How long do pet parrots live? How many years do budgies live? Possible causes of death

They are most often purchased for keeping in apartments. Graceful birds with a friendly character and bright plumage get along well with people and do not require additional care, which earns them the deep affection of their owners. But still, if you decide to get a parrot, then you need to familiarize yourself with their lifestyle and behavioral characteristics in order to ensure complete mutual understanding with your pets.

How long do budgies live at home?

One of the most important questions that worries people before purchasing a bird is: how many years do they live? budgies. The lifespan of these exotic birds depends on their subspecies. Small budgerigars live for about 10-15 years. However, among them there are record holders who live up to 20. Some wonder: how long do male budgerigars and female budgerigars live? Experts note that the lifespan of a bird does not depend on gender, so both boys and girls will live an equal length of life unless someone gets sick.

Medium-sized birds have a lifespan of 20-30 years. Exact lifespan large species not defined: some claim for a period of 50-120 years, others indicate the figure of 60 years.

Interesting fact: in the wild, budgerigars live quite a short time, only 4-6 years. Very rarely, some birds live up to 8 years. Life expectancy is significantly reduced due to frequent attacks by predators, possible starvation and adverse weather conditions. As a result, only luck affects how long parrots live on average. This is why domesticated birds live 2-3 times longer than wild ones.

What affects the lifespan of a parrot?

First of all, for comfortable living conditions for the bird, you need to purchase a spacious, comfortable cage. If it is not possible to have a full-fledged cage, then you need to often let the parrot fly around the room. Lack of physical activity is very dangerous for poultry, as it does not correspond to its lifestyle in the wild.

It is necessary to know how long his bird can live at home, so that over the years, if necessary, you can adapt the bird’s daily menu taking into account its age: you may need a lighter diet or the addition of vitamin complexes to maintain stable strong immunity.

If, however, your pet has always had access to fresh greens, vegetables and fruits for many years, as well as daily walks/flights, then the physical condition of your beloved wavy is unlikely to be unbalanced by the age of the bird.

The difficulty is that at 5 years old a budgerigar looks the same as at 15. Only by purchasing a young chick before the first moult can you be sure of the age of your bird. How to determine the age of a parrot, you will read

The owner should realize what responsibility rests on his shoulders - after all, a bird will live nearby for decades, requiring attention, care and love.

You will have to deal not only with games and fun, it is quite possible that from time to time you will have to eliminate the consequences of the pranks of mischievous people: a discarded or nibbled flower (well, if not dangerous for the bird), peeled wallpaper, constant and ubiquitous husks from grains and pieces of fruit on the walls .

Also, for years, it will be necessary to carry out daily hygiene procedures for the cage, monitor the condition of the toys and the walking area, the quality of the food and, if necessary, carry out a course of treatment and prevention during the parrot’s illness.

Behind beautiful picture bright and energetic bird in a cage in your home will hide your daily work and care.

Lifespan of wild budgies

In Australia, among the wild, the life expectancy of budgerigars ranges from 4 to 8 years.

Leading a nomadic lifestyle, birds have to travel long distances to find food and water, and the slightest illness or weakness puts the wavy in mortal danger.

In the homeland of parrots, in flocks of parakeets, epidemics break out, the cause of which is not fully understood by scientists due to the fact that each time the culprits are different natural disasters or a combination of circumstances.

For example, in Australia, water often becomes contaminated, which causes mass deaths of birds. Therefore, organizations have been created that try to provide wild budgerigars with sources of clean water, especially during periods of drought. People build artificial reservoirs and install drinking bowls in various parts of the continent.

The presence of predators also makes life difficult for wild parrots.

But by their nature, wavy fish have strong immunity, which allows them to quickly restore the population.

How many years do budgies live at home?

The lifespan of a feathered Australian in captivity is on average from 5 to 15 years.

There were cases when birds reached their second ten. But, unfortunately, 5 years is the most common option.

What determines the lifespan of budgerigars?

  • first of all, it is genetics: the results of incorrect selection lead to congenital diseases, which significantly reduces the life expectancy of the bird.

The budgerigar is the third most popular pet after cats and dogs. As a result of their popularity, almost everyone who has purchased a pair tries to breed these birds. Inexperienced owners or unscrupulous breeders do not particularly delve into the pedigree of the hornbills and the health of the future parents.

Close relationships entail hidden forms of chronic diseases that are not always detected. An outwardly healthy and cheerful parrot, due to circumstances inexplicable to the owner, can quickly “burn out”;

  • Also, high-quality and balanced nutrition is important for the health and longevity of your parrot. Budgerigars are very susceptible to various tumors. They occur due to poor nutrition, which leads to bird obesity and digestive system disorders (although these diseases can also be congenital).

Obesity shortens a budgie's life by 70%

  • What cage does your parrot live in and where is it located? It’s best to resolve this issue before it arrives in the house. Condition of the room: illumination, humidity, constant temperature, daylight hours as close as possible to natural conditions. Cage hygiene, bathing the bird, regular changes of water and food. Product quality control.

You can learn more about the rules for caring for a budgie at home by clicking on;

Your attention and care affect the psychological state of the wavy. By talking and playing with the parrot, he will never feel loneliness and boredom in captivity.

The bird will be less susceptible to stress and will become more relaxed about changing its surroundings: the arrival of guests, renovations, extraneous noise, rearranging the room, other pets - all these factors are potential stressful situations for the parrot. But, feeling the connection with you and your care, the bird will react to the changes as calmly as possible, knowing that its friend and owner are nearby;

  • Accidents and failure to comply with basic safety rules for a parrot are constant leaders in the causes of premature death of feathered pets.

It is extremely important to provide first aid to your budgie in a timely manner and contact an ornithologist!

The age of a budgie plays a big role important role when a bird is purchased for breeding.

For successful selection, wavy plants of a certain age are needed. You can find out more about this.

Budgerigars are cute and mischievous creatures that quickly win the heart of their owner. Having lived for more than 10 years, the bird is perceived by all family members as part of their life.

You experience many memorable events, good or bad, with your restless and cheerful friend. Parting with a bird is inevitable, but we have the power to postpone it for as long as possible.

  • Basil

    And I read that budgerigars live up to 20 years, and in the wild they live for 3 years.

  • inuit

    Yes, indeed: budgerigars in captivity can live 20 years, but this is very rare. They die more often due to the neglect of their owners than due to old age, so few of the wavy ones even reach their 15th birthday, let alone 20. But in nature, ornithologists do not keep a strict record of the entire population; they periodically catch several individuals and, thanks to this, an approximate range of longevity of “savages” has appeared. The fact that most priests, unfortunately, die young is no secret to anyone.

  • Victor

    Our parrot lived for 14 years. From 1994 to 2008. Now here’s a new handsome guy, in the prime of his life, from the same year, 2008) that’s 9 years... That’s the first, that this one speaks, bless you, excellently)) In silence - he’s silent! In the dark - sleeping! Many say that they were just lucky with the choice... who knows... but it’s just a miracle, not a parrot!) Both the first and the current!!!) I recommend it to everyone. Care, in fact, is minimal, but the positive from this bird is maximum and even more!)) P.S. Two cats became friends with the bird at one moment, now they simply don’t pay attention to him, we call it friendship))) And he, in his turn, he often shouts “scat”, because cats were often raised with him and he learned this word in one moment)) But from his lips it doesn’t sound so terrifying, so the cats don’t pay much attention to it either!))) Guys, I recommend it!!!

  • Inna

    My parrot is already 17 years old! This a big joy that he lives so long and I hope he lives long enough! Acts like he's young! You can’t say at all that he’s already such a long-liver with us)

  • Rina

    Mine is 23 years old, looks perfect, I don’t really worry about his health. I haven’t been sick at all, I eat regular food very often, it always flies into my plate when I eat. Loves cheese popcorn. It feels like it's going to outlive me...

  • Yuri

    Hello, our first parrot lived for 10 years, but died due to our fault, he caught a cold in a draft. We didn’t know, they are VERY afraid of drafts, whoever gets a pet should definitely remember this! The second one is now eight years old, he also speaks and loves to eat our food from the plate. They also feel very loved and cared for.

People who decide to take a budgie into their home are concerned, first of all, with where to place and what to feed their talkative friend. The question of life expectancy arises later - when household members become attached to the new family member and begin to worry about his health and well-being.

Before you buy parrot as a pet pet, learn about the features of keeping birds. It is important to know,how long do budgies live, to understand whether you can provide the bird with a prosperous and long life.

Life expectancy of different types of parrots

The larger the parrot, the longer it will delight its owners with the beauty of its bright feathers and the uniqueness of its communication. Small birds (wavy birds, lovebirds and others) will live a little more than ten years, and representatives of medium and large species will be around for several decades.

Duration life of budgiesand other species in favorable conditions can be (in years):

    budgerigar and lovebird (10-15);

    cockatiel and parakeet (15-30);

    macaws and cockatoos (30-40);

    gray (50-60).

Data in various sources differ, and it should be borne in mind that some individuals can live longer, but these are rather exceptions.

Budgerigar: how long does a bird live?

Budgerigars livewith people for a long time. An elegant bird with bright plumage becomes a faithful friend for children and an excellent antidepressant for adults. Scientists have calculated that the number of representatives of this species living with people has exceeded the number of birds living in the natural environment.

So how many years do budgies live? The life of a parrot depends on its habitat ( free life in natural conditions or close proximity to people in captivity), the presence or absence of predators, food choice and access to water, and bird health indicators. Healthy bird can live from 4 to 20 years: it all depends on living conditions.

Wildlife: Survival Factors

Budgerigars livein Australia. A small bird with a motley color feels good in its native habitat. In the wild, the parrot will independently find exactly the food it needs, and its freedom of movement is almost unlimited. The life of a bird depends on the vagaries of the weather, the presence of water and food, epidemics of diseases among its species, the number and activity of predators that can harm the bird and its offspring.

How long can a budgie live?in the realities of the wild? Not much, at most 4-6 years. It is extremely rare that ornithologists have found birds that have lived to the age of eight in their natural environment. Life wild birds strikingly different fromlife of budgies at home.

Captivity: life under the “wing” of the owner

People are happy to take beautiful birds to your home. That,How long do budgies live at home?, largely depends on the owner's responsibility. A caring owner will provide the bird with water and food, will monitor its condition, and the parrot’s natural enemies, most often, are only a cat or a dog. But some species of parrots manage to make friends with their tailed neighbors.

In favorable conditions a talkative pet can increase its lifespan three to four times and live up to 15 years, or even up to two decades. Marvelous,how long do they live budgies at homeunlike free birds! On average, parrots live 10-13 years, but there is a known case when a feathered pet celebrated its 21st birthday.

When getting a nimble and cheerful parrot, you need to remember that some species of small birds are raised artificially and will not be able to adapt in the wild. Therefore, the decision to release a domesticated bird into the wild most often leads to its death.

Important Factors in the Longevity of a Pet Parrot

Lifespan of budgerigars depends from adequate feeding, a healthy microclimate and good care. The bird will be satisfied and happy if you provide it with comfortable conditions:

    balanced nutrition and access to clean water;

    the best temperature and light conditions;

    comfortable cage (spacious, with swing and mirror);

    lack of stress and daily exercise.

Careful adherence to all care parameters will significantly increaselife expectancy of budgies.

An important factor influencing the quality of life of a bird, andhow long do wavy ones live?parrots provide emotional comfort. If the bird does not have enough communication and attention, then it may get sick from loneliness.

How to make a parrot live longer: proper care

If you want to have a long-lived bird at home, take into account the characteristics of the species and the conditions of detention:

    a budgie is a resident of a flock, he needs to talk with someone, jump and fly, demonstrate the brightness of his feathers, so it is better to immediately buy a friend or girlfriend for your pet;

    do not smoke in the room where the parrot lives - the notorious drop of nicotine can literally poison your pet;

    use ultraviolet lamps so that the bird's body produces necessary vitamin D;

    a bird cage should not stand in a draft, in the kitchen or bathroom, move it away from the TV and prevent direct sunlight from entering the cage;

    take into account the bird’s dependence on sunrise and sunset - in the evening, cover the cage with thick material so that the parrot gets enough sleep;

    keep the bird's home clean - place perches and feeders so that feces do not get into the drinking water;

    remember that the parrot is deprived of the right to choose food and do not feed it junk food, otherwise it will get sick.

When children ask you abouthow long do budgies live, you can confidently answer: “For a long time!”, because your care will undoubtedly affect the well-being and lifespan of your beloved bird.

Advice: the parrot should spend 10 to 14 hours a day in the light,
otherwise he will not have time to eat his daily grain allowance

Apartment: creating ideal conditions for a budgie

Unfortunately, modern urban housing is fraught with many dangers for beautiful birds.Life expectancy of budgerigars at homecan be sharply reduced due to annoying little things. A parrot can become poisoned by gnawing on the bars of a cage coated with zinc or copper, gutting the wire and receiving an electric shock. The bird that flew out the window is no longer will find his way back on your own. A parrot can become a victim of pets who simply “play” with it unsuccessfully.

If the bird lives in an apartment, create for it safe conditions existence depends on them,how much wavythe parrot will live with you. You need to buy plugs for sockets, remove wires from the access area, attach mosquito nets to the windows, purchase a spacious and safe cage, and limit the bird’s contact with pets.

What to feed your parrot to keep it healthy?

When providing proper care for your feathered pet, monitor its diet. A budgie needs to eat healthy foods in the right proportions. Do not forget about vitamins that compensate for the lack of substances that cannot be obtained while in captivity.

The daily norm of the grain mixture may consist of:oat, flax and sunflower seeds, meadow grasses and millet (1.5-2 teaspoons per day) . Can include lettuce leaves, radish tops, plantain and dandelion in the menu. Your pet needs vegetables and fruits, low-fat cottage cheese, part of a boiled egg and calcium mineral supplements.

List of foods dangerous for budgies:

    mango and persimmon, melon, watermelon, papaya and avocado;

    fruits in sugar;

    almonds and pistachios;


Knowing how many years do budgies liveV good conditions, try to provide your exotic resident with adequate nutrition for a long life.

Advice: be sure to place a sippy cup in your pet’s cage,
and make sure there is always fresh water in it

Long life of a healthy bird

When choosing a parrot, pay attention to its appearance. The young bird has shiny black eyes, dark spot on the beak, tightly fitting wings and smooth movements. The normal body temperature for a bird is 41-42°C. If the parrot is disheveled, with feathers falling out and poor appetite, this is a sign that the bird is sick. Weak individual showing no interest in being called, stroked or toys won't live long .

To prevent diseases from shortening your parrot’s life, monitor its condition and take the bird to the veterinarian at the first signs of trouble.

Now you know,How long do pet budgies live?, and only the attentive and caring owner will determine the duration and quality of the talkative bird’s existence.

Create comfortable conditions for your little fidget, and the bird will delight everyone with its cheerful chirping and amusing pirouettes. You won't worry about the problemhow long do budgies live at home?, because the pet is already guaranteed a long and happy bird life.

Budgerigars live on average 3-4 years, rare individuals cross the line of 5 years. Such a short life expectancy is due to the many dangers that await a small bird in the wild, as well as a lack of food. Budgerigars can live up to 15 years. Of course, this is only possible with proper care - timely treatment of diseases, provision of a balanced diet, protection from drafts and sudden temperature changes, and absence of stress.

The effect of stress on the lifespan of parrots

Most caring owners cope quite successfully with the treatment of diseases and proper nutrition of parrots. However, many people have problems protecting themselves from stress in a city apartment. Firstly, it is difficult for birds to adapt to human biorhythms. In nature, parrots fall asleep at sunset and wake up at dawn. In conditions of electric light and television until twelve at night, birds become nervous. Secondly, budgies are often stressed by other pets, especially dogs and rats. A frightened bird becomes nervous and loses its feathers. Some individuals may even die as a result of stress, especially if the parrot was suddenly frightened.

Dangers of budgerigars at home

A considerable number of birds die not from old age, but because of the carelessness of their owners. Among the reasons leading to the premature death of a pet, the most common is an open window. If a parrot flies outside, it is rarely possible to catch it. The bird, accustomed to living in an apartment, simply dies.

Some budgerigars die due to chewed electrical wires. Sometimes birds crash to death on glass or. Therefore, before letting your budgie fly around the room, you should close the curtains and hang the mirrors.

Some indoor plants also pose a danger to birds. Poisonous to parrots are azalea, hyacinth, dieffenbachia, laurel, ivy, philodendron, amaryllis, poinsettia, crocus, hydrangea, anthurium, spathiphyllum, spurge, ornamental pepper and yew tree.

Long-lived parrots

Some budgerigars can live 20 years or more. However, such long-livers are not very common. Old parrots have deteriorating hearing and vision, but they remain active. Instead of thin poles, it is better for older birds to use small boards, since old parrots often have pain in their paw joints.

Each species of parrot is allotted a certain life span, and budgerigars are no exception. As a result, each owner should know how long budgies live at home, so that after a while, if necessary, they can modify the menu of their feathered friend, taking into account his age: as a rule, they require lighter food or the addition of vitamin and mineral complexes to maintain your pet’s consistently strong immunity.

I would also like to note that if your friend has always had access to fresh greens, vegetables and fruits, as well as daily flights outside the cage, then you do not have to worry about the physical health of your budgie and its immunity.

The only difficulty may be that it is impossible to determine the age of the parrot; perhaps he is 5, or maybe 15 years old. Only by purchasing a young chick before the first moult can you know the age of your new friend.

A feathered friend is not only fun, but also responsible

Each owner must be fully aware that he has a huge responsibility - after all, he will constantly live next to you for a long time. feathered friend who needs care, care and constant affection.

You will not only have to have fun with your budgie, but also periodically eliminate all his pranks: a nibbled or discarded indoor flower, husks from grains and pieces of fruit everywhere, and partially torn off wallpaper.

In addition, you should regularly carry out hygienic procedures in its habitat - cages, monitor the cleanliness and condition of the parrot's personal belongings, as well as constantly feed it with high-quality food and, if necessary, carry out proper preventive or therapeutic courses.

Life expectancy of budgerigars

In wild nature

In the wild, the life expectancy of birds is significantly lower. According to studies, the life expectancy of budgerigars in the wild in Australia varies from four to eight years.

This species of birds leads a nomadic lifestyle, as a result of which they have to constantly travel long distances in constant search of water and food, and the slightest aggressive factors environment put the wavy in mortal danger.

It is worth noting that various epidemics constantly break out in flocks of parrots, the causes of which scientists have not yet fully studied, since each time they are caused by various natural disasters or a combination of circumstances.

For example, due to many factors, water in Australia quite often becomes contaminated, which leads to the death of a large number of birds. To prevent their mass death, special organizations have been created that do their best to provide birds with clean water, especially during periods of severe drought. People build artificial reservoirs and drinking bowls on their own in the most diverse parts of their continent.

It is also worth considering that the life of budgerigars is significantly complicated by predators. The physiological peculiarity of budgerigars is such that they have an incredibly strong immune system, which allows them to fully and quickly restore the population.

At home

One of the most common questions that worries people who want to buy a feathered friend is how many years do budgies live at home? Their lifespan at home depends on the subspecies. The average lifespan of small budgies is 10 to 15 years. However, among them there were also record holders whose life expectancy was 20 years. If you believe that the lifespan of a bird depends on gender, then you are mistaken. It doesn’t matter what gender of bird you buy, the main thing is that it is not sick.

The lifespan of medium-sized birds at home can be from 20 to 30 years. Unfortunately, to date, the exact life spans of large subspecies have not yet been studied: some believe that the life span varies from 50 to 120 years, while others believe that everything is limited to 60 years.

From what factors life expectancy depends budgerigars at home?

  • Genetics: as a result of unsuccessful selections, various congenital diseases develop, which significantly reduce the life expectancy of the pet. Budgerigars occupy the third place of honor among popular pets after cats and dogs. This factor contributes to the fact that everyone who has acquired a wavy pair tries to breed birds. Unscrupulous breeders or inexperienced owners who do not want to delve into the pedigrees of their charges doom them to possible torment and short time life. Closely related ties between birds lead to hidden forms of chronic diseases, which are not always possible to identify. At first glance, a healthy and cheerful pet, for reasons unknown to the owner, can fade away quite quickly.
  • Balanced and high quality nutrition: due to their physiological characteristics, budgies are susceptible to malignant neoplasms. They are formed as a result of unbalanced and improper nutrition, which leads to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract or obesity of the bird. It is worth noting that the above pathologies may be congenital. Obesity can shorten the life of a budgie by 70%.
  • Cage and living conditions: the room should be well lit, moderate air humidity, constant indoor temperature and long daylight hours, as close as possible to natural conditions. The owner in mandatory should regularly clean the cage, bathe the bird and change water and food as necessary. Careful monitoring of product quality should be carried out.
  • Physical form: Daily walks for budgies are the key to their health and longevity. The owner must create all the conditions so that his bird can leave the cage and fly every day.
  • Stressful situation: the owner must pay Special attention psychological state of his ward. By constantly playing and talking with your pet, the owner will help him never experience loneliness in captivity. A social budgie will be less susceptible to stress and will become relatively calm about extraneous noise, renovations, changes in the room, guests and other pets. Feeling a connection with its owner, the pet will steadfastly endure all the hardships of everyday life, because it knows that its faithful friend is always there.
  • Accidents and failure to comply with safety regulations for a budgie, this is perhaps the most common reason that leads to the death of a pet. It is extremely important to be able to provide first aid to your pet, as well as contact an ornithologist in time.

It is worth noting that the age of the budgerigar plays perhaps the most important role in their breeding. For successful breeding you need budgies of a certain age.

Keeping a budgie at home

First of all, for comfortable living conditions for your bird, you should purchase a spacious cage. If, due to some circumstances, you are deprived of the opportunity to purchase a full-fledged cage, then you need to let your feathered friend fly every day. Lack of physical activity has a detrimental effect on the pet’s condition, since it does not correspond to its lifestyle in the wild.

Special attention attention should be paid to the location of the cell. The bird does not tolerate the following factors well:

  • strong odors, incense and smoking;
  • close to the cage household appliances, especially TV;
  • location in rooms with high humidity levels;
  • direct exposure to sunlight;
  • drafts.

In the wild, budgies rise with the sunrise and fall asleep with the sunset. If you do not sleep at night, then cover the cage with thick material, which will protect the cage from the bright light of the lamp. Otherwise, your pet may begin to experience sleep deficiency, which will have a detrimental effect on its health. No less important factor is that the fabric must allow air to pass through itself, and also not subject the microclimate of the cell to changes.

Take care and love your pets, because they deserve it!


From our video you will learn how to independently determine the age of a budgie.