See what “Star (20th century magazine)” is in other dictionaries. Subscriptions to Zvezda magazine in the Russian Federation are carried out by Zvezda Magazine last update

The oldest Russian literary, artistic and socio-political independent magazine "Zvezda" addresses all its readers and everyone who is not indifferent to the future of national culture. An appeal from the editors-in-chief of Zvezda was posted on the Planeta crowdfunding portal:

The goal of the project: to continue the publication of the Zvezda magazine, which is a national cultural heritage and has continued its activities for 91 years in a row without interruption.

From 1924 to 1990, the monthly literary, artistic and socio-political magazine “Zvezda” was the organ of the Union of Writers of the USSR, i.e., part of a national structure with the main reactor and staff approved by the Kremlin. The position of editor-in-chief was a so-called “nomenklatura” position. Since 1991, “Zvezda” has been published by the editorial staff of the magazine and the editor-in-chief (editors) is elected by the editorial team. Since that time, the publication has been positioned as a “Monthly literary, artistic and socio-political independent magazine.”

The essence and rationale of the project is as follows: In the officially declared “Year of Literature”, contrary to all domestic traditions, an obstacle to publication arose in front of our oldest “thick” literary magazine “Zvezda”. Since 1924, for more than 90 years of its existence, one might say, all domestic literature in her best examples- both Soviet and post-Soviet periods. For so long and, what is significant, without any interruptions (the magazine was printed even during the years of the siege of Leningrad), not a single Russian literary periodical has been published in all the centuries of printing in Russia. And now, without any blockade, without any special external difficulties, the magazine this year has been brought to the brink of survival - only thanks to the incongruous refusal of our Ministry of Culture to allocate money to regional libraries for subscriptions to periodicals. And this is almost half of our subscribers. It seems that the ministry has now come to its senses, but the subscription for this year has already passed.

Estimate. In order to publish all 12 issues this year (the monthly circulation is now 2000 copies), 24 printed sheets (272 pages) of monthly high-quality texts and fulfill obligations to the remaining subscribers, the editors have no money left. The cost of one issue with all taxes is on average 600,000 rubles; in order to release all 12 issues of the magazine in 2015 to date 1,500,000 rubles are missing. This means that there is no money for the last three numbers.

"Zvezda" is an independent magazine owned by the editorial board itself. Naturally, this leads to certain financial difficulties. The Internet audience, which is incomparably larger than the circulation of Zvezda, unfortunately does not bring any income yet. The numbers posted on the Zvezda website and in the Magazine Hall are essentially charity. Education, which, alas, does not pay off financially. So the unexpected statement of our Minister of Culture, saying, why do we need this “paper”, let everyone read on the Internet, is at least short-sighted: there will be no paper version, there will be nothing to read on the Internet. Magazines like Zvezda are not a one-time amusement, not a commercial venture. Its publication takes a long time to prepare and requires expenses for maintaining staff, paying fees, premises in which work with authors takes place, writers gather, etc.

Omri Ronen and Konstantin Azadovsky in the editorial office of Zvezda magazine (2009)

Mikhail Shemyakin in the editorial office of the magazine "Zvezda"

We are now talking a lot about the country’s unified “cultural field”, about the “national idea”, etc. As for the “thick” literary magazines themselves, until now they have been, in the literal sense of the word, a national treasure, a distinctive a sign of our culture, which retained its purpose even in those times when such publications, which they had conquered in the rest of the literary world, generally lost their heights.

Founded in Leningrad, Zvezda magazine was conceived from the very beginning as an all-Russian publication representing Russian culture throughout the Russian-reading world. And “Zvezda” has fulfilled its educational task and continues to fulfill it. Over almost a century of existence, the magazine has published more than 20,000 works by more than 10,000 authors. A whole literature! And mainly in the best, at least characteristic, examples of it. And this is not only “fine literature,” that is, poetry and prose, but also all other genres inherent in a full-fledged culture. This includes journalism, criticism, essays, historical research, memoirs, documentaries, archival publications, etc., etc. Their high level is evidenced by the names of the authors who have been published since the first issues. magazine and continue to be published today - the names of M. Gorky and A. N. Tolstoy, A. Akhmatova and B. Pasternak, S. Yesenin and N. Klyuev, O. Mandelstam, Yu. Tynyanov, M. Zoshchenko, N. Tikhonov, O Berggolts, A. Sakharov, A. Solzhenitsyn, D. Likhachev, I. Brodsky, S. Dovlatov, A. Bitov, A. Kushner, V. Popov, E. Chizhova and so on.

Vladimir Uflyand, Olga Okudzhava, Bulat Okudzhava, Andrey Ariev, Yakov Gordin (Helsinki, 1992)

Andrey Ariev, Sergey Dovlatov and others.

Thus, now, within three months, we need to collect 1,500,000 rubles for the publication of “Stars”. We hope that not only to the many thousands of regular readers of our magazine, but also to all people interested in the stable, unostentatious existence of our culture, this goal will seem worthy. The project is called “Survival”, because money is needed to provide the magazine with funds in this year, 2015, for its publication until the end of the year and to fulfill obligations both to direct subscribers of “Zvezda” and to readers who do not have the means to subscribe , but actively reading the magazine on the Internet and in the remaining libraries of large cities that still have the opportunity to subscribe to periodicals. Now the magazine is still published under agreements concluded with the printing house, post office, etc.: the 6th (June) issue has just been published. What will happen next is not entirely clear. Our promotions are a continuous, monthly publication of a magazine distributed not only throughout the country, but throughout the world, where there is a Russian-speaking readership.

A. Yu. Ariev, ch. editor, editor.

"Star"- the oldest St. Petersburg monthly literary magazine - published without interruption since December 1923. From the moment of its founding, Zvezda was conceived as a magazine focused on raising the cultural level of the population, and not as a springboard for populist ideology.
When creating “Star,” the bet was placed on “fellow travelers,” that is, on that part of the artistic intelligentsia that survived the years of the revolution and civil war without ending up in exile. Since the 1920s The magazine published the best writers of the USSR: Akhmatova and Zoshchenko, Mandelstam and Pasternak, Tynyanov and Zabolotsky, Alexei Tolstoy and Olga Berggolts, Yuri Kazakov and Vasily Shukshin...
“Zvezda” is not a purely literary and artistic publication: in addition to the names of leading Russian prose writers and poets, starting with A. I. Solzhenitsyn and I. A. Brodsky, the names of N. A. Berdyaev and Father Sergius Bulgakov, A. D. Sakharov and P. P. Grigorenko, Yu. M. Lotman and Vyach. Sun. Ivanov, Antoine de Saint-Exupery and Isaac Bashevis Singer do not leave the pages of the magazine. At the same time - and this is one of the basic principles of "Star" - every year unknown new names appear in it. If periodical does not reveal authors unknown to the world, then it does not fulfill its main function - to reflect the state of affairs in modern culture, to shape this culture.
The Zvezda magazine is not the mouthpiece of any political party; it is published for those people who are used to thinking independently, for those who understand: freedom manifests itself in dialogue, and not at a rally. The editors want to give the reader a holistic view modern culture- not only domestic, but also foreign - in its best incarnations.
Traditionally, Zvezda pays great attention to publications from Russian and foreign archives, in the purest form of historical materials. The editors regularly publish thematic issues entirely dedicated to one or another cultural figure, historical phenomenon or event. In recent years, anniversary issues have been prepared dedicated to the 100th anniversaries of Anna Akhmatova and Marina Tsvetaeva; in 1994, issues were published dedicated to the legacy of the magazine Sergei Dovlatov, which was extremely popular among readers (No. 3), and to Alexander Solzhenitsyn - in connection with his return to Russia (N 6). In 1995, No. 2 was entirely devoted to Russians abroad; in 1996, Nabokov’s issue (No. 11) was published. 1997 opened with an issue dedicated to the anniversary of the death of Joseph Brodsky (publication of his legacy in the immediate plans of the magazine).
Regular authors of "Star" today: Konstantin Azadovsky, Yuz Aleshkovsky, Andrey Bitov, Dmitry Bobyshev, Sergey Gandlevsky, Alexander Genis, Boris Egorov, Igor Efimov, Alexander Zholkovsky, Vyach. Sun. Ivanov, Nina Katerli, Nikolai Kryshchuk, Mikhail Kuraev, Alexander Kushner, Yulia Latynina, Lev Losev, Samuil Lurie, Alexander Melikhov, Alexander Nezhny, Olga Novikova, Vladimir Novikov, Evgeny Pasternak, Valery Popov, Evgeny Rein, Omri Ronen Igor P. Smirnov , Victor Sosnora, Boris Strugatsky, Igor Sukhikh, Elena Taho-Godi, Richard Tempest, Roman Timenchik, Natalia Tolstaya, Dmitry Travin, Elena Chizhova, Vitaly Shentalinsky, Mikhail Epstein, Alexander Etkind, Stanislav Yarzhembovsky and other worthy writers, scientists and public figures Russia, wherever they are today.

Founder: ZAO Zvezda Magazine Director Y. A. GORDIN
Co-editors: A. Y. ARIEV, Y. A. GORDIN

Editorial team:

I. A. MURAVYEVA (journalism)
E. YU. KAMINSKY (prose)
A. A. PURIN (poetry, criticism)
Deputy Ch. editor V.V. ROGUSHIN
Head Edited by G. L. KONDRATENKO. Rep. Secretary A. A. PURIN
Head computer and information department E. F. KUPRIYANOV
Artist V. A. GUSAKOV

"Star"- the oldest monthly “thick” magazine in Russia. Since its founding in 1924, it has published about 20,000 works by more than 10,000 authors, including M. Gorky, Anna Akhmatova, Alexei Tolstoy, Mikhail Zoshchenko, Osip Mandelstam, Nikolai Klyuev, Vladislav Khodasevich, Boris Pasternak, Yuri Tynyanov, Nikolai Zabolotsky and many other writers, scientists, publicists, critics. Of all the magazines that have ever been published in the northern capital since its founding, not one has been published, like Zvezda, for more than 90 years without interruption.

You can learn more about the history of the Zvezda magazine and its authors in the section "BIBLIOGRAPHY", which contains unique material covering 75 years (from 1924 to 1998) of the existence of the magazine (the list of all authors and all publications was continued, brought up to 2014 and published: see “Zvezda Magazine.” Bibliographic Index.” In 2 volumes . SPb., “Zvezda” Magazine, 2014).

The Zvezda magazine is not the mouthpiece of any party or financial group and does not convey to the reader any mono-ideology.

Each issue of the magazine appears new names unknown to readers.

Each issue publishes new translations by the best foreign authors.

Once a year there is a special themed number“Stars”, entirely dedicated to a specific cultural phenomenon: the works of Anna Akhmatova, Marina Tsvetaeva, Vladimir Nabokov, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Joseph Brodsky, Sergei Dovlatov, the history of American, German, Polish cultures, etc.


The regular monthly volume of the magazine is 272 pages.

From the editor

A gang of extortionists has been operating on the Internet for months now. On behalf of the co-editors of “Zvezda” A. Yu. Ariev and Y. A. Gordin, she addresses the simple-minded poets who post their creations, mainly on the website “”. There are still many aspiring poets in Russia - tens, if not hundreds, thousands. For the opportunity to publish their works in the oldest literary magazine in Russia, scammers offer to pay at least a thousand rubles, sending money to very specific accounts and electronic wallets. Most of those who enter into correspondence with these impudent people quickly realize that the matter is unclean, but some fall for their bait. Unfortunately, the website “” is silent about this adventure. Just like law enforcement agencies.

In the magazine itself and on the Zvezda website it is quite clearly written on what conditions the editors accept works of any genre for publication. Just like what

The editors do not enter into discussions regarding proposed and rejected manuscripts. Of course, authors have never been charged any money for the pleasure of seeing their texts published in our magazine, have not been charged, and will never be charged. On the contrary, if published, they themselves receive a fee.

All those who are trying to take money from poets for publication in Zvezda are scammers.

Editorial "Star"

Zvezda is a Russian weekly artistic and literary magazine of the late 19th century and early 20th century with supplements. Published since 1886 St. Petersburg. The first editor was publisher V.V. Komarov, from 1893 P.P. Soikin, then A.I. Pavlov, N.N. Zhivotov (in ... ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Star (meanings). Star Traditional magazine cover (artist M. Gordon) ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Star (meanings). Zvezda (magazine): Zvezda (magazine of the 19th and 20th centuries) is a Russian weekly artistic and literary magazine of the late 19th century and early 20th century. Zvezda (magazine of the XX-XXI centuries) Soviet and... ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Star (meanings). “Zvezda” is a Russian weekly artistic and literary magazine of the late 19th century and early 20th century with supplements. Published since 1886 in St. Petersburg. First editor, publisher V.V.... ... Wikipedia

Star: Wiktionary has an entry for star... Wikipedia

magazine- a, m. journal, goal. journalal. 1. Book of daily entries. Sl. 18. || A book of records of military operations, sea voyages, travel, scientific observations. Sl. 18. Detailed keeping of ship logs in Russia was established in 1702 by A. E... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

I from French the words journal, meaning a diary itself, then a daily newspaper; in Russian language This is the name given to periodicals published at larger intervals than a newspaper. A common word corresponding to the Russian concept of magazine...

Literary and artistic magazine- - a periodical publication, most often monthly, introducing the reader to new releases of original or translated literature and news of literary life and contributing to the formation of public opinion. Along with the leading department of fiction... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Media

Printed periodical. Like the Newspaper, Zh. is one of the main means mass media and propaganda, influences public opinion, shaping it in accordance with the interests of certain social classes,... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Over the past eleven years, the following have been resolved: in 1894, Sunday Conversation, Business, Doctor's Library, Bulletin of the Russian Beekeeping Society, Fire Prevention, Medical Notes, Philological Library, Fashion Bulletin for Dressmakers, Be... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron


  • Magazine "Star". No. 1, 1945
  • Magazine "Star". No. 4, 1944, . "Zvezda" is a Soviet (Russian) monthly literary, artistic and socio-political magazine, published in Petrograd - Leningrad - St. Petersburg since January 1924. Published…
  • Gleb Semenov and Tamara Khmelnitskaya. Talk to each other as if you were talking to yourself. Correspondence of the 1960-1970s, Gleb Semenov, Tamara Khmelnitskaya. Letters from two prominent representatives of Leningrad - St. Petersburg - culture: student of Yu. Tynyanov and B. Eikhenbaum Tamara Yuryevna Khmelnitskaya and a talented poet, teacher of several ...

Evgeny Kaminsky is the author of almost twenty prose works, including the stories “Guitar and Saxophone”, “Quiet”, the stories “Nyushina’s Thousand”, “A Simple Thing”, “The Unbearable Weight of Life”, “Alien Game”, the novels “Slave of Fire” , “Prince Dolgorukov” (N.V. Gogol Prize), “Lighter than a Fly’s Wing”, “Freedom”. In each of his next works, Kaminsky reveals to the reader a new facet of his talent, sometimes striking him with the unexpected power of words and depth of image.
Price: 200 rub.

Alexey Arnoldovich Purin (1955, Leningrad) - poet, essayist, translator. Since 1989 he has been the head of the poetry department, and since 2002 also the criticism department of the St. Petersburg magazine “Zvezda”. In 1995–2009 co-editor of the literary almanac “Urbi” (Nizhny Novgorod - Prague - St. Petersburg; sixty-two issues were published). Author of two dozen collections of poetry (including reprints) and three books of essays. Translates Dutch (in collaboration with I.M. Mikhailova) and German poets, six books of translations have been published. Winner of the “Northern Palmyra” (1996, 2002), “Honor and Freedom” (1999) awards, “New World” (2014) and “Neva” (2014) magazines. Participant of the 32nd annual International Poetry Festival in Rotterdam (2001) and other forums. The works were published in translations into English, Dutch, Italian, Lithuanian, German, Polish, Romanian, Ukrainian, French and Czech, including in representative anthologies.
The book publishes the author's early poems for the first time.
Price: 130 rub.

This book is dedicated to one of the creators of the “Silver Age”, an avant-garde transformer of the Russian stage, director, playwright, theorist and theater historian Nikolai Nikolaevich Evreinov (1879-1953). It was written by his brother, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Nikolaevich Evreinov (1880-1962), a famous scientist in the field of hydraulics and hydraulic engineering. After his brother’s death in Paris, he began writing his biography, which he worked on almost until his death. The memoirs are dedicated to the pre-emigrant period of life of Nikolai Evreinov, who left Russia forever in 1925. Until this time, communication between the brothers was constant and often took place at Vladimir’s, since he, of all four Evreinov brothers and sisters, remained to live with his mother, and his house was an attractive center for people close to the family, including friends of Nikolai Nikolaevich - Yu. Annenkov , D. Burlyuk, V. Kamensky, N. Kulbin, V. Korchagina-Alexandrovskaya, L. Andreev, M. Babenchikov and many others. The Evreinov family has carefully preserved documents, photographs, and letters from that time. They found an organic place as illustrations decorating a real book. All of them were taken from the home archive of the Evreinov-Nikitins in St. Petersburg. Most of them are published for the first time.
Price: 2000 rub.

Kalle Kasper (born 1952) is an Estonian poet, prose writer, playwright, author of six books of poetry and several novels, including the epic “Buridans” in eight volumes and the novel “Miracle”, written in Russian. “Songs of Orpheus” (2017) is dedicated to the memory of the poet’s wife, writer Gohar Markosyan-Kasper.
Alexey Purin (born in 1955) is a Russian poet, essayist, translator, author of seven books of poetry, three books of essays and six books of translations.
Price: 130 rub.

Leonid Stackelberg’s book “Stepchildren of the Late Empire” consists of one large story under the same name and several documentary-based essay stories “The Calling Rumble of the Stadium”, “Kamchatka”, “Che”, “Father”. Stackelberg's prose is as original as the author himself, a wonderful storyteller, was original and unforgettable. The story “Stepchildren of the Late Empire” tells about the difficult work of Leningrad taxi drivers, about their passengers, about the city seen from the car window.
“The Inviting Rum of the Stadium” is a story-essay-memoir about the Leningrad athletes with whom Stackelberg had the opportunity to meet. Essay “Father” - a detailed and loving story about a father, researcher Institute named after Lesgaft, who was mortally wounded on the Leningrad Front.
Price: 350 rub.

The round table “The power of speech and the word of power” is dedicated to one of the most dramatic socio-cultural events of the post-war period - the Decree of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on the magazines “Zvezda” and “Leningrad” in 1946.
Price: 100 rub.

The book by Elena Andreevna Kumpan (1938-2013) talks about the passing culture of the 1950s - 1960s. The author - geologist, poet, tour guide - was friends with many outstanding people of that turbulent era. The heroes of her memoirs are poets and writers Andrei Bitov, Joseph Brodsky, Alexander Gorodnitsky, Reed Grachev, Alexander Kushner, Gleb Semenov, wonderful scientists, writers, translators: L.Ya. Gtnzburg, E.L. Linetskaya, T.Yu. Khmelnitskaya, O.G. Savich, E.G. Etkind, N.Ya. Berkovsky, D.E. Maksimov, Yu.M. Lotman and many others
The book is written in a fascinating way and contains a wealth of documentary material, recreating a diverse and complex picture of such an important, but largely forgotten era. The publication is supplemented with poems from Elena Kumpan’s only poetry collection, “Fistfuls” (1968).
Price: 350 rub.

The book is thematically diverse: stories from the author's pioneer life, a story about his father, an investigation into the life and fate of Lieutenant Schmidt, events of the Finnish War, the history of searches and discoveries during the Great Patriotic War.
Price: 250 rub.

The collection presents stories written in the years 1970-1990. What they are dedicated to has not lost its relevance, although in some ways they are, of course, remarkable evidence of the mood of that time.
Nella Kamyshinskaya was born in Odessa, lived in Kyiv and Leningrad, and currently lives in Germany.
Price: 250 rub.

In 1962, more than half a century ago, the first book of poems by Alexander Kushner was published. Since then, he has written eighteen more books - and compiling a “favorite” of them is not an easy task; one has to sacrifice a lot for the sake of what the author seems to be the best today. The reader will find in this selection many poems from the 1960s-1990s that are familiar to him, and will be able to read and appreciate what was written in the new 21st century.
Alexander Kushner is attracted not by the superficial, formal, but by the novelty hidden in the depths of the text. In one of his poems, he writes that he hopes to receive a poetry prize from the hands of Apollo himself: “For the fact that I brought my perspective into this world / And motives that are unlike anyone else...”
And indeed, reading Kushner, you are amazed at the variety of themes, motifs, lyrical plots - and at the same time, in each poem his voice is unmistakably recognizable, which cannot be confused with anyone else. Probably, this property, inherent only in a genuine poet, attracts wide readership and the love of connoisseurs to his poems.
Price: 400 rub.

Abstract - “Time Taught Us...” - a collection of documentary autobiographical prose by St. Petersburg sculptor and front-line soldier Lev Samsonovich Razumovsky. The collection includes two documentary stories “Children of the Siege” (the author’s memories of his family and the first winter of the siege and stories about the siege and the evacuation of teachers and pupils of the orphanage 55/61) and “Time has taught us...” (the author’s front-line memories of 1943-1944 gg.), as well as selected letters from the family archive and illustrations.
Price: 400 rub.

Alexey Arnoldovich Purin (born in 1955 in Leningrad) - poet, essayist, translator. Author of fifteen (including reprints) collections of poetry and three books of essays. Translates German and Dutch (in collaboration with I.M. Mikhailova) poets, published five books of translations. Laureate of the St. Petersburg Literary Prize “Northern Palmyra” (1996, 2002), etc.
This edition presents the best poems of the author over four decades of literary work, including the new, seventh, book “Homing Pigeon” and full translation“Sonnets to Orpheus” R.-M. Rilke.
Price: 350 rub.