Scenario for initiation into young engineers at school. Scenario of the holiday “Initiation into Young Artists” Petrova T.M. Scenario "Initiation into young musicians"

Irina Vladimirovna Mashkova
Scenario “Initiation into young musicians”

Scenario "Initiation into young musicians"


Sorokina Natalya Sergeevna (teacher) and

4th grade students Kapranov Ivan, Kuznetsova Alena, Plisenko Artyom, Prokopenkova Lyubov, Stupnikov Daniil, Frolova Ekaterina, Yagodarova Marina (students of the music department of the MUDO DSHI No. 1 in Marx, act as “notes”, prepared by Mashkova I.V. )

Poems (partially): Shcherbachenko T.V., Sorokina N.S.

“Notes” are dressed in costumes of rainbow colors: “DO” - in red, “RE” - orange, “MI” - yellow, “FA” - green, “SALT” - blue, “LA” - blue, “SI” - purple

Good evening, dear friends!

We welcome you to the holiday dedicated to our first-graders, future musicians!

Every year new students come to our school. You will have many holidays ahead until you get to the most important thing - prom.

Today is your first holiday - “Initiation into Young Musicians”, where you will enter the land of art. It doesn't matter whether you become professional musicians. The main thing is that you have chosen this world – the World of Art.

Dad and mom went to Uncle Kostya. Sasha and Valya have guests.

And Sasha and her sister came up with the idea: “Let’s set up an orchestra.”

And they arranged: Valya on the piano, Yulia on the saucepan,

Lyoshka - on spoons, Sasha - on a trumpet - can you imagine?

The cat is in the window, the cat is under the chest of drawers,

The Great Dane runs as fast as he can onto the threshold and into the street.

And on all floors there was a terrible noise, a terrible din;

In the second they shout: “The house is collapsing! The floor has collapsed!”

They grabbed the bag, the lamp, the service and downstairs.

And in the first they say: “Without a doubt - a flood.”

They grabbed the chests and went into the attics.

Mom and Dad on Lassalle Street heard

What a noise, what a thunder. Ah, misfortune at home.

Mom and dad come running, the children say to dad:

“Hush, the orchestra is playing here!”

Come on, together, in harmony: Valya on the piano, Yulia on the saucepan,

Leshka - on spoons, Sasha - on a trumpet - can you imagine?

# string ensemble

Ostrovsky "School Polka"

Spanish string ensemble, director Khusnulina Z. G., conc. Bogacheva N.V.

Friends, you and I live in a city that stands on the banks of a great river. What is the name of this river? (Volga). Guys, what is the name of the city where our number one art school is located? (Marx). This year the city of Marks celebrated its 250th anniversary. Now you will hear a song, the music for which was written by the teacher of our school.

music Lyudmila Vladimirovna Kaibeleva, lyrics. Margarita Fadina

“Our native city”, Spanish. Ivan Kapranov and Bogdan Tsarev, class. Rev. Tsareva N. G.

There is a beautiful school in our city

All the muses live in it together.

And they don’t get bored all day long:

They dance, play, draw, sing!

On the violin, accordion, domra, guitar,

They play the trumpet and piano.

And sometimes they dance alone, sometimes in pairs,

Otherwise the round dance will be held until dawn!

M. Carcassi, “Variations on a Swiss Song,” Spanish. Elena Charkina,

class Rev. Denisova I. V.

Guys! Today musical notes have come to congratulate you. But they did not come alone, but with musicians who play different musical instruments.

Piano department. Pianists are taught here.

Everyone plays the piano and lives in friendship with music.


Gedicke "Dance", Spanish. Alexandra Beyfus, class. Rev. Shcherbachenko T.V.


Mordasov “Waltz”, Spanish. Vladislav Khlebnikov and Alina Tuleshova,

class Rev. Rodikova E.K. and Konobeeva I.A.

At the people's department there is a button accordion, an accordion,

The domra and balalaika also produce a crystal ringing sound.

So that these instruments can sound great

You have to spend a lot of effort to be able to play them!

V. Shainsky “Grasshopper”, Spanish. Polina and Victoria Larion,

class Rev. Sinyavskoy T. A., conc. Konobeeva I. A.


Russian folk song “I’ll go, I’ll go out”, Spanish. Danil Aparin,

class Rev. Bertova G.I.

# balalaika

A. Andreev “Guards March”, Spanish. Danil Akhlupkin,

class Rev. Denisova I.V., conc. Kukleva I. I.

In the folklore department, you can sing no worse than a nightingale.

# folklore

Russian folk song “Like outside the yard, behind the yard”, “In the forge”,

Spanish folk ensemble "Cheryomushki"

leaders Sorokina N. S. and Ignatieva M. S.,

conc. Vasiliev Alexey Viktorovich

soloist: Anya Mordvintseva, class. Rev. Sorokina N. S.

Our friends can’t count enough orchestral instruments:

The orchestra has trumpets, violins, flutes, and saxophones.


Magidenko “Cockerel”, Spanish. Emil Tsayser and Arseniy Smyatsky,

# flute

Andersen "Lullaby", Spanish. Lyudmila Gureeva,

class Rev. Liang N.V., conc. Batishcheva T.V.

P. Tchaikovsky “The Woodcutter”, Spanish. Vyacheslav Dergachev,

class Rev. Sinyavsky A. G., conc. Kukleva I. I.

What instruments help you keep the rhythm?

To convey the desired image to both the soloists and the orchestra?

Drums and cymbals, xylophones and celestas...

Let's not call them rudely, let's call them a strike group.

# xylophone

Russian folk song “Two Geese”, Spanish. Elisey Klyuchnikov,

class Rev. Vasilyeva A.V., conc. Vasilyeva A.V.

# drum

V. Shchelokov “Young cavalryman”, Spanish. Danil Androsov, class. Rev. Vasilyeva A.V.

What do students want during school lessons?

They want the diaries to be decorated with A's!

We are obliged to tell all the guys for edification:

If you really wish, your wish will come true!

# vocals (first graders sing)

Cui “Autumn”, V. Shainsky “Antoshka”, Spanish. first grade students,

hands Nazarova V.F., conc. Batishcheva T.V.

Dear friends! The unexpected happened. My assistants have disappeared somewhere! In order for them to appear, you have to call them, but I forgot their names. Guys, maybe you can help me?

Like hordes of soldiers standing on rulers

If you don’t read them, they’ll remain silent, but if you read them, they’ll shout! (notes)

And now I need my parents' help. Your task is to correctly place the notes that will be discussed on the staff.

(A staff board is brought onto the stage. 2 parents are invited at the same time: dad and mom. “Notes” go on stage one by one, read poetry. Parents attach the notes to the staff).

Every note has a home. Where do you live, note “DO”?

Here, on a small bench, on an additional ruler.

Below, under the first line, said the note “RE” -

I hide my song, and if necessary, I sing.

“Look, remember and understand,” the note “MI” sang quietly, “

I don’t need to climb high, I feel good on the first one, here.”

Between the first and second “FA” looks out the window,

Between the first and second it is a little cramped.

On the second line “SALT” appears with the note “FA”,

If you say “FA” and “SO”, the word comes out.

“Did you notice me? – asked the note “LA” -

Between the second and third I sing songs to the children."

On the third line - “SI”, in the very middle,

Sings, when not asked, so loudly, without hesitation!

Well done parents! You now have a lot to learn. And this is what we want to tell you:

It's hard to raise your children,

There is a lot you need to know for this.

I would like to wish my parents:

Always help children with everything,

Get the child ready for school from lunch,

Give good parting words in time,

And don’t forget to take a walk on your day off,

To avoid everyone's illnesses,

We still need to toughen up the children,

Everyone also attends meetings,

Help the school as much as possible.

And most importantly - without a doubt -

I wish you patience!

So our notes are lined up in order. The result was a scale. But if you mix the notes and add rhythm, what do you get? That's right, melody! Now they will play the notes for us on their magical instruments, and the guys in the hall will try to guess the melody.

# “Notes” play the melody “In the garden, in the vegetable garden” on musical chromatic bells (one bell - one note: do - red, re - orange, etc.)

Who in the audience can name this song? (“Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden”). Now let's all sing one verse of this Russian folk song together.

(The girl was walking in the garden. She is not big in height, with a round face)

(Viewers guess the name of the song, sing 1 verse of this song to the accompaniment of “notes” played on bells)

Well done! Our ensemble turned out wonderful! But try to answer a few more questions:

Which note didn't sound? (SALT)

Is everything written correctly on the board? (No, the treble clef is missing).

What is another name for treble clef? (key SALT)

Task: Choose a treble clef from the proposed signs

(the note Sol attaches the sign to the board).

Wonderful answers were heard in our hall today! A worthy successor is growing for our graduates. We can safely congratulate you on joining the ranks of young musicians! But, our dear young musicians!

Note So that you can answer wonderfully

“Excellent” so that the teacher can give you,

You must always be diligent

And learn a lesson every day!

# vocals

Song "Excellent Student", Spanish. Zlata Lyapkina, class. Rev. Matyunina N. A.

Guys! Wish boldly, wish boldly - and you will succeed in any task!

But do not spare labor - efforts to fulfill your desire!

And now I want to introduce my assistants, these are 4th grade students:

Alena Kuznetsova, Ekaterina Frolova, Daniil Stupnikov, Marina Yagodarova, Lyubov Prokopenkova, Artyom Plisenko, Ivan Kapranov.


V. Bakanov “Dixilen”, Spanish. Ilya Anisimov and Nurlan Kabazov,

class Rev. Pavlova L. A.

Dear friends! Now the time has come to say goodbye to you. But not for long, until the next concert. Goodbye friends, see you again!

"Initiation into young musicians." Celebration scenario at a music school

Goleschikhina Marina Aleksandrovna. Accordion teacher, MBOU DOD "Taseev Children's Music School"

Job description: Learning music has always been valued in society, and those who master any instrument always deserve special attention. Young residents of the Taseevsky district have a happy opportunity to study music at a children's music school. Every year graduates leave the school. They all become lovers and connoisseurs of music, and they are replaced by first-graders who are yet to become acquainted with the magical world of music. At the Taseevsky Children's Music School, it has already become a good tradition at the end of the first quarter of the school year to hold a celebration “Initiation into Young Musicians” for children who have recently crossed the threshold of the school. For first-graders, this holiday is of great importance, so teachers and high school students strive to make this holiday interesting, bright and unforgettable. I bring to your attention the script for the “Initiation into Young Musicians” holiday. In this scenario, everything is organically connected: a well-thought-out theatrical plot with the participation of the cartoon characters Cheburashka, Gena the Crocodile, and the old woman Shapoklyak; concert performances of teachers and students music school; tasks for first graders in a playful way.

Purpose: This scenario may be useful to teachers of music schools and art schools, teacher-organizers.
The material is designed for younger children school age.

Target: Formation of aesthetic taste among beginning musicians; creating favorable conditions for children to meet and communicate.

Activate cognitive activity,
Develop the ability to answer questions;
Enrich the spiritual world of children through musical plays.
To develop children's cognitive interest in music;
Develop logical thinking and erudition;
Develop imagination, the ability to reflect, think.
To cultivate a love for music as an art that has greatest strength emotional impact on a person;
Cultivate a love for music school and teachers.

Necessary equipment for carrying out:
Music center or any device designed to play music;
Musical instruments: button accordion, accordion, piano, synthesizer.
Projector, multimedia screen, laptop.
The costumes of Cheburashka, the old woman Shapoklyak, and the crocodile Gena costume will not be required, since Gena will be behind the scenes.

Preliminary work:
1. Creation of a video film for the opening of the holiday: A still from the cartoon about Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka - Gena plays the harmonica, but the music is not from the cartoon, but an overlay - Rimsky-Korsakov “Flight of the Bumblebee” performed by the duet “Bayan-Mix”.
2.Create your own riddles about musical instruments, puzzles, charades, or using them from different sources literature. In this scenario, puzzles and musical riddles are taken from the Internet.
3. Making “Young Musician” medals

Literature used:
When developing the holiday script, the following author's poems were used:
1. Our school is not easy,
2. Poems – performances by accordionists, pianists,
3.Oath of musicians.
4. Puzzles and riddles taken from the Internet

Design: The hall is festively decorated balloons, paper notes, flowers. (the hall can be decorated in any style at the discretion of the event organizers)

Holiday scenario
On the screen is a video frame from the cartoon about Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka - Gena plays the harmonica.
A sad Cheburashka enters.
Cheburashka: It’s a pity that Gena isn’t around, he went to Moscow for some competition. And I miss him so much.
The phone rings. Crocodile Gena is calling from Moscow (voice-over): Hello, Cheburashka!

Cheburashka: Hello Gena! How are you doing there?
Crocodile Gena: Great. Won the Grand Prix at international competition accordionists. It’s not for nothing that I once studied at a music school. Now I am being invited to go abroad. I will perform on stage with famous musicians Hvorostovsky and Spivakov. Can you imagine?
Cheburashka: I also want to see the world. I also want to learn to play some musical instrument and be famous.
Crocodile Gena: Cheburashka, immediately go to the Taseevsky Children's Music School. I am sure that they will definitely teach you how to play and sing there.
Cheburashka: How will I find her?
Crocodile Gena: Just ask any passerby, they will tell you about this wonderful school and show you the way. Bye Cheburashka, it’s time for me to rehearse and prepare for the trip. Good luck!
The phone call ends
Cheburashka: (walks along the road, meets passing music school students) Hello! Are you by any chance from a music school?
Children: Yes, we are students of this wonderful school.
Cheburashka: Please tell me about her!
1 student:
Our school is not easy,
So musical.
They play and sing in it,
They live together with music.

2nd student:
Eight wise teachers
And the director is at the head,
Every day children are taught
Music and beauty.

3rd student:
It's not easy to learn
Songs to sing or play
It takes a lot of effort
To become a musician.

4 student:
For girls and boys
"Music" is a second home,
They love us there, naughty ones,
We all live here together.

5th student:
Rehearsals, concerts,
Grants, competitions again.
We always manage to do everything
We know how to combine everything.

Cheburashka: Oh, how interesting. I also want to study at a music school! Can you please tell me how to get to the music school? (the guys show the way, Cheburashka goes backstage with them.)

A photo of the music school is projected onto the screen. The school principal appears on the stage. He thinks about something, gets sad and sighs. Cheburashka enters.

Cheburashka: Hello. Is there a children's music school here? Can I speak to the director?
Director: I'm the director. Who are you?
Cheburashka: I am Cheburashka. I want to go to music school.
Director: Many people want to, but, alas, this is impossible.
Cheburashka: Why?
Director: Because someone broke into the school and stole the keys. Now neither we nor the boys can get to school.
Cheburashka: We urgently need to contact the police so they can find the culprit.
Director: Contact us. They said: “they are looking.” And for how long, we don’t know!
Cheburashka: What to do? After all, surely I’m not the only one who wants to learn to play and sing?
Director: Yes, there are still 21 first-graders, and 27 students dream of continuing their education at school.
Cheburashka: Where to look for the one who stole the keys?
Director: Don't know. Found this near the school. ( shows the old woman's object Shapoklyak - a handbag with the rat Lariska)
Cheburashka: So this is Old Woman Shapoklyak! She took up her old ways again. And where to look for it now? (doomed) So, I will never learn to play a musical instrument and will not become famous? (Crying)
Suddenly Shapoklyak appears from the auditorium, walks, sings and dances

Old woman Shapoklyak: Here I am! Why are you upset? Did you want to learn music without me? No, only after me! First I will become famous and popular, and then I will return the keys to you. I need school myself to develop my talents.
Cheburashka: How are you going to study on your own? After all, we need teachers!
Old woman Shapoklyak: Laughs. Who needs teachers? To me? I am my own teacher. If I want, I’ll play this instrument (walks up to the piano, rattles it), but if I want, I’ll sing like a real singer (sings a song, but not correctly).
Old woman Shapoklyak: Is today not my day, or are all the tools broken? Exactly! Broken. Laughs
Cheburashka: Shapoklyak, let the guys show you how to play and sing.
Old woman Shapoklyak: Haha. Do they know how?
Cheburashka: Guys, let's prove to Old Woman Shapoklyak that we can sing and play musical instruments!
Answers from the audience
Old woman Shapoklyak: Okay, I agree! But first, guess my riddles!
Rebuses and riddles using notes are projected onto the screen. Old woman Shapoklyak asks riddles. The guys are guessing.

Old woman Shapoklyak: Read the story using the names of the notes.

Old woman Shapoklyak: What kind of musical instruments are encrypted in the puzzles?

Cheburashka: Well, have all your riddles been solved? Now listen to how our guys play button accordion and accordion players.
Our accordionists and button accordion players are great artists!
This is how they play instruments
Well, my heart skips a beat!
I'm not lying at all
I'm telling you honestly, directly!
Now see for yourself
Enjoy their game!

Musical performances by students of the folk department

The boys really love to play the piano.
They barely touch the keys and the whole soul sings.
And the sounds of happiness flow, so joyfully, so zealously.
Everything around is blooming, rejoicing and singing!

Musical performances by students of the piano department

Old woman Shapoklyak: You're kind of boring. They came out, bowed, played, bowed. Eh, boring. I understand that you are boring.
Cheburashka: Shapoklyak, the guys are very diligent. After all, to learn to play a musical instrument, you need to practice a lot.
Old woman Shapoklyak: Anyway, bores! And I love to have fun! Do you love it? Then everyone come to my stage!

Old woman Shapoklyak is doing a dance warm-up. The phonogram “Brazilian Carnival” is performed by the Tomsk ensemble of folk instruments “Surprise”, director L.G. Zolotareva. (any music can be used at the discretion of the teachers). The guys repeat the movements of the Old Woman Shapoklyak.
Cheburashka: These guys are great! And they are not boring at all, look how they can have fun!
Old woman Shapoklyak: Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I’m one hundred percent sure that they don’t know children’s songs.
Cheburashka: And again you are wrong! The guys not only know the songs, but they can also sing.
Old woman hat: Well, we'll check that now. A music competition is held to test the knowledge of children's songs. All songs are performed live.

List of songs for the competition:
1. Blue carriage,
2. A song about a grasshopper,
3. From a smile,
5. It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together,
6.Two cheerful geese,
7. Antoshka,
8. Cheburashka's song,
9.If only there had been no winter,
10. Winged swing.

Cheburashka: Oh yes, guys, oh yes, well done! And our guys can sing beautifully. Listen here.

Musical performances by choir students
Cheburashka: And all this is taught to the children by talented teachers who work in the children's music school. Now are you convinced, Shapoklyak, that without teachers it is impossible to learn to play and sing?
Old woman Shapoklyak: Well, yes, yes, yes. I will give you the keys to the school, but on one condition, that you take me to study. I really want to shine on stage.
Cheburashka: Guys, shall we take it?

Cheburashka: And now we ask the guys who crossed the threshold of the music school this year to take the solemn oath of the young musician and present medals.

The guys get up on stage.

1 student:
We solemnly swear
We will study at five!
For no good reason
Let's not miss school!

2nd student:
Let's learn all the intervals,
And we will master all the frets.
We will play scales on five,
Even though we don’t really like them!

3rd student:
And skipping in solfeggio
We promise to come running.
And not forgetting about notes, books,
We will complete the tasks!

4 student:
We'll study Bach and Mozart,
Let's learn to distinguish them.
Let's not torture teachers.
We swear not to upset them.

5th student:
We promise during recess
We behave with dignity.
Don't run, don't scream, don't jump,
We will not disturb others!

6th student:
We solemnly swear
Don't forget the diaries.
And beloved parents
Show every day!

7th student:
We were dedicated today
The musicians are great!
We swear, we promise,
That we will not let you down!

8th student:
This is the title of a musician
We will wear it proudly!
And my native music
We will love you the most!

Presentation of medals and gifts.

SCENARIO “Initiation into young musicians”
First grade choir on stage
Presenter. Good afternoon, dear guys, adults and guests of our holiday! We are pleased to welcome you to our cozy art school. Today we have a holiday - initiation into Young Musicians.
(Readers from the choir)
1.In our green and bright city
The kids are studying a lot now
Art school number two welcomed them
Here we too will become musicians2.
This is where the music starts
It sounds everywhere here
And we're standing at the very beginning
Have a wonderful but difficult journey
It’s not at all easy to learn to sing or play songs, you need to work hard to become a musician.
Presenter: The choir of first-graders will perform two songs: 1. "Sandals for centipedes" and
2. “A Simple Song”, director Evgenia Viktorovna Beldyugina, accompanist Oksana Vladimirovna Kuznetsova.
(choir leaves)
Presenter: in order to become real musicians you need to go through a difficult path, on which you will need hard work, patience, perseverance, the desire for perfection and much, much more. Guys, are you ready?
Audience: Yes!
Presenter: Then, let's go. Yes, I completely forgot, before going on the road, what should I do?, tell me guys
Presenter: I think we need to refresh ourselves. And not a sandwich with sausage or a bun, but a musical one good mood. Young musicians of the choir department will perform two wonderful songs for us: the German song “Brother Jacob” and the song “Mice”, director Alla Yuryevna Speranskaya, accompanist Elena Vitalievna Nikolaeva
(1st grade choir of school No. 23 is forming up)
Readers from the choir
1. Our school is not easy, it’s musical. They play and sing in it, they live together with music.
2. There are many wise teachers, And the director is at the head, Every day the children are taught Music and beauty.
3. “Brother Yakov”
4. "Mice"
Presenter: We refreshed ourselves with songs, but I want to listen to musical instruments. Now the guys who are learning to play folk instruments will take the stage.
(to the audience) What folk instruments do you know? (in the audience answer)
Well done. You know a lot. And now you will see and hear both the domra and the balalaika. The ensemble "Teremok" performs, consisting of: Karina Shvedova, Vasilisa Andreeva and Alexey Savelyev, director Lidia Yuryevna Riga, accompanist Elena Yuryevna Bespalova. Several folk songs will be performed at once. combined into one work, such a combination is called a medley.
5. Medley to Russian folk songs
6. And now a riddle:
I stand on three legs, Feet in black boots. White teeth, pedal. What's my name? (piano) That’s right, let’s listen to the play “At the Skating Rink” performed by Aliya Almukhametova, pr. O.A. Inkin7. Song of a lion cub and a turtle, performed by Yulia Kuchinskaya, etc. V.P. Anokhin Presenter: Well, that’s a completely different matter. We've had our fill of music, and now we can move on. (noise off stage)
Coming out (fairy-tale characters)
Evil Hooligankin. Wait, we've arrived! Sushi paddles!
Krivlyak Neumekhin. I mean, turn the shafts, young bastards! There is no further road!
Presenter. Hello, hello. Do you guys know who this is?
Hall (all sorts of names are called)
Presenter Alas, guys. These two people always spoil our holiday. Meet: Zlyuka Khuligankin (comes out ahead of Zlyuka and makes faces) and Krivlyak Neumekhin (comes out) And you want to say that there is no road to the land of musical knowledge?
Yes, we have always walked along this path...
Evil Hooligankin. You never know who wandered around here before... So the path was trampled down! Oh, woe is bitter for us! It became overgrown, my dear, over the summer, it flooded it, my dear, with marsh water!
Krivlyak Neumekhin. Bye bye your path of knowledge. We now have a swamp of half-educated people here. Lepota!
Presenter. Swamp? Dropout?! Oh, but there is no other way to the country of Young Musicians!
Both. Yeah!
Presenter. And if we don’t get there, then... oh, then there won’t be a country either...
Evil Hooligankin. How smart, it's disgusting!
(Counting): One-two, one-two,
Knowledge is nonsense!
One-two, one-two,
This is boring!
Remember everything forever:
An ignoramus is a man!
And it sounds proud!
Presenter. Poor things? Oh, how I feel sorry for you!
Krivlyak Neumekhin. What is she doing? Look, I feel sorry for her!
Evil Hooligankin. Yes, she got it wrong: she feels sorry for these poor children.
What are you talking about - we should be proud of our students
Krivlyak Neumekhina Well, you came up with an idea. Why be proud of them? They are small and do not know how to do anything.
This is where you are wrong. They also learn nothing at all, but they’re not ashamed to go on stage.
Angry I can go on stage too (makes faces on stage)
Crooked Look at me, be proud of me (grimaces)
Presenter You also need to perform musical works
Krivlyak It's now (pokes the keys)
Zlyuka No Krivlyaka today is not your day, you don’t play expressively (sits down at the piano herself)
Krivlyak Ha-ha, and you yourself
Zlyuka Yes, their instruments are damaged.
Krivlyak Let me go
Angry My chair (brawl - roar in unison)
Presenter Yes, dear guests, what should we do with you? Calm down, listen to music. Then we’ll come up with something (they sit on the steps)
8. Alexandra Semyonkina performs, G.P. Kostyuchenko Ave., composer Abelev “Spring Song”
9. Potemkina Maria together with her teacher T.P. Voronova. Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation will perform the Ukrainian dance “Cossack”
10. And one more ensemble. Ensemble means together. And Kira Revenkova and her teacher Lyudmila Vladimirovna Rusanova will perform. They will perform a polka by Russian composer Alexander Borodin.
11. Alexandra Pryakhina will perform the play “Cat Conversation”, pr. L.V. Kirpichnikova Presenter That’s it, good gentlemen. And you are illiterate. I can't write you a letter. Not a good fairy tale to read!
Krivlyak Why read them - break your eyes! Our health may not allow it!
Vicious. Ha - fairy tales! We already know them like the back of our hands!
Presenter. Oh, I can’t believe it, I think someone is bragging without blinking an eyelid.
Both. We bet we know!
Presenter. We bet you don't know! Okay, let's check it now.
I'll start, and you finish,
Answer in unison:
"The cat is in..."
Vicious. “Cat in a Padded Jacket!”
Krivlyak Well, come on, Cat in a Skullcap!
(the presenter asks the audience).
Presenter. Boots...
Both. Imported!
(Children's answers)
Playing with children: (Snake Gorynych, Little Humpbacked Horse, flying carpet, Koschey the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Little Thumb, Nightingale the Robber, Ryaba Hen, Santa Claus, Little Red Riding Hood, Syvka-Burka).
Vicious. Look, how quick they are! So they scald, and they scald!
Krivlyak. It really hurts, the tasks are serious! We've been tormented for days now, and we can't remember a single school word - sclerosis, for fuck's sake!
Vicious. Why not one! I remembered: “two”!
Presenter. So how?
Krivlyak. How-how! Don't you see, we're sitting where we were! Apparently not enough.
Presenter Okay, don't be upset. Listen to our guys, it will become easier right away. Before the musician takes the stage, solve the riddle
He has a pleated shirt
He loves to dance in a squat position
He dances and sings -
if you get your hands on it
Forty buttons on it
With pearlescent fire
A merry fellow, not a brawler
My vociferous (accordion)
12. Ivan Chikhranov will perform the Russian folk song “Like under a hill, under a mountain.” Ave. Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Yu.A. Kovalevsky.
13. Arseny Gorokhov Children's song “Three Frogs”. Ave. L.V. Kirpichnikova Presenter:
14. Another riddle
Guess it, guys.
This string instrument
Will ring at any moment (guitar)
Performed by Alexander Travin, pr. N.G. Shpak Composer Kalinin “Polka”
Presenter: Well, how are you feeling? How are you feeling?
Krivlyak Hey, how are you feeling? (pats himself on the chest)
He says good
Zlyuka And I’m in a great mood.
Krivlyak Let's go do something good
Zlyuka Let's go. (leave)
Presenter: We have a wonderful holiday today. Even Zlyuka and Krivlyaka helped. And it's all music. Today is a special day, like a birthday. Birthday of young musicians. And everyone always congratulates you on your birthday. The director of our school, S.N. Salnikov, is ready to congratulate you guys. Let's give him the floor.
(word from the director)
15. Presenter: Performed by Polina Timofeeva. Ave. Alina Gennadievna Belousova will perform Tango. Composer Rodriguez.
16. Presenter: Another dance - a minuet will be performed by Anton Demin. Ave. S.N.Salnikov. In the 18th century, this dance was called the king of dances, and King Louis 14 himself composed minuets. 17. Presenter: Young frogs also love to dance. Arseny Stenin will perform a play called “Dancing Little Frogs”, pr. G.A. Bataeva Presenter: without a head, but with a hat
One leg and one without a boot
One-two, One-two
Make way, kids.
What's that noise here and there?
They bought me... (drum)
18. A children's song about a drum will be performed by Timofey Mokhov, L.V. Kirpichnikov Ave. 19. Presenter:
Music from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” will be performed by Nikolai Bodin and his teacher Elena Ivanovna Neugodnikova, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation.
20. “Let’s Play Boogie”, this is the name of a funny play that will be performed by Sofia Rabinovich and her teacher Elena Yuryevna Bespalova
If three musicians perform on stage at once, such an ensemble is called a trio. And guess what instruments you will hear now: As soon as it starts playing, your heart skips a beat,
Big pipe
So tender.
And don’t you dare breathe now!
Played what? On - (flute)
21. Presenter: A trio of flutists, consisting of Sofia Britenkova, Andrei Ildeikin and Eva Tsareva, will perform the play “Cockerel”, etc. Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation A.F. Rassadin. accompanist L.A. Rassadina.
22. Presenter: And now there is an ensemble of guitarists on stage. We have already heard the guitar, heard its gentle, velvety sound. And now we will hear how several guitars sound, teachers Ivanova Natalya Igorevna and Riga Lidiya Yuryevna.
23. Presenter: The vocal ensemble of the choir department performs. Hand. A.P. Terentyeva, conc. Zh.V. Andryushina.
Two songs will be played:
"Do, re, mi"
24. “Riddle song” Leader: In our school there is a good tradition to end the dedication holiday with a hymn for first-graders, this one is especially for you, dear guys, wrote our school teacher, Honored Cultural Worker of the Ulyanovsk Region, Elena Ivanovna Neugodnikova. I ask all first-graders to come on stage:
(readers from the choir)
Today we were initiated into musicians - this is class! We swear, we promise, That we will not let you down! We will wear this title of musician Proudly! And we will love our native music more than anyone else!
(hymn of first graders)
Presenter: Our holiday is over, good luck!

Scenario: initiation into craftsmen for students aged 10-13 years of the children's association “Felt Craft”: “Craft is good everywhere”

Author: Popova Tatyana Nikolaevna, teacher additional education MAOU DOD "SUT" Vereshchagino, Perm region
Description of material: The material will be useful to teachers of additional education when organizing leisure activities with students aged 10-13 years.
Target: creating a favorable emotional state in children
- creating a favorable atmosphere
- establishing a positive psychological climate in the children's association
- preservation of folk traditions
Threads, cut into 20 centimeters (15 pieces)
Letters printed on a sheet of A4 paper (Craftsman)
Felted balls 20 pieces of one color, 2 pieces of contrasting color
Needle (3 pieces)
Sewing threads 30 centimeters long (red, white, black)
Rocker (1 piece)
Rug (1 piece)
Candle (1 piece)
Shawl (1 piece)
Floating candles (15 pieces)
A tape recorder (laptop with speakers) with recordings of fun music.
Video projector, screen

Methods: using riddles about crafts, showing photos with funny moments from classes, game moments, surprise moment.
Decoration: the walls of the office are decorated with children's drawings on the topic of women's crafts, proverbs, sayings about craft, products of students in the children's association "Felt Craft"
Leisure participants: presenter - additional education teacher, relatives of students, students.

Leisure activities:

Students gather in the classroom, where slides with fragments of classes from the children's association “Felt Craft” are shown on the screen, and music is played.





Festive event


Chvalun Irina Ivanovna

additional education teacher

village Staromaryevka


Target: 1. Determining the interests and hobbies of students.

    Deepening creative interests.

    Expanding your horizons.

    Development of imagination and logical thinking.

    Formation of a comfortable microclimate in children's rooms

Form: holiday - dedication.Food for thought:

Seize every moment! Whatever you can do and what you have in mind - start!

I. Goethe.

Preparatory stage: guys - spectators and parents of studentsreceive invitations to visit the “magical land of technical creativity”All teachers of children's creative associations participate in organizing and holding the holiday. Each teacher selects questions for competition assignments according to the topic of the station. All participants are divided into 3 teams(according to age level).

The stations are:

1. "Horizons of Technology" - tasks and experiments related to technical


2. "Companion to the Curious" - tasks for logical thinking, and

ability to think.

    "City of Masters" - questions related to applied creativity,

    "Success" - tasks to develop children's imagination,

communication skills.

5. "Drawing" - tasks and questions devoted to drawing, painting,

and fine arts.

A free room is selected for the celebration. The stations are located inhall in a circle. It is necessary to prepare nameplates in advancestations, medals for dedication of pupils (appendix to scenario 2)

Characters: Presenter. The robot is a craftsman. Samodelkin. Master's degree Fairyneedlewoman. Watercolor.

Design: There is a poster “Country of Technical Creativity” attached to the wall.. The hall can be decorated with balloons, garlands,crafts from pupils from various children's associations. MusicalThe background of the holiday can be the song “Small Country”.

Props for competitions: paints, brushes, felt-tip pens, pencils, fountain pens (for 3 teams),balloons 3 pcs., scraps of woolen fabric size 15x15 - 3 pcs.,sheets of thin paper size 20x15 - 3 pcs., drawing paper, attributesto stations (emblems).


( Music is playing. The presenter comes out.)

Presenter's opening remarks:

Guys, today we are setting off on an exciting journey to the magical “Land of Technical Creativity”. There are special people living in the countrypeople, and today we learn about them and their hobbies. Tests await us:To overcome them, you will need knowledge and ingenuity, friendship and resourcefulness, speed and accuracy in completing tasks. To begin with, I suggest you come up with names for your teams.

Game situation:

The teams go on a trip. They will face tests (competitions, practical tasks, entertainment).


Meets participants"The robot is a craftsman":

- Dear guys, I am a robot - a craftsman, I was created by your predecessors -guys like you. I invite you to get to know each other betterthe fascinating world of technical design and modeling. ForThis is why you have to answer my questions and take part in experiments.


1. What tool helps you do delicate work?

A) pliers;B)tweezers.

2. What is the name of the device for igniting the working mixture in the cylinder?


B) lighter.

3. What is the name of the point relative to which the lever rotates?

A) turning point;


The robot is a craftsman: Guys, now we are going to conduct an interesting experiment, inin the process we will get acquainted with electric charges. For this II invite 3 willing participants from different teams.

Requisites for experience: There are 3 inflated balloons hanging on the wall, eachThe participant is given a piece of woolen fabric.

Experience: An electrified body attracts light objects like a magnet.Rub a woolen cloth on a balloon and electrons will be transferred to itwool This way, neither the ball nor the fabric will be neutral anymore.The fabric will become positively charged, and the ball will become negatively charged. Becauseopposite charges attract, the woolen cloth and the ball stickto each other. Now use the same woolen cloth to rub twoball and hang them next to each other. Look what happens: the balls repeleach other because they were both charged negatively.


4. They are needed to reduce the speed of movement, to stop altogether
car or keep it stationary at a stop?

A)brakes; B) tires.

5. What is the name of an airplane with one pair of wings?

A) biplane;B)monoplane.

6. Airframe?

A) fuselage;B) chassis.

The robot is a craftsman:

Well done guys, you do a great job with all my tasks. And finally, one more experience awaits you. You will find out why air flowslift the plane up. I will ask 3 participants from differentcommandsRequisites for experience: 3 sheets of thin paper.

Experience: Take a strip of paper, bring it to your mouth and blow along itabove. You will see that the strip from your exhalation does not deviate downwards, buton the contrary, it rises. This happens because the air flow inthe upper side of the strip exerts less pressure on it than the air below it. It lifts the paper, just like rushing airlift the plane up.

Handy robot:

Well, I made sure that you are really interested in technicalcreativity and I invite you to get to know it more deeply. See you soonmeetings in our creative associations (each team is given an attributestations (appendix to scenario 1).


Meets the guys"Wise Master"

Master: Hello, dear ladies and gentlemen. Let me introduce myself.I am a Master, yes, yes, the same Master who knows everything about everything and about meThere are also tasks for you. (The master reads out the assignments, the guys answer the questions).

1. Why does the globe have a “white cap”?

( This is how it denotes the polar region of the Earth - the Arctic, and it is allcovered with ice).

    Why was the Black Sea called black, because the water in it is blue? (In winter, when
    cold winds blow, the sea becomes harsh, formidable, dangerous, and thereforeThey called him Black.)

    Name the tallest grass. (Bamboo.)

    Which side of the horizon can be found using the shadow at noon? (North.)

    Name the most common substance found on Earth in three
    states (Water.)

6. Which animal grows teeth every day? (At the beaver.)

Master: Well done guys! You passed my test with dignity andshowed good knowledge. My station also has its own attribute (showsemblem with a sign and hands it to the teams). And now, I say goodbye to you.Bon voyage!


Meets the guys"Fairy - needlewoman".

Fairy: My dear friends! I welcome you to the “City of Masters”, whichfamous for its talented, friendly residents. Everyone here calls me “Fairy - needlewoman”, so all my tasks will be devoted to decorative- applied creativity (reads assignments).1.What natural material does wood belong to by origin?

A) vegetable;

B) mineral.

2. Law of Perspective: The further the object is from the eyes of the person drawing, theSeems...?

A) more;


3. Proportionality, correspondence in the location of something is:

A) ornament;


4. Origami is the art of folding figures...?

A) made of paper;

B) from the vine.

5. An easy sketch for a painting, made with a simple pencil - this is:

A) image;

B) sketch.

6. What is the name of the surface on which all the elements are located?compositions?

A) texture;

B) background.

7. Ikebana is:

A) the art of weaving;

B) ancient - the Japanese art of making bouquets of dried flowers.

8. Straw is:

A) stem of cereal crops;

B) reed stalk.

9. What material are embossed items made from?

A) made of metal;

B) made of wood.

Fairy: And now, for your excellent knowledge, allow me, on behalf of all residents of the city of masters, to present you with memorable emblems (hands over to the teams).


Meets participants"Jolly Dwarf"

Dwarf: Guys, as my guest you must demonstrate your intelligence, body flexibility, erudition, memory, diligence and hard work,(reads out the assignments).

1 . Try to imitate insects at the ball at the "Flies - Tsokotukhi" and danceto the famous, perky “Kamarinskaya” the way they could have done it...

A) cockroaches;

B) butterflies;

B) grasshoppers.

2. Try to come up with something new beautiful name for a month...

A) September;

B) January;

B) March.

3. Try to compose and tell a fairy tale, which now has the following title:

A) “Silver Cap”;

B) “Bremen Hoof;

B) "Red bears".

4. Try, using only your hands, to depict:

A) joy;

B) fear;B) sadness

Dwarf: Well, you made me laugh, friends! And for this I give you emblems.(hands it to the teams).

STATION "RISUYKA"(Teams welcome"Watercolor")

Watercolor: Friends, would you like to pick up pencils, brushes andpaints? Well, go ahead boldly! Lives in my amazing castlea bright rainbow and while you draw, you will be “infected” with its joyful mood. I suggest you come up with and draw an emblemdedicated to the 20th anniversary of “RSUT”Pick up pencils and markers and get started.

( Participants draw an emblem)

At the end of the competition, the presenter comes out to the teams.

Presenter: The last of your tests in the “Country” has come to an end.

Technical creativity." The best of your emblems will be

symbol of the station for young technicians during holiday celebrationsdedicated to her 20th anniversary. Well, now let's get down to itthe solemn moment of our holiday.

We gladly welcome all of you to our country, and wish

proudly bear from now on the honorary title of “young

technicians." Be purposeful and creative!

Show interest and curiosity in your chosen business!

Finish what you start! And then you can achieve the same success as our stars!

( The host gives medals to all participants in the celebration.

symbols of "RSUT".)

Leading: And you, dear guests and viewers, we invite you to visit our creative workshops, led by wonderful teachers, and become full-fledged residents of our fabulouscountries. See you soon!

( Music sounds, first the guests leave the hall, followed byparticipants).