonuses in the form of the number of pins knocked down by the player in the next throw of the ball.

  7. The maximum number of points scored in one round is thirty (if the player gets three strikes in a row), and for the entire game - 300 (twelve strikes in a row). In fact, bowling with high scores (more than 200 points) is only possible if you get several strikes in a row, which is an indicator of high skill.

  8. Scoring occurs using an automatic system that displays the result of each shot made, the final result and other calculations on the monitor screen located above the track.

Video on the topic

If you have the opportunity to play bowling, but, alas, you do not know how to properly handle the ball, then you should quickly read the detailed instructions. It is advisable to practice a little, because the blow looks much simpler than it actually is.

You will need

  • Bowling ball.


Bend your shins and tilt your body slightly forward. Do not spread your legs apart, but keep them together.

Take four simple steps from your heel, and perform the fifth step as if you were sliding. That is, after the last step, slide behind the thrown ball, slightly bending your body forward and extending your right arm.

For the last step, throw the ball onto the track, while bending your arm at the elbow and raising it to shoulder level, the other hand is free and helps to maintain balance.

Video on the topic


When swinging, make sure that your hand does not go back too far, otherwise the throw will be long, sweeping and ineffective. After the throw, use the leg that remains behind to slow down the movement of your body, thereby devoting all your strength to the throw.

Helpful advice

To hit the target, you need to aim not at the pins themselves, but at the lines, arrows drawn on the tracks.


  • Step-by-step preparation for throwing the ball. Rules of the game and tips for beginners.
  • bowling how to throw correctly

Bowling is a simple and incredibly popular sport today, which involves rolling special balls along a lane and knocking down pins with them. Modern youth prefer this sports game as good entertainment and time with friends. However, playing bowling in a club is a rather expensive hobby that requires constant expenses. Why not make your own bowling alley, for example, at your summer cottage? Do you think this is impossible or very expensive? Nothing like this.

You will need

  • cemented area 10x2.5 m, carpet, awning, skittles, balls


Find a place in your summer cottage that would be most convenient for playing. It is necessary to remember that the length of such a section should be at least 10 meters, and the width should be about two and a half meters.
Measure out an area 6.5-7 meters long and 1 meter wide.

Dig small grooves along the entire length and width. This way you should end up with a rectangle.

Take four small wooden sticks and place them in the corners of your measured area, that is, the future path. It is by these sticks that you can navigate when performing further actions.

Raise the soil in a small layer along the entire perimeter of your resulting rectangle so that the depth of the resulting path is approximately 10 centimeters.

On four sides (in the corners) install iron tubes, approximately three meters high, at a distance of half a meter on each side of the dug rectangle. A tarpaulin or film will subsequently be stretched over these tubes so that the track does not get wet during rain or snow, and you can play your favorite game at any time of the year.

Fill the resulting long rectangle with cement, taking out the pre-installed ones as a guide. The thickness of the cement layer should be about 1-2 cm. At the same time, the corner iron posts should also be concreted so that they are securely fastened.
Level the surface of the track and let it harden.

Roll the resulting concrete path with low-pile carpet or linoleum along its entire length. Stretch the film or tarp, securing it over the installed tubes, making a kind of tent.

Buy several special bowling pins and a set of bowling pins from a specialty store.

Place the pins properly at the end of your lane, about 20cm from the edge.
Take turns throwing balls with friends or colleagues, relatives or neighbors and enjoy the game.

Perhaps there will be only one drawback in this game - each time you will need to manually set the pins and go after the ball. However, you can always put someone at the end of the lane who can set the pins and return the ball back down the lane.

Video on the topic

Bowling combines sport, relaxation and fun. This explains its popularity among many millions of people on the planet. This unique game is distinguished by its simplicity and the absence of restrictions on age and gender.

You will need

  • - a standard bowling ball with three holes.


A huge component of the success of the game depends on the correct grip of the ball with the hand. It is enough just to remember and learn a couple of points about the correct placement of the palm and phalanges of the fingers. The easiest and most accessible method of capture is the “traditional” one.

Decide on the weight of the ball. To do this, place it on your hand and extend your arm forward. If you can stand in this position for more than 5 seconds without feeling muscle pain, then the weight is optimal for you.

The middle and ring fingers should be in the ball up to the level of the second phalanx, and the thumb should be completely immersed. Fix them in this position without squeezing the ball tightly. Relax your hand.

Lightly cup the ball with your palm. Leave your index finger and little finger freely on the surface of the ball. Now take a hand position so as not to feel pain and discomfort in your wrist, and enjoy the game!

Video on the topic


Careful selection of the ball for the game greatly increases the chances of success in winning. Before playing bowling, it is recommended to remove the rings from the fingers of the hand involved in gripping the ball. This will help you avoid accidental injuries and unpleasant, distracting sensations while playing.

Helpful advice

If you encounter a high-tech ball, it requires a different grip option - a "sport" grip. The main difference between this method: the middle and ring fingers are immersed only on one phalanx. The big one, as with the “traditional” method, is completely immersed; the index and little fingers remain free to lie on the surface of the ball.

Bowling is a sports game, the essence of which is to knock down the pins installed at the end of the lane with a launched ball. Bowling acquired its modern form at the end of the 19th century, and its prototype was the game of skittles.


Choose the ball that suits you, as your chances of winning will depend on it. Each ball has three holes for your middle, ring and thumb - they should fit perfectly so that the ball slides easily from your hand, and at the same time you do not have to squeeze it too hard when holding it. As a rule, balls from size 8 to 10 are suitable for, and, accordingly, heavier.

Take the correct stance. Take 4 steps back from the foul line. As a rule, there are special points in front of the path that serve as reference points for starting steps. Stand straight with your feet together. Bend your right hand, with which you are holding the ball, at an angle of 90 degrees so that the hand with the ball faces you and is parallel to the floor. Hold the ball slightly with your left hand.

Perform the correct ball send. To do this, take 4 steps, starting with your right foot. During them, you must lower your left hand, straighten your right hand with the ball and place it behind your back to send. The last step is taken in front of the foul line with your left foot, while you squat slightly on your left foot and send the ball into the center of the triangle of pins. The right leg should remain straight and behind the left leg.

Bowling is about choosing the right ball. Balls in any club have different weights, which are always indicated on the ball. Masters say that a ball that is too light deviates from the target, and a ball that is too heavy rolls too slowly. Balls marked with numbers from 1 to 10 are intended, and everything above 10 is for men. This is what generally accepted standards say, but no one and nothing can prevent an amateur who comes to a bowling club to relax from taking the ball that is more convenient for him to throw.

Playing technique

The length of the path is 18 meters and the width is 1.6 meters. At the end there are 10 pins installed. The player's task is to throw the ball along the track so that it knocks down the maximum number of pins. A perfect throw is considered to be a situation where a player knocks down all the pins at once in one throw. One game consists of 10 approaches for each player to the track. For a throw, the player is awarded points depending on the number of pins knocked down. At the end of the game, the points for each approach are summed up. Whoever scored the most wins. In essence, the game is not difficult: it does not require special physical training or logical thinking. You don’t even need to count points, the computer will do everything for you. However, certain skills are still required to play bowling effectively. First, you need to learn how to pick up the ball correctly. Any ball has 3 holes. The thumb is inserted into the upper hole, and the middle and index fingers into the other two. The ring finger and little finger are positioned freely.

Masters of the game say that the secret to success is in preparing the throw. At first, you should try to take 4 steps, starting from the black dots drawn on the track surface. When the player starts moving, the ball should be swung in the hand like a pendulum. During the first and second steps, the hand moves the ball back, during the third and fourth, it carries it forward. A common mistake for beginners is to aim exactly at the center of the triangle of pins. In fact, you are more likely to get a strike if you aim the ball between the #2 and #3 pins.

How to improve results?

After you have mastered the basic throwing technique, you should work on accuracy and then on the power of the blow. It would be a good idea to check the height of your swing before throwing. You should not raise your arm above your shoulder. The success of the game is also influenced by the club itself. Not all bowling clubs have high-quality equipment. The bowling alley must be made of wood, coated with a special varnish. The area where the pins are located can be covered with fiber. In some cases, gutters are covered with the same material. Remember that the throw is considered successful if you do not step beyond the control line.

Video on the topic


These rules, set out in Chapters I-II, are in accordance with the rules of the International Tenpin Bowling Association (WTBA) and are used in all international competitions held under the auspices or with the sanction of the WTBA, or in which the participation of players who are members of national bowling federations , included in the WTBA.

“All official ten-pin competitions are conducted on lanes and using equipment whose dimensions and weights comply with the provisions of the WTBA, as well as the rules, directives of the WTBA relating to the subject.”

All tracks that are intended to be used in tournaments approved (sanctioned) by the FSBR must be certified by FSBR specialists to ensure compliance with ABC/WIBC standards.

Rules for players (excerpt from the ETBF Rules): behavior on the lane, slow play

Chapter I General rules of the game

Chapter II Equipment Specification

1. Specification of bowling alleys

Rules for players (excerpt from the ETBF Rules): behavior on the lane, slow play

4.22.1 A player preparing to enter the run-up zone and make a throw has the following rights and responsibilities:

a) He only has advantage over the player who is preparing to enter the runway and throw in the lane to his left.

b) The player should let the player preparing to enter the run-up area and make the throw pass in the lane to his right.

c) The player must be ready to take the throw when it is his turn and promptly take it as soon as the lanes to his left and right are clear.

4.22.2 If a player does not follow the procedure described in paragraph 4.22.1, this will be considered as deliberately slowing down the game. Such a player must be warned by the tournament official in accordance with the following regulations:

a) The player is shown a white card for the first offense (no penalty is imposed)

b) The player is shown a yellow card for a repeat offense (no fine is imposed)

c) The player is shown a red card for each subsequent offense in any subsequent round of play (qualifying rounds, play-offs or finals). In this case, the following penalty is imposed: frame result = 0.

4.22.3 The application of the above punishment must be monitored by the tournament panel of judges. Particular attention should be paid to situations when a player lags behind other players:

a) more than four frames in individual competitions or in pairs competitions;

b) for more than two frames in triples or fives competitions.

In the Baker format, the rules for individual competitions apply.

Chapter I General rules of the game

Rule 1: Game - Definition

Ten pin bowling consists of ten frames. The player throws two balls in each of the first nine frames, unless there is a strike on the first pitch. In the tenth frame, the player throws three balls if a strike or spare is scored. Each frame must be completed by the player in normal order.

NOTE: In Bakker team competitions, each player on the team completes all consecutive ball throws in one game until all ten frames are completed.

A correct release of the ball is a throw in which the ball leaves the player's position and crosses the foul line on the playing lane. The points are counted for each throw unless a “faulty ball” is declared. Throwing the ball must be done manually only. You may not use any device attached or applied to the ball that may serve an auxiliary function in the throw or that is a moving part of the throw.

Rule 2. Game - Scoring

Except in cases where there is a strike on the first throw, the number of pins knocked down by the player on the first throw of the ball is noted in a small square in the upper left corner of the corresponding frame on the monitor, and the number of pins knocked down by the player on the second throw of the ball is marked in a small square in the upper right corner of the frame. If none of the pins in the frame are knocked down on the second throw of the ball, a dash (-) is placed in the scoring field. The total score for two attempts is calculated and displayed on the monitor immediately.

Example of a scoring card

Rule 3. “Strike”

If, during the first throw of a ball in a frame, the entire set of installed pins is knocked down, then a strike is counted. A strike is marked with an (X) in a small square in the upper left corner of the corresponding frame. One strike is worth 10 points plus the number of pins knocked down by the player over the next two throws of the ball.

Rule 4. "Double"

Two consecutive strikes are called a double. In this case, the first strike is worth 20 points plus the number of pins knocked down by the player on the first throw of the ball immediately after the second strike.

Rule 5. "Triple"

Three consecutive strikes are called a triple. In this case, 30 points are awarded for the first strike. In order to get the maximum number of points equal to 300, the player needs to knock out 12 strikes in a row.

Rule 6. "Spea"

Spare is counted if the pins remaining standing after the first throw of the ball are knocked down during the second throw of the ball in a given frame. Spaa is indicated by a sign (/) in the upper right corner of the corresponding frame. In this case, 10 points are awarded for the spae plus the number of pins knocked down by the player during the subsequent throw of the ball.

Rule 7. Open frame

If a player fails to knock down all 10 pins in two ball throws in one frame, it is called an open frame, unless the pins still standing after the first ball throw form a "split".

Rule 8. “Split”

A split is the position of several pins remaining standing after the first throw of the ball, in which the first (head) pin fell and:

At least one pin fell between two or more standing pins, for example between the 7th and 9th or the 3rd and 10th.

At least one pin fell immediately before two or more standing pins, for example 5-6.

NOTE: Split is usually indicated on the monitor as (O).

Rule 9. Style of play

The game is played on two tracks (one pair), adjacent to each other. Members of competing teams, trios, pairs or independent players must, one after another, compete in the normal order for one frame on one lane, and for the subsequent frame move to another lane, until five frames have been played on each of the two lanes of the pair.

NOTE: In Bakker team games, members of competing teams, trios and pairs bowl sequentially and in the appropriate order and bowl consecutive frames in the same game. Teams must change lanes within a pair after ten frames.

Rule 10. Proper knocking down of pins

The ball is thrown when the player sends the ball and the ball crosses the foul line. Each throw of a ball is counted unless the ball is declared faulty. Throwing the ball must be done with the hand only. It is prohibited to use any device on or attached to the ball that becomes detached after it is thrown, or that moves during the throw.

NOTE: A player may use special equipment to assist in catching and throwing the ball if it replaces all or a major portion of an amputated or mangled arm.

A player is considered to have knocked down the pins correctly if the following conditions are met:

The pins fell or were thrown off the court by the action of the ball or any pin.

The pins fell or were thrown off the platform by the action of a pin that bounced off the side partition or backboard.

Pins fell or were thrown off the court by a pin that bounced off the cleaning board while it was on the court before removing the knocked-down pins.

Skittles that have leaned over and rested on the bumper wall or side partition.

All such pins are considered knocked down and must be removed from the court before the next ball is thrown.

Rule 11. Improper (unauthorized) knocking down of pins

If one of the following events occurs, the throw of the ball counts, but the subsequent knock down of the pins does not:

The ball leaves the lane before reaching the pins.

The ball bounces off the tailgate.

The pin bounces off after contact with the body, hands or feet of the employee responsible for setting the pins.

The pins come into contact with the mechanical pin setting device.

Any pin falls when knocked down pins are removed.

Any pin falls due to contact with the staff member responsible for setting the pins.

The player breaks the rules.

The ball is thrown when knocked down pins have not yet been removed from the track or chute and the ball touches these knocked down pins before leaving the surface of the track.

If a pin is incorrectly knocked down and a player is entitled to additional shots in that frame, the incorrectly knocked down pin or pins must be replaced where they originally stood.

Rule 12. Skittles - incorrect installation

If, on the first or second throw of a ball, immediately after the throw it is discovered that one or more pins are not set correctly, but all the necessary pins are present, that throw of the ball and the corresponding result are counted. It is the player's responsibility to determine whether the pins are set correctly. Before making a throw, a player who notices the incorrect installation of the pins must insist on their correct installation, otherwise the initial installation of the pins will be considered correct.

It is prohibited to change the position of any pin that remains standing after throwing the ball. This means that if pins are moved by a mechanical pin setter, they must remain in their new position and manual repositioning is prohibited.

Rule 13. Pins - bounce

If the pins bounce and remain standing on the track, then these pins are considered not to be knocked down.

Rule 14. Pins - which ones are considered knocked down

Only those pins can be counted as knocked down that are actually knocked down or completely displaced from the playing surface of the lane as a result of a valid ball throw.

Rule 15. Skittles - substitution

If a pin breaks or is otherwise damaged during play, the pin must be replaced with another one whose condition and weight matches as closely as possible the other pins in the set being used. The need to replace pins will be determined by tournament officials.

Rule 16: Faulty ball

A ball is declared faulty in any of the following cases:

Immediately after the ball is thrown (and before the next ball is thrown on the same lane), it turns out that one or more pins from the set are missing.

The person in charge of setting the pins touches any standing pin before the ball rolls to the pins.

The person in charge of setting the pins will remove or touch any dropped pin before it stops moving.

The player throws the ball out of his lane or out of his turn. Or one player from each team on a pair of lanes sends the ball in a lane other than his own.

The presence of physical obstruction by another player, a spectator or a moving object, or by a pin setter during the throw of the ball and before its completion. In this case, the injured player can either accept the result of the given throw or declare that the ball is faulty.

Any pin moves or falls while the ball is being sent, but before the ball reaches the pins.

The sent ball collides with a foreign object.

If a ball is declared incorrect, the delivery is not counted. All pins that were standing when the ball was declared faulty must be rearranged, and the player is given the opportunity to re-throw the ball.

Rule 17: Throwing a ball on the wrong lane (for official competitions)

NOTE: in accordance with the rules of the ETBF and the FSBR, all official competitions are held in a sports mode (league system), two, three or four participants compete on one pair of tracks (the number of participants performing on one pair of tracks cannot change during one competition);

Each game is played by participants on a pair of tracks.

After one or two games (no more), all participants, at the judge’s command, move to other pairs of lanes.

When a ball is declared faulty, the player or players must throw in the correct lane in the following cases:

One player throws the ball in the wrong lane.

One player from each team on a pair of lanes throws the ball in the wrong lane. If several players from the same team take turns throwing the ball in the wrong lane, then the frame will be played out unchanged. All subsequent frames must start on the correct track.

Rule 18. Definition of foul (violation)

A foul (violation) is committed if a player crosses or steps beyond the foul line with any part of his body, or touches any part of the track, equipment or structure (structure) during or after throwing the ball.

The ball is considered to be in play until the same or another player takes up space for the next throw of the ball.

Rule 19. Deliberate violation (foul)

If a player deliberately breaks the rules for his own benefit, the result of that player's throw of the ball is annulled, and no further throws are permitted for that player in that frame.

Rule 20. Scoring a foul on a throw

When a violation (foul) is detected, the ball throw is counted, but the pins knocked down during this throw are not taken into account. If the player who committed the foul is entitled to additional shots in that frame, the pins knocked down by the ball when the foul was called must be reset.

Rule 21: Obvious foul

A foul is called even if it is not called by the automatic foul caller or the referee, but the foul is obvious to the following:

For both captains (representatives) or one or more players from the competing teams.

For officials monitoring the game and the score.

For the official responsible for the tournament.

Rule 22. Foul - protest

After a foul has been called, protests will not be accepted except in the following cases:

It has been proven that there are malfunctions in the automatic foul registration device.

There is strong evidence that the player did not commit a foul.

NOTE: Film and video footage can be used as evidence, but only if the protest is reported to the chief referee of the competition before the player makes the next throw in the game and immediate viewing of the controversial episode is possible.

Film and video materials presented after the end of the games are not accepted for consideration and cannot serve as a basis for filing a protest and/or appeal. In the above situation, a protest must be immediately reported to the chief referee of the competition; protests are accepted only from players and/or their official representatives.

Rule 23. Conditional ball

In the event of a protest that is the subject of a foul, a valid pinfall or an errant ball, and which cannot be immediately resolved by the tournament officials, the player must throw the call ball or replay the frame.

In the event of a dispute on a player's first throw in any frame, or on a player's second throw in the tenth frame after a strike on the first throw in the tenth frame:

If the dispute is resolved whether the player fouled or not, that player must complete the frame and then throw the ball into the pin formation that would have been in place if the disputed pin(s) had not fallen.

If the point in dispute is a questionable pin fall, the player must complete the frame and then throw the ball into the pin formation that would have been in place if the pin(s) in question had not fallen.

If the tie is resolved whether a ball should have been faulted or not, the player must complete the frame and then play the entire tie frame.

If a dispute arises on an extra try or on the third throw of the tenth frame, then no ball is awarded unless the dispute has been resolved whether a faulty ball should have been called or not. In this case, the conditional ball must be thrown into the same arrangement of pins that was in place when the ball that became the subject of the dispute was thrown.

Rule 24. Ball - change in surface

Changing the surface of the ball during official competitions is prohibited.

NOTE: If it turns out that the player knew in advance that his actions would be a violation of this rule, the result of the game during which this rule was violated is subject to cancellation. In addition, the player is suspended from further participation in these competitions. The competition refers to the remainder of the current game and all subsequent games of the tournament.

Rule 25. Foreign objects in the approach area

The application of any foreign substance to any part of the playing area that adversely affects the normal playing conditions of other players is prohibited. This rule includes, but is not limited to, substances such as talc, pumice and resin on shoes, soft soles or heels that leave marks in the approach area. It is prohibited to bring talc powder into the playing area.

NOTE: The player area (playing area) must be designated by the competition organizers and approved by the head referee using identification methods that are clear to spectators. Access to the players' holding area (in the immediate vicinity of each pair of lanes on which their players compete) is limited to one person (an accredited coach or team manager) unless otherwise specified.

Rule 26. Errors in keeping score

Errors in keeping score or calculating the result must be corrected by the tournament official immediately after such an error is discovered. Disputes must be resolved by a specially authorized person.

Protests for scoring errors must be made no later than one hour after the end of a game or block of games on each day of the tournament, but before prizes are awarded or the start of the next round (in an elimination game), whichever occurs first.

Each case of filing a protest within the framework of this rule is specific, therefore, when considering each specific protest, one should not be guided by the experience of considering similar controversial situations.

NOTES: Once a score has been registered, it cannot be changed unless an obvious error has been made in maintaining the score and scoring. Obvious errors must be corrected by a tournament official as soon as they are discovered. Decisions on controversial situations are made by the tournament management. In accordance with the rules, the tournament management may set a certain period for correcting errors. A game or frame(s) within a game that is irretrievably lost during scoring may be replayed with the approval of the tournament management, unless such a procedure is prohibited by the tournament rules.

Rule 27. Interrupted frame, play

If, due to a malfunction of the equipment of the lanes on which the game is being played, the normal course of the series may be delayed, the tournament management may transfer the end of the game or series to another pair of lanes.

Law 28. Prolongation of the game

1. Players preparing to move to the starting position and throw the ball must have the following rights and responsibilities:

They may request that the nearest left lane be vacated when entering the starting position or preparing to throw the ball.

The same rules apply to the player preparing to move to the starting position and throw the ball in the nearest right lane.

Players must be ready to play when it is their turn. They must go to their starting position and throw without delay, provided that the lanes closest to them on the right and left are clear.

2. If a player does not comply with the rules specified in paragraph 1, this may be considered as delaying the game. A player who does not comply with these rules must be warned by an authorized tournament official as follows:

Verbal warning for first offense (no fine)

For the second and each subsequent violation in any game of this block of games, the participant is given a warning and a fine is imposed on him. The penalty is the cancellation of the number of pins knocked down in a given (at the time of warning) frame.

For the purpose of interpreting the application of this rule, the Judge shall specifically control any player or team (in Becker competitions) that is more than 4 frames behind the next players in an individual or pairs competition; or more than 2 frames in triples or team competitions.

If any questions arise regarding the application of this rule, or lack thereof, in official competitions, the final decision is made by the chief judge.

Chapter II Equipment Specification

All official 10-pin competitions approved by the FSBI must be conducted using equipment and equipment certified by an authorized representative of the FSBR and complying with the WTBA Specifications. Detailed information about Equipment Specifications and Approved Products can be obtained from the Technical Delegate of the European Bowling Federation.

In the specifications below, metric dimensions are shown in parentheses and are for information only. In case of dispute, preference is given to the dimensions given in the British system of units.

The following conversion factors apply:

1 inch = 25.4 mm

1 ft = 12 inches = 304.8 mm

1 lb = 0.453 kg

1 ounce = 28.349 grams

1.Specifications of bowling alleys

1.1 Composition

A standard bowling alley, including chutes, bump stops and approach areas, shall be constructed of wood or other approved material. However, the pin tee edge, back rail, bumpers, gutters and gutter moldings may be reinforced with fiber or other synthetic materials. The approach area must be made of a different material in accordance with the instructions below.

1.2 Approach section

Beginning at (but not including) the tread line, a clear approach area of ​​at least 15 feet (4572 mm) in length and at least as wide as the width of the walkway must be provided. Potholes larger than ? inches (6.4 mm).

1.3 Shooting line

The width of the wedge line (error) must be no less than 3/8 inches (9.5 mm) and no more than 1 inch (25.4 mm). It should be clearly marked or inserted between the path and the approach area. This line should be no less wide than the track; this line may be required to extend from the track to any walls or posts within the player's reach.

1.4 Device for detecting a spade (foul)

Every certified bowling center must have an operational foul detection device or umpire stand conveniently located directly on the lane, at or slightly behind the line so that the umpire can easily observe all lines.

1.5 Track length

The total length of a standard lane, including the pin area, is 62 feet 10 3/16 inches (19156 mm). This reference value is measured from the start of the lane just behind the tack line to the back end of the pin area (not including the back bar).

The distance from the start of the lane just behind the wedge line to the center of the #1 pin position is 60 feet ± 1/2 inches (18288 ± 13 mm).

The distance from the center of the #1 pin position to the back edge of the pin tee (not including the back bar) is 34 3/6 inches ± 1/16 inches (868.5 ± 1.5 mm).

1.6 Track width

The track width should be 41 1/2 inches ± 1/2 inches (1054 ± 12.7 mm).

1.7 Track surface

There should not be any continuous grooves or projections on the surface of the track. No depressions or bumps greater than 0.040 in. (1 mm) in the surface of the track over a 42 in. (1067 mm) length are permitted. Lateral slope of the walkway greater than 0.040 inches (1 mm) over the entire width of the walkway is not permitted.

The entire surface of the path must have the same coating. The coefficient of friction of the entire surface of the track, measured by an approved device, shall not exceed 0.29.

1.8 Pin area

The pin area must be made entirely of hardwood. The use of synthetic materials entirely or in combination with other materials is possible, provided that these materials have passed appropriate tests and have been approved for use.

End boards should be rounded to a radius of no more than 5/32 inch (4 mm). The end board must be made of hardwood or synthetic materials, provided that these materials have been properly tested and approved for use.

A synthetic edging strip no more than 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) thick may be attached to the side of the pin tee closest to the gutters. Its length must be no less than the distance from the point opposite the #1 pin position to the shaft. When installed on a new end board, it must be at least 1.5 inches (38 mm) deep, and when installed on an existing end board, it must be at least 1 inch (25 mm) deep. It must be installed vertically so that the synthetic material extends no more than 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) above the pin surface.

1.9 Back strap

A backing bar no thicker than 2 inches (50.8 mm) may be attached to the rear of the track. The flat playing surface, including the back bar, measured from the centers of the #7, 8, 9 pin positions shall not exceed 5 inches (127 mm).

1.10 Gutters

The gutters must be located on each side of the track and must start from the foul line and run parallel to the track to the shaft.

The width of the walkway including semi-circular gutters should be 60 1/8 inches 1/8 inches (1527 ± 3 mm). Their shape should be concave. The center depth of the channel when leaving production should be 1 7/8 inches (47.6 mm).

Flat gutters must be made of wood or other materials that have been properly tested and approved for use. The width of flat gutters, including moldings, should be 91/4 inches ± 1/4 inches (235 ± 6.4 mm). From a point opposite or in front of the #1 pin position not more than 15 inches (381 mm), the groove must have a square bottom surface and must be located below the surface of the lane not less than 1 7/8 inches (47.6 mm). The depth at the point opposite the positions for the last row of pins should be 3 1/2 inches ± 1/8 inches (89.0 ± 3.1 mm).

The strip of molding that runs the entire length of the flat gutter must be securely attached to the bottom of the flat gutter. The molding may be made entirely of hardwood or synthetic materials, provided that these materials have been properly tested and approved for use. The height at the leading edge should not exceed 7/8" (33.2 mm) increasing to 1 1/2" (38.1 mm) at a point opposite the #7 and 10 pin positions (height measured from the top of the flat gutter to the top of the molding ). The width of the moldings should be no more than 3/4 inch (19 mm). The upper protruding edge should be

rounded to a radius of 5/8" ± 1/8" (15.9 ± 3.1 mm).

1.11 Pin positions

All pin positions on which they are displayed must be clearly marked for the entire life of the pin site. The diameter of the positions should be 2 1/4 inches 1/16 inches (57.2 ± 1.6 mm).

Pin Position Numbers

Positions must be spaced within an equilateral triangle at 12" ± 1/16" (304.8 ± 1.6 mm) increments.

The distance from the center of the 7, 8, 9 and 10 pin positions to the shaft (not including the back bar) should be 3 inches ± 1/16 inches (76.2 ± 1.6 mm).

The distance from the center of the 7 and 10 pin positions to the side edge of the pin area should be 2 3/4 inches ± 1/4 inches (60.3 ± 6.4 mm).

The #1 pin position must be located equidistant from both edges of the lane and both bump stops within a tolerance of ± 1/8 inch (± 3.2 mm), and the distance from its center to the bump stops must be at least 30 inches (762 mm).

The distance from the center of the 7 and 10 pin positions to the nearest bump stop should be 12 1/6 inches ± 1/16 inches (306.4 ± 1.6 mm).

For reference, the distance from the center of the #1 pin position to a perpendicular line drawn through the centers of the back row of pin positions should be 31 3/16 inches (792.2 mm), and the same distance to the shaft (not including the back bar) should be 34 3/16 inches (868.4 mm).

1.12 Pin setting devices (pinsetters)

Bowling centers that use automatic pin setters must ensure that they are inspected annually to ensure that the pins are set correctly. If any deviations are detected in the operation of pin installation devices, approval of such devices will be made only after all deficiencies have been eliminated.

1.13 Bumpers

The bumper or sidewall can be made entirely from hardwood or from tested and approved synthetic materials. They must be installed parallel to the track.

The bump stop should start from a point opposite or no more than 15 inches (381 mm) in front of the #1 pin position and extend to the rear shock wall.

The distance between the wood surface of the two fenders should be 60 1/8 in. ± 1/8 in. (1527 ± 3 mm).

The height above the walkway surface should be 20 1/2 inches ± 3 1/2 inches (521 ± 89 mm).

Fenders may have a single layer of reinforcing material no thicker than 3/16 inch (4.8 mm) thick.

1.14 Mine

For lanes not equipped with automatic pin setting devices, the distance from the floor of the shaft to the top of the lane must be a minimum of 10 inches (254 mm) and from the top of the shaft mat to the top of the lane a minimum of 9 1/2 inches (241 mm) ). The width of the shaft from the rear edge of the track (including the width of the rear bar) to the end of the rear shock absorber must be at least 30 inches (762 mm). For lanes equipped with automatic pin setting devices, this width shall be a minimum of 25 inches (635 mm). Shaft area specifications for automatic pin setting equipment are developed specifically for a specific pin setting device at the same time that approval for its use is issued.

1.15 Rear shock absorber

The rear shock absorber should always be covered with black material. In this case, the design of the rear shock absorber must be such as to prevent the pins from rebounding (ricocheting) onto the track.

1.16 Markings or signs

Markings or signs placed on paths and approach areas must meet the following requirements:

a) At each of the following points in the approach area (distance measured to the line of the wade), up to 7 guide marks may be inserted or marked: 2-6 inches (51-152 mm), 9-10 feet (2743-3048 mm), 11- 12 feet (3353-3658 mm), 14-15 feet (4267-4572 mm). Each series of guiding landmarks must be parallel to the line of the spade (foul), and each guiding landmark must be uniform, in the shape of a circle, the diameter of which should not exceed? inches (19 mm).

b) Up to 10 guide marks may be inserted or marked on the track at a point 6-8 feet (1828-2438 mm) after and parallel to the tread line. Each guideline should be uniform, in the shape of a circle, the diameter of which should not exceed? inches (19 mm).

c) At a point 12-16 feet (3658-4877 mm) after the tread line, up to 7 targets may be inserted or placed on the lane. Each target must be uniform, and may consist of one or more arrows, diamonds, triangular or rectangular indicators. The size of the surface covered by each target should not exceed 1? inches (31.8 mm) wide and 6 inches (152.4 mm) long. Each target should be located at an equal distance from the other, and together they should form a single pattern.

d) Inserted markings or signs must be made of wood or plastic. They must be inserted flush with the surface of the approach areas. When markings are applied, this should be done on unfinished wood, after which the markings should be coated with varnish or a similar, transparent material normally used to finish the surface. All such elements made in any bowling center must be uniform, both in terms of design and size. Such uniformity should be ensured at least on a natural pair of tracks.

2. Requirements for processing tracks

For all official competitions conducted or sanctioned by the FSBI, the following requirements must apply to lane handling.

After each application of conditioner, at least 5 units of conditioner must remain on the lubricated part of the track (including any part of the track treated with the buffer of the conditioner application machine). Over the entire surface of the lubricated part of the tracks, it is necessary to use a conditioner of the same type and manufacturer. During competitions, the same conditioner and treatment methods should be used to lubricate the tracks.

The minimum and maximum processing distance, including the buffered portion of the lane, must be no less than 28 feet (8535 mm) and no more than 45 feet (13715 mm). This rule does not mean that the recommended minimum treatment distance is 28 feet. For processing paths, you can take any value from the range from 28 to 45 feet.

3.Specification of bowling pins

Currently, pins are tested using procedures approved by the ABC/WIBC Technical Specifications Department, so all pins approved by ABC/WIBC will be approved by the WTBA.

3.1 Materials

Pins approved for use in the game must be made of high quality hard maple. Each pin may be made from one single piece, or assembled from two or more layers, provided the pins meet these specifications. All layers must be parallel to the vertical axis of the pin. New and used wood may be used, provided that all such new and/or repurposed pins are made to the specifications established by the WTBA.

3.2 Weight

Each plastic-coated pin must weigh no less than 3 pounds, 6 ounces (1531 grams) and no more than 3 pounds, 10 ounces (1645 grams).

Pins from the same set must be uniform in appearance, including design, material, finish, labels and markings on the “neck” of the pins, and degree of wear.

3.3 Balancing

The center of gravity of any ten pins must be no more than 5-60/64 inches and no less than 5-40/64 inches from the bottom of the pin.

3.5 Finishing

The wood surface of solid or laminated pins must have the finish commonly used. This surface coating of the pin must be transparent (light) and/or painted with a white pigment. This does not apply to the markings on the neck of the pin. Standard wood surface coatings with a film thickness of 0.004 inches are acceptable.

NOTE: Colored pins are permitted in sanctioned tournaments, provided they are all the same throughout the set.

3.6 Design and overall dimensions

The height of each pin should be 15 inches 2/64 inches.

All pins must have an approved plastic base mount or plastic insert (or fiber insert) with an outside diameter of at least 2 inches.

Base, inches Nominal Flat Diameter, inches Maximum Flat Diameter, inches Minimum Flat Diameter, inches

Height above base, inchesNominal diameter, inchesMaximum diameter, inchesMinimum diameter, inches
13 1/2 2.547 2.578 2.516
12 5/8 2.406 2.437 2.375
11 3/4 2.094 2.125 2.063
10 7/8 1.870 1.901 1.839
10 1.797 1.828 1.766
9 3/8 1.965 1.996 1.934
8 5/8 2.472 2.503 2.441
7 1/4 3.703 3.734 3.672
5 7/8 4.563 4.594 4.532
4 1/2 4.766 4.797 4.735
3 3/8 4.510 4.541 4.479
2 1/4 3.906 3.937 3.875
03.Apr 2.828 2.859 2.797

The top of the pin should be a uniform arc with a radius of 1.273 inches 2/64 (0.031) inches.

Diameter tolerance shall not exceed 2/64 (0.031) inch.

The conical transition between the individual parts of the pin should be gradual so that all the lines form a smooth, beautiful curve.

No part of the base shall protrude beyond the base fastening, but the portion of the base near the fastening may have an indentation no larger than 0.025 inches. All pins must be factory rounded on the outer edge of the base with a radius of 5/32 (0.156) inches to 2/64 (0.031) inches. The diameter of the base excluding the rounded edge shall not exceed 2 inches.

4.Specification of bowling balls

4.1 Material

A standard bowling ball must be made of a non-metallic composite material and must meet specifications for weight, size and balance.

The use of movable devices in a bowling ball is prohibited, except that the insertion of any device to change the distance between the fingers or the size of the thumb and finger holes is permitted, provided that the device is so designed that it will remain firmly in place during the throw, and it cannot be removed from the ball without being damaged. . Over the entire surface of the lubricated part of the tracks, it is necessary to use lubricant of the same type and manufacturer. During competitions, the same lubricant and the same treatment methods should be used to lubricate the tracks.)

It is prohibited to introduce metal or any other substance into the ball other than the original material of the ball used in its manufacture. In addition, any modification to the ball that causes its weight or balance to fall outside the range specified in the specifications is not permitted, and the use of such balls in competitions held under the auspices of the WTBA is strictly prohibited.

To re-drill the ball holes, special plugs can be inserted. It is allowed to insert various indicators and markings into the ball, provided that they are made flush with the outer surface of the ball. In all cases, they must be made of a material similar (though not necessarily the same) to the original material of the ball. There should be no foreign material on the outer surface.

These restrictions also apply to both the manufacture and/or any modification of the ball, provided that this does not apply to deliberate overestimation of the weight during the manufacture of the ball, installation of inserts or qualified repairs.

4.2 Weight and size

The circumference of the ball and its weight must not exceed 27 inches (686 mm) and 16 pounds (7.25 kg), respectively. The diameter of any ball must be constant.

The surface of the ball shall be free of indentations or grooves other than holes or recesses for gripping, identifying markings and numbers, or occasional chips or wear.

4.3 Parameters that must be measured at the tournament venue:

a) Gross weight. Must be no more than 16 pounds (7.25 kg).

b) Holes or recesses for gripping. Their number should not exceed 5 (five).

c) One hole for balancing is allowed. Its diameter should not exceed 1 1/4 inches (31.8 mm).

d) Finger vents and/or thumb holes are permitted. Their diameter should not exceed 1/4 inch (6.4 mm).

e) One opening is allowed for inspection. Its diameter should not exceed 5/8 inch (15.9 mm) and its depth should not exceed 1/8 inch (3.2 mm).

f) Static imbalance. Must not exceed the tolerances specified below.

g) Hardness of the ball. According to the requirements below.

4.4 Parameters that do not need to be measured at the tournament site:

a) Circumference of bowling balls

b) Dynamic coefficient of friction

c) Labeling requirements.

4.5 Balancing

The balls must be designed and drilled so that at least 6 of its sides are properly balanced. When balancing a bowling ball, the following deviations are allowed:

A. Weight: 10 lbs (4.53 kg) or more:

a) The difference between the top half of the ball (the side with the finger holes) and the bottom half (the solid side opposite the side with the finger holes) is not more than three (3) ounces (85 grams).

b) The difference between the sides to the right and left of the finger holes, and between the sides in front and behind the finger holes, is not more than one (1) ounce (28 grams).

c) The difference between any two halves of a drilled ball without a thumb hole is not more than one (1) ounce (28 grams).

d) The difference between any two halves of a drilled ball without any holes or finger recesses shall not exceed one (1) ounce (28 grams).

e) The difference between any two halves of a ball used without any hole or indentation is not more than one (1) ounce (28 grams).

B. Weight: 10 to 8 lbs (4.53 - 3.62 kg):

a) The difference between the top half of the ball (the side with the finger holes) and the bottom half (the solid side opposite the side with the finger holes) is not more than two (2) ounces (57 grams).

B. Weight: Less than 8 lbs (3.62 kg):

a) The difference between the top half of the ball (the side with the finger holes) and the bottom half (the solid side opposite the side with the finger holes) is not more than 3/4 ounce (21 grams).

b) The difference between the sides to the right and left of the finger holes, and between the sides in front and behind the finger holes, is not more than 3/4 ounce (21 grams).

c) The difference between any two halves of a drilled ball without a thumb hole is not more than 3/4 ounce (21 grams).

d) The difference between any two halves of a drilled ball excluding any holes or finger recesses is not more than 3/4 ounce (21 grams).

e) The difference between any two halves of a ball used without any hole or indentation is not more than 3/4 ounce (21 grams).

4.6 Hardness

A bowling ball used in any FIQ, WTBA competition must have a surface hardness of at least 72 when measured with a "D" hardness tester at room temperature.

NOTE: The surface hardness of the ball must be measured with a hardness tester equipped with a hand-held indicator, which is known as a “D” hardness tester.

The hardness test method is as follows:

Three measurements are taken at points equidistant from each other around the circumference of the ball. Measurements begin in the area where the ball holes are drilled, with the hardness tester probe positioned perpendicularly, that is, at an angle of 90 degrees to the surface of the ball. The results of the three measurements are added together and the resulting value is divided by 3. The final value is the hardness of the ball surface when measured with a hardness tester “D”. All measurements are carried out at room temperature, which can usually be determined by the sensations when touching the ball. If you take hardness measurements immediately after the ball has been brought in from a cold or high-temperature area, the measurement results will not be accurate.

Bowling is not only a sport, but also a great way to have fun after a hard day at work. A lot of companies organize corporate events in bowling clubs. Firstly, this game awakens your competitive instinct. Secondly, there is nothing better than chatting between shots while drinking something delicious. Today we will talk about bowling technique. Go!

Rules of the game

Each player makes two throws per attempt. His task is to push the ball so that it knocks down the maximum number of pins. There are 10 of them in total, and, at first glance, it may seem that everyone can knock out 10 pins in 2 throws. This is not so, because in this game there are quite often situations when there is only one pin left, and it is not so easy to hit it.

And even more often there are situations when there are 2 pins left at a certain distance from each other. Players often try to knock down at least one, but during the throw they cannot concentrate on one of them. Because of this, the throw is unsuccessful, and not a single pin is knocked down.

Bowling highlight- a correctly executed throw. Technique for its implementation:

Points are calculated very easily. There are three cases:

For one game you are given 10 attempts of 2 throws. In the last attempt, the player can make 3 throws. This is an excellent chance to knock down a few strikes, or at least a spare. You can be the winner based on the results of one of the games. However, the points are cumulative until your time on the track ends. Therefore, do not relax and try to knock down more pins.

Basic terms

So that you understand what we are talking about, when will you come to the bowling club?, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following terms:

What is prohibited by the rules

It would seem that what could be simpler than a game of bowling. However, it is not. There are several things that are prohibited by the rules of this game:

If this is your first time going to a bowling alley, play with the sides. Tell the administrator to raise the special sides during your attempt. Your task is to learn how to throw the ball so that it does not touch the sides when it rolls.

Exercise regularly. Of course, visiting a bowling alley too often is an expensive pleasure.

However, if you visit it at least 1-2 times a month, you will become a much better player.

Take advice from those who play better than you. They may be able to recommend some drills that will improve your bowling skills.

You can also check out the following information resources to better understand how to bowl:

  1. Photos showing the correct throwing technique.
  2. Videos in which professionals in their field will tell you some of the features and nuances of this game, thanks to which you will achieve results faster.

Now you know how many bowling pins you need to knock down to score the maximum number of points. Put into practice the tips we've given you, and after just a few practices, you can become your company's bowling champion! I wish you success!