Scripts for working with clients. Ready-made sales scripts: templates for cold calling. Stages of writing and implementing sales scripts

Good sales scriptsincrease the likelihood of successfully closing a deal by 80%, and the consequence is . We talk about the algorithm for their construction, give examples of effective scripts and show what IT solution will simplify the process of using, testing, changing and training managers.

Any sale is a communication with the client. And this process must be regulated, tested and preferably automated. For excellent sales, you need a conversation pattern - a sequence of questions/offers from the manager and possible responses from clients.

Why do you need sales scripts:

  1. To achieve your goal - to sell a product or service.
  2. To increase conversation into a deal
  3. To gain experience in communicating with clients in your industry
  4. To be ready to answer any questions from the client
  5. So that sales do not depend on the mood or skills of a particular manager
  6. To speed up the training process for new managers
  7. To control the work of managers

Algorithm for creating a sales script

Step 1. Preparation

Purpose of the call . Depending on what you are selling, decide what action or reaction the manager should get from the client. Not all goods and services are sold immediately and over the phone. As a goal, you can achieve a visit to your office to explain the benefits in more detail or introduce the team. You can invite people to tour the properties if you are selling a property. You can invite a client to your webinar or conference. Or for starters, it will be enough for you to have him leave you an email and mobile phone number.

Client portrait. Determine who your target audience is: men/women, age, income, field of activity, involvement in social media etc. Next, evaluate whether this is the decision maker in the company or not, whether it is possible to reach the client directly or only through a secretary.

Research your competitors. Analyze how your competitors talk on the phone or in a store. Use the mystery shopping method to understand how they present the product, what benefits they highlight, how they respond to objections, and how they react to different words or actions. Pay attention to what techniques, tricks, and methods of persuasion they use.

Product knowledge . It is very important to clearly understand what product you are selling, what problems it solves, what advantages it has, how it differs from competitors, why your offer is unique, what types of product there are, and how much it can be adapted to each client.

For example, you are selling several real estate properties or apartments/houses with different layouts at once. Your managers must clearly understand which property may be better suited for a particular buyer. Having found out the composition of his family, the age of the children, the desire for infrastructure, proximity to the city center, he must know what is the best option to offer. And organize a viewing of the object that best meets the client’s requirements.

The freedom of action. Determine how flexible your sales script can be. There are businesses with strong work standards (banks, Insurance companies, telecommunications companies). Their managers usually offer a specific service. The script of their conversation does not allow them to take a step to the right or left.

But there is another approach. When you need to adapt to your interlocutor’s answers. There you need a “fish” of the sales script so that the manager does not deviate from the goal and does not forget to ask the most important questions. But at the same time, he has freedom in words and product offerings.

Step 2. Creating a script

An approach to writing a sales script.

Who and how can create a script:

Sales scripts: brief instructions

Let's briefly discuss the algorithm for creating a sales script. On preparatory stage follows:

  • determine the purpose of the script - what result the employee should achieve with its help
  • clarify the portrait of the target audience, taking into account demographic, geographic and social factors
  • analyze competitors’ scripts using the “mystery shopping” technique
  • clearly know the product - characteristics, what problems it solves, what are the advantages and benefits for the client
  • agree on the flexibility of the script - how much the manager can deviate from the speech pattern and apply a creative approach.

The script can be written by a trainer or a specialized third-party company/freelancer. Use current experience - listen to calls, highlight selling phrases and stop words.

The classic sales scheme should be included in the script, that is, its structure should contain:

  • Performance
  • Determining the need
  • Presentation
  • Work with objections
  • Completion of the transaction.

Be sure to include emotions in the script, do not drag out the conversation, be sure to test the template, make adjustments to improve it.

How script automation affects business

Ekaterina Evdokimova
Director of the network of professional contact centers “7Time”, Yekaterinburg

The HyperScript service made it possible to make the work of one of our departments more efficient and effective. Due to the fact that everyone works according to uniform and always up-to-date sales scripts, we managed to almost double the speed and efficiency of processing customer databases. If earlier, for example, it took 14 days to make 50,000 productive calls, now the same work takes 7-10 days. In this regard, the number of orders that we can fulfill per month has increased.
In addition, if previously we spent an average of two days training a new employee on the nuances of the project, now one is enough to bring him up to date.
With HyperScript, we've started bringing in remote operators for some of our projects. They do not have to come to the office; they also see all the changes online and can perform the assigned tasks efficiently.
We also increased customer loyalty to our company due to this wow effect. They often ask how quickly we can make changes to sales scripts: their product, prices, conditions, etc. have changed. We say we can do it in 5 minutes! Of course, this evokes only positive emotions.
growth of their income.
Managers are no longer afraid to close deals early on. If during the conversation they feel that the client is ready, they make the first attempt to complete the deal. And often this succeeds. Among the advantages of Hyper Script, I would also mention integration with amoСRM. The script for a specific conversation is automatically included in the client card, which simplifies further work

with him. Also, during a conversation, the manager can immediately fill in the client’s data in the body of the sales script, which will then automatically appear in the CRM.

Sales script: enable SPIN questions

  • The script needs to include speech patterns to identify or formulate needs. They can be created using the SPIN technique, which involves 4 types of questions that must be asked in a clear sequence.
  • Situational questions clarify details. Try not to tire the person with them.
  • Problematic questions – remind the client of his problem and focus attention.
  • Extractive questions - they intensify the problem, the “pain” of the buyer, reminding that if you don’t solve it, don’t get rid of it, it will only get worse.

Similar to guiding and eliciting questions is the “sales inquiry” technique. It can also be used when writing a script. Another technique that helps close a deal is the “conditional close.” In this case, the scripts include questions as if the payment issue has already been resolved: “how will you pay?”, “will we arrange delivery?” etc.

Here we will talk about what scripts are and the basic principles of their compilation, as well as how to create tables with data that are filled in after a conversation with clients and then we will look at an example of a script for commercial real estate (a conversation with the owner).

In a huge number of organizations, transactions occur either by chance, or because the cost of a particular property is low, or people need the premises very urgently. And in the above there is practically no merit of the agent. If you didn’t fail the deal, that’s great.

How to correct the situation, how to attract buyers, how best to interest owners in working with your organization, and most importantly, how to improve the level of employees? For these purposes, speech modules - scripts - were developed in America back in the 60s of the 20th century. Templates, ready-made text for each typical case or question.

Any script has a similar structure and differs in content.

The main elements of each script:

  1. Opening (greeting).
  2. Block of questions.
  3. Offer.
  4. Objections (if any).
  5. Closing.

The script must clearly indicate the local purpose of each speech module. Please note that the local goal in the first telephone conversation is not the abstract “sell the premises”.

At this stage, it is important to know what sequence is ahead; here, in particular, the goal is to meet with clients or the owner to conclude an agreement for the provision of services. Ideally, this meeting should take place in your office, but nothing prevents a meeting at the client’s office.

It is important to remember that more than 80% of all calls end in transfer and only less than 20% are successful or end in refusal. 80% of those who have not decided, have not decided now, and need to think about it, as a rule, companies are lost.

Therefore, all calls made by employees must be recorded. Regardless of whether you are accustomed to large paper magazines, which many recognize as more convenient and reliable (cannot be deleted with a mouse click), or whether you use electronic programs, use the following columns:

  1. For an incoming call from a potential client:
  2. List number.
  3. What is he looking for?
  4. Result.

To talk to the owner:

  1. List number.
  2. N/C (new or old client).
  3. A district of the city.
  4. Square.
  5. Price.
  6. Description.
  7. Name and contact (phone and email).
  8. RPO (result, transfer, refusal).
  9. Result.

Storing information and using it, monitoring and bringing each call to its logical conclusion (result or failure) is the key to success. Scripts are the best solution for training employees and facilitating your work with clients.

An example of a call script to the owner of a commercial premises

This script is the most successful template based on many years of experience in working with commercial real estate. It will be useful for both ordinary realtors and large companies for staff training.

When working with the owner, do not use primitive direct sales techniques, when at any cost you need to force a person to buy a service. This will cause tension, negativity and you will lose the opportunity.

Agree with the owner to view his premises for a specific client (possibly a fictitious one, who will then allegedly refuse), the need to take photographs, and take layouts. It is recommended not to impose contractual relations at this stage - only to establish contact.

(1) – Hello. Ivan Ivanovich, commercial real estate Ivanov and Co. Are you comfortable talking?

If yes:
(1.1) – We are looking for premises for our clients (depending on what can be placed there, for example a sales office). How can I look at your premises, take photos and get the layout?

If not:
(1.2) – When can I call you back?
*Mark with the “Transfer” mark. Be sure to call us at the agreed time. If the person answered “I’ll call you back myself” and did not call back within two days, dial him again. If after the second transfer the person, promising to call himself, does not dial you, on the third call, skip the phrase “Are you comfortable talking?” and go straight to “We are looking for our clients...”.

Be sure to arrive at the site 10-15 minutes in advance. If the owner is not yet there, inspect what is in the area; if he is already there, postpone the inspection.

  1. Say hello and introduce yourself. As a rule, the person will introduce himself the same way. Be sure to remember the name! If you didn't hear, it's better to ask again.
  2. Specify the parameters of the premises: area, ceiling height, price, electricity power, which tenant was the last and why he moved out.
  3. Take photos, shoot videos and ideally measure the length of all walls with a laser tape measure.

When you have already been to the premises, personally communicated with the owner, collected all the information and placed an advertisement, and you have been contacted by a client who is interested in the property, we begin a conversation with the owner about the commission and the contract:

(2) – (Address by name and patronymic), hello. Ivan Ivanovich, company Ivanov and Co. We met with you when we were looking for premises under (we remind you what we talked about last time). Now your premises may suit one of our clients. When is it convenient for you to show it?

After answering the question “when”, if in your city taking a commission from the owner is the norm:

(3) – (appeal from I.O.), You are aware that we charge a 50% commission for our services.

If the owner answers “Yes” and has no objections:
(4, 3.1) – Would it be more convenient for you to meet tomorrow half an hour before the show and sign the contract? We can send the sample by email. Or can we meet today at our office, at your place?

If the answer is negative, we begin working with objections.

The most common answer is denial:
- Well, take it... from them. I have nothing against it.
(3.2) – (appeal from I.O.), we help tenants find a place for their business, and owners quickly rent out the premises and quickly make a profit rather than losses from utility payments during downtime. Therefore, we take a commission of 50% on both sides, and not 100% on one.

If you can't persuade:
(3.3) – I need to check with management. We are prohibited from working where our work is not paid. You may have to inform your clients that your premises have been rented out and we will continue to look.

After this, you have 15 minutes to make a decision: limit yourself to a commission from one of the parties or actually give the client an answer that, alas, the premises have been rented out and you will definitely find a new one. Or rather, you have 7-15 seconds to make a decision (never wait longer, so as not to strain your nervous system), and the remaining 15 minutes are time for reflection for the owner.

If objections begin regarding the agreement (“I’m a decent person,” “Yes, I’ll give it without any agreement,” etc.):
(4.2) – (appeal from I.O.), we work in compliance with the laws, pay all taxes. We have no right to work without a contract. Just like a bank cannot work with clients without an agreement. Moreover, the contract does not oblige you to anything if this client refuses your premises.

If objections continue:
(4.3) – (appeal, I.O.), management obliges us to always enter into contracts. We have had people fired because they complied with this duty.

If a person is categorically against the contract, there is a very high probability that he intends not to pay you anything. We answer:
(4.4) – I need to check with management. We are prohibited from working without a contract. You may have to inform your clients that your premises have been rented out and we will continue to look.

Then we also wait 15 minutes before calling and announcing the final decision. Remember here that those who want to scam a realtor will do so even with a contract. There are loopholes that make the agreement nothing more than waste paper and no court will help if literally 1 action is performed by the owner, but we will not voice it publicly in this article.

Hello! In this article we will talk about such a sales tool as sales scripts for sales managers.

Today you will learn:

  • What is a sales script;
  • Where to get a sales script;
  • How to create a sales script yourself;
  • How to use a sales script correctly.

What is a sales script, advantages and disadvantages of using it

Despite the development of the Internet and the mechanization of the purchasing process, the seller cannot completely refuse to communicate with the client. Even when ordering goods in an online store, the buyer needs personal support from a contact person, especially when controversial situations arise, which often happens when trading online.

This is where problems arise: not every salesperson or customer service manager is able to offer a solution to the client in real time or choose the right words for consultation. In these cases, a sales standardization tool such as a “script” comes to the rescue.

Script – a sales scenario, a plan for negotiating with a client, intended for sales staff or account managers. That is, these are the phrases that your salesperson must say in order to sell the product to the consumer.

Scripts should be used if:

  • You carry out sales by telephone (telemarketing);
  • You sell goods through personal selling;
  • You sell goods online;
  • Your staff has some other contact with the customer.

As we can see, for any contact between sales staff and a client, a sales script is required. At the same time, each channel for selling a product (contact with a potential consumer) must have its own script written.

Thus, the following scripts are distinguished:

  • Script for personal sales;
  • Script for chatting with a client;
  • Script for email interaction;
  • Other.

Benefits of using sales scripts:

  • Standardization of the sales process - moving away from the human factor;
  • Saving money on training contact personnel;
  • Increased efficiency general work consultants (while the effectiveness individual work seller may decrease);
  • Accelerating the training process for new employees;
  • Increased sales;
  • Reducing the cost of finding new employees.

Disadvantages of using sales scripts:

  • Lack of personalization when communicating with the client;
  • Negative reaction from the client due to excessive standardization;
  • Low level of personnel training (especially dangerous when unusual situations arise);
  • Negative reaction to the introduction of scripts from staff;
  • Reduced performance of individual sellers.

The general goal of implementing conversation scripts with a client is to standardize the successful actions of the seller. Essentially, to create a sales script, you need to “eavesdrop” on your most effective seller and based on what you hear, create a universal “talk” for all other account managers.

Let's give an example. We own a hair care products store. In a week we are planning a joint promotion with a beauty salon, during which consumers will be able to try our New Product absolutely free. Our goal is to invite potential consumers to increase customer loyalty to our company. Channel - telephone.

The script in this case will look like this:

  • Greeting: Good afternoon! (evening, morning);
  • Finding out the circumstances: Are you comfortable talking now?
  • Introduction: My name is Anna, I am a representative of the company “N”! How can I contact you?
  • Invitation: “Client Name”, like ours regular customer We would like to invite you to undergo a hair restoration procedure at the beauty salon "name" absolutely free of charge. It perfectly complements the “name of recently purchased product”, making your hair strong and thick. How do you like it?
  • Yes or no. If the client agrees, then we tell you what exactly will be included in the service and when the promotion will take place. If the client refuses, then we find out what else the client might be interested in. We offer a replacement, for example, with a procedure to get rid of dandruff, or we try to convince him of the need to purchase the product.
  • Farewell: Goodbye! We will be glad to see you “date and time of the promotion” in the beauty salon “name” at the address “address” (if the client has expressed a desire to participate in the promotion). Goodbye! We will be glad to see you in our store “name” (if the client refused to participate in the promotion).

The same script, but for personal sales it will look different. Let's say we invite customers to our store while shopping.

  • Greeting: “Hello! Excellent choice (shampoo for dry hair).”
  • Invitation: “Next week in the beauty salon “name” there will be a promotion in which you can get a hair care procedure absolutely free of charge, it will allow you to strengthen the result and get rid of dry hair forever.
  • Getting a response. If the answer is negative, find out the reasons and try to convince: “We can schedule it at a later time”; “We can offer you a more interesting procedure.”

From these examples the following can be identified: general principles drawing up conversation scripts for a sales manager:

  • The product must be of interest to the consumer, that is, it is necessary to find demand for your products in the process of dialogue with the consumer;
  • Write down several options for the development of events. You must take into account all possible consumer responses so that the seller can answer all questions and complete the dialogue with a transaction;
  • If you interact with a client via email or telephone, be sure to tell them the reason for the request. Additionally, be prepared to answer questions about the source of the potential client's contact information;
  • Do not turn the dialogue with the client into a salesperson’s monologue;
  • Create several scripts for different types of clients;
  • You cannot copy scripts from another company, you must take into account the features;
  • Polite and correct completion of the dialogue. Even if you did not achieve your goal and the dialogue was not as successful as you would like, you should politely and correctly say goodbye to your interlocutor, and be sure to thank him for his time.

Script structure

The general structure of a sales script for sales managers contains the following structural elements:

  • Greetings. A few words, it is not advisable to use the client's name in a greeting, even if you know it;
  • Acquaintance. At this stage, the seller introduces himself and also finds out the name of the interlocutor;
  • Identifying client needs/problems. Most important stage. You must understand what from your range can help the client;
  • Proposing a solution to a problem/satisfying a need;
  • Belief. Write down as many facts as possible that prove the need for the product for a specific client;
  • Executing a transaction (committing another targeted action by the client);
  • Farewell and gratitude.

Methods for obtaining scripts

There are 5 ways to obtain sales scripts.

  1. Independent writing. This is the most effective method receiving a script, since in this case you will receive a script written specifically for your business, product and consumers.

But if you choose this method, you should be prepared for the fact that you will lose many clients on the way to the “ideal” script. To reduce the number of failures, try to involve a person directly involved in sales in the script writing process (choose the most effective salesperson for this purpose).

We will return to this method of obtaining scripts in order to examine in detail the process of writing a script.

  1. Purchasing ready-made scripts.

The cost of a finished script ranges from a couple to tens of thousands. We strongly advise you not to buy ready-made scripts, as they will not be adapted to your business and your clients.

  1. Contacting a third party organization (freelancing).

If you seek help from a third-party organization (freelancer), you should pay attention to the following points:

  • The specialist should request data about your product, sales channels, business specifics and target segments;
  • The cost of a good script starts from 5 thousand rubles;
  • Willingness to modify the script.
  1. Search for an experienced sales manager. In this case, the scripts will be compiled by the sales manager, who will also teach your salespeople how to use them.
  2. Eavesdrop on your competitors. A simple but dishonest way. To do this, you need to come to your competitors as a consumer and consult with the seller. It is advisable to take a voice recorder with you. The second way is to send a spy salesman to your competitor, who will discover all the sales secrets of your competitor.

But this method has a drawback: you lose your individuality and risk losing your spy employee.

average cost Risks

Adaptability to your business

Independent writing

For free High

Purchasing ready-made scripts

5 000 High

Writing to order from a third party (freelance)

10 000 Low

Search for an experienced sales manager

Depends on the salary level of the sales manager Low


For free High

Stages of writing sales scripts

If you decide to create a sales script yourself, then you will have to go through the following steps:

  1. Our client, who is he? We define target audience and we identify segments within it that differ from each other in purchase motives, needs, behavioral factors, and demographic factors. The most important thing at this stage is to determine the need and how to satisfy it with your product for each segment;
  2. What can we offer the client– analysis of the company itself. Product, sales specifics, clients, market share, position among competitors, company merits - all this will be useful to you when leaving a script. The main rules of this stage are the more the better, positive factors will be used in response to possible objections from the client in the script;
  3. What we want to achieve is defining the purpose of each script. The script can be aimed not only at sales, but also for other purposes. For example, client consultation, resolution of a controversial situation, product demonstration and much more;
  4. Structure and technique. At this stage, it is necessary to write down the structure of the script (we talked about it earlier) and the pronunciation technique for each structural element. Pronunciation technique refers to pauses, tone, and speed of speech. All this allows you to place the client on a subconscious level. The technique of convincing the client to respond to your proposal is also prescribed here, for example, the technique of three “yes”;
  5. Writing a script. Based on the previous steps, we fill in each element of the script structure, taking into account the technique used. Write in as much detail as possible, taking into account various situations, but try to make your speech as short as possible;
  6. Notes. We allocate a place in the script where the salesperson or customer service manager can make notes for later revision;
  7. Test call (contact) and taking notes. You can use your employee as a client;
  8. Introducing additional situations and seller response options into the script(responses to objections missed in paragraph 5);
  9. Testing the script on a colleague (again). This time, ask your colleague to be a “nasty” client and under no circumstances agree to the offer by objecting different ways. This will allow you to identify gaps in the script;
  10. Application and adjustment. Let's take a closer look at this stage.

How to read a script correctly

Deviations from the script are possible.

Even the most detailed script with written emotions, pauses, sighs and groans will not be able to cover the entire range of possible situations and the specific behavior of each individual client. Therefore, when switching your salespeople to scripted sales, you should prepare them for possible deviations from them. Explain that the seller, regardless of the prescribed techniques, must respond to the buyer’s emotions.

Individual approach and personalization.

In addition, remember that each client is a separate world to which it is necessary to seek an individual approach. Therefore, despite the fact that the purpose of the script is to standardize successful actions, personalization of communication with the client and an individual approach are the key to the success of any sale. That is why do not hesitate to ask the name of the buyer and help in solving the problem of each specific consumer.

Keep your promises.

If you are working with calls and the interlocutor is uncomfortable talking in this moment, find out a convenient time to talk and make a note accordingly. You must call back at the appointed time.

Look for a compromise.

If the script is written for a specific product that a specific client does not need (as was the case with shampoo), do not hesitate to offer an alternative product. This way you will establish contact with the consumer and the likelihood that he will return and buy the product that you need to sell will increase several times.

I personally polish all sales scripts before final delivery to the customer. But before getting to such a “warm” place, I wrote more than 100 pieces.

And I, like no one else, know all the pain of creating such a text salesperson. Of course, during this time, both me and our company developed certain stages that every script must go through before being born.

Therefore, today we’ll talk about these stages and figure out how to write an effective sales script in 10 steps.

Should I or not?

Since you ended up on this page, it means you were looking for similar material. And they must understand what we are talking about.

But as practice shows, everyone perceives the world through their own prism, and even usually everyone perceives an “apple” differently (small red, bright green and glossy, matte green with dots, etc.).

Therefore, we will discuss several introductory topics about, at a meeting or. And let's start with the definition.

Sales script– an algorithm for communicating over the phone or at a meeting, the purpose of which is to help the sales manager bring the client to the intended goal.

That's if it's smart. To put it simply, it will sound like this:

Sales script- this is your ideal salesperson, which consists of ready-made phrases organized by sales stages and implemented in a visual scheme.

And for me, as a developer of sales scripts, there is no such question: “Do I need it?” And yet, I will identify those cases when it is critically important for you to write a communication algorithm for your company:

  1. Low sales and poor service;
  2. Every seller has different results;
  3. There are no general work regulations;
  4. A beginner takes a long time to delve into the process;
  5. It takes a lot of time to train employees;
  6. There are plans to sell the franchise.

I think the question of necessity is closed. Although I have met companies where such a scenario is not that it is not needed at all, it is just needed in an extremely simple version.

Namely, to indicate the sequence of actions (1 page), it is better to write such a script yourself rather than contact someone. So, that’s enough, let’s take a break, now I suggest you take a short video break :)

I or you will suffer

Writing a conversation script is not the most exciting activity, even though I love my job.

The smile and passion disappear on the second page, since to create a truly working script you need to figure out dozens of different variations of the outcome of events in your head.

And at this moment the brain works much more actively than during a normal conversation on the phone or in a meeting.

Yes, as much as you can think...

Moreover, all this lasts more than one day. For example, we take 14 days for development.

And not only because we take into account the queue of clients and possible overlaps, but because we know that you need to return to the script several times with a fresh mind to get a decent result.

Therefore, whether you say to yourself: “I myself will suffer” or tell others: “You will suffer” - it’s up to you. Everything has its pros and cons. And I want to tell you about them, to bring you up to date.

On one's own

Not the worst option, I’ll say right away. And since you are reading this material, perhaps you are planning to do this.

The only thing is that I categorically do not recommend writing a script yourself if you are not in the sales field yourself, that is, you do not talk to clients on the phone, do not go to a meeting, or meet them in the office.

Because everything that will be in your head will be based on dry theory. And in this not an easy task it just takes practice.

I in no way wanted to offend you, my goal is to show real experience over 4 years of work in writing sales scripts.

A very big and fat plus with this approach is that you, like no one else, know the specifics of your field. And in this you have no equal.

Therefore, it is ideal for a person with knowledge of current (very important) sales techniques, knowledge of the specifics and practices of sales to independently write a sales script.


Any company starts with a freelancer. And we started like that until we grew to 12 people. A definite plus is that it is cheap. Very cheap.

You can find offers from 2 to 5 thousand rubles. But, as always, there are many BUTs. Let's start with the banal: regardless of the field of work, freelancers often take money and get lost. I don’t see any point in continuing this idea.

A freelancer knows well the current sales techniques, but practically does not sell himself, since there is no need, there is no such flow of incoming clients.

And there is no time for outgoing calls, since everything is taken up by writing scripts for other companies. Therefore, from writing to receiving a actually working scheme, it can take more than one month, taking into account dozens of edits.


Companies of the same size as us. By the way, there are not so many of these on the market; if we single out those who are “well-known,” we will get a list of no more than 5 items.

I won’t speak only for us, I will speak for everyone. Working with the company, you will receive up-to-date sales techniques from current sales practitioners (our scriptologists still sell). And most importantly, you will save a huge amount of time.

The main disadvantage (if we neglect the cost) is that even though we have already written hundreds of scripts, even though we have several scriptologists working for us, we still don’t fully know the specifics of each company.

I had experience in many areas, but in each company, in addition to the specifics of the field, there are company specifics.

Therefore, the ideal combination would be 10% of your time to help you understand the specifics and 90% of our effort to write a sales script.

What is the price?

One last introductory block before we move on to the 10-step process.

And the conversation will be about the cost of all this miracle, which, according to some, “can be written in a couple of hours in a relaxed mode.” Is it so?

I mentioned earlier that we are developing the script for 14 days. Why it takes so long will become clear when you read the sequence of our actions below.

And we can say with a 100% guarantee that if the script is written 2-3 times faster, then this is: either ready-made templates, adapted to you, and not written from scratch.

Or this is an extremely unskilled job, because you need to return to the script to look at it with a fresh head.

Here they are, hacks in all their glory

In the VIP package, we also test the script for the client on real calls, that is, we check it in practice and adjust it.

And calls, including return calls, last at least 2-3 days. By the way, during testing, sometimes a sale occurs and the script pays off with interest.

As for the cost. On the market you can find offers from 2 thousand to 90 thousand rubles.

You can argue for a long time whether the price for this service is too high or not, but we can definitely say that a normal scriptologist who knows his worth will not charge less than 10 thousand rubles for writing a script without taking into account additional actions.

It's up to you to decide who to choose and how much to pay. I just want you to understand that if you have a person/company who can write a script even 1% better and it will cost several times more, then agree.

Because if you do the math, this one percent will pay back the entire investment tenfold within a week or month. Since a high-quality script directly affects your money.


How to write a sales script

Cream is the name given to the most delicious part of the cake. In our case, we got right to the cream.

Next, I will tell you the steps to create an ideal text seller in Word or in a special program.

Step 1 – Who is he?

Your task at this stage is to collect as complete a picture as possible. But then it will be more interesting, you will need to isolate all the most important things based on step 1 and compress it into a few phrases in order to convey this or that idea to the client.

Step 3 – Defining Steps and Goals

Each script is written for a specific task and there is no need to shout with one voice that the main task is “sales!”

This is already clear by default. At this step, your main task is to understand the stages and what goals each mini-script should achieve in its area.

As an example, consider the steps and goals that we wrote down when we recently created an outbound cold calling script:

  1. Verification of decision maker (LDPR);
  2. Blocker pass;
  3. Conversation with the decision maker and sending a marketing kit;
  4. The first call back to the decision maker and an offer for a meeting/identification of the need to calculate the estimate.
  5. Second call back to the decision maker and closing for a trial batch.

As you already understand, writing one script is not enough. In this case, there are 5 of them, but we consider it all as one, since we perceive it as one sale, albeit with each separate goal at its own stage.

Step 4 – Installation of blocks and sales techniques

If at this stage the idea of ​​writing a sales script has not disappeared, then move on. After we found out who our client is, selected a tasty offer for him, and determined the chain through which he should go, we move on to defining blocks and sales techniques.

Blocks are mini stages within one script, the purpose of which is to transfer the client to the next step. Looking at the sample below, it becomes immediately clear what I'm talking about.

Example of block composition

The only thing that may not be clear to you is the name of the techniques in the example.

And all because in our company we have standard techniques, which we call our “bird language” for faster understanding of each other, and the client does not see them when receiving his version.

Step 5 – Writing speech phrases and design

Here it is, the most interesting! And then everything was prepared and prepared. Finally, we write texts based on the previous steps and knowledge about sales.

And do you know what is the most problematic? That there are no universal phrases for all companies.

That's why he goes into battle personal experience sales and theoretical knowledge obtained from books, seminars and other types of sources.

Example of writing speech phrases

In addition to the fact that you write speech patterns at this step, the question of formatting will spontaneously arise. There are 5 design options in our everyday life.